Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1924, p. 8

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% . - •? [!jfmuary3h. 1924 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE DRECO The Wonder Kidney Liver u Stomach Toni( as N<s*.)pndlly Advcrlised Sofd by For sale in Flesherton by <;. N. RICHAKDSON FLESHERTON RINK COMMENCED SAT FLESHERTON Skating Rink Public Skating MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Adults 15 cents; Children 10 cents TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS RESERVED FOR HOCKEY GAMES AND PRACTICES. Teams or committees wishing to use the rink please communicate with S. E. deCUDMORE, Sec.-Tieas. Flesherton Skating Rink Co. IN CHARGE THIS WEEK-JOHN WRIGHT. C. W. BELLAMY IN CHARGE NEXT WEEKâ€" M. WILSON, C. B. WELTON Flesherton rink <Jommenced the 1921 season of skating on Saturday nijcht last and a Kood crowd was in attendance. The ice was in good shape, althuKh there is no great dephth as yet. The management look forward to a real good year and expect to have some special evenings for enetrtainment. Join the young people at the rink and grow young agaAi. The exercise is just the thing you need. The outlook for hockey is not very bright this year, but the juniors will cme to the fore this year and are al- ready at practice. REEVES OF ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP SINCE 18S2 Elias B. Gray Wat The First Reeve Of Township NOTICE TO CREDITORS E. Rutherford, PROTON STATION Has some nice Cutters and Buggies on hand, and is still agent for Su- perior Litter carriers and Sin Flatt Lightning rods CHESTER LONG, Maxwell' GIVE HIM A CALL Wagons And I Sleighs Built AND REPAIRED. BLACKSMITHIISG DONE I have had long experience in this [Ae and can guarantee satisfaction. Your orders solicited. IN THE MATTER of the estate of JAMES WALKER. late of the viUage of Eugenia in the Count> of Crcy, retired Farmer. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 56 of the Trustees act R. .S. 0.. 1914, Chap. 121. that all credi- tors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the late James Walker, who died on or about the 11th day of December, lit23, at the village of Eugenia in the I County of Grey are rociuired on or before the 20th day of January, 1924, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Lucas & Henry, solicitors for the Adniinistrix of the estate of the said deceased, their Christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the secur- ity held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Administratrix will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only for the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that the sajd Administratrix w'.ll not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. LUCAS & HENRY, Slicitor^ for the Adminiiitratrlx Dated at Markdale this 31st day of December A.D. 1923. Through the courtesy of Mr. W. J. Bellamy, Clerk of Artemesia Town- ship, we are able to give to our readers a complete list of the past Reeves of this Township since it was first incorporated in 1852. Elias B. Gray was the first Reeve and only held office the one year, being follow- ed by W. K. Flesher. Dr. Christoe served as head of the Council the longest period, 16 yci-.'s, and was followed by \y. K. Flesher, who held office 15 years. The present Reeve, Mr. T. R. McKenzie, comes next in years of service having eleven years to his credit, and is now oA his twelfth. The following is the list: â€" 1852â€" Elias B. Gray. 1853 to 1864â€" W. K. Flesher. 1866 â€" Jas. Love. 1866 to 1869â€" W. K. Flesher. 1869 to 1874â€" Wm. Lackie. 1875 to 1890â€" Dr. Christoe. 1891 to 1892â€" M. K. Richardson. 1893 to 1897â€" John Boland. 1898â€" Dr. Christoe. 1899â€" John McArtbur. 1900 to 1903â€" D. McTavish. 1904â€" A. Muir. 1905â€" J. A. Boyd. 1906 to 1908â€" A. Muir. 1909 to 1910â€" J. A. Boyd. 1911â€" A. Muir. 1912 to 1920â€" T. R. McKenzie. 1921â€" Wm. Meads. 1922 to 1924â€" T. R. McKenzie. Small Advertisements Truck For Rent â€" 1 Vi ton truck for | rent. â€" G. B Welton, Flesherton. i FARMS FOR SALE Rabbits Wanted for fox feed.- Dargavel, Rock Mills. I On the Toronto Line Provincial j Highway. Three farms, two of 100- _ i acres and one of 60 acres all cleared. FOR SALE â€" iSet of single driving First class buildings, up to date in harness".â€" H. Down, Flesheron. i every particular. Will sell any ona i ' of these. Good brick house on one of Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday â-  the farms. The stabling for anni- and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., _ mals is perfect. One farm has ten Eugenia. acres hardwood bush and another â€" â€" â€" ' Hundred has three acres of timber For Sale â€" Bird's Mackinaws, '.nj jj^g buildinngs for everything tweeds and yams at the Feversham tailor shop.- H. Alexander WANTED ~ A quantity of wheat and oats, â€" W. J. Stewart and Sons, Flesherton. NOTICEâ€" No hunting or trapping -on the Beaver Fishing Club property. â€"P. Riley, manager. _- â- â-  . â€" *-^ : For Saleâ€" Pure bred Jersey Cow, registered, rising . six yrs. old.due to freshen March 6Ch. Phone.â€" F. Kar- stedt, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Portland cutter al- most as good as new; also sett of single harness, collar and hames. â€" A. Cameron, Eugenia. needed, including poultry house an<i< pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed should investigate. â€"JAS. STINSON, Imy Proton SUtion P.0< NEW BANK MANAGER HOUSE FOR RENTâ€" House for rent in Eugenia; 6rooms, pantry and wash room, and good woodshed, pump at door, good stable. Moderate rent for winter months. â€" A. Hoy, Eugenia. o SIX HILL STORES ^ Wa buy together in order that 9 ourcuctomer* in the aiz com- 4eV munitiea majrniBterially ben- 9 efll individually. O Mr. W. B. A. Cross has been ap- pointed manager of the Bank of Montreal at Flesherton. He is a native of Canada, and is a graduate of Queen's University, Kingston. He entered Banking service with the former Merchants Bank of Canada and after experience in various bran- ches in Ontario he was appointed Manager of the branch at Chesley, where he remained until the Mer- chants Bank was taken over by the Bank of Montreal. While in Chesley he was Secretary-Treasurer of the local Lawn Bowling Club, and also of the Curling Club. FOR RENTâ€" Large room on main street, would do nicelv for tailor shop, equipped with counter and tables; also apartment for rent in my house â€"Mrs. M. McDonald, Flesherton. House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; 1^ acres of .^ij}^. Residence of the lat« John Breen. Appfytoâ€" â€"JOHN WRIGHT. Boar For Service A young Tamworth Boar 5 mos. oM- for service on lot 167, S.W.T.&S.R.^ Artemesia. Terms $1.00. Sows not returned will be charged same as- those in pig. Feb. 15- pig. Feb.15. â€" T. J. STINSON, Prop. Sheep Came Astray S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this ofBce or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. SHEEP CAME ASTRAY Annual Meeting of 244 LAWSON LOCKHART W.M. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- @ ively associates with high @ quality merchandise at the @ fairest possible prices. ^ Came to the premises of the under- signed, in Flesherton, on or about December 4th, 1923, a sheep. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" W. J. STEW^ART, Flesherton Came to the premises of the under- signed, Feversham, about Nov. 25th,. 1923, one sheep. Owner prove pro- perty, pay expenses and take same away. â€"JAMES LONG. Feversham, Out.. Boar For Service For Sale At Priceville m o A PROGRESSIVE STORE SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY I s % Great January Pre-Stock Taking Sale s of tfie stormy weather which has prevented many from a great dis- ling this worth-while event, and not wanting to disappoint anyone, ^ in order to give all who desire to take advantage of this sale, an oppor- tune to do so, we will EXTEND the time for one week longer. No matter how far you are located from Markdale you will be well repaid for a little extra effort to get here. All prices in our large advertisement will hold good until the end of this sale. Of course in a sale of this kind there is always the posiblity of certain lines being sold out, therefore, we would advise customers to endeavor to be on hand as early as possible. Every department of this large store contributes many items in order to make this a worth-while sale. REMEMBER A HILL SALE IS A REAL SALE. A few grocery specials during this Great January pre'Stock taking Sale. ^ © The election of officers of L.O.L. No. 244, Proton Sation, were held re- installed by Mr. H. Down of Flesher- instaleld by Mr. H. Down of Flesher- ton : W.M., Lawson Lockhart; D.M., Wm. Nixon; Chap., Samuel Sherson; Rec. Sec., Lloyd Wauchope; Fin. Sec, Ernest Acheson; Treas., Gerald Lyons D. of C. Geo Ludlow; 1st Lect., Chas. Doupe; 2nd Lcct., Robt. Vause; Com., Albert Sherson, Jos. Blakeley, Thos. Wyville, Frank Meddaugh and Herb Stygall. Water Power Mill; chopper, planer, turning lathe, saw and shingle mill in village. Good custom trade; no op- position. â€" G. A. WATSON, Box 169. Priceville. Oht. TENDERS WANTED Purebred Registered Yorkshire- Boar for service â€" Vineyard Famous- 77530â€" on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Art- emesia. Terms $1.00. Sows not re-- tui-ned will be charged same as those- in pig. Feb.15 _T. J. STINSON.. Bull For Sewice Annual Meeting of 1118 TED PARSONS IS W. M. The election and installation of the Eiittenia L.O.L., No. 1118 resulted in nil last year's officers being returned, these beinp : W.M., Ted Parsons; D.M., Wilfred Magec; Chap., Alex. Caruthors; Rec. Sec, Fred Jamieson; Fin. Sec, Wm. Walker; Treas., J. Campbell; D.C., R. McMullcn; Lect., Less. McMullen; 2nd Lect, Chas. Williams; 1st. Com., Jos. Sherwood; Com.. Dune Williams, Wm Gordon, Stanley Campbell, John Parsons. Applications for reading metres, collecting the monthly payments, cleaning and replacing lamps, and fuses in the low tension line, and minor repairs, connecting services, for the Flesherton and Eugenia Hydro System's received up to Jan- uary 10th. â€" C. N. RICHARDSON, Sec. Hydro System. Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of • Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 161, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms â€" ^For grades $2, thoroughbreds |5; to be: Cash after January 1st. â€" H. C. RADLEY & SON, _ IJne Flesherton.. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental* surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto- and Royal College of Dental Surgeons- Jot Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence- Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Prunes. 2M. lb., for 26c or 12 lbs. for $1.00 Spanish Onions, 4 lbs for 25c. Raisin*, 2 lbs. for 25e Dates. 2Mi lbs. for 25c. Comfort Soap, 4 bars for... Mc. Pork and Beans. 3 tins for 26c Pure bulk cocoa. 2 lbs for 25c. Red Salmon. 1-lb. tins I7c, Choice Salmon, Hlb. tins, 2 for 2Bc, WalnuU. 2 lbs. for S5« Efgo Baking Powder, reg. 35c. tin for 2.'»c, Ocean Wave Baking Powder, reg. 30c. tin for ....19c Black Tea, regular 75c. per lb.. 2 Ibn. for $1.2Sl Grape Jam, regular 35c tin for 25c. Jelly Powders, i packages for 29c. Corn, 2 tins for 25c. Tomatoes per tin, 15c. Catsup Relish, 4 tins for 2Sc. Fign, 3 pounds for „ 2Sc. Castile Soap, 7 bars for 25c. Pickles, regular 26c. bottle for 18c. Tomato Catsup, regular 30c. for 25c. Gallon tin Apples, regular 46c. for 29c. Gallon tin Blueberries, regular |1.26 for 85c. 5-string Brooms 39r. Blue Goose Brand Oranges, special per dozen.. .*i9 and 49c. Canned plums, regular 26c., 2 tins for S6c.' Lemons per dotcn 29c. FIVE CROWN FLOUR $3.25 per 98 lb. BAG Money cannot buy a higher grade pure Manitoba flour than this nonular brand, "Five Crowns" Why not lay in your nupply at thin low spot cash price of f3.26 per 98 lb bag. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale *> ® © iO4»o0O0c»^ooooo0«»0O«oa«<»«M»o0««e9<»«i«c \ Jacob Holloy, an old resident of Art- emesia township, died at the Canadian Sault on Friday last at the age of 83 years, after a lengthy illness. The funeral took place from the residence of his son in Markdale, on Tuesday of this week, interment being made in Markdale cemetery. When W. H. piair of Arthur shipp- ed out his deer and some nine part- ridge after the hunting season, the shipment was seized by a game ward- en and shipned to a cold storage plant in Toronto. The game warden believe<l that there were more part- ridge than the law allows one hunter but in this he was in error. On Fri- day Mr. Blair received the deer well frozen, and the partridge just in time to add to the festivities of his Christ- mas table. â€" Enterprise. Miss Nellie Poster,, stenographer in the Ontario Farmers' Weather In- surance Mutual Company's office, has unpleasant memories of Christnui.<< 1023. On going to her home for the holiday she had occasion to wait for awhile in an Owen Sound hotel, until her car was ready, and according to custoni left her suitca.-ie in the ladies' waiting room. On her return a few minutc.i later it had disappeared. As it contained a new dress in addition to other clothing and her Christmas presents to the people at home, the loss is more than heavy.â€" Grand Valley SUr. _, . I'lila Refrigerator Requires No Ice. A refrigerator that will keep food products at a temperature of 56 de- grees Fahrenheit can be made easily at home. It consists of an open framework of shelving around which U tacked canton flannel, burlap, or some similar material, which is kept moist. .The evaporation of the mois- ture holds the temperature down. A series of wicks, or strips of cloth, extending from a pan of water on top of the refrigerator to the covering of the refrigerator, provide the mois-< ture. Such a refrigerator should be kept in the shade where there ia a good current of air. The potato grower who gives thought to labor, seed, and fertiliser is tackling the potato problem in the right way. Seeds, like folks, like a good bed. Prepare it well anu make more money. Cottage Cheese Easy to Hake. On most (arms there is produced considerable skimmilk. It Is fed to calves, hogs or chickens, while lltUo thought is given to its value as hu- man food on the farm. One form ot utUitlng this valuable food In ih« household is as cottage cheese. o> Dutch cheese. Cottage cheese contains all of the, proteins of milk and a little fat. U contains more protein than most meats and the cost is very slicht. Each pound ot cottage cheese con- tains about oae-flftb ot a pound ot protein, molt ot which is digestible. This food alone is delicious and paUtable, and It may be made more â- o by adding a little sweet or sour cream, salt, chopped onion, and pi- mentoe. It may be used in sandwicheai and salads, and served with fruits. Jellies and nuU. As a meat subsU- tute cottage cheese rolls make « pleasing diah. Cottage cheese may be made In any home by permitting the milk to sour naturally until It curdles or clabbers. Cut the eurd Into ftne pieces with a knife and cook slowly over a slow Are. preferably at the back ot the stove, until the curd eontracU and wheyi oft. Remove the whey, wash' wUh cold water to firm the curd and wimi out eome ot the afid taste. Place In colander or hang In a clotb nek to dnUa. After oooling end 4r%iBlai ^1 U r««4y toe Ue table,. -- |urlaf. . ...^ it?«q Dr. W. G. Davis, L.D.S., graduate ot the University of Toronto and Royat College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office at the cor. of Queen St., H. an* Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 138» Dr. A. I'urnbnll, B.A.. M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine^ University of Toronto. Office â€" Rich- ardson Block. Flesherton. Phone So. Printe Arthur Lodge. 333. A.F. & KM., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton. every Fri- day on or before the full moon. A; Sinclair, W.M., A. E. Bellamy, Sec Lucas & Henry. Barristers. Solicit- ors, etc., â€" I. B. Lucas. K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnic, Barristers, soli- citors, etc.. Officesâ€" Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimie. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate., satisfaction guar- anteed. Arrangements for dates may be made at the Advance oflfce, or Central telephone ofRce, Feversham.. or by addressing me at Feversham. J. A. Clarke Licensed Auctioneer titt Connty of Grey WILLOUGHEY FARM A^ REAL ESTATE Representative, Maricdale Terms reasonable Try nie for your next auctiort sale. I know farm conditions thoroughly, and can guaran- tee satisfaction Ordert left at The Advanc* office win receive promiit •tIfMntiom >' MMili •-.â- ^r^lfttl^^

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