Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 May 1922, p. 3

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The Blind Side. r When the Biood is Out of Order the Nerves Are Starved. The nervous system Is the governing j system of the whole body, controlling | the heart, lungs, digatlon and brain; , so it is not surprising that nervous , disturbances cause acute distress. The first stages of nervous debility are noted by li^tabillty and restlessenss, ' in whwh the*victlms seem to be op- ' presse:! by their nerves. The matter . requires immediate attention, for ; nothing but suitable treatment will , prevent a breakdown. The victim, howover, need not despair, for even severe nervous disorders may be re- lieved by improving the condition of the blood. It is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich the blood that this . medicine has proved beneficial in ner- , votis disorders. The nerves thrive on | the better blood made by these pills; [ the appetite improves. Indigestion Is , better. sleeplessness no longer troubles the nerve-shattered victim, and life genorally takes on a cheerful aspect. The value cf these pills in ; cases of this kind is shown by the ex- perience of Mrs. John W. Macdonald, Cardigan, P.E.I., who says: "I have ' much cause to be grateful to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I was suffering from nervous breakdown, and my con- dition gave alarm to both my friends and myself. I goffered almost con- ' : tinuotisly from nervous headaches, my apnerite was poor, I hardly got any sleep, and in every way I was badly rundown. A friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after I had taken them for a while there was a noticeable improvement In my con- dition. I continued using tho pills until I had taken twelve boxp-s, when evary symptom of the trouble was gone, and I have since enjoyed the best of health." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for |2.r-0 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Slow rivers run four miles am hour; rap-ad cnss averairo seven miles. "I'm afraid, debtor, that religion doesn't mean anything to me," the boy, said with embarrassment. "I'm re-; luctant to say it, for you've been kind; to helip me with this Greek I made a r.ic:;s of last term; but. I guess my attitude is a family tradition. Though my father never made liffht of reM- griO'Ji, he said that it had nerved its purpo.e when people cculdr.'t think i for themselves, and he'd no more ridi- cule it than he would snub an old,' tottering:,- gray-haired man who had outlived his usefulness. That's how father looked at it, He was bitter asrain.-t some of the old doctrines : the Trinity, for instance, future' punishment, and ihe idea that no one had a chance of being saved unless 1 he was in the church. He said th:it those doctrines had made men nar- row and intolerant and uncharitable. They've been laid on the shelf as curiosities that's how he expressed it; and he said that all religion was headed the sains way." A smil? showed on the minister's fine, e!dwly face. "You've remarked that these rooms are ple^anl and c"sy in ihe eveniii!*." he said, speak- ing slowly. "When you proposed reading Greek with me that morning over at Preston you didn't know where I lived, and ycu may remember that I gave you minute directions how to find the house. It was late when you pot here the first evening; it was al-; mnst nine o'clock. Suppose I had in- structed you to come up the street over across, through Mayhew's back yard and up agrainst the blind side of the manse; you'd have found a sciid brick wall, four high windows and not a glimmer of light. That rear wall is an integral part of the building, the house wouldn't stand a minii't? without it, but it isn't a gocd side for a stran.ter to get in at. "I've been wondering, Henry,! whether you haven't approached re-' ligion on the bl'nd side. So many poople do Just that; they accent all' tho mysteries of the Christian faith,; all the hard, stern elements of God's moral government, an.l everything between the covers of the Bible that seems to make it an antiquutetl book. It never occurs to them to go round to tha front entrance, where there's a porch lamp and such oosy rooms as righteousness arwl and lovo and hope and God's bender fatherhood. Those tilings aren't out of date; they never will be. If mn should lay them on the slhe'.f as mere curiasities, our old world would be headed for chaos. "Tho blind aide of religion Is a part of it, exa<-t.ly as the dark rear wall is a part of this too-use; but we've got to ap'pn>j:.-h by way of the lighted room;. That is God's invariable rule. He offers love as the royal interpreter of things that are hard to under- stand. We've got to be at home in the cosy, lighted rooms before we can apir.-e;i:a!>2 tlhe utility ctf the rear wall." "The blind side." The boy spoke the wcHs softly. "Yes, it might he." He looked up brightly. "Thank you, d'octar, for giving me a new clue. Secretly I've wanted to find one for a long time." SATISFOJOTHERS No otlier medicine gives the same satisfaction to mothers as do Baby's: Own Tablets. They are equally good for the newborn babe or the growing child and ;xre absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are a mild but thorough lavatlve and cannot possibly do harm they always do good. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Ache. Coteau Road, N.B., writes: "I think that Bahy's Own Tablets are a marvellous medi- cine for little ones. I gave them to my little girl with such good results that I now strongly recommend them to all mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. TOOK ALL HIS (M TO HOLD Classified Advertisements IS THERE A VUI.CANIZBH '.N YOIJU town? You can earn $28.00 dally. W teach you. Write Chief Instructor. M nil da Vulcanlier. T.onrton. Onf The Highest Form. Teacher "Now, Willie, in what does animal life reach its highest form?" WUMe "The giraffe, ma'am, I guess." If Not Up, Down. Tourist (In mining town) "Is this a good healthy place to settle in?" Hotel-keeper "it is, stranger. Fact is, ye can't get away from here alive ' unless ye do settle." Can't Fool This Boarder. Flsherwoman "Don't you waut to buy some fine crabs, sir? Look they're all alive. Summer Boarder "Yes, but are they fresh?" No Place to Stay. (Little Helen breaks in on her new- ly engaged sister anil her beau). Big Sister "Why, Helen, haven't I told you to stay in the kitchen with Jessie till mniiima comes home?" Helen "Yee, I know; but Jessie's sweetheart just now came, too!" Was Afraid to Eat, Grew Weak and Dizzy, But Tan- lac Soon Ended His Troub- les, Says Quebec Citizen. "Tanlac has done mo a world of , good and I am a firm believer in it," said Narclsse Descombes. 79 Franklin, j Quebec. QUP. "For over a year my stomach was ; badly out of order and I didn't relish j a thing-, in fact. I was almost af r atd to eat, because I knew of the suffer- ing that was sure to follow. At times I was so weak and dizzy I could hardly ] stand up and while I managed to hold i on to my Job, it took all my grit to do so. Indeed. I was almost a nervous . and physical wreck. "I took only a few bottles of Tanlac, j but to-day I feel better, work better and sleep better than I have In years. It has just made u new man out of me." Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. Advt. i RADIO BUILD YOI'R oW.X US- reiving sul. Genuine Blueprint*. MUBV lo understand, of Inexpenalva net. with InatniutionB huw to build Install and operutt). Una dollar pNtpitid. frown Raillo Supply. 815 Munnlnif GluunlMfVi Toronto. rr^III-J J A.MKH TEXTS. UKI.LEVH.T.B. I unt., prfrit in fcool: form variona De- ;">rlmenlal and Matriculation P]xnn\lna> tion paper* of the l,owrr and Ilia .Middle Si-liiilu. 1H12 t 1921 Inclusive. \Vr-tt for price HHI tit set ready for itlstrl* button. BKLTiNQ PO* >At.g _ AT. I. KINDS OK : UW AND l.'SBLt trltln*. pulley*. iawi. cabla.hone. Dacklnv. tc.. iblppcd HUbJect to approval at *- .1 rr'c-f* In Canada. YORK BBL.TINO Oft. NTRBVr. TORONTO. Italian Lotteries* Avoid Figure 13. The number thirteen ia never used by t'w Iialisns in making up then* lotteries. Of every 100 pio;-;.'* in the IS live in Imlia. TRY MAGNESIA Surnames and Their Origin PENMMAN. Variations Pent-man, Penman, Pen- Main. Racial Origin Welsh. Source A locality. Knowing how easily family names have developed from nicknames and; occupations, one is tempted to believe that that of Petmiman and its varia-' tions made their first appearance as! MjrtKtr.iei descriptive of an occupation, ay that cf the maker of peris. While this origin is not an impos-| ible cue and, indeed, in some cases may be the true one, the medieval re- 1 cords and tax lists offer pretty good| indications that it is a family name which ha* developed from a totality. Such a form as ''Roger de Peneman" must not be read to mean "Roger the! Penman," notwithstanding the fact! that in certain criminal circles of ouri own day "Louie de Dip" would be' more vori-octiy rendered as "Louis the, Pickpocket." The "de" found in medi-! orvu! English names is not tha saniei as the "de" v.-hich is a diaWttsl vam- tki' of "the," r.or >et the Di.bch variu-! tion cf l!if German "dor," which. 1 t ran ;_(;!> enough, happens to corre-! spor.d with i!, in both spellling andi mean'r.).'. It was, of course, ihaj French word for "of," which was n>5ar-, ; u?e<l in descriptive surname* j ocaikie?. Ponmain is a name in Wailea. Those who bear! his family rvame are either Welsh in; it or else trace their ancestry to Saxon or Norman settler* in COTTER. Variations Kotter, MacCotter. Racial origin Irish, Danish. Source A descriptive name. Here i an Irish family name con- cernin-g whoso origin there is some room for doubt. The question is whether it is a name of purely Gaelic origin or a Gaelic adaptation of a Danish word. While the period of Danish incur- sions in England and Irel-ar.d was sev- eral centuries prior to tha time wheu family names began to form in the former country, it by no moans ante- .'!,: the widespread use of surnames in Ireland, though it was prior to the establishment of surnames by the law of King Briar Bom. Cotter appears to fo* tlie develop- ment of a Danish word, meaning "cot- tager" or "boat-builder," a word which is to be found to-day in the modern Danish faii'ily name of Kotter. The Gaelic form of the name of the clan, in Mial&'jw. County Cork, which bore thU ^aine was "O'Coitaoir," (.T more -/h'ii -ii'tly ''Ua-T'oiteoi:-'' (tho ),retixe.i "O" " ia a d-svero-pmunt of -U" and "Ui"). KarH< r Ai!jr!id/,ed forms of tin 1 nsnif! were "AiacC'ottyr" and "MacC'oibhir," forms somewhat closer to the Gasrw. Such a clan or sept name na th-is wouW develop naturally from tihe sur- name of HOIIIB chieftain, whether with some Danish blood in iiis veins or not, who might have been surnamed, ac- to tho DaiM*h- influenced dia- the locality, ''th 'i hankfulness. If, when the evening; shadows fall around me, I can look deep within my heart and say; "I have been true unto the best within me, Have tried to live just as I should to-day,'' I I can be glad, though failures pre.-s upon me Ami doubt and grief oppress and weigh my soul, And know that some time, though the' way be weary. I yet will reach a noble, worthwhile goal. Katherine Edelman. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia The Big Wheel Falls. The "Grand Roue" Big Wheel or "Ferris Wheel," as Canniians knows it, is no more a part of the Paris sky- let the Children in, too! It's no longer necessary to maintain a dividing line at the "breakfast table tea or coffee for grown-ups no hot cup for the youngsters Serve to each member of the fam- ily, and all will "be pleased and benefited by this pure xvholesome cereal drink. "There's a Reason for Poswm Sold by all grocers Canadian Postum WlndLaor t Ontario. | The big \vheel of Paris which has stood in the Champ tie Mars for more fchaji twenty-two years, sharing atten- tion with t'h Eiffel tower as one of the lofty sights of tho French capital, \vas condemned in November, 11)20, as unsafe ami the work of demolition sUu-ted. Before long, engineers found that tearing down the big circle wa ; a greater ongineerins: task than the erection of it in 1900 as one of the wonders of the Paris exposition. Tlv curs were first i:'etaclii' I :iiul s-cr'.t !" the devastci regions for bomaleSB f.imilies. Xoxt came I'he very iluivgerous operation of <!ei:i\'hir.jr great, girders of U>el weighing tons, and lowering them to the ground. As the st-niicture had been erected with, Jy delicato balance, it impossible to continue the de-' nwlition except by intricate niathemat- ical precision, which might be term- ed' "finding the badance." F!yHk)e workmen, therefore, ascendod wit>h| paraphernalia to cut off several '.ihou- a>and pounds hero and sever;)! hundred pounds there, according to tlie instruc- tion of experts. Litile by little Pn.rlrt h;s watched the Rreal "roue" . diitappear. Tho son.s and daughters of h u n d r e d s of thousands of who have already niar- at or "gone up" on the bi wheel wiEI now HIK! a mon> sombre Paris skyline than tiheir fathurs aind mothers Bound. The question is now. How many yeMi-.s before tin- Eiffel Tower, rising nearly 1,000 feet, will l>e fouiiid un- safe and condemned lo des-tructbn ? M. Eiffel, the fammis BQKinesc who coivs! ructi.'d the lofty pik- of slru<;- tural sl.et-1. lived to see it perform valuable set vin- during (he war as an observation sUiticn and wiielcss pi>st-. He is srtihl livin.g to-day to ai'.niiip...-e 'hat it is almost as snuml and :ife a.3 <iho day it waa complete. I ami wiuli repair from time i-.i lime, will for d'ecuilr.-. | The Eiffel Tower- liLr ^iu- Wool- worth Tower -pays its wa.v l>y ::d- ! mission chai'ge.l visitors. KVvu!,>rs are constantly climbing; lo ita top with an average of 1.000 JHTSOIH daily. To see Paris lying at his f.-ui IMS is the tourist, five francs. i How Mary Started n Purest Fire. Mary had i little nisi i oil .\iwl scratched its hemi 10 ^o U sb could lind the gasuletio. She did- -but whero's Marie? * The *M)ml of cigpnrette :i.-!i f;i: ! ':r.^- on a carpet i* like rocks fallii'iig, wlii'.*' iji'iias swdis i)urs; fi'oiu thir p-.iis with a ii'oiae 'Hke a report, of a jri;i), wben What the Reindeer Does. The teacher had been giving an ac- count of the reindeer, its humus, habits, and uses. One little urchin was not paying the slightest attention so the teacher asked him: "Now, what is the use of the rein- deer?" "The startled urchin looked up, and .said : "It makes everytbins in the garden lovi-ly. teacher." j Smart [>y. "Here, hoy," exclaimed rhe excited little man, as he rushed up to a page in a big hotel. "Run up to my room and see if my umhri>!la is there. Hurry inw. because I've just got five minutes to catch a train." Three minutes later the boy came tripping down the stairs. "Yes. sir." he- said. "It's tluv all right." Matrimonial Shrinkage. It was a well-known writer of verses, to whom a lady said: "I have just seen your wife for tha (ir.t timo sin-ce your marriage; but I h:itl supposed she was a taller wo- nian. Sho eyeenu shorter than when I saw her last." "Certainly," said the writer, solemnly. "She has married and set- tled down." Against the Sergeant. An Irish soi.iier was crossing a barrack square with a pail in which he was (ruing to get some water. A sergeant passing at the time noticed that Pat had a very disreputable look- ing pair of troupers on and, wishing to make a report, stopped the nuin and askod : "Where are you goirg?" "To get sme water." "What, in those trou.-crV.'" "No, Sergeant; in the pail." Short. "Hair nit. picas.'?." *ai;| ('.:< u.sloin- er, dropping into Ibe harbor's i-hair. HH huil that tired look that stamped him ;is an ovor-workil inlilor. "I don't know, sir," began the bar-- her. "whether you have heard the | story about Ihe niun who With a Hii'lden attention to his job, he broko off short and said: "Like It .short, air?" "Ye, plR-ase." answered die custom- er wearily "A brief synopsis will do." , How He Remembered. A mail wont into a cheap ro.-laura.nt and asked for the menu. Tho waiter "\\'f ain't got no nieiitl, boso, but I can ral.tle tin 1 gnib list olT for you out : of my head, if vou like." "All rlRht." snid ('lit- man. "I-ot's ' Iwvo her." ^!o tlli> wniior i';t{|U j d off :i i:.+t of, riishoo :i limit, three yards loiij; Tli.- mini staid in astonlslitneit __ "You niut employ a vwy rcinark- iilvle iiiemory-t i Hitilng system. How en earth can yoii i-i>mi!nil"'r all that?" "HJatty I'lumtch." said the waiter. "I ]U8t look at t.hc lahleclolh." A New Sensation. I.iiilo Alice had vi.vteJ one of the j largi-r Miinniei- ;iinii. j "iii<'iu pnrks for Hie Mrs! lime, and willi tin; cuin-ago IIOHSCSSHC! only by lbot> sirls whose : |)l'i.vinatc's H,I-I boy oKi^r tiiHti tN'in- ] Rlve, sh liu<| not hejjit.d(.t(l, when in-' viled. In hilic a ride on (me of- tho ' iln-H'lern" Ilia! ahuiind in MH-II plai <>. To her rnodier. un her return from HIP (Kirk, sha con!ldocl Mic .MIK.IIOIIK sih had ex|K>:-iunc'tl MM shf- swung round t.bo curxt s v''' tbi "lisiH'e lli1" j wltih her i'|r|ir hnithers. "MolliHr," .'lie said, "v.-lifti ! -AI-III HMi'i'l I'm-.' ,'. wl'iil turns MI la- I I f"ll jusl us ;f I h-Jtl freclil' .-> mi my .-n'lii HOh!" Flight of Pigeons. Experiments have .-hown that r.'.< are able to outstrip the fast- est express trains, although on the iivei-agre they fly at bhe rate of only thirty-four miles an hour. A Fit-nch expert expresses the oniniun that they can attain a velocity of nvire than seventy miles an hour. They are sa:d to be unable to fly lont? distances in a perfectly straight line; apparently they are easily driven aside by sliiit- ing air currents. STOMACH America'! Pioneer Dor ]>ook on DOG DISEASES anil How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dreaa by tho Author. H. Olny Olovor Oo., Ino. 129 Wmt 34th Street New York. U.S.A. COARSE SALT LAN D SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS a J. CUFF - TORONTO O. McPhcrnon, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Armstrong, B.C. Mimird's Liniment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, N.S. Dear Sirs, Since the start of tr baseball season we have been hindered with sore muscles, sprained ankles, etc., but just as soon as we starts! using MINARD'S LINIMENT our troubles ended. Every baseball player should kwp a bottle of your liniment handy. Yours truly, W. E. McPHERSON, Sec. Armstrong H. 3. Baseball Team. HEA 3V I E 5 Itched Badiy. Baby Cried At Night. Cuticura Heals, "My baby's head was covered with hard, red pimples. They itched ao badly that ahe scratched them until they developed into sore eruptions. Her hair began to fall out, and at night she cried and kept me awake. 'I tried different remedies without relief until I started using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After one week's use I saw a great Improvement, end after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Ctiticur:i Ointment she was completely healed." (Signed) Mra. M. De Ste- fano, 76 French St., Bridgeport, Conn., May 11, 1921. Uso Cmicuin Soap, Ointment and Talcum oxcluswely for cvery-day toilet purposes. rubtMin. \.n. T.v.iir., r.nn- 1M, 3t St. .ml (It . W., Montreal." Sold . >- Wtrtiy aop3k Illiillucrr .in>. i i 1'.' l.il .,, l u - uti, ur Soap ahiiTitt without muc. It Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre- vents Food Fermentation. Sour G:usy Stomach and Acid Indigestion. Doubtless if you are a sufferer ." .in Indigestion, you have already t: 1 pepsin, p:increatin, churcoal. dnigs and various digestive aids and you krr-w these tliin^.i will not cure your troMl-'e in some cases do not even give Hef. Hut before giving up hope an<l '!P- ciiii::B you are a chronic dysncntic JUKI try the effect of a little Bisur i Magnesiiiiiot the ordinary inr.nr- rial cariionato. cltnitc. or milk, bn' '!m pure Bisurated Magnesia which you can obtain from practically any 'le- gist in either powdered or tablet form. Take a te-aspoonful of ;bo powder or two compressed tablets with a liltlo water after your next meal, and sea what a difference this makoH. !' V >"1H instantly neutralize the dans .;:.:-. harmful acid in tlie stomacli i now causes your food to fenn M sour, making gas. wind. II MiVuco, hnartbiirn and the bloated or l^avy, lumpy feeling th:it seems tn [;)llo\r most ('verythinK yen oat. You will find that provided ;. :;u tak a little Disunited MtiKnesiu !! :itely after a meal, you c:iu e r. ali.ioal anything and onjoy It without :i;iv ilan- ger of jiain or dlsccmfort tn i.iilow, and moreover, the continue I n.-i> of tb(> bisin-ii(><l magnesia canir t injuro the stomach in any way so ' ;ii a* thorn aro any symptoms of ;i :.! indi- gestion. iRlJLMENTS" ALL GONE NOW Mrs. Sherman Helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound Lal;e, Michigan. ' 'About one year a.^a I sutFer.-dwithirriMrularitiesanda weak- ncssandat times was obliged tostay off my feet. 1 doctored with our family uliysician and he ;inul /said ho could not understand my case, so I decided to try Lydia.fi. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. After I had taken the first bottle 1 could sue that I was Kettinff better I '.ook several bottles of the Vegetable Compound and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and 1 am entirely cured of my ailment*. You may publish thin letter if you wish. "Mrs. MARY SHERMAN, Route 2, Lake, Mich. There is one fact women should con- sider and thatis this. Wonr.-n suffer from irrcgularitiesand various 1 orms of weak- ness. They try this and that dodor, aa well as different medicines. Finally they ; take Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound, and Mrs. Sherman's experience is simply another case showing the merit of thia well-known medicine. If your family physician fails to help you and the same old troubles persist, why isn 't it reasonable to try Lydia j, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ? spirin MONEY ORDERS. si"i'd ii Dominion l';?;iiiiws .Mmii<v Order. They a,re iwyahltf iw.-ry\vher. | Nearly ,10,004) aepura! i't-uis nre kt-pi in sdvk by the average drug store. heard parat.us, tho a wonderful 11 IV- Mlnard'3 Linimetit for sale sv V-.-l frd CWiBgW Win Url i-ed in .ui.i in : '.->u. i Quick ha Mi no \'<<'-- f'<:> lw.-ty. ISSUE No. 20- -'22. \\ \!<N|vr,! Say "Bayer" wh.cn you buy Aspirin. Unles.; you sot 1 i!i- ii.unc I'.aver" en tablets, you arc not get- ting Aspirin :it ;t'!. Ai\->:n'. nuiv an "unbroken package" of 'B.r. :r TiiMels in' Asr-irin," which contains directions and dosa > >.;..\! C'iit by piivsici.uio during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Tlnndy "Hayei-" boxes <>,' i.' hiiileis Also hot! lei oi 24 and 100- -1)rugj.' is '- Stpliln In ths trodo miivl: M ti<-.v.1 i.i <- 1 niulni r U;i>-. r .\;nn .;:.. i . ..c >MMm- :i,.|-ili -Ki-lili-ner of Sallfrl:. .u UI. Wfiiiu It is wnll Unonn mat Aspirin inana Hayor i 'nHtriiH^uirp. lo ainlat U'- public neainvi Imltfttluim, ill.- 7ablota at K;, . will h .:,,... with their ;.-in'..i. irad mi-l;. ili "Hyor (."romr"

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