\ Vol. 43, No.23 KIMBERLEY Miss Leolie of Uuelph is visiting her friend Misa Rachel Hutchins- n. Mrs McMullen of Kuxeuia and Mis McMullen of Toronto tie .'[.ending Thinkigiving with the former'* dauyh- tew, Mrs Hammond and Mrs Siurt. The Stuart and the Eliis c<mp of huuters have gone north ou their annual hunting trip. The Rev T R White of Cookutown preached the Anniversary services on Sunday last, both morning and evening. Hi* old friends here were glad to see him again in the pu'pit. Mr Robert Abercronibie motored fruiu West Lome and spi n 1 : Thinks^iving at his home here. Mr and Mrs Win McLean of Toronto are visiting his siater, Mi a D I, Weber. Messrs D L Weber. W A and Juhn Weber spent a couple of diys in Toronto and Hamilton last week. Miss Nellie Burritt of Aruian spent the week end under the parental roof. Mrs John Stuart, Miss Myrtle and Master Uirry of Burks Falls are visiting [: - J;n Stuart. Mr Corbett, wife and family, of Tor- onto, are spending the holidiy with Mr* Juipei Suurt. Mrs fr'rand Davis spent Suuduy with her mother Mr John Hummoud is visiting his mother, M 11 Hammond. East Mountain Mis Mitini" Smart ha returned h^ine after visiting friends in LKiiham. Mr Crrol Huiiiberstonu h:id a veiy successful shooting match on Tuesday Nwt- Miss Kva Allen is staying with her autt, Mrs FtrnUMon, of Ivimberley, who has been ill. Mr W Orr and family have moved to Ornngeville. Mr C Teed and wife visited ith the latter'* sister, MM C Thompson. Mr Burton drruthers IIKH returned home from Saugeen where he -has spent the summer. A numU'r from heru .'ittendod the fowl supper and concert at Euuenia on Thanksgiving and report no<iA limn. Flesherton, Ont., November 8, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. Honor Rolls S.S. No. 7, Artemesiu 4th R Parxlow, S Muir, 1 Turner, M Turner, S Oliver Sr :5rd S Yause. ^ Jr 3rd- D I'ttislow, M O'.strander, .1 Clark. Sr 2ud M M.lXmsld J Wu.plUul. Sr Pr M Williamson, ,1 McMillan, McKinnou, K B O'strander. Jr Pr-.J Williamson, A Whyle J U'sti under. --Victoria McMillan, N-iehor S. S. No. .'!, I nt > 4:h I I'.rown, F Allen, .1 Allen, K BUck burn . Sr 3rd M Hogarth. Jr &d. <.' l>er<3, A Brown, M FoirU, it A kills, 2od ()--F Best, (Lila Blackburn Jl Ferris) B Beard, W White. 2nd (t)) A Brown. G Allen, .J Bean 1 , A Akins. Primer- C AUen . <leorie Beatty, teadier CEYLON Ei Cook and Miss Firth of Durham spent the ti.ut of the week at R Cook's. Mrs Wm White spent Thanksgiving with Toron'o friends. Fiank and Miss Jean CulUuson and D McPhail motored to Duiham on Friday andatten-led Mrs Crawford's sale. Mrs (Dr ) Hawke ,U vktitm!} with her sister in Toronto. Mr Haxton, who is working on the C.P. K. uear Owen Sound, spent the week end with his sister, Mrs Mc\\'ill- inn-, here. J C McL'iuchUu, Toronti', was a wet-k end visitor uiuler the parental rout'. Misa Reta Patterson, nurse in trainit;^ at Grace htspital, Toronto, spent Thanks- g : vinj; with her father. Mr and Sirs Bell ind eliildren of Cold- wi r ei' spent th week at A Sinclair a. Inspre'or Beckott arid Constable Blood of Owen Sonnd were in town the tiist of the week. (.') Danean McMilliu of Kitchener ana K^tie of Toronto sf t-iu the week end with their parents. Mr and Mrs R Gil .sun anil Mr ut.d Mrs G .Snell visited llMB, Sound friends Ust w**k. M;s Helen tJibain and friend spent Tliuilis^ivinj; With the former's pireiitf. 11; -^ Myrtle Hemphill of Tor. n'o and Mi'-! Cook of near SV.em were visit ois at S HemphiU's. Mr and Mrs Lirkey am' nther friends of Wroxeter ho idayed t <ica Cah'ns'. Archibald aud wife m.itorul to Elmer Muir .spent. few dtys in Tor- onto Use week. Miss .\2tu> Mcl'luil, M V , spent the hjlirlay with her sister rit Shrigley. Kliner Hij'Mit of Toronto h ilidayed nvr i he wtek end .it N Archibald's. CuiSLKTT Mi LK \N-There WHH inarr- itd at Piijuvllle on Wed , Nov. Is-, by llev Mr Huschell, Meth-'dist minister, dit! McLetn, daughter of Mr ami Mis James- ftlcLuan, Salem, to Mr. Chan. Chitlelt of thii p'.-ne. The happy couple lelt on the afternuon train foi a shoit trip to Toronto aud Nutfi'tra. " f hsir return they will reside at tho groom's home he ri\ The i;Ood wishes of nil ijo with them. ' Rock Mills At the gravo of ilu- departed the old dnrky pastot ftid, ht in hand. Look* iuu into the abyss he delivered himself ..f the funeral oration. "Samuel Johnion, " he wid sorrow- fu'ly, "you ia "one. An' e htpes you is gone where we spcekx you ain't." Mrs. S(juigg uted to Uke a (treat- in- terest in various tiylunm. During a visit to one, a ceitnin old man routed her *pecii>I eompacHii'ii. ' 11,-w IDIU- have you been here; ' > She aflked him. . " Twelve years, " was the icply. After Mking hin f.,w mora Tueslions Rhe passed on, Turning to bet guide, she noiieed a ' g iui!o on his face. On asking (in the |IUJ:OD, Bho heanl, to her coD.steruation. that tbo old maa wile no less thin the . medical superintend-ill. In gtt-.U hasto ^i rushed b(\-:k to u'iko her apilopics. " I am so sorry, -lector!" fho said. , " Thi has tsaght me a leaaon I'll nvtr by aiipearaaee ngain. Sunuy isoluiol eominenced on Suntiiy with a fan auendance and we hope to have more in the future. The K ck 51ills Ladies Aid sroiely will hold their n 'Xt u-eetinn at the home o c Mrs Chai H:m!i-y "ii \Ve.l , Nov. 1.",. C:ipt Sin tU of Stratford called c n rgUtives hero l-iat week. Thos Betls and " fo spent a c mp'e Uiiys at Shelhuri i-. Our (e-tchi-r, MissMeL'an, >|ient ihu li'iUday at her huine near Duiluiin. Louis 1'eillir, wife ana family visited fneuds at Fuveishain. Mrs T Juli! n returned Ui'ine with them. Bert t'.irteiuii spent a week willi his brother, Art, in <>s|.-ri,-y. Jake Holly imd wife uf Vmitlvleur spent a couple ays wit)] the funnel's sistor, Mrs S.un Cr- ft, Misses S-irah imc Maij'jif White visited with iheii vu\'iits here. Sarah left on Monday to work in UuoJalk. Service Ins commencuJ in the Uuck Mills chuich in the ufturnouii at It. 30 p m. and will c nr ;i,u .. Cur the winter montlu. John llargnive, wife and ton, Krud visited iecc*ntly with ihe former's brothei at Warehiim. L Newel) of Durham visited ovtr the holiday with bis brothers here. PROTON STATION S Batche'ler, aucompHiiied hy I'n and Ed, motored to TUKODIO for the week end. Visiiors at Mr. Conslesy's over the week end were : Edith Coiisl.-y nf Ked^ dickville, Mr and Mrs .John Eddy. Mrs Wilson and daujhtfr, Muriel, Toronto. Mrs Still, Kdith and bnhy Jean spent ;i few days at M"Unt Kurest. Miss Ulara Binnie, Toronti , spent the week with her parents here. Jack li.mlry is huliiliyii) at his home Miss Annie Xeilsin is visiting in Han- Little Kn ,-i-'i \ li.- .1. hud Ihu inia- iriune to break his arm while cranking he car on Sunday last. Mrs Bates ar.d children of Muuituulin slaud /ire guest s ay Rubt Bites'. Mi' and Mrs Abe Slientim. Mrs Joseph "ark and Mr and Mrs Tims WlUtchofM isiteil at Dobhiliirtoli. Mi>s Minnie (ialbniili, Toionti'. vis.t- j with her mother, Mrs lluijh Hid^ina. Win H<zen, l)vsn .Sound, was utst * the home of Thos Wyville. Mr and Mis Smith aud Mrs Alex Hop- tins viaittd at ThiM \V:uich'pe'j. Ttie W.M.S. of tliePreiiiyterim church mend holditii! their annul Th mki-tler- n^; in the- chuieh west ljuuday evening, Nov. I'J Di 1 . 1 1 ray of Iklarkdale will peak. l5;eoial uttering. 5hs Chai Lyons -|..-ut Thanklgiviug with her dutiuliters in TuiMiitn. Silence on Armistice Day "The two minutes of silence, will, by the express wish of His Majesty th King, be observed throughout the Brit ish Kmpirc on Armistice Day, No.', II. The British and Canadian Governments will also hold special services in com numeration of the cessation i>f hontili For two minutes, coinmenc'nfl at M * ra evcrcbody is askcJ to stop v>-or!i. $46.85 and No Honey Three Paisley cit 1 /.'-Mis ^potted a tiee illed with honey ons day recently uut in * Hruc-iTp. buhh. Tl.c I'.onvy looked ' "nl to i '.. in and they .i, . .l.-.i to JB' it, rarlookill|| the fact that it was nil an- > h-!r nmi's [)n>|jerty, A few days liter hey uiine back with a ernsi cut >aw ar.d )rocei-di d to cut dnwn the trie. A tflibor saw tli. in aiid infomud Colin licGill'vray, who keeps an eye on the >l'ce for his brother tin-owner, who lives n the K'n:idike. C din anived mi the eeuu I rtore the trio nrule their uatawiiy. I'- t. .1:1.1 the tree cut dowu and the loncy mostly sL''itiered uver tho gniuiid. \3 he w;is unable to jji't satisfaciurj se'lleinent of the dtiuaui! with the trio. le i inl a char'^e iigainst tlieui in viurt iin) tba OMC OAtlM up bef >re M.^ii 1 >. Alex K McN:l> at 1'iiisley ou Mondiy. The Magistrate made them *etile with VIcliilliviMy for damage done to ihe true ml honey ami unting to $17. I ! also ined Clin.-toulier I'.irker, his sen Aiehi- i.ilil ind U-wiii McL u.;hliu $10. and c -sis I'lic'i. Their auvuiture C''-:t the three men $4t> H.'i and ihi-y didn't get any honey cither.- -NVallu-i-ion Telfsooj.-a. PORTLAW The Anniversary services in Mr. /ion ehuroh a week ago Sunday wai- largely .iilt-u-i ii I i.- 1 .- \V 'i : .;i -i < preached ill the nm-uing, Mrs Kiule in the afternoon and Rev Eaiil at iiiaht. lu the after- noon the chureh cMild nut MCOOMBpdttv all who attended and in ibo evening, service was he'd in the assembly hall, which was wull tilled. All llie messages were appropriate. The choir finnibhed suitable music nd altogether lli fervices were very edifying and inspitwg. Un Sunday last ihe services were of a thank*- giving nature, Mr YV'akeKeld preach n an able sermon from the text, "Anil ae know lint all thiiius wi>ik :-..'.-.'. \ good t.i them that love (i >d." Mr .) J Little relurnd some I tin,? n^o fmni Ki-r^us hospital, where he was Tout" ed for blood poiMining. His tiiei:ds ;i:e i{U'i tn ate him iping luut BBin,al- thuii'jh it will take cousklenble Lime f. r his lund, which he tt ll cariiei in :\ slim:, to heal. Mr-. R ll'ini.;ih is vi-i i>u with h r fiiend, Mlax X.'sbit', at l-'dleduu, Mist* Iva McNilly, Miss M.iyt. '(.in livid, Ki Dihgwall and Wilfro 1 McN'i'.'y mot- ored to Collingwoiid r.nd vi."i;i!il f rieniis. A li'.tle girl arrived at (hulioiiit- uf Mr aud Mn Klmo .Stevens JUii* LJladys White is limne fru<n Tor- j on'.o for a wei'k visit. Miss Viola Cornfield and lilt'e iiephow L'urunto spent Tlunksifiviug -t the former's home. Art Wtson and wife of Toru'it j J-j-eni th.: h'jhd.iy at the f rmei'a pare.it! home. ML its J.n Batcheler an 1 W G Ac'u- s in hive completed their ciiiili ae: 'f building the Mor'mi liiid^.:. The struc- tuie das betn pronounced lirst cl..-*. Mr mid Mr-, Milne and itmily . f Tui- ont i and, Bobert Motion, who is attend- ing Medical College, motored uji Friliy and b-ilidayud at Ihe h>aie ul M r ami Mis W A Morton Mr 5 MilneiMt Riete r '.if Mrs Morton. lirii Ulakey had (he misrDi uiue to low his uice driver on Saturday lur ihiouuh acute indigestion. Colonial Brasswaiv, Jardinieres. Fern Pifts, Artistir Photo Kran;es, Boudoir Clocks, N'icke-pllateil Servinjj trays These articles make excellent ififis. NV'e will bo jj'lad to hold any piece should vou wish. Come in and look over our stock. \ W, A, Armstrong JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS Uif.U. Funeral Direct 3 and ^ Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road i Toronto, Ont. i MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. i Now is the time to rene^r your subscription to The Advance * Fines Imposed on Dundalk Residents County 1'olicc Magistrate Cre.isorwas in Uundulk ycstcrduy :md tried several cases there. Charles Montgomery ileudcd guilty to having, giving or kccp- IiLjuor contrary to the Ontario Temp- erance Act. The line imposci.1 was $'J(iO and eosts. James Mclntyrc, a fartnci ;i\ing near Dundallc, pleaded yuilty to fltitig in an intoNicutcLl condition and ,vas given the uwl first olfer.ce line. A boy was caught in the act of stealing uo'' from a farmer's \\ii|;<>n. He;is only seventeen years of aye add he hud come out to Canada from KnylanJ and had no friends here. Out of considera- tion for his youth and previous good character Magistrate (Jreasor is making an etiort to secure the Attorney Gener- al's consent to H'Ving the yout snspenj- cd sentence. Hither tine or imprison- ment would hind the boy into jail as he would p:obahly he unable to pay his line. Nun-Times. Old Fiith' r Hulibaul went in his cap'" board) To liclilo his pala'e, that's all ; In fairly oiu til hours a p. iyiv >ind son;e flowers ! It was wouil Shipment Of LambS 'llu shipment (f limbt fn>in <jrty C .unly in s> far as x.'llirjg uiidi-v tie Ucpirtmi'iits supervision is cunueined his aluiip.it limshed f'ir 11J2'J. I' liaa heen a rither en:ouini;iii^ yiur in the sheep busines" and pirticulitrly fur thon whu diidkid and castraied lliuir ImnbH. lu nlmos'. every c.-ise wlwre lainiis wen 1 ahippf d, the returns ind calcil HII iidv anco of from SOo to tl-DO pur hunhcJ .>ver uiKMix-d for liuiibs. Moreovci-, it pruvi'ii beyond doubt thai hiniiiK (.r'lperiy 1'ioked ufier have invariably J .11..' j^tii-r. They were '|uii!l anil i;very pound o( t-el ejiisuinucl w..s used to fatten th 'iiisclvcs. We have gi.idioi; <>f hogs n . \\ e wint tjriidini in lamlis. It wi.l iiie:n tliat a more palnUljIu product ;!! I e put on the niiirket :>litl tliu C'iiiMiiii|>'i'p|) of lambs wilisuruly inciei.se. LK'k and ctstrate lunilia for it. py< evciy way coiisidoreil. Clark WaHnce, a Wilkwrlau ^tiao, !>as been awarded thi- Madal ior saviin.' i "'.'mpr\n'--i f rtm drowning, On Saturday last the Dulferin Farm- ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. paid out 9780.00, bring their portion of the losses of the Teiuiskaming Mutual Fire In- surance Co,, which Company wns \vped out in the nor'.hcru Ontario conllagaiion. The Teniiskaming Mutual Go's loss was $50.0(>G, hut as they only had *2700 on hand the other Farmers Mutual C,m- panics In Ontario arc defraying t T' losses. Si^lbuffie i-'re; F^rcss The Publisher's Respomiliilit y Mure and inure dirti:ult evciy ilay is die chuice of goml reading ~< he kuii that nourUhis the ynuii( ;unl n - freahea the old. t>ne way 'n avoid in. st iik es is t j el oose (ha hook cir ol ; c:i! tl a' s'liuds Ior BCHDOlbiltg httt is not, everlastingly iupplymg thu ?ns.tti->n- al and silly. The V ulh s (J nii(.ani< n Ins always be n puMis-hi'd by in u who fult a keen re->ponsibilily lo tlien- ri'inl.'iH, mid they liaie held bti'iidfa.-i. tn '.ne purpiwi-: to t imilui /.j C .iiiir.iiiioii j reidimwitl) the l>eK thing in tli i!d, j mid by menus of original iirticlca aud to illustrate the UuUi ilmt the if tho old, homely vii- ues brings the gieatest sati<fel >n" in life. Tiy it fur a year anJ .--ee. 1 The Yuiith'.- Coinpanion ~>'l rssutB in 1:W. '2 All the remaining ins its uf 1!'L".'. K The Companion Mom>! '-'rtltnih-. /or l!>23all fji J?2oO. 4 Or ii.c!ude McCill's Mi -))* inoulUly authority on fihi'Hi9. <? >lh yubli.jitiouB, only J.'l.OO. TBK Yv)VTHS Itosto;;. Maes. .Su 1 .); Jllpti Oils .-. . lu i .'Jtli People's Grocery What-ver It May Be, always try to keep : n *toc!c what ou Fruits are now in season \Ve ;ilw-iys carry a full stock of fresh _;i'<i'.-eri3$. ;uid men find our tobaccos, i_'ar.s ami Mipes to Vie of tlit* l~>e.st i|iinlity aii'I at. reasonable prices. Get the habit to shop here FEED All kimls of fi>ril. A cai-ioad of Five K)ses Flour has just arnveil. <>et your's now. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Fd, Seed*, Groceries and Confectionery Flcsherton, - Ontario | Reduction Sale - Is still going at full blast GET YOUR NEW FURNITURE AT ONCE. i reductions on all furniture I W. H. BUNT Furniture Dealer FLESHERTON, - ONT. Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food cijual to Bread in food value. A full line i>f Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton . , A.!! ;ny 'ii :