WORRIED WOMEN NEED RICH BLOOD Latent Power. waste power by givmg it to the man who has oo hard task. "Aa thy daye. If you viflit one of the great depart- go shall thy strength be." Let u ment stores you may be unaware wfcat 1 then rejoice If our task la hard, and Measuring Instruments Must be Standardized. Mosr industrial proceaeee, surveying, trade and other activities of modern jycu so many steps. It is only wh n i; rfll) / Illl |i|> I? r UTI I ! you go down to the third basement and i IVLLl I HILUUfill 1 1-LL i see the power plant that you realize ; tow great is the mechanical energy ! that is being expended. All is silent m the basemen*; there : are only a few men on duty. Yet more HOT WEATHER steel maker must be able to measure temperatures and other quantities con- power is required for the many me- especially If It is- just a little beyond cbantaal contrivances round you the; our strength, for God's strength makes ' civilization depend upon measure- radiators, the myriad overhead lamps, ' perfect our weakness. i nienta of oce kind or another. If the Blood is Not Kept Pure jthe cash tubes - t th ^^ ^fj ^| Health Will Break Down. It Is useless to tell a hard working woman to take life easily and not to worry. To do so U to ask the almost Impossible. But, at the same time. It Ie the duty of every woman to save her strength to meet any unusual demands. It te a duty abe owes herself and them jugt enough ^ maintain the need family, for her future health may de- ' boilers 'HAMILTON MAN IS BACK ON JOB AND FEELS FINE Classified Advertisement* \\T E HAVE A CASH PfRCH..^EK ' ' for a WMkljr nwi paper ID Oo ' tarlo. Price miut be attractive. Sn4 ! fall Information to Wilson Publishlr-' Adelaide St. \V . To rent*. Co.. Ltd, 73 BELTING FOR SALE nected with his work; the surveyor. Chas. Davis Was Often Forced rpHREASHlRE BSLT9 AND sue- I TION hose, new and used. s,.:pp<! than a score of boilers are constantly Every mother knows how fatal th distances, angles and time; the trader, ; weights and volumes and the scientist I still further properties of materials. It U obvious that Che accuracy of airy measured quantity depends upon hot summer months are to small child- 1 the precision of the Instrument em- receiving coal; automatic stokers feed ! re n. Cholera infanturn, diarrhoea, dy-; ployed for the measurement. While to Lay Off From Work Days at a Time Before He Began Taking Tanlac Stomach Trouble Now En- tirely Gone. mbject to approval at lowest prices La Canada. York Belting Co., lit fork St.. Toronto. Out pent! upon It. To guard against a complete break- ; down in health the blood must be kept sentry, colic and stomach troubles are the precision of a measuring inotru- j The steam from the ' rife at this time and often a precious men* can be verified by comparing ita is converted into electrical little life is lost after only a few hours indications with those of one known energy. Most of th motors are idle j illness. The mother who keeps Baby's . to be accurate, a little consideration | now, but if you were to stay there Own Tablets in the house feels safe, shows that ultimately, eihtr directly chtnist. No Cause for Worry. His cousin "I hope FUcharf'o lif hasn't been blighted by that cruel worry, dear. "Tanlac did me so much good that II 1 should like to tell everybody about It." r said Charles H. Davis/ 24 Crosthwatte *** U. too much Infatuated w*h h.nv Ave.. Hamilton, Ont.. a popular < "^ to ^ iTlJuml ">' "* estcnlal toT affair." rich, red and pure. No other medl- tnrougn a w i n ter afternoon you might ' The occasional use of the Tablets pre- or Indirectly, it must be compared with "My kidneys gave me st> much tron ' : ' cine does this so well as Dr. Williams' be to one after another, : vents stomach and bowel troubles, or a unit or standard which to accepted ble that I often had to lay off from ] Pink Pills. This medicine strengthens apparent ly of ita own vioMtion, take 'if the trouble comes suddenly as lt|by common consent as iUustrationu, work for two or three days at a time. MONEY ORDERS. Sand a Dominion Express Honey the nerves, restores the appetite and keeps every organ healthily toned up. Women cannot always rest when they should, but they can keep their strength by the occasional use of Dr. WilMams' Pink Pills. Among those up its task. No human baud has ' generally does the Tablets will bring the three fundamental standards, the I had awful nagging pair acrosu the Order. They are parable everywhere. touched them; but something has hap-! baby safely through. They are sold, yard, the pound, and the second, pened. Darkness has settled down [ by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 j In practice it is usual for the Gov- flnst on the lower floors and then on ; centa a box from the Dr. Williams' : ernment to undertake the work of cer- the upper floors ; on* person here and Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. another there has switched on the \ tifyinar, to the precision of measuring in- strumente (especially when these are who have found benefit from this | Iignt9 Tne engines respond to the call TV- Orchestra's "StCD-Child." i directly employed in trade*, and either nu^inlna in HJ, r-~-~ n n nm>H Urna/t i__ I * " C *" -ilWJU a ._*.*-* medicine is Mrs. Cora Conrad, Broad Cove, N.S., who says : "My system was very much run down, and my blood poor and watery. I suffered a great deal from headaches and dizziness; my appetite was pror, and I tired easily. I decided to try Dr. Williams' for more power. Another day you might be astonished at the sudden and furious activity of some of the motors. What has happened? A flre has started on one of the upper floors, the heat of which has melted the plugs from the automatic flre sprinklers ; the When the average person attends a to test all appliances before they can see where I small ot my back and I often went for a whole day without eating, be- The path cf duly generally parallel* cause of th severe pains in the pit of . the road to happiness. my stomach after every meal. I had In proportion to ita size, the swai- frequem spells of weakness and be- low has a larger mouth than any other came *o dizzy at times that I couldn't bird. golig and wouid symphony orchestra, he be put to ""* or to teet a Proportion bump Into people in the street. I just 1 which can be used aa secondary or re-i felt tired out all tie time and was set- ference standards by a or she is probably apt to follow the string section of the orchestra more readily than any other. And of tie stringed instruments the violins hold Pink Pills and have every reason to be amount of wat er in the great tank on glad that I did so. Soon I felt better, \ tfae ^^ ha3 su< idily decreased, and nd under the continued use of the tne motors are working to pump more. pills the headaches and dizilnesa were | what a wan< i e rfully complicated and gone, and my blood reemed In a bet- i flnely ter condition than before. For this reason I recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." of i sends power plant It is! srpeaking, every chilling gust that blows against Che building a shiver through the heating You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ' 6y9Wm . Every shadow ttat crosses through any dealer in medicine or by ! the 3ky ^ every gleam of sunlight mall at 50 cents a box or sir boxes ' jjj^t tt for $2.50 from Tte Dr. Williams' Medi- ' adjusted as to respond to every need; clae Co., Brockville, Ont traders and others. Formerly Instruments for measuring the centre of the stage. Of the cellos. Tolume * ** * er tne ^ violas and double-bass, wtlch go to ! <*** ln wUlQh T accuracy cr agree- complete the string section, the viola ! me f l considered necessary, but by manufacturers, ting weaker ejreiy day is the least known. Many people think that the viola is very like the 'cello. The viola is the alto violin. Its s-trings are tuned a half octave below the violin, and a whole octave above the 'cello. The viola strings are the same as violin strings, only thicker , ami a little longer, lighting system, which, to M | a f ew tach ^ , OQger under modern conditions it has been found necessary to establish addition- al standards of measurement. The International Bureau of Weights "But Tanlac has rid me of these troubles and I'm right on the Job ev^ry day now and am just feeling good and gattfng stronger all ths time. Taalac to certainly a wonderful medicine." Taalac la sold by all food druggist? Advt. and The soot of wood has been minutely Slevres. France, en- analyzed and found to contain 15 dif- abiea different countries in Che worid ferent substances. to be supplied with copies of the stand- . The viola ia only ! 8Tds agreed upon by an International the ordinary Cci nunittee. representing nearty every PETRI E S MACHINERY TORONTO L.nimerK Relieva Nturj.;!. flddte u mugt also be neM at i civiUzed country. Single nation* are One Cause of Forest Fires. ly necessary. If we admire the gemius that has devised the wonderful plant. \ how much more CanadVs forest resources are e.*sen- ' ally of coniferous nature, the hard- : a limit in its reach. Uoas * Use National Physical Labora- WOC(i3 as a whole forminr about 3 per The viola has been termed the "step- ' tory> , England, ar-J the^ Bureau of cent o f rj, e tota ; quantity of lumber the presence of an overseer is scarce- shoulderi and because a man's arm ; P rovid 1 for b ^ =*"* national ta^tltu- : <* lld " <* In all walks of life and nothing is more true with regard to flre prevention. "A burnt child dreads the fire" is as true to-day as it was in olden times, but the average citizen has not yet been /VMinfa I , UU11U Ul U1C UH 1 I who has created for us a body that Is ; Uon Fornjerl> . u far more wonderful! Many persons tell us to pray for power, but, though prayer is good, there is another duty to perform in order to get power; we must harness orchestra's string sec- wad little used. It Is said that In earlier times about the only main who played a viola was the burnt and It la to make him realize his ourselves to a usk that requires it. To " at _.>*..j.lKn *w nt\* nnltf trt hfmcal* K.* tAllL lual who was so poor a he couldn't qualify even for the second violins. Today violas are so import- eommunlty at large that our efforts and the prop eiior comes above hould be directed. Deputy Fire Mar- \ water llne Q^ engines race, ami hal. G. F. Lewis, Ontario. I whole ^p tremblas. God does the the not ' responsibility not only to himself, but 7""; aul lnal "^ *" entrusted j turn power into an engine neat n. O f special promlaence, and even solos. load" Is ruinous; when a ship pitch** Tncre & n^ ol heT tonal effect in the orchestra that can be mistaken for the , viola, and the fact that tiis instrument ia so <>eUlom heard in solo passages, make* its introduction all the more effective. Surnames and Their Origin LEYDON Variation* Liddane, Laydon, Layton. Racial Origin Irish. Source A given name. STYLES Variation Stile*. Racial Origin Engliah. Source A locality. Here is a family name of very Here Is a family name which, m any ^^^ though to the average person man - n< form you may consider, Leydon. Lay- to-day, particularly the city dweiler, don, Layton or Liddane seems to be j the source might not at once he appar- typically English. But It Ie not. It te Iriefh. True, the form Layton does often | In most places modern methods of factory production, together with the of hardware, have made the Burned Forests Pay No Wages. Living forests provide us with wood material of all kind* tor our homes and Industries, but burned forests provide : no lumber, no work for the working- ' Ineaa for tb merchant and no freight for the railway or steam- s-hip.. Most of the land on whtch our Canadian forests now stand Is not at for agriculture, but it la fit to grow floe crops of trees to keep our saw- mills, our wagon factories, our furnl- of the United States, where many different insturment* are veri- fied, and much research is undertaken. While Canada hae not. a yet. a targe central organization correspond- ing to these laboratories, much of the I work undertaken by them te done at j the Government Laboratories at Ot- i tawa. In the Survey Laboratories of the Department of the Interior a large volume and variety of instruments are tested annually. The measuring In- struments verified at this laboratory Include obTonomeUrs and watches. ; measures of length, surveying Instru- i meats, barometers and pressure gauges, thermometers, telescopes, etc. . produced. Book on DOG DISEASES and How to FM<] Mallwl Vn* to aajr A4- ir.s* br tha Author. K. <n aioTr Oo,IMk lit '. 24th 8'-rc Naw Terk. t: 3.x I YARMOUTH. N s. The Original and Only Genuine. Bwmr* of Imitations old on th Te.tr.-i ot MINARD'S LINIMENT Klnard*! Llnlmtnt for Ml* v*rywh*r come from an Englis-h swurce, but it's not that Layton we are speaking ot in this article. You'd never be mistaken about the Gaelic form of the name, however. It to "O'Liodhiain." From this form have come the foregoing varied assortments ot Anglicized forms, all of them based farm gate and the sUp-rall fence more ', ture factories and our paper mills run- ecooouilcal and handy than tfce old- fastioued "style" or "Mile," ae It WM ' variously spelled. So one's mind does , Dot jump so quickly to this expiana- tiOQ. The old records are literally cram- 1 med with such name* aa "Peter atte Stile," "Cecilia ad Style," "Reginald nta * <** fuU torca forever. Let ue all protecting our valuable Not to be Hurried. To Cultivate Markets for Canada's Minerals. Dr. C. Comaell. Deputy Milliter of Mines, has been named by the Hon. Charles Stewart. Minister of Mines and Minister of One Interior, as dele- gate to represent Canada at the Inter- national Geological Ccccresa. to be held in BruseeK Belgium, la Augunt next. This congress, at which all the lead- ing mining countries of tfte world will be represented, is held triennially. The last session, however, was that held in Canada In 1913. due rar having made COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO (ALT WORKS & JL CUFF TORONTO more upon the sound of the Irish name ad 1 Stile." etc than upon its spelling. The give-n name from wtlch this olan name is derived is "Llodhan." based upon the Irish word for "litany." and. therefore, likely to appeal to parents of religious inclination as a suitable name for their sens. The chieftain of this name w*o ; on. ** seriously til. had been wheedled *? his relatives into making a will. They were gathered about his bejside note ttt this prefix "at the." used watching him sign it. He struggled as pretty much in the wme manner aa ' tar as D-a-v-i. then fell back exhausted. It Is interesting to ' subsequent sessions until the present An old Scotsman. David Gordon, who impossible. E'ght Canadian gec'.cy' t*. most of them representing Canadian universities, will atter.4 tie congress. Dr. Camsell has already left for E" : land, his intention being to make a of the , the modern French "a la" m contrast ; with our more modern way "of the" ! took many forms, sometimes a simple : contracted form of "a." sometimes 1 "atte." "ate." "a la," "*d te" and so It is interesting also to note that "D. Uncle David. D." urged a nephew. th<?re for Cacadian nUnera:^. In view "Dee!" ejaculated the old Scot, with of the impending enactment of hlgu feeble indignation. "I'll dee when I'm toriff legation In the United State* r-Li*i1 v vi> a vi* rfi1"\ii ti u.-T-kf <-H * " remdy ye avaricious! wretch ! 1 rttory was in Ttpperary. without regard for gender. tending to restrict the market for our minerals in that country. It Is of grwt Scientists state that it is. possible f importance to the mineral Industry appear to bave been for disease germs to travel to earth that new markets be cultivated. This be fully convassed with founded the clan came of the same 1 "Ie" and "la" Un as the O'Connors. The clan ter- , usd pretty much as a matter of choice , from other planets on the tails of | subject will comet*. Let Taste and Health Take the Benefit r"\HERE'S a double delight in J. Instant Postum that famous cereal beverage. Taste finds the full satisfaction of a hot, comforting mealtime drink, and health finds a real friend for Postum is free from any of the drug elements contained in tea and coffee. Thousands of people all over the Instant Postum FOR HEALTH "There's a Reason" world use Instant Postum regularly as the better table drink. Suppose you order Instant Postum from your grocer today. Note its re- freshing taste and benefits to health. You, too, will be a regular Postum user, thereafter. Instant Postum is made instantly in the cup at the table, merely by adding hot water. Mad* by Canadian Poatum Cral * Co., Ltd. Windaor, Ontaiio 1 the Imperial Minx ral Resources Bur- eau, who have already shewn a keen interest In the development of a mar- i ket for Canadian products. Among | other minerals to be considered iu thia i regard are graphite, tar sande. teld- I epar and betuontte The !a0t-me>ntlon- ed is a clay used In the manufacture of textiles, very high-grade depoefta of which have recently been discovered In Alberta and British Columbia. The terms of peace have dlves'oj Germany of some of her best mineral ' territory, notably in Alsace-Lorraine and Poland, and there Ls a possibility of ' developing a market for certain of our minerals In that country It la under- [ stood that German interests have an- { ready made tentative enquiries re- j specting (the px>i*ibi!tty of obtaining Iron ore from Newfoundland. While in Germany Dr. Cum-ll also hopeu to In- vestigate methods perfected there for the brlquetting of cocl. a subject which Is of vital importance to the Prairie Provinces. He will also give special attention to phosphates and other aune.ral fertilizers. Wash With Cut'cura Soap and Have a Gear Skin Bathe with the Soap and hot wa- ter on rising and retiring, using plenty of Soap. If any signs of pim- ples, redness or roughness are pres- ent smear w.th the Ointment and let it remain five minutes before bathing. Always include the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. S,3c OMMt2S4Sfc. TJc2S<. Sold throughout the Dominion. CanadianrVpot; UnM. M4 51. Pnl Si. . W . Mo.ir.ii. "u tit ur Soap hv without mug NERVOUS AND RUN DOWN Relieved by Taking Lydi* E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cobourg. Ontario. "For many years I have had troubles with my nerves and have been in a general run-down. condition for some time. I could not do my work half the time because of trouble every month. I was told of Lydia E. Pinkham's \>TrtaW Compound by friends and adv:sed to try It- It has done me good and I strongly recommend it Since I have taken It I have been able to do all my own work and I also kno* friends who have found it good. Yon can use these facts as a testimonial." Mas. ELLEN FLATTEB*. Box 761, Cobourg, Ontario. Any woman in this condition should take the Vegetable Compound, for It has h-^fecl other womsa and so It should Help you. For nearly fifty years this good old-fashioned root and herb medicine, which contains no nan-erics nor harmful drugs, has been the standard, medicine for female ills, and has re- stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with, such ailments as displacements. In- flammation, ulceratlon, irregularities, etc. Lydta E. Pinkham's Private Text- Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to The Lydia R Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass. % KYOJAGS UNLESS you see the name "Bayer' on t:iblet>, you are not getting Aspirin at all Pit Wont An KiiKiishniau. a Scoteoiau. aud an Irishman were arguing as to who had had certain things the longest. The Englishman sahl. "I've bad this horse ever since It was a colt." The Scotsman said. "I've had this cow ever since it was a calf." "Well, that's nothing." exclaimed tte Irishman. "I've had this cart ever sluce it was a wheelbarrow." Mother (to the Vicar) : "Oh, please sir, I was agoin' tc ask you. could any- thing bo done f -> oW.ge P-TJ little I lo>d Ceorgrc's mr;<e ere'' Tht? child's "i.l to suffer summat cruc! "K can't] do n tli'n' right finoi? 'is father changr-l ej ; views about th.> Prime Mink-tor!" | Accept only an -unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 2: years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain. Pain Handy 'Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets- Also bottle-* of W and 100 PruggisU. In th* t'Ujo mark c.-ji-lpr,Ml in CnJal of Bayrr Manuto ;MIV of Mono- ISSUE No. 29 'Z2. I bo lr.d. .n.rk, th a "