Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1924, p. 2

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None Better GREEN TEA Is the finest uncolored green tea procurable In the worla Superior to the b«»t J*p»ns. - Trr " 5V The Heav enly F oolishness The HospiuJ Babies Did Not Think It FoolishnoM snd They Ought to Know. BY ISABELLA GRIFFITJI KLECK. ^ Woman's Sphere PART L , The Junior Surjtical looked »t h«r There in, in thin world, an occasion- 1^'^ adoring young eyes. H« liked 8l gay, care-free individual whc turns t*>e gporiing way she toolc thlni^, toward JoyousnesH bh the tide runs tOie;Len things that he auspected hurt. meet the moon "What will you do al)Out it?" Such a one was Cynthia Strcef.-r. I ''Mttybe I'll vamp him at the dance For three years the stem, dignified to-nlght, or maybe I'll wait until V>- hand Of hospkal authority had striven •»?â- â- ,">*• ^*'«"' ''><'H'"K '/'«' v^»^"T to form her into the "perfect" nurso:'»'"'«^ering angel m my white unl- a silent, reliable, self -controlled indi- Joj"? ""<l^f^''»';T» Nightingale cap. vidual but her voice still retainod itsi^ "*"•;" i"« *'1<=*- , , o â-  x lihlilte quality and no matter how! Suddenly the Junior Surgical determinedly tJie still little cop might «t'\'»'K>\t«ned «»"d "»*••^'"K '"f. ""â-  have befn pinne-l into place at -even of^er book wrote hurriedly: /immv a.m.. by noon it jauntily reposed over Gettcrma,>-<veiaht to Up conttnuotu WESTERN PIONEER TELLS INTERESTING EXPERIENCE Frank RIkert, Who Left IDin- oit for OJif orma in CoTorod Wagon in 1864, Woukb't Take $100 for Bottle of Tanlac. CHILDREN IN CS. po I drifted into one i)k store.s in a big city. Ion was immediately drawn 'number of people crowding Ground a certain department Instinct told me there must be a bargain, and a woman's inclination toward bar- gains led me directly to that part of the store. Thia largre book store was promot- ing a sale of children's books. The eagem«S8 and thoughtfulness with which these mothers, and I grnnt also grandmothers and aunts, were selecting books to develop along con- structive channels the minds of the children in which they were inter- ested, were entertaining. I paused at one of the counters with more than ordinary interest in tho situation. One prospective cus- ftomer. drawing upon the opinion of a kindly saleslady, said, "I want book that is easy for a ten-year-old girl to read." This mother undoubtedly did not make this specification because she was »f;aid of giving the child somc- 'vfing hard to do; but rather to instill in her youthful mind that reading is a pleasure. It is essential also, that the books we select for children be interesting to them, as well as easy to rend. Stories within the child's sphere of experience in life are most appreciat- ed and leave their impression. Stories of imaginative happenings and un- usual incidents are always entertain- ing and have their part in developing the imaginative nature of the <.'hild. Mother and father may do much to lead the little folks to love the right kind of books. One mother recently told me of her experience in develop- ing the* reading habit in her young on. -^-t^Jifo'Iiatfier and J o/ten j-ead the books he reads." she said, "so we can discuss It with him afterward. In some stories we try to see who can find the most hidden lesHons. If we have other books that will help him to -understand more thoroughly the one he is reading, we leave them lying on the library table where they will bo sure to catch his eye. When he finds something himself, that connects And below that! May I have the fir»t dance? Then with an impersonal glance over the ward, including the nurse's gay little cap and the Probationer serving the mld-mornlng nourish- Fraok Rikert, well-known rmiivai of North Bacramento. Cal., who cam* from Illlaolfl In a covered wagon in }8M, ak>8s with other handjr ptooeera, recently exhibited a bottle of Tanlao, which ha bad Ju«t puTchased. to • friend at bis home and remarked: "If I thought this was the last bottle of Tanlac I Would ever be able to buy, I wouldn't take one hundred dollars for it," thus proving the high valuation be places on the famous treatment IT WMeve Tanlac really aaved ay Ufa when I took it after the Fla abosi a jwar aco," ooMinued Mr. Rikert. "tor Uia attack Uit mm W pounds oC to waigkt, aad uaabla to tarn over la ar bed without MMlataBce. I ten 700, I tboogbt my time had surely come. • But, thaaka U> my wlfe^t inaM' aaoe. I kept oa taking Tanlae iiU I waa able to do all my work again, ha4 back all my lost weight, and I've bew feeling years younger ever aluc*. r» always telling my friende about Tan- lac, and can't a&y too much for It" Tanlac Is for sale by all good drag- gists. Accept no aiAstltute. Ot« 4d million bottlee sold. Take Tanlac Veg«UbIe PlUs. one oar. Then too there was tho mat- ter of rules that she should not havb quart of flour, one teaspoonful of salt disregarded and charting that she left and a quarter of a pound of butter, undone that she should nave done. Rub flour and butter together, add ^*- was near Christmas time that water gradually until the flour is just "«^« .concerning a marvelous new j^^^Jg" heTalkedlut . . • , tir I, J 1 J »-i *!.« aupenntendent who was to supervise "**JJ/^ • J!r ^'"*'^" ""'•â-  , .. moistened. Work and knead until the the^vork of tho entire hospiial. nurses' The Head Nurse was passing the dough IS a smooth, elastic paste; then i„(]„(]g^^ began to be whispered °P*" "'***'"• Discourse between a nurse pound with n wooden mallet for at uround. ' The change was to be made """^ "" interne is supposed to be lim- least ten minutes, until the dough Is in the spring. It seemed that one of '*«^ to things purely professional. full of bubbles. Roll out. cut In the things he insisted upon before ac- Cynthia carefully ruobcd the six ^ „„^,..., „.„ squares, prick with a fork, place on cepting the position was that a gradu-!'**'- words from the orrter book. lherei|jnj jig, brown eyes round with awed sliirhtly creased nans and bake If "te nurse be put in charge of each !J?8 " humorous lift to her mouth, ^^nder, looked small and eager, and Biignuy greasea pans ana oaKC. ", . ... f. .. * ij That made five engagements for the y^,„ yâ„¢ youn« the dough is run through a food- "oro. bo mai tne pupii nurses wouia Hanpo It wnsn't hor fAiilt that ..V 5 i »"""«• ,^. . „»,«,,^«, oi«i,f «, ♦=.. f.Jla if â„¢iii Ko'be free to give more time to study, "'^r' "8?**^; *' wasn i ner lauii cnai ..^g j jj^y^ g^jj although you are chopper eight or ten times it will be „^^ g^^y acquiesced because James "«' ^ «"»?'.« one had waited for her yo„„» y„„ have shown ability and- quite a* light as if it had been beaten, j ^ Thornton's record inspired faith. a"«wer. I- irst there first served. y^mlU recommended for the Chil- Maple Tarts provide a timely des-i <'Goodie!" Cynthia cried gaily when ^ Having disposed of the dance order, Lj,^^.^ Ward." Then she sighed and sert. They require one cupful of ghe heard it. "I graduate in June, t^ynthia smiled at the Probationer, • turned toward the door, maple syrup, one tablespoonful of Immediately I shall become a politi- w"° ^as standing at attention exact- The Head was no longer young and, corn-starch dissolved in one-quarter cian, pull wires to be assigned to the '^./lY* "^' away. . although she ha<f been taught to dis- cuuful of cold water, one egg. two Children's Ward. Possession is nine-| Jimmy refuses to take his nourish-! g^unt youth, there were times when " tenths of the law. So, when the new, l"_«_"L'^_Lfi^,''':u"'«.®V^"°_._ 51* she was so tired that she wondered if not arrive until to-night. I have watched your work carefully tho last few months. Although you are young, you have shown unexpected ability. I will have to admit that last year I should not have considered you. You had no respect for authority, and you were lacking in dignity. You know that now yourself." she paused. Cynthia, standing in the middle of the ward, her hands clasped tensely behind, her cap slightly to one side tablespoonfuls of butter, one-half tea spoonful of vanilla. Heat the syrup. Add the corn-.^j^^ j^^.^^ ^j^^^ ,^^^.^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ j,^^ : pi a smiie in n starch (dissolved m cold water) and ^^^uj^tg ^^^.^^ ^„j ^^^^^k 'Why '"?.«o""^"«"«. i ^hen the Head had gone, this the beaten egg; cook until clear. Add ^ake a change?' Just like that, I ' Vy"'^^'* ^^"'â- ^y suppressed a giggle. ..y^,^„g.. ^^^^jj^j^^g f^,^ honors walked the butter and vanilla and beat well. I shall have the job! I don't want to' 5'7>°«"'iy.*''®.jl'*°**»<'ner did not ap-ljown the ward with unaccustomed Supe' arrives he will gaze upon myj«^<* summoned, the Probationer an- 1 anything else really mattered alert, dignified, .upstanding five feet "?""'=e<^-., There was not a .suggestion 1 "Xhank you very much," said Cyn- -- • • . ' .' » . .. . I of a smile in her severe, disapprov- Uhja jn „ g'^jjij y/jgg Line individual baking tins with plain , 'special.' To tell the truth. I should P^^^^ <»' ^er innocent little fairien. In I ^jj^jty^ straightened her cap with the pastry and bake until straw color. Fill die of fright if I were left without a f?*^H> ^ u .• " .""^f •'•"K '"** ,'^i"'* aid of the medicine-closet glass door ...:.i- 1. _i„4. â€" -...x. i-'^n/.tnr ,•», o i,mi«o «,itVi n (vniini.i nn- the Probationer didn t approve of her ^jjj removed an unprofessional look- She was a nice old thing just j^g bunch of violets from her apron fact, she had a sneaking idea tnat ^ij ^f the medicine-closet glass door with maple mixture, cover with maple' doctor in a hou.se with a typhoid pa- ]v^.^J meringue and brown in a slow oven.|tient The Children's Ward 'or, nie." , ^'"'^^ nainfullv u" J ^v « u »• ' "Why pick on the children?" her; '"'^ '•"'"®' '^^^" "*"" ^"^ *" P*>"^""y| band. The Probationer had seen the roommate asked. 1 ^"^"mf' ^. j . r.- â-  1 -vt- . ,' Junior Surgical give them to her. "They haven't long hair, fuUro .octh' _ .^" attend to Pixie and Nixle and That night .she remained in her room or nerves," she answered blandly, i i"*',«; T.'l .y?" "",'S" ^"P °'**''- i until after the first dance. It would Maple meringue is made thus: Beat the white of an egg until dry and stiff. Add three tablespoonfuls of maple syrup. Beat well and use at once. A POPULAR PLAY SUIT. f^h 4656. ^Pongee, linen, wool rep, jersey and gingham would be good up with what he has previously read for this model. The sleeve may be in a story, it is much more interesting to him than as if we called his atten- tion to It." In working with children I have found that dramatizing certain scenes or a part of the story impresses the lesson upon the young mind almost Indelibly. Months aftei-ward tho child will give voluntary reference to the •tory. The child's mind is easily molded, and molding in the early days has a la.sting effect upon the mature life of the child. If the child can be led to develop the reading habit as a plea- sure, concentration in his later school work comes easily. Wise is the par- ent who sees to It that their children read the right kind of book.s, and plenty of them. The right reading habit developed in a child will cling to him when his school days are memories. TWO RECIPES. Home-Made Crackers: A good sub- finished short, or in wrist length. The closing is comfortable and convenient This pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: 8, 4, 5. and C years. A 4-year size requires 8H yards of 27-inch material. Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 16c in silver, by the Wilson Publishing Co.. 73 West Adelaide St, Toronto. Allow two weeks for re- ceipt of pattern. "And they adore ice cream and fair ies. Oh, children are fine fun." Cynthia twinkled as she spoke. ] j^o^ so ridiculous to have five men .. ^ As she stepped gaily down the claiming it She was feeling exceed- On the second Tuesday in June Tlf*"""- ^^^sing a word here and a smile jng ^j^ture when she finally descended Cynthia sat at the i-ecoid table and *'^T\ ^''^K, ''"il sufferers j^n- hut she was not in the room fifteen with a little pucker between her big "*° delightedly They adored this n^j^utes before she had forgotten that brown eyes, surveyed her small do- shm, jolly nurse who^d such won- , lately acquired dignity and was danc- main. The ward was brillifinlly clean l<'<'rL".'.?"'"y stories, He â€" "Would you give me a klaa If I asked you for on«7" She â€" "No indeedâ€" but If yott stola one, what could I do?" Mlnard** Liniment Heala Cutb and festive; the twenty small iron beds standing in single file, ten on each side, were in fresh white for the day; the rows of bottles showing through the glass doors of the medi- cine closet were newly labeled; and "r.^,?/ ,, 7 ^ .^?' ._ . J ' n ling with girlish abandon. "Well, Jimmy!' she teased. But| T.jg the new 'Supe' here?" she asked there waa a tender look in her eyes the Junior Surgical as he was serving for the littie fellow who had to he her ice cream, J luuuic'u ; uiiu , , >- .J even the eastern sun contributed to Lj a'u th<! scene, making scintillating pools *'''^ with a heavy weight suspended to his. «Over there, talking to that new %>, 1 L . . , . ' interne." He nodded toward the end *J^.ilFu*'"''*t.'^"'P?" ^^Ji"' «ndjof the room. - ^"«'' he whispered, nodding to- 1 He looked just as Cynthia expected . ,, Probationer. that there he would, heavy, distinguished, with of light on the polished floor." ' j J^arn t no such things as fairies. Two slightly greying hair and a vandyke. "Penny for your thoughts," sai« »«"" welled up in the big blue eyes Then her glance shifted to the other, the Junior Surgical Intorwr. ' ^"SL'*'' ^^"^ ^"? '''°"' „«'i?«""?- , There was something about him she' "VT""b^meri^" "All dressed up ftnd no one to .see." There are none for her,'' Cynthia lijjed; his square jaw and alert man- ?r,t„^rh»t^», =hm,t th^ „^ »« Cynthia indicated the ward with a ^*''«P«'^ ^°"'ys '^J^*}. « <=»ddle. "b^j ner, ^nd an air of self confidence that ^'^.^'^ «" nod of her gay little head. "The ?,1"8« she doesn't believe In them."|new internes often lacked. It was . »»la« » »»l*d<l«'' »' 8«** ^kin. Commencement is to-morrow at ten,i^? pushed tJie hair back from his ,-ugt then he glanced up and their eyes I Nowadays enormous Ingots of steel so this is my last day on dutv. And ""v^ forehead, where it lay m damp ; lacked. Cynthia blushed and turned are heated In furnaces, and the hy- A liner's Safety Chain. The terrible effects which might re- sult from carelessness in a black- smith's work axe well illustrated by the great importance of every link in the chain of a ship's anchor. The anchor chains of the Lusitanla were 330 fathoms long â€" nearly 2,000ft â€" with a weight of 125 tons! Every link has to be carefully welded at the proper temperature. Such work re- quires Infinite care, for in no ca^e la the saying truer that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link. Oa every single link In such a chain the safety of a giant vessel and the Uvea of perhaps 2,000 people may depend. The earliest blacksmith's forges known were holes In the sides of hlUs, The Romans Invent- the new 'Supe' will not arrive until this evening." "Too bad, consoled the Junior Sur- gical. He had been told of Cynthia's plan to make a professional hit. "I should worry." Cynthia answer- ed cheerfully. curls. It was exceptionally hot for' way "furious at herself. I draulic forging press is taking the Urink your milk. That s a| They met in the Paul Jones when he' place of the blackemith's hammer aad A PRAYKR FOR THK KITCHEN WALL. My labor makes me glad! May I have eye.s to sec Beauty in this plain room Where I am called to be: The scent of clear blue smoke. The old pans polished bright. The kettle's chuckling joke. The red flame's lovely light. May 1 have wit to take The joy that round me lies. Whether I brew or bake, My labor make me wise! pliances that, once bought, mean hours of time and strength saved. You must first have a proper .sense of values; know what is most im- portant to fundamental happiness, and go after it. Buy the cloth of life before you spend money for its fringes I Being thrifty isn't stingy. It doesn't mean endless going without It means getting the most for your money. Try budgeting, which means only wise and deliberate expenditure; sailing up tho financial stream with your hand on the helm instead of just drifting down it. â€" A. L. P. The hammer wielded by the strong arm of the village smithy be- comes. Instead, a hammer equal weight to one of thousands of tons! June good fellow. Now close your eyes I quietly danced her out of the room ^vll tight while I make the sign for Nixiejon to the small side porch. and Pixie to come hft the bad weight; "After dancing straight into ray „._..„ .^.^^^^ a hammer eouai i» on their shoulders, so that Jimmy can ijfe, I couldn't let you dance right out, "*"?"; "'^'**'*' * ''^mmer equal in go to sleep. And I think I will en- ^ggin, now could I?" he inquired. 1 ""•'â- "" courage Tnxie to stir up a small j Cynthia laughed and perched her-j breeze. ^ . ,. . ,1 self on the railing. She liked him, his As she smoothed the sheet at the., keen brown eyes and the humorous bottom of the bed, she glanced quick-, nft to the mouth that had seemed so ly around the room to see that no one gtern I waslooking, and then, sprt-of-acclden-l "That's not likely, at least for a' stitute for machine-made crackers can > be made thus: Put into a bowl one' My labor leave me sweet! When twilight folds the earth. A DOORSTOP GIFT. A unique all-yeiir-round gift, easily made, always appropriate and appre- ciated because of its usefulness, is a tal-like, rested the weight against the'yggr" ghe replied. round of a chair. She realized that it ' ("To b^ continued.) was wrong â€" very, very wrong â€" to dis- ^ j, regard a doctor's order but where y„^ Much for Him. Jimmy was concerned a little spirit of ,.,.,. rebellion had grown in her breast. Bill wanted to slip out of barracksâ€" What could a strong, husky Staff doc- ', unofBclallyâ€" to see his girl, and he tor, who visited the ward once a day, j went to the sentry and stated his case, know about a baby's couragp; when it i "Well," said the sentry. "I'll be oft hud reached the breakitjg point? j dutv when you come back, so you "There was something a little defiant I ought to have the password for to- in her eyes as she resumed her chart- j ^^g^^ ifg •wiosyncmsy.' • A half hour later she rose hurriedly "'^**' what?" to her feet. She recognized that un- mistakable fiiTO, deliberate ring of a Staff member's heels in the corridor. I With the Staff man was the Head! Nurse, the Junior Surgical and twoj new internes. Near Commencement "Idloayncrasy." "I'll stay In the barracks," said Bill. «» Minartl's Liniment tor OandrulT. sand filled doorstop This mav be "««^ '"kernes begin to replace such oi\ . " '^^ '**^V "'"' f understand- sand-hUed doorstop. ihls may be^^j^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^^.^ leaving. I »"« Kct thee betimes urto him and let made at practically no cxpinse from, gy ^n the ethics of hospital prac- thy foot wear the steps to his door. WEBSTER MAGNETOS PARTS and SERVICE Auto Starter and Generator Repair Company. 6S9A Yonge St. Toronto WHIN IN TORONTO VISIT TNI Royal Ontario Museum U3 Biser St. W«>'. No.- Avcnu* Rwd. [.nriMI pvrmMieBt •xkiblUoa !â-  Caiwda. ArdiMoloaj. OtOkXT. UlniralOtT. PtISMIItalOlT. Soolnor. tMy 10 •.in. to S p.m.; Buttter >(l>tsoonf ai Xburidir nudnis. Koor. Ba;. sad tliuRk cwa. T^mm Chew it after eveiy meal It â- Mmnlatcs • ppcllte and â- Ids dtscstlon. II malccs yoar lood do y«a more good. Note bow •t rdlcvca fkat stalty laellnn •iter kcarly caiJB0. ^Wmteaa tcclk. I Mf c • I • n a brcatk aad irBtk«sM4y llkaf May 1 have grace to smile And count the day's good worth. An old song in my soul And quiet in my breast. To welcomi' tranquilly The night's old gift of rest. And gather strength to face To-morrow's busy strife. Here in this humble place. My labor bless my life! --Nancy Byrd Turner. Jupiter is the largest planet, meas- uring 86,500 miles in diameter. Mer- cury, 3.030 miles in diameter, is the smallest. '^m Its Purity Packape issue .MONKY IS NOT THE ONLY THING TO BK .SAVED. Health education, proper associa- tions and surroundings for growing children ; time saved from drudgery to bo invested in something more worth while ( such as care of the minds (if one's children as well as their botiie^*) nil these things must be coiisiderrd â- ' regard to saving money. The W'lV.iaii v.iin sells her birthright! of so'Jiitl nerves, good temper and a! gracious home at!ii(i«phere for fsnci-] fully deouraled or ru;it rived foods and elaborate fnrnit-hiu^.- that need much care is i.ot Ix-iiig 'hrifiy. Nor is .she being truly economical if she feil.t to Invest inniiey in wholesome foods th:it mean a life of vigor to growing chil- dren; oi ill household tools and kp- bila of velvet, gay pieces of cretonne tice. Cynthia should have walked be- or other firm material that may be hind this august retinue as it pro- languishing in your sewing basket or'gresscd from bed to bed, carrying In odds-and-ends box. Cut two pieces of one hand the order book, into which material, ten inches square, and stitch the Senior Surgical would presently together, right sides out, leaving one Y*^''*^ certain cabalistic characters cdirc open Four inches from the *** ^ *"* Staff Man; in the Btitchededjpcs and narallcl with thpw i°*^*'â- *'°"^.• '"^'•^'*" ^*^''' to^oPe"*^ ^^ "**" understood domestic econ- ^ ^^^J^JZ^lwlT.^.^^:^'\*''^^ "P''^*''- without creases, over the omy half as \vell as women do. then t^n^M^Z.^^r ?l^t^}r*C^^ f '^''^^^^^^^ the august Staff their political economy and their en- u n «„n/^s! .fn. ,K«^ ''^ desire to listen to said tire consequent sUtecraft would not with cWn sand. Stitch up this edge patient's heart. Cynthia demurely ,*,» the futile muddle which ii i« Ta, and bind all mound with a braid of observed these rules until they ap-' 1^â€" Jas. contrasting color. When using this proached Jimmy's bed. when nhc dart- attractive doorstop, insert the flat '^ ahead and stooped, like a scrupu- portion under the open door, which '"iJ" y°""« bousewife, to fleck an !m- . will then remain open at the desired aP."»''y. ^t oX Axxst from the small : travel from the Arctic Ocein north of angle, slaniproof against sudden K^xr^U^ '^tV^^V^^J^jK^}"' {oot of | Siberia to the East Grenlan i wren'. of wind * 1*'''^,^% Then "hnf-traiKhtened w^^^ " *'"" a sigh of relief. The weight had been _,„M,»r I skillfully removed from the shoulders ^''' " '^'^- jof Nixie and Pixie. •"" ' Jimmy stirred and opened two big WOMEN! DYE FADED AMAZING VALUES- REMNANTS From Warehouse, Fox's Indigo Serge. Pure Wool, Navy Blue, Black, 56 inches 11.60 yard postpaid. Remnants only 1 to 4^ yde. Mall order now. Money back guarantee. Mill Distributors, 397 St. Paul West, Montreal. Direct Subscription Service. Careful and intelligent attention given to ail Inquiries regariling your tavorit^ publication from England, United States or Canada. Or mall us the re- newals on the magazlaes or papers y<on now receive. We will send the bill at lowest prices later. Htchent references. The Holden Browne Company 130 Richmond Street West Toronto Stephens. Ice iakrs four and a ha- ye;ns to ti.i!' own PAINLESS mONlNG. I detest ironing .sheets, but I have blue eyes fresh with sleep, found a way to iron them painlessly.] "Great improvement here!" The I put a partly folded sheet over the Staff smiled approvingly at the nurse, ironing board, then iron the small "Keeping the weight on' the leg all the fV,* or Tint Anv Worn SKak. pieces- towels, handkerchiefs and time, as ordered?" Uye or 1 im «ny worn, anat>- napkinsâ€" on the sheet. By moving the I "Continuous." the Junior Surgical sheet occasionally so that I iron on a !:??'.'«• "V^^^'y- "'' "l"' "»t ^^°'^ , .u I. 1 1 J . i Nixie BPn rlne. new place, he sheet is soon ready to cynthia was honest. She raised her fold and put away.-t M. |heaa gallantly to contradict the Jun- â€" â- â€¢â- â€"' 1 ior Surgical, then her glance swept JimmyV helpless little form. After all, I THINGS NEW AGAIN by Garment or Drapery. ROOFING Wi sell MRT.VI. SIIINOLER and CORnUOATED OAL.VANIZBD 8IIEBTS direct to CONSUMERS at VKUY LOW prices. Write for particulars. THE GORDON ROOFING CO. 724 Spadlna Ave. Toronto WOMEN Karnond Dye* *lth htlr OM th« fA^'Itl "J".' . r----- ---•-' r»« h>n ihtt Mfahk ^ * faine-s had been on tho Job for nr>',lrt" "â€" .'? *» '?'â- '' ? ?*'°''^ ^'"*'' *"'' "'»* sweet! Kach KiCfnl package of •niamoiid ;.." !«', .",.« !S^ „5 "'nSP ^^^ '?"'"* "7 T'} *" :'*""ny- Dyes" .oniain. directions so simple ir«ir.«.. o,»r m ,«« r.Mrt.D.,. «.,isf,,.„^ , /hc llcsd lemaiiud after th;- rest, ,w-. „,,„ ^oLvn can dve or tint anv, M.m«i, «> TTM .H mo •a.i.rtou. sk.,. ».."^ , left the Ward. "'*'^ "'"^ , , , ., 1 uni .inj , ii.ir .ml »o«,.iaioMl m^ttkto k, uii. n.K.kiS "The new Superintrpder.t h^ -- -.-kcd "'•'• *"''*'• 'â- "^'^ ' ' "* "*"' *''®° " *''* nVscSn T.muiri.mr.rn.r'^;,'^''"^ ^ recommend graduntc:. Ur thr h" n^^^'' •»>'â-  ^ »"^''^« ^"^^^ «»-V «.. TtnKt*. '•"jdifferent wards," the sai.l. -Wc will color at drug rtore. JIG-SAW PUZZLE VOBTBC CHILDREN. Just- Send lour «Mppe«from CUBiS I r>0»o 1 i.r ;>r^, ^:^^ Umohw 3t..M»«ii««l, 1 a.' X, \ * •6

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