Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1922, p. 1

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V Vol. 42, No. 49 Flesherton, Ont., May 18, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. FEVERSHAM Mr Robert Alisler takes the bat aain this year, having finished teediug nearly two weeks ago. E O Buckingham ia second and Ueo Foster tbird. John Sioutenburg, wife and family ol Collingwood spnt the week and with Mrs Stontenburg's brother, J Davidson Mr Tom Perlgo sr. uf Colliogwood visited with his brother, Ira, lasc weak, Mrs Henderson was at Owen Sound on business last week. Invin McKeown, wife and daughter of Duncan spent Sunday at J J Kaitting's. Mr and Mrs R S McGirr, Mr Lack ie and Misa Pearl Fawcect spent Sunday with ftienis in Bagnor ir.J Owen Sound. We understand that Geo Julian baa gold out his interests here to Mr Hugh McLean. We will be sorry to lose Mr Julian and family if they move away. Mr Thos Howard of the Aitemesia townline baa the beat field of fall wb'eat we have seen this year. Mr Howard says he measured some a week ago and it measured 12 inches. Ernest Brownridge has engaged with A Fawcett to work in the mill yard this summer while the cut lasts. Hugh McLean haa engaged with the Massey Harris Co. to drive their lumber truck fiom Fawcett's mill tr> the yard in Thornbury. Portlaw Intended For Last Week Mrs John McKeveu was taken sud- denly ill last weak, but is now a good deal better, and all hope that ihe ma? soon regiiu her former strength. Her >-"i_'hter Mrs of Collingwood is with her. The community was peeply grieved to hear of the death of Mr- Geo Chapman a former resident of this ;> irt, and much estenifd by all. Miss Vina Watson has been suffering from an attack of pleurisy, but we are- glad to hear that she is improving. Mr and Mrs William McLennan of Toronto, re visiting with the former's lister and brother, here. Mount Zioii Sunday School was re~ organized lately with a good staff of officers and teachers, and started last Sunday with a good attendance. Mrs Francis Shier visited lately with friends in Toronto. Born To Mr acd Mrs John W McKce, a daughter. The cement roadway through the town of Meaford has been completed. MAY "Little beds of flowers, Little cant of paint Make hornet bright and healthy Out of them that ain't." Now is the time to clean up and paint up with Sherwin-Williams paint. A paint 'or varnish for every purpose will save the .surface, S. W. P. standard of quality , known l^f everyone, used by all who want superior paiiit. Cheap, poorly, made substitute products cannot give you the same satisfaction. Call or send and get some color cards. Frank Duncan Hardware PHONE 24rll - FLESHERTON ROCK MILLS Mr John Carruthert and Mrs CoutU, of Avecing, and Mr and Mrs McDonald of Orillia, motored up and visited over the week end at W T Pedlar's. John Porteous haa treated bid family to a fine new Chevrolet car. Mrs Robt . Phillips of Toronto spent the past couple of weeka with hsr parents, Ur and Mis R. Hoy. We are sorry to report Ernie White critically ill at time of writing, out hope for bia speedy recorery. J O Dargavel visited with hie mother at Dornoch. Lewis Pedlar has puschis.d a new Ford car. Letta Patridge, who has been in Tor* onto for some time, has returned home. J B Holly and wife, of Vandeleur, visited over Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs Sim Crcft. Roy Patton spent the week end at W T Pedlara. Mrs J*s. Park of Owen Souod, visited with C. Newell and wife. Mr and Mrs Cecil Meldruui, and Mr sad Mrs George Hirgrave, spent Sunday with the latter ' parents. Mrs D. Roberts ipent a day with her sister, Mrs D. White. Artemesia Council The Council met on Saturday, May 6, the members all present, the Reeve iu the ch i:r. The minutes of last meeting were read and passed. Communications from McFarlsne, his lesignition as' Medi- cal Health Officer ; W. J. Meads, certiti* cate of work done by S. McMalleu in 19:21 ; i petition from VV. H. Williamson and 28 others, asking for repairs on South Line and 20 sideroad 3 S D R ; alter from T A Maitee ie condition of 10th line near 35 sideroai ; T Harrison n regird to town line, Artemesia and jlenelg. Bylaws 9. to appoint Dr Turnbull as M O H ; No 11, to appoint R >, Swauton School Attendauce Officer ; No 12 making appropriations tor 1922, were Dtroduced and passed, along with No 7, appointing township officers ; and Robt Julleu, claim for sheep killed, flO. Hogarth Curruthers That S Mc- Vlullen be paid $3.for tilling washout at Alex McMullen'b iu 1921, also certificate by W J Meads Carried. Bogarth Batrheler-That W 3 Orr be refunded #3 for dog tax chtrged in etror in 1921 Ctrried . Burnett Batcheler That M Wilson )e id 921 for wood tupplied for hall Hogarth Buruet That R Cullen be Mill $10 for one sheep killed uy dogs 'irritd. Carruthers Hogarth That the Reeve and Mr Burnett be a committee to repiir ridge and approach on South Line, mown as the Gillies biiJge Carried. Burnett Batcheler That Ihe Reeve ind Mr. Carruthers be a committee : ook after Morton's bridge, Centre Line, and Phillips' bridge, South Line, and ..ike such action as mayj)e deemed nee- essaiy Carried. Hogvih Carruthers That the Clerk s hereby authorized to order four road drags from the Ingot Iron Co, Guelph Carried. Hogarth Batcheler Thai th.- Reave >e paid $5 for two days in connection with bridge on eaet back line and attend- og to 10th coo, also J Burnett two days overseeing $S, aud J A Hogarth U days overseeing 96 Carried. Burnet Batcheler That the lirst meeting of the Court of Revision of the atiessmeut of 1922 bn held at the town mil on Saturday, June 3, at 1 30 p m. 'arriad. A Blantyre man bad a caie of whiskey stolen, but latr it wag returned and let' at the owner's gate. Open all year. Enter now YoDge and Charles Streets, Toronto The high grade business sobool of Ontario. Our graduates are in strong demand. Prepare now and be ready to accept a good position In the Fall. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL KIMBERLEY Kimberley has, we believe, built the first Memorial hall in the county. D Weber has built one of the finest residences in this part. Fall wheat is looking fairly well. Clover came through fie winter all right, especially alfalfa. This the most productive hay crop we have as well as the most nutricious. Vernon B shop hts returned to his home lieu- after passing hi.-? examination as electrical engineer. Congratulations. Some of the boys are in the habit of carrying rifles aud shooting thiugs that should not be shot. They do not seem to know that it is agniust the law. I wish'you would give us the IHW re boys and men carrying firearms Juhn Hammond, teacher iu Meuford high school, visi-ed over Sunday with his mother. Rev Veales preachtd a very time'y and appropriate serniou Sunday evening on the duty of parents in raising -i family. East Mountain Seeding will soon be completed here. We are sorry to report that Winetta McMuhen was seized with an attack of appendicitis and had to undergo an oper- ation. Drs. McKee of Hcathcote and Mv.-F.iul of Collingwcod performed the operation. She is recovering successf ully and hope she will soon be able to be among her friend?, as ahe it grea'ly missed. Era Allen is home !i m herj>ojition in O angevillc for a few weeks' visit. D Gene, wife an-1 daughter visited at R Gorley's, Eugenia. The Uirbottlx Bros have had great diffieu'ty in recovering the fit cattle that became unmanageable and got away from them while tiying to take to Flesherton station two weeks ago. They were found on Monday and had lost nearly tw bundrt d pounds each. Mr Blaney of Murkdale viiited his friend in this vicinity recently. . Carrol Humberstoue visited at Eugenia recently. Carrol is wearing a smile days. Why? Victoria Corners Rev. atd Mr- Kippen spent .1 few diys in Toronto las: week. Mrs Kippen remaintd. Mr Jus Liidlaw hai been laid up with bronchitis but is improving slowly. Mothers Day was celebrated on Sun- day at tnisti ge. A mothers' choir did justice to the ocuassiou. Appropriate recitations were rendered by the chil- dren, also an address by Mr Kippeu. Sacrament wis also administered at the close cf the service. Theo. Hall Dead Word has ben received here of the death of Theo Hall, which occurred at his home iu Pasadena, Citlifjruia. ou Saturday, April 29th, 1922. The late Mr Hill, who was 75 years of age, was principal of Markdaie school for five years, aud resigned over forty years ago, when he purchased the Dundalk Ueiald trim Mr. C. W. Rutledite. He later conducted the Tara Leader and in 1898 went to Wingham where he lud The Advance until about nii.o years ago, when be went to California lo re-iJe with members of his family. Mrs. Hall died last September. He is survived by Four sons and two daughters Alfred H. Hall of Plymouth, Wis.. J. Herbert Hall, Walter T. Hll and Earl B. Hall, all of Pasadena ; Mrs Wayne Dillard and Mrs. Albert Coling. He is survived by seven grandchildren Standard. Four He n iiver men went h'sbing up the Bruce peninsula Their car turned over a mile north of Wiar'on and all the occupants were more or le injured, but 11, including tbn car, were able to back track for home, where they are under- going repairs. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear husband and father, John James Genoe, who fell asleep in Jesus May Utli, 1921. Mot dead to those who loved him, Net lost, but gone before ; He lives with us iu memory still, And will forever mure. CEYLON Miss Elsie Wright of Toronto visited her grandmother, Mrs R P Legate, and other friends here, last week. Mr W Mathewson moved his family here lust week to the residence lately purchased. Mrs R P Legate left Saturday for Toronto to attend the graduating exer- cises of her granddaughter. Miss Elsie Wright. Mrs F J Colliusou and three children, Mis R Gibson.MrsG Collin^on and Miss J Collinson motored to Owen Sound on Saturday . Born May 14fi, to Mr and Mrs Wm Mathewson, a daughter. Congratulations Mr D Hurry* moved his household ert'ects to Owen Sound last week, where he M now living. Miss Sadie McLe m is vUitirn friends near Salem. Mr Murdock and extta men are work- ing on the C P R track here. Mrs Allie Muir w;n called !> Durham last week to the bedside of her mother, Mrs Grant, who was seized with a str k<j. Toronto Line North Will Davis and wife culled on SOUK- of their friends on this lin-> before leaving for i heir new home iu Toronto. Mrs Thos Lever has been laid up for the past three week* wiih i badly sprained ankle. Miss Florence Lover is visiting friends in Palmeiston. Thou Sled, wi.'e and fami'y visited with Eugenia friends for a day. Fred Browu has the will for his new house completed. Mrs. R. H. Henderson of Fevershim spent a day with Mrs Albert Stewart. Some of the farmers here :>re through seeJing. E. \\ ickens and wife visited at James Pedlar's, Port'aw, recently. Dr Huff Receives Degree Inspector acd Mrs. S. Hull left S.t ur day for Kmgstin for the convocation hi.-h will be held at Queer,'* University there on Wednesday, May 10th. In- sp >ctor Hutfhas the honor and distinction of being one of three Public School [nspec'ors iu the provicce having the decree i>f D Paed which will be conferred upon him ac this convocation. L'ulike some titles which are hauJed . ut in the manner of bouquets, the honor of D. Paed is conferred upon merrit ." n ar.d even after the struggling years necessary tc attain the B. .\ , K-\ reseur- \\-irs uf study and hard work. Ther.- H none more worthy or will weir with ;rek'er dignity this high honor th m Dr. Hull. Ue.ifurd Mirror. Don't Buy This Hcrse Stanley Darling, sr., prominent Carrick farmer, and bis SOD, S:ni 1 y, are both laid up with seiious injuiii > as the result of being kicked byi.the s mo horse on the same day. Lust Fiid-iy lifter dinner Mr. Darling was hitch ng up a team to work in the tieU when one of the animals kicked st him, stitkiiiK h:m above tne elbow and fracturing 'ho arm In twu places, the bone protruding through i he flesh. After supper the same evening St&nley Datling. jr., was rub; in.: down the team when the same beast, that had kicked his father drove at him while his back was turned, n iticting au ugly gash at the back of his head aud fracturing his JHW in two place^ Walk- ertou Telescope. The high school inspector on his visit to Walkerton refused to grade the ichi -. owing to the need of fun her accommoda- tion. 42nd Successful Year Practical courses Expert inctruc- tion Individual instruction Employment department C. A. FLEMING, F.C-A , Principal since 1881 . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Choosing The t; Wedding Gift Often you find i: difficult to decide upon the iorelieat and moat tasteful gift for just the amount you wish tn spend. We can help you silvo this problem. Lustrous lasting Stirling silver, durable silver plate, rich cut glass. There are a thous4nd and one gift suggestions, a!I reasonably .priced. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler - Optician Flesherton, - Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct) ; and 'mbalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. \V. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance TIMOTHY NO. ! and 2 RED CLOVER NO. 1 and 2 MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. I & 2 .. ALSIKENO. 1 SWEET CLOVER white blossom No. 1 Good assortment of garden and field seeds Our Prices Right "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds. Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario A $ Saved is a $ Made Take notice to our prices 54 in. Serges S1.50 per yard Grey Cotton 8 yds. $1.00 Flannelette 4 yards 81.00 Mulls, all shades, 45c. per yard $16.00 Rugs for $10.00 Heavy Linoleum, 12 ft. wide, $4 \ -rd Groceries St. Lawrence Sugar 13 lt>s. for Sl.Uu Corn, 7 cans SI. Pumpkin, 8 cans SI. Highest prices paid for Produce Kvoryihins else in accortlaiK-e with those prices W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON Finder's Bread" Is a sign of quality! NONE BETTER Bread is your best food eat more of it A full line of Groceries, also Canned Go ; PHONE 8 F RED FINDER, Flesherton

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