Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1922, p. 4

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HPB April 27 19-22 THE FIESHEttTON ADVANCE Opera House H O T O A Y THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock Samu 1 Goldwyn ! K-r.N i > "EARTHBOUND" Educational Comedy "MOVIE MAD" itltli K)tis U- u| M-riiil "VELVET FINGERS" Price* 30 and 15c. including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER FOR SALE 1 8 inch W|'l- L .f U n 1 r. 1 14 inch Cu'ti ix U x i .inij.U-te *ith Blower I J horwpoiri r ,; tt . i j n O. F Hi-\rV- n' :i-y. K' ' r'.'ii A Nervy Boy J -wii I hi> btioeiit on lim wagon ),',,), Ge .; l.ni I! -, about 13 y&rs i-f <!', I ! lli i-nrt of his ti.inl ti"Ker on hi left I mid Junl Ii'iw i lie sec. il. nt . -: i-il. we do tut knuir. other than liforgv'a u-ii bt'ttimeut that he went - < r I nii.j., uiu) elf cmne n. y fin^ir." Thd d'git wan NWirnl >t tlu- li-at j -int. Grin g is L-videnily {.tsseMid at l> t of iirrve. for 1, wrapptd Hie end of l.:~ lii.ger in it piece of piper mil luLei for Ilia Dr. for tru-Un.ent, slutini- that wti 1 1 lii iii'>i I i r l>:n w he 1 d his I 1 U>T hurt "hi- diJi.'t know ht he had i <[>- i.rii iiji in tilt ip i Ti o fino-, w<- undei'-t i|i. I, wi'l IIAIU t'.i l'<i fur her mi.uU'd to fix it up properly 1'i.iliiia Chrmiic'n KIIHEIi Oarefally Corrected Kcli Week Barley 70 lo 70 I'oas 1 25 tu 1 2n Ruckwhe '. 80 tu 80 I'uUt-irs 1 30 'ol CO Applps 4 00 to 4 00 BrtUer 28 u. 30 Bxf;s _'.-, -..i 2."> Winter Wheat 1 05 to 1 Ob 8pri- Whi-nt 1 00 to 1 00 ()t- 4.") to 45 THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service -? J'Hl laid ui it new Muck of ready-made WORK & DKKSS TROUSERS l>rt ^rado obtaiotblt iiltei- t-d t i tit At lowe.-it piicis. Come in itri'l look them over. Overall* and Work ShirU T. C. Blakely Merchant Tailor Poor Old Folks- Looks as if they'll have to go "over the hill to the Poor-house." Their children either can't or won't support them. Trapic? Ycsl Rut not half so trapic as the old folks' remembrance of the fact that their present i>lik"ht is due to their lack of fore- sight in not making provision for their declining years. Be independent in YOUR old age. A small amnwit invested annually for a few year* in an Imperial Endowment Policy will enable you to end your day* in comfortable independence in- itead of a* a burden upon the charity of friends or in a paupcri' home. May we tell you about the income you can insure for yourjelf 20 years henre, by making small pay- ments now when you Itavt llif moneyf Don't wait write for particulars to-day. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Aiturance Co. of Canada Head Office. Toronto E. Henry - - Afjcni - - -Kleshcrton Th Imptnal munuini for poUcyhoktart' pToticHon a Ur(*r < .o. minimi D*poill than (!* any othw Cuiuullwi lif company. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES pKINDB AjPUU' 1 l-OI'i"'.. My. MB. AK, ('AKDH l\/M. KAITTINIt, i.. .in, M.I Anutii ni'i'i *' id., oouptlo. of iinir nd Him I',, >! Mi.i-k inliw * |imlltr. Ml. tfin foi r baforv r ii. Holl.iwl. if.Ur. I U4NTIHTKV IMft. C MURHAV U . H, ,!.(. i ,!.-.' If fftSH^tf ul Torunui UBlMNIIV lul 1 1*1 Rurvoni of Onttilo. >r 1,,'ith Xtric(j' 1| i 'iiriiiiln t-liri rV)f>! .'i! ii . \\ r I'll Ml I i. .i,...i Auollnn** tm tlm '' , i.-ini-, a) M.I-V. TMIIHH lucdemfti itml i .U u.-u'ni , nun i'i,.1. Ilia ummn* ninlt -i.rt rtnliw of -,i .-.i, i,,. D9M*MTnV&DVAN lAni-. lirnl iM'OPkiiil |- n . I'ufliKi. TI,I|'|M.II.I 'il I . ,-llini bit. A. < KNliltl.l,, M.A., M.I, . I-I-UU.,IP *-' IIMKI Hi,- K i -,i, i of Mi'illoln >. fnif , it \ 'of T,>r,nl.. i rtloo HMinnlion in oak, Klonli- urtnn, T, I *i lion HS. LROAL UOAN, A hKNHV MirrliMn. rtollrltoii, ",-1. B. LotM, K. ).; W. l>. Jl.i.i).' OfflaM. HttkOlJ* l.nr.i Work, l'ln Mrmnvli offici t Oir.iUlk knd im l, . Mill For Sale t'h". i in nnd Hour mil', mill witter ! ,-->, i. nii.ii Kliohurloii. A Ui' 05 ora of |,iiii| in n ti'.ivti'in with liimin nnd ill nii'liiiililiii.'-i. M'll HIM! liiiildiii)(ii in K,|' (I .-KM liiiun Apply Ht thu i i "HUM, , i I 1 I.' uctt, It. U. 2 Kinnliorlo i. THE Flesherton Advance An in 1 -pri.il n! newnp'U'r IHI'I'I-.', every '1'hnr.s.l.iy t i In? nil! -,-, OvWOgVOAd Stieef, Fltshertnn. S'jl>crip p ion (irtc.- *1 5U per itnnutn O,.-n pii I in , i m ; 82 (K) when not gu p:tid --:."' ' I'ntti'il SI,HCH. Admit, sing rte mi -i|i;iii.-it i ,,i. Citcula'ion ovur HOC weekly. W. H. THUKSTON KDITOIS WHOSE OX IS CORED? On tlie annivr vsary of Vimy l{iJi;e a hati'juet was given in one of tliu big Toronto Hottlf, uiid accoiding to tl;o Iviihn is Sun, lour thousand dollars worth of damage was done by diink maddened men. The Sun charges tho Toronto daily press with snpresf- ii)i,' the newH, and states that "The Ontario Liueusc 15oaid was investiga- ting long before the papers were bold enough to print a timid note, or two iutxplicable to all but those in the know." It is not long since that a sensation was caiHul by a certain "all nighi" party at the legislature itself and UB investigation was asked for bin re- fused. The Ontario License Liuaid suim-liow failed to b6 seized of tie importance of investigating th. I little event, and the Sun ignomini- ously failed lo give publication to the scandal. Why should u censure the dailies fur failing to do what the Sun itself failed to do? Tiiero i.s nu old saying, "It makti ull the dilferbiice in the word whose ox id gored." Thcio is another which also might be applicable, and which has become an aphoiimi, "puople who live in t>lusj houses should not throw stonea." We sy let both cases be investiga- ted and publish all the evidence. Stu-li reports would roll papers like' hot cakes. Of course reputations might guffer, but some papers do not CAIO tor reputations wiiun tha diibacription list prospers. ABOUT SOIL F(X)DS. Determining the Need of Chemical Fertilizers. 1 The appearance of the growing , leav<s and tissues can frequently be taken as an Indicator for the pres- ence or absence of nitrogen In suffi- cient quantity to satisfy the mail- mum demands of'plants. A yellowish tinge or a dull green Is an Indicator of abundant nitrogen. Drouth and excessive moisture may also cause the j ellowlng or weakening In the coloration of foliage. Failure of clover on lands that at one time pro- duced good yields may be taken as an Indication of a shortage of lime and phosphorous. A decline In the wheat grade after years of wheat pro- duction can generally be attributed to a shortage or failure in the phos- phorous supply. How to Make Experimental Plots. However, these generally observed conditions are not sufficiently accur- ate to be a definite guide, and should '!, supplemented by a miniature n>ld t' st, using square rod areas with v vrlous chemical mixture applica- tions. This is accomplished by sim- ply staking off a representative area due rod wide and six rods long, and dividing it into six plots. This done apply before seeding on plot one. nitrogen; on plot two, phosphorous; on plot three, potash; on plot four, nitrogen and potash; on plot five, nitrogen, potash and phosphorous; plot six, potash and phosphorous. The adjoining soil will serve as a check plot for all areas. By watching the plots during the crop season and the following two years, a fairly defi- nite conclusion relative to the needs of the Ueld can be secured. Every soil area should be studied by itself, since the requirements of one field may differ from the re- quirements of the Held adjoining. L. S:evenson. Secretary Department of Agriculture, Toronto. HE TAKES EXCEPTION Mi. I, ccs an. M. P. T. for HuuL- eist (irey wiitrs Tho Advance that lie takes exception to onr figure! regarding the Walktrton cement I't in \ Tho statement supplied ui by tho Hydro Commission gives the figures us follows : Tiiltl piyinonl p it o (:! ami St'u i'ii<-'-, inc u it:u |..l mid n.ie-is t ....... 8111,00010 TllUl Hit li.NB 8 'll.-Ul If, From the Bgnrei lapplicd uu ve do not Hi'v bow to/tiling tlso can le of it. I'lu' wiieioBs telephone which ia n iw blooming popular, is going to le a wonderful thing foi tsjlatod cult:- m mn n ; or fur I u in -. The installa- tion coats a very Hiuall sum, and aflir a lime ull tutu equipped \Mlhtilc- phliWI Will inscal tho new invcntiou a'ut liptin in ta the di.stnnt music or entcruiiiiuents. imagine the boon it will be to an invalid who is diathly t ritl In, Li thi world in which hi is i- niliru'il. Tho aerial telephone is (jotiiK tu iiiukc a dill'ori-iit ;>luce of this old Fphi'iu. \Vlmt ib i-ltcti icily for if not lo give .' lltimillou is tho InU'St tr Hiifli-r one uf these pulHiitionn. Thi Hydro lioiuil of that city th;>u;lit they hud it suiphu, hut discover tlint theioisii (Illicit of 8'2S.'>,000. Some flhock I Thu Hi<iriii Miinilny nii(ht, ',- ,.-ii i|,p ll.'li'l.n 'H VIVIll u,,l tlu lliiin.l, i WIIN lii'ftvy, <lid ciiuuiirfttivi'lv lillln iit,,,i In Itiid vicinity ; but Mr. SIUKIIK! I, .I,. uf .Sydriilmin, in-!!- II 'Ui. II ,,t |u I.M-. .ii tu i, nu inlii'i It 111 I ho !"--- of ( ., lumcl <>(c*ttl. Knur cow* wvrn in tin- table wlii'ii it w*n ltii,-li by Ir/hi inn..-, ui.il two wcru iniUntly kill,-, I. uln',- iht nthnri wr* unhuib. Th lom, for- tinn' . Iv. lii partly cuvpriiil by in^Hmnrn; in, I liitkily I! << liuhtniiii( iltd ni<t (H* in,- ttha biiildinu --Advrriinor SPECIAL II. I 1 . Ki-rV, \V. SVy.ndo'lo (Limited) 8. 0. Anron, ml 8. 0. Lcghorni. for Hatching For two wi-n'.-. will wll friiin nil my [innii lulcluiiH et(Rii M 81 Til) por MIIUI.; if !" PRKI. t-i-li wit It oidor 'iii,l nil lllod in rutiktion. Nn* in tlio limp lo ; t U) mi; i-i,l oxUililtioli H K Kitmii-tli, CORN IN STOCK Both whole and cracked. Right prices. GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christies bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. Popular Varieties <if Strawberries. From the 1 Aiming of commercial strawberry growing, abont 1800, the I..II-L-.' Karly Scnrlet was the leading variety ttrowr. in tho L'uitcd States. About I860 the \Vi!s^:i replac.d this vr.rii-ty. !) oan > it v.-pa r.uich fir.:>r and \v:.s i,i"r.- ivjiiabl.' for sirpping t i distant markets, :i:;.l i; ; liur.iintss and nood btarin^ quu'.HUs In Ipod to maki- stiv.\.!> ri-y sruwliiK wore popu- lar i:i Ontario. From about 1880 v.irii-tt'-s bfKuii to ivplact' each other In more rapid succession, until at prostMit 25 sorta constitute about 90 PIT O'-rtt. of thi- total cymin.-iTiul Ktrawln'rry ncn am'. Thu Klondike, th" I'-ading variety in tlie Soiitiiorn St.it.-~. iii-ails thu list. coiisiitutlnK 28 per c'iit. of thf total Htrawl.rrry acreaRf. Tin? Aroma, the fa/orite variety In the South (.'enWul States. U si com! with 13 PIT cent, of the total HrreaK*\ while tin- Dunlap in thu Northern Stati-s ranks third, with 10 per c>nt. In Ontario ar.ionK the moot popular varieties commer- cially are the Oh-n Mary, Williams. Dunlup, Gaudy, Splt-ndld. Farsona. and Sample. Among the fall bearers the Superb and Progressive are FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. $3.25 per bbl., ii sacks to the barrel. JAMES McL/.N, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON . . WE SELL Easter Term Opens April 18th 1922 FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES I 1 i.-ii- .1 counes Expert iiitiuc- 1 1 -'i Individual ItMtrUOt'on I'iini'luj nit tit de|iartini)nt t: A. I I.EM1NU. K.C.A . Principil nince I >.- 1 . O. D KI.KMIXO, Secretary. on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. FIRST IN ITS CLASS The man who holds a high position in public esteem usually has earned it. So it is with automobiles. * You know the popularity of the Chevrolet car in this district and you know there must be a reason for it. * In fact there are many reasons. Here are some of them : The Chevrolet is a car of high quality, remarkable performance, easy, operation and control, excellent riding qualities and fine ap- pearance. It is an economical car, too, in operation and upkeep. If you would like to have a ride in the Chevrolet car we have been telling you about now and then, we would be glad to drive but to your place almost any day or evening and take you and your family for a little spin. Our motto :~"Square Treatment." Ask any Chevrolet owner what he thinks of our treatment and service. McTavish's Garage KLKSHKRTON, ONT.

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