' - r* I The Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE ' a strange wavering: in hi eyes, new \ mad a curious, conscious gesture to- keenneea. Araby's face, wailing, drift- 1 ward it. ed before him behind him Marcia'a, "What do you think of it?" he eyes, mournful, haunting, seemed to 'asked 1 . "I never dreamed Trask had took through into hi heart. He thought again <xf Waklron's assurance that he would be forced to go out of ; England and was conscious of a ud- The Beginning of the Story. | WaWron applied a match, Mara near it in him." "Tra&k ha* more in him than most folks realize!" Kempton said quickly. "Like a good mamy other*, he's never had much c-f a chance his environ- ment is wrong. Hi training has be-eri The portrait, though, .' den uplaping of reslief . * match, drew jjjg hf.^ hungered to be ..~..~ .. . B . Marcia Halstcad secretary to Mrs. [slowly with enjoyment, then let out Araby; but to meet her constantly, purely Engliah. Alden, is entrusted with some jewels a cloud of smoke. Through it he eyed under present circumstances was pain-! is excellent." wh,l e her employer goes out to lun- the other contemplatively with some- f u l too meet her in Marcia's- presence ! Something in his voice made the on with Kempton Rosslaer, I , thing of speculation. His brown face a torture. Ho was not a coward, but 'other look at him half questionmgiy Bother Lady Rosslaer and her son was impassive , but there was a certain deep within him he knew that his i He was Blaring into the pictured eyes, 2ui ,u ,'v. ^ a ",' a P ,?,i th b rl <. rhtlles3 a " his eyes. He spoke at .present position was gradually be- and his lip were close set. After a jewels in the safe but fails to find tne , j as (. duplicate key. She consults a noted rsician who tells her she cannot longer than six months ^ answers the call of a solicitor to find that she is heir to a large fortune on condition that she marries before she is twenty-one. Returning to Mrs "Rot!" he said, tersely and emphasis. coming more and more untenable, with would have to get away; and He moment Waldron Eaid: the CHAPTER XXXVIII. "Rot!" eaid Wakliron again. "No I chance that Waldron offered was the only thing that made this possible. He etirred, hesitated, then stood up. : Tako it?" Waldron asked, and man who has his health and the use swung to his feet, too, as the other "So excellent that i)t almost justice to the originail. Though I thank no mere painted thing could ever quite do that!" Hi voice softened, warmed. Kemp- ton turned to him maddenly. days. To shield his father's name nounced. j talk, for a little while, of something and in consideration of release within | "Work!" he repeated tensely. ; else." *ix months, Kempton consent*. At ; "That's just ft! I don't know the first He had turned to face the portrait, restaurant Marcia faints and Is assist- j thing about work! I've been an idle F r a second he hesitated. Then he ed by three strangers, Araby Trask, a]1 my life( y/n^^ng aimlessly j '= rr ~- : ' her father, who is an artist, anc a through existence and accepting an al- ' wealr,.y young man, Jasper Waldron. towance like a sc hooliboy. It makes After the secret mam.-ge ceremony me git . k gick ^^ myaelf _ with Rosslaer and Marcm go their several everything! 1 suppose there are hun . ways; her ,mproved mode of living ^ Hk m<j Q J ^ , much benefUs Marcia^ health; she tttracts cons(>lation ,. Waldron reached out a long arm and (To be continued.) Mlnard't llnlmeit for Burns, eto. the admiration of her new friends and the love of Waldron. He pays a targe pushed the decanter nearer to him. "You can learn!" he said placidly. "To work, I mean." Kempton laughed shortly. "And who's going to teach me? I, 'that I Woman's Sphere *um for Marcia's portrait, painted by Trask. Lady Rosslaer claim* rela- tionship with Mrs. Hiilstead and in- sists upon a visit from Marcia which angerr Keninton. The young heiress disc* keeps him at his apartments one evening, Waldrai finds his Hfe-long^riend Ross'ker. Upeculatively." He said, between puffs, with steam; do not dip in boiling rTiADTMru YYYVTT /r>. n M\ i a * ^' s P*t >e: I water. This-may be done by suspend- MAPI :R XXXVIL-<Contd.) "YotiVe young. You're sound as a in g the cheesecloth like a hammock tf,Tt .he Jves Wafdron' tot ** ft God though," forcefully, "that at a distance Returning to ! could work! That there's something j a _f_ d _ anCe ' ! _! tU r_ 1 ?: < jI could do!" not seem necessary to repeat it Wald/ron eyed him again, closely, 1 here. Remember to blanch greens Its just a beastly bore going away; bell. helped. Waldron . You're overflowing with surplus! over thc watpr in now, 1 mean. But it can't be energy. You could' work as well as Canning Helpers. j What can a woman with a tendency The process of cold-pack canning' to superfluous hair do about it? Must BO many times that it] she just give up and let it grow? It depends very much upon the am- ount and character of the hair. If there are only a few strong, aggres- sive hairs, the electric needle will make short work of them. The needle pulled a deep chair for- ward and dropped into it. He repeat- ed, hatf shrugging, what he had said to Marcia earliier in the evening. "I've got such a deuced lot of irons in the fire, you know and I have to the next man ami bettor than a, lot. You've got intelligence 'as well as muscle canner. I must go to the follicle of each hair, If asparagus, beans, peas, and corn' so it is a tedious job if there are very ! are allowed to stand too long before many, and I do not advise that it be ^_ NoTonTy! canning, sur taste often develops.! attempted unless the hairs are so few couid "you work if you' gave your! They should be canned as soon as j that they can be readily counted. mind to it but you -uld make good!", picked. Never let more than two Of] Where there is a large surface, cov- "What at?" Kempton's voice wasj three hours elapse before canning. | ered with vigorous hair, I do not ad- ' frankly scoffing. He wa very much attend to each concern personally, : out of'ltove 'with hhnself and his "use- because I don't know anyone relable lessness to-night. to do it for me. Shall have to find' Those things which had satisfied him t some one some day, I suppose. Kemp, <wi ce satisfied him no longer. He was Corn turns dark for three reasons:! vise the use of the needle, neither do Using corn too old; canning with' I think it is worth while to try to re- water that contains iron; blanching, move such a growth of hair with i drugs. I have often wondered what what in thunder have you been doing possessed "of an" overwhelm in e"reV i Corn becomes waterlogged for four, objection there can be against shaving to yourself lately? You're all on the , lessness^a desire to "be up and doing.! reasons: Allowing it to stand too long in such a case. It is true that shaving jumps, and look worn to ft frazzle!" Of a sudden it seemed to him that his in the cold water after blanching; let- j will make the hair firmer and stronger, Rosslaer started. Then he laughed existence hitherto had been con- ting the cans stand on the table after: but, even so, it is seldom indeed that rather hardly, shrugging. lie, too, tempitible. | they are packed. Always plunge im-'hair growing on a woman's face Is as dropped into a chair, his back to the. He had relied solely upon his father, mediately into the canner; heating; aggressive as the softest type of 'and what his father chose to give him.! TOrn m war m water over a slow fire;! beard in a man, and the man with a "it" h opening cans to serve and allowing the! mild beard can easily keep his face. In general are all anyhow-^nd I, in JierfiTto".^^ a fight for "himself- , ears to 8tand in thc col(i water ' ^'l^T V "SlT* ?' f*? ""I particular, am in the devil of a and for her. He ha<l been effortless, i move cans a8 8OOn as P en * d - daily ' * would much prefer to see a ; mces JAnd he loathed himself for it. Beets lose their color because tops) woman with a clean face 'that gavej He broke off. His eyes grew, "At any job that's a man's job!"' and tail are cut too closely. Leave on some evidence of acquaintance with a! sombre as he remembered the neccss- WaMron returned. Then he leaned at least an inch of the top and all of : razor blade than one with a straggling! - - - -= - ity of curbing h;s npoech. All the suddenly forward. "If you're in earn- ' the tail while blanching. Then scrape growth of nondescript hair. "set." Now sprinkle with finely chop- 1 The octave coupler is operated by Drugs known as depilatories are fa-- ped parsley and with the sputula turn' means of a centre pedal. Since two h Had Your Iron Today? Work Brains Not Digestion HERE'S an ideal hot-weather luncheon ! Two packages luscious Little Sun- Maid Raisins one cool glass of milk. Big men don't need more. 290 calories of energizing nutri- ment in the little raisins. Pure fruit sugar, practically predigested so it acts almost immediately, yet doesn't tax digestion and thus heat the blood. ^ There's fatigue-resisting food-iron also in this lunch. Vital men eat like this and resist the weather. Don't work thei r diges- tion because they want to work their brains. Try it for a few days and you'll feel better. ,<i Little Sun-Maids Between-Meal Raisins 5c Everywhere in Little Red Packages troubled scnil of him longed for the p?f- about wanting to work I'll prove instead of peeling. DIM* of uncloaking his burden for it!" Peas turn cl()udy for three reason*. , miliar to all doctors. Some very good over'one-third of the omelet, then fold notes are being struck by one flnger n. I>UL n- new iv ineir eyes met. Something |n ^ ' -' Al - - **-- L * *- ' - ] - t : - - :_A_I__ *._ i . ..... ... But he Even to this one an'l Waldron's kindled a flame in the only friend of his he ei.uKI not speak younger man's. He straightened him-; of what had pawed. His tongue was self with a jerk. tied. He could only go on waiting j "Go on!" he -said, ami Waldron waiting. Cracking the skin of the ing too long; using very hanl or mineral water. Be sure to make currant jelly. Do a mistake to try! once as you turn out. Serve at once, j while the coupler !s in to use them in cases that call for a This omelet may be varied by adding; is, of course, an iccrense In the weight razor, and neither should they be used chopped ham, peas, tomatoes, bacon or! * touch; but as one flnger is leajly when the hair is removable by thei cheese, just before folding. doing tfc work of two. there is no ex- He seemed to feel the eyes of the n drink. I reached forward to pour himself out, not pick currants after a rain. Look j electric needle. But there are many Creamed Egg: Chop five or six tra labor involved. A further charac- portrait upon him great, d'iirk, soft huiirrting eyes, wistful, wo-mlering and n involuntary shudder shook him. Waldron looked at him again and frowned. "Money?" he a?ked. "Or " "I snid just now," he began without over carefully and remove bits of leaf,, cases in which the hair is not very: hard-boiled eggs, not too fine. Make a teristic of the instru: ent Is the harp- wash and drain, but do not stem. Put vigorous nor does it cover any great' white sauce of a cup of milk, a table- 1 iehord effect, which the Inventor las Protection of Table Tops. --_,,- _. _ jt f^^j ui t , j ij>v< . H 1W*O l>, llCtllllltllJ' ,, , , ! H? paused. Kempton stirred, flush- enough, I hadn't thought about you in whlcn nas l)l>en heated ed, then nodicl<xl grimly. | connection with my business affairs. > allowing cup for cup of sugar and The careful housekeeper is solid- Egg Gems: Use one cup of chopped u: of his instrument will result In a " dish with suitable pieces of toast. pointed out by the inventor that the . The Inck of it. I'm up to my eyes I'd be mighty glad" if you'd come in Juice, and l>oil for three minutes. Thenj tous for the preservation of the finish i cold meats, one teaspoonful of melted - " ' in debt, and can e- no way of KvUing with me, Kemp." out of it The pater s rutting up rough RoMlaer stared '< ^t n %a^TYit.!v 9 n m^ "ir - -f, II ,,w-7eAfniy n ,t fU L>le both ' ret, rnVd^" u\ IfSrthS i*> y<m' simplification of technic. elimin- test by taking a little juice in the; O n the dining table, and usually pro-! butter, one cup of bread crumbs, salt ' atfrng huge skips and different exten- Then he shook his spoon and pouring off the side. Whenj vides some protection for the surface and pepper. Mix together meat and slons ' tne fln sere, while at the same r w u- v, ' tw thick dn ' ps form n the side <rf ' from ^e heat of plates, electric toast-: bread crumbs. Add the butter, salt' thue s ring an orchestral sonority imt y< hp w th the Rpoon il is ' Ione ! ers ' tea P<> ts . and other articles. The and pepper and enough milk to bind it 1 of tone nltherto Impossible with on* ,.<..*,., ^ ,.,u , coukto't be I'd ^sn^^y- blackberry and straw- ; Forest Products Laboratories of the together nicely. Have ready gem pans! P* lr of hands - He stopped. Waldron reached for be a hindrance intead of a help I'd bcrrv J el| y m y be mati b >* adding. Department of the Interior, in the well greased and fill with the mixture. That the Invention wtll prove an Im his pipe and filled it slowly. i have to learn the ropes right from > ef l ual measures of apple juice, or by COU rse of a study of the heat-resisting Break an egg on the top of each, sea- 1 P rtjui t factor In the musical life of "Mayn't I help?" He asked the the beginning." i using a commercial pectin. properties of various materials, found : son with salt and pepper and sprinkle tne PP le te believed to be cej-taln, U question with a level matter-of-fact- 1 "Every man's got to learn sooner, In making jams allow three-quarters , that ordinary quarter-inch wall-board, with cracker crumbs. Bake eirht: ! having received the endorsement of or later. You'd be a little later than of a pound of sugar to every pound of j was very .uitable for this purpose. ' minutes. 55ft t . hat ' 8 _ a !. L I ' mn ? t ? r tn < ling | fruit. Crush the fniit and put it on | Test9 showed that wall-board permitted Egg Salad: heats in the ness that htughed. steadied Kempton. He OWf nil!? Wft 1 couldn't pay into three thousand. I But you could IK- a help to iv.e a real often When cold Boil the number of for twenty minutes, shell and remove whites having received the endorsement maiiy celebrated musicians and teads of musical organisations and institu- tions. il.n* vmvv M*WUIM I IUL VtJU IIIUKI 1 1\' .1 IM'llI IO Il.L' (I r*'Ul 1 1_ JJ il.' I e you back. God!" He help-you could use up yi.U'- nirplus heated through ad.l one-third of sugar , uged for this purpose As wall-board carefully from the yolks. Chop the! An Observant Nurse, doctor had been called to see a * I* fwi v\7diu n^i u|/ y \,** ' c ui piun . ,. . mi ij .1 fluntf out his hand niiddenly, fiercely, energy anil you could earn H living i' aml b01 ' ten minutes. 1 lien add one- , j s an art i c i e widely manufactured in whites and leave the yolks whole.] A ,.... u . u u <^u VBUCM iu = a "Why do men in my father's position very fair one. Liatenl" half remaining sugar and boil for ten j Canada, and not at all expensive, these Serve on lettuce leaves with a boiled 1 man who was very ill He examined bring up their son* in idleness- to | He knocked out hi pipe and leaned minutes. Now add all the sugar and experiments open up a new field for 1 dressing and small balls of cottage 'him and said to thp nurse- know no profession to- have not the; forward. smallt t coivception of what it means! "I'm not going to offer you a noft to work honr.'tly, wholesomely, [ job. Just to smooth over niy sugges- Biiely, for a living uiv.l luxuries? ; lion of a loan. But I'll iquare your They're handicapped from tho start! j debts for you if you'll give your time They begin life in cotton wool. By the; to me for." say, a couple of "years. I time the wrapping are torn off they | want .someone who's reHshle and trust- rr not fi 1 to face life itself! And worthy beforo anything else. Riisinesa fr *'< >z - very man who is a man has got to , knowledge wouldn't matter; nut for ome time or (mother! And- with mo the jobs I'd want you to look after at it's too late. I'm good for nothing!" i first. Ami you'd be learning the use. cook until thick enough to spread. Store in glasses like jelly. A glass of jam ..Ided to a pint of ^^.^ jn ^ and whipped cream makes a delicious' mousse Pack in equal parti of ice' Wny not !et tno color st< neme for and Val't and let stand three hours toiy ur mp f t l 'j sh '''. lril 'e these warm summer days be white and gold? The housewife who has given little or no to the composition of eggs cheese. Escalloped Kggs: Moisten bread crumbs with milk or meat broth. Place a layer of this in a well-buttered bak- ing dish, slice some hard-boiled e-ggs upon it with bits of butter here and there. Then place a layer of minced fever. "You must watoh the case very closely through the night and tell me all the symptoms when I come back in the morning." The man became worse in the night, and talked a lot of nonsense in Ms Hair. thought , i has much to learn of their nutritive There is at least one manly char- , va , up C)>re be . KCteriSUe longed for bv boys and It would menu your going out of England fairly frequently, but nut for ? omK mc in ham, veal or chicken; crumbs. Bake until well crumbs are browned. then bread heated and For RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Testimonial: Dear Sir*, After etitferlng UrUiid-a for oTer 15 yeora upending monery o>n nuailk'Ui^ Iia1li:i, cl-ntrl lii-ltr.. tr . whlctt did m no good, I wa aired br In the words of the "O, egg, within thine oval shell, .. wuc v* un^ 3UI1M1V iiiii!K s iw rtincni- a man so much complacency or in a % u , , , .. ,, ; b<?r '" the C l - mK 1 lhat tht> lllbunlen consternation. V y3 , T their cooking, however, if this food .,..-, ~..., ...^, w .. ,.,,,.,>,, ,,,, t ,, . > . i -. anxiety win n ; value ia retained, in th- .^^. ^f K any gre.it length of time. I ought to ls nevc>r <'veteil by any women of how- ; go to France after this Spanish busi- pvfbr mnscuhne type; that is the . IQ ( "Ti , if t ym ''" < i mP l i" Wk ' h rr^'u 11 T W 'r "-' , h f' UPO " "''/T, ' k Ti W*" 1 P*'* 1 * t'^linic joys do dwell" ^at*ifui -' my p " " ' 1H 1 ( 1'. 9 -f 1 !!! 1 !!:!!!!. l l?** c ! i ne f th sim o |<? in ^ to Involuntarily he glanced back over woman so his fhouldw at Marcia' portrait. KtBUpton folli)weJ the (flancu and frowned. Waldron went on. "Your father's an old man. It is doubtful if he will live very long. In a couple of ywirn it ia more than pos- si'ble you'll s-~tep into his ithoes. You will he able to decide then if you want bo .work or not. And you'll RADIO ; in the egg coitrulates at a high tem- ! perature. In order t i have that sofi | Growing. They said that I must keep you quiet, And wrote down carefully all the hours of your schedule. Food and sleep, they said, that was all you needed. But last night when I could not tell what you wanted a certain upprentirwhip. ' "Mind you, you won't find it easry. I'm offering you nothing that cun byi anv manner of means he ciilli-il Vuhv.'; M IH (111- MW ^M~w~( ^^ - -. - utltg; <>n botAla or your NHrW >'"' II earn every ponny thr.t comes to i ivv upMwnv ;yw. "'I' 1 * nw-rv hnrdly in Hint MI'TC IJKMhOY .^ t you ,^ in<>xljork , nce<1 | f vm , Hfty ye(| \our truly, .^,-n t)0 exp(Vt<y t tl , ] eav( . Kngland Wm OUfay. Oorard HI 73 xpccWst to leave Kngland ( within a few day* -I'll wn.t you to Toronto join mo in Spain, probably, to soak in iwht I'm doing there; then you can One bottle for One Dollar; on to France mul try your hand t Six bottleH for Five Dollars, settling things there. "You mustn't think you'll like it at flr."t. You won't! But. \st I know you as I think I do yoii'H never h* content to *it down it) idleness Agaio. There's nothing like work, Kemp, to keep you out of mi.'/hief, and to take you out of yourself! Work, for your- self 'and a woman' ' He hroko off on the tiuolHtion. Koniptun stirrwl !thrj>ly. There was Mailed direct to Customers. *>&rui tfr Brmrby Company Adelaide St., Cand ToronU Hear Toronto and Montreal Radio Con- certs every night, Juit as though you were In one of theie greit' cities, with our Marconi Radiophone (Model CK Write for full Information and prloet. The AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES and TIME RECORDERS TORONTO CANADA j the egg should not hi- subjected to ! extremes in heat or length of time in i cooking. Hot or warm water makes a much more tender omelet than mllV and; there is little excuse for failure of| these toothsome dainties if one is rea- 1 ' xonably careful. A good omelet pan 1 is necessary. This steel spirler must! be smooth uml \t the right tpmper- n tn re to insure success. Following are some of the various ways of making eggs palutable: Plain Omelet: Put one tables-poon- 1 ful of butter in a steel spiilcr ami heat slowly. Break four eggs into the bowl .snd only beat enough to thoroughly r.:i\ the white* and yolks, add four taWespoonfuls of warm water, n little nutmeg and salt. Draw spider to the hottest part of stove ami when butter is hot, not browning, ndd the eggs. Let cook a moment and then with the spatula, loosen the omelet at the edge, I allowing the uncooked part to run 1 under and continue until the omelet is When the doctor returued In the morning, he said to the nuns*: "Tell me exactly wiut happened after I left." "You were hardly out of the room," she began, wihen he said: "When did that old fool sav be was coming back again?' Those were tbs las* eiensibl words the patient spoke." o Minard'* Liniment for Dandrvli creamy consistency s> much desirej.j And lay down beside you, worn out with your weeping, You slept happily, close to my heart Little son, were you lonely so soon? Elizabeth Porter Wyckoff. A New Two Keyboard Piano. A piano with two keyboards, tb manuals somewhat resembling those of a pipe organ, except that they are ' : not so widely separated as In the or- . gan, has been invented by Emmanuel Moor. H Swiss. The instrument has ! one set of strings only, one set of h*m- | mers. ajwl the two manuals as mention- ed. To facilitate the passung of the flnger.t from ono keyboard to the ! other, the back end of each white note I on the bottom manual is rnl*ed to the I level of the sharp note*. The upper j maminl Is everywhere jui octave high- ' er l<n pitch than thc lower on*, and U | is claimed that the player, hy passing , rni>itUy from ono manual to the other. ! cnu execute the most dlDlctilt nrpeg- glo without moving tho band literally. No Wonder He Left Home. Returning to ibis nativ- village, young man missed the weather vaue from the church spire. "And what's happened to the weathev vane?" he in- quired of an old laborer. "Oh. mister, there were two o 1 'em In tho village. But there weren't enough wind for both. So we took one down." came the reply.