Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Nov 1922, p. 5

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I I . . ... . . - Novembers 1922 Profit on Hogs AS a Bank closely associated with Canada's productive industries, we encourage pro- gressive enterprise in farmers. If you seek to increase your profits through greater hog pro- duction, consult the financing of your project with our local Manager. THE STANDARD BANK *v OF CANADA. FLESHERTON BRANCH, C T. BATTY, Manager. BrandM* *be at WUIunufoid and Holland Centr*. CANADIAN P/XCIFIC C. P. R. Tim* Ttbte. 1 rains leave Flewherion Station as Allows : Going South 7.55a.m. 4.80 p.m. The mails are Going North 11.52 a.m. 9.30p. m. oeea at Fleshertoo ti follows : For the north 'at 10.40 a.m. mid 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail aodth at 5,40 o'clock. For morning tram south ' clone at 9 p. m. the previoua evg. Local Chaff Optical Co. Comprheni ve Eye Examination JUstse.i designed and especially made and gruund for individual ual requirement. Branch at Meaford Johnston's Drug Store in charge of Di. A. G. McCooab. Those adjacent to Mcafurd are as- sured of uui efficient optical serrice. M. fo. Caplor Optical Co. OWEN SOUND and MEAFORD Established : HE FLESHEfijTON ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^C^^^5S^H! ADV ANCE Coal Arrived Last Week For Flesherton Two Cars With Total of 118 Tons to Sail a* J18.50 per Ton At laat the fuel problem of Fleeherton citizens is seeing the light of day, as two cars of coal arrived at the station con- signed to F. W Duncan and F. G. Karstcdt. The former's car consisted of 51 tons of egg coal, while the other car was of 87 tons nut coal, both of gaod quality. It is expected that the price of this coal, delivered, will be $18.50 per ton or 517.50 at the station. Mr. Dun- can informs us that he has another car of egg coal on order and expects it to arrive in three weaks. This is the first shipment to Flesherton this year and will alleviate most of the u:v e: felt over the fuei problem. BURN On Sunday Oct. i9:h, to Mr i:J Mrs. G. W. Liulejoho* a sun. " Mr C. K. Jeonett of Toronto spent the week end In town. M'si Shirley Murray "of Toronto spent the i. lui.iv at her home here. Miss Etta Legard of Toronto it visiting j with her sister.'Mra . Ed. Bet. Mr. C. C. Aulph of Peterboro spent EJWS. 35 ; Butter 2'J-'25-28. Dr. Fred Murray oi Toronto is visiting with ln-i brother here. Nurse Wilson has been called to Owen Sound f .u lake charge of patient. Miss Birdie Shunk of Toronto visited [ I creamery cms and have them eiclisanged I A. E. Hi* Ceylon. Mr. Fred Fisher indMiss Helen Sparks Mrs. W. Miller over Ihe week end. Mrs. W. Rose, of Toronto, visited the the past few days at Mr. Geo. Mitchell's. P't week with her siiters, Mrs. W. J. Mr. John Gerow of Brougham, well ; Stelrart nd Mrs Hinley. known here, fell off a ladder recently ( NOTICE Please return Shelburne aud splintered two ribs. Mrs. \Vru. Wilccck *peut the week ud with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Alton, of Hamilton spent the huiidty with the i former ' cousin, L. A. Fisher. Miss Tena Henderson was callei home : the West, where she had be.'n on a visif, on accuur.t of the illness of her mother, and arrived lat week Mr and Mrs. J. G. Russell and son of lltiuik >u motored up and visited over Ihe week end with Mr. and Mrs. \\. \. Armstrong. The Ldies' Aid of iu Markdtle. Miss Mildted Sharp his returned from visiting friends at Toronto and Colling- wood for the past two weeks. The Klesl>ert<>n W. I. is preparing a, play which they hope tc give about the E Of tint i-f December, or thereabouts. Mr*. T. A. Gamt-y an,! Mrs. J. Phillips of Toronto were the guests their lister, Mrs. Martin Phillips. Mi ai.d Mrs. Wm. Moore, Mrs. C.trgo* and- dtuhUr, Hene, and Roy PuMi'ii spent Sundty at Durham. Miss E i.-.il.eth Muore of Branpton spoilt the p-ist few days with her sister, ; Mi- George S;ewart. BORN In Windsor, Oct. '-'Sod lDi'2, ! to Mi. ninl Mrs. II. i llnirow, , <laughter, (Phyllis Marion-) Mrs. W. I. Henry spent th past weik in Toronto, vinitiug with her daughter, Mrs. W. G. KenueJy. who returned with her f.ii a week's visit, A yi'Uiig lady teacher living near ; Fleiherturi asked The Advance man the oiher day if a trait was blazut by se'.ting until tirm K> walk the path. The teachws fri in ton who spent the ' holiday away are : Miss Nelson at Muno I; ^l. Miss K'.DU at Kiswiek ud Mr. aud Mri. Bolltud at Toronto. Mr. aud Mrs. James Wilson gave ' fowl supper to abut , dien i f their . young friidi> on Thursday last, wh;n .. -an enjoyable evening w.npet. Kiddie* stalled tii in the leaves at W. Miller ' residence oue da^ last week aud but for prompt attention might have resulted seriously. A few silly Hallowe en pnuks were the Presbyterian church will hold a baziar in (! Iowa hill, Klesherton, on Saturday, Ducem* ber th. 'I . Fred Mathewsou and daughter, KI-- ii. spent the week end in Owen Sound with the former's daughter, Mr*. N. Wiley. Another Sund.iy night tire destroyed the big barn of W. H. Down's near Rockf.-rd. The loss is JWOtV wi:h f . Ii '' cf insurance. Mr. W. Turuey, who'wiu wouuUtd m tke war ud has been fur several months under tfcM'iiK-ir. in Christie Street H ,- piul, Tnronto, is we are pleased to learn recovered fully. Dr. !'".rr, speciulut in diseases ot tha ye, n .r. uose aud throat, will be at the Munshaw House, Fleshertcu. for con- sultation, from 9 to 1. t MI , Nor. 15lb instead of Nov. 8th. Breen McGowan Novefuber uehwred io a pretly town wadding when at 12 noc-n oo Wzdnesday the marriage was solemnized, by Rev. W. Hunter, B.A., of Mia* Jeau May (Be.^ McGowan. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Mctiowa of Durham, Oat., t i Mr. William (Veorga Breau, formerly ot VVingham but now holding a lucrative petition with ihe Hvdro EUclric Con\- miasion . The wedding wag of a quiet nature. At the appointed time the young couoJr, unattended, tout 'heir places and answer- ed the solemn quetions propounded by the bride's pastur. The bride was Mttr-ctive!y gowned in whirlpool blue lilk with lace trimmm^ and wearing a corsage bouquet 1 1 pink rosej. Her goini{-:iwy dress ws of brown cuiffon velvet, ind with this went a heavy brown yclour coat trimmed with fur. and chic hit to match. The house woio a fextive air for the occi&iuu. The down stair rooms being decorated with w:iitr streimei?, hells, piuk cwnat ions and myrtle. Atterthe ceremony aud good wiehe, all eutered the diuing-roooi, which w i- decuratud with white %tieaa>ers, piuk and white carnatiuU) and rusc-s. A beautiful four story wedding cake adorned the centre of the table. \Vbeu all bad pu - talcen of the 'eumpiujus wedding dinuer, Uev. Mr. Suhth pr>p>)ied a toist to thu ^jride nd urouoj, which was replied to by the grcoiu iu i very 6ttiug rnan-ier. Those present outside the immediate umily circle beinij : The biic'c's iiraud- mother Mis. Robt. McGown ; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCiowin ; Mrs. W. H. Smith : M ; .s Oitillie L'inin ; MIMS K viu Schutf acd Mr. Berc Uarbet : the tfroi'jj'* mother, ti<ter and two br> IIM-J Presentation of Silverware To Recent Married Couple On Thursday evening of last week the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. C, Murray was the scene of a shower by the people of Flesherton for Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson; who wer married a few weeks ago. The presentation consisted of a beautiful silver serving sett and a . kitchen shower of small articles, each . piece being accompanied by a verse of poetry. The dining room was tastefully j decorated with white ribbon streamers. An arch of evergreens was erected in , one corner of the room, under which! were two figures representing a bride' and groom The articles for kitchen use 1 were tied on the evergreens ind it was' the duty of the groom to hand each to. he bride and she to read the verses, which caused much merriment. The Citizens Band, f which the groom is a member, serenaded the young couple on their way to the scene of the festivities and also rendered few pieces there to the enjoyment of all. The bride and Rroom were completely taken by urprise anJ expressed their appreciation ! of the gifts. The evening was thor- . ougly enjoyed by all. Lunch was served; at the close. While cleaning tome clothing from a pan of benzine, Clarice Simmonds, Yonk. ! era, N'.l , wai overcome by the :m.-a and fall into the pan. Bhi was foundi dead, face downward in. the benzine. Heifer Strayed ay heifer, black with white face, about a month ago. Word of her where- 1 abouts wiH be thankfully received by John Stotlurt, Priceville. FARMS FOR SALE Lrt 4, Con. 4, Euphr,isia, 130 cre, half mile from Kunberley. Must be sold at bargain. Apply to Julin : Smith. Rob K,.v CO. Good music for your children To give your children the benefit of the world's best music, you need a Victrola and "His Master's Voice" -Victor records. Many parents have made home more attractive to the children, with a Victrola. It is proving both an entertainment and an education for the young. We can supply you with the Victrola you want for your home. Easy pa\inent plan if you prefer. * W. A. Armstrong Music Dealer Flesherton, - Ont. New S page Book of Ma^ic Wilder ' TicWires that spring into c*lor at touch of water, in cex.t Sunday's HERALD AND EXAMINER, Chieago'sbes* news- .piper. Order it tod*y. ."". It Richatdn j.'ii, agent. GENOE MYERS IB Toronto on .Saturday, Oct. 28, I'.'.i. at tha home of Mr. Ellwood Genoa by. tha Rev. Mr. Balfoar, Lawlor Are. Misa Sadie Annie committed by a silly bunch ol younnsters ju.t enough to remind us that the silly . i~ yr ~~ o{ ~ Vancouver. "fiTc" to streak in youth has not yet betn eradi- i Hftbeti Qm0ft of Eugeui% F|11 , t f)n , cted. ^ Sight pges of the Wi.itjd'sBe.-t Cwaiw*, : -all bi laugh makers, in m\t Sunday's' $10 rxOVVlirU HERALD AND KXAMINER. Chicago's best newspaper. Order it todiy. C. N. i Fur infonnatio.i that will lead to the R'.ehardsoo, agent, I conviction of the pen-on or persons who Mrs. T. J. Fisher and little sen spent f the past two weeks in London. Mr. if the Town Hall, Mesherton, by writ* ing or drawing thereon unseemly things or 9tltcwise interfering with same, -C. E. \VALDKN. Christmas Greeting Cards It i* Dot i bit tuo soon to think about Cbriatmai ' :IT or<1 ' tor Fisher, accompanied by Win. S.indersou, motored down Saturday evening. Mrs. Kijjtjf r returned on Monday. Mi. F. G. Katstedt b\ inaproved bi property ou Dvrhsm street by trciog the hill wo the back of hit property Al levelling the ftout to tanko a Uvu. It your selection of private adds imraenaely to the appearance of 'Greeting Gird*. To b swn at The that, U0 of the street. j Advance Office are a full line -: the most Mr. Kd. Hillock of the 4th liue, j charming designs vou can imagine. Ask ^Hpwy, has sold his farm throng The { Advance, tc^Mt John Winters, als . of j Oprey. The tarra is situated i; mileaj from Maxwell and is a guod oue. Mr j Winters will take possession next Mnrch | TbM is another instance which shows The Advance is a good advertininii i.ied iuui. Try it. On Wed. t- von mg Nov. 22ad, Mr. Frauk G. Forester, B. A, will deliver a lecture, illustrated by wotiiui r>icturas aixl vtews, iu the Melhodmt chur.h, Vlwaherton, t 8 o'clock p.tn, undo* 1 the auspices of tho Methodist chuir. iMus- icl svltctiviis will IM given, and a good eveaiug is expect.'d. AJniigi-.m, ihcr t\-l!<fctioj)t the dour. See window oirtb- No Paper Next Week Tbe Advsnce will tsHa i'a annu- ua! holiday next wcv>k, therefore there will he nj i>[>er (<uk!i.ihed. We nro giwry to rs a d*y hie with thi 1 ) issuf, as we tko priilo in living The Advance out on t.:uo. Oar next isisne wili I - M V\\-<lnes- (Uy, JureinSer 2 - .'r.d. Tlir , !!.-, r, wil ix 1 n|u>n f >r l.iU'iiess. iioni The bride received miny cos'ly ua beautiful gift?, tmcjU4 them being hand- sooi silver tea survice. The y "ji u people of the town gve a very l;iine kitchen sliower ax the Limin home on Monday evening List. The ynun^ IidiM Ausiliaiy vt the PresbyterUu church visited hei home uii Friday evtuir;; iaxt aud showered her with many pretty h unl- kerchiefc. The joui g couple left on a (short motor trip aud on their rti-uin will rvMde iu town. Good lot containing 211 acre*. ;>oed '' frame houie and kitchen, small orchard, ! creek croises premises Close to -.-.I and church, between Flesherton ind| Ceylon. Apply to -J. FAWCETT, Flesherton. Lot 34, Con. 11. Arrctncsia, contain- : inu 120 acres, half und;r cultivation,' balance pasture and bush. OooJ barn | and stublina, frame house. anJ small ' orcharJ. Well watered. Apply to j Phone BERT MAGEE. Eufienia. H TM OK! L.it For Sale The prop- erty known as the Asliduwn residence at C.-ylon, an ei'uht ronojcil dwelling, nood cell.r. sUble, etc. ; abnut an sere of Uud. would nuikc i vood home for a retired tfentlemnn. For terms i>d fur- ther Drtrticulan ii>ply <> W. J. Brfla ny, FlenhertDti. l.Vlayft Levelling Park Grounds Considerable t!v hs bean done under dirtction of the WOBIPD'S Institute t pait week on the Memorial Park facing Sydcnh*iu street when of teams were engaged levelling the gtBad. All the work is being J> we gratis and if the weather b*lda good ei- pectatious are (or the fiaUhiug of tint work this fall. I: ia hoped ilut next summer a teunid ctab will be formed aud couple tennis courts made in the Metu~ oriai Park for the enjoyment of the youn* people. The Park has not be*u just fur an ornauicnf, but to giv enjoyment to the people of t.h : s district, aud A tennis tlub could be formed with courts in the Park to provide both rec- reation und amusement for tho youg ISO jcics, lots 134 and 135, con. I K. T. | and S> K, and lot 1:5, con. 1 S. \V. 1". I and S. K.. about VIS acres cleared and i in good state tof cultivation, remuinJcr ' swamp and pasture. On the farm is ! one modern solid brick house 8 rooms. ( one bank barn 50x62 with straw shed ! :i:ui .stone foundation : one implement i house ^4v40 and one good barn on posts :Wx50 ; good well at barn and house anJ a never fuilinn creel;. This an ideal fann IccjtcJ onjthc provincial hishway ana close tw town and high school- Reasonable cash payment and terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars and terws apply to \V. J. DAVIS. MarkJale U K 4, or write to W. M Da\ !, 2 Muir Avc.. Toronto. There Were Disturbance* Geo McTavish und a representative of The Advance attended a radio " seance '' down at the power house one evening last week. The boys at the power house chipped in some time ago :tnJ purchased a first class receiving outfit, which means a cost of about $I2S. With this they have had a great deal of enjoyment for the past few months. Lexington, Kentucky, Boston. New York, Chicago, and the State of Georg'a have all contributed to the pro- grams that have been destmctly heard over this outfit. On this occasion there was something wrong, a technical expla- nation being given that we couW ot r"ctenJ to follow. We hope to attend another when the electrics* trouble on the power sysfem will have been elim- ; Mice 1 . Some i .'I ii* !i!>-e Wtlss vi ;u; ! y llu- t'\- 'OH !< I.-.1 ' :.,){. on -UK of ttio brain. i THE FLESHERTON Hardware Store MOUSE WORK IS MADE EASIER where the kitchen is C'[uippt.-d with utensils as ours. Even wash and days lose some of their terrors where ouribs. pails, dipper*, irons, wringers, etc . are in use. How about your kitchen oigfitf Does k lack any- thing it should have? Come here and get it, right in price and decidedly riglit in price. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario Stylish Felt Hats For Men Ivough or Smooth finish -hue far felt dtpemlable quality latest style shapes- New tall colorings Grey. Pearl. Brown, Fawn. Green ami Black. All sizes- Special *3. 75 Classy Cloth'Caps For Fall 75 -Men's Caps made ii-p in all- wool materials. Good seasonable colors, popular shapes sonic with ear bands, others without. All good weights, suitable- for Bold weatherwear. All sixes. $1 ) V ! UV, t Special A now selection in plain and tanov all- wool cloths made up in the latest pop- ular shapes in a variety of colorings. All have real leather sweat bands unbreakable peaks and satin linings. J to 7. Prices $1.75 to $2.50 Knitted Silk Neckwear Just received a big range of knitted silk neckwear so deservedly popular for fall wear. Color designs to suit all tastes plain stripe and fancy patterns. PRICES 50c. to $1.50 See the tu-'w styles in Arrow Collars just placed on sale. Come in aud sec our new styles prices will surely please you. .^ ' '' ' F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO

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