fie Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE The Beginning of (lie Story. Mnrcia Halstead, secretary to Mrs. AI<len, is entrusted with some jewels v.'hile her employer goes out to lun- cheon with Kempton Kosslacr, his Ktepn.other Lady Rowlaei and her son Gordon Ruthven. Marcia puts the jewels in the safe but fails to flnd the duplicate' key, She consults a noted physician who tells her she cannot live linger than six months; ths.n answers th- call of a solicitor to find tht she is heir to a large fortune on condition tluit she marries before she is twenty-one. Returning to Mrs. Alden's shi- finds Kempton Rosslaer (who i. cecretly married to Araby Trask) replacing the pei!i? which his step-brother had stolen Believing him if he will marry her within two days. To shield his father's name Kempton consents. At a restaurant M;>r.-i.-i faint-s and is assisted by three strangers, A ruby Trask, her father, and H young man. Jasper Waldron. A wee-, af'r the marriage I a whole pile of more or less exciting "There's been quiite n round of i gaiety this week; I've been to one or ! other of the studios four nights run- ! rring and out to dinner once at the : beginning of the week with dad. He 'sold his latest picture nd we cele- brated accordingly. I think it was pretty good the picture, I mean - ' but I wouldn't like- to be altogether sure. "Yew see, Jasper Waldron bought it, and I shouldn't imagine he's much of an art critic. Besides, he's surh a dear that it would be rather difficult to exactly deU-rir-ir.e h's motives. Aral, oh, Kemp! What do you think? I solemnly believe he'* falling in love." case- and held it <rut to her. "Good heavens! Your father?" he demanded, nnd the girl broke into a "You goose! Not but what he's really <nirt,? rtllly om.r.igh and nearly tractcd lo each other was a* strange a.i their meet,ir.-g had been. "Don't you think she's pretty?" He started as Araby's vcice, broke upon hi un.-asy thoughts, and a little flu-sh pa.-;.-t 1 over his face for arc' instant. "I? Why, I've never thought about it! Yes; I huppc?c she is, in a rather insigiviftcant s v rt of way." "IriMign.ilicant! My dear Kemp! Oh, hut I was forgetting! You knew her (.'illy as a serge-skirted, short- walsted* smooth-haired person with a I writing Mr-jk an:! pencil in her ban:!! She isn't like that now, I can assure, you! Kvtn in these few days the 1 transfomiatioTi is complete. She's | been buying ftathes - wonderful ' clothes! And iiats!" She passed to draw a little envious , and a sudden deeper Rcsslaor's face. His in the plain wh't "So it wai. But shc'-i changed her! mind. She finds Ixwxkm mu-ch more i fascinating than wK-.-r.. she was poor! , So she's taking a furnished flat a duck of a place arid) I believe she's gc'ing to stay at least a month or six weeka." CHAPTER XX. Whi'e AraUy, innocently unaware of ansternation, was idly in- Marcia's al- > r a t a >., ' e, gleaming, discreetly m th&t same restaur- had met, to join Mrs. Alde-n at the dinntr. Waldiron, mett- that afternoon at Arliss d ap'ked both women to with him before the play. Audrey, "'y concealed relief, had his lips twiti-hrd. She went on 'Such hats! And she looks perfect- ly lovely in them all. And then she ha.s been running 1 about and amusing herself and eating at all the best restaurants an.l having altogether a good time. She wu-' such a pal* thing before, wasn't, she? But got a color now, and her eyes are cia, after a flushed moment of hesi- tation had accepted. , Glancing at him now from beneath : her lowered lids, she found it difficult! to believe that she had first seen him i SPKFWHEEL A Single Wheel Tractor and Cultivator Combined. Sprywheel does any work for which a wheel or hand hoe can be used Does Five Times As Much. Small eoough for the half acre home gardener a labor saver and money inakor for every market gardener, nurseryman and farmer. Insuring Uniformly Thorough, and Economical Cultivation. For full information and Descriptive Literature Agents Write Now 62 COLBORNE ST., Dept. "C" TORONTO happened to be appearance. Eat More her Plenty of Room. "I never go to church," the mil- lionaire said. "I gue6 you've noticed, that, bishop?" "Yee, I have noticed It," said Uie bishop gravely. "I guese you wonder wfcy I never Rossiaer made a quick movement 'p^ without '. made enjoy herself at t? continued.) rtlAi'TFP YVIT if\ IM v 1 1 mean Jasper Waldron!" XVII-Kontd.) Nver:" ;[% was a real interest of'huTand. "V .,''! always te'l me. Ki-mp, won't > Kempton's voice. Ilia eyes quo?- "Why shnuM I be? There's onJy you? I mean, if anything really seri- tioned, and, Hghting her cigarette, one woman who interests me, swtet- ous ihotdd Ktppen? I can't bear the aaaito. Iheartl" thought of being shut away frvm your f really do think so! And with 1 Sho laughed again, tenderly, and ... 1^ _.. worries. I want to exorcise my right pret.tie.--t girl. We've only known catching his ami to her rubbed her Women Can Dye Old to share them to ht-Ip you bear what- her a week, but she's one of those who ; smooth cheek against his sleeve. e\er 1-iinU-n comes along"- sort of get you right away. We're "You <lear! But you wil'l be inter- Hi-r voice trai?<->! into silfnct, and friends already and Jo* per Wald-ron's ested or, at any rate, surpri-sed Kempt, ,n turnod away lids face. He obviooirfy smitten. _ I carr't say I when you meet her again. You wHi did no', answer her pita; he could not. wonder at it. She's got beauty and hardly believe sh:-'s the same girl!" Bach package of "Diamond Dyes" In al! inint vence she had dealt him ' personality nrul charm as well. Her "It's quite u-nlikeiy rh:i<t I shall meet 1 contains directions so simple any wo- another stab, ar,l he groaned inward- mime's Marvw Instead." her!" man p^ dye or , lat her wom , enab by ly. T.ien. euddenfty, with something; [e spoke so fh-irply that she looked dre6ses . skirts, waists, coats stock- fHAPTER XIX. 1 21 him in momentary wonderment , ngs swoau > rs . coverings, draperies, >S deep '"'"Kings, everything, even If she has vear roun<1 if Lettuce should Faded Things m Diamond Dye* Then. of the oitl txr.-i-h impulsiveness, h i rHAPTFR YTY ' at hiim in momentary dropped to his knee* beside her, rest- ! .. , ! The cigarette bet ween ing his hul o-x-e more apiiinst her _,.._f '"^/lH * rave an u !' n ^ C * uulightci imU> his pockets ar.d there sluirp line of a frown between brow"? . "I don't brvat. start. Her announcement momentar- Oh, Aivby!" he whispered. "I've ^ lo k h ' Ls brenth awa y. ttl ' <wl him wondered mn.-tunes, just '-itely. If |WTOn amazed dlnay. Araby i*us- you were not right in wh:it y; u hinted ftrl m h<-r neTtlve to look at him the other dny t'hat I wa wrong, ut- terly, dunnaiuy wrong in persuading you to givt- yourself to me. I'd no fiirl't to <k> it! I ought nev.-r to have married you if I cxnild not <i"j it open- ly. I oujfht not t have married you at all, rnce I eouH offer you noth"irg that ;i htMband should bring to has the his - 1 , ne , vith u ''". ! .>'- . . SSLiBe was f- , '. rnrarette oa.e axam , hat . wcre n "f. ' I1:s faot ' vvas n ' with never dyed before. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing is sure because Diamond see that!" she exclaimed. Dyes are guaranted not to spot, fade, "In fact, I should think you'd be mere streak, or run. Tell your druggist likely to nue' h-r now than before.' whether the material you wish to dye She v.-ns working then; now she is ^ woo i or si i k- or whether U is linen, P'aying an I going alx.ut everj-whrre. cotton or mixed Kuods . Mrs. Aliens taken her urwler her, and, then, she is intere-ted u . iri!f; in .. **! OOmpavBsed. 'Bohemian cin-Ie*. - , .- ng o as .'*' w ? s P r "'" ;lri >' 'li-turt<s but i ..| luil j thought she was going out wifeneither support, a pOctce by hta 2S 1 "'" lmrnpns <' pff(! ' rt hefoiwd hum- of Kn.jrl'-in.l!" , old-fashioned eid-. nor hi^ rr.n--!' . Btf^to emwer her mturoMy. _ I Ro^.a..,- l>it ht= lip sharply he in- 1 of to-day She uttre-l a Htt!c, ddstresswl ex- . X** I," 1 '' 1 , h r on( ' e ? r ,. tw ^ at "^nl he irid uttered the word.-.. He cU-imafrion, but he wont on unhoed'i rvjf , ! Aiwrey Ak er. s flat i Arl'.^s BWl-j flushed ag;'n ;is lie met Araby's eor-l in a rush of bitter srif -accusation : " r '" s - . S f* rs Mrs ' A1<it ' n s E * (-r <' tar y, !>r :, t .,l K :..,-,-f, and a.! led quickly: There was no ex- 1 "".I,* "1 I hea'rd she'd ha<l some good] st-e it rv,w; nee >t ; . ^ T: jj. K P ! T ' lfp roa f>' f. rtur. . ,,f c->ur,-e, though I <ii-!'n't pay, Ftory for Koine people. mu ,, h^,, at , hl . time. And i! imrigir. I Iwr ir.ti:iticn \va.< to go a r,-:il .,,, .,,,- a Btoging the Old Songs. "Ah, for the old days!" sighed the young man. "The girls are not at all like our "I was a cod. cuse, Araby. I stx- it now; more c:o:ir>y every d-.y; N'i,t e\-en the ex<-ue that I w v vt tiutd with love of yo-j with Inr-.'ing for you " Kh( IAK| h-r finger: abr-jptly over his Hps. "Y'o-j must not ahi;-**- yourself any more, or we hall quarrel. For thv rest, if there is l.'ame there is blame for ua \x ;ii. Ant--we r.-i- 't .:!> what is <bi:e, vou nn know!" mt "'h sions. She 'isn't she?" 'R5ie was. is like a ftiiry This girl Mittvia- - :* CM- 1.1 She wns quite tMior, !>:fe WTS fur her, and she hi: lt< ' m<)tih<>r - Ami re:il .!:. " ly a few s- *n e re- ' I" ft her, "i'terally, a fortune! gVad. She rea'.'iy is a dear; when yxni get to know her, so' more g-irV*h and than t first uplH-ars. Just att i)re-nt she's like a child let l.i;se in a toy- shop! And sh-'s having the time of her lifp. I've l;<cn with h*'!' *' Ik- tra!!i->l to a f Lop. Araby njkU-;l. mothers used to he! Why, I'll bet you don't know what needles are for!" He glanced with admiration at the modern girl. "1 do too!" she flashed. "They're for phonographs!" Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc. ' ' "No We can't uic!<> it. We ne\-r can un-!. what, we've done even when we want to. That, which we have written of </u:- own will it for good or for ill!" 'MAI'TKR XVIII. sn't She s',io!<e Kgh/tdy with a mid.!i-n irrepn-5i>!rle gaiety, aa though the kr>owxilg brcnght her more than a Vittle of content. Kempton raised hi* hca-l itlowly unl loimed at her. , ei^. i_, His tips t\% i !i^l f. r a morevent; Own- * ; . n iww, broo-Ung sl.n,!,,w in his ot r <;7""""' < ; "". " :.s he onswer.-.! her, evhoiug Iwr w ri!I > '" 1 ". 1 f-' r " ' "' ->. he rai."etl las hrows :i ti.llr "Rather a sinMi-n friendship, it?" he dniwl<-l. "You're m>t g'.n- ii.i'y so prodigal of ^mr favors, * i* nv itT' * i| erolurc*- be Ai ;" b >'' . Fh<> )(irl HUghed ar, i ifte.l her wim whuiililcru iji n litt!' i<l!e shrug. "1 Kitppi>iu> it is. But as I have al^ r<M'ly will. Mar, i;i is a woman with a But he war thin' irvp of M.'ir-iri itv ptr.*i>nality- us well as lieing a posi- 1 .ke, r-,>1 of tint >w--l niniiiies,i tive |M-ach where looks are c<,iuH-nnsl wh^-h. iinh<-i-<Lng ami unctiring at the iir ! is <|iiite n-miirkably drawn h-ul swept them off tlwir f e<-t [ to Iwr almoett at once. At Ifist, I was ^ omerts Sphere gently throat. For chest anil bust development and tn straighten round shoulders, the proper exercise is also some form of jjileep breathing. You can stand before l.s most effective when it follows , an , l>ni> " wimk>vv "f out ,, f t ; ", ul .steaming , bathin-; the face in hot taU< il ' Trliu ' 1 number of deep breath* wider. The tips of the tinkers should! The which plain, or to much Health and Heauty. I practical. You'll find that it dark circles under the eyes, of j fetches every muscle in the so many of my readers com-! may be due to poor circulation i to improve the circulation, and and finally mad trw-m one. in his voice fright- am 1 I'm quite mire .Jasper WIIH, too! Anyway, he's mann ge.1 to turn up at ,, u , m , si . sh(>ul( , , ^^ , from in- oanijrnt Ont hurt in (iiiiu* a <>t i>f i>lace< where sho has i -i Ught Iver ctoc, hut lleen this w,,>k. ' l n ' 1 ^. ***?***** ' "^invard and "I t.,,k h.-r to tbat affair at Jim the ikln of the cheeki ihonld be ptach- . it?" -In- ii'.kwl. Kldri|.ge'. when (Vm Wilde exhibit- /'' II P i "" 1 rolled between the lingers hi i mouth with |ed his pictures. She didn't : ei-m to ' H "d thumb. Plenty of fresh air, day want to come at first, but changi 1 her nnd night, an abun. lance of sleep, r.tid '>>'- h*-r cyi-s and *h<- I'. ' t Kirn , "Would you K< ; Ion V. r "I live you!" he erii.l. in. -ali>- fuc ! mind, torily. Ai .1 then, i?: devperatkm, "For, ther< he dipped in a good massage cream, then with slight [iressure worked around the eyes in a rotarv motion;, , . ,u . , , , , ' , and then hold the lungs full for a cer- tne nose should be slrokeil from the; tain bit way : fresh t)r you can dike the deep- exercise in an even better Fill the lungs with us much air as you can pack into tht-m, bed is used up, or the lettuce begins to get old, another should be put in. By this means, crisp, tender lettuce can be had from very early in the season until very late in the fall. Transplant the young plants of the| head lettuce so that they do not sit i too close together in the ground. Fine ; firm heads will result. Lettuce is de- 1 licious and beneficial served with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, or with vinegar and sugar, or with mayon-: raise dressing. As the baeis of a salad, it is un-| excelled. Fruits, vegetables, meats, or combinations of these will make a delicious salad which can be prepared in a few moments with a bed of let-j tuce, and a bottle of dressing at hand. ; Leftovers may be used up nice'y, and j the emergency shelf may contain just! such canned goods as salmon, pine- , apple, crab meat, shrimp, lobster, or| other suitable supplies. Pineapple Salad. Lay a drained ; slice of canned pineapple on a bed of, erlsp lettuce. On the centre of this place a small ball of cottage cheese about the size of a large walnut. Tho cottage cheese should have been nicely .seasoned with melted butter and salt. 1 Garnish the cheese with half of .- walnut meat, or a maraschin > cherry stuffed with the nut meat, or two' strips of red sw.-et pimento laid in a cross. A Handy and Handsome \Vate Kox. I obtained from a groceryman an, empty cheese box and stained it a handsome oak color by simply using a little roof cement the kin.i that is found in tin cans inside the rolls of, roofing. This I thinned with turpen- 1 tine and applied with a small cloth.' rubbing it well into the wood. After i varnishing I placed it under the kit-. r chen sink, where it is not only good j to look at but one of the handiest articles in our kitchen. Whrn the J children have any waste raper. : strings, etc., they know just where such things belong. It is truly a great j help in keeping the kitchen clean. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. alre pursued. "Well. I'll tell you why, bishop. There are so many hypoorltea there." "Oh, don't let tb*t keerp you away," said the bishop, smiling. 'There to always room for one more." His Ideas. Youth "I sent ycu eome tions telling you how to make your paper more Interesting. Have ron carried out any of my Ideas?" Editor "Dfd you meet the office boy with the waste paper baket as yoa came upstairs?" Youth "Yes, I did." Editor "Well, he was carrying out your ideas." * True Enough. "Th ?n you have decided not to mar- ry him to reform Mm?" "Such is my decision. If the GOT-- ernment can't reform him. chance have I?" TVillnotl scratch! or tear wilh polithrj claan or mrtu! arfacv without tcrews or >ockct>. li.Ir* fmootbly und cannot in* jur thu Baot ruj or tiifhly- PoluheJ floon. Kiuily put ot nd. once on, ttajn on. '!'<:' Tour dlr TOM mut b\ Onminl SlidinK Furniture Shoe* on your n*r furniture. It will nuk* your hounework cwler. Onward JIfs. Co.. Kitcbncr. Ont Of ei.urH-, .laspci W:i'.li on was anil paid her nn awful lot of beaven'l tmke, !<!'-< taHc'of nomething attention. Quite t.ok it upon him- *A*e." RiOf to dhow her the ropes and Initiate Sh lay fltiill for a minute, eyi-i her into the cu^oms of Kohemln, as under the kiswts, the old eon -j it were! And I must say she ..eenie.l 'aeptnir Over JWT. Then nh<- sat 'to <nijoy Iwrself immensely." upright, rufll.-l her l>ri(;lit hitul with I slim finger*, awl Uughil at him 'not answer. His fuelling of tipped dark Jwhi. wan increasing. Araby K|n.k< regular habits of the bodv are also necessary. If improvement does not follow, it is advisable to consult n physician. To combat wrinkles, feed tho skin plenty of oil and use astringents. This puffing at a cijrnret lc, did i means that a gentle but thorough i f I _ . . f i t im>o ell. "Very well. What slhulfl we talk a*oirt? There in HO much you tui-m not to hiiM- come near me for n >-vr il of jimt a weil< and thnruV I ism ay . . f the Other girl IUM of one for whom site li.-id eon<-eilv(vl n histiivg frfendship. The fwct tlmt Iheise two women, of all otihera slunild 1> nn^tjintiineously rt- numlier of si-cor.ds hcfore exhal- ing, lengthening the time you hold tho air as you become accustomed to the' exercise. About half a minute is a good average. A deep-breathing ami arm exercise Combined is also used for vhosl de- velopment. Start by holding the arms in front of you. and as you breathe in slowly, bring tho arms around to the nldes and as far to the hack as vou "My doll can shut her eye? and go to sleep just lovely." "Hush! My doll never goes to sleep nt all; she's got insommo." FOR CONSTIPATION and SICK HEADACHE * Dr. Ross' Kidney and Liver Pills Frlo* 35o. Si'Ui bv all .1. or noss MTDicxirs ooMPAinr 7!) JMrt 9trt, Toroalo W /W jf ^[ YOUH > $250 massage with a good cream IK neces- sary. My a good cream 1 mean one! made from almond or olive oil. This! should be used immediately after a 1 hot soap ami-water wash, while the pores of the skin are open. After the massage the surplus cream is to be wiped off and an astringent Li usivl to draw up the lax muscles and to close the porcn. Nothing is tatter for this 1 purpose than Ice, which should be rubbed over the skin for ten minutes to be most effective. If you have no ice, fill tho bowl with water as cold as you can get It, add a fow drops of tincture of benzoin, and rinse well with this. Kor a thin neck, jmwtico breathing exercises; tlitse an 1 can get them. This is really the most vffwtivo way, as you can feel the pull on the muscles of the chp.t. deep- Home Divoration. Making rooms cheerful and home- like is an art, l>ut there are many Dimple rules which one can follow. If a room is dark, it is obvious that the walU and woodwork should bo light in color. If a room has several windows and is very light there is the place to use the darker colon*, if one likes. Color changes the sl/t> of a room to the eye and determine! the amount of light. To tone down a room that faces south and has morv light than it needs, paint the walls green, Ulue, tan or brown. Rooms having north and /J Keep your Shoes Meat CARBOLATED PETROLEUM JsUY VERY efficient antiseptic when ust'd as a first-aid dressing for cuts, scratches bruises, in- sect bites, i u\ Keep a tube in the house for emergencies. CHKSEBROrCH MFG. COMPANY 1SSO Oluibol Avt. Montnal WHITE Shoe Dressing CAKE OR LIQUID CORNS Lift Off with Fingers east windows uro made more pleasant most by using colors with tones of yellow, ow..>ntial; they will build up the chest Matey, ml. etc. Bedrooms should al- and fill out those ugly hollows at tho Wlys | H , finished in delicate light tone.-.. Use of the throat and over the nhoul-' The nearer to white the bettor. Blue-, den. Second, give tho neck a Uior ' ,r,. tt y s> O t,.., arc- suit.iblo for dininjr- ough scrubbing with hot water and rooms. mmp and a complexion brush every A room looks higher without a bor- day. Follow this with a hot rinse and der on llu< walls and lower with a drop then with a massage, r'or the mas-' n .j|jn K . Yellow ami rod are warm wige, use either n llesh building cream colors and make rooms appear smaller made with almond oil, or use wann| Hum they really are. tirny. green, cocoa btttter. OoOOt-fattei is imirc.Mue and 'soft colors make iv' look fnltcnintr, hut some fow sensitive skiius larger than they really are. Some bad can not shuul it. combinations mv n-d or InifT walls and 'J'h? nnis-ai^e should be gentle; tbe ninhogany woodwork. Slvn'os of pink, i.ips of tho Anger* should b<v tinvil, the. old rose and cream will give n room strokeM should be up and down the warmth anil cosines**. They are do sirablo coloi-s for ixiom.i with nortli- orn or eastern exposuiv. ospei'ially I'cd- rooms. Whitish tones are cold in effect. They ninko the n>om appear largo un.l spacious. Kor tho reason one must use warm colors in draping, curtains and upholstery --to add cheerfulness nook and in small circles over tho skin. AH u llnish, the crenm is wipoM off iiml the nock is rnliUod \vrth ico or rinneil In quite cold water. There is lo a good oxerciso that Keeps tho c4iin line linn and youthful: Hull tho bend around on tho shoulders. Thin may sound strange, but it i.s i|iiito TIIK postman .i:ul p\ptv<smii will bring Tarkcr ser\ ; ce unlit to your homo. \Ve i>.iv iMriiuge one way. \\luittvfi you sciul whether it be j hoi!s,-liu!,l ilupciks or the most deli. c.ilc'iios uill l>o .ipclily rctuiucd to fhetr frcshticsa. When you think of cleaning or dyeing think of PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Works Limitrd Cleaners and Dyers 791 Vonge St. Toronto IH>tvnt hurt a l>',:' Droi> little "Krf'<ne" on an aching own, UuMaut- ly Umt corn iti>ps hurtiug. utvu shortljr you lift It right off with fingers. Truly I Your drug%Ut soils i tluy botUe ol "tY>-.-iiHie" for a law cents, sufficient to reinovo evory l\:ir,l corn, soft coru^ or corn between tho ti\ aiul the U> luscs. without sorc:i x <j w Iri i!.itloa.