Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1922, p. 7

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I *' I r V to v *' <4 , I t 1 V ' Why Bake At Home when you can buy bread like it, ready baked? /*X)UNT the raislm at v_> least eight big, plump, tender fruit-meats to the slice. Taste it e how the rai- sin flavor permeates tbo bread. No need to bake at home when we've arranged with bakers in almost every town and city to bake this full- fruited raisin bread. Just 'phone and they'll de- liver it all ready to sur- prise the family tonight, It comes from master bak- ers' modern ovens irl your city. And it's made with Sun-Maid Raisins. That's another reason for hi superiority. A rare combination of nutritious cereal and fruit* both good and good for y.-.u, so you should serve it at least twice a- week. Use San-Maid Raisins also in puddings, cake* and cockles. You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun- Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. In- stil, therefore, on Sun-Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon for free book of tested Sun-Maid recipes. SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Bread Raisin Sun-Maid Raisin Growers H.mber,hlf> 13.000 Fresno, California CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Blue Package Sun-Maid Raiiln Growers, Dept. N-533-U, Fresno, California Plesw *nd me copy of your free book, "Recipe* with Raisins." NAME.. STREET- PROVINCH Providing for the Future BY REV. PETER BRYCE l i> fffc) v .bout a year ago I received a letter urn a man in the city, who, after ouit- iiing his qua.1 ilk-attorns for matri- w>uy, stated he would like to marry a . widow with a furnisihed house, as hie 1 f was boarding, and jut go in and "hang up his hat, aa It were," amd make him- self at home and look after her and house. He added M a postscript his letter, "Th Lord wffi provide," ilently with the desire to impress with his piety. I spent three years on the west coast <>t Newfoundland and I observed there In certain fitmilies an arrang*- inent whereby a boy, when h reach- ed the age of eighteen or twenty years, proceeded to lay the foundation of a hous, spending his savings In do- ing so, and each year adding to the foundation until tbe house was erected, and he bad a house of liia own to wlilch to- take his brid. The same thing, perhaps, could not be done here. Sir Herbert Samuel Who faoos a huge task In Palestine, where, according to Bishop Machines, of Jerusalem, now in Canada, Moham- medans and Christians are joining forces to oppose the high-handed poli- tics of the Zionists. A WOMAN'S RISBT TO GOOD HEALTH "We Know Him r A white colporteur once visited a A Bit Added. He rang in a little sooner Than the fellows in his shop; And he stayed a little longer When the wiristle ordered "stop!" He worked a little harder And he talked a little less; He seemed but Mttle hurried And he showed but little stress, For every little movement His efficiency expressed. Thus has envelope grew just A little thicker than the rest,. He saved a little money In a hundred little ways; He banked a little extra When he got a little "raise." A little "working model" Took his little "leisure" time; He wrought each little part of It With patience most sublime. Now It's very little wonder That he murmurs with a smile, As he scans his little bank book: "Are the little thing- worth while?" Douglas Fir. On account of Its strength* and the ate e In which it can be obtained Doug- las flr of British Columbia is consider- ed as Canada's finest wood for struc- tural purposes although it has many other uses The tree reaches heights exceeding 250 feet and diameter* above seven or eight feet although Its size Is much below this on an average in the Interior part of British Colum- bia. It Is an important timber for structural purposes, for the produc- tion of lumber, railway ties, piles, mine timbers, wood block paving and many other purposes. In the matter of providing for the but the principle is sound for applica- tive their are some who aay unc- tlon anywhere. The young man who usly "The Lord will provide." Some contemplates matrimony, and most ppear to be sincere, and to believe it young men hope to have a home. manifest a lack of trust In Qod "Take thought for the morrow." should begin early to prepare for it. The young man who can present his I fear, are like t-he man of the ; bride with an Insurance policy, or take 1th pretentious to faith in God I h-er to the home he has acquired, has GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one'3 stomach and bowels working regularly. It Is a recognized fact that where the stom- ach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of die little one will be good and that ha will thrive and be happy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. It Can be Hers if She Keeps Her Blood in Good Condition. To every woman belongs the right to enjoy a healthy active life. Yet nine out of ten suffer, often in silence, from splitting headaches, torturing back- aches or some other of the many evils that follow anaemia or bloodleEsness. That is why one sees ao many wo- men with pale, thin cheeks, dull eyes and drooping figure all signs that the blood Is out of order. These women should win the rifrht t> be well by re- freshing their bodies with the new, rich blood of health that so promptly transforms them Into heaithy, attrac- tive women. There is no other medicine can sup- ply fflls rich, red blood so speedily an.1 so surely as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Through this medicine thousands of tired, suffering women have found new health. For example, Mrs. P. Lane, Paris-, Ont., says: "A few years ago I was in a badly run down condi- tion. My appetite was poor, I fell off in weight, and could with difficulty do my housework. Nothing I took seemed to do me any good until a neighlx r ad- vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had only tak->n a few boxes of the pills when I began to feel stronger and I continued using them until I had taken ten boxes, when I felt as well as ever I did, and had regained my lost weight. My husband and children have also usd the pills with good re- sults, and I would advise anyone who i rundown to give them a fair trial." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mall poet- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Britain's Oldest Road. One of the world's most famoua thoroughfares is Watling Street, which runs from Richborough. nearj Dover, to Wroxeter. in Shropshire, an important place in Roman days. Part of Bh'is road is now the aceue of a great modern engineering feat for it i is being widened and remade. Watling Street, which passes through Canterbury, London, St Al- ! b;!HH, Dunstable, Towcester, and Wei- j Idngton, was made by the Romans, j The original name was Via Vitelliani, [ but when tiie Saxons came to Britain they renamed it after one of their heroes, Waetla. This person was a god who was said to live in the mass of stars known aa the Milky Way, : which, was also called Watling Street by the Saxons. How well the old Roman road was placed can be judged by the fact that when the London and North Western ' Railway was being buiH, modern en- ' glneers could find no better route, and laid their line alongside It Poor Consolation. Quarternm3>ter -"She'll steady up a bit, sir, once she's roiuid the Lizard." Passenger "Oh. er good. Is it very tar to tihe Lizard?" Quartermaster "Oh, no. 'Bout thir- teen houns." Funny Signs. A dentist placed over h-iu doorway a business sign wihdch read: "Teeth extracted with great pains." This was something like the batch- er's siign which ran: "Beef is very lgti; owr prices are the same"; and tfl:e grocer'*: "Don't go elsewhere to be robbed. Try UB." During its lifetime the sturgeon lays about 7,000,000 eggs. Diamonds feel much colder to the tonjrue than paste or glass. PETRIE'S MACHINERY TORONTO Baby Carriage Motor. A motor wheel for baby carriages : that an Englishman has invented also enables an attendant to ride by stand- ing on a low platform. . re of doubtful value, no warrant in the revelation for believing that we need .> provision for the future. All know of the Great Provider .icate that He expects all up- reepousibility rests, to dla- lat re&nousiibiMty- to the full- ible extent. apparent to all who have knmv- f family life In Canada that men have failed to appreciate importance of providing in an ade- a niH.iMiw for the Incidence of li and its consequent effect upon - dependeuit on them. Clergymen ver the country have been again again brought face to face with r.-ig i.dy of the death of a father irly manhood leaving a ut financial resources. family man with a family and in re- f a small wage finds it most dif- ,i> do more than provide for the ., necessities- In the present, and .rtiole problem with vary many is ravated by periods of depression, nglng In their unemployment with .nsequent debt and general discour- g-ement. Royal Ontario Museum Bloor t. WMt. Vmr Avenno Boad st permanent exhibition In Canada, oology. Geology, Mineralogy, Pal- ilogy. Zoology. Open dally. 10 a.m. >.m. Sunday, 2 to 5 p.m. Bloor, Ina, Dupont and Avenue Rd. car*. When In Toronto visit the COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots ORNTO SALT WORK* CLIFF - TORONTO rio' Dojr B*m*dl* Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. H. Clay Glo vr Co., Xno. 129 West 24th Street New York. U.S.A. shown in a practical way his love and j his capacity for the responsibilities that belong to the married state. Youth is the time to lay foundations, physically, mentally and vocationally. Should we not as naturally think of youth aa the time to lay foundations financially for the future home, and wife and children ? I wish every young man, for instance, were expected to purchase insurance, endowment or life, when his age makes possible a low rate. Many men and women In middle life to-day would. If endowment policies were coming due, have occasion to I bleee those who had urged sueh a plan upon them. The widow with an In- come would have grateful memories of the one who had provided for her need i beyond the period of his Hfe. Sorrow j amd loss endured by great numbers of i women and children might have been avoided if ordinary measures of pre- caution for the future had been taken by the young men of the last genera- tion. I am not a real estate agent nor am I an Insurance agent! The sugges- tions made have the ordinary man of limited means in view and they appear the best available. If there are bet- ter means within the reach of such a ma.ii whereby he may safeguard the future of his family, let them be made ! known. My hope is that an increasing num- ber of fcbe younger men, though living in a spendthrift age, an age which lives up to and Indeed beyond its in- come, may appreciate the necessity and value of providing as fully and as wisely aa possible for the future. The Emotional Cabbage. Do plants and vegetables experience the same emotions Chat are felt by human beings? Scientists are begin- ning to tlii.nk that they do. Some extraordinary discoveries have i been made, and it has been proved that even the humble cabbage l.as feel- tugs. t is also knowt that roses ex- perience a rise in tenvperature after Qiey have been pruned. Experts declare that there is no emotion, however delicate, whichi can- not be felt by plants. The Japanese have always recog- nized this feature ta plants. They be- lieve that love and hatred are both ex- ; pertenced by flowers. Every plant and vegetable has its own character, we are told. Science has still much to learn In ' this direction, but it may be that be- fore long we shall know everything that goes on in the plaint "mind." PNEUMONIA and other Lung Diseases Claims many Victims In Canada and should be guurded agaJnst. MINARD'S LINIMENT Is a great preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Mlnard's Liniment has relieved thousands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma and kindred diseases. It is an enemy to germs. Thousands of bottles being used every day. For sale by all druggists and general dealers. Mlnard'a Unlment Co., Ltd., Yar- mouth, N.3. For Nervous Headaches TS THE RELIEF from head- J. acbe or neuralgic paina worth one cent to you i That's all it costs for an application of "Vaseline" Mentholated Jelly. With the first indication of a headache rub a small amount of it gently on the forehead and temples. So convenient, effec- tive and economical ' CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY Vaseline Trade Mark MENTHOLATED PETROLEUM JELLY part of central China Unto witieu tt> the beet of his knowledge no whiie mis- sionary had ever ix^aetra'to'l. Gather- lug a big crowd of Chinese round him la one of the towns, he began to read | to them frcrn te New Testament to Cbjiuose. He read the story of Jesus's : healing a blind man and also of his heaJiimg a lame man. Then he tad of his healing lepers, like tfr.ie lepers that crowded the streets of the town; whereupon the fiacea of the people lighted up. "Oh, we know him!" Obey cried. "Ha used to live here. Our mothers and fathers have toM us about him. He lived in a house down the street. We know where t Is- burled. His grave le here; we wiU eduow it to you, teach- er. When the great plague came the rest left ue^ but he would not leave us. He gave us strange things out of a bottle. We took the tuings and were better. We had babies; they were blind. Ke washed their eyes and made them well; they could see. Oh, we know him very well! He has often walked down our streets and spoken to us wien we were little." "No, that couM nj '. be! " said the cot porteur. "He lived to a land far, far from here. He belonged to a different nationality." "No, sir," they insisted "you are mis- taken. He was ri^ht here. Come and we will show you the grave! " He went and saw th grave and its inscription, which, was in English. He looked up the history of th town and learned that the man whom the peo- ple had spoken of was a British colun- teer, a young doctor wiho had just com- . pleted hia medical course, who had gone up the Yan^tee River six hun- dred miles and, breaking Into the cen- tral and northerly interior, had settled In the little town. The plague at laat bad taken hia life. And away out there years after when the people heard the worde about Christ they called out: "We j knew him! He lived here! We knew him well!" ' "-*nt Attorneys. BepJr'U". lUgfotent . . "<r booklet E REQUIRE PARTIES TO KM* for us at home either aale <f ., Dept. A, Orlllln. Ont. SALE. nK WOOD, BLAB WOOD, CAR */ lota. Reid Bro., Bothwell, Ontario. MATRICULATION CLASS NOW forming Students accepted for all grades teachers' certificates; twenty-Hv yeara of success; send for Catalogue. Canadian Correspondence College. 507 York Hiag.. Toronto. Ont., Dept W. POSES. CHOICE SILVER BLACK FOXES, pupa, adult*. Held Bros., BothwelL Ontario. BELTIN8 FOR SALE BELTING Off AL.L K.IKU. NMW OK ued. puliv*. awa. cable, hos* '{.:, (hipped subject to approval at low- tat prlcea In Canada, Tork Belting Co. lit Tork St. Torout*. Broken QlaM. The safest way to gather up broken glass Is to wipe It up with a wet wool- en rag, wnicftn sfcould then be wrapped :. y u ;:>! and tliro-.vn away. Mlnard'a Liniment for DlBtemper. Saved Hand Labor. Operated by compressed air, a ma- chine hae been invented to rub down the paint on automobUA bodio save much hand labor. . The horse has no eyebrows. FARMERS 1 BOOKLETS SENT FREE of the following may be had CrMi on application to the Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa, Canada. Alfalfa growing In Eastern Canada. Crop Rotation for Central and Eastem Canada. Potato, The, Ita Cultivation and Varl* ties. The Ail-Year Hog Cabin. The Feeding of Sheep. Keeping Dairy Herd Records. Why and How to Lse Milk. Why and How to Use Cottage Cheese. Winter Egg Production. Poultry Keeping In Town and Country* The Farmer 1 * Poultry House. Simple Methods for the Storage of Ice, Dehorn Your Commercial Cattle. [Dressing and Cutting Lamb Carcasses. Bovine Tuberculosis. Feeds for Wintering and Winter Fat, tenlng of Beef Cattle In Eaatem i Canada. New varieties and Selections cf Grain, The Root Vegetables Act. 1922. Illustration Community Work in Dun- das County, Ontario. The Winter Finishing of Steers ill Western Quebec. Report of the Division of Horticulture, Dominion Experimental Farms, 1921.; Report of the Poultry Division, Domlrv* ion Experimental Farms, 1921. List of 300 Available Publications. (Name Post Office R.R. No ...... Province MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars coets three cents. Equal to the Occasion. "Will you buy this pair of kittens* j your rivarence?" asked Pat. "Sure, and they're rale Catholic kittens." "Now then, Pat," said the padre, re- provingly, "only yesterday I -heard you ' tell a clergyman thiey were Protestant j kitten*." "Bedad, sir," replied Pat, "but i they've had their eyes opened to the nigfot!" Mexicans oat salt with orange*. "Knocking Wood" for Luck. Why does a person "knock wood" whenever lie does not want his luck to desert him? The cus'tom is believed to originate from an old Danish myth. According to the legend an old Danish sea captain, just before start- ing on a voyage, would aJways tap on the side of his sliip, and tihieu stand in Blence amd listen for a few mimites. His belief was that as there were *o '. 'many miHions of their kind in the tim- bers> of the ship, th elves of U> wood would come out ujid bless the siiip and ensure it a safe return. Otlver Daniish skippers followed thr's . practice, and, strangely enough, ;) least so we are told, the vessel > .- submitted to tih'ls quaint ritual ^wmed to acquire immunity from the perils cf the sea. As a result the superstition bci'mii? a custom wWch has lived to the pre- sent day. no winter this winter 4 dally trains via the Santa Fe. Pullmans via (Jrand Canyon Park, also to Southern Arizona- Fred Harvey meals "all th way." May I send you our picture Folders? T. f. Hciu'ry. Oim. Agent S.ini.i Fe Hallway KUlruo Proas 31 :iff., Detroit, Mloh. Phono: Main 6847 Grand Canyon Line (No postage required). FARMER'S WIFE . REGAINS1EALTH Gives Credit to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound GUI UC Y (Al m SIS Face Inflamed and Disfig- ured, Lost Rest at Night "My face broke out with hard, red pimples which festered and scaled over. They were in blotches and itched and burned so badly that I had to scratch them, and my face was Inflamed and disfigured. I lost >, test at night on account of the irritation. "I saw an advertisement for CuU- cura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample, which relieved me. I bought more, and after using four calces of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Ointment I WAS healed, in about three weeks." '.Signed) Miss Juliette Ortiz, Box 1013, San Diego, Calif., Feb. 7, 1921. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. StattoltthrrMlvlun. Addnw: "ImuuJ^m- iMd, 344 at. Pul at.. W., Mentril." Sold overr- wbara. Sop26c. Oiiitm*nt26n<iK)c. f.-di-um^e. BVCaticm 3op mknw without mm. Fork River. Manitoba. "I saw in the newspapers where Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was doing so much good to women, and as I needed something 1 Imgan to take it, I used to be very sick but I am not now. I live on a farm in the home- stead district and we have to do all our own work. I tell all the women I seff-what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound does for me. 1 think It saves me from goiug to a doctor and is the best medicine women can take." MBS. WM COULTAS, Fork River. Manitoba. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetabla Compound la a medicine for the ail- ments peculiar to women. It is pre- pared from medicinal plants, with, care and accuracy. It can be taken by women of any age. Women make a serious mistake la allowing themselves to become 80) weak and nervous that It is well-nigh impossible for them to attend to their necessary household duties. Such symptoms as pains and irreg- . ularitles, all-gone feelings, backache, nep.dache, hot flashes, iiervon*cesqj with a general run-down condition, indicate gome form of female trouble. The Vegetable Co?nijmi >uu brought relief to thousands of women suffering from such ailments. Let it) help you. Mlnard's Liniment for Garget In Cow*, ISSUE No. 50 '22. HORSES USB Spehn's Distemper Compound to break It up and get them back in condition. Thirty years' use has madfc SPOHN'S'" Indispensable in treating Coughs and Colds, Influenza and Distemper with their r- sultlng complications, mid all diseases of thn throat, noa* and lungs. Acts marvelously ns preventive. aot equ well HK rurc. Sold In two slzea at all drug stores, SPOKN XS9ZOA& COMPANY. OO8KBN,

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