Vol. 43, No. 8 Flesherton, Ont., July 26, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. . PROTON STATION Misses Lizz'e and Frances McCullough viaited with their friend, Marie Sherson. Bruce Cade is holidaying with his parents here. Mary Wyville, who spent six months in Toronto, has returned to her home here, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. DeUcore. Hannah Roome, Toronto, is spending her vacation under the parental roof. Mr and Mrs Campbell are visiting their daughter, Mrs Sam Batchelor. .Maude Acheson spent the week end with her friend, Maiion Wright, Dun- dalk. Irene and Viola McDonald visited with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs James Neileon. Gertie Wyville ia holidaying with her listers in Toronto. Mrs (Rev) Eagle of Holland Centre spent the week end at the home of R G Acheson. In the absence of the pastor. Rev Fowler, Mr Woods, M P, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit and preached a very impressive sermon. Service next Sunday will be withdrawn. Mr Hergott has purchased a new 490 special Chevrolet car. _ Held Over Last Week Mr Brown and wife are on aa extended visit with their danghter, Mrs Still. Miss Minnie Galbraitb who has been visiting with her mither for the past two weeks, ban returned to Toronto. Mr Walter Wyville ia holidaying in Miss Stewart, teacher at Leeoungtou, is spending the vacation with her mother here. L.O.L. 224 and their friends spent the glorious twefth at Markdale. Miss Mildred Binnie who has been visiting at her home returned tu Toronto. Mrs Wyville is home again after hiv- ing spent a fortnight with her daughters in Toronto. Mrs Wilsou, Mrs Pringle, and chil- dren, Murray and Vehna wLo have been visiting at Mr P Consley's, hv* returned to Toronto. Miss Hannah Roome is holidaying at her home here. ID the absence of the pastor, Mr FJW ler, the Presbyterlau Guild took charge of the service Sunday evening. Next Sunday Mr R L Woods, M P will preach Promotion Exam's S S No gi AttemesU Sr 3rd to Jr 4th H Phillips, L Blakey (promoted.) Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd-I McMullen. Jr 2nd to Sr 3rd-L Fisher, H Blakey, 8 Skinner. Sr 1st tj Jr L'od H McKie, T Skin- ner, G Brlgero, (G Blkey G Hopps) equsl. Jr 1st to Sr 1st M Fisher, R Shear- down, R McMullen, P McMullen. PrtoJr lit E Fi8her,(*b) M Black, K Skinner, H Blakey. Elsie A Uaswell, teacher. Opera House p H o This THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock Samuel Goldwyn PRESENTS O "His Back Against The Wall" i * Educational Comedy *- "Scrappily Married" A XT Prices 30 and 15c. including Amusement Tax S C. E.WALDEN - MANAGER MAXWELL % Haying is nearly completed in this vicinity. Berry picking is the order of the day. Mr. Priestly, accompanied by hi daughter, Mrs -Lou Kerton, went to Winaipez to gee his SOD, who is lying in the hospital with a broken leg. The son lost his wife, who left two children, a year ago. The two children returned with them. The Misses Vroomau motored from London and spent the past week with their brother. Rev Vrooinan. Both gir's are high ichool teachers and have their M.A. * Will Icwiu and wife ot Windsor visited recently with the latter'a parents. Mrs Charles Heron and daughter, Margaret, epent two or three days in Collingwood recently. We welcome Rev Duttield and wife to our village. Walter Lawler has returned home after spending a few months in Windsor. J L Morrison and wife vnited friends in Collicgwood the past week. Mr Lawler made a business trip to Owen Sound, Mrs Lawler accompanying. The W I will meet at the home of Mrs Lou Kerlon's Th'itsday, July 27. Portlaw Held Over List Week MM Thomas T<yl<r who was seriously njured in runawiy accident U slowly mp roving. M : SJ Violet McNally of Toronto, holidayed (or a few days t her parental home. Mr J A Thompson U preparing to baild an addition to their house. Mr aud Mrs Chapmun, daughter aud two SODS of Durham, and Mr Beard of Siskatoon, S"\8k., visited at the home of R T White. Mr Jicob Lauded had the misfor- tune to have his right arm broke while cranking hia own car- Mr R J Woods i Corbetton has hid charge of the church services the past two Sunday's, His niess*aes are much enjoyed, aud the congregation's apprec- iation is demonstrated by a good atten dance. Mias Gladys White of Toronto visited lately at home. Mr Thotuis BUkey hid his right arm bully injured while cranking his car. Mrs J L Wood of TiTonto is visiting with his sister, Mrs Wm Taylor. Mr Robert Dingwall who has boeu engaged in. missionary work gave au ad- drejs at League which wta much apprec iated. Mr George Youun raised .1 Ur^e addition tu his barn last week. Mr Murray Cornfield of Toronto bus been holidiying at home the past week, and gave an iutetestiuK talk about summer school at League last Thursday night. Mrs Towell of Toronto is visiting with friends (if this patt. IN MEMOR1AM DAVIS In loviuu memory of my dear fdlher, William Divis, who died July 15th. 1920. ND one heard the fuo'steps Of the in^le 1 * drawing near, Who took from us to heaven The one we loved o dtar. The golden g*tes were opeu, A gentle voice caid come, And with firewi-H unespoken He cilnily entered home. Daughter VVinnie. 42nd Successful Year Practical courts Expert instruc- tion Individual instruction Employment department C. A. FLEMING. P.O. A, Principal .since 1881 . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. CEYLON L N Noble, J Telfer, Mrs C T Bryant aud granddaughter, Evelyn, motored fruui Tjronto and spent the week end with N Archibald and family. Mrs L Noble, who spent the past week visiting here, returned with them. Miss Kuby Stone spent u couple of days in Markdale lust week J Cummins aucj wife, whn have been visiting friends here, left Friday for their home in OshtWi. Miss Connors of Toronto ix spending a fortnight at S Heoiphill'a. Mr and Mrs Rtney of Southampton spent their vacation with the latter'a parents, D McPhail and wife. Miss McPhail ii in Toronto this week. Master Artie Melia of Toronto is visiting with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs J Melia. Mrs Murdock of Caledon is visiting her sisters, Mrs J and S McFadden, Mi and Mrs JJ Schnurr -.:; i :....!> and Mrs Brader of Walkerfou visited at N Archibald's last week. Annie and Lott'.e Muir, whu have been visiting their brother here, hive returned to their home in Toronto. Myrtle Hemphill visited the past week with Feversham friends. Mrs D Muir received a telegram :a- week announcing that her sister, Mr* Blondin, "f Chicago, had pas-ed awjiy. Mrs Muir ind Mrs Roc'diu Stewart left tbe same evening for Chicago. Wells Wnittaker. wife and child, f Pdri.-s France, arrived Saturday to visit the forn>r'd parents her*. Mr- JanitH McMulleo.whu has been in the Toronto general Ifospital f : several weeks, returned horvu this week. Her daughter, Mrs Bucfcley, accompanied her mother home. The Suud.iy school intend ho'diojz a picnic at Eugenia Friday Afternoon. Toronto Line North Bessie Stewart ia holidaying wiih friends in St. Pauls, Forest and Detroit . QcO. Slad, wife -n.il t *. children of Nottawa, D Vancise, wife and daughter cf B . t i visited over the week end at T Sled's. Lillitin Lever, teacher at M >ivl:eld U spending her holidays at her heme here. Jacob Holley, Alex Hclley aud son of the Sault, spent a few days it .1 A Liver's. Florence Lever returned home after spending two months with friends in Brussels, Hamilton and Palmerston. Mrs Mitchell, Mis J L Woods of Tor- onto, Mr Wm Magee, wife and son of Eugenia, visited at T Sled'*. Gladys Laver jpent tbe week end ut her home here. Mrs Wm Davis of Toronln, visited with Mrs ROBS Alcox and Mrs Altert Stewart during the past week. Feversham Held Over List Week Mr R T MtGirr of Mm<ejw Sask . , is viaiting wiih bis C'>usir, Robert Me- Qirr, in this village and other friends in this locality. Mr Harold Padhain, teller in the Hank of T< routo here, is holidtying "t his home in Ikrrie. Miss yueenie Thoruluty of M. melon U S, is visitini: at her parental home here. Miss Eva Spencer if Windsor is holidaying at her home here. Win Ueitman our mail carrier -and carter, has returned home after a two weeks' visit wiih his sistxrs on St. Joseph's Island. While WillUm was away Lou Lepard was tunning the elig- ible Ford truck. The song nf a shirt has changed some- what since I heard it first in my younger days, here's how it goes something like this, stitch, stitch, in affluence luxury and mirth stitch, stitch, stitch, sho s'ill em- broiders silk shirts. Mr D Medlock, wife and son, Alvn, and chum Billy Little, visited with Mr George Whiteoak, wife and family, IM week. While Alvmi and Billy attended a picnic on this back fifty and reported a high old tune, another gentleman friend of the former was along, and was specially attracted by the way the speckled beauties took tne fly. Lower School Exams. Flesherton High School Fulbwici.' are the L.wer School re- sults for Fleshertou Hisjh Suhccjl. Pass marks (P) between 50 10 59,", 3rd class h Ji.iirs 60 to 66?', 2nd class honors 67 to 74'', 1st class honors 75,' <nd over : Arnott, Bruce Enu Grain 3rd, Gtog -',i i . Can Bist .',:!. Botany -' i A kins, W G*o Ebg Gram (3rd), Phy- siography (2nd), Arith fl), B'jtany (P), Zoology (1st). Bhckburn, Scauley A-Can Hiit (P), Geug (P) Botany (3rd) Bentham Elizabeth G Eng Gram (P), Can Hist (3rd), Geog (3rd), Botany (P) Acheaou, Roberta is. EI.J Gram (P) Can Hist (3rd), Geog (3rd) Carrot*, S L mise Pasai*d in English Gram, Arith, Art Botany and Zjology Dow, Annie Eag Gram (3td), Bjtany (3rd), Physiog (P), Ari:h (3rd), Art (2nd) Zoology P. Dow, Peter -Passed in Can Uist, Bot- any and Geo. Ferns, Elsie Pbysiou (P), Ar'. (.lid). Botany (P), Zjology (P) Fenis, Evelyn En^Ciraui (2nd). Can Hist (P). Geog (P), Botany (P) Findlay, Sophia Eng Gram (3rd), Art (2nd), Physiog(2;id), Botany (P), Zoo- logy (2,id). Fisher, Orrel L Geog (2ml) Botauy P Hincks, Jaa M- Eng Gram (P), An:h P, Botany (P), Z >oloy (3rd) Button, Rf\' R Eng Gram 3rd, Can Hist P, Geog P, Botany P. Inkster, Li i . Passed in Eug Gram, Can Hist Geog and Botany. Luimer, Peirle O Euv; Giam (l')i Physiog (3,-d), Arith (!'). liutany (1st), Art (3rd), Zoology (2nd). Lever, I la M En Gram P, Arith P, Art P, Z julogy P. Lewis, Jean M Eng Gr im P, Art 3rd Zx>loi:y P. Little, Alice 11 Eng Grim P, Physiog P, Art P, ZjoJogy P. Luuck*, Cecil R Physiotf P, Art 2nd, Arid) 2nd, Botany P, Zjol. gy P. Macdonall, S Irene Can Hist P, Gn 3rd, Botany P. McLeod, Hi -1 Entj 'Jn:ii 2nd, Art P, Aiith P, Botany P, 7.. jy 2nd. McLachlan, Georgina Cu. Hist P, Geog P. McLeod, Marj Tie Can H:*- IV McMastor, Perle M Eu>: Grsui P, Arith P, Botany P, Zoolony 3rd. M irtio, Wild* C Passed \:\ 7. )"l.'i{y, Eug Grauft Arith anJ Art. Mathewson, Freda Passed MI Art. Moore, Elizabeth En! Gr^ni P, Art 3rd, Arith P, Zoology P. 5Iuir, Robina Eu Gram . ; rd Gec'g 2nd, Can Hist 3id, Buttcy 2 1. Oliver, Emma M Eng Giam 2nd, vieou 2nd, Art 2 id. Pedlar, Arthur N Physii y I', B. (any P, Art 2nd, Z fology P. Scott, Mina E Ki.ssed in EIIJJ Graiu, Can Hist and Geog. Sprott, EJgar R Eni; GKUV Ut, Ait 3rd, Phys : og 3!d. Arith 2nd. I', tany P, Zoology P, Stephen, Ai.i.i M I'. - in Aiith. Stewart, Mark 8 E.'ig Grain P, Can Hist P, Geo 2nd, B >tny P. Thomson, Pimerson Pass.d in Eng Gram, Can II - aud Geo<;. Wstteis, Elford M Eng Grni 3rd, Physion P, \iith 1st, Art 2nd, Z >olo 8 y P There was only one studu V >ut of the 38 who did not rective crtdit f.-r it least pait "f the eiainina'uiu :n..i she WHS handicapped \< } illness duri:!>( the early fpruiij. If we grant that I !i standard set by the Education fir pa's, viz: 50 , ia the irticieiicy standard in judging a class mid range, the honors in -uccession above this, we .-hould rind thu' ihe \vmk of Form 2 in Art ranks 1.)... above oorni'il, "f b'ortu 2 in Zoology S>';, al'nve ncrmal, and Form 1 <5eogri|ihy 2% ab"vu nornm!. Canadian His'i ly, AriLh metic, English Grauimir, Botany and Physiography fnllow in the oidt-r named, the last subject showing a niiiius ijuotient of 41 ; horn what wouM have teeu need- ed to piss she class in this subject. Seventy-three pr cent, of the papers written on were pivssn.-i, and the s' indard exacted was 10 ' higher in each sjlj^ct than in fotmer years. The best standing in Furm 1 i- mule by Bruce Ainott and in Form 2 by Pearie Latimer. Lodge Regalia Lodges in this district con- templating the purchase of Sashes, Aprons, etc., will do well to get our prices and estimates A complete line of Masonic arid Orange jewelery invites your inspection. "Tell U* Your Needs" Armstrong's Flesherton, Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS U5CAL Funeral Direct* ? and rJrabalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance Jr. P. S- Graduation The following pupils were successful in passing tbe Junior Public School Graduation Diploma Examination held at Faversham in June. Certitioates will be mailed to succeisful candidates : | Aleda Jane EsMsnd, Isaak II;nvkins, 1 Roiena Hawton. If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need of, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from us. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. "Shop where you are invited to shop' W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario vi Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all fast colors 20c per yd. Factory Cotum I2ic per yard Ladies' Vests 25c. Printed Voiles 'J.3c per yard and up Organdy in all shade vl>~> Printed Organdy -tic. and up White Canvass shoes $2.90, were $4 7.') Fleet Foot Shoes from $1.00 up Men's Balbriggan underwear per garment 75c. Peabody make Overalls $2. 25 Peabody Smocks $2.25 Heavy linoleum I21t. $4.00 per yard Highest prices paid for Produce W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 F RED FINDER, Flesherton Hi