Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1922, p. 5

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May 4 1 922 T H FLESHEKTON ADVANCE . i ' Deposit Your Coupons you cut the coupons from your Victory Bond* or other securities, the logical place to put them ia into your savings account. Saving* Department! are maintained at all our branches nd Victory Bond coupon! will be received for depoait or encash- ment without charge. Let the intereat from your investment earn more iotereit in the "Standard". STANDARD BANK Of CANADA. FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C T. BATTY, Manager. Branch** ibo at WilUtmdonl and Hoilud Centre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station Trains allows : Going South Going North 7.55 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.30p.m. 9.30p.m. The mails are oeea at Flesherton ft follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and Shore, an elderley zentlenan nf Palgrave. Were you oat fishing Monday: Orn i Chevrolet. You'll like it. W. A. Armstrong is spendinz m few days in Toronto. Mr. and M: F. U. W H . . . mot- ored to Toronto oo Monday. Miss Idt Fisher baa gone to Londsn to visit her sister*. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell left Monday to * tend the tuner. 1 of hei anile, Mr. Geo. High School Exams. The summation* ID the Ijeal high tchcol te^in for the Liwer School on Tursdiy. June 13 nd fr the Middle Schx/l on Mocday, June 19. Arthur A. Duiuitj, B.A., principal of Meaford hi^h jcb.joi, hii consented to conduct the eliminations. Suty pupilj in all are being ciimiced thu yeir. By subjects they number u ioUowa : English Grammar 3d, Canada FlUtory nd Cirics 19, Geography 20, Physiography 19, Arithmetic IS, Art Id, Bo!*ny33, Zwlosjj 19, Eugluh Comp. IT, English Li:entuie 21, Geometery 51, Bntuh ilistory 16, Ancient History 19, Algebra 19, Physics 16, CbmU:ery 18, Latin Authors 8, Latiu Comp. 9, Frec.-a Aaihoii 10, French Comp. 10. 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train soutl mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg VICINITY CHIPS ( The latfst arrivals for the U F O Zoo ' and a pair of black tqnirreU. also a rw- coon. Tbeae eme alonij last Saturday. W. A. Armstrong has purchased the residence occupied by the late Daniel Young and is reshiogling it and altering 1 toe inside to improve the premises. Mr and Mrs Leslie Chard were so unfortunate as to lose an infant son en Tuesday nf last week. The infant wis only one day old. Chevrolet leads the way thU year. Honor Rolls FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL 4th F MeFadden, T M:Dooiid. L Boyd. R Smith, H BUoiburn L Lever and H Richardson (*qaal), V Thlsije- thwaiie G Pindar (missed 2 eiims), C Beets M Pa'toa (missed 3 exams) J Meads. Sr. 3rd-E MeAllum. J Nuhn. M Sled (jiissed I exam.) U Inkster. Jr. 3rd C McFadden. E McKee. M Stunt and J Stuart mused 1 exam. Sr. 2nd L Ferris acd H Tbvojpson (equal) G iloFadden, I Thompson, L Oarruutou. B IV.; . A Heard (ab ) Jr. 2nd G SleJ, G Cassidy, B Phillip* E Fecwick.(,ab ) W Colgan, A Lever and I Leis Better see the local deaUr now and make | (6qatl) Q 3.^ Blbbf M F , nwi . k> Lovely weuher. Mr. W. W. Trimble is i- pending ai of couple weeks with hu wife in Detroit. Mr. John Bunt of Toronto is visiting with his broth :r, W. H. Bunt, here. Ceylon Farmers' Club will meet in Clayton's hall Friday, May 5. at S sure oi your car when you waut it, " | ,b A Chapman, ab. G McMwter abeea. o'clock. the factory cannot bei'.a to supply .the Capt. Bntchart of Owen Sound has ' d*mand. txen made manager of the Provincial j Pait of the dim at W. I. Henry A Government savings bank there. Son's mill caved in this spring owing to e n .u I logs rotting and water escaping under- Mr. Wm. Sinclair nd son of Hepworth | . . u ' oeth. but is being repaired now and visited the former s uncle anJ aunt, Mr. will be stronger thin ever. Notice of a notion that "The manu- facture aod importation . f oleomargarine should be discontinued in Canada after the tirst of September next " has beo | i the Bouse of Commons. and Mr*. I Sinclair. Mr. Harmon Hales returned last week af;er spending the past year or so at Regina, Sask. Mrs. R. Best attended the funeral of * half sister. Mr*. R. Kennedy, at Lambtou Mills, on Saturday last. For Sale A quantity of potatoes Sr Pr J McFaddea cd B Pattoo. (equal) A Irwin, D Sled, H Be>:. E M.- Kilk ; aud E Fisher (,<'jaal) E Brown X Fowler Jr. Pr C Brown, C ThUtUthwaite,' B Welton. IN MEMOR1AM House Furnishing^J Now is the time for house cleaning, and after that is done your attention will naturally turn to your house furnishing needs. We can help you both in house cleaning and house furnishing as our stock is more complete than ever. Brandram-Henderson Paints in 36 shades ; China Lac, a varnish stain for wood ; Fresconette, a flat finish for all surfaces ; Frescotta an improved wall finish ; Floor and Linoleum Varnishes ; Floor Paints ; Porch Floor Paints : Crack and Seam Filler ; Stove Pipe Enamel ; Raw and Boiled Oil ; Turpentine ; Paint, Varnish and Kalsomine Brushes. Linoleum, 4 yasds wide, block or floral patterns ; Linoleum and Congoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth in one and two yard widths Stair Oilcloth in different widths ; Grass Verandah Mats, 3 sizes ; Seamless Tapestry' Carpet Squares, 3x4, 3x3 1-2, 3x3, 2 1-2x3, Scrim Curtains, reaby to hang, new designs : Bungalow nets, white, cream and ecru ; Cretonnes ; Chiutzes ; Art Sateens ; Tapestry Coverings ; Couch Covers; Curtain Poles; Curtain Rods; Window Shades, plain and combination colors ; New Wall Papers with ready cut Borders. Novelties in early summer millinery now showing in the millinery department F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO my oo sale Fred Jemifson, Fevowham. TeU phone The road fr-im Sm^hampiou to Shel- burne has been taken over as a provincial highway It is an impor'ant thorough- fare aod its improvement will be a boon. We are pleued to publish Judge Creasors explanation of the Magiitracy working* -.mder the new set. It cleais up a lot of confusion and misundrtaud ing. Mr. and Mrs B. Weltcn and daugh- ter, Helen, accompanied by Mrs Mark Wilson, visited in Mt. Forest on Sunday The former's mother returned with them and will make an extended visit. All those interested In tennis are in. vited to bo present t a meeting to be held Moad*y evening A^ril Sih, at 7 &.' p. m. in ihehigh ichool. Come oo, ye tennis faus! The main travelled roads of Grey County are in good shape now, and travel 011 them is j >y. A dra has been used on the streets iu town to go.-d effect and a bit more work on them will put ^ them iu first els shape. The need for good ro*ds has been sen and tig advances are being miue in that direction. Some- Kleshcrton young men shou'.d post thete rules in their bedi-'ouis so thai they can see them first thing on Suud*y ^ ~_ " . roomings : When you go motoring see to it that the chauffeur ia a qualified driver. Never travel iu a car with a borrowed marker. Finally, doo'lgo joy ridiug on Sunday, and avoid trouble. A frame residence at Ceylon, owned by Mr R. I* Legate, who lives in the West. was burneu to the ground early Thursday morning Last, together with contents. Mrs. L-.-g*to was in the house at the timo of th* fire ud ws Moused Ther<) *a in ^ o( Sound Sun Time, is to hand. I: U a for credit to the baby city and to the country. Long uiay it shine and shed its beniri- oent rays jver the business woild. A joint meeting of the U F U and U F W will be hld in the Orange Hall. Petersham. Friday May 5:h, at S p. m., the program being a debate. Iv<rybo4y welcome II. Spo!f.>r-', Sec. Work commenced ou Monday on the County Road west of Ceylon in fr jot of the residence cf . Mr Hugh McPhenon. About twenty-tire men are n the j.'b, Mr. Maurice Wright has again secured the j >b of running the tractor under the direction of Mr. J hu Nichol who had :>f the wctk last year. LEITCH In loving memjry of dear brvt her Dan. wh.> pvs: away i May 7th, 1921. ! *.>n'y a memoiy of bygctu diys And a sigh f r a face uaseeo. t BJ- a eon>:.tn: fe<litg tbar God a'.-ne Knows lest whtt might have been. Though a l.<ving voice is ti'ent Ai:d his true heart cetsed t: boit. Hew I miss his well-known f-otsttj.* And the aule I loved ;o greet. Sis er Mrs. J H. Field. Field Crop Competition The East Grey Agricultural Socie- ty. Flesherton. are again taking up the field crop competition with oats. for which there is $75 offered ia prixes. Kindly call and make your entries not later than May 15tk. W. A. Hawken. Secretary. LOTS FOR SALE 0. X.E.T. and acres and 2< DIED CHAPMAX-Iu Artemesia on M.m- day. May 1st, lftJ. MM Geo Chapman. McKINNOM-In Fergus hospital ,-n Tuesday, April 2o:h. 19i2. DuiM R. MoKMMO*, aged 23 years. '.* in Cl RRIE-In Pr.ceville ,r M.-t,oay. A distrea*mIy sad death occurred nesr | April 24'.h, lv>22. Miss Margaret Curr:e. the village on Monday UKTUing. when Mrs Geo. Chapman of the east back liue f tstcd **ay .if'.cr a few weeV<' ill- uess. leaving behind a aorrowicg hi'ibtnd and dve little childreu, the elde.-t tn tod the yooogest tluee month* old. The fuueral took place the s^ame day to Kiesh- orton ceme'.ery. Much genuine syroptthy years. Card of Thanks Park Lots 146. 15 S.R.. containing eight square rcnis. Apply t Mrs. W. E. Richardson. Fleshertoa. , Opera House p H o T O Right Now Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush : - < THURSDAY Commencing at 3 o'clock - - er THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - ONTARIO it expressed for the family, man's nuiden name was Grterson re at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Fvqahar M^K:nn. N n and daughters nish to ihtnk their many kind friends and neighbors for their Mrs. Chap- j i ov , D g deeds and w.-rj* cf sympathy dur- ing toe illuess and death t their dear sou and brother. These ki:'..iaes*e* shall never te fv'rgutten. and Nothing But "Duds" Agues McPhail i,Pr>-itres>i>e S E. in a short speech in the House throwing but all the- bombs appeared to be "duds." Nothing happened as a re- sult . There never w.*s time when ihe poop'* of Canada were so locking for a real leod towards pea.-e u at present They were sick of war talk and of voting money for war expenditures. The com bmed estimates of the Departments of Justice, Health and Labor and the Gov- ernment of th* Yukou were le*s thau this Mill For Sal< Chopping and rlour mil 1 . m\ll water power, near Flesherton. AUo 60 acre* ; of l*ud iu connection with house and all outbuildings. Mill and buildinirs in gvvnl condition. Apply at th* premise* t- P. l.^uok*. R. U. 2 F.eshertoo. just iu timo to get out. Ther<) *a in Tl) { S ( or uiilnia drill. Drastic cutting surance of H700 on the property in tho , ms ,h, ^b aouie p^ple of pleasant job*. [ number Dominion Fire Insurance Company The j, ut sno Wou ia supp^Tt this motion as th e cause of the fire is a mystery. people demanded drastic cuts in expend- Last week a petition wvi circulated iture*. among the business men of town with the view of having one afternoon of each Thursday during Jun,;Ju!y and. August, but was defeated by three or four men It looks as though Flesheiton will, for another year t l*at. be without the holidat while practically any place i-f ny sue in Ontaiiv> have it for mouths, And numbers of towns for rive month*. The High School Board have purchas- ed a deliiuasoopo as an addition to tho equipment in tho soimco room at a o.vil of fllO. This lantern will show oith.r slides or opaque object* such at p.>st oartils. pictures cvit from newspaper*, or will show newspaper printing plainly. It is a vory fine machino and is nm-.uf:io- turod by thu Sp.-ncer I.<-ns Oo . BiitV*K\ The IV pt. of K.iiu-vu'ii give grant to all school* tht have this added f^u-i- inent aiul in v.-ry fow yeiars (ho hntetn will py for i'solf in this way. Tho I.i'ornry S-cu-ty of the school oonti.Vu'wl lulf of tho pnco of th* maohiuo. To be the owner of a c: thtt his a kitten ith thro* u:.'U'h. nine i>aws, ei^ht legs anJ only oue he.ad au<l boo'y. is the proud desuncti. n th.it bol.'U^s t-> Mr. Keyso o-' A'.uaWl. Toe kr.teu v> born s>. me j.ays agv> but died a sh.v; time Itter. Such a freak of nature seM.':r j reaches matur.ty, bu' i: sure is. 1 an oddi:y I while- it 'ive-s It h.n three mouths to | fo*d only one s:o-vcb, n:ne feet *ad eight legs to support one Iv ly. Our correipouiu-n: has no: said just how the various extia members have tven dis tributed, aud one w.^u'd need i very vivid iniigmat on t.< pr'{<er!y place th* extras. W< presume i: had an extra f lire* tucked awy in i;s P L A Y S Will Rogers in THE I \miLING HERO' E. W. Hammons PRESENTS "TORCHY MIXES IN" loth Episode ot Serial -VELVET FINGERS" Prices 30 and 15c. including Amuaement Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER Open all year. Enter now of ati>3 Charles St?. Toronto high jrd# business school l>ntri.\ Our gr-iduate* are in i demand . IVpare now and b* ready to accept a irood r^itson In the r\'.:. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Fie- liei'ton Tonsorial Parlors Aim to Give Entire SatUfactu-n l.Al'NPUY-lUsket cKxws. Mondsy Fiia.ay ev CLKAXINO and OYKINO- Weir agents for INrker 1 * Dy \\\-rks Clothe* U-anod and dyod. foathor* ro T FISHER- -POPRIETOB Seeds Seeds RED CLOVER NO. I MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. ALSIKE CLOVER NO. 1 ALFALFA CLOVER NO. TIMOTHY SEED NO. 1 1 Sugar Mangel. Sugar Beet, Turnip Seed Everything in Vegetable and Flour Seeds CHAS. RICHARDSON FLESHERTON. :-: ONT. LUM Prospective buyers are advised that a Carload of Lumber will arrive in a few days. Contents as follows : 3000 ft. 2x8, 10 to 16 ft. long 3000ft. 2x10 " 6000 ft. lin. 6-8-IOin. wide 12ft. long 3000 ft. No. 1 flooring 4 inch 3000 ft. V joint, 4 in.. No. 1 3000 ft. V joint. 6 in.. No. I 4000 ft. Drop siding. 6 in. The above is all number one B. Spruce and already dressed and matched C. N. B. Shingles in Stock Telephone your enquiries to W. A. ARMSTRONG LUMBER & SHINGLES 'phone 13 ' FLESHERTON - ONT.

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