Vol. 43, No. 1 3 Flesherton, Ont., August 30, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. DISASTROUS FIRE IN FLESHERTON Three Business Places aad Private Residence Destroyed In Spectacular Early Morning Fire The most disastrous tire thit erton Ins seen f r many years tike cut, boat 12 o'clock Monday night. The tire tarted in the rear portion cf Car-;oe' grocery stole snd had achieved consider- : able headway when tirkl di-covored. In a few minutes the frame building was a mass of fitmes, and Mr. Andiew Gil- christ s tine brick residence to tho stuth took tire as will as the Strain Mock to' the north. This latter was % large three; storey frame block and wag soon a roaring furnace of /ire. From t Irs the fire at-, ticked Mr. RunatMdler's residence and j office which was also toUlly wiped ou'. , It required about two and a half. hours t > complete the distraction. Hun- j dreds of willing hinds saved the contents! of all these bailJings, although much destruction was wrought to fuimture and stock. The brick walls of Mr GilchrUt's residence are still standing intact, but the gioand where the others stood is a cinder covered waste The Strain block was occupied by W. H. Bunt, furniture dealer and uuder taker, and be also resides in the building. Hiu insurance amounted to only $800 Mr. Gilchriest had both his building in&urej, the building occupied by W. E. j Car^oe to the extent uf t-i'NI and the residence and cor.ten's fi 2000. Mr. i. _:,-:-,u.i : also hd insurance of $2<ilin', on the building and contents. Tie Strain block was ovned by a| ouple of moitua^ees, who are secured' by insarauce. W. E. C*rgon' loss ii estimated to b fr>00 on (x.>ntentt, no iusurauce. Tke w!i'-l- c iiu:ry aJouud waa nr (used by Will Carrington, telephone, n.ybt operator, and hundreds came in to see the rum wrought and t > give any' assistance 'hey could. The nature of| the Strain building*, which were rx>n- strucied of p ne, uiad lb tire a most spec- tacular affiir and the hit w < intense f ,i some time. It wai only by strenuous erlorts that the many buildings in ' h* vicinity were saved. Bucket brigades were formed and w^ter wis carried from all sources in tLe ii*ighborh< od. The residence, owned by Mrs. Vandusen and occupied by heis-lf iid Mr. A. K Bel- lamy, which is Leslie the Gdchrist residence, wa on tire in dozens nf places, but ith the help of the water tank a tj-idy s' ream of wa'er was kept on the roof aud walls. The reiidetce cf Dr. Murray and Vim. Muore and the town h*ll directly opposite were alo 8HVd by the bucket br^de Thereof iif Mis. JauiieS'in's hcuse * - aUo on tire. But the culminatii;;: ti^ht iu Ihi* big cjntligration wai ihe saving of W. A. Ai-UiStronj'^ residence, which was septt r nred frmn tho Runntauler bui'ding ly abou*. forty feit. Wet b'.nueta. hundreds of pails of w.iter, a linn t hose and the determinaMou uf the tighter* to stny the disister *:n the only thing that saved the build. n^. which c%u^ht tire in different pi ices. When it w - seen that tin tin ci uld not be halted .n the grocery store a nil was put into Markd*Ie for ho p. aid scores c.*mK dowu ID <|Uick time and gve yroaian aid in the naving of prop- trty Ihe thanks if the cit K.ns ( Fle^hertl>n are nten>led to the people of the sister town for their* valuable aid Two uf the big hyuro poles were partly burned and the i> r was shut i,tf as 90.-D as it was seen that there WIK daniter in the *ire fallinj All tuwn south of Fltsnerton were without |.ower lervice until 9.30 a.m. Tuesday morning. At soon as the heal wuu!d allow a gan^ of repair u.i n from the power house were o i the scene busily nuking repairs. There it temporary ervice now apd the new poles will be eiectad on Sunday when the service c*u be inturiupred. The oriiin o' the fire ii a m;:ery Accidentally Shot Moving Picture Of At Wodehouse Big Export Train While two lads, Eliuer Woods aud a boy companion, were placing wilh a loaded shotgun on Monday veiling at Wode! ouae, the weapcm was acci> dantally discharged, the charge strik- ing the Wood* lad u the back of the head. The little fellow lingered until the following moiuiug when death intervened. The victim, a iou of Wm Woods, thresher and fanner of Wodehouse, was 11 years of age. BORN PHlLLirS ID Artemesia ..n Tuesday, Aogugt 22nd, 10 Mr. nd Mr. T. W. Phillip*, a ou, William Harold. WHtTTEN At Toronto on Wednes- day. Augut '-'3rd, 10 Mr, nl Mrs. A R. Wbitteo, the fill of a son, John Alfred, A woving pictoic if a tiaiu load of automobile* 'eating Oshava, Ont., for Gret Hr ';n. ~ well views f the c KHiwi !<..t :-..-. ate., of General Mot- or* of Cans la, will be shorn in Fibber- ton iu coanec'ioo with 'tit regular n, > ion picture ihow on Thursday night of this wek. Theiie p ctures are bem^ shown in K.cgher u ly ariau^<!Uieot with D. McTivish & Son, local dealera r T Geueitil Motors products. Thin is the lirst lime these pictures hTe O^eu -howu outtide of i.)ahara. 1 no picture! are exceptionally goJ aud very eduo*- ti )D*I. You have all te id of th:; cret in Can<tdinti expjit thin last year. Kver sincj Ger.erMl Mot- ' or jf C mad*, with planU at Ush*A aud \V!kerville, deciUua to enter the export iiiuket Ur>>o shipments uf Gen- eral Motors curs hnvv left Oh*w daily for 1'uitish aud foieii;" puit*. Oidcis i u tve been coming in faster than was at Opera House p H o T o i p L NO SHOW THIS WEEK nuticiptled. Tha tra u load th-jwn in tho pictures concurs of tio freight oars. Th v.i.uo was |)p:oximne'y 1320,000, Ihe wemht was over - r '00 tous aud tho cost of nans- porting th-- ihipuitm from Osha*a to Br tain was StO.OOO. A diverse array of iiidustrte* aie to ly fceliujj the siiuiu us to. business caused by ths exi'urt Qemaiul for automobiles. Tic lumber alone rtipjired for the build- ing of the bodies and for boxing the nn tor cats for this Mam load shipment runs into vast figuit*, all uf which ra produced in I 'an id i. E*ery factory uitkuiK :!... p*it8 and Hccditories is feflmc the benefit. The automobile in - dui>:ry is today eiup'->yins; mote people than ever be;<f, at.tl >n this way it : n-- of ihe .1 . ii. .; indus-rie* ui histenuig the return uf nvii>na! prosperity. See the ptCLOrc it will intereat you. Pri- 30 and 15*.-. i Tax r.E WALDEN - MANAGER Owen Sound Fair Races .SKITEMBEU 1C, 13 H 2 JO, 250Tfi.1 .a- pace aaJ F*iaie:-8 R.ice ope:> to any fura-..-r's botso ir any the* th*t h? no!. w> money. - v. D KONNELL. Sec. Social and Personal Mist; Kvadu WiUi'ij i.s visiting will) her uncle at Burliuatoo. Pot>: mister Trimble was i.i Detroit !a>>c week vititioi' with his w.fe. Berry Aiinstrong of Toronto is spend- ing a couple weeks heie. Mrs. S. K. deCudniore :- spending a Couple of weeks in Toronto. Mrs. W. P. Crossley is v-giiing with her sou aud daughter in Toronto. The t(uuterly Cannunit>o -Service will be held iu the r/tenbyteri tu church next Sunday. Richard Oir'.er and w.fe. Manilla, are visiting h:s cousins, the Pedlai fjmily< for a fortnight. Mr. i-.'i Mrs. Wai. Ai.drcw and jn, AmoR. of Goderich, vitittd with their cousin, Mrs. A. E. Bellamy, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jtmes Thompson and little ;on, Mauley, uf Hi.:.,,, n, are miring friends here this week. Misp Ssndiland has relured to take up her tui linery duties at F. U. \V Hick- linn's. Mr. Emeisoa Bellamy >: tended the big conveotion uf Insurance I i.dernrit- eu iu Ti-rnco lust week, it. the m -- of the Cnnid* Life Insurance Co. Mrs. \V. L. Wrii-ht is in Toronto this week attending the f a 1 uiiliinery ; ,-n iiU< and will h-tve her hata ou display after ihe I !i uf September. G. Mitchell and faintly returned on Tbursdiy fr> in a two weeks' snjouru at Wavi^i Bt'iidi. D.-. Mutrjy aud family icturii thu we<.k. II. Down and Httdnrars Huwken, Phi!li['S, Inkster and DOWD attended a W. 1. convention at Kemtle Thursday if last week. A j"iut uieetini; of the U-piey I'.F.o. nd C F. vV.O. wilt be he!dio the Change Hail, Fevertharo, on Fridy, Se^:tiii.]i;r 1st at dp in A -.'-d pioK ra ' '>" '"-' given. Everybody welcome. H Sp"ffird, Secrtry. Mr. and Mrs. Harrey Urifh'u returned to their home in i\>:eu; i on Monday They were accomtianied by Mro. Wilcoek who will iit Mri*. Andrew Benthsui, whose health Is in |uite a precarious cooditioo, Rtv. Mr. Vo'ie, p%ttar of the Baptist church, ti" k charite if the .setvice on 9undy itier rvturniiig from his holi.'a\s. The chuich his been redecorated and other improvements mice, and the official : e-i:.i^ will tike place this com* mg Suodsy. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Cuthbeitson uf 1'igitreoM, Oat., announce (be eugKenieut uf tbir eloer dauxhter, Kathleen Gal- hrn.h, to Mr. Ilnrold H. Fewer, Man- ager of ihe Bank of Mori'renl, Y*tker, O.i'., formerly ot F'eshertini, th-? m-ini- .^i to take, place in ocpteuiber. Mr. aad M;--. Thomas F.twcett. daugh- ter Mamie (Mrs Chishola:) and her husband and to children uf P->iry Saund, ol'ed on ftiends here Fiidiy last. Tuny nere on a motor tiip by .'' of M -K -,! ii. Duue'iiirch, Trout Creek, Bracebridg^, Ortllit *nd Tiiornbuiy etc, and pronounce the mads over ihrt unite very good. The i \;uln ii.i I-MII. of the Woman's Institute will be held at the home of Mi. Miller, \Velnesd&y 5ept. ii:h, -J.3U p.m. A rtadiiii; will be given by Mis. Fjwler. followed by a paper <'Q C-iuadiiu Law concetning women auc children by ^i>- Tburst.iu, ;> reading by Mr. L. Kichei, after ifhioh a p- M will be iriv:i fur th.- oest bouijuet. .fudges Mtsuiines Maik W.Uon, W, A Armstion^, W. l?oyd. Biikery C'oai. Mesd-nn^s \V. I'cl!;tmy, W. ll;.yd, L. b'i.->hft. Sandwich --Mi*. Jam eton, Mi Julian'. Local Chaff Hidden Value (Bates Burial Co. jet * eujiy uf FlHkutM fall fair \-r 7.e r*t -ml jjrepjie fur a \AI show. Three autn.s were burned in t private garage at Owen Sound. Fltsherton Fall Fair is Thursday Tu.d Fiiday, Sepie.uber it* nd '29. The line weither of the past two weuk.s has enibled the formers in this district to i>ract!Ciliy complete the harvest. TheC. P R. fieight sheds t Fort William were turned with a loss of $100,OW. Tom Anderson, a moonshiner t Albenurle 1"> miles uottUwe-t f Wiar- ton, \VM tiued ?5(jO or t>ii in nrhs. He chute ihe free uiu'rj at Wtlkvrton. The Toronto exhibition in in full swini: this week mid is likely tn i'tr?t rec- r i breaking crowd this year. We heiittv that mori than the usntl num- ber are a'tendinu f:i>m lliis put. Mis. Hinl-y has u.i.inl into her resi- decci*, across fniin The Advance ottice recent- y purchased in m M.iici>iin Me D"iiU. Extensive alterations hve been nude ! .'he buildup. A veiy f ulhtroy ih'.nz was d no here un >!iua 4y iii^lit when t ln*d uf CIM!, eo route to the .Shelburne cual tields was left standing iu fruut of the M .:..-:. m Hu*e Suturd.iy nod Sunday night Without police protection. Mr. Ben \\hite of the West Buck L'ne shewed The Advance stalk uf .:. \n that ui>j.-ured o'eveii ftet. four uuheg HI height :.n i then the m.'X nrim hi i_i.t had n 'C bi ea reached, * r wis still jjrowin;! when cuf. C TII is bumj er crop iu this district tl.i.- vr r. A Mitt leunio McDowell hi- in-- :i eog:t.i<>l as prucipal of Ke-'i-n i, Inuh school. 'L'lie Udy h.- lirst cluea , iu;;l catiout r.J it is believed will m ike a juc^ess <>f the reboot for the comiiii: year. The cuinii jj term opens nn l'urs- dy of next week. A very beautiful metnoru! t!>let wan placed in the Methodist ch . > h this week 'y meinber!i of tho family : memory of the !at M. K. fcchirdson and fife, who w. r moiii the founders i i the chutch here. The Ublet ii of ( ur white marble, nbout two feet . , ir. *nd in h.itidn'.iu specimen of tli inn !;.- woik- i-s art. Kafct Grey Fll Fair I'rv.j luti were mil "Ut members lat ni>k. The list 18 bigger and *' than ff.>r this yi-nr i>d <b'>uld attract a Urn- number of exhibitors. Wiile to S>ectet*'y \V. A. Hawk.'U i r a copy and prepare i lit exhibit*. New member will U- tuade in ne I!MD wtljt'iue. On SH'uiiUv ifiernooii l*t tl.e l!>.ir. Flectric service wis cut ot}' ii.inU*p>i Sound for a C"U[>le f hums ,. n itivcuiit uf the breaking cf two wiie on Ihc ):ue north c'f Chiwotth by bUstn ; oper- n the Pii'vitc:*! hi>;li-y. The .iu wa* iu>hed fiom K.i.'ei i i.. repair :he hienk. The sfrvici! iu ii* e n SoMiid ba frequently beeu iu>i-irup'eil by blkSHns;. Saturday Uct .1 bii( Atnerictn car fnun Detro t w> -, aplured jo.st sou'h ;>f Mr F-ircsi -uid brouuht to the ti.n for speeciini;. Tiif sp.'od cop !.<> oisco- ereJ :i _ooJ supp!y "f distillery as iu the car, which <rken lo a ^ir.i^o tn aw lit iu'j'j* iu r.t. Uu~ I eforc unjust men; cculd IB ui-idu tbo wet !; ''ds re (aid to have disapjearsd. Am: 'ier car followii.^ was also " soaked inr >peed- 1114. Si nit of thi-SH American sen'ry who :ie hiijh U[> in ;ifliirs uf tin- n;ion lvve leineil tlmt Uicy ;re n-; inmiuiie and thiit Canad sn !pee.l co^.< and whiskey sleull - ^iu> cosily to nii>nkey with. The reai time-keeping worth of a watch is hidden away inside the cane. It lies in the movement. So when you buy a watch make sure the hidden value is there- Whatever the price you pay for one of our watche* you can be I certain that you will get full value and will give you depend- able service. ECSIXESS AS T5CAL Funeral Direct 3 and Embalrners i Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto. Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . Manager. W. A. Armstrong v Now is the time to renew your subscription to Ont. 1 The Advance f JEWELER Flesherton, OPTICIAN If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need or, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from ::s. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. 'Shop where you are invited to shop" W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Buy the Best dy's Overalls, heavy weight, per pair *2.Mi Peabody's smocks $-2.00 Other mtkes, per pair 8l.7~> Balbrijrgan Underwear ">0ets. Groceries \Ve carry a full line or'go>l fresh groceries at lowest prices. Christie Brown's Fancy Biscuits per Ib. oiK. 1 . (live us a call, we will use youright . W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE. FLESHERTON Entrance to Store on side street opposite oppoaite Clayton's Shoe Store Barn Burned At Nlarkdale Ou Thursdiy evening of lnt week a frame batn belong ng to K.lij.h Snell of Markdnle iuburb<. WHS burned tn llie ground witn cunivnta lien (iuck by lightuiog during the thundvr gionn. The fluid stiuck i sUbie adjacent bu ill* baiu iti'd iguited ir, the Htioe* com- uQlcaUuii ith the ! tin, which w tilled with this ssasoa s crop- Mr Snll had dravii in the lasl load . his harvest ibat Jay. No !.:...,'-. were destroyed. The barn win only inured fcf $"i>\ aud the loss will be very heavy as it all of the season'^ crop. Tire Lost ''n S-.tudty. Aug. -7:*>, between Ko ;k M:!>8 au-1 Maxwr h, ctr in >>, Kinder kindly leave at thjc "tti or >- i".. M - Father Clohecy Dies i Father C'ohi-ey, who wis h"t by n deaf mute in Proton, died ou \Vedne- diy afternoon of last week. The u- n-iins weie Uken to Hamilton, ,1ns n.ttiu 1 :cwn, for interment IIP FriJy The nun chtrsed w "h the muuK-r is lyintf MI 0*en Soiind j*il nd doo rot appe\r to nppioj:te the ^mvity cf the iku<ktion in which li i placed. When luld of the [.nest .> Jrlh \i<f nmde no coiinoeur, though <>rTivd mi >p; orri.ri > with pencil and piper. He Iws t .\]>rs- sed no regrsts for the \ct. Ihe Best Start The best sUn you ctm (ire ycur ton ^ da-JjhUr :a a courte at the N'Tthcin BUBIUOGS r:)))ee>, ''wen Sound. Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no fooJ e^jual to Bread in food value. A full l:ne of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER.