July 26 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Farmers' Sales Notes B t . oi this Bank in rural sections render service to fannen by acting a* cm- jar sales notes, or by discounting them collections when due. Standard c*wice mains the fanner's finance STANDARD BANK NAJfck. FLESHERTON BRANCH, C T. BATTY, Manager. Branches also at Willianulord and Holland Centre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Flesherton Station Going Scuth 7.55 a. m. 4.30 p.m. The mails are Going North 11.52 A.m. 9.30p. tn. osea at Flesherton t Dr. C. OttewelUtid Jim Stafford of Toronto motored up over the week tnd. A number from here attended the carnival in Owen Suund last week. Mrs. J. Runst,adler spent the *eek as | end at Bryce Hill. All k>uds of printing turned out at VICINITY CHIPS The Advance plant. Send ynur next job to us. _ George McTivUli and George Brack' follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and . enbury re attending a McLauchlin much- <5 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at JD^I convention in Hamilton this week, i 40 o'clock For morning train south i ., , In .u. rM-otrinns pvff Mr. es. White of Toronto is spenc- mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. i , | ing a few weeks with his brother, Ben, ' on the West Back Line. Found In the Methodist church on | Sunday, July 23, , ring. This office for information. Miss McPhail, M. P., spoke before the Women's Institute at Vandeleur on Friday lut. Mrs. Smith and babe and sister, Miss Holt, also M;-. Roes and daughter of Toronto are visiting at B. Ferris's. Miss Doris Curtiss of Toronto guest at the Methodist parsonage. There is a motor car every nineteen persons. in Canada for Read the advertisements in The Ad- vance. A number from here races at Mt. Forest. Dec Fairey, wife and family are visit- ing at Mr. Joseph C inion's Mr. Herb LeGard of Toronto is holi- Mr. R. J. Woodi, M. f. of Corbetton attended the | took the lervice in the Presbyterian church be:e on Sunday afternoon. Ser- vice next Sunday will be withdrawn. Misses Ruth and Elizabeth VaoDusen of Toronto, who have been visiting their daying for a week with his wife and family here. Dr. Me William uf Dundalk will make weekly professional visit* to Priceville on Tuesdays anu Fridays, 2 to 4 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Egan of Tornto visited last week with the former' * sister. Mrs. J. Runstadler. Man wanted to run threshing sepirator Apply to C. Moore, Proton Station, or ring 1 2 on 83. The rapberry crop this year U first f .:':: force grandmother, left on Saturday for Tar* and Chesley. The five ladies who gave . 23 cent tea in Memorial Park Friday evening last met with encouraging success, about $18 being taken in for the memorial fund. C. ".iiles McEehnie his bought the home Utely renovated by W A Arm- strung, recently c\vned by D. Young, and i expects to occupy it at once. Mr. aod Mrs. Harvey Gritfin. of To- ronto, who have spent the past two weeks in a summer cottage at Bobcsy- class aad pickers are out in these days. Dr Thomas Henderson, wife and little daughter, Helen, of Toronto, are spend- M hi?h 8chool pt j DCJp4l iog a couple of weeki with relatives here, j ^ ^ coml w| the gson, are spending tne balance of holidays with relatives here. Mr. McKillop, who ha been tngaged for Flesherton coming year, was in town last as in town If you have an ite.n of interest even to wee fe hunting up a residence and secured only a few send or phoue it into The j the Baptist manse. Advance office for publication. We are Mr and Mrg Wahef Louck8 i.f t glad to receive I'ems of any kind. , Thargday morn j ng llT their home at A junior choir saos; in the Methodist | Cormarant Lake, Manitoba. Both these church on Sunday morning. Miss Helen j estimable young people hve many and Master Ivan Henderson of Toronto . fiends here who wish them a happy gave sweetly rendered duet. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Nixon, Stonehouse and John Nixon visited over voyage o'er tae rock infested sea of life. Duncan baseball club will hold a basket picnic at Dnnc&n lake on Friday. July the week end at Mr A. Gilchrisi's and | g ^ when * grand time is anticipated with other fnendi. .ahletic sports of various kirds including A fifteen year old Durham youth et )le a cr. Later he drove into town with it and was nabbed. eentei.ce. The Ladies ' Aid aquatic. See bills. Admission only 15 cent.-. He is off on suspended | The baying has just about ben com pleted around here and the next to come of Feversham are holding the 3rd of August on the Agri- cultural grounds Fevershan^ Football TevBrshaiu. >i ''. will be the harvest. Everything loots as though there would be a bumper crop this year and in fact some field* of oats are higher nod ho'tvier than we have seen between Creemore Pro'grim in evening. Dr. and Mrs. Turubull are spending a Dr. and Mrs. Murray couple uf weeks with relatives on the Nia- | Betty, left Tuesday for Peninsula. Dr. BeU of Toronto is ) holidays in their new summer cottage at uid daughter, t few weeks' Dr. TurnbuU's taking the practice absence. While driving a motor truck on road just north of Markdale but south ->f the big fill. Ernest Morris of Owen Sound saw a yearling bear on the road. W M . S a Beach. The house was erected As the cir passed U shuffled off into the bush again. A cut belonging to S. J. Simmons w*s stolen Sunday morning from his garage, the tracks leading to the Provincial Highway. The car was finally found, after a long search, outside of Shelburne in a ditch. I he gasoline supply had given out. The United U.K. O., U.K.W.O. and U.F.T.P.A. will give a picnic at Fever- sham on Friday, August 4th, when Mr. Carmichal, MUs McPhil and Mr. : by Mr. Walter L"uck*. assisted by Tlus. Ihe i Beothain, R ev - Oke, Wro Morton and Bob Morton. "Insteau of holding the dedication of the memorial an annual event I would suggest that it be held every few years ana a real big J iy be made of the occas- ion," were the words f Miss McPhail in her speech oo Friday eve. last at the first annual decicatioo of the Eugenia Memor- ial monument. Band Re-organized The Flesherton Citizens' Band was re. organized at a meeting of the business men of town on Tuesday evening of last week. A subscription list was taken around the village in the afternoon of Wood will be present. Markdale High- 1 thit day Jnd money to t (, e amount of J md Band. Kverybod> invited. Bring 7001 basket . Hot te* furnished free. TheW. I will meet at the home of Mra. Wilcock Wednesday, Aug. 2nd, t 3 o'clock. Canadian laws concerning women and children, by Mrs. Thunton ; Household management, by Mrs. Moore ; Solo, Mia* A. Handetson ; Lunch Com. about $110 was given. It was decided to overhaul the instruments and get them in shape and if any money is left over tc get a couple more pieces. A band U one of the belt ways to help a town along nd ia a good advertisement. A few year-* ago Flesherton had one of the best bands in this part, but when the war Mesd*.nts Arm8trong,Mitchell.Hickling; . M me the b*nd was disbanded and is only Sandwich, Mrs. RunsUdler, Miw A. | now being resurrected. The following Henderson. Thit h country around here hasn't been so cleared up of brush tht people cannot net lott was demonstrated last week. A couple oMsJIes' of the town went to the valley to pick berries. When it was time to come home they could not find their way out but kept on walking officers were elected: Pres., D Mo Tavish ; 1st vice, B Wslton ; 2nd vice. J. Runitadler; Sec. S.E. deCaduore ; Treas., Qeo. Mitahell ; Manager, W. A. Uawken ; Band Master, Cliff Blkkely ; Band sad Citizens' Com , M. Wilson, C Blakely, U. Down and John Wright ; Trustees for Instruments D McTavithand Welton ; Jos. Field, Dram Major. and finally came oat t R. Hoy's, twojG. B. and a half miles east of town, when one If there are any band instruments oat of them telephoned to hubby t> come [that ar net traced plwse notify the and get 'em. Committee at once. Big Success In The Flesherton P. School Principal Holland Passed all Nine Pupils, Three With Honors Entrance Examinations Following ate the results i the Jr. High School Entrance Examination in the Inspectorate of Eat Grey : FLESHERTON Harold Allen, Hartley Blackbnrc, Angus Bowles, Laura Boyd (hon). Rus* sell Cameron, Wm Deveri'I, Mae Duck- ett, Claribel Fenwick, Fred Large, Lu elU Lever, Ted McDonald, Sum Mc- Donald, Florence McFadden (bon), Isabel McKee, Gladys Finder (hen), Harold Richardson, It ss Smith, Mar- guerite Stinsoo, Viola ThUtlethvraite, Wesley White, George Wright. Rec. Ivan Lockhart. / PRICEVILLE Milci.hu McDonald, Alice Muir,Mi!dred Syme?, Mabel Walters. KIMBEULEY Irene Atkins (hon), Norman Cornfield, Elmer Gibson, Hazel Haines (boo), Hazel Hammond, Hilda Uutchinson, Mildred Smait, Wilda Weber, Evelyn Wiley, Hjrace Elwood Smart. MARKDALE Edca Lyons (honJ^^xSTuriel Murdock (hon), Gladys Hujnih (hoo), Leonard McCarthy (hon), George E McFaddsn (hon), Ethel Diion (hon), Jas Sullivan, Clifford White, Dorothy Murphy, Wilda Mc&chnie, S'anley Rowe, Karl Boyd, Karl Stepbensou, Jean Walters, Mary E Rswe, Gordon Moore, Ella Stoddarr, Rosa L McCarthy. Clurles H Rowe, Minola Parker, Arthur Lee, Kenneth Halberr, Florence Clark, vYilina Lee, Edna Middleton, Edna Boyd, Milton Perkins, John Ritchie, Kathleen Squires Marjorie Hock ley, Walter Markin, Geo O'Henly, James 'Mitchel:, Edith Hem- ming, Marguerite Hockley. Alphonsus McCarthy, Vera Watts, Fred Tylor, Wallace Mercer, Herbert Graham, Chw- lotte Boland. FEVERSHAM Harry Bewell, Fern Campbell, Myrtle Campbell, Gordon Coe, Oscar Deadman, Bernice English Hon., Gordon Fenwick, Katie Findlay, Herbert McMulleo, Ger- trude Pedlar, Bert Ring,* Irene Ring, Adele liobert*, Mtry Rois, William Scutt, Nellie Stephen Hon, Jennie Winters. Harry Stephen. RAVENNA Margtret Brown. Charles Conn, Fran- cis Faulkner, Lizzie Laogtree, Susie Robinson, Charlie She re. Hartley Stout- enburg. Carl Waller. CENTRE GREY LEAGUE Team* Ceylon Dundalk Markdale Yandeleur Flesherton Won Loit P C 4 2 4 2 M 3 :j 3 > .t>66 .500 .500 .2:>o Flesherton 13, Markdale 12 Dundalk 19 Vandeleur 10 Game* thii week Vandeleur at Markdale Ceylon at Dundalk Games Next Week Ceylon at Vandeleur Dundalk at Markdale Flc*herton 13, Markdale 12 Did we do it . Well we should guess Markdile came d.iwn with all their bat- tery of routers with the one intention of cheering a bit, throw the ball around to see how it would feel like and then go hooie with rejoicing with having won the *me. But their sweet dream?, like dreams lways tre, vre exploded with such suddenness that we believe thtt they are rubbing their eyes yet with surprise over what happened. Even thouiih Flesherton did lose theit list M\ trys they -tu, had a kick that lauded MirkJ L' down the ruug a bit instead of landing them a tie with the two leading teams. Of coir.se thy would say that it was the fault of the umpire but yet ll said and done tho blame cuu'c be placed there, but ou the wholo team who weren't batting and Meroer didn'c pitch his reg ular game by any means. Flesherton began right off to wiu the game by block- ing Markdale in the first two, while they put in 1 in :h 1st and after hitting Mercer for three two baggers in the second put over two mure, adding three more in the third. Merrer rutiriog here in favour of Bowler, the visitors securing thur first then and one each in the fourtb and fifth. Alcox waa pitching superb ball *ll the time and Mtrkdala leerned to K dxzetl with speed of hia balls. Flesherton was blanked in the nest thtvo innings Mark dale getting three in th sixth and seventh aud having a lead of one run on the locals then. Tharston got ia the U.t hfilfoftheTh tying the score. l> y I nd Howard hit safely when Dow, (he hero of the day, smashed a home tun over the rignt Mold f. nee, the bill loem'ii itself. Fleshert T. added Mother in the eighth. Markdale wok* up in the '.' h and went wild with the bat for a micute or so and ran in four run,attAin having * lead of one tun on the homesters. Vic- Summer Grocery Specials Dyson's Chow Pickles, 2 1-2 Ib. tins Lux, 2 packages Lenox Soap, 5 large bars Tomato Catsup, 25c. size, 2 bottles Krinkle Corn Flakes, 3 packages - 23cts 25ct3 25cts 35cts 25cts JAPANESE FANCY CHINA New designs for Souvenirs and Presents Bon Bon Dishes, Cream and Sugar Sets, Butter Dishes, Cake Plates, Salad Bowls, Berry Sets, Biscuit Jars, Chocolate Sets, All reasonably priced. Special 40 piece Japanese China Tea Set, new design, beautiful col- oring on high glazed white stock. SPECIAL S9.50. Display OF TEA SETS See the display of Tea Sets in our windows, priced at S9.50, S13.50 and S15.00 Unusual Offering in Japanese China Cups, Saucers Six colorings in a beautifully shaped cup and saucer, full size, clear white body, highly glazed. Regular 50c. each, Special 28c F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO tory seemed sure to them then. Mercer came back in the box again in the H;h and it was then the game waa lost to the Redmerf when the first two men hit safely, the next, mm struck out and Al- CQX landed in the ball fur a doable to left delJ, scoring the two men and win- ning the game. It was a great victory for the closing if the league season u tr as Fleshertoo it concerned and although the game was not needed to boost cur average, it taught the Had Men from the north not to count their chickens before they are batched. Dow played a perfect game with the bar. hitting every time up securing two doubles.two singles and a home run. S E. de Cudmore came across with th-< S promised for every home run on the Fleaherton grounds. Markdale 0011 12*1 412 Fleshertan 1 2300041 13 Line up Markdale Bowler, Beard. Dundas, H Mercer, C Marcer, Beaton. Sim*, Tuck. Murdock. Flrsherton Graves. Ihurston. Boyd, Howard. Dow, Cirgoe, Armstrong, Alcox. Sparks. Batteries: H Mercer, Bowler *nd Bowler and C Mercer ; Alcox and Dow. Umpire: Vr.sey of Owen Sound. f Dutdalk and Ceylon are new tied for ' first place in the league, while Ynde- ' leur and Markdale are tied for second. | It w anybody s championship yet, s' each team his tar.. <;>mes to play . Dundalk went to Vnndeleur <.n Thurs- ! Jay with the idea oi trimming the Vins and succeeded very well, winning by ;i| score '.'f 1910 before a Urge crowd. It was poor game from the third inning ou. In the 9:h Dillon for Vandeleur hit j a home run to centre field scoring man | ahead of hiui. We thought that it would I be a good game but Dundalk ran \v Id ' with " Buck " and hit him nil over. D Gtaham relieved him in the i>th uud| turneiljn a fairly good game. Score by innings: Dundulk 2 15 1 4 I 3 219 V*ndeieur 1 0010422 010 I Electrical Goods Our stock includes the well known Hotpoint line, also Canadian Beauty appliances. Domestic Irons, Toasters, Grills Fans, Percolators, "Easy*' Wash- ing Machines, Curling Tong Heaters, Etc. Other electrical needs such as Table Lamps, Floor Lamps, Boudoir Bulbs all sizes, Sockets, Rosettes and Cord always in stock. Repairs will receive prompt attention W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON, - ONT. Sudden Death A sudden death occurred t the F*rk House here Wednesday murning of this wek, when Mrs. Eliztbeth Ross of Toronto, a guest, ptssed away. The lady was about 50 years of age and hid been ailing from heart troaDle t r couple of months. The remains nere taken to Toronto on the afternoon train WillU-Carrington In Htrristonat the Methxliat parson- age on Monday, July I6tb, I'.'- 1 -', Mae f Susan Carrington. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carrington of Flesherton, to j Samuel Nelson Willis cf Wroxeter. The ' oeremonjr was*performed by Re. Joseph Wright. Both bride and groom hae the best wishes of a host of friends for a long and happy life. The bride and groom are at present visiting here and expect to return to Wnxeter in a few days, where they Intend to reside. Feversham's Busy Store We are agent for the Standard Designer Pattern Leave vour order and have us send for your patterns MRS. R. H. HENDERSON i FEVERSHAM, . ONT. I For Sale or Rent Boar For Service Pure bred Reglsterea Yorkshire Boar House and lot in Caylon, eight roomed for service Vineyard Famous 77530 j brick residence ; good stable and driving oo lot 167, S. \V. T. & S. R., Artemeaia. shed; hard and soft water, one and a Terms f 1.30. Sows not returned will bt <{<mter acres of land. Apply to t charged same is those in pig. -JOHN McDONALD, Ceylon. Ont.; 10.4.S2 T. J. STINSON.