Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1922, p. 8

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MM" " April -47 1922 THE FLESHEWfON ADVANCE f Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Ash us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection* S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. i is" 99mm Transient Advs. Try Fevenih.n Pm ry Flour, the bes For Sale Good timothy hay, price 120 or jour cook. All Oui%riu wheat 21 r 5 Flefeherion, A. D. Irwin.l'riccville Ontario's Pheasant Farm From the Toronto SUr At Eauenia ' Falls in the county o'. Grey tho provincial hydro develops pjwer and wires it to towni over a wide ares. In diverting; the water of the falls a dam was built snd a lake crested, and in the lake in an island of about 75 acres. The lake has been made a trout preserve and the island and certain farnu around the lake have been made a game pre- serve. It i- proposed to propagate fob and game for distribution, o that tlie supply may be repleuithed in different parti of the piovince. For unknown reasons there h*8 not been sufficient local publicity about this undertaking at Eugenia. Last year men ate aid to have been fined foe shooting on a pub'.ic game preserve the boundaries of which were not known locally, and these boucdaries inly became publicly defined through the imposition of tints. This year the Fleshertcn Advance aw loads of lumber beini; hau!ed past its doors on the way lo the hydro pond at Eugenia, and on enquiry lenrnid thit ilie material WHS to be used in building huutes for pheasants, which were to be hatched and niged on l'io island in the pond. Next came a shipment t'f red deer it U to bo a ueer ;> irk as well aa a pheasant f*rn). For about two months Tne Advance has been a.tking editor! illy for inform iton fr nn th; authoritieH as t<j whither this ambitious giiine preserve its a hydro enit-rprisu or one sponsored n d ;;! for by the fish and g >me depart lent of the Ontario government. The dvance at list has leirned thtt it is the overnuicnt that is cirryiug on the en- ur prise through the lish HII! gtmu Ohoppi.K done on S.lurda. only- fot 8l , e _ Oood Durhsrn Cow dlle Gr*rHin Bros. Eugenia May lOih. B. Welton, Flesherton. For Bale Frame houn* ami lot for sale },\, r S|e Barred Uock cggi for fiile $1 in Flhton. Apply to \V. Sanderson f or 15 -Jos Oliver, Priceville P.O. at the HuDhhrfw Home. I ^ ^ ^ For S-ile Aliout sit bu. of c nimun For Sale-A few bu,hel of seed spring red cl||W lewl> .._ 8 . H . Pedlar. Ceylon. beat Hii'l leed p*ai . W. J. fctewart and - K in*, Fleiberton. For Sale General Purpose mare six ' yearn old, good siz-5. - J. J. Thompson, Dapple grey mare !t yrars old for Ie. j-| e ,herlon. or would exchange for col 1 B \Vulion, Flesherli.ii. Six building lull in Fleshvrtoo fi.r eulo 5~ on Toronto street, fiuet location in town For Bile Biids pure wool Msckinsws Apply lo B. Wellon, Flesherton ID Mack, brown snd eref , also knit - stockings ~ H Alexandtr, Fevershato. I For Hale One heavy horse slid s> three yflir fH colt - lie'). Hataliinson, Kim Twelve head of young .-,"!.'.' calves berley and three two year olds for le, tire pur. br,d, among them, to te ,old at I 1 "f Sale or Uent-The old rRR factory grad. price-0. 11. IJurke, Kog.ni. P.O. in *'"">. '"' "> ' Apply tn i K. J. Sproul , Flesherton. Fot Baio-li H. P. alio 2A H. P. Fot Si*'.;-- H H. P. alio ."_ 11. P. gaaolinc tnginM in flrst claia repiir. To be aold at a barsiii. II. Down and ', Fii -hi-rt n. For Sale Young pi(i for sale, alp Heed puat, Uiye or -mil! Ii M. K .-i, i. Ceylon. Gunn'i Fertilizer For 8le at h :. - !, r' ton Station -Parties wishing to socuio QUOD'S Bur* Gain Fertilizer cm do no by corresponding with \V. J. M. ..! . an he is sgenl for this district and keep* it on band. Can be secured any work dsyi bill shipping day preferred. At thv prico Is ^reality reduced it will he in the in- terest uf i hose u.iii Hi. -i- .- ...ilt to g<t my prices \V. J. Mi-ad*, Klrnlmtoli j P. O. Telephone .'I r 4 Boar For Service Pure bii-d l(<*((iMrTi-(i V > i---! n,- |:.. .1 for s'-rvics Viiii.yaid r>itui'.iH 77.VIO-- on lot 107, H. W. T. \ S. It.. Ar m. Term* II. IV). .Sown ti <l n iiniinl will l,r charged until* \* th<*u in |,i<_;. 10.4.22 T. .1. KTINH'lM BOAR for SERVICE Pnrabri-d Tmnworth linir f>>r H.-HI.I- on lot MY, H W T .-,J S K , Arl..i,,,-.,,.i,. Trm~ -ll.AO. SOWN not ii-luiimj will to clitiifid snino an tlnxn in |.i... For Mile Dominion Orgin, tt octaves in tir.i rlasn condition, price reasonabl W. A. 1 1 . vi.- ,. - M,i Store, Flesh ertcn. lluniesud Lot For Sale The proj erly knon n nn the Aihdown residence s ' \ i n, an 1-1 .ii 1 i.. . in- I dwelling, gnu c.-ll u, ,i.* 1 . !-, etc, ; about an acre < !u-'. would in .', i vood hcmo fr riitii'iil ({Hiit'< ni'in. I 1 i i. n. i. and fui lhr imlicul in apply to W. .1. llnlla-nj Flexhuttoii. l\l.)li Bull For Service 'i .. |,.. I... i i> 1,1, ,1,1 n ,11, \\iiit Chn f, iii.p , N,i. 1 ll,.i."il, for rcivico o I I L'C, n F) K T.-IIIIH fL' f,,r (f'i for purn bicil. l;ii..jl'll - JOHN OLIVKU, Pr.,|,. "Save the Surface" WITH MARTIN -SENOUR PAINTS We're ready with a full line of Martin-Senour's 100 per cent. Pure Paiots and Varnishes. This line includes Wall and Floor Paints. Varnoleum, Floor Varnish, Woodlae Stains, Carriage and Auto Enamel. The prices HAVE BEEN RE- DUCED, so don't leave off that painting any longer. House Furnishings The Spring House Cleaning Season brings with it the necessity of renew- ing wornout Linoleums, Oilcloths, Cur- tains, Blinds, Drapes, Wallpapers, etc. Our stock is well assorted with the best patterns in every line. We want to convince you, so we have A Special for Saturday, April 22nd only No. 1 Quality of Floor OilclotK in 3 ft. and 6 ft. at 55c. square yard Don't forget our work shoes for hard Spring wear. We guarantee satisfaction. KARSTEDT BROS. Beds, Springs, Mattresses W handle "Simmons" advertised lines throughout. Woven Springs in wooden frame 4ftA4ft 6m.. ..$5 Simmons White Label felt Mattress $10 .50 Green Label " ' $16 50 Red Label " " $21.00 Fibre tilled wilh felt top and bottom $5.00 PRICEVILLE, ONTARIO Boglightfimces The appirciit reticence i.f the auihori- 8 in nuking the facts kno*n h\s !>. n ^ravatinx Ic^ loci\J opinion. As a m'o toctlity i-, not nverie to Imytny public xpenditurus made within its oorders, nd elected representatives have often n expec'eJ to biin homo to their ti ii u-'i:.-i - what they c.tn from the ublic pork barrel. One might expect, DO, that Grey county, which has sent tio first wonitn number to the federal u 'i .h. M-. vi.Mi'ii i i' '.i i fancy being H ich source I supply of pheaianti, red oer and trout fry for iutmur nnd less u ,n- 1 parts of thu province. Hat it is !Ol so not yet, st least. Their poign- nt IWling it thv. they have lost theit roul l ' .i..' and duck nh >otin to htran- ({TH, HII 1 they do not Hee thitt they m- joing to K ' anything in t x;hange. To rll the truth, the 11,11,.- i phearants at ,..,!, it is locally rcgauk'd :i a jest a c ily i.l that will come to nothing. They may be wionn in thin, and I n fish ncl 'I'm- ' ill -i i!- m%y know what they ire duing. For the sake of the repuU- t.fii ! tin) f iimei(i'*(?overnmen > , in a 'iniuK coiniiminty it i to be hoped thai they d i. In thu meantime thu loctl in,., i- 1 are l>uky. They eu^^eit that the i 1. iii,l in the Uydro pond n xpocially suited for the propa|(ittiou of groundhog*, and the improvi ment (.f theii fur und meat. "Pheasants." says the Flesherton V-iv.u. , "ill never be scoluiiaii/.nd here. KTUII iiuail, K Imrdler bird, will Out live uiid |,i !'.' The elaborate I 'in i.: pr-.'ptdd fur thu birdx re ! I'M,!' ii lie, I nt they srinu nnd their c ml estimated by xtirewd oWrvem who know t ...... I ,|.- il ii, "i in. !-. heunerien, spvili' l-iil iniut iiinl p iliuct. (N:iii,.r:.il Crop Improvement Service.) I "A hog nat ui-ally is us clean as a ] dog or horse. While he loves" to wallow when flies are bad and con- ditions are against him, he also loves to be clean and will bathe in clean water the same as any other animal," says Mr. K. S. Rider, president, Cana- dian Steel A Wire Co. "Any farmer who Is In the hog business, knows that it does not pay to be chambermaid to a bogtany more than absolutely necessary und that a hog In order to be healthy, should harvest his own crops. "So whether pasture of rapp or corn Is to be uttllxed, the louuu.i- tional necessity Is a fence which will hold the hog where you put him and not allow him to do damage to other crops. "In.every rotation the field should i so fenced thut the hogs can do .ill of the harvesting possible. "The cafeteria system of hog feed- ing Is the mdlt profitable and 'hog- ging down fields' IB th most econo- mical way to harvest." Feb 1.' T. I-,, Bull For Service rum IK .1 Dm). HIM lull). No li:iii|;i f,-i n'l'vioi on Id 111:!, S W T AS It, AI|M nn i*' TOIIII>I f?2 for ^rnilfin. S'"' foi thoruu K hliivili. U. A KINS, Prop ni'iy 1 Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship and style. C toordo. Ser^-e, Worsted! and Twesda on hand nlo a good line of Men's and Hoys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Gleaning, Repairing and Pressing H. ALEXANDER IVferolmnt Tailor Peversham, - Ontario . 4 . . f f .t Does A 5 T u b Washing in 1 Hr. The White Cap Electric Wnah- er will do an averngo family washing in one hour. It \v.i..li<- . fnater und wring* fniler than any other machine waahcft the clothes more thor- oughly nncl to n heller color. It la easier to operate than any other electric washer and gives much more lasting satisfaction. Sold on easy payments, at low price. See it at our store or have us take one to your home for (!- demonstration. Sold by Frank Duncan Flesherton PHONE 24rll llnlxing Kliuti.nli. The easiest way to sturt u rhubarb bed Is to buy roots, and* If they are too large, to spill in sections with a npude, being sure that eueh section has a bud In it. These are then pliinl i'd threo feet apart in the row with the bud Just below the surface of the ground. The ground should ho In good condition before planltut:. This IH best done In thii spiin. If itio plant grows well this tint Hummrr. wo may make a few small pullingH the second season, but not before. The third .season you can pull as of- ton as required na lont: us you do not nmipleti'!y snip the plant. The pliinls should I.e well manured euoh t.itl with woll-rottfd munuri', and In tlio Hpi'iii! 1 , this Is wurki'd Into the soil. II I he rdiil^. afli'i' a few years, lu'gln lo throw up many wed st.ilka, they Hhould I'e llfiod, split In sections uud replanted, An ill l.-rluy mm riinicil Wni. Wright Wl s nind.'wn !>y th" C. P. K H 1 *'" ''" ih, (intskiit-t "f lUiKivir.enn niliht Usl w.'ok niul nlmiixt intanily killed. Tho d.'c <.(! ws (piite iloif. Bull For Sale A iHin' bred Short hern Hull thirtmi nn, nilis old, rt-o inU'd Morli{tK I/'ter Ifitl'.'TO, ni!li', onlur whi'e, bred l>y F J. furry, Mmkditlr, olvod tlio nroinn'ly of W.J. M,MI! , Fluxlivrtoii. Ho nn sirud by MitU'lili-.H Oulti', ho t>y *' liuufcrd MiilrhlcnN, tho hih(i' |)ii,'orl Shurihorn Hull evi r |ii,'iliiiMil in t'un.'idn. lli> w noli! td u > to (Mir.ri-U for $10,000. Mittchlmi l>ul(o was N Id hero in our own county fur 51. -i'" 1 . M.'i'^i', < l.is'U'i in a Ruml type of MII animal in fair con- dition anil h*a provt-d him?elf slock uotlor. Hi-- linn, Uonii l-',i,tu I170U -in f |-(iod m<lkiii)t -livi" wi tuns back to (Imj.-.) Apply to W. .1, MK.VDS, Kli-sht'i'tcn. FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKlLLOP Flesherton, - Ontario F D- To buy where your money goes furthest is just another way of saying BUY A FORD. $535 F.O.B. Ford, Onl. Now is the time to get your spare tires. We have them. Runabout $515 f.o.b. Ford. H. DOWN & SONS FLESHERTON, : - : ONTARIO ill i ornct ' (U.T0N ESTABLISHED 187a Proton Office opn Tues., Thnrs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH -A. M. Carttww, Manager Sl'U-BRtNCH PROTON-C. j, Fonttr, Sofc.M<tr

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