Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1924, p. 6

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.â- â€¢Â«*.^ -^ ^ -.-.â-º.. i>-."-^ I -(•^ -< Particdar People cHoos« n n SALADA" â- a? XI Jk, ""'• *3E-XI THe tnost delicious blend procurable! sac GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (CopyrishUd Tbomu N»lmm and Som. Ltd.) CHAPTER XXL- (Cont'd.) I Then out of the mist tb«re came a voice. A Mcond !at«r utotiwr f*n hekbU OB. Blenkhon had dranped htnudf to the parapet. I doo't soMoaa h« h»d •ver been abellad Wore, but bi* i*^ showed eorioaity rather than fear. "PreUy poor ahootins, I reckon," he said. "On the contrary," I eald, "they know their busineea. They're braek- •Ung. . . . " (To be Continued.) NURSES luia4 MoMltalA Hew Ywk ^OtfT r«r* • tSrSe »MM[_<>!U«* •'.'!^ i> t« rMina eaii w. aaviaa tfe* re- i«Hii# irareMi TMe H«^l« Jiaf- ^ the •««he-ko«r •y»"»«i J*f paplle receive ualforma o? th« â- ehoo). .monthly •"S1»"««„V:?JJ?t*"»S •â- p^nM* ♦• eiMl from N»w Tork. For furth«f hiformetlee aepiT «e tk* ON "THE CUP THAT CHEERS." There is black tea and green tea- do you know why? The black leaves have been fermented and are milder, the tannin is changed and made less soluble, so you get less of the bitter principal in your beverage; and then the leaves moat be carefully fired o"^,, , , , l • ^ exposed to the sun, to check the fer-[ include a regular bas3.net. menUtion, and the heat must be just right, so as to remove ti»e moisture but not drive off the volatile oils. Then she seemed to make a last appeal. She spoke In Turkish now,' and I do not know what she said, but ,, ,-1.11. „„.. I Judged it was the plea of a woman It was a woman's vojce, high, pen*- to her lover. Once more she was the tratmg, and sweet, but it spoke in no ^^^j beauty, but there was a tremor 1 tongue I knew. Only Sandy under- [„ ^er prideâ€" I had almost written stood. He made a sudden movement tenderassi. To listen to her was like! as If to defend himself against a blow. |„>„id treachery, like eavesdropping The speaker came into clear sight on something pitiful. I know my on the glacis a yard or two away, cheeki. grew scarlet and Blenkiron Mine was the first face she saw. j turned away his head. "I come to offer terms," she said in I Sandy's face did not move. H« English. "Will you permit me to en- 'spoke in English. **"â- '" I "You can offer me nothing that I I could do nothing except take off desire," he said. I am the servant of my cap and say, "Yes, ma'am." Blen- my country, and her enemies are mine, kiron, snuggled up against the para- I can have neither part nor lot with pet, was cursing furiously below his you. That is my answer. Madam von breath. i Einem." She climbed up the kram and step- 1 Then her steely rstraint broke. It ped over the edge as lightly as a deer, was like a dam giving before a pent- . * .. iu ,. J #». Her clothes were strange â€" spurred up mass of icy water. She tore off bars, for the reason that no dralts ^^^^ ^^^ breeches over which fell a one of her gauntlets and hurled it in can get in from the sides as is the ghort green kirtle. A little cap skew- his face. Implacable hate looked out case with the cribs. A clothes basket ered with a jewelled pin was on her of her eyes. is thi most convenient kind of basket head, and a cape of some coarse coun-l <«i have done with you," she crie^. to use if the baby's outfit does not try cloth hung from hr shouldere. «You have scorned me, but you have troubles on this account. A very young baby is more comfortable In a basket than in any crib with open APPLE LOLLIPOPS. When children tire of the custom- ary and wholesome apple which forms | She had rough gauntlets on her hands ^^g y^ur own grave." and she carried for weapon a riding- 1 o, i„„„„j „„ *v,..\.o,o,»^* o»,,4 tVo whi,. TV,« f„o..P,v«t«i» Mnno. fn h^r I She leaped on the parapet and_the wh<p. The fog-crystals clung to her next second was on the glacis. Once ^'kJ.^^TtV'j:'!^,:''''''' ^^"^ more the mist had fled, and across the The Little House. So tiny seemed the little house. Scarce room tor bed and board; Tet here were love and happiness In heaping measure poured. But now too large the little bouae, For one haa gone away. And through the high and empty rooms The Joyless echoes atray. SttU ever round the little house The sweetest memories cling Ot laughing face and dancing feet, That made our hearts to sing. Oh, Father, keep the little bouse; Bring balm and tender care; May amllea again of happiness In Thy good time be there. â€" E. Lillian Morley. Next Beet Thing. "Can you speak French?" asked the manager. The applicant for a Job aeemed non- plussed. Then she brightened up. "Not exactly," she explained, "but I'm engagd to a young man who't a French polisher." Only a watch repairer can keep hla •ye on a timepiece and still tend tft buainess. The average temperature of th* human body ia 98.B degrees Fahren- heit Mimrd's UnlmeiM Heals Cirt» Under the Btoscow Government marriage in Siberia is only a matter of taking out a license to wed; divorce is equally easy. of fog lay on her garments. T h%H ^,=lv h/fn,; fhnncrht «f >w.r ^oHow I saw a ficld-gun in place and I had never before thought of her „,„„„j ^ „u„ ' „ r.«f TnrViRV, men around it who were not Turkish. All along the line, from the hand . ^^ - _ i,„„,.4.:»„i ct.»„.,^ „r,..or.>i» w«o '"c" •"uunu ii. wuu were uv\. xuiiviou. picking by women and children, the, a part of the noontime lunch, Rive as beautifuh Strange, un^^^^ She wavd her hand to them, and has- ,d the blend- them a delightful surprise by putting derf" ,f you H^e.^ but the word ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^.^^.^^_ curing, the shipping and ^ne Dienu-, ."^... - uc..,s«..xu. »uxp..« u, v '«, beauty had' too kindly and human a Ing, your tea calls for delicacy, care in a candy-coated one. I sound for such a face But as she' But at that moment I / heard the and Judgment That is the reason itj Make a syrup of one pound of gran- gtood with heightened colour, her eyes whistle of a long-range Russian shell, is such a culinary crime to abuse it, ulated sugar, one tablespoonful of uke stars, her poise like a wild bird's. Among the boulders there was the dull when it is handed over to you for the vinegar and two cupfuls of water, i had to confess that she had her own shock of an expjosion and a_ mushroom final malcing and serving. The Raw Materialâ€" The little green leaves of the first harvest are the finest picked in April in China and Japan they spell delicacy; suc- cessive pickings give somewhat lower quality. In Ceylon, where many of your best known brands originate, tea-picking goes on the year round at ten-day intervals. The tea from dif Boil this till it spins a thread, but do loveliness. She might be "a devil, but ot red earth. It all passed in an in- not stir or it will get sugary. Add a she was also a queen. I considered stant of time: I saw the gunners on little red cake coloring if you have it. that there might be merits in the the road point their hands and I heard on hand. Insert^thin sticks about four I prospect of „di„g by her side -to them ^r^^.^LJ^ard^^^^^^^ inches long in the stem ends of bright, J erusaie'"^-^^ ^^.^^ ^.^ ^^^ very ised myself what had happened. The grave and set She held out both next thing I saw was Sandy, already • • -.. . â„¢ . beyond the glacis, leaping with gp-eat bounds down the hill. They were are picturesquely called, varies in red apples. Next dip the apples into| the hot syrup, holding them by the ^^^jg to him, speaking softly in Turk sticks; then set them on waxed paper jgh. i noticed that the six Compan to cool. You have transformed com- ions had disappeared from the caatrol shooting at him, but he heeded them mon apples into lollipops, which will and were somewhere out of sight on not For the space of a minute he I was out of sight, and his whereabouts she said, but '^BlS shown only by the patter of bul- ferent "gardens," as tea plantations 1 make an instant appeal to the imag-|the farther side. / .„ »<„.r..».-..„i' ..11.J ..„,!-. i»lination and nalate. I do not know) what If yellow apples are used drop a'^rom her tone, and above all from lei^ character, so you see that you must ^. " /^"o" "PP'««, "â„¢ "^ ""'P " her eyes I judged that she was plead-' Then he came back-walking quite^ trust your tea merchant for the care- bit of butter color into the syrup and in^_^i;^dijig fj his return for his slowly up the last slope, and he waslT»rs. Directions In each package. ful blending of the final product Ad- pretty golden glazed apples virill be partnership in her great adventure; carrying something in his arms. The _ venture till you find what suits your taste and stick to it The blending of teas calls for experts along the line, and "tea tasters" must have all the skill, and more, of the connoisseur of fine vintages, to produce a product of even quality and the same character- istics from the varying teas received. the result TRY A LEMON. An astringent that I have found en- partnership „ pleading, for all I knew, for his love. His expression was like a deatl mask, his browi drawn tight in a little ask you enemy fired no more; they realised A wise man will make more oppor- tunities than he finds. â€" Bacon. WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 cents. Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing Is guaranteed with "Dia- mond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before. Druggists have all col- For Invalids Delicioua, strengthening beef-tea and dozens of other tasty and nourifhing dithes may be easily and quickly prepared with In tbu of 4, 10. 50 >n<l 100. EDDYS MATCHES His expression was like a death- what had happened. frown and his jaw rigid. "Madam," he said, "I tirely satisfactory is leman juice. Ititell your business quick and to' tell it also haa a slightly whitening effect j in English. My friends must hear it Cut a lemon in half and rub the cut as well as me." , „ , , ,.. end over the face, massaging gentlyl "Your friends!" she cried. "What Orange pekoe is a general quality ^^^ ^„ ^ ^ ^^tion for the special' has a prince to do .vith these hire- designation not "kind of tea andj^^^^t „, ^^^ muscles. An appli-ilin^s? Your slaves, perhaps, but not alone is not enough to designate the, x- _ „ „«X !. t«»ii.„ ,^^^,,„\. t.^ii. your friends." «,rt of tea you may like best Flowery '=''*'°" * Z^n L T L!L,^„ Ij *^ti "My friends," Sandy repeated grim- pekoe, orange pekoe, and just pekoe.' f.^^^^^t ' i ?S« ti«Z «./ • ^y- "You "lust know, Madam, that I meaTthe three smallest le«ve/from' tightening of the tissues, and using ^^ „ British o%er." oftener than this might be unpleasant That was beyond â€" J. W. mean the three smallest leaves from the top of the plant size and quality! varying in the order named. But I teas also vary according to climate, j the time of picking, the curing, and'A- with the altitude at which they arei grown. Like humans, the plants that grow on the heights have the beet character 1 The Finished Beverage â€" In the making there are just three essen- tials, very simple ones and easy to attain, and too often they are all ne- glected. First have freshly boiled water, a jumping boll; watch the tea-kettle as a cat watches a mouse hole and when it "surges wildly" as the Orientals say. Jump for it! Second, use an earthenware, porce- lain or china pot â€" not metal, and pre- heat it by rinsing in hot watfir. Third, pour on the water (one cup to each toaspoon of tea let it steep not less than three nor more than five minutes. Tea that steeps too long or boils (horrible thought!) is a tannin stew of bitterness and unwholesome- ness that one dislikes to contemplate. Its fragrance is gone, its delicacy has fled, and the whole party is completely spoiled, for either health or pleasure. SERVICEABLE HOUSE DRESS ^SSQ KEEPING BABY WARM. In severe weather every mother knows that it is extremely difficult to keep the baby's hands from pushing down the covers and getting almost blue with the cold. We can put stock- ings on his feet or let him wear the little sleepers with feet in them and thus protect his lower limbs, but those! lively pink fingers are a problem. A very simple solution for this is to take his old white cotton stockings, which he will not wear in cold weiith-" er and which would very likely bo too' am _- That was beyond doubt a clean staggering stroke. What she had thought of his origin God knows, but she had never dreamed of this. Her eyes grew larger and more lustrous, her lips parted as if to speak, but her voice failed her. Then by an effort she recovered herself, and out of that strange face went all the glow of youth and ardour. It was again the unholy mask I had first known. "And these others?" she asked in a level voice. "One is a brother officer of my regi- ment The other is an friend. But all three of He laid his burden down gently in a corner of the eastrol. The cap had to fallen off, and the hair was breaking loose. The face was very white, but there was no wound or bruise on it "She was killed at once," I heard him saying, "Her back was broken by a shell-fragment Dick, we must bury her here. . . . You see, she . . . she liked me. I can make her no return but this." We set the Companions to guard, and with infinite slowness, using our hands and our knives, we made a shal- low grave below the east^n parapet When it was done we covered her face with the linen cloak which Sandy had worn that morning. He lifted the body and laid it reverently in its place. "I did not know that anything could he so light," he said. It wasn't for me to look on at that kind of scene. I went to the parapet with Blenkiron's field-glasses and had a stare at our friends on the road. __^ There was no Turk there, and I American guessed why, for it would not be easy us are on to use the men of Islam against the the same errand. We came east to wearer of the green ephod. The en dstroy Greenmantle and your devilish emy were German or Austrian, and ambitions. You have yourself de- they had a field-gun. They seemed to stroyed your prophets, and now it is bave got it laid on our fort; but they your turn to fail and disappe.ir. Make were waitmg. As I looked I saw be- no mistake. Madam; that folly is over, bind them a massive figjire I seemed I will tear this sacred garment into to recognize. Sturam had come to a thousand pieces and scatter them see the destruction of his enemies, on the wind. The people wait to-day i^To the east I saw another gun in for the revelation, but none will come, the fields just below the main road. You may kill us if you can, but we They had got us on both sides, and have at least crushed a lie and done . there was no way of escape. Hilda service to our country." I von Einem was to have a noble pyre I would not have taken my eyes ?na goodly company for the dark from her face for a king's ransom. I iJO'JJ^^y- . „. , have written that she was a queen, i^ Dusk was falling now, a clear and of that there is no manner of bright dusk where the stars pricked doubt She had the soul of a con-, through a sheen of amethyst. The queror, for not a fiicker of weakness artillery were busy all around the or disappointment marred her air. horizon, and towards the pass on the What Is YOUR Favorite Instrument Violin, Mandolin, Comet, Saxophone, Banjo? Haven't you wished you had one ct these instruments of yoKr own? Nearly every- one has. See our new catalog. It contains exact reproductions of every home Instrument. It makes a special free trial offer. It contains a startling easy-term proposal, which will enable anyone to enjoy the in- strument of his choice while it la being paid for. FREE LESSONS A complete course of lessons on how to play each instrument is also outlined In this novel catalog. It shows Just what every music-lover wants to know. And It's free to those who send in this coupon at once. Just tear It out sign your name to It and slip It in an envelope to-day addressed to us, and the complete book will arrive In your mall right I -J way. Only pride and the stateliest resolu- tion looked out of her eyes. "I said I came to offer terms. I will still offer them, though they are other than I thought For the fat American, I will send him home safely THE n.s. a so MS CO. LIMITED WILLIAMS Established 1849 145 Yonge St^ Toronto, Ont. other road, where Fort Palantuken stood, there was the dust and smoke of a furious bombardment. It seem- ed to me, too, that the guns on the o"ier fronts had come nearer. Deve Bi,yun was hidden by a spur of hill, The R. 8. Williams & Sons Co., Limited 145 Yonga Street, Toronto, Ont Send me your new book, "Musical Insitruments of Quality," entirely with- out obligation or expense to ue. NAME ADDRESS (W.) to his own country. I do not make but up m the north white clouds, like war on such as he. He is Germany's the streamers of evi-ning, were hang- foe, not mine. You," she said, turning *"& o^r the Euphrates glen The fiercely on me, "I will hang before whole firmament hummed and twang- - "'' '•''" a taut string that has been 4554. Here is a good style for the slender or stout figure. A good mddel for a maid's or nurses's uniform, and j„j. one that is suitable for any of the! Never in my life had I been so materials now in vogue for morning pjeased. 1 had got my revongo at drosses. I fast. This woman had singled me The Pattern Is cut in 7 sizes: 84, out above the others as the object of ed like struck. As I looked, the gun to the west fired â€" the gun where Stumm was. The shell drpped ten yards to our right nnall for him next summer, cut out 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 4C inches bust her wrath, and I almost loved her the feet and stitch across firmly on measure. A 88 inch size requires "?% , "^^l" .„„,„j .. q„_d„ and the fierce- the machine. These make nice elastic yards of 27 inch material. The width ' ^^She^^^^^rnedtojandy. and the fierce mittens that can be pulled up over at the foot is 2 yards. j 1;^^^ ^^^^ truth," she said. "So his hands and pir.ned to his sleeves, Pattern mailed to any address on ^fg^ ^\f^ j^ and if we use a lie it is in such a way that he cannot pull receipt of 15c in silver by the Wilson only to break down a greater. You them off. Then mother will not Publishing Company, 73 West Ade- are of my household in spirit and you shiver an* refer to his fingers as laide St, Toronto. Allow two week.s icicles when morning comes. for receipt of pattern Where a house is not belated by a furnace it is often a good Idea to have the baby vear a little nightcap, as his little bald head is apt to get very cold a,^d there is sometimes danger of ear Do Not SUFFER or Loose Your TEETH 80HRCUM Paste wl!l ro"'ltively remove all soreness rtnl tnfet.'Mon, rendering thn gnms firm and healtbv. rorrecti.ig bistM. ^r.K irumi an) s bad breath. Malt 5'xty rent."! ta SOUnOUM I.«bor«- i.iry. Box 445. Toronto, for trial, ^'onev refuTidad if not satisfled. Merely Picventlon. Willie was under orders never to go tn swimming. And mother meant to see that he obeyed. So one day she became suspicious. "Willie, your clothes are wet â- aid. "Tou have been In the water again." "Yes, mother; I went In to save Charlie Jones." "My noble darling! Did yoa Inmp In after him?" "No, mother. I Jumped In first so ai to be there when he fell tn." IS.MiE Ne. alone of all men I have seen are fit to ride with me on my mission. Ger- many may fail, but 1 shall not fail. I offer you the greatest career that mortal has known. 1 offer you a task | which will need every atom of brain and sinew and courage. Will you refuse that destiny?" | I I do not know what effect this vap- she ouriiig might have had in hot scented rooms, or in the langour of .some rich [ garden; but on that cold hill-top it^ was as unsubstantial as the mist around us. It sounded not even im- pressive, only crazy. "1 stay with my friends," said Sandy. "Then I will offer more. I will save your fiiends. They, too, shall share „, ,. . , In my triumph." Five thousand acres or essence- -j-his was too much for Blenkiron. yielding flowers are under cultivation He scrambled to his feet to speak the • Grasse, France, protest that had been wrung from his' I soul, forgot his game leg, and rolled Wiitartf'e Liniment ft Oandrtift back on the ground witii a groao. in Js this the best Bovril Poster? A cup of hot Bovril hridges the gap between meali- Order Your Farm Help Now IN VIEW of the great demand for farm help existing in^ Canada, the Canadian Pacific Railway will continue its Farm Help Sendee during 1924 and will enlarge its scope to in- clude women domestics and boys, THE COMPANY i.s in touch with large numbers of good farnt laborers in Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Holland, Switzerland and other European countries and through its widespread organization con promptly fill applications for help received from Canadian farmers. In order to have the help reach Canada in time for the Spring operations farmera needing help should arrange to get theiii applications in early, the earlier the better, as naturally those applications wliich are received early will receive first attention. Blank application forma and full information, regarding the service may be obtained from any C.P.U. agMit or from anji of the officials listed below. THE SERVICE IS ENTIRELY] FREE O? CHARGE. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Departmcat of Colonization and Development . WINNIPEG.â€"*!. B. Thornton. Sai>«rlnt«ml*nt of Cohmiwtlsa T. 3. Achcson. General AfrlcalMral Asmt SASKATOON.- W. J. Crow, Land Afcnt II. F. Konor, Special Ce'onlxatiaB AsMt CALGAKT.â€" T. O. P. Hcr7cr, Ant!, to SapU of C e lonli a rt wi EDMONTON.â€".!. Milltr, Ijind Acent MONTSKAUâ€" vl. Do«c*n. (Enteral Afrinhural Asoat C. La PM Norwood Mad Aftnt a WHITB. AaaUtant Cominiaelentr. ?. B. UBJWia. Chl*( r»MBMi*,i>er. rj >

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