N'ovcmber s H-J-J THE FI ESHRTON ADVANCE Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men'* and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overall*, Smocks, etc. ('ltMiiin<; UejMu'ring Pressing All at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER * .Mprclioiit Tailor Feversham, - Ontario " *** i i* il f * Mil 1 1* ** I i t i ii il f if if i Cil , , , . ,?** tftt>*)t******>** iiMiiiff iiiMixli n ***** >** ** H! Rubber Bottoms - Presbyterian Church Notes ''I expect to pas* throiiji'i this world j but once : any good thing therefore that j I can do, or any kindness tliat I c:in show . t > any human being, or any word that I I can speak for .Jesus, let me do it now ; Iftt me not ncjjlcct nor defer it. for I I shall not pass this nay again. ''-\VII.U.VM ipfiN.N. The annual ThankorTcriiiR of the Wo- m.'n's 1 Missionary Society will be t;iKcn up next Sunday. This ! an innovation, H-. in former years it has been iield on a | week day The ludies are looking for the largest collection for this worthy | cause. Prayer meeting in the Methodist church on "1 hursday evening utNo'clock , subject, "Jesus, the Great Teacher. 'j A very st*ccessful Hallowe'en social levelling was Riven hy the Guild last 'Wednesday evening. The basement i was tastelu'ly decorated, and an excel i lent program of songs, recitations, Barnes ant! contests was given by the youni, people, after which lunch was served. The basement was practically tilled and ul: report a good time. The collection amounted to a htt!e over 81'J. The Guild this week is being inker, by Mr. Bert Koss. : ! Those^who require new Rubber Bottoms on their old tops should leave them NOW and * Be ready for a wet day Methodist Church Notes Set vice in ttit M.- i. >,,!,, church ul Sunday cM'niHg was taken by the Young Hoople H Society hnd Itntern i-lides wtie given mi Hie story of " The Other Wise M.n. " The church WHS well tilled the inclines were received with \\\ . jspprecianon. Thu congregation Min also Helen t>) .-.*: THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO tr ...i ~ z ----- a " ****!*?; ?!!:! ?**!?!!?!! eujoyfd a i>|u ju solo hy of tiainilti n and . | Mm. I! ackburn, M Si>-tik-, Ur : Mnrr.y ,iiid Mi. I: .. i. Next Sunday illev. L'wndi-sul Newmarket will p both niDrnin^ ami cveniia'. Tne Metlimlist Lidies Aid will I heir nnuuu! bi/.thr in (,'iayton's lili.ik | on Smuijiy, Nov. 25th, when (nicy liirlicli'S, homeiinJe baltiug, cnndy, etc., 'will he mi Hilu. Articles may )>c left < \V . A . irautfODg 1 ! residence m Fiidaym S-tiiu'dy iiinrniu^. V. 1'. S, \a disu|.ointeU on I|H moving picture", whic!i wi- by guvu on evening ntxt by Mr. A. A Btnith of Oiven Snuiid i,)i sccount ol tasinoH preventing. It i to be ju.st arrived. All reosooftbly priced. Prices ranging from $28 up Mr. Ui'jiiili. However W.ll lie spent This will be a will iu xt | ;c av.iilnb!c f-plcndicl 0:1 Tennyson's wurks. iid in,truc'iip l.i.ur fur yjuni; Droi/o us well as nld and evi i)- b >dy ure aiki'd lo atuml. .\ L r <'iit for the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owi n Sound. Everybody lias a chance to nit thoroughly cleaned. Wilh.iin Kini'll of I; : stni\vl WHS fKUmid e.itts mi aelinr;<' i ho inline law hy trupp n^. \\-HX 111* (I. C"ll 1 lift'oDC' 1 . Clothe* bronclit Monday delivered Wednenday C lothcn brought Thursday delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop i T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor XTleslreirton Tonsorial Parlors c Ann to Olv tiillro S LAUNDUY Uaskct ,!-, AaMvwf I'IMIU i. THE f Flesherton Advance An indvpefldenl newp<per published HI ii Wednoaday nt the uttiei),O(itling,woud St oet, ITk-shenon. SutHCiifxion price 50 per annum when p-ti'l in ndi'Hiice ; when not so paid. |2.UU to I T nit*d Slates. Advertising rates on application. Circulation nvcr IKK) wevkly. W. H. THUUSTOX UNJUST JUSTICE Our courts of law ate formed with i- object of meting out justice to bnili oHViidei- and otfendcd. but jud ing by nil instance which came under our iiRiice recently there is still room for improvement, not withstanding the i! >inl ol iiutv legislation tbat ia annually being ground out ftom our legislative mills. The iustaiice referred to was at folio va : Two young men, wlio were employed on farms iu thia viciuity were arrested ou a >:lmrge of burglary and lakca down to Hrampion to stand trial. At the frial it was proved that t'^ese iriL-ii were not within thirty miles <>' the sceti^ of the crone wheu it wan committed and they wert honorably acquitted. But that was not all. They weie tiitnctl adrift wilbom ret u i n fare. Tlio court machinery coald arren them here, take them to Dratnptcu and try them, bnt Lad no funds to help them back to their jobs 75 inilea away and they had to "hool it," or borrow, und Ptand the cost and loss themselves of a w<ek'n work, la it right that respectable young men can be treated in this manner by a constable who imaginee himself a Stltrlock-Holuies but only measures iij) to an ordinary brain? The con- stable in this case thought the bayi were guilty because they left town at'U-r being thrown out of ein[iloynitnt. They should have been reiuuuernted for lost time :iud it ticket, to return tu the point where they were arrested. handed to them. Moml..; uil DYKtSU- \\ H, inker's Dy Works ek.the* dyed. fenther rejiivctmeil TFISHER. -PWOPRIETOB fo FALL DRIVING With the approach of the cool days of autumn you should look carefully o*er your car and see rjiat everything is ship-shape. Exa- mine your tires, your cooling system and your clutch and brakes. You do not want to have road trouble at this time of the year. Have your crank case drained out flushed with kerosene, and a light body oil put in. The summer oil is too heavy and is liable to result in burned out bearings and scored cylinder walls. Watch your Battery Drain Your Radiator 1 If it is not kept well chmraep, it in liable ty freeze when ol'! flack Frost counts for a visit. It would ho best to tost is once a week and add distilled wator. night U sometimes happens that a cold snap finds us such mipropareduoss unprepared mid will cost money. THE SPENDING MANIA Mr. Ligi,'-' gchcuie for widening tl e highways is coming iu lor a lot of criticism at the bauds of those \\lio liuow what is being done. The utter iisvlcssuess of making road: of such width is the goiuu-ul plaint. The Ohio Farmer says tl.at such a huge bonded debt has been piled t p m the State potuh ol Lake Eric that ialf the grobs revenue is absoihc t iu paying interest und sinking fund. The Farmers Bun proceeds to point out that : "A goud lies' nf Ohio's clelit U ilue to a good rc>ud pn>eiam, which ne lrve been oopyiug in Oiitmj,,. If the lirke HIU not put on h< re our p.<'|ilwil! soon find thtinsolvc* in tllO -ll.l"- puKltlUII 'll I' til" |i-!. |. i- ,,f ( >!IID mo 1:1 tm iv ' NOTES The Unire'l Studs GUII^H-MS elided on Ali nday !; a Dewucralii inaj,,ii y. The i'rcMiluui nf ttiu U. 8. i, l;.-|,b- licn. We winider if this c lunge will fcrin .; dowu the high larrirt erected by hj 1: i publcnim the pHt k< j-t.-m.' A SUGGESTION AHow us to go over your car for you, find out any little troubles and fix* them now. Maybe there are some bigger troubles develop- ing now that may lay you up later if not attended to. We can ad- vise you as to tbese and take your car in later when it will not inconvience you. KI.MI- ycftrsagu this coniii g Saturday tho iirunt War WHS ended by ihj Armis- tice nnd -'ili it has not loon decidid whi_-!i country Won the w;ii. 1 looks, tli"i : h, at> if i;,-nn u > la winning the pro'unt wnr on thi) lvduHin:ty <|iio8tiun wh'u:h is taking n> long t . (< cide, an the nexi. tmymunt has been dcfi-rrrd for one yem. I ' i''.<ik uf iht- Toronto Stir is re- portutl to have lofoired to olf HI u recritaiion. Tnis csusis lli u Onllia I'ackct to rise lo temaik tliM its thuught wn il.ii ncilf *s :i diio.ine. Harry W'ynfs l^tfinn Hpju'.ili'd In Vdtes wiih the l'.ieko!, naring ihe Tmoiilo jouniuli.it in ill ii.il, .LII;> . A few weeks IKO o m.-m i. n.-.i about liiivii-,:' better lighting for die miin e irner in I.I.MI und A,' ;i. : uu lii-ivt thu matter lo tho iittcntimi 1.1 the I'ouucil. Either I wo II,,.I-H lanip.i cruld be ercti..l on the po'.oa at tht> ti\f of the *inare or a large with heavy onodlopower be eluded over the centre of the squar,' to givu light whore it is neidcd. The council thou'd look into ihi.s as the ; on the i- irui-i is FABU I ,n?,,r;r,l~Jtr HCAO OFFICE ' HAMILTON As THE different issuts of Dominion of Canada Victory Loan Bonds mature, remember that this money should be re- tained as a permanent investment We would suggest lliat you deposit the proceeds proceeds in your savings acoonnt in tie Bank of Hamilton until re-inveat- cd m another issue of Government Bonds or similar assurred securities. BANK DF HAMILTON DUINMLK BKANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BU iNCH PROTON C. J. Forater, Sub-Manager WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. If You Need A New Range TACO ranges are giving good satisfaction "Anyone can bake with a Taco" is jJ, uut the finest tribute that has ever been given to tin.' cookini: qualities of any range. Ideas have been incorporated into its construction which place it above other ranges of this type, and make its operation extremely simple and its efficiency undisputed. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 11 Cold Weather Ahead '- COLD WEATHER MAKES SEV- ERE DEMANDS ON YOUR STOR- AGE BATRERY. Let us furnish it with the pep and power to answer every requirement. Call in and let us tell you about our Winter storage plan. ^^"^^^^^^^ Don't forget your Radiator on a cold night. H. DOWN & SONS FLESHERTON AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS PREPARE for a BUSINESS CAREER LLIQTT D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet and Mclaughlin Motor Cars Tractors - Newcombe Pianos Samson White Rose Gas. Grey Lodge In Owen Sound Aliout forty membon of the Orcy Misonic LoJ^o i,f Torunt.', which U m ulu up of old Orcy d u..- l y hoyo, iiere the ^ueit'rt ol tlio Offen oound I iL ou Than v sivirg l>ay. Those tormerly of r'l> sWrton wori ; H W. Mc( 9, Dr. Ftcl Muno.y, '"'. t'l'^fclty, H::,| 1{. H. Mpsgrs. C, Be!i;), MoS'er Lodi|(> n I T L'ViUoti were tilt- vuiiiiug mi inbori fr. ,i> A b:ni(|W w^; ! ;'iv',".i in tlu> Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Kvi-r.y graduate of the lHt I oivo mi nili< li.is promptly obtained eui- IPIO\ mi-ni . Kater any time. Writo (or catalogue. W. J. ELIJOTT. PRINOIPAL H. A. McKEE (,'hn oprsctor Spoci Mil At SNrk HoU', KN-ftherton, Mody, (\li ; -il :-y ^nd Frilly, \ t" H \t in. l<\ vi'nlmi;) Tuadiy, Tliuradiy m i! isiui:!Uyi 7 '''piii. Ui-n'ultntiofl freo Missed First Chance At School You can remedy the defacts of your enrly education in the Preparatory Department of the N'one too Nr hnek. Individual in- a'ruciions. Commence ony day. Particulars free- C. A. FLEMING. F.C A , Principal s ! CJ. 1). PUCMINQ, Becretaiy.