Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Nov 1922, p. 8

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r November h 19 % 2'2 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE f t The Drudgery of Wash Day is a thing of the past when you put in a 1900 Electric or Gasoline Power Washer, or Hand Power Gravity and Wringer, all kept for sale by S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Agent for Beatty Hay Carrier goods, Steel Stalls and Stan- chions and Stable Fittings, Pumps, Churns, Brantford Wind Mills and Gasoline En- gines. Pump repairing is promptly attended to. A call is solicited. ....... Cemeteries Carefully Tended Dr. Ern Arrmtron Write* About His Tour Overseas Construction of Ypres Goes Steadily On Cobalt, (>Ct -27, 192'.' Dear Mr. Thurston : Owing to such desperate tires since arriving home I have not been able to write sooner. Mrs. Armstrong and 1 were much impressed with the active interest of the War Graves Com- nimioi in carrying out the plans for tl cemeteries. While the cemetery in which Arnold is buried is not com- pleted, it is in perfect order and men arc \vorkiiiK on it all the time. I thinlUhc same plan is being carried out for each cemetery -a hoard wall; stretching from one end to the other, at tlu- head of \\hich is the tall white mar- ble cross, at the foot, a marble arch on which is placed a tablet containim 1 the names of the nun buried there. In the centre of the walk is the beautiful ,. f , I snap shots \ took f Arnold's grave on |M| altar, also of white marble. Oil cither "isidc of the walk are the simple, white marble slabs row on row -- which replace the temporary wooden ones, l-'loweis are planted on every grave, and they and the grass arc kept in splendid orUer. In the completed ceme- teries which we visited the shrubbery planted all around the outside was al- ready looking very line. \Vc were inforn.cd that persons wishing to have the original wooden cross might do so on application to the "War Graves Com- mission, Maker St., London, We found Ypres fairly humming with I II IMI IHI II i I iij! ini Fruit Growers Organize In Clarksburg District Co-Oprativ0 Fruit Growera* Company Haa Bern Formed I*, is very ((ratifying i>i learn ihitt a Co lernttM! Fruit GrowcrV Comfany iu the (-'iHtkaburi; District Ii i- been firmed. Tliii C.mipiiny is .irh'lmted with the Nia. fc'.u i I Vi... i -ui i GrovtiV Ltd. While only a Mnull percentage i,f Fruit Growers (lava as yet juiiieJ, the U umber applying next year will assuit.lly incroafb He- ports o( sale* t excep!i."aal'y good prices Ifave stimul.itud OOlilid*tabl< intercut. The pi in iiJ'ipted is -mnl .1 to the Cjlifi'inia Citnu Grown*' OrgiuijMiioQi It in the iitliliHtinii i>f nil locil Cilius liruweib' Jlubs into ne jjrenl organ- vi. ition which docs nil llie r'tliiou. By ho duin;;, the ImsintiM > so <jreut thitt tlti-y fan ki-.-p nil inn kill Mipphrl nitli iily sueli Humilities tbut will meet with n-.i'ly .silo. There w,ll not he a glut on mie uiiiiket and fuuino on nuollier. This uuiliiiin tlulivmy i:.. ,n- mure stable prices f.:r the cj>nHi:mr imd!cs.s tlucu;it for ills producei . We lr>|>u for l'ie day Mriien the Cilifciniii Citrus Grower.-,' < 'o- OjjeiiiliVi: OiLtirziii'jii ill be duplicated in Ontirio Kuiit Selling Agencies. ST. MARY'S CHURCH, MAXWELL Thanksgiving Service and Re-opening of the Church on Sunday, Nov. 12, 1922 Divine Service at !1 ;i.m. iiit'l 7 p.m. The Kcv.T. G. II. Wright. M A . M.f) . !!< -tor <>t All Haint's ClniM-h, Whithy, will U; tlu- special preacher. A special Thank-offering in thankfulness for the fruilf illness of our fields in rrqui-nted nt both morning and evening service*. Special music by the choir. UVE and DRESSED FOWL Bring your dressed fowl in by Thursday of each week and #et highest prices. 500 Ibs. Ducks at Once We want .">00 H>s. Dressed Lucks before Thanks- giving, so get them out early. Mrs. R. H. Henderson FEVERSHAM, - ONT BOAR for SERVICE Stock For Purelirxd Tamwurth Mou fr norriue en lot 107, S W T nnd S B., Artemasia,. I Tiru Tamwoith sons Term* |1.&U. SOWH not returned will e-uly in .lummy, Ihroi- t-< eharxed game > thote in pii;. 't\, muly iu Imtpil, m-vi-n m-iiit-d Fcb 15 T. J.STIN'sr i\, |' ril p Hiiill,ns iluu to ' the work of re-building and already j about half of the town is re built. Of) , course none of the larger building have been touched a;; \ct. Many of the land nui.'ks familiar to our Canadian boys are gone. About two- i third! of the country is back i, -.to grain. There arc still the grim monumcr.tf of ' war tremendous stock of barb wire all ! over the country, anil live ammunition [and explosives arc still bing hauled off J to poir.ts v.hcrc ordnance experts ait 1 employed to destroy it. Tanks arc seen strewn acio.-s tlic country :md trcuu i\l- otis mnnl'ci s of concrete gun Cmplocc- nunts still form a j^riin rcmiiulcr of the [Gerniitn ilcfcncc :igai:^i \\hith our ! boys struggled so valiantly. O it 1-luropc is^still pnlliiiH itself to- gether. Kngland is making splendid proyrcss and altogether they are in a hopeful nv>od. While e had a most c-ijoyaMc trip, yet \ve are exceeding!) g'aJ to get bacli to C.iniKi.i. and particularly to our family :tiul frieiuls Kindest regards, Hrn. Ann^tr.Mii' 25 Years Ago PRICEVILLE-Tha .funeral of the lite Mrs. Mclunis, aged 84 ye^rf, took placj yn Fiiilny. K .v. McLvan of Ketuli'e voiidiicteil llie M-rvico. The ham'..-'. me new 1'ivNbytviiati ehti.eli at '...I... has been ccinplcted. Air. 1: j.; if nf Toiniito preac: ed nt loth hervioei on Sundny. bund ilk p-opleprrp,, j L > ;.uttii)(( iii sn :too->line i-is p'liritfn die to.vu. VAXDKLKI K -.l..!m \. e, v I, li,,r, fell fn-.iii one ,( die mi.wf to llie Ho >r nt I Mr. Brakin**! iriirsh iij; and sustained 11 broken aim und (.Ihur Litiisis. x Mi. .1. D. \l,,ii;iii ..( Uundslk h,s bci-n c!i .-on Li'j nl stundatd heux-r in' South ilir. Farm For Sale 2U<I acrpc, kits :::; uni ::i. ',i ,-. . ! K mil '>|'ioy I'nivriihip ; 7<Ho MO noic* Inml- wi/ud buab, pirlly cullril, nil l.'i n> 'JH : : H ced 11 t-wtnip. pirlly culled, ..-i linn i' iod btone linus^ nnd ^ood '-ti-U bftrn, *'HO MI. ill fliimi- llUUhO "II |n-i.. '1'lieie f jrun ore wry Miiiiil) 'v for n'nck ' .rniH Hint (lie Im-h nii'l ,. HMJ, nuull imivf muricy intkcrs t> pnti.s i'.l" i dvvulnp them <i,>"il r"i-on-. lur alliii'.f. !ep'>Mi*Hi>iii. 1'ncf Mm I". Macdonald I: II. So. l.H wx IIIIH- lii-.-d. AI-M foK> |iiuv hicil O.xf'itil I>in limlis mnl ihicc ruin kinifii, nil s:ni.-U <>f tli<> retl tyi),- uml in Bond oondition. \\'ill \<- pnc.'d r'gli' -1C. D. MrKoriillliV, i " K K -1, MuUlali! For Service Pure 'noil ({IX'" 1 """'" for rvio- Viu.y.ud chr.-d I0,4.-.'.' - v. ih.,M. : pi,;. T. ,/. 8T1N80N we arc 'ndcbtcd to .\\r. Armstrong of CJihalt, who is :in o!.l I'lesherton boy, fort IK- uho\e dcsciiption of the \\.nk being done in the soldier cemeteries in I ranee, in which m.-ist of om- readers arc deeply interested. Mr. and Mrs. ( Armstrong toured the battlefields of I -Vance and l-'l.indcrs the past summer anil previous to the trip v\e asked Col. . Armstrong to give us an article on con- rldihirc Boar/ ditions in l-urope ;u he found tlii-m. to u. UK ( 7''.'! ( i | which he kindly consented. Tnuring the I grciiiiiil tn Col. Arm.ilroiij;, a.. In- recruit- cil and took over-ieas the ISHth H.itt* ' rom Cobalt. Kn ADVAM r. j FARMERS REQUIREMENTS THE business and batikiiig.reqitirenients of farmers are many and various. This Bank, because of its cl*se contact with farmers, has learned through practical expe- rience how to serve them in a definite and satisfactory manner. It has co-operated with them when they had to purchase l.inti . seed, stock, and implements and has helped them to -.'.'. r and to maintain their finances in an orderly manner. Our brnnch manager will he pleased to have you consult with him. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100 year* Flesherton Branch : C, E.Stevenson, Manager BEDDING FOR STABLES Straw, I'eat .Moss, Sawdust and Shavings Considered. Slriiw ri-ofrrrvil fur >ln> Koasnnx MC.ISIII iiij; Hn> In the .Mox\ ami In tlic Stuck P iinl-'.i-i iliii.. i.uiiiiis Kid'in TraqHWMn Seoi-cii. (Contrlbiitvil by OnUMu l.>-|uirtment of Agriculture, Toronto.) The materials used ir In dding (lonii-stie animals ari' Ki'ii'-rally straw from Iho srain Ili-tUs, pi-at nmss from the swamp, or shavim:* from tl.o saw or iilnniiiK mill. Si raw is -:.-il to a ^rcati'i- <>xti*nt than any iiiher ina- i'-rial, first bucausi' of its abundance; si-i-on||y bccuiiHt* lln' slablf offers a iiifdiuni for IraiiMforrinK this by- product of the lield to niannre, and thereby facilitating its return to tlic land; thirdly because it is a sooU iibsorrh'iil. uf linuidt*. Straw* iroiu onta, peas, ryi-, whoa I and oats vary J In 'Value as a litter or bedding ma- i t'-rial. Tin- hard ryo and wheat m run s. while durable to the wear ol I anliuulM, is not us good an absorbent i a ilu> sol'li-r oat, barley and pea .straws. Wheat straw not .-lii-iug highly valued us a feed liuds its j;rQatt>t us as u .stiihle bedding. The uitro- Hl'ii, potash and iihosplmi us contain- ed la a ton o wheat or rye xlriivs has a \ahie at commercial trrtiliatT pi-Iocs of $2.^5. oat straw ?L'.0. nnd unrloy slruw *2.10. Straws have ;( fiirtla-r value in that the organic mattt-r contfiu is lame, and of sncb u nature as to be parlieularly valu- able In soil inim-dvenient. I 1 . -at moss Is valuable as an abdoi-hent of H la also valnabli< for iit .content. The ninnnre trom where peat moss is used us i generally of considerably higher value than the juanure from any oth- er iourca. it hs one ohjoeiu.u in Hint it U iiot as clean us ainnv. .Saw ' dust and shavings, whili servint; lltv , purpose aa a lir or bidding DIU- I fi-lal, add little value to the immure Uful us an aid in kroptng the uni- | maU clean and prov.-ntiiiK the lo SB j <>f the liquid portion of the iiuiniir*. 'itwduit or ihavingB HITS, a KUOI! pui- | poe; but It must bo remembered that Ihe fertility value r sawdut U use It. Those who have n<-iili>-r straw ur peat mosa .;iuid ii.-n UM- ibu sawdust or 8havln.~L. Stcvtiibou. See., Dpt. or AKriciilture, /oront". Progressive Leadership Mr. A. S. Thurston, editor of the McuforJ Mirror, \\ho was recently on the staff of the Farmers' bun, has the following article unJerthc above caption' A change in the leadership of the Agrarians at Ottawa is incvitahle. Hon. T. A. Crcrar cannot continue much longer as a leader, and a successor must be chosen. In our opinion, and \ve have been fanly in a position to form one, Hon. T. A. Crcrar IMS never been a real leader at Ottawa He has never led. Coining into politics by the side door, he was given a portfolio in the Union govern- ment and elected as a unionist, thus sorely {ru.-viny many of hig U.F.O. friends in Ontario for his "betrayal." This grievance was not exposed to the public gaxc, but was none the less real. Since the U.F.O. entered Fcjcral politics, he has been the "leader" of tic party but lias never tired its enthusiasm. His hold on the position has l-ccn due to two things-his ability for getting along without getting into trouble (due to his ability to hold his tongue when import- taut things are clamoring to he uttered) and the difficulty of choosing another ouistunding man who would he accept- able to the \\ hole group. As Minister of Agriculture, his record is not one of aggressive development, a id as leader ol the Progressive party i i the House he has not been able to persuade his followers to act in concert on any important matter. They all hhc him, for he is a most lil.eable'man and a man of exceptional business ability, but they have not found in him the guiding gi'nius \\lio would inspire their loyalty and dictate their judgments. A recent regrettable bereavement in | his family, and the insistancc of his company that he devote more of liis time to its allaiis, have forced the issue aid thy turn- is not far distant when the I'nilctl I-'aiim-is of Canada will have to genuinely unite and choose a leader to direct tl.e political future of the new movement, \\ e ca",iH)t place much credence in the nc\vsp:vper talk that it_W'H he a case of resigning Irom his cTinraiiy or from the 'udenhip. Despite the huge salary and Ins political ventures, our belief is that lie is a compaiativcly f ' 11 ' man and must retain the profitable business posi- tion that has given him scope to develop his"po\\eis in such a uonderful way. In short, we bchcM- he cannot altord lo give up his business for thesaUe of lead- ing a group in the House that refuses to he led. Transen* 4dvs. Choppu:j>done r,n Tuesdty and Sat- urday Graham Bros. Eugenia Cihhage and tahle ci rota for sale V'm i ' u> ii, Six pure l'ivd Oxfoid Pown ewe Iambi For sale- C. Ahins, R K3, Proton SUO-.M ing match for duika and geese. on Thursday, Nov. '.), at Tom Phillips', 4'h line Arti'meM > Kifle and -:.'.'. I.I'MBEU A small amount of floor- ing, -i if.j and v ; in' still 01 hand. Phone l.'J \V. A. Arnntrnng for For Sile or Keul The rid riw factory iu Fleshertou, on ei.y terms. Apply tn K. .1. Sproul*. Flesherton. Winter opplea 7*5c. in the i ivhud |>er bi, L)t24Cou. 10, ArtenitMU. --Joseph ' Von. Weber, Kujcr.ri. Fcr Sile Sot single liarnrF j{'' : l as new, al>o one di /. sjood youn^ hens, S Seniple, Fles'ieiton. A number of y^ucg turki-ys HU! for w'c. Fred Jnni'rs >n, phone LOST-Arouud Oe.. 2'J, Vfit, yellow collie dog (.up, nhoir four months o!a, -!.!' > ill. Kinder please coui(nunici:e with D. Dow, FlesSettun. Sheep l-'or Sale Txvo year old Ox- ford Down rams, registered and ram lamb Apply to >.H. ll.\\\Kins, Kugcn iu P.O. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES PUl.NCK AKTHL'H LODGE. So. Xtt.A.F.* A U. uiceU in the Ma>uuic liftll. Arm jTOoK's BIocK Kl-teherton. evrv Friday on or before the Mill nioou. I '. I. IlelUrny W. M.: K. O. Hollati.l. DENTISTRY lV fi. C MURRAY U D. S , ^eutl .urgeoa if Uiuoi RimluKte of Toronto Uoivcitity anJ >ioya Collrgt ol Dtmtal Suisoom of Ontario. iu admiauliland lor teeth iXtoMUM iii.. Hi i. r ..:>! r.. Toronto Street. Fletbettou. Advertise in'^The Advance. It pays. LEUAL I tX'AR A liEXHY Bartlt*r*. Holicitorf^ L- r)o.-l. II. Lncai. K. C. : W. D. Henry. B. A. . 11:. 'i--. Mnrk'lale LucM Mock. Phone 2A. ttiaucli etl.cti at Duutlalk and lJuibar. rn KtOIlT. 4 TELVOKD. lianister. Solicit " torK, 4c. OlUceo. Urov t Itnioe Hlock.. Uwcu Hound. Standard Kank .'laleBhvi- ton. (Saturciayn). W.H. Wrlgtit. W. I'. 'I'eltorJ Jr. BUSINESS CARDS W'M. KA1TTINO. iceiKftd Auctlcneor for tbe ocnntlci of lirey and Mr i- Karm aad Stock tales a Hpeoialty. Term> oooderate. >atinfaotlon guarantied. Arraoge- fi-nty for dales mav be utade at the Advance fflw. or C'euti*) tvlerliouo office i'everabaui irbyaddreriinc me at Fevet Uatu, Out. | - Jit. A. TrilNHUI.l,. n.A.. M.n.. erJnte ^^ from tin- K*U'iiH\ of MiHlicllle.f niv^rsity nf Toronto. Olticv Klvliarjtou HI ock, Klesh *itll. Trlephoiie .n. Musturd, cre'es, rurti.sh, itttuc*. nrt KiJouR and spinach are oro^iy tli.i; , .us .i grown in a hotlx d Ue sure that tho ti.'.v. m well tiiXHiped about the appi.> ;-.>.' pluui if cos. This will rttscoiinuc \\lctfroin Opera House This Thursday Commencing at 8 o'clock A REAL GOOD Paramount Picture and a REAL FUNNY Educational Comedy Prices 30 & 15c. including tax C. E. Walden, - Manager H O T O P L A

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