Vol. 4*, No.26 Flesherton, x Ont., November 22, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. PROTON STATION 3Mr Jack Hun'.ey ia holidyig with friends ia Toronto. Mrs Jno Kini?Und, McLeod Alt*, visited with friends in the village. Mr Nelson Fisher, Agiucuurt, i the Ru-gt of bin grandparent*. Mr and Mrs Jas Neilson. Mrs Telford, Muucton, i* visiting with her i> uents, Mr and Mrs Rooms. Mrs Louis Becker, Toronto, visited last week with friends in the vil'.-vge and vicinity. - Mr Auoersou and Mr Hudgios of Owen Sound, aie visiting wi'h the lat- ter's paren'.g. Kev Mr Foler Invited the Trul K.iiL'f r-s class to visit him at the imnse in Flesherton lust Friday evening;. The bnya wore there in full force, and speak very highly of the kind hcspitality of the minister and his wife Mrs Peevi from the West is visiting w.th her puenU, Mr Jack Hudgina and wife. Mr Surace h*s puiclused Mr Telford'g prooeity and we underetaud he iuteiul* opening up business here soon. Intended' for'List Week Mr Uercott .ml wife muton d to Weston oue day last week and wre accompanied home by ihe latter'^ Hieee, Miss KuniceGlavis. We are sorry to report Miss L^na Park ou the sick list. A (mined muse from Owen Sound is iu attendance. Mr R >y Lyons. Portlaw, was the guest of his cousin, Mr Stanley Ly us. Misa Laurie and Hannah Uoome vi-- itsd under the parental rcof. Mr Bates and wife visited with the latter s p4rent, Mr aud Mrs lieamiah Miss Lizze Neilsou wis the ^ueat uf her parents Mr und MK Jag Xtilson. Jliss Magaja Wyville visitea with he: , , f U : ... bio hr, Tiios \>yviile. Tbe W. M. S, of (he L'rcsbyletiin church held their Am.ual Tim.i,- ; n nu ( tfjcinn on Sunday last. Dr Grey of Markdale ^ave a vety iaapiring address on Mitsions Special music was ren- dered by the choir. Rev Mu Fowler rendered two beautiful solos that were much appreciated by every one pie-ent. ^ Miss Mae and Mr Albert Cornfield Tii'ed recently at '.he lii.ine of Sir U G Acbeson. Our school children <r.e busily en gj;<id practicing' fur their Ciirisiinas Concert which tl i-y intend holding ou Dec. 22d. CEYLON Toronto Line North Bet'. Spaiki spent a cnup'e of Jajs if th- pfet cek with Owen Souud fiieinis. DOKX-On Nov. Ill, 1^'-'. tn Mr -iud Mis Euieraou Wickeii*, a diuyhter. Mrs Win Uui iK'tt syeut a lew Jays wkh her fi'ieiui. Mis Uoh.rt Vtuse, > i. 1 h Line. Mis Roy Woods has been laid up for the pist two weens with bload-poisi ni in her foot, Mrs Krod Blown received the L news from her mother duiiinl (he^ pst week, tin: the is able to sit up a litll each day., after being bedfast for rver in< n:h. Mis Henry Alexander of Kevershau viiitid her sister, Mrs Albert Stewart. his Mr and Mia Edw.rd Sargent left lat weak f.<r Owcu Sound to \iead th winter months at their home there. Miss Evelina Cook, who for the pfet thiee weeks ha* ben riiiting her cuBam, M Cook, has retmoed t-j her hojia at Kbordale. Mrs (Dt) Uuimes and daat;hter, Jean, of Owen Suuud, spent the week end with her winter aid father here. Mrs G Cullinson and Mis Orawford vuitud with NVjarton friends latt week. Mrs Archie Sinc'air spent a day Owen Souud last. week. Last week the L" F O had a cr H-iur and -alt delivered here. Mrs H Piper spent the put w ; .nj. her dnu^h'er at LtilfUtun. Mr and Mrs JaineH As!:dowu Duudalk friends last week. T Chialett in holidyi<ig with daughter in Owen Sound. Mii Kosa Lenlie t Toroiro vibited her t. -lit iii:* here the Hrat of the week, RccompMiiitd by her lit le son, OrtoBs MisRiyden Gibson and >.-- K. i Whilltker left Monday for Toronto, At the L" F meeting he!d here "ii Fr.day evei iDy Gfo Sntll was, chcson as delegate tn it niee'in^ in Tomuto. Jas Aahdown and wife spent Monday in l>*eu Sound. Mis Crawfoid, ho ha l).-itn visiting her uter, Mrs Colliuson, left to visit with Durham and Mt Foie^ fiieud. D Nrilhercut of Dundalk spent -Jrfie week end art Ed;nr Pattmou'e, Mr ::r:d Mrs J.nues As! d .vrn have n<; t i spend ihe winter with their |i u in B.C. Jii-s McPltaii altendiid the 1'roijitst- Ira c luveuliou in Honor Rolls S S No. 8. ArW;n<?si Sr4 h K Meter, K Bitdgeruw. Jr4;h-U Phillips, L Blakey. Jrord-I McMullen. Sr 2nd S SkmiK'r, A Chtpniau, L 'isher, U HUkey. .h .''id T Skinner, (i Uulgerow, G I ip|>s, G B.-kcy. Ssr 1st M Fisher, U Shuaid uvu. Jrlso-E Fisher, I 1 MoMullen. R IcMullen. Pr-M BUek, USkiiuier. - E A 'aswell, teacher KIMUERLEY PL'BLIC SCHOOL Jrlud- -M tl'Uiiiii'M.il, U Sluail, C 'anuck, U Iltiimii'i,i.i, I, l.twreiice. Jr l:ti<.i-D lieriy, M Curnlicld, S M , E Weber, S bai-fey, M b'l'jod. Sr Pi 1 Him-, C S.>u!, B Bcirjr, t lUivey, M Fl-ud. Jr Pr N Stuart, A Wicki'tis, I! Turner. Pr A-K, Flood, O Coiiitield, H rlnrvey, T D Merry, C Lwreuct>, - U Hu'chiuson, teacher. Rod and Gun In Canada In Memoriam Thistlcthwaitc In loving memory Ruth This'lcttuvaitc-, who died Nov. 1" 19m The depth of sorrow we cannot re'l. Of the loss of one NVC loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. Her smiling face to us so dear, Her gentle footstep no more we hear, Her willing hands and face so sweet In heaven some day we hope to meet. Father and Mother. \ CHARD In fi-ii-i aud loviuit memory o! >ar dor molher. Mis. Win. Chard, wlio drparttd this life Nov. Hhh. I'.'-'l. A precious oue from us is gone, A voioe wo lovod is ttilled : A plauo is vacant in utirhontc Th> t never can be filled. AH it dik wilhio out dwelliag, L.noly is our liito lay, !'>: tho one wh" sinilui to e'.ieer us Hn* f<-rver im^scd ay. -Thu Ftn>:!>. The December issue of ttoJ and Gun In Canada is one \\hich may truly be saiJ to combine quantity and quality and the many readers of this nationa sportsmen's journal will no doubt take i lot of keen delight out of this number the concluding issue for IW-i. There are several splendid articles anJ a mini bcr of particularly good stories, amoni, them the numerous yarn, "They wen Fishing." The duns and Ammunitiot department contains highly valuable articles by .1 K Mattcrn and ET D Fran cis. J W \Vinson excels in "Blanket ings," while the Trap 1-inc and Kcnne Departments have a lot of ood thing for everybody. Many other items outstanding merit feature the Decctn bcr issue. Rod ativl Gun in Canada is published monthly at Woodstock, Ontario, by W. J. Tavlor. Limited. Rock Mills BORN At U'ick Mills, on Vffd NOT. 15th, to Mr and Mrs Calvin Uojce, a gon, Kais.'ii Kiiinije. . Ed Dolly of Toronto pent a few diya with Sam Croft, wife and family. The hantTH iu 1 at ne I li(>ui lat wutk with their full amount i deer. Mrs R uhard Hy ha> )<en uuder the Dr'u care for gome time, but we are _; ui tn know tint lie is iruprnrini;. tier dauaihter, Mrs H Phillips, f Toronto, ia with her. Levi Betu lost his driver on Saturday i "in mdiifCKtii n. Mis.s fd-izcl Phillips viyited lecently nil her friend. Irei:e Smith . Mrs Sam Croft and children and K illy, spent a day latt week with their iri.ther, J H Holly and nife at Vn- ieleur. Crms Hoy aud R)bt Phillips of Tor- nt'>, visited with the tonnei'ii pirents eie. Fred Osborue of O.^nyeville ''visited ver the week end with h.s stater, Mrs V alter Russell. Thfre wig a meeting he's in the .v!i nl T!iiir-,liv niifht, t . ...:; about aviny 4 concert. Tlu-y will have it luUllil Li'.lls'u .,-. Mrs B^djeiow in speudiu^ a couple of week with her daughter. Mis Calvin Joyce. John I'.ir'eous, w:fe nd family, vi.s- ted with tluir son, An. \\lio is sick in. \\'e hi'pe to hear of Ina recoreiy OOli. Dick C-irter .tnd wife of Manilla, ypm! .otlplp of wcrka i:h W T 1'eui.ir, wife and f.innly, rctuiu.i j; last Portlaw Mount 7. on ciiu'ch people ie urt'i'Hr- \i for their annual fowl (-u^pcr md nteit-iiuiiu-nt to be given on the ivci:-- nv; of December the Oih. Al'. are s,,riy tc hear tlut Mis U<'i.-<n" lill i> in a poor stvo of lienhh at pres- ut, nd h>'i>e to know > <n that she lu lly recovered. Miss Lil.i^n Moit. u is visiting with eUt'.ves iu Toronto. Mi- J Little is sullei ing from a severe t'ack "t fcidtic^. Mis.- ' '.isweil, our teacher, plaord her es liujti.iii in the lundi- if tho tvi^- -. ny n-yret tbit i-l'e is lernirv: hit :^h ler continued su-:ci'sa. lioniAi Black is i-ccnveriii{! fn in nn it uck of l-r. iu-htti. Quite i tembti "f <>ui loc>il -; .-n- joyed icHtini; their skll^to hit the nark t 1 . '!':; .- I'Miili^s ^imtnijy conli-st ,tc'y. The Liniios' A d si.'cie'y huvc Jcciued :< purchase niunhi-r r\'.\v ti- the church 4: the "'d IMI Ueenino si -mow hit 'lu- ll I'li^i: l' le. EUGENIA Parkin Wilkinson A very happy event tcol, place :it the nonic of Mr. ar.J Mrs. Jcihn \\'illi'uson. ncaii, on Wednesday, No%. IS, when their second dauglUcr, Alice, was united in marriage to Mr. C. H. Pailvin, eldest son of .Mr. atul Mrs. J. B. Parki' 1 ., Ap- plcton KoebucU, Yorlislnre, Rutland, by the Rev. I. A. Davics of Ciarkshurg, in the presence of about SO relatives and friends.of the briJc and room. At six o'clock, to the strains of the wcjfliiiR marcri plavcd In Mrs. Kmest Kusscll of Hock Mills, the bride, who uas gi\cn in inarnjijjc b\ her. lather, took h-:r pl. beside the g^oom beneath an arch of 4- took place in St An- drew's Pievhyterian church. Sult Ste Marie, oo Nor 1st, uf M>i-;aret Lilian S. oil M*dill, daughter ' Mi aud Mis A S Madiil, 42 H**tlu>rn Ave., tn 51 r John W McDumild, M>n "i Mr Win Mc- Dmalcl. licv Hugh MrFirlanr, B A, Mr Johnston of ihe Isltnd had tbe misfortune to hat u a piece of steel run in his nye and had ucc isioti to o*il in D r Guy, who coon locttid the ubstruc tiou, relieving Mr Julnifl >u fiom a <;reat deal of piin, &lm ,M<ie Carrutheis has ttken a po- s iiun in it ., . i,^ - note . Kletlierton. Alfied Genoe is a^sisiinf; with the woik tt the IsUnd. MH Wright euieiUined the ladiis of the vil!!>e on Friday afternoon of last iYffi and ^"t the ijuil: h'nitlud up that the childien hud putchra for the tire sufferers if the mirth. While tl:e ijuili was hem;; <|Ui : te 1 the cinldicii ^HVO a very nice little pio^iain, after hi.-h lunch was served. Aliogvlli. r the .iltei- uuoii was enjoyed iy bulh the Indies and pupils of the .school, who feel ijuite pi oud uf their quilr. Sir aud Mrs Hiley -.f the C u!) 11 UM- euteiUincd a number of EuL'eniu and Klebhertou people recently, the eveniui; boin^ spent in music, Dailies mid danciiiK and a t.i <untiful iepast \\-AS servtd during i.ii course uf the eveniux. Mis D' -uaKUnii, accoinpauiod by Mits il8ting. of Torontu, visited with Hy Wrlitius and family -jver the wek etd. M*iss Hlanclie Don.iliJs n rtiurned with her niotlur to the city af;er vi.-.itmv> nh fn>Dds her. % f<ir the |>at't<ri> months. MIM Jean Wrig'it vi-itid ii-cently ni'.h fiiendat Wy* bridge unp h) mvale 51 is SUniry Campbell is under ll.e d-.f"i's care at present, but it soire- wh-it iii.prov.d in hcai'h. EJ Graham wis iu town the list pail ek He has h id 1000 nmiketable o.irruts uf apples this fill, besides sec- Is an. I thirds. Suuie cri'f. > 3 nould siy. \Vellinntiin (iraliam -[iit ihe p^t ter wieka with hid bio her, E ; , L-u'.lii'i; and pcking fi|'|i'ei. P MunahHW returned fruni his >iiinu:il liuntiu^ trip uui th and n-purts a Kood lime. Mr uiii Mi- E Mueu .-pent a >l%y the pist week n uli fu-uds iu Owen S-iund. MrsSW SI. an and liitlu ! lU^htn- ntncnod to iheir h<re in Tori'i.'n aft -r visiting the former'^ mother hei-t-. Frnl Mai'in and children, icrmnpa- nied by Mr ;ind Mrs Uilier: tt irl.-y, viMted Ii lends in Slieiliunie rec- n ly. Miss M,u: Piik has returned t the city nft-.r vi>i: \ui iior pn-oii:* l.oru I r he p.isl two weeks. The Sunday .-chuol is p:aiu: : :u f r their :innuil Chri-stui-is cntcitu i mint. The llydio is busy pu'tii -4 in new poles and wiring and we .-ue im tin nd for a miic'l beltei sert ice have lipen KrUiiig for s 'ilia tini . Mrs McMulion IMS returned iu home here afiei Mj'endiiisj i lie : ' Bates Burial Co. her few Charles Stobie, leturued .soldier U>st an wii iu the WHI-, h beau SIMIC up f jt tiiil at Walktrtmi un * elnrga of 8teli '.g cat ilc at ui*r, ip u tha B. uce Oil . recent Sund;>y, the Ficsb>ir ; su iti CdUd* a>ked f >r ,tr riiiijuf J35C,K"). Of this. is : bo used t provide a ininnnu :i stipana cf $KSO-t'.j *\\ iniui>lei. Tho biUaej n to help meet tho Jefi * ->i. ul>e bde'. fund ef tbi- chuich, % cvc.'urtens bciuitifully decorated with pink anJ white roses and streamers with hrRc white bell suspended front centre of ;irch. The briOe was bcautifu'ly gowned in a Jress of hrown duchcssc wicssa'inc silk with overdress of gold radiiim lace and bead tiimiYiings, and wore the customary bridal veil v.itli orange blossoms anJ curried : bouquet of pink carnations. Alter th ceremony anU co:igi'atulat ; ons the company rc- paircvl to the dining room, which was decorated in pink and white, and all partooU of a dainty \vcdi!ing dinner pre- sided wcr by Misses Alice 'I urtier and Susie Chain!. The groom's gift to the bride was a rope of pcurls und to the oj-gauisi -i goM cnscent brooch. The young cnoplc \vcf;- the recipients of many beautiful presents, shewing t'.K h'gh esteem in wl-rth they arc he!J. inont lis n:ih bee dcfigbtea in i i 'ii 1 THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT Christiiiii.1 f.-r 'he B j ! ChriBtmai f <r the tjii! '. 1 .'hr. stilus for the Fathers ! Clui-liiiai) for the Mnlh rs ! Chriclnias for o:i\ j am! all l-mmd i p in t!io J'2 weekly i<mn.s i f the Yuat .'^ Coin pui. i.. i for )!.ii:{. No other pel indiv \1 Colonial Brassware, Jardinieres, Fern Pots, Artistic Photo Frames, Boudoir Clocks, N'icke.pllated Serving trays These articles make excellent yifts. \\"e will be j,'l:i.' to hold any piece should vou wish. Come in look over our stock. W. A. Armstrong JEWELER :-. OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont. AS tilJAL Funeral Direct* 3 and Embalmers Phone Hilkrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT ' J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, , President. .Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance People's Grocery Whatever It May Be, always cry to keep in stuck what yon require. Fruits are now in season Wo always UUITV a full stuck of fre.-h -ro"L-ri2s. and men find our tobaccos, cigars and pipes to be of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Get the habit to shop here FEED -All kinds of teed. A carload of Five Ko.ses Floui has just arrived. Get your's now. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Crocerie* and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Opera House This Thursday Commencing at 8.15 p.m. "THE DUST FLOWER" featuring Helen Chadwick taki the | 1- ce of The CUlHUMlinu Previous to their marriage the young n ih!u:nli ;ns, only couple were presented with a *!-.owcr by t'.itir many fricnJs of Duncnn, o>nsi:- ing oT many beautiful and eos'Iy ift<. Mr. and M s Parkin left T| U :-t;ilay f. Tioga, whc.-c t'icy wi'l reside. H'. 'in dimly tin-Mae no olhei ul! .:s s truly the h"ine spirit. 'I iu ~>'2 isu- of r.'-.'< will ci'iit-\in fi'iiu eight to a d> /CM terinl >ti'iu.i, ne.irly tn huudied iiflort; >t%i.c', I e- dt r., kvtchta, siKciii! inittiT fur the bujx, the girls the domestic ciicle- The Clnldii'ii'b Pn and lh l>i>clo.-' Corner iil, s they nno For je.-us pr'ivo iudi^ii'us:ibl<-' fcatnreMjf the IM;I. r. S itjtcritie ii"W Hiid receive : 1 The Yuu'.h's Cjiu|Uiiiun o'.' istues ia 1923. 'J All the icniaiuii'y i.ss JO uf !'.':&. I! The Compani.'ii lluiuu *-' I'.'L 1 :) ail for f? oO. 4 Or i.','../,i.i'- UcCdll'l Ma m "ithl^ HUtln s ity ou p~ o H T O P L V Prices 30 & 15c. including tax g C. E. Walden, Manager Special Christie Comedy "SAVING SISTER SUE" Guaranteed to Make You Laugh <udnt Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value."* A full line of Groceries, also (.'sinned Goods .;.: i .: 1'ilr Yul'TH'^ ''<>M L'AN ION, C.i:iim.iliwwlth Av,v .fc S:. Paul S ,'. -i 0, Ma---. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton I