TTTPTT Lrl r* IN fliJL The $185 Tractor (F.O.B. Toronto). Pays for Itself in Labor Saved Sprywlicvl eirables one rnsn to do five limes as much cultivating as vith n vvhcel hoc. Before the growing season is far aioiij!, Sprywheel will have more than paid for itself by the labor expcn--',- n.ived. Agt-nde* oprn in seme localities. 62 3T., COLCORNE Dfpt. "C" TORONTO The Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE any reason always in you the CHAPTER XXII. omens ohere The !' <> iiM!!:i of tltc Story. making-!" He chuckled again, glanced Marcia Halstead, secretary to Mrs. at Kempton a shade malidousjy, and Aldcn, is entrusted with some jewels added, after a moments hesitation, vhilo hor employer goes out to lun- "Anyway, can't see cheon with Kempton Rosrt-aer, hi? shouldn't Kemp's stepmother Lady Ro.sslacr and her son running!" Gordon Ruthven. Marcia puts tho jewels in the safe but fails to find the duplicate key. She consults a noted physician who tolls her ;-he cannot That night, for the. first time, Mar- ' live longer ttian six months; th.n ( da met Michael Trask. Audrey Al/k n, answers the call of a solicitor to find from their box, caught sight of him that she Is hc'.r to a large fortune on in the circle, and bc-?kor.-j;l him when condition that she marries before f-ha (he curtain WITH down en the second i* twenty-one. Returning to Mrs. 1 act. Ho put in an appearance a few Alden's she finds Kempton Rosslaer. minutes Liter, hovering tentatively on i who j. to&etly married to Araby the tlve?ho!d until Audrey turned to i Irnsk) replacing the gems which Ms I greet him and Waldron got up to pall; step-brother had Plolen. Believing him . t .i sa i r fc-rvvni-d for hir-i. to be the thic-f, Marcia promises til-! Marcia had seen him that first night IT f he wi'l marry her witnin two ; n t j ;e restaurant, with Araby, b-it she days. To hieU his fr.ther's name , n;ul ,> nf>t iccd him. Nor/, ea Mrs. Kempton consents. At a restaurant ; Aldcn introduced then, she looked at Marcia faints and is assisted by three i ],;, ,,,nh j r ,. ^.. e ,-^ strangers, Araby Trnsk, her father, j H e ' ga ve thl- impression of being. a and a young man, Jasper Waldron. , Httle man _ In reality h2 was of avcr . | A week after the marriage -eremony agc heife , ht , but h> 9 shoulders stooped, 1 Rofslacr visits Araby and, to his con- chi(lftv fr( , m habu . Hc was an sternation, learns that Marcia has de- a bsmt-mind<wf per-in, v/i'h the will tided to remain m Condon am' is im- cf a ^^ that founr , t . xpress i on in his proving in health. Marcia and Wai- wic Ui r , K O f crayon-s and paint bru?h:s. (iron cn-ounter Rosshier; the two men If the resu!ts wer e not always market- 1'ill'ng the Hope Chest. are old friends. CHAPTER XXL (Cont'd.) Kemp's face was set as stone. He called his waiter and ordered another cocktail. La<!y Ro^laer watched him as he dran-k it a little uneasily. She did not in the least understand Kemp- able it was not his fauH. As Araby once said, sho did not know if his pictures were t'co good or too bad for the ptrblic taste. Trask himself had decided tbat they wore not commonplace enough. He assured her and anyone who wou'ld to him thct only commonplace :. ; .;pred customary for the bride -to ton Rossloer, and i-n her heart she was things were paying For himself, he avoided ordinary tnbagl hke the| spired only to that which) pity from a pecuniary lie made just sufficient j live barely u ; fon and! Ir..!.ai.:' of the newly forrr.el ! uslln with applique motifs in sateen W ;.' ' sterner "uffT,ertnth "liis "a'titU (!rpame;1 lirca _ ms /I"'. 1 ? happi-Y f a j shoulu guid- the bride-elect . wcrk up nicely here and are more tude now an-eml hor. future whi he should be great. in her selection of materials, styles practical than in the dinins-room as "Eves y thin* has been intolerable!" ond amounts tl-.o laundering is less frequent. The !-.he went en resentfully. "My nerves . J " thc he hati the bride tity 01 me essentials lor tne ne'.v nomc i-ea, siue unijics aim sj<reuus. IOUL-II- ton(1 K cm pt on E tirrcd sh-irply though more may be desirable in es of black help wonderfully ta set "I can we n believe it!" he retorted/ many instances. j them off. Dotted Swiss with pique "His resources have been pretty well 6 sheets if only one bed. This allow.-, ; borders is extremely dainty if one drained!" for a makeshift bed in cases of wishes to emphasize daintiness. Bas- -- emergency. ket cloth combines very well with the 4 ,heets for each bed if more than ; colored ginghams and percales for a [spread, having a nice weight and at- 1 tractive weave. Do not flifihl Hie house dresses and Araby from babyhood had taken his s place. Sh' x sowed on h'is but- tons, when the thought of it; darned Lad^Roratart ! it n movement of h ! s "*? wh , en s jl e had -^ 0> an< l thcse her cup. Her eyes blaze:! r one bed but all of the same size. Z pillows for each bed. 3 pillow cases for each pillow. 1 mattress pad for each bed. 1 pair of blankets for each bed. If only one lied, an extra pair ohould be provided for emergencies. 1 spread for each bed. 1 comforter for each bed. 6 face towels per person. G bath towels per person. 2 washable bathroom rugs. 3 washcloths per person. 2 scarfs for eah dresser or chif- fonier. Curtains and rugs for bedrooms. " a * *** She slopped slicj-t. There was in Kc-iio- ' ' work aprons for the trousseau. These radden hazard ,- are Indeed the most important feature ton's ey;j thai silt net 1 h-.-r. lie got of the chest, for it i-s in these that \vitf- .-.! n te In his feet, probably two-thirds of your future "I know! But reproaches aren't go- wili be spent. j 'ng to <!o any gocd!" "But" she- caught at his a*m "I A Home-Made Shower Rath. 'V 1 . you somethi ."K In "*t ^ '(one. ThirT.; arc Finous really serious. sary. his frii-nds ami drramrJ dreams with 1 ' li'm times. Tho two of thr-ni Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and Spearmint certainly make three delightful flavors to choose from. And the new HIPS the candy-coated peppermint gum, is also a great treat for -your sweet tooth. All from the Wrigley fac- tories where practice has made perfection. \VITC like children; Araby swevt and in--o;i'.f(]iicnt, and far too blithrly h;'j>K\--go-!ucky to fill her rc.V in :-.MJ- way adequately; Michael Trask, over- tent to leave to-morrow A than one on : up, enjoye ; farming ri , mVlcrn comforl.s, missing them sore- !t! ' to y " u 3 change for the dining-room table, ly. Our problem, how to get them, is' !v: m|) 'a 1 " 6 ' 1 rather harshly. 3 changes of napkins per week per the same as that of many u tenant, person. I The "bandy man" attacked it, with the Ke t that I'm i-i the same" b-at! But 2 runners for buffet. result that /m.wcr.s were en Up when.; J a far a, lh, pater is concerned I f?^ U , cl % 1T '";- e f ' that h 6 glass and silver towels, linen over needed. He bought a h.rgc rather f;m:-% h;'s compleklv at the ^ '^V rs 1U111 K' al 7 / orw = 1 . lc! ' The a ,' J Ist crash preferred. I wooden lard pail ami bored a hole in en -I of his tether. Anyhow. I know In hlm "!>P'* lf * d thp whitened of her G tea towels. Hemmed flour sacks the bottom, through which he could. I ( ' an>t P'-'i' !| i!*-li- bim to aitsr his 'vision' and hi* colors a*'ha-ir saw on'.y hi's eyes, with their , Pl i, apt to get -mixed. There are occasicns in-epressib'.* youth! enjoy ..ich good (Uagi m, nr.ght fall ^ g ^ ^^ di-sastraus! But Truly, ttawifttkl anicnjf W r,.m she | had come were wonderful; whclly fas- ht-r hands. Marcia, cinating, utterly DOeXfeeted. And ail glaivced sMewaya'of them seemeil to h-avu fch? j-.y ot was lounging in the, life in their htarts. Hu- own heart atching hor. Audrey stirred, a quick warmth ran r yout rrrd BIM unline;!. influence!" he ; rc ^ n g-'j; ^ . colored faintly, >ou appear to for- , as shp saw jn j( . & d . lwnin|t wnlTll th of n^i-k and th-e- linen of her arc excellent. 6 kitchen lavatory hand towels. ft dish cloths ami mop rags. .T k<-tt!e holders. Urge and soft. 1 laundry bag. 1 ironing-boil rd pa<l and two cover sheets. Additional items which are not ab- solutely essential but are very nice to have jmd make nice gifts for the chest, are: Hot dish pads, tray cloths, luncheon cloth*. lum-hoon sets, tea napkins, centrepieces, R-uest towels, cilverware cases, toast, muffin and hot roll cov- er?, dti^t protection cases for napkins, doiliex, centre-piece* and tablecloths, dust protectors for suits and dresses, cushions of various shapes and si/.en and table runners for living room or Kbrary. Tho bri-le should lj<- provided wilh a goo'l street r-.>slume and outfit suit- able for travel, church, shopping and calling; one outfit appropriate for j informal homo entertaining; three! house drosses; plenty of aprons; such I intil slip a quarter-inch pipe. This pipe he ' m '";'.'" fitted with a pair of lock-nuts, and a ! short pipe with n cut-off to control the fl"\v (if water. A short piece of rub- ber hose connected this pipe with the pcr'<is"t:l "st'ul>boriify."' Th. -i7 as shower-head. The shower-head \ve <!r/n appeared in t.he doorway and a had on hand. ' : M-ivrnng waiter to the table, she Accordingly, the totnl cash outlay sal - back. But ;>s Kempton Ixrwerl and *** laws her veins. It was infectious, this ga- _. iety. It swept her back to that girl- if you do. I hood which had never really been her.J. He'll pose you for the Madonna <:no| S'foe leaned forward*. '! am perfe-rt- day. and at the m-xt sitting deckte \ ly willing to sit for you," .--ho laughed, hi> prefers you ai Aphrodite. I'vj"if you really want me to. O;l;>, 1 s:>me of hi.5 Madonnas with the | warn you, I am m>t very patient!'' Paris midim?tte! Pcori ei-n figure against the rose bn.-.-ado of her ! ; ' " ?1SS :;l^; ^"^ M ^.te-STlB nC for our shower bath was: Lard Bucket i to pau-.t you as s'oon as I saw you. I her. She is sometimes. When they have dc-pth --per- sh<> Be- bout to Lock-nuts for ',4 -inch pipe .02 ' hurriedly, i a IOWCT? 1 voice, HIP anything! 1 1 fp von sure th:t' that it is I 1 ' . Rcnality- souf, thay lack beauty. You He doesn't mean to do it a-ti it what he's momen*. only it takes oj'tt-'s breath away." "You nro unkind!" Trask spcke with the utmost ami ability. He loc-kod a : t Marcia with a smile and the smile lighted up his whole face, so that she smiled, fcoo, , merrily, like a girl smiling- back inconsequent boy. She f"iKut the incongruity of his gray " VOU n: , VM ,-, told menu-are would jrive me immense, rou would sit for me." ut-.ff 50 i all right ? That there J3 nothing to I , He spoke with the simplicity c f a keep Vrying about at. regard/the h V, tnat c^.y upon him. Mama ,1 ,-, was nionicntarily taken aback and 2 ',4-inch long nipples 04 '<-mch Total A shower-head can for about se'vpnty-jf't tinsmith can make one that. A smaller bucket as two gallons is plenty of water for She drew H li.Jig breath. Kemp turn- one shower. Ours contains eight gal-id as Gordon ir.sclved his side. He is ma<l nly very near it! She laughed aloud as the girl gasp- Ions, which is unneccsfarily "Targe. . ,,. Still, a hot day, after f.eld work -! ( h '' is lcMMt * in ihp "" *"* til WB VJUJUUM iv.tx.meM inn ryjiic. Kav , i n* i J I i. nodded a curt Ceding, ,! the boy : -' 1 "^ a quick gesture ' H "'' '" f h |f , "I n ,',V mt' h de bred. Mr*. cement; , mt with that K i,.] w hr, us,,l to be with ', Th buclcet was! Audrey Alden-she's n,. end a pracli! I amouiit of lingerie and hosiery as she 1 accustomed to uso during a season. | The oblong plate doilies with square j centrepieces or centra! runners have floor with a dram. The bucket was! Audrey Aldcn-she's m. end a pwichli'jY SU [P[' S ' l * ln h :^ V ">'; set on a couple of crosspiocc-s directly i Must be something in the story of & 2S2 ' i nwSS** *'-\g, >"* over the drain; or it could bo hung comin' into a for lun., after all I" i the.-e was an odd little tenderness be- from H hook in the ,!. I...1V Rn^,!n,,r ho,,k ( ,-l ., nuicklv at * he.- amusement; braeatn then- up quickly at she hung H hook in the ceiling. Lady Ross.laer took* The drawback lo our bath is that : Kempton. we have to lift the water un to tin. " I " )o vou know if there is superseded the round doily seU '", bucket and pour it in cold o^ w,r askp(1 - He amswerc.l stiffly. These, ' ,u a j rp ,i rpu,. <iu , . ' ,' ! "It is quite true, I believe." as desired. The handy man intends ., L(inl , Somp folks , mve all tfce with n pullvy | luck!' 1 Young Ruthven's voice was ed for filling and easily pulled back idly: into place. But crude as it is, it made' "Rummy, having the siame name as possible refreshing baths for t.he y (| u, mater. l>cm't you wish she was whole fam.ily. a relation!" popularity for the time being. made in natural colored linen with buffet scarf to match, arc very effec- tive and can be developed in either neath her amusement; beneath their mockery her merry eyoa were un- wontedly soft. "You always are when you find a new subject. Only it wears off TO quickly. If it weiT not for that you'd be a great- man to-day, Michael, in pliqucd motifs. Unbleached muslin is often used for these but for table pur- Mar laughed and d audibly. Audrey caught liment in her eyes and i Farm people need not BO without poses it is an selection of ma- ^^^ he bad trotten the ctrcumstaiK-es under which Dyes i * invwii i 1 1 if i iv-co)~ 1 /, iS terial, for its close weave makec it extremely difficult to remove the' *\u *~e~ tains so apt to appear at meals. A Dye Old Wrap, Skirt, more loosely woven cotton material Sweater, Curtains such as shrunk cotton or Indianhnad i should be used if linen is impossible. ; n Linen is also best for towels, if one Each package ( can afford it, as it is soft nnd very j contains directions so simple any 'wo-' stead's your cousin- or, rather, her] absorbent in the looser weaves. A.J Risn can dye or tint her old worn/ mother ifr cheaper linen is preferable to a finer' faded things new. Kvcn if she has' ''e broke off. The utter hewikkr-| cotton for towels, If one is looking never dyed before, sho can put a rich i mcnt " 1)<rth faPes tarttod him into for service rather than appearance, j fadeless color into stiabby skirts! rt ' !ll ' x t '" n ()t ' the fact that O11ce morc ' The marking of the household Hn- dresses, wai*ts, coats, stockings', .'Cousin!" ImDcesiblt-!" L ens Is usually done by tho bride be- sweaters, coverings, draperies, hang- 'You will fin-1 Mk-bac'l a creature Itearing of it; was under the impre- sion it WUA public knowledge. 'A cousin's a relation, urely!" he tmid. Then, as**h met Lady Rosa- Each pHikage of 'Diamond Dyes'^Jaer's blunk sUiv: "And Miss Hal- all his real work at night- when he is a-sleep. II<> own cxnres an cx( Kmbjc'Jt 11 canvas \vllh remarkabto vividiifi 1 - if he can do it in a day. Otherwise h? falvs to dreaming of Impossible!" Latly - laei-'.i voice was shrill. Then it drop- fore !n;.m:iare ami with her own ings, everything! Buy Diamond Dyes pc,1. Ilei- .eyes grew s-add^nly far I Initials. If ."lie should desire to have no other kind then perfect homo'away, thoughf'ul, and Ihore was a sud- ' the initials of her future husband used! dyoing is guaranteed. Just tell your! 'I" 1 Rl'-m in thorn. Her fingers lap- j the ii.' ic left unmarked until after the woiliiir.y ceiuniony has been per- formod. Jf tho ,iev; l-..-,me hn.> already been .fleeted, so that th size of Uio rooms i\:i;\ tho n'liiibr.r of windows and their iues can be d.. % loiininJ, it is usually druggist whethcf the material you wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fnde. or run. > Minard's Un Intent for f)ndri.. ped the tabK' n;'rvo\isly. (iordon kiok- ed acrot.3 tho table and grinnt>d. He knew that expression of old. ".Tudt s wcil to nuik-a sure, wouldn't it?" h<> riuiM-ied. "She might BD worth cuHivatinpr if it. is so, what? Pity" \viih a chuckle- "I'm not a bit older. (You might try your hand at inaU;h- nave you shinedyour shoes today? As a Labor-Saver Alone You will find the most profitable investment. You can move your furniture ctuily and smoothly over any carpet or floor with little effort. The "Onward" raves rUK from wear and tear. Simply and quickly put ou without screws or uockeU. Tell your dealer all furniture you buy mi: 1 , be equipped with ff)n*s haee Onwai-d Sliding furniture Shoe:*. All .ii:ts and </>/, to'.h glass ban andmitiolh mcttil baff Made in Canada by QNWABD MKG. CO.. Kitchener, Out. Cleaning nummm is?*j E postman and expressman will briop I'srker service to your ine. We pay carriage one way. \V!u;tevpr you send wliether it be household draperies or tl'c MID. i deli- cate fabrics- will be speedily returned to tlicir original freshness. Wheu you Hi ink of cleaning or dyeing think of PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyrs 791 Yonge St. Toronto 9i Traisk spread out his haii'd ! 3. "It d-o-es' n>t matter," ha said. "I seldom am. Tharvk you very much. I wonder, ( ould you come to-morrow . ra'thtr early 1" (T:> Je continued.) Minard's for Ourns. etc. Vaseline Tcvk Mari PETROLEUM JELLY A VERY efficient antiseptic when used as a first-aid dressing for cuts, scratches, bruises, in- sect bites, etc. Keep a tube in the house for emergencies. CIIESEBROUGII MFG. COMPANY (Consolidated) 1S80 Chabot Avc. Montreal CORNS .Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't, hurt a bit! i )...;' a llttla "Freezoue" on au aeliing corn, iiistaut- ly that corn stops hurting, tiien shortly you lift it rlglit off with lingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiuy bottle ot "ITreezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft core, or corn between the toe. jnd the cal' lusts, without soreness or irritation.