Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1924, p. 8

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January 30th, 1924 ii ilfl THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE saasi B<nie and Shrapnel Removed vmm Qwaranfwd Sold in Flesherton by >V. I. STEWART £ SONS For sale in Ceylon by MISS MILLIE COOK Posmostcr C. F. Nutting of Walk- erton, whose left arm, which was bad- ly shattered above the elbow in the war, has heeo giving him so much trouble of bite that he was advised by medical men to have the limb ampu- tated, went to London with the inten- tion of having the arm removed, but Dr. Hedley Williams, an eminent sur- geon, decided to perform the eighth opration on the limb in a final attempt to save it. Aii a consequence Mr. Nutting underwent a severe opera- tion at Victoria Hospital, London, last week, when particles of fractured bone were removed a few inches above the elbow, and a piece of shrap- nel taken from the shoulder. The genial postmaster has recuperated sufficiently as to permit him return- ing home the latter part of this week. â€" Telescope. Durham Orangemen will celebrate next Twelfth of July at home. Charles Caldwell, a mail carrier of Durham, died suddenly of heart fail- CELEBRATE THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING Open Sesame THE door of our Savings Department opens up the field of profitable investment. Money makes money. Are you losing this great privilege that possession of money gives? Start a savings account now, and in good time it will be available for investment. Our Investment Department will assist you in selecting good securities. Capital $5,000,000 Reserves $7,000,000 "BMMORONTO BRANCHES: FEVERSHAM MARKDALE 168 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Corbett Are The Happy Coufrfe A Very happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.Cor- bett, retired postmaster at Proton Station, on January 21st, when they, with their children and grandchildren, celebrated their Golden Wedding. The event was unusually happy, as all the children of the family are living and well, all being present ex- cept the youngest son, who resides in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Corbett and both quite hale and hearty and enjoying life after their strenuous work in the office. Mr. Corbett was also a prosperous farmer for a number of years near Bethel, and was quite active in municipal affairs, being Reeve for a number of years. The home was beautifully decorated in gold and white. The guest room was lighted with candle light, the candlesticks being souvenirs from old Ireland. Even the bride's cake look- ed very tasty in its gold and white mantle. A pleasant part of the evening was a nicely worded address read by the eldest son and the presenting of two beautiful chairs to the happy bride and groom of fifty years ago. Mr. Corbett replied very fittingly in a few well-chosen words. Many messages were received, am- ong which were greetings from their son in the West, and granddaughter, Ottillie Lockhart, nurse in Toronto, who could not be present. Theday was one of the coldest for a long time, but the guests paid little heed tothe howling wind and drift- ing snow. Their thoughts were centred on the balmy days of child- hood when all were at home. After a real enjoyable evening spent in games and music, the party broke up with a prayer in each heart that father and mother may both be spared many years to enjoy their well-earned i-est. The children of the family are : â€" John M. Corbett, Dundalk; Walter, Toronto; Mrs. J. S. Lockhart, Proton; Herb Corbett, Proton; Edwin, Dun- dalk and Dalton at Abbey, Sask. This is the time of year when you can't get downed by falling out of a canoe, but if you look around you can always find some thin ice for skating. €1 • O SIX HILL STORES Wa buy together in order that our cuatomer* in the liz com- munitiea mejr materially ben- •fit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE f A Store everyone inttinct- © ively associate* with high © quality merchandise at the © fairest possible prices. @ A PROGRESSIVE STORE SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY Br- THESE MUST GO During our Stock-taking we find many lines that we are desirous of clear- ing at clearing out prices. THESE MUST GO FIVE CROWN FLOUR $3.25 per 98 lb. BAG Money cannot buy a higher grade pure Manitoba flour than this popular brand, "Five Crowns" Why not lay in your sapply at this low spot cash p rice of fS.26 per 98 lb bag. F.T. HILL & Co.. Limited, Markdale KIMBERLEY POULTRY SHOW WINNERS Geo. Proctor Won Cup On Hit White Wyandottes List of prize winners : â€" LEGHORNSâ€" Cock, J. C. Humber- stone; Hen, Ist and 2nd, E. Morgan, 3rd, Fred Kenney; Cockerel, 1st J. C. Humberstone, 2nd, Fred Kenney; Pullet, 1st, E. Morgan; Pen, Fred Kenney. HOUDANSâ€" Ist, Hammond Bros. ANCONASâ€" Ist Hen, 1st Cockerel, 1st Pullet, Ist Peii. W. WYANDOTTEâ€" Cock, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Geo. Proctor; Hen 1st, 2nd and 3rd Geo. Proctor; Cockerel, Ist 2nd and 3rd E. Proctor; Pullet, 1st, 2nd and 3rd E. Proctor. S.P. WYANDOTTEâ€" Hen, 1st N. E. Burritt; Cock, Ist and 2nd, N. E. Burritt; Pullet, Ist and 2nd N. E. Burritt. BLACK ORPINGTONâ€" Hen, 1st and 2nd E. Morgan. BARRED ROCKSâ€" Cock, 1st and 2nd R. M. Londry; Hen, 1st, 2nd and 3rd R.M. Londry; Cockerel, 1st and 2nd R. M. Londry; Pullet, 1st and 2nd R. M. Londry, 3rd Fred Kenney; Pens 1st and 2nd R. M. Londry, 3rd Wm. Haines; Bred-to-lay Cock, 1st Fred Kenney; bred-to-lay Pen, 1st R. M. Londry, 2nd and 3rd Wm. Haines. BLACK MINORCAâ€" Cockerel, 1st and 2nd R. M. Londry. Best display any breed, G. Proctor. Best pair of Anconas â€" Hammond Bros. Best display bred-to-lay Barred Rocks â€" W. Haines. Best bred-to-lay B, Rock pen-R. M. Londry. Beet White Leghorn Cockâ€" J. C. Humberstone. Best White Leghorn , Hen â€" E. Morgan. Best marked bird, R. M. Londry. Best brod-to-lay Cock â€" F. Kenney. Best Cock any breed â€" G. Proctor. Best utility hen â€" R. M. Londry. Medal Canadian Poultry Review â€" display of W. Wyandottes, Geo, Proc- tor; display of W. Orpingtons, N. E. Burritt; pen of Barred Rocks, R. M. Londry. Best pen bred-to-lay W. W. â€" Fred Kenney. Best bred-to-lay Hen â€" R. Londi-y. Cup for best bird in the, show â€" W. Wyandotte cockerel, Geo. Proctor. Best display of B. Rocksâ€" R. M. Londry. Best pen of B. Rocks â€" R. Londry. Best Cock B. Rockâ€" R. M. Londry. Best White Orpington pullet â€" N. E. Burritt. Best pair of B. R. â€" R. M. Londry. Best pair W. Wyandottes â€" Geo. Proctor. Best W. Wyandotte pulletâ€" Geo. Proctor. Small Advertisements . OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR :â€" President â€" R. W. Lawrence; Vice- Pres., J. C. Humberstone; Secretary, N. E Burritt; Treasurer, R. Stafford; Show manager, Geo. Proctor. About $40 has been placed for next year for specials, ranging from $10 to 2. Some of the specials are one for peacocks and one for pheasants. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis visited with the latter's mother In Kimber- ley one day recently. "She Ladies Aid held their Janu- ary meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Johnston on Thursday afternoon of last week. After the meeting lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. S. H. Buchanan and little son. Jack, visited with the former's moth- er, Mrs. Sinclair, in Owen Sound for a few weeks. The Missionary Rally, which was to have been held in the church here on Tuesday ( was withdrawn on ac- count of the storm. A number from here attended the meeting in Kim- berley on Wednesday evening. The Women's Institute held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. Jack Flynn on Thursday afternoon, January l?th. After the usual bus- iness Mra. Frank Davis gave a good report of the W. I. convention in To- ronto fast November. Mrs. Will Hutchinson gave a very invereating talk on her experience in a Toronto hospital, after which a lively dis- cussion followed. A number of let- ters were read from the sick and shut-ins, who received gifts for Christmas. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wyville and Mrs. Jake Holley. Rev. J. Oke of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston and other friends the past week. Mrs. Ben White of the West Back Line spent <.he past week with her sister, Mrs J. Ho'ley. Mr. and Mrs. HaroM, who were recently married, entertained a num- ^r of friends and neighbors at their tiome on Monday evening of this week. The Farmers' Club will hold their February meeting on Monday evening next. Truck For Rent â€" Wt ton truck for , rent.â€" G. B Welton. Flesherton. \ Rabbits Wantedr for fox feed,â€" J. Dargavel, Rock Mills. FOR SALE^Set of light back sleighs. â€" J. K. Jamieson Eugenia. FOR SALE--Set of "Ingle driving harness. â€" H. Down, Tlesheron. Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Good timothy hay for sale.â€" Fred W. Smith, R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. For Sale â€" Bird's Mackinaws, tweeds and yarns at the Feversham tailor shop. â€" H. Alexander. WANTEDâ€" Caretaker wanted for Flesherton Methodist church. Apply to Jos. Blakely or W. A. Armstrong. WANTED â€" A quantity of wheat and oats, â€" W. J. Stewart and Sons, Fle&herton. WARNING â€" Hunters and trappers are -icamed against trespassing on lot 37, con. 9, Artemesia. â€" Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. LOST â€" Four dollars in town on Thursday last, a two and two one dollar bills. Finder please tell The .\dvance. NOTICE â€" I am now prepared by leisure time to repair pumps, and can also do pipe-fitting work. â€" Robt. McMaster, Flesherton. Write or phone 26. S. R, HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. FOR SALEâ€" 50 purebred S. C. White Leghorn hens; 22 S. C. Ancona hens at $1.80 each; 10 Barred Rock hens and 5 white Wyandotte pullets, and 2 hens year-old at $2 each. With every ten hens (in full lay) will give a cockerel free. Cockerels of the above also for sale. One seven mos. old Roan Durham Heifer registered (a real one) also for sale. â€" H. E. Karstedt, Priceville. Assessor Wanted FARMS FOR SALE j On the Toronto Line Provincial [Highway. Three farms, two of 100 j acres and one of 60 acres all cleared. ! First class buildings, up to date in every particular. Will srll any ona of these. Good brick house on one of the farms. The stabling for anni- mals is perfect. One farm hau ten acres hardwood bush and another nundred has three acres of timber and has buildinngs for everythingr I needed, including poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetscd should investigate. â€" JAS. STINSON, ln»y Proton Station P.O. Farm For Sale Applications for the appointment of Assessor in the Township of Osprey for the year 1924 will be received by the undersigned up to February 8th. Applicants will state salary expected. Lowest nor any application not nec- essarily accepted. â€" H. W. KERNAHAf^ Clerk of Osprey Twp. Maxwell P.O. For Sale At Priceville Water Power Mill; chopper, planer, turning lathe, saw and shingle mill in village. Good custom trade; r.o op- position. â€" G. A. WATSON, Box 169. Priceville, Ont Farm For Sale The farm known as the Inkster property lot 8, Con. 8, Township of Osprey, is for sale quick, as the owner is here from the West. This farm is considered as one of the best, con- taining 137 acres, with good build- ings. Over 100 acres cleared, bal- ance well timbered. For particulars apply to W. S. Inkster, Flesherton, or James Inkster, Maxwell. Jn.l7tf Wagons And Sleighs Built AND REPAIRED. BLACKSMITHING DONE I have had long experience in this line and can guarantee satisfaction. Your orders solicited. CHESTER LONG, MaxweU Was Found Nearly Frozen Aged Bentinck Farmer Found Sick And With No Fire Mr. Frank Warner a resident of Bentinck twp., near Crawford, has been taken to the Durham hospital in a serious condition. No foot tracks were visible for some time from his shack so neighbors called and found him nearly frozen and sick with no Are in the place. Mr. Warner has been alone for some years and is about 70 years olage. His wife is with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Subject, somewhere in Illinois. Wlien a man says he mad« a fresh "hook up" it is just possible that he is referring to his nkdio and "not his wife's gown. Lots 161 and 162, 1 S.W.T. & S.R., Artemesia; 100 acres. Good frame house and bam; about 65 acres under cultivation, balance well watered pas- ture land; on Provincial Highway, % mile to good school and 1V4 miles to Flesherton Village. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Sharp or to W. J. Bella ny, both, of Flesherton. House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; 1>4 acres of land. Residence of the late John Breen. Apply to â€" â€"JOHN WRIGHT, â€" \ Boar For Service A young Tamworth Boar 5 mos. old) for service on lot 167, S.W.T.&S.R.^ Artemesia. Terms $1.00. Sows not returned will be charged same as. those in pig. Feb. 15- pig. F''j.l5 â€" T. J. STINSON, Prop. Boar For Service Purebred Registered Yorkshire Boar for service â€" Vineyard Famous 77530â€" on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.B., Art- emesia. Terms |1.00. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those in pig. Feb.l5 â€" T. J. STINSON, Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms â€" For grades $2, thoroughbreds $5; to be^ Cash after January 1st. â€" H. C, RADLEY & SON, ^ IJne Flesherton. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dentaL surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto- and Royal College of Dental Surgeons- of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residenca Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. W. G. Davis, L.D.S., graduate of the University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office at the cor. of Queen St., B. and> Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 188S> Dr. A. TurnbnIl, B.A.. M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine,. University of Toronto. Office â€" Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 35. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. * A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton, every Fri- day on or before the full moon. A. Sinclair, W.M., A. E. Bellamy, Sec Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., â€" I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D_ Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas- Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Bimie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc., Officeaâ€" Grey and Bruc» Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank- Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimie. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed AuetioBeur for the counties of Grey and Simcoe.. Farm and stock sales a speciall^r. Terms moderate., satisf action guar- anteed. Arrangements for dates- may be made at the Advance i^Bee, oc Central telephone office, Fevuvliaai,. or by addressing nie at Fev«nh%a). > J. A. Clarke Licensed Auctioneer for Cooaty of Gt«y WILLOUGHBY FARM *: REAL ESTATE Representative* MmrUy* Terms reasonable Try me for your next auction^ sale. I know farm conditions' thoroughly, and can guaran- tee satisfaction Orders left at Tike , win

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