BOVR1L FLAVORS STEWS AND HASHES The Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE for Arftby. We'M wait for you lure." "Awf'mlly good of you." In rising TmtkrifMnUetfa 1'kl/ie in the darkness passing Mrs. AYIit'n. She put cut a quick lr.T]:'j, cntctoinp at his fr> steady him. Marcia suw hi* ej'S for mo- rncavt, aav.!!, jn, a s'cw-dfc'wn'in'g oompra- henvlon an.], drew in a slow brt'ath 'bctwee her pursed lips. "But it's too ..bcar.ii!" s-he wlivsiper- 1 within hfivwlf. ''An-1 yet and yet I don't kir.ow!" I She looked after Trask. He did n-at' !s'cap qu'te fa much as uiuia-1, and! ! there was a boyish eagerness iu his; T omens Sphere How Can I Overcome Bnshfnlness? One of my girl readers wrote me regularly removed every six days in the summer, ami either spread on eyes. He had scarcely noticed Audrey'* lately that .h. had overcome a great !< <*** * a ***",$ !?* euvii* hand; ha,l not even thanked da / o f her bashfulne-s by ]ess than a auart< - r * mlle ' the her. As tfc* <fcw shut upon him the 1 more attention to her clothes latter stooped to examine the hem of ^m^ She found that if , paying T" ' " V,?* 7 th .. * further the better from the house her flimsy" gown upcn whk-h he had The Beginning of the Story. , "What have you tm* with Araby?" Marcia Halstead, secretary to Mrs. i fhe Ksked. "How is it you are enjoy- l.ivn is entrusted wih ome ewels "K a rt.HUt the theatre As the hereelf ... w ' th , "! dwelling. Fides also breed in ferment- 1 ners or luncheons in enter to seat bh u ^ ! ing matter, such a* kitchen refuse and guests without confusion. The names had more confi- some . ; of 'ips . ^ were ccmpiwed; her eyes, " ' wa * n fPl Her -/ ler times found around garbage and privy and arranged at the places where th tongU. ! Astern ,, worth trying. Take comfort, ; tades . Garbage receptacles quests are to be seated. On entering am! she isn't "Bu; that man " she nrefared. tern-, too, in the fact that you wil outgrow; ^ M fc k ,. ht] ^ If , h ai,,^ ^ t s^"^ th ' with "n" 1 jewels in the safe but Fails to' find the! ^mile "afresh. "He had this stall ami duplicate key. She consults a noted ^i,.) nct use it j ha<j heal ,|, a K(KHi phys,.-i:,n who tells her she cannot , ^^j ahou , , h ,- s , alul _.. ar ,.j there WV/d flung a , fiides Arahv hisn'L y - esmes, Araft> n.asrfi i "". ^ B .? dres*-nat good enough live longer than six months; th.n answers the call of a solicitor to find that she is heir to a large fortune on condition that she marries before she )s twenty-one. Returning to Mrs AldenV she finds Kempton Rosslaer <wiio i --ecietly married to Ara!>y Trask) replacing the gems -;hich his IV" n ,*,'? S h tep-brotKr had stolen. Believing him fej?*^!,^^ *' to be the thief. Marcia til- h!(> " 13 * Arabv h * d w erx-e if he will marry her within two Hays To *h'r!d his father's n-imc ami in consideration of release within Six month-s, Kemptcn consents. At a restaurant Marcia faints and assist- ed by three strangers, Araby Trask. her father, wfco is an artist, and a weal'tiy young man, Jasper Waldron. n<an AfU-r the secret marriage ceremony a "^ and Marcia go their wavs glance at you to "i blan-k amaze. Take part in of a( . that are happening m your neighborhood. Go to church and to Sunday school; and if asked to serve few days. When it cannot be disposed monize with the other decorations, or ' earth ask him to join u=; ITe looke-d ft her >n blan-k amaze. "Good Lord! I thought you'd like on a committee do not refuse, but do; J^o"^ m it! And he's not at aM a bad' sort." what you can to make the work of fi ' j of it should be sprinkled with in summer. Rid your house of flies First screen h A1 ' Marcia that committee a success, forget yourself in You can to The "He's F'tu-pid!" usly. "Dense as as a mo.'.e or a edge-he-;? or whatever those th' , , ,. - thait grope about under the at /He perfection (rroun ,, ( A g time> ^ m ^ t .;_ /-i i i "t ncn ic.-Js t B tin. Be-s'idiea I can't endiuru men 1 come wonderful cloak, the fine meshes w . no ( ? b71 ' t shave!" I Waldron rubbed the top of his head I . tak?n m pur- hope'cs^y. But Marvia smiled. A) pleasure there new understanding had quite suddenly I m feclmg herself equal to been ^ m to h(>r A certain ,... ther ; woman! And following this ama -,. ing suspicion was forming in her I am sure you contemptu- ;perience of th - g gM will find it heJpful: seems that half the girls who -consciousness. A lot of us when * * not offering a and your windows and doora, especially dining-room and kitchen, then drive as many of the flies out as through the sunny opening, naturally seek the light, and in summer do not seek dark corners. To poiMon flies Mix two table- spoonfuls of 40 per cent. Formalin (a irhich may be obtained from store) with one pint of equal parts of milk and water. This mixture should be exposed in shallow plates in sunny windows, and a piece of bread may be placed in the middle of each j are in keeping with the purpose or special features of the entertainment. < Mlnard's for Burns, etc. Arms and legs will gradually dis- appear from the human body, accord- ing to one scientist, who prophesies that the change will, however, tak<> ten thousand years. DYEING OU will be astoni>hr<i the. re- i .--i . t \ . 1 1 1 tl I 1 J ti L; *. * I V 111' > li > j , ,. , a_ f ** *"f* -Jwo M^- '"" rvci^ IVSIIII ill t tllHCl.* *.!_ i i Bk *v.^\j. J a,i* i i ii Ros ? Wr and Marcia go their several I th " u h * cam *' , th<? remenvbran.ce of minj ., Somewhat ineon^quf ntJy it oc- i tlv . e cure f < >r thls t^ble, but 1 am up and burne(i ways; he-.- improved mode of living ther d ? ys - ? n ' !y . a ? ho ; rt . wefck . okl curred to her that falling in love may f oln * to te!l V u ' few things that thrum in bervefibs ManciaV health; she attracts D . a - v ; s . wher> . s^, too had been almost not 1)e entirely witiv-ut its drawback . ' have f und helpful. People feel bet- t ^ me time theadmirfltun cf her new friends and "^J l W " ,' ' ,, "" -. P l'L" She was still smilingin a way that ter if they know they are looking IV" 7*S~ the We of W.Mron. ""5 evening ( --s rcMy suiUbte ma ^ Wa;:ircn in; -, an ,,, !y (ie sire to kiss well. One does not need expensive ' for the stafi* irhen she. tot. \\-ou,Id !,, , ,.u *,,M i .v,. ..ea...i i__ _ <-i> burned, as ma plate to enable the flies to alight and: 'XT'* " feed. AM dead flies should be swept j J[ suits we get by our mtdeiii -iystem be-ribboncd box of ex- choco-ltes! She knew what it was to go short, CHAPTER XXII. (Cont'd.) Trask waj quite 'in earnest and care- j /?0 ^ s liy drvw forth a p>meA'hat welil- thumibed note lxk bo jot down the appointment. "I Rhall pair.t you aa 'The Ro;e in a crowd she knew,' 25 &?*? *^y, - 1 Audwy fierce vearn:il jf , f Aulen broke in unikinl'y: _.^_. ^t?_ " <-,i_ "Dcn't. It reminii one of 'Alex- andra' Day, and four pink calico petals For g\"oAnss sake, when fes'5'i-d evening for the stalk-when sn*. U, wonw her a3 she fo'.i.woi the ruffled Mrs. clothes, but something have looked upon the gift of hat eame Alden lnto the W11 , :dori , ^JOfflfaB ^ta!l as a eh. 1 d u^ed to stick candy "' K - the we ,., CHAPTER XXIV. That of her new life for Marcia. Friim tb.-n t ), e en she learned t kn-^w more of of dyeing and cleaning. Fabrica room, preferably at night, " are shabby, dirty or .-.potted are <r . i Iii made like new. \\ e can restore ometime* effective. Immediately | ao!it dcU( . ale artjl .] es _ expensive .' " pa " d I Sen ' fl OIle an^le r a parcel ot | burned, as many are only stupefied by by post or express. V/e will pay car- nr n appropriate thia substance. , nage one way, and our charges are \\ell-cared-for shoes,; stable (lies All of the foregoing most reasonable. " "<* coun t " ra / r,h ' y T r shOCS al ' e n0t ^.ao tne real beginning ut the hee's, ii'>r vour "White you are ,1 ' ' r ' ' methods may be applied in the ex- really original stuck on a inn! think of for once. The orch-.-ii.ra was tuninp; up. Wa'l- dax>n mow:! forward. He stooped and fcfted Marcia's cloak, laid the fur of hi_ i. 111 i D'jrc iv;c>icicvi ii'Jt> n in' 11 i/i if acr.'i her fl-mi Ao^n. In doing a]|h hri) , . P(>w , >r wr3 , h 90 M hand iradvertently touched her wcll .. s , h(> . j .| : ,: n ,.. <: f \\f v p crepe! "hom she had scarcely known existed, over it, but not too tightly. It also trou h . ani bMnd the him . &e . statl . ls She stirred : Irirply in lur chair. " f 1 .; W-thrn a week she wa Fct- Py to be particular about your will niore than compensate in the i For the first tin* it was borno upon ^ * flat w ,,-n AuJrey Alden JmRor-ruuls, for nothir* is more dis- pl . oved tond i tion of the aBimal , t a her Low very much she had, how full se . w h her concerting thun to discover dirty nails wM miarantee them comiuirative fr, W : KS her PUP <*. Ard for the firrt time m v[ h( ' r :, II '* ''. ot 1'arge. and damty after it is ^ Jate (o aU , t / them . I"*"" 2Ei,!?2^ET!_ a "Punt Ivor jirst as she rs!" ht .-aid. looked at her. At Wai Iron's un- m .'her. It was not large, and dainty^ after it rather than luxuriru :. But there was a fre^hm-s.-- ah ut it that -Tijtliei and I "c 1 . .:. t Itoth w.,ni'-n; a "h;)!in'vnc.s."i - a& Mi-. Hahteati expre>--e-l it, which S!I ' B wlttl y UI ' nuir - picking at "i"cf 'her'goc'd f.--tum! made ]t f;lr mo '* <''-'= in.ble than a > 1>ur fHt> - Paying with your necklace rr -!fish. The s'r.. i"e- nl r -''.i- ( lwi-!!in? won'il have or drumming your fingers, for it is ir.. ! us getting had k ::'. her mind bt x,'- annoying to othei-8 i:n I betrays your L-eka; her z'.part, (.-cm'" 1 entirely vith h -i If She There w pienty of rosm, wot only nprvnusness. her ,y.-- mUy. Track's own eyes ^ n< ; t 1 , uar . t ;, hu( , bar WiTOWioM ^'' .' hl ' x< :vi1 ^ lljl fc " '-'"P'e of "Practice good manners. Try to b urcV:i!y tn h: r. It was <r.'y 'th-.t she ^ r ' 1 :...;'"J ( , < ' rva |" J ' '^'>'' s , mji(1 - natural and at tho ame time be as down termination of the stable fly. These soiled, j pestg t . aufe animal* a great deal of care ~ pain and prevent them properly rest- ,lTe'l-ed el to o el htn'r ^ '"'*' M " ey that '" SP6nt '" k ** pinK feels that she is coming to pieces. bMAag grounds 'a'nd for Moiia "of h al r ig slippery, fasten a net i ime _to be lightly sprinkled in the s im- and will guarantee them comparative free- them. )( i om f r o m the attacks of flies in the I toilet you can s tabU-. ^ forget aliout yours. !f entirely. Avokl i you think of rlemn- ing anil dyeing, think of PARKER'S! Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. Toronto 92 be riwiv te^nal touch-th.;cofcT-ted"hiiSd %%% *** Place-Cards. Place-cardvs are used at formal din- A fierce, swift fl;:me The rising cf the curtain prevented leaped further convi i i .>;:. At Audrey's p! t a- im'pori:>u-ii ge.tiire A!:, hue-! Tru.-k re- well mairied wh--r.- h^ was. Mai.:ia gave t \ K - n n . ,- a'.tei/.lcn _tp him thai! s-he did thiv, to boot MM soul, ever ofti-n lady teemed to awe M wt-'I as attract him. CertaMy, while- slio .-temi-d to upon him "Po;'itiv<"'y, you're a pig!" sho ....- , order him about :;;! (Titii-ixe him i-Jt- eh-.rr.'l. "Hut there, nf-ver mind! hour "- rageDUsly he appevr.l to like it. In You're on'y a man, flf ter all, an>l them way ti- ther them ., . .__ meet t > crush ;;s muttl of amusement awl strangers make your.*elf believe that movement ;.s p^Hsib-l? into lu-r wa-kiing you like them. By likiivg them you can make them like you. "Study yoiirsi'if first, CHICKS No need to lose chicks. Raile every one into a strong profitable bird. Successful poul- try m n ererywhere bank on Pratts Buttermilk Baby Chick Food Sold everywhere on our mon- ey back guarantee. ADVICE FREE. Tell us your trouble. PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA, LIMITKO Toronto Imperial Mica Axl Creas* keep* axles cool, reducoo friction, lessens wear. Th* ground mica forms a hard, uniooth surface baaa whll* the grease forms a friction- leaa coating on all waaring parts. Requires only half as much nt] ordinary greas* and lasts twice as long. Sold everywhere in aiza from 1-Ib. tins to barreU. It. was ur.'':ke Mau-ia as slw luid , . Deen< ln ltu ' " ' days Me lial an ,-v, n- ? eoial" to O u fe "" ll:l '' his >< there was jinething of th-\t are provlWatty gelflsh. I was going steady, half wistful, half perplexed to j'-'i ycu to supper with u-* now I wr . y ( '"' < ' n ' t Wl " a l>ook * ai "<- \ f ,ff\\t :h.<t one sej in the eyts of a s i.-,|| punish ycu by "-ending you home ca *' ol "' i '' '"' x lf cbooo-batM faithful dog watching a capricious aiul to~O&M ham and a nip of tea " { '- n 'K ( ' r had app .red si. Ineomitemtw mi-stress. ; j.' lv , m h ^ p.'u.-e in the background ""^SL w *?* h:i:l ivc " , h -. t Yet, Mart-M conchidiod pr(-,^nt!y, his Waldron laughs :1. to dine out.-owasloiuully, with Mr?, personality. intere?.; wts not u ris ha rt-d by Audrey. : "Why not *<*.. \ l.ini 1;:K-V to ft-tch More than cn.-c- she tamed her eyes a Araby along to siip-H-i- with us?" he trifle furt.vely to took at him, and in suggested, good humorerlK -p. > '.iin a minsrling of irri- that >-;irpr;.-f.! the girl wh-!:- yet it niC'S h>er smila. She Wd^ ir,'ti-'.-<ued. Hitherto she had ."?( n Audi".'. A! !<-ii ori'ly in her own home, rr anicng her less Bohemian acquaintances. S-he real-ized to-imght that th-eri- was ar.other sid>e to ht-r; be sure of i yourself, but most of aM study other ' people so hujxl that you won't have ' Therein, I a clianning llp if- 1 , tin") i flll ( ' I '.VI tlve cwlprit. D-vj>:'.e hfs gray hair he lookel in: an erring s-choollwy. 'He (ioesn't ilesiirve it! A, i . f'H 1 wa.s t''ger to ! 'ul-i W*iPre, to st-e everything, to miss ni>- How To (ici Rid of the House Fly. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers uml sh for h < After wl it-h that tie M-ul Audrey was a warmer , upon hiini arid hartel, nure womu'iily and swei:tor to W'a-Mron person who bus; f:: I her her i:t, and wholly driliightful. Upon t!..- fall of the curtain sh-e turn- ed swiftly t:> Tra^k. u , k h,'r "ttenSn SS changed, about every- House flies are recognized as a most shop-' common vehicle for the transference MKI lur,. 'limur, afternoon) vis-it- -of certain diseases from sick to well! eveii'ings at ihe theatre or on the persoiw. Their activities are especial-! with the distribution of | as typhokl fever, tuber- : and infantile diarrhoea, the s of which may he found exposed | in feoes, and other distiharges of k-k i pei-sons. The fliefi infect themselves ' ll " vi ' r llt rpM - " was us th3U K'' s I 8 ?* 1 mit lini1 ( ' llull h <)f '"'vi'lty to please her ' '' noll fh to (l to fiH ' tn <- * si-aiocly conscious of it '*" from fl *y' m ubtanc been pastel npn her. In the whirl of wiicl, now was hers sho fly that has fed upon feres of typhoid pwtU'nt may carry the organ- Dishwashing is the day's most dis- agreeable task. Pot washing is the dirtiest job of all. Sare time and keep your temper by cooking with utensils that cannot absorb dirt or grease pots and pans that wash eas- ily with soap and water and wipe sweet and clean like china. Make your housework easier by using TOR THIS DE MARK Diiraond Ware U thre*> roittd .,. ni.'.il ML sky bio* nil wl,,:. uutildt with S mow? whit* llnlnr. Pearl War* Is a two-t-aated enameled cte*!, pearl ftj and whit* Inside/ and out. KITCHEN SHEET METAL MONTREAL TORONTO WIXNIPEO to give present. Still something urged her always to' isma of typhoid in hits digestive tract. ima;k<> the most of this wonderful to- ; und vomit it on food for a period of |l*y of hers She bond it M7 with at laai wven Aivs. Audrey and 1 Jaapor Wajdrooj to help her. She knew delighlfulj j hours in the Trusk's (juuint, oUli, shab-] by house. She kept her promise of ~f or {l "' (< " T "PsniiK vegetable and fitt-i-ng t'o Trask for her portrait, and. an " mal matter HJW| excrement. THEY to her amusement and his daughter's 1 BREED CHIEFLY IN STABLE MA- surpriF-e, he c-oncenitratt'd upon it with; NURE. See that the regulations re- unusual in'tentncss. spcctvjug the storage of manure in The. result wa.<, as Araby declared, i urban munivipahitnes is enforceAl in satisfactory. There wvw,! yollr town. In order to control the bit! Drop a llttla "Fr*ezon" on an aching com, Instant- ly that corn stops hurting, tiieu shortly you lift It right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist ge41s a tiny bottle ot "" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft cora, or corn between the toe, and the oai~ Imperial Eureka HarneM Oil doee more than simply coat th surface of tho harness. It penetrate* to every fibre of the leather, making it soft, strong and pliable. Imperial Eureka Harness Oil doubles the life of harness makes it water- proof prevents cracking and breaking of stitche*. On sale everywhere. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Canadian Company Canadian Cpit J Canadian Worlunvn liii'. l!c,l the very ."ii'bject. I To h of hi Happy Suggestion for Uncle. I. II tie Spenrer let no grans gr.isv un- der his feet, when irnelo came for a visit, before rns>h!ng up wltli tills: "'JJnple, nmko n nolne like a frni;." "Why?' ii^kwl the old man. " 'Cause when I nsk <lnndy for any- thing ho says: "Walt till your uncle croaks!" fg __ . , ,, A new apparatus, consisting of a revolvinmr drum of paper on w<hic,h an ink line is drawn, is to sensitive that it the smwlloat vibrtioii of a houe due to pulsing vehicle. Mlnard's Liniment for Dandruff. Dye Any Garment or Old Drapery in Diamond Dyes _ ___ lluy Diamond Dyes" and follow the J f I in 1>1 B directions In rvory package. ' llon't wonder whether you can dye or j tint siu-i-esftfiilly, liecanae perfect home | dyeing is eiiai-nnteed with Dyes even if you have never dyed be- fore. Worn, faded dresses, ?kiit.< waists, coats, sweaters, *toeking = , i everytMng, be- draperies, hsnglngs, conic Hke now ngnfn. Just te.ll your (InigglHt whether the material you wih to dye is wool or silk, or whether U ia linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond l>y* never streak, spot, fade, or run. onnL ' he $185 Tractor (F.O.B. Toronto). Plant More Rows and Get Bigger Crops 1 ; 1VE f^ -- _ . - SPlWWilEEL There's no need to plant in wide rows when you cultivnte with Sprywheel. Only? inohcswidc, it weeds and cultivates the nar- rowest rows. You plant more rent and get bigger crops aud profits. Agencies open In some localities. 52 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO