Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1922, p. 2

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GENOA DEBATES END IN FAILURE SO FAR AS RUSSIA IS CONCERNED Soviet Delegates' Reply to Powers is Considered Unsatis- factory Question of Prolonging the Conference is Now Being Argued by Britain, France and Italy. A despatch from Genoa says: The entire' month's work of -the Genoa Oomf erernce was wiped out on Thurs- day when, after the powers had re- fused the demand of the men from Moscow for a billion-dollar loan, tho Russian de'csratea sent a reply to the powers' IN nations which makes it practically impossible to effect a fin- ancial an.l economic settlement with 'Russia at Genoa. *rhe Ru'iy-Jar- reply is not a flat "no," Jbut it ra a "90 per cent, no." The 10 per cent, "yes" consisted in a proposal that a commis/sion cf experts be named to review the Russian financial situa- tion, aird in a nervy proposal that the Russian rielcpration fhould neverthe- less remain at Genoa to discuss other cfuestions cf the agenda, inch;d'ng the compact of non-ajrgres^ion. Not oi>e of the corr.Hticna impostd by the pow-l ers as th price cf resuming commer-' chd relatioj.i with Russia was ac-| cepted. What turn the couforence will now' take car.not 'be told at present. Mr. Lloyd r.eortrf-. i* desperately hoping to make s^mcthirtsf out of the ccnference, and would Continue it for the discus- ; elon of other than the Russian finan- cial and economic problems. The Italians agree. The French, on the SS^&z \/ ' other hand, see no use going on, and declare they do not wwh to treat political questions with Russia if Rus- sia rf:i>:es to shoulder her obligations. As for Mr. Lloyd Gt-orge's wish to go on toward the compact of non-aggres- sion,' the French quote the British Premier as saying that the non- aggresaion compact depended abs'o- iutely on a Russian settlement. The French have asked Premier Poincare for instructions. If he orders them hrme they will leave at once and; expect at feast five delegations to go' with them. If he orders the delega- tion to stay, they will remain as long us Mr. Lloyd George wishes the con- ference to continue. This is a summary of the Russian reply: 1. Rus:-Aa must have a loan. 2. She is wiping to negotiate for' comper.-saticTi of confiscated private; property, although not recognizing the principle. 3. She refuses, to stop internal, propaganda, but will abandon it in! other coualries where it is against tha law. The document is consistent from the Moscow standpoint. It stands obstinately on the right to confiscate' property in a revolution. '^rrnm^^-^ i mm* ^*:^~-^~-^L$/i A Patriotic Innovation. Chinese Flying School Opened at Esquimault A despatch from Victoria, B.C., says: Headed by a group of Chinese of British j nationality, mainly of thej younger set, a Chinese flying school is to be opened in Es- quimault. The first machine, a Curtiss, with pontoons, is to be ready for service on May ; 25. The object of the flying I school, which will follow one ' in operation in Kamloops, for the last two years, is to train pilots for aviation, so these men, when trained, may re- turn to China to carry on the flying services of that land. - _^_ New Plane's Speed 100 Miles Per Hour A despatch from I'nrb saya: The wwld's greatest 'bip'iaiMj ha just fin- ished its ftival tnut in the a?r<xlrome at Oriy zuid *or: wi" romini'ti.-j tran.-)- Rurapean fligiht~\ PrcbaUy it will b<i ijed hi a rew uttvmpt tx> ert>es the Atlantic 'late this tiiimmer It ia Kr oonstruction, with four propeller* four 400 honw>-p>oww motors. The apread i mor than 100 feet. Aeoordtovj: to Aviator Bouasotrot, it* jil< '., It wOl mair.tain a ::peed of 100 mile* an 'liour white OHrrylr.ig twenty pa* sejant-re and JUagtTHjre a total lewd In ex<-w*i vf scrvt'ii to iw ^ . _______ A V Feeding Foxe*. W.hat in tho !>nl food for a lAack fox? That w a new <|Ui"-^:<! for whih dieticians have bo find an answer. A quarter of a coivtury ago, no per- ou rartvi what food ' -.\i- . ate, r lor^g M reyr.: utl' did/ not rob that particular p*roit' lio'r.-ro^vst. But the p.^aktifihmpii't ivf the fox fur industry <hunge<t all th:*t. Tho moiiAi el" th Wack fox lias bo li Carefully <-ti!d:ed. Th sv-iontl-sts and hh* o'.s-n.pn ai -p>kirg to II mil ho typo of fi-cd nn \\ l.\:li the |r(viou l'ittlc fur-ljoai \ng ii'-ima''.* thrive bent, ami i how thy nmy S(> Hon. W. C. Nichol IjieutenantrGovprnor ot British Colum- bia, who will open the annual conven ; tlon of the Ciinaillau Good Koedc As- soclatlon, to be held In Victoria next month. Taking in a Partner. Particularly bright at the ar? the piosptcla for strong, t!. 1 .\ -ii'g people to find 1 net on/'y plea-ari- in farm work, but H!M> the ."afe*; and surest M>UIV- of in- ccmo in the jeai-s ahtyjd. l'"i>r this nason wi-.*u parent* are morn iiii'l iiu.ri; anxious that they in- tcifist the boyj and gir's ir. farm work. JuveiiiV ugiiviillt.ral c!:i'b aro <loing much to ',iniu!:>t<' the interest of tho mcmliera iiv uneoial Hr.es tf f* mi Ing, aiti too iniu-h unportan-e iminot bo irivwt to tlie'.e orgMvlBktfW ir. meas- uring tlfe infl'im.r?s respun -'.blc for tho renewal of community interest in tho buir.as of farming. A tin: her meanj fw crewting in the btys nu'i Kills ii reu! descirt' in remain on Uui farm i.< to make them part- n,s en tho farming IHISJIOSS. Too ofter tho younger gent'iTtion is given a lot of hard work to <lo on the fiinn litt.ie cjo.jvirtunity to shaiv in the Tho partnership idoa will hel-p them 1o uiwlprstaml that their lul. r is of vnlui' ai^l cy-entiid ID the *f tho !>..<iii, s.-. Tin- buy or The bigueit thinig that has happened in university cinclos for some time was the creation last week of the School cf Pcs.tgr:>duate Studi at the University cf Toronto. It is a re- pretab!e fact that each year gradu- ates of Canadian Universities bave : gone to tho United States to secure more advanced education than was ob- ' tainable hi this Dominion and that many of thoe 'brightest of young men and women have nut leturned to Canada but have remained 1 in posi- tions of various kinds across the bor-[, der. This has been a serious loss to this country. Now, with the estab- lishment of the new School at On- tario's Provincial University, no student need leave his native land for more education. Gra^uatfcs of Univer- sities in Western and Eastern Canada will be encouraged! to pursue their ! postgraduate Rtud'iej in Toronto, andj Canada will be able to keep her in- telleetuiU giants at home. Nor willl the nc-w school interfere with the work of any other university. Relatively j littte postgraduate work M attempted ' in Western or Eastern Universities in ' ('ar.^dft and t'nes* institutions will, no dovibt, encourage their graduates to 1 utilize the postgraduate facilities of- fered at the University of Toronto. Italy's Traffic Custom. In Italy wheeled traffic keeps to the left In large towns, but to the right in the country. Canada From Coast to Coast St. John NfM. From Bo-twood, , o f mo isfowe and warm weather have Ntnvfouiiidfena, to Labrador and tack; combined to make this branch of hi nine hows, after rfe-Hverfn.? mail's! agriculture very profitable. The sel- at three places, is the latest record j i^. r ,' organization of this province, cf Major Sidney Cotton, of the Aerial; which represents practically aH tho t3- Mail Service.- Leaving Botwood l'ate;baeco growers, is reported to control in the morning, Major Cotton made : over 6,000,000 pounds of to v aeco. hisflrat landing at St. Anthony's and; Winnipeg, Man. May the first saw then proceeded to Labrador. He, ploughing 1 and seeding general descended at Hoop Ilol'e C:ve, where ' throughout the Prairie Provinces, he took on the return mail and flew : Though this date is somewhat later back to Botwccd, j than last year, uniformly excellent Charlottetsvrr.i, P.E.I. At a s-pecial : moisture conri'itiom ar.J the state of meeting of the City Cctmcil the Hous- the sail' should make gel-miration and irg Bill received its third reading and eairly growth unusually rapid with the a commissioner was appointed to ( advent of warm grow-In;* weather. handle the scheme. Th-e city is bor-! Moose Jaw, Sask. Saskatchewan rowing $50,000, which wiH be ad- j has sent to the Pacific Cca?t fcr one vanns'l to parties intending ' buiiMing. thousand more men fc-r sirring work Already 19 ap-plio-itions have ibeen on th farms. Wages have .-cmewhat made fcr loans. The amount is $3,000 fcr each. Halifax, \ T .S. The Nova Scotia! $4 a month with boanl - Already tha Legislature raa made a preliminary ' Vancouver Government labor bureau grant of $5,000 to provHe tc-^hniral' ha3 . t en> ' eiglvt Jrin<Ired mcn to the hi'itrcctioo in the fishing 1 industry. It P^airi-cs. is proposed to give in-:tru>ctinn<s in the. Ec'.ncr.ton, Al:a. According to the haindlir.. 1 ? and repair of gas engines! mail received from the far north the and in curin.gr a red packing fish. Thei f' ast w "- r ' :t ' r ! - ; ;-~ proven a most succtss- grant will be inrre.reexl if interest isi ful c:le {l tns Indians and E-kimo sh.nvn in the clashes- trapcers, and good catches of furs are Quebac, Q^.-Further immi^ation repcrtedBour. din? prosperity in the of Frer.*h Canadian of the S :rikir.-| SLf^JSl^ ^W*" <* ^ textile cipTatives CT New Errand a(i " ces 1 ' ecc ' 1 ^' s ^- States is reporte-L In adddUon to those 1 >ria> B ^-~~ who have mc>ved back to the Province of Quebec it is stated that 350 f-ajr.ilies , have left for Aiherta an 1 s-,^^. i 'n.g to tho annual report of the Depart- cbcwan. me7:t ** Mlnes ' tabled in the provincial T ,. . J legi&lxiture by Hon. W. M. Slcan Toronto , Or,t.-A recent ^ale cf MinisJcrcfMir.es. The total tcn:^ a Can-admn Bur.ey tobacco m Eng-knd I of ore min?;1 - m ^ provin . ce ^L It prices of 30 centa per pound and ; the ra=t yc T v ,^ 1,5^2,663. hvnoK upward a-th-wta attention to the to- a v ^ e of ?12 . 9 20,398, and wl* bacco -inJuftn-- in th: province. The the p lacel . y a total vajue - f $13 high fertihty of the soil 1 with p!en,ty i 153598. maxmum increased 1 , according to r sport, en- ga'grnents bein-g male at fr>m 535 to In Japan arranging cut flowers is an art. The way every branch or spray is" placed means something, is symbolic. The Japanese insist on keeping the natural and typical form of each stem or branch and depend on j combining two "or three tranche* to make an effective design. Rarely ia more than one kind of plant used in the same vas, and the vases aro pur- posely kept simple, so that they shall not distract attention from the flow- ers. Weekly Market Report or IUT re:i1 in len A\ in the property, owi'.Kl l>y tin- fanvi-ly. \\'it;h sudi an "'li-r.stnndii'}' i! will In- dilT'cult in-| t'.ix-<\ to ifnipt tlii'tn in the uiK-er- of city life. Tin; orreid !n.wnr t() IniUli thec .Hif'-uoiifi will '!:< w<:rth mlll'iioiw i>f dlollai-s anmtaMy to t(.n fox tloit of tho (f udkern 'l>y the ' i ttt Ott'HWn tlu> have alrovuly tl of S.-in<t ifi R- i The biggest foo! in 1 1 inn W)K> S, .,nc POI--.HIS seem to think tliat; lif IA a moving ntairwaj : tl:t all n man IIHK to Ho i to sUp a'toaril and 1 l)f CHri-led to Ihf top. Tht> Kif.vptiHna were the lir*t toi mal . nso of BfUftoill eypn. They were madi' pi gtM, silver, copper, or ivory.' A number of Krciwh widows wear Yin-gf> E'tripcd black atid white h> rt- inn |)osiblt' RiiiUr* of their eMgi-! Jiil'it.v fur marriage. | TORONTO. Manitolta wheat No. 1 Northern, $1.51%; No. 2 Northern, $1.47%; No. 3 Northern, $1.39. Man-itcta oats No. 2 C.W., 0c; No. 3 C.W., 6e^; extra No. 1 fe*d 56>/ic; No. 1 feed, f.4,-. Maiuitoba barley -Nominal. AW tho above track. Buy ports. American corn No. 2 ye'.low, 78o; No. 3 ye".o\v, 77c, a VI rail. Barley No. 3 extra, test 47 I'bs, or better, 60 to Gii/, according to freights outildo. Buckwhwtt NJ. 3, $1.00. Rye No. 2, y. r ., . Mffifcwl Delivered. Montreal freight, bgs iiu-lude'l; bran, j)r toil, $28 to $30; &hcrt, ftsr ton, $30 to ?:<'_'; go>nl few! flour, $1.70 to $1.80. Baled hay Track, Toronto, per ton, extra No. L', $22 to $23; mixed. $18 to $19; olovor, M to $18. Straw -Car lot<. por ton. track Tor- onto, $12 to $K\ Otiturio wlloat N . 1 COmiBMcUJ| Jt.fiO, outtit!*-. Ontario No. H uau. 4(1 to 45.'. out- Mdo. Ontario i-orr. --W! tu GO;', outride. Ontario flour -1st patent*, in cotton s, l>8', $7.70 per barrel; 2nd 1 pat- (l>akpr., $7.20. Straights, in bulk, fti-a board, Jtl.rifi. MatiitcHn flour -1st patent'*, in cot- tun 8cka. $H.70 per Kan el; 2nd pat- cuts, $8.20. Chec.ve - Now. large.. 17 to 17'ao; twin-!. I7',a to 18>-; tripled, ISVs to l!c. Old, hn-ge, 21c; twin*. 21'4v to 2L'r. Stiitona, new. 2(K-. Kxtra oUI, [argc. 2(i to 27v. Old Stiltous, 24c. Buittr- l-'resh dairy. r!'oii-o, 24 to '_':'.; c''i-ni(M-y, |M'ints, l're*h finest, 39 ti> 40.'; No. !, 38 to oS. ; No. 2, 30 to .'I7i'; ctkiiiir, I'll i,, ;:<. Drt?*ed poiiliry Spring chicken.-), lUii'; ciii.kc: -., HO t; Mf.i-; r>)o.ptors, 20 to25c; fowl. 24 to 30.-; duck 1 .--, 35;-; tur- key.-, t.'i tu MK-; gi\i'.st>, 2. r ),'. Live poultry --Spring chifkeiis, 55c; ruG.-ti>r, 17 t<i 'JO,-; fowl, 24 to 8()c; , 3Sv; turkeys, 45 to 50c; goero, pairal ga\., *i.lO; per 5 Imperial gal-*., $H.05; Mapte -sugar, Ib. 13r. Honey 60 and 30-pounil tirui, 14 Vi to 16c per to.; 6 and 2^->Jb tins, 17 to 18c per lib.; Untario comb hcney, per doz., $5.50. Potatoes Ontario, 90-R>. basr, $1.15 to $1.25; Delaware*, $1.30 to $1.40. Sc<ed potatoes, Irish Cobblers, $1.75 a bag. Snicked meats - H.-inis, meiiium, 33 to 3<?c; cooked ham, 45 to 48c; smoked rollw, 23 to '2to; cotta> rolla, 30c; breakfast bacon, 25 to SOc; special brand br-eakfa&l bacoin SOc; backs, 2(1 to 22i-. No-.v laid, cHiidlKd, 31 U> avk-; Ntw laid, in cartwis, 3(k-. Beans Cunadiiiu, hand -picked, bu-.luit, $4.'.T>; |vtinie>-. $.'1.75 to $3.00. Maple produvto - Syruip, per Im- Cured meats Loiig clear bai'on, $17.50 to $18.50; clear lollies. $10.50 to $19.50; lightweight roils, in barrel's, $45.00; heavyweight rolKs, $39.00. Lard- Prime, tierces, l(Jc; tubs, KH4i" pailj, 17c; print?, 18;-. Shorten- ing, tierce?, 14',i to lf><;; tubs, 15 to 15Vjc; pails. IO'.TI t-> 10c; prints, IT 1 -- to ISc. Choice heavy steers, $8.9(> to $9; hut?her >itee.i-L>, cltoxe, $8 to $8.50; <lo., good, $7.25 to $7.75; do., medium, $6.50 to $7; <k>., ccnimor, $0 to $0.50; butch- er ht-ifers, ohoU-e, $7.75 to $8.25; ik>., iiw;liiim, $7 to $7.50; do., common, $0 to $i>.50; butjhi>r cows, choke, $0 to $7; (V>.. mdlum, $4 to $5; cannera and cuttent, $1 to $2; butcher balls, good, $6 to $6; do., common, $3 to $4; feed- era, good, $ti to $6.75; <lo., fair, $5.50 to $(>; stockers, good, $5.DO $6.25; ilo.. fair, $5 to $5.50; mllkeri, $40 to $SO; springe r.-i, $5(1 to $90; calves, choice, $10 to $11; <io., medium, $0 U> $7.26; do., common, $4 ti> $5; Isinbs. thoicv, $14 t.> $15; do., t-ummcii, $i> r> !#7; soring liambs. $10 to $1-'.50; siieep, chou;-, $7.50 to $8.50; dj.. -m .!, Sli t>> $7; do . iTmnv.'ii. ^4 to $,'>; n:^s. fr<l anvl water* d, SI 3.50; Jo., f.r.!.., S 12.75; do., Dmitry points, $12.50. MONTRKAL. Oats, Canadian Wtntetn-. No. 2. Oti U> (WVic; do., No. 3, 02 to C>2Vio. Flour, Man. Sprii'.-g wlvi-n! palv. ?, Isi, $8.50. RoMfcd oats?, t.-g !>0 !!M, $3. Bran, $32.50. Short*. S3:'.. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car k>ts, $29 ti. Ohec#c\ flne*t EnsUn 13 lie. Butter, choicest 34lii-. Eggs, selected, 34c per ba<g, car lot*, 76 to 80c. Calv-es, $5 bo $6.75; common drinlk- ors, $4.50 to $4; hors, $11. 60 U> $14.75; settwts, $14.30. Flashed Radio Message ( Translating Shakespeare's Around the World . Works Into Siamese A despatch from Washing- ton says : The Annapolis Naval Radio Station has suc- ceeded in flashing a time sig- nal around the world without relaying, using a wave length i of 17,145 meters. This was announced to the Horological Institute of America, by Dr. Paul Sollenberger, of the Na- val Observatory at George- town. The current literally wrapped itself around the world, completing a surround- ing embrace in the fifteenth part of a second. A des-patch from Lorxkn says. Anvon? the cuts<T/oken admirers of Sh*kt*peare inspired by the recent anniversary celebrations at Stratford M ths K V.;? cf Siam who, according to a latter written by his" secretary and received by Sir Sydney Lee, choir- ' man cf the trusleta cf Shakespeare's birthpi'ace, is trar ^'ctir'T Shake- spc-.'iro's works into Siamese. f Buri Xavar&srh. tl.o iA-retary, sc:ve . in 'behaif cf the Kir,;* a cheque fo-r " $500 as H personal contribution to tha Shak-^ pc are Blrthpl-ai.-* Tni&t ai:id $L'50 for the memorial thvtre funJ. He rays tbat h: Maje&ty is an ar<iTE't s.!m:rer of the British nalfj-nial poet ar.d is doing his utmost to incircc tha Siamese to study him. Bath and Violet Rays Cures Insomnia A despatch frii Paris say*. Thtrre is a boon to the ir. wmria strhkeu . Inishiess man in tho i dvice cf Or-. f Ltvet of the Paris Faculty of MeJi- cine, who anmoimecd this week that' in lieu of narcotics a'l that ie r.ewicsf is a lukewarm bath t-very night, fol- lowed by the application of 6tiMue/ blue aiwi violet rays. , Experiments have sh.Hvu, he s:iy* x that deep slumber I* induced, even in* the worst caries, within half an hour. . Dr. Livett inj^ts that sabduetl Kg-ht j in a bedroom ij a better guaranty of" ' 1,1-5 1 than total (iarkne. I WiH Attempt to Recover ', Lusitania Valuable* $30. i'. 13 to v-rcam*ry, General Sir James Willcockt He has the distinction of being the ' most decorated man lu the British | army. His term as Governor of Ber- j luuda Is expiring .ind ho Is to be sue- 1 i-eeded by Sir Joseph As^er. ""' V ~~ ^ In My Garden. Tulips tall, *r.:l c'afTuJi's Up ar-d down my litt> hil^. L'.tUe paths of grey cM stone, i.ittie (' oughts wbilw all alone. II, iw Cod Emi'es on each m-w day. T?si-hirg MS* the only way To bo happ>, is to kiu>\\ SmiWrg back \vill make one so. L _,_ - . _^^ British pv'iuvs ar.,1 ppimvss-cs may not marry before the age of twer'y five- without ihe King's t-onsont; if over twenty-live they may marry by A c!epatuh from Newport NPATS, Va., says. A ltt: black steamcf. Btakeley, pui;l in her lines at muni- cipal pier hcriv a ix headed for the sea or. the first leg of her run to th^ British Is'-:* where, off Ki-r.^alw Heaul', h wil'l attempt to rerover gc-ld, sil- ver and jt>we-!v< which wort down \vi-Hh tbe iH-fatfi I,f- : tania .'even yeaw ajfiN At Ph::aJe.',h.'a she v.-''l' ta^c on eifuipmerr'. Ir.duiir.g what : - s-aid to hi- u speoia! wep st'ii divin sr.'t fc'r i"ie () fathotus below (hi- s Soviet Telegraph and and Postal Rate Schedul* A c'.g'pa!;li from London say,: 1 1 new Soviet postal and ttlegiiipli rate &i'hedu!e -h*s beenr" anoujiK'e<l a fa!- --- .,.. -rj . . . i . *^,^ tnHj itiHiAT vr> *^ ws . r or u. ^tv?'. AL with *ii t n* 1 ' c 1 1 v** giving notice twelve months be-fore- 1 -0,000 ru'Wes; a letter in tlie city, hand to the Privy CiAiiu'il, unless Par-' 30,000; in Russia, 50.000: to? -terwt" I lament decide* against the proposed letter*. 100,000. and' telegrams fiO.OOO' maU'h. '.. ' \'H a t>rd. REGLAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes Af Ttft. MC. VJ\Trl MOUTH

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