Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1922, p. 8

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May 1 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE 9gt6yr*inr Q&S teft: Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300.000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Ask us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection, S. HEMPHILL Ccy!on, Ontario. * SI i ga sal Transient Advs. Try Feterhhn.il I'as'iy Klom, the Vest Kir S ].-- lUue 1 H'.ck e^s fm- fii'e 81 tit your coi/k. All Onitno wheat fur l.'i -Jus Oliver, I'ricovi'.le I'.i ). 1 f. I I ' dono ;. - .r.lns only For Hle Ah.iut M liti. ofouminoo in.! ..ii liros. Kum-nta red clover seed..- S. II. Pedlar, Ceylon. _ .. For Sa>le General 1'urp'i.s.! man* six For hah' r r;inu bouaa and lot for Rale yean old, (jiiod iize.- J, .1. Thorn (won, Klt'-hci-lun. in Plwhwloo. Apply to W. S at thu M:n. K i.'. Hi." For Slu A few Imshel of need splint; wheat and seed p^i S.iiif, Flfhherliin. \V. .). -t.-W-il ' Hlld iMppIn yrcy mare U yean old fur Halo, i wi.uld ix Fleeherton. Six I 1. '..i i ; I ' - in Klf she i tun fi.r sale on Torooto street, tin.'st local mn m town Apply I" It. Weltiin, FleHhcrtnll Fur Siile Out 1 homy hume niul three ^.iriild cult lt."i. lliiN-hinsiin, Kim 11 wi.uld t-xcii.iuuit fur cor- i \\eliun, barley. Fur Sale or Kent- The old I-KK fctory For Bale Bird* puro wool Mackinawi in ITIeaherton, on eay Urm. Apply t" In I. lack, lirown and yrey, alo knit K. .1. Siir..u|.-, Fl.'.sherlon. lockings.- II Alex nidi r, Fererhhtin. (jniul i.-'i.i.'.- si",- md hand iiiuiiir, nil lionoimwerN up in T ?'!"> Twelve head of young cattUi Ur.lv... BI1( , uji geo I he.e iufi.ro you huy-T. Ud Ihne two year oWe fur idle, lire K . Tlio,,,r, u ,y A. S,,,,, Fov,-,-,!,;,,,,. pure brrd* inn !._ them, to lo inl.l at prire <S. H. Burke, Eugenia P.O, Fur S,.le Dominion I )r .11. li oc!ve, in liisl HBIB condition, pi !.< n-iisi.irilile I'M Mii'ir S;nre, H'lesli- Mr. Creasor Explains , Ed tor Klesherlon Advance : Dent Sir. There has been i reference made in your paper in re^rd to a case of thefc recently tried liy me in Muikdale of a man arrested iu Fevernham.in which there Im.s apparently been 01110 minim* dAralinding hy your inform tut. I only clr.iw attention to lliis case so I hat the public nmy bo belter inf united at* to the working of the Act fir the better en- furccmunt of the law. The case was of a inaii arrested fur theft in Feveis'nain uf goods valued nt 815 or 20 and brought to Markdale, as there was no proper place in Fevernh.un to keep him, and at the nqueet nf the down Attorney I went ti> Markdulo and tiicd him, and nftr hearing tliti evidence and with the cou.-eiit of the Crown Attorney, as it was the young fellow's rir.it offense', ar.d appwi'irly never in trouble before, I f.iund hint guilty uml suspended sentence for the Irriu of one year, the goods bctnij t eturnid excepting one i'.em which he ayietd 'u piy loi aiid py all cos'?. If ihiu case hud been trittl by Juslic s of the 1'eaoo he could on'y have had a tire liminiry lit irn.y and undoubtedly nn tfi evidence they wniild l.nvc had to send the mini to O#en Sound for tiiil uud a!i i he witnesses Would have had to () to Owen .Si'Uiul instead of Maikdalc, where the eine waa tiied, with a yrent detl of additional expense for the pr s >ner and t!i-- .iiiin'iy, nh-jieiu the CIM' was dis- [i.j-edofal Markdili; with c miptr v.ively Hin-ill expitiiNu and at a ureat convenieucfl ti> both l!.e di-fei.dmt mid witnesses, As there x..'eiiu to be n treat 1 ick of iidei>taii(lii)i> in the c .un'y r^spi'c'.in^ iv eiiforcfinciit ami .tdinimstrutiun in Iu- p. iice Hi iji-:i i'i .1 ur'i. 1 til ulijlit wise to explain the orkiiig of the Act. iiforinittionH may be liiken by .my Jus- ice of the I'eace a>id made returnable cfoie any pol.ce, magistrate with juris* ictinii, and if made returnable litlore if 1 will, if c tiled upon, tniiil to any oi lit in tho county to try such cases. I .ive nude arrat K'luentH for the .lust ices f the Peace at different points in tlii.s ouniy to take inf.iriii4liiH retunmble ef.ire me, sen.l the inform ttiun to me iid I would appoint n time and place for rial in I endeavor to make the. pUce of nil us near a* possible to *l..io th efendint losiden, to HV the defendant xjH-iiHe, and savi- travbllint< txpenseH if vitni'ssi'i, mnl luive th<' defeirlnir tried wi'bout iirlij, but iu cue.* of MM,)!.' ntttera iu arrange fur Iml by Ju-tic. n the Vii-iniiy. In ni;ii\d to cnne* nriv nt{ within tin' juriHilic'ion of tin* M-v.r^l >ulic6 magiitlktra in tho munly, 1 ,i mt iiituifi-re with them unl-vH rfi|ii->.t<sl y i ln mi;iiti-nti's tht*int<'!v<'H or tho Irnwii. Notice of Dissolution* B'.'mii engine, onu ID ii cli pUl. tjrirdiT, and Imll hemin^ [itit'iiin:.tit I tired lim-^jr, mi'' ti fl M II ii|iiil.>r,ninirei OIK' 12 iliac H.'Oil drill Clini Stntl .ill u u r.. K.T Siile- 1J II I 1 , also '.''. II. I'. - W A. ([M'line eii^iiu H 111 In ''- 'l.i'i n'jiir. erli n. 'I'.. I. s. M ii u i.it 'iin. 11. Down iti'l .. jf, Knr S-ilt On.i 14 fni.t piiwer Hone, r li'ulitit in. mill, i'H !, 'n.. 14 h.p, portablt 'i inn'- Fertili/."r Fur Stlo t Flimh r i ton Station t'artit-H wihlnrt; lo NVCUIU liunn'H Sure 'iniii Fertili/.er on do HO liy i ; i . ; "i .In . wiih \V. .1. M. . i , .l.i-. *Knt fur thin dmtriut u.d kei j.. it mi hand. <'<n ho accured nny woek dny, lloitt> and I/)t For Slo The prn| but eblpplng day preferred. As the price erly known u th* Aabdown ruiidi>n In . 1'i'v reduced it will ho in thu in- Oylon, no i^ht ronniud ilwrl'iii^, terent of ihosu wniilin^ lln-M 1 ^.<odi to ' cellir, t-f.ilili', etc. ; almilt u :i<- ((''t my piiceN \V . ,1. nitad*, Ple*boitoil Imi.l, wniild iiiiiU.i it UKU! In nut f P. O. Telephone 3 r 4 i. i'i.d I'ent'riii'.n Fur ii-iinn mu 1 . fur i ihei nirtii'iiUiK ipply In W. .1. llolla-ny sh.-i tun. 1 My ft Bull For Service Boar For Service I'uie tiled Ur.Mere<l Vntkhhiro lloftr for Hrrvide Vlnayard funi'iis V7.i"i) on lot 107, 8. W. T. AS. R., Arteoieiia. ] lli.p.n,. l.re I Durham Hull, White Cln. f, imp, No. 1 ll.i.M, fur ni'ivico in I.. I '.'li I) I) It Tel ms- *-! fur ?."l for pin i' llleil< lnn)'.M> .InllN i il.l VKU, rr,,|,. Bull For Service TcrniH|l.AO. 8owt Dot returned will i... charged 10.4, 22 liimo in pi|>. T. .1. STINS IN "Save the Surface" WITH MARTIN - SENOUR PAINTS We're ready with a full lino of Martin-Senour's 100 per cent. Pure Paints and Varnishes. This line includes Wall and Floor Paints. Varnoleum, Floor Varnish, Woodlao Stains, Carriage and Auto Enamel. The prices HAVE BEEN RE- DUCED, so don't leave off that painting any longer. House Furnishings Beds, Springs, Mattresses We handle "Simmons" advertised lines throughout. Woven Springs in wooden frame -Ift.v4ft Cm. ..$u Simmoiis White Label felt Mattre-sa 810 f.O Greeu Label ' 810 50 Ted Label 821.00 Fibre filled with felt-top and bottom 85.00 The Spring House Cleaning Season brings with it the necessity of renew- ing \\ornout Linoleums, Oilcloths, Cur- tains, Blinds, Drapes, Wallpapers, etc. Our stock is well assorted with the hot patterns in every line. We want to convince you, so we have WATERPROOF COATS We have in stock a full range of Men's Tweed Waterproof Coats in varied patterns and colors. Specially priced at $1.4.00. KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVILLE, ONTARIO It lliiTi? aie cases which the p 'lie,- j in iui-,'i ilos or Justices .f tho IVacej . i; ! i.niy hive a preliminary hearing it is -.\ u'reit ' ivii ^ uf expense for aie to travel to tlu'M' Alices and liy tho drfeud- aiim. The saving of expense is m.t uiily ti> lh rouuty l,ut also to tl.o defendant and the Hitn.---i-s :i'l the defeuJint Ins hip trial without delay. The Justices nt , the Peace throttKhouc 'ha county hve' Riiil the p >wer t" try by lr cn-es ith- ; out tho ni[ii.-st of a polic? mi{itrati % and power tn try cert. kin ctse-i uudcr tlie crimioal Code, O.T.A cices and (thcrs fninierly, mi re.|U<;t if police mini'- trate with jurisJic ion c. inferred liy the Police M.iit rates' Extende'l Jurilic- tion Act of J'.l'Jl I'j; to the present 1 i ihe (inly police nHHii-trnle. in the county who his authority uiu'or the said nt itutt* to mike sucli a r ipef . If any JuN'ice of the Pe ie- rujnuis fni iii:iti"n, up >n irritinn ni 1 mil advise him. Trusting this insy help your renders to a K'Hcr nnderttaniling "f die Act, II. L). * HKASOR, I'.ilioe Ma. K'rui- t-'i'iinly of ^tJ Noiiii- i lu>ivl>y nivi'ii that ihf pai'llierxhlp Iii>n-lnfor<' exist IIIK )'- o. ii It. Miiniiiili mnl I'lios. DCVIT, as K< iH'i'iil iiirivhuiit'i i-arryliiK on busl- uoss as llaiinali .v. DI'VIT. lias been sHolvi'd. All aiTiiMiits not m'tllt'tl liy May l.'ilh will ! placcil in other hands fur collection. Accounts; may In 1 paid to either party. HOIIT. HANNAH. T1IOS. DKVHlt. I'.irllaw, April 'H. I!UL'. Dept. of Agriculture County of Grey BOAR for SERVICE I'liri'lin-tl Tmnwortli llmr fur Hervu-e mi l.-t 1 tiV, S W T anil S K , Aii.'mrH'!... I'" 11 ' brtd Durham bull. No 143013 fin Terms 91. 60. 8..WB not nlurne.1 will "'''"'' lot 182, 8 W T A 8 H, Ail.- be fhr.-(l sniiic UKKIC in piu. ..HHU I'.niiis- dfor (irjdM. f5foi ii.. i ii-litiinU. (I. AKIS's, Prop Fell !ft -T. J.HTINSON. I'n.p | m .,yl Up-to-date Clothing IVrluel in \voikiiiansliipandstylt'. Clotliin<^ niai'r tooi'dc. Ser^r.-, Worsteds aii<l T\vi-?ds on hand also a ^ood line of Mrn's and Mcys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, liepairmg and Pressing H. ALEXANDER ^i a Feversham, Mi'irhil Ontario -4; >: ;4 MAY "Little 'M .is of il.mi i - . Little cunt of paint Make linn.-, '.i > ill anil healthy Out of them tlint niu't." Now is ilic t iinc tt> clruii ii|i .uid paint up with Shorwin-Willianafl paint. A paint ir varnish for fvitry purpose will savo the snrliu-o. S. W. P. stan.lanlol'(|iialtl y,kno\vn Ity fvi'i-yoiu', usrtl 1>\ all who want superior paint. ('heap, poorly- inadf sulistitiite produOtB (iHiiuot ^ive you tho siuno satisfaction, Call or send ami ^el some Frank Duncan Hardware I'HONK i-lrll - KL.KSMF.RrON At (In- in|'ii>' ' f II in. M.fiiin g Dohnrty, Munnter of Agriculture, the tcey Countv >'.iiiiKil appointed sn Ajjn- Ciiluiritl AdviMiry Council to eonfei with t'ie Amk-ul' n-nl n prrxptiintive, T. St.'W. at I'o.ijier, Mail.'iV, on th-. work of t'ie . ttii:. 1 m mi rlidei\r t .s.'cure |;reater i- . ii.-i .: .. n in. I i l!..-i. i'.. y This Council uii't on \\odnefdity, A| i-d 111 Kt-'lowiini ai-.t the memberaol lht< Council : M ~; S'ewtrl Stiould'Ci', Shallow Lake ; Gt'o ll.'iiderson, Kenily ; XV. II. Hutu, AlUn j l'.irk ; A. S. Muir, ('.y'on ; T H Hinnie, I I 1 ". ' .i,. ; XX' 11 Keiniilinn, MHXM.|| i A U 1'eich, Moaford ; N.IMIII t'erduc, Chan worth. A Urr reviewing tbe work ol tho vt, the lollivviiii; lesolut mis were pissed : 'I'll it w tier, us vie hivu learmd ihnt our District KeprcacDtaliro hai received Kit Hjiplic itii ns f. >r M'e.ls f. r Ilmio (J.ilden ConteHt ; mid wlieieH ho hm received only M) paokagei of M'ed, iul wlii'ienit w> hue H nurd del Uiter enmity than the xei.'^e in Ontario, I hotel i.' no Mould ubk that the 1 ',.:: nieiit |ir iviile if nl i-ll (. ssilile mi i-xtia I.Miiitinii of - r '0 ptokcgei of seeds in lUOOeeding yors. Tint wo -k llut i ho c 'i stitution of t'ie school ftiin lie > iitmiuK'd t\ to i\l|ow tbe eohool fins to t-hni^e n vt'iy Hin.ll udinifsion to itdu'tM if they d*f 01 1 it lulviSHlilo, lo ns>ivt in eo\eiin^ tho | oxpei'M'M of the tiiiiH. Thnt we . ndoiso tlie wlii'ol fmin itn.l tho sheep ileiiionttnttion work of our i ,.; i ni >' i\ , Hi.ii tlmi \v i-!, him to eontitiua the good woik to fur coinpU< t mi and !su thnt wo H|.|iivci>tt<t the otl'oris ol our i-.'pivm>ttiv> al mi; the-ie llll.'H. Thnt HO riulois.i (ho vlVorlH of eiir i.'1'H'sonlnlive, Air Coo|ier, lo .seeiiio if poNNililu .in exp -rt tu il in 'list i\ito iho j ploper ijindos 'tnd k'l'.ulii'^ for lions nil lioii'i; igiailotl on the Toroi.to uiviket, the | iden lieiii|( to i-xplnin to pio.loceii tluso proper grtdMi If ponlble IMVO ihoo ile'iioiulmtiooN diltni).' t'n' in mill of .Iiuio Thcso mo siilimitlril to the (..'.pltt if I In- county MI lh' hopo Hint they will Uko n ure^tor inUifit in our wo-t. V * me rouly lot sn^ij.'Htioin nt mty lime, | Astti'ctniu't in tVe our .nk without your c.i-i'i etntio i, tlu< U.p .ttinent of , Aktr.culluie i-k< e\.'iy fanner in IM y county to ni:ike Miixi'itr n-f. FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All ki ndsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario ORD- To buy where your money goes furthest is just another way of saying BUY A FORD. Now is the time to get your spare tires. We have them. Runabout $515 f.o.b. Ford. H. DOWN & SONS FLESHERTON, :-: ONTARIO ,NtAD OFFICt HAMILTON ABUSHED 1B72 Proton Office open TUPS . Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon 10 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON lUIMMI.K BRANCH -A. M. Carthew, Manager Sl'R-BR>NCH PROTON C. J. lorster, Sub-Manner

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