Vol. 43. No. 1 5 Bam Burned In Osprey Twp. On Sunday morning the barn of Hr. Alex Finilay, five miles eact of Maxwell on the Collingwoo i gravel, was struck by ligbtniHL' during the heavy thunder ?torm nd burned to the ground. The bam, which WM 80x80 and had a stoae found- tion, contained 60 loads of grtin and 30 loads of Irty. all of thii season's crop, besides a number of implements, tome of which were pared. BTo stock was lost. The stable wns fully (quipped with steal stanchions and water in each stall and was one of the most up-to-date barns in that district. There was only a sinU insurance and Hr. Find'ay's loss will be beaty. LiKhtaing rod were ou the building but far some reason wire not able to turn the bolt when it struck. Flesherton, Ont., September 13, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. East Mountain Sehool reopened with Mis-' Armstrong ef Bu.itsville still in charge. We again wish her success. Mr* Lcois ttraham of Detroit spent * week with her Iriend, Mrs Uarbottle. We neglected to mention in our last items the arrival of a little son Laur- tiiee Melville at the home of Mr and Mrs Comfort! Thompson. We offer our heartiest congratulation!. Mr John Smith of Rob Roy spent a week with bia son, Stanley, here. Gco Harbottle and wife visited with tte Utter's mother, who in very 111 at Mr "Ed Harbotcle's, Lady Bank. Little Dorothy Genoe spent a week with br aunt, Blist K-ite J.uim - n, Cugenia. Wh*B Dad Was Young When D*d was young h; druv aloui? With a kosi an' buggy an' love's of sung, An' his girl ruu second niry nothr, The dear little girl that I i-..ll Mother! The world was sweet an' their hearts were gay When they stopped to whisper. \Vh*t did they sty Well* the story was old iml so was the buggy, But no liiiii'inin could abei'ii mote snuguy! Your motor cars of the ,'jreat to-d:iy Go whizzin' along in it sumptuous way, Au' they sometimes stop nigh the ol' ti-ees there Where dad whoed up the ol' gray mare. Yea, the road is changed !i ,u dirt to gravel. An' there's more of fashion, wealth an' truvel, But thi-h-ory that's told by the modem tongue Is the same ol' yarn my Baddy sprung. When souls are livin' on cloudi and wind, Don't matter at all what you tide behind A chauffeur or hoas that lu n one lung. Like the mare Dad druv when ho was young. Card of Thank*' Mrs. Mclead and family desire to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and bereavement of their belovod father and husbind. Opera House p H o T o Thin THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock First Class Program p t A "Y pT '* m *> and . Including C.K.WALLWI - WAN Have Returned To Ptris, France Ceylon Correspondence Mr aud Mrs Wells Wkittaker and habe, who spent the past two months visiting his parents here, left on Monday for their home in 1" in.-. Trance. Snowden McLeod, Mrs F D Cairna and Miss Jean Collinsion motored to Toronto last week and ^peut a few days. Mary and Geoigiua McLichlnu lett tbia week for Toronto. Miss Anna White, who haa been holidaying under the paiuntal roof, has returned to Toronto. Sadie McLean of Salem is visiting Effie Cbislett. N Archibald, wife and tiro childieii, and Mis A Bryant and two children motored to Walkrton laat week. A SiucUir aud wife have returned from visiting frien H at Uartiston. T > luiiio and other points. R J Spicer, wife aud three children, ivii'j have been on an extended viait with the former's parents, left the first of the week for their home at Kingston. Mrs Archibald, Sr, who has been visiting with Toronto friends has return- ed home. _ Mrs Jas Servant and lillleson, tdorace, of St. Catharines, cvled ou numerous friendb here, who were delighted to see her. Miss Kuby Stone Icavee this veek for Toronto. Misa M l''i-ryii.-"r, is hohd>in|{ in Toronto and Calrdon. M> Jtlicy of ^helburnc started her duties this week as teacher at Stouu'a school . Miss McEichcm of Mi. fc'oiest, fui.:. .- i- ii-lii-r at ij.one'a school, was in toirn t ln.s weuk. Threshing commencAd at D D McLach- lun'ij thin Mouday, iho machine iu the bauds of Mr J McLeod it wia moved to R Piper's in the afternoon. The niHchiue, which is a company -itt'.iir, U doing splendid work. A Ray of Sunshine It locks as if J. J. Morrison - coining out very much iihead of I'l miiT I>i u uy in tho " broadening out " U. F. O. battle. Mi-. Diur>'* ! proposal to form a new party looks in r lika a at<tb to retain ufflce. Members of ihe U. F. O. who were elected to the legislature by that paity naturally want to continue as mm:i- in-rs and draw a se>-8ional indetBnity of si n i and . bunua (or steal) of 8t>00 in addition. It in astonishing how r u:. kly th^y f ors;et their pi-e-olcotion pi-ocnisej. If there is any " broadening out " of ihe V. F. O. to be done it is almost cert tin tint the Conservative members nf tha U. V. O. will hustle- hack to their old purtv. Oranueville Sun Mitchell Leichsenring A : n.ji but pretty wedding took plttco in Chicago, USA, on Monday, Sept. 4ih 1922, wl-en Ann Kliztbetk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Leichsenr at, became the bride of Mr. J. Kendall 8. Mitchell of Chicago, sen of Mr. and Mrs Ueo. Mitchell, The young couple loft for a honeymoon trip to Mackiuac, St. Ignace, Sault Ste. Marie and Fleshertou. Ken- dall is a rising young lawyer m Shicaigo and Th Advance, along with a host of his friends extend to hint their bes 1 wishes. Mr. tnd Mrs. Mitchell will be at home after Mi.ivi.mber first at 1 '-' Kstes Ave., Chicago. Ferrier- Cuthbertton The marriage took pUce on Weduedy of )at week at ingersoll of MissKathloen Gtlbraith, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. ii. CuihbertBon cf ligeraoll to Mr. Urold Pool* Terrier of Tarker, Out., formerly of t'lutherton, in the presence of a large number nf reUtifrs tnd friends. Tim best man waa Mr, 41 is; i -i Fraser of Toronto, who taught in tha high school.here, latt Ur i. Mr. and Mra. r'mer left for H in i to AN lantio City-aud other points ait oil theil return will retid* at Tarkcr, where the groom it mangc of i he Bank of Moat* real. The T. Sfttoti Co. will e*>uip tbd atiag room of Di'Tb(n' uow Threshing Begins Barn Burned FeTarsham Correspondence The hirvost baa been gathered in once more in this locality and the whistle of the steam thresher is once more heard. Ueports say H wonderful yield of grain is being threshed. Mr Alf-x Findlsy, near Mclntyre, had his good ham burned on Suud.iy morning by lightning, Uijether with a'l this year's crop, hay and -<.<: U hundred bushels of last year's oats in the granary. It is a se*ious toss for him at this time l the year . Mrs K"i> Tt Alexander ban returned home after upending couple of mouths with her aunt, Mi -> Ge<> \1yerc, in Flesh- erton, who has been very ill. Mr and Mrs Robert t'o!<iUftlu fpuut a couple of weeks with their sou. H D Cvl- Ate, in Guelph unl <i'her friends m Brantford and Toronto, and ulno attended the Exhibition in the Queen Gifv. Mrs Rev A Outfit: Id has returned aft r a month's visit with herpirents in Brace- bridge, Muskoka. Mm Saunders of Bratebridge returned with her for a visit and net the benefit of th*a exhilarating air f the Blue Mounuin. Our schools have upenel . >m after the holidays with Mr Morris in the Continuation school and Miss White : Portlaw ic the public school. About 7 or 8 new cup Is havo been added to the continuation school. A number from this >.;i attended the C M Ixhibition in Toronto last wivk. Rock Mills Mr Tom Gamcy and bride of Toronto visited rtcenlly with Mr mid Mm Dick Clark . Mr Cecil Meldruiu ai;d wifo visited with iiit.- lattvr'n purenta W I 1'udlar and wife. Mrs Levi I'.uiis spent the paxt weuk with relatives in Tjnmtu and ntlunded the Ex. Service will ,- held in thu Knvk Mills chuich next Suuday at unutl huui 7.30, when i; w 'II lie put to a vute in hold service in thu afternoon, commencing Suiidny Sept. 1*1 h, a i<uud attcndanca U expected. The Lidies' Aid will huld their monthly inuutmg at the homo of Mis W T Pc'dlar, on V\, ;,:,, i,iy, Sept. '^Otli. YiHaura welcome. I 1 '; UIK Betismid Hiuuld Bowurn spent a t.-* days in Turuuto at thu Ex. Mrs Ned Cruft spuut the p^it week wilh relativt.3 ni Keversham. Mr W Osburue is with lin daughter, Mrs Walter ltusell, at present. \Vg are surry to rtpurt him uot well. Mr I i..i. , Russeil, Mi- and Mra Km Uutsell visited with Ihii fmnier'n daugh- ter, M - .Irts Lintuu. Mr Uick Caitor and wifo returned la<t week to thiiu home in M.-tnillu, after a p'.ensant two weeks' holiday ut the home of W T Pedlat. Install A Radio Scaled The Clifts of Eugenia Mountain Eugenia Correspondence ' A Radio Store stocked wlUi all gotd standard Kadi" parts aud supplies is opening September Kith in Owen Sound. This store will UH i i pusjtion to supply you wilh any slyle of set, complete, or any par's, for you to construct youi own get, and w>ll also lie in a position to instruct >ou in different methods of wiring these pur^s, so as to achiore the best results-'oi- will do the wiring for yi<u. It is H mistake to think that Kadi is HU extravagant idea just the reverse if you are properly iurilructed AH to what to buy. Any ,-..' TI. 1*1. .,n regarding Kulm - cost i ' sete or prts--o%n be obtained by addressing Frank Slater-.Coulsnn UOUKO, isite the City Hall). <.)*eu Sound is opening this up-to-the-minute Radio Shop. " IN MEMORIAM I loving memory of Tho;na8 Julian, T!IO died September Idth 1921. : Only a memory -ji bygone <J*yt> r.nd a j sigh fat a fact) unsoep, But a oonfitEtct foehog that Goil aJoue Kaoiro best wbu'. might ha beou. Taou.ih a Icvijg voice in ,.. \. tad bio hoan toiued \.i beat, How 1 mia* his wall-kc. >*.. i^utUpR Alii 'he ftmile 1 loved to ^reai;. Wifo and D"clili8j:. condition. Mr Riley, the new caretaker and over- seer at the Club House, had imiie a thnll, M/ experience mie day recently while trying t > find his cattle, which bad straywd. He c'inie upstream and in lume vvny '.leciino confuted or IDS', and w i.l.iiu on --..in cnme fais to face with the great wail of rock ovtr wl'.ich the ill- usi'd to flow - freely. Thinking there was no Jtlier way tint, and htviuK :ii- collig |i ij; along, he -'i7 d the animal by the c.illar and t;ikins it in hi- tuelh, Yil the wVl of rock which wax H-UUB of .') feet high, JUKI ..- the him. m tly y imve climbed the Tiadei* Bai>k building in T .p.-,-,,. Cuniing out on top lie realized where lie ws ut and NCtnird very little ilia worse. Mural- Ti:e Knj- li always .me out .>u 'up. Miss P.itricin M - ,;i Iifld 'juitu a succeM-iul bnutiir on Tliuitday las-, ,-on- s sting of limiieiimde Imkni,', camly, doll clothing, children's ri.inper.s mid puuforrs and uthur Unoy iinicUc, 1'atty liavn g ii i.i ifuitu a number t ihCTarticlfH her- >elf. Being a little _n 1 tf .tbout 10 yi-ars she deserves <{iiitu . Int uf citdit. We aiu sun: her wmk will he pprc>ciiilid l>y the Sick Childiei.'ii . , ill, whrn iln-y receive the 10 which w.is real /.ed fium the sale of the gnodi. Mr and Mrs A Hoy celebrated their IV ii weddirg annivorsaiy il.c past week and entertained abuut thiily of their friends, mnong whom from a distance were .Mf c>ud Mm LebtM'. Mrs Lunch- bur:; .11.. i Mrt David nf Uurla!i>, Chits I ; i 1 ' 'niii |.-, wife and son > t Tor- onto, Mr Tu. hy, wife kiid family of Mekfnrd, and K Simmoim and wifo "'. Drsyton . The many fnendii i Jacub .Sluhu n. -.<. pli'Kiijd to have him bivk to '.he old home town once iiioio .::, i his incident a year Since then he IIHN htd undergo several very critical and piinful opera- tions n his face rxl f>\'i. Jake ib a .-iiur:.! favorite and ever) < witi pleated to see him looking so well. J E L*rge spent the wei-k end with ii a f iimly here. Messrs K'ibt Purvii. Krn Morgan, -I Williiina and Mr Shipley iiMtored to thu city and pcnt a few days t the l.\, Mrs Jncob Wiilinms 'is vicitun; he r daughter, Mrs Leomitn, in 'l\ rvmto at pifsi-nt. Leonard Lituner .- vinitiii),' fnuud^ in tbo cily. M,- Dull Wilson IIHA letunit'd to bur 'cluiol . * . Wesley L-tt liner ha* taken a echool near Onllm mill 'Ii-- Etta Lilinier goes b^.-l> to the S h I.-.i.e M-hoxl. Mihs Jean rt'n^lu nf Vandel. ur i- this year tuuching in the Eugenia M-'IIUO). We are pleased to welcome Mia V> n^lit and wish her every success. Mrs McMullcu and Nurse tJiahum arn visiting in thu city at pioient. Miss /.: I . Ciinphcll rtceived n sudden call ID Mviford on Sunday List I i the bedside of her sifter, Millie, who ws lakfii suddenly ill wilh uj pendenitis. The L)rs. til iU){ht an iincdinto o|ieration uecetuary, liut iho putiont in d' 111^ nicely ,tt time uf wrilint; without the operation being pet formed. Mi- iui'1 MrsElwood Purvis uf Burwash visited hi liubt Puivis's the pah: week. FioJ L:trgu has' gone to ]>unditlk to attend the IM.. -i school and take up niw.sic. Arthur i'edlar. Pearl Latimei :uid Mae Uucketl hitvu ;! m i:.-,l :,: Mesli<>iloii hiuh school. M.- A Smith and Mi..- (Seoi<:iiia leave this week to viait fiirnds in Toionla. Harry [''.tester f isiled with fncnds io Wateiloo and Toronto. What did thu animals and pheananls at the exhibition look like, anyway ? Thu new I'nion Sumi.iy School cpentd OH Sunday last with a _;... i.' attendance. A week from Sunday IK Rally Duy for tl.i? new Hctiool. Will tiiost) having bonks belonging to the library Ic kind e to bring them a'ong m that the librnriaa (( the books in shape. "B E N" We are pleased to announce a further reduction on the two well linjwn alarm clocks Big Ben, Little Ben Reduced from $6 to $4.50 The price is low, but the serv- ice still the highest. Buy YOURS now W. A. Armstrong JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont. j Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS I'SCTAT. Funeral Direct ;s and ^ Embalmet* Phone HiUcrest 268 124 Avenue Road i Toronto, Ont. f~! MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, ' President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew: your subscription to The Advance John Sillicke of tho 12th joiiootraioii of Culrostj was severely gored hy a bull while attendiug ' bis stock, Tho at imal becaie euragod and .t'-vcKul II . Silllcko, crushing several ribs anil break- ing his fhoplitor blade. In orvlev to the btatit it ha J bo bo ahor. If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need of, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from us. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. "Shop where you are invited to shop" W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seed>, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario Buy the Best Peabody's Overalls, heavy weight, per pair $2.00 Peabody's smocks $'2.00 Other mtkes, per pur $1.75 Malbriggan Underwear ">0cts. ^ Groceries We carry a full line of good fresh groceries at lowest prices. Christie Brown's Fancy Biscuits per Ib. 30c. (live us a call, we will use youright . W. L. WRIGHT 1 CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON Entrance to Store on side street opposite opposite Clayton's Shoe Store I Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER I'liere is no food exjual to Bread in food value. PHOWB 8 FRfI> FINDER, (XXM -i , A fu]l hne of Groceries, also Canned Goods