Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1924, p. 8

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^^Wlnesday, April 2, 1924 gaegggg g-j* THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TEAM WAS "WATCHED" That great junior hockey aKjrrega- tloR of Owen Sound vhicb won the Jonlor championship of the world at Winnipeg, arrived bacli in Owen Sound to-day, Wednesday. A civic reception is to be tenderca the boys on their arrival and gold watches will be presented to them on behalf of the city. It is the first time that an Ow- en Sound team ever won an O.U.A. Junior championship, much less the world honor. The team has had a neat scorinK record for the year. They loat two Kames, tied two and won 22 during the season, with a total of 204 goals td their credit, to their opponents' 69. We are all proud of the Grey* for .th« achievements they have attained. HERE'S A GROWL /_.' J^ Horses Wanted Watson Bros.,Toronto wlil be in FLESHERTON., MON., Al'RII. 7TH MARK DALE, TUBS., APRIL 8TH to purchase all kinds of horses in eood condition. Good prices will be paid. In about three months the period of school examinations will be with us, and we will be faced once more with a large number of teachers at considerable salaries attached to jobs at once and drawing the very frills permitted by our educational both of them. This is one of the friella permitted by our educaional system, the cost of which has in- creased to such enormous propor- tions in recent years. JOS. SURRACE WAS ARRESTED BY POLICE One day last week a bailiff came up from Hamilton to Dundalk and with the assistance of the local bailiff suc- ceeded in capturing Dundalk's noted mercantile Mussolini, who has for some time been doing business there as a general merchant. The arreat was made at the instance f a Hamil ton firm who had flirted with him not wisely, but too well. There are also a lot of other firnfii standing shoulder to consider with the Hamilton firm in an effort to get what is due them. Th« iuKtirp ! The Stock remains intact and they , . , ,. ... ** ^""^'^ cannot get at it. Sheriff Wilson of of employees of the public engaged ^wen Sound has a prior claim. It is to give their time to certain school said that some thirty executions are duties during the school term leaving out against Surrace. For a long their posts and going elsewhere to act ""je Surrace has been flKh"nf «" "P" ... . ^ I hill game but it looks now as though as presiding examiners at more per jje had reached the apex of his am- day than ninety per • cent, of- those who have to pay the cost have ever drawn in their lives, has never appeal- ed very strongly to the "ublic. There are indications that the public heroand elsewhere throughout the province including those in charge of legisla- tive halls, are alarmed at the easy way in which some educationalists make heavy demands on the municipal purse, and there is such a thing as killing the goose that has been laying the golden egg. â€" Walkerton Herald & Times. bitlon. It is said that Surrace put up quite an argument when arrested â€" in Italian. This argument has not been interpreted, but nrobably consis- ted mostly of expletives against the blankety blank Canadian laws. OFFICERS OF W.M.S. Dept. of Ag'l. NITRO-CULTURE It' m o s I til til « til til til til • til Bargains For The Man W ho Wo rks Rubbers, 4 evelets worth $4.00 for $2.95 SIZES FROM 5 to 1 1 4 buckle overshoes worth $5.00 for $4.00 Peabody smocks worth $3.00 for $1.95 Peabody overals $2.00 Work shirts worth $1.75 for $1.50 UNDERWEAR $1.50 garment for $1.00 Herd is something to eat : Christie Browns Fancy Biscuits, any kind per lb. 30 cts. Nasmiths Toronto bread, fresh every day m At a special meeting of the W.M. S. of the Methodist church held at the home of Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling on Tuesday evening of this week the following officers were elected: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Thurston; Pres., Mrs. J. Cargoe; 1st Vice Pres.. Mrs. H. H. Ea ton; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Wilcock ;• Rec. Sec, Mrs. Armstrong; Cor. Sec, Mrs. Wm. Miller; Treas. Mrs. W. I. Henry; Supt. of Christian Steward ship, Mrs. W. Moore; Strangers Sec, Mrs. G Mitchell; Supt. of Band, Mrs. E. C. Murray; Delegate to Branch meeting, Mrs. W. Wilcock; Alternate, Mrs. H. Down; Program Com., Mrs. Holland, and Mrs. J. A. Heard. The Easter thankoffering meeting will be held on Thursday, April 10th. W. L. Wright, Flesherton Ont. Durham Street opposite Claytons shoe rtore 0i @@0^ &^^m^^mm®®®^^®^^^i^i^>^^^®^^^ @ ' Reduced Prices We will repair your WATCH OR CLOCK for $1.00 NO MATTER HOW BADLY BROKEN All work guaranteed for one year. A trial order will con- vince you that the quality of our work is second to none. J. H.'Stephenson&son MARKDALE, ONT. Established 1896 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Grey County farmers can secure one bottle of Nitro Culture Free of Charge in 1924 as they did in 1923. This information was recently re- ceived by the Department of Agricul- ture, Markdale, and it is passed on to our farmers. Nitro Culture is a preparation of a vegetable gelatine in which are placed the bacteria calld Pseudomonas rad- iocoli. These bacteria live in the little nodules or knots which arc found on the roots of all alfalfa clpv- ers, peas and beans which are the legumes. These bacteria have the power of withdrawing the nitrogen from the air and changing it into a form in which the plants can use the nitrogen in building up the plant. The value therefore of Nitro Cul- ture rests in the fact that the bacteria which are applied to the seed are present when the sed sprouts. The young plant will at once have all the aids in securing nitrogen at hand so that growth will be hastened. Farmers have reported success with its use. It is worth trying especially as failures in growlncr clovers have been encountered. Try it this year. Any farmer wishing tlie culture must kep in mind the fact that the orders must be sent away. The ma- terial is not kept on hand in the office, consequently late orders may not be filled in time. Every farmer knows how much clover he will sow. One bottle does one bushel or fraction thereof. Be sure you name the kind of clover as each requires a different culture. Who will send the first ord- ers to the Department of Agriculture, -Markdale ? Small Advertisemenis FOR SALE â€" Young pigs for sale.â€" , R. O. Turner, Eugenia P. O. i FOR SALE â€" Good seed field peas. | â€" Les. Chard, Flesherton. FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line Provincte) ^Highway. Three farms, two of lOO i acres and one of 60 acres all cleared. FORSALE-Pea8.smaU variety.-;^'"' "^^ buildings, up to date in Ben McKenzie, Ceylon. R. R. No. 1. >\'!^ P«rtjcular Will s^U any on* 01 these. Good bnck house on one o£ GEESE FOR SALEâ€" Pair African ^« '«"»â- â€¢ The sUbling for anni- Geese, price IIO.OOâ€" Apply to Har-Iâ„¢*'* >• perfect. One farm hao ten mon Radley, Flesherton. ' ^"'' hardwood bush and another nnndred has three acres of timber FOR SALE â€" Massey- Harris cream 'and has buildinngs for everything Separator, nearly new, to be sold at a bargain. â€" C. Brodie, Maxwell. Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" A full stock of Clover and grass seeds jest arrived. Prices right. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. FOR SALEâ€" Good timothy hay for sale.â€" Fred W. Smith, R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. needed, including poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. liny Proton SUtion P.O, For Sale â€" Bird's Mackinaws, tweeds and yftms at the Peversham tailor shop. â€" H. Alexander. WANTED â€" and oats, â€" ^W. Flesherton. A quantity of wheat J. Stewart and Sons, PLOWING MATCHES f SIX HILL STORES 9 SWe buy together in order that onr cuatomera in the six com- O munitiea may materially ben- 4fll afit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE Previous to the annual meetings of the Agricultural Societies a letter was mailed to the Secretary asking them to consider the advisability of holding a plowing match in their district. With that letter was sent a full state ment of the assistance which would be possible to secure from the Fairs and Associations branch. Parliament Buildings, Toronto. To date very little inquiry hns been received. Now is the time to consider this work. ! Derby Agricultural Society organized last year with the result that they had an exceptional competition. Who will be next? We will assist of possible. WOOL SHIPPING SEASON FOR SALEâ€" Five purebred Scotch Collie pups, seven weeks' old. â€" Sam. Semple, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" A quantity of seed oats O.A.C. No. 72.â€" Alex. D. Irwin, Priceville. Phone 21 r 5. House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; 1 Mi- acres of land. Residence of the late John Breen. Apply to â€" â€"JOHN WRIGHT, LOT FOR SALE Part lot 150, Con. 2, S.W.T.S.R.„ Artemesia.containing about 4 acres. Mr. Ed. Sarent has a portable saw mi Hon the property at the present time. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG/ Flesherton. Ont. Boars tor Service A Store everyone instinct- ^ ively associates vrith high ^ quality merchandi*e at the ^ fairett potiibln prices. 8* [^A I Springtime Garments, Shoes, and Various Fabrics Continue to Arrive L â-  & ^. if These bright days remind us that Spring is again knocking at our doors and Springtime always re- minds us that we, as well as nature, must adorn ourselves and also our homes in a difierenl dress. Our customers will find new arrivals of Spring Goods in every department of our well stocked store. SPRINGTIME MILLINERY We are prepared in this di-parlment to give you exceptional values in the newest styles of Spring- time Millinery and the prices we charge you. arc most moderate. We are positive we can save you money on your new Sprin " Hut and at the snme time give you the latest creations and a hnl that Is most becoming to you. Our showing comprise a big •ssortmcnt of every wearable style. Many specials at $3-95 and $4.95. Buy Your Spring Coat Eaily and Get the Good of it During the Whole Season April, May and June are the months that Spring coats arc worn the most. Why not buy yours early in the season bo that you can wear it during the entire season? We are showing many attractive and striking garments in fancy stripe and plaiil tweedja, plain cloths and other fabrics, all of which have been priced remarkably low. Sec them, you will be delighted »12.50 to $27.50. The New Shoei Are Very Attractive Our nssortment of 1924 styles of Ladies* Slippers and Oxfords is very complete; in fact the largest and most v«rte<l that we have ever shown, the pric* Ing is most rea* nable. We are absolutely certain that it is impossible to buy newer slylea. or get mo. e moderate prices anywhere else. When looking for a new shoe be sure to see our assortment. MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS Our new styles in Men's Shoes and Oxfords arc sure to please the most exacting, not only in the newness and attractiveness "-f style, but also in their superior wearing qualities and you will be surpris- ed at the lowness of the pricing for such high grade shoes. If You Want Real Satisfaction With Your New Suit Be Sure It's a HH's Men! If you want genuine satisfaction- If you want real value for your money, buy your suit at this store. We guarantee you absolute satis- faction in new up-to-date Ready-to-cwar clothiuK. Extra values in fancy worsteds, plain blues and greys. .Specially priced nt from $15 to $S5 Wallpaper Season Is Here The wallpaper season is here, in fact our Spring sales have allready been remarkably large. There is a reason. Our assortment is big. Our prices are low. The colorings and designs are new. No matter what your requirements mav be whether it is a low-priced paper you want or an artistic import- ed design of the richest harmonious colorinsr we have them or can get them for you. If lookin" for a paper far removed from the ordinary, see our Spy^ial book of Imported English and high Canadian desij^ns. Papers at 10c. a single roll and upwards. Our Grocery Department Always Has Many Specials 9 & • Make it a habit to buy your groceries You will be satisfied and pleased. here. F.T.HtLL&Co., Limited, Markdale s « s Last year 2700 shippers sent their wool to the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers, Weston. This organi- zation has followed the recognized system of commoditv marketing, group marketing, standardivin" the product by gradijig, extending the period of marketing and extending the field of markets. Because of the work done by the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers it was possible last year not only to sell larpe quantities of Canadian wool to Canadian manufacturers but to dis- pose of 600,000 pounds to manufac- turers in England, 50,000 pounds to the Continental buyers of Europe and considerable to the U. S., in spite ol the heavy Fordney tariff on wools. FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of Mammoth Clover seed for sale $15 per bu. â€" Geo. Clark, Flesherton. Phone 31r22. FOR SALE â€" 5 Cows freshen; 10 two-year-old cattle. â€" James L. Irving, east back line, Flesherton P.O. Lost â€" A horse cover between the Valley Road and Rock Mills. Finder please leave with Mark Wilson, Flesh- erton. LOST or STRAYEDâ€" Will the per- son who borrowed my wire fence stretchers please notify me of the fact. â€" J. Heard, Flesherton. WANTEDâ€" 250 bu. sweet clover seed, also a quantity of all other Clovers. Send samples. â€" A. C. Muir Ceylon. For Sale â€" Two Shorthorn bull calves, a roan and a red, eligible for registration, S months old. Apply to Donald MacMillan, Priceville P. O., R. R. 3 A young Tamworth Boar 5 mos. old for service on lot 167, S.W.T.&S.K., Artemesia. Terms ?1.0(>, Also purebred registered Yorkshire Boar for serviceâ€" Vineyard Famoiu 77530â€" on lot 167. S.W.T. & S.R., Art- emesia. Terms $1.00. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those m pig. Feb. 16 '. -''â-  'â-  ^^^'^^- '^•'^ Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of Lone Oak, 21058". for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms For grades f2, thoroughbreds $5; to be Cash after January 1st. â€" n. C. RADLEY & SON, _ Fleshertqn. BOAR FOR SERVICE. IJne FOR SALE â€" A quantity of Mam- moth clover seed, also a • good iron pump with brass cylinder and 48 feet of IM inch piping, all complete. â€" James Wood, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" One heavy Chatham wagon, good as new; also one open rubber-tire buggy in good repair. Prices right for quick sale. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. The Bank of Montreal has closed its Thornbury branch. Mr. Mark Dulmage, late of the Guclph Daily Herald, has removed to Owen Sound, where he will assume the position of city editor of the Daily Sun-Times. GOVERNMENT STANDARD SEEP No. 1 Grimm Alfalfa $1S per bu. No. 1 Variecated Alfalfa....813.50 bu. No. 1 Red Clover SU per bo. N. 1 Mammoth Clover $15.00 bu. Also Alsike, Timothy, Sweet Clover and Seed Corn. Highest quality. Terms : â€" Cash with order or order bill of lading, draft attached. Phone 2 r 31. A. C. MUIR, CEYLON CLOVER SEED SPECIALS For Immediate Delivery and Cash Home grown varicgateb alfalfa per bushel $13.50 Mammoth $16.00 Common Red $14.50 Alsike I 8.50 Karitedt Bros. P. G Karatedt Priceville. Flesherton. B. H. WALDEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF GREY FIFTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE All sale!) promptly attended to and satisfarinn guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE Phone 66 MARKDALE Or amuife at Th« Advance office. Seed For Saleâ€" 200 bush. O.A.C. Barley, No. 21, and 200 bush. Oats, O.A.C. 72, all from registered seed, clean and no weed seeds. â€" M. G. Orr. Proton Station. Notice â€" Will the person who took a bridle belonging to W. Kaitting at A. Conkey's sale on Thursday last please leave at O. W. Phillips', Flesh- erton. Two brass rosettes on side of bridle. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. Tamworth Boar for service, 5 mos. old, reg. bacon type, on lot 31. Con. 1 O.D.R. Terms $1. Any sow not re- turned will be charged same as those in pig. Anyone wishing to leave the sow will be charged 25c per day ex- t^ra-JOHN MEADS, Priceville P. O.^ FARM TO RENT Farm to rent, known as the Hector Moore farm. Lot 24, Con. 4, Osprey. Reasonable terms. â€" HAGARTY BROS.. Mildmay. Farm To Sell or Trade Lot 29, Con. 14, Artemesia, 104 acres, about 35 acres good maple hardwood bush, good orchard and small fruits, fair buildings, telephone in house, 50 acres cultivated land, balance pasture. Will be^sold at a sacrifice. Practically no incumbrance. Possassion at once. Well fenced and well watered. Sale or trade â€" what have you? â€"A. MAYERS. Flesherton and Grand Valley. Box 72, Flesherton 21 ap. ' For Sale By Tender House and land of the late Mrs. Gibson CoUinson. situated in the vill- age of Ceylon, tirey County, is offered for sale by sealed tender up to and including the 15th day of April, 1^24. The Kbuse may be examined and full particulars received by appl>^ng on the premises, or address tenders to J. G. Collinson, 6 Richmond St. E., Toronto. Ap.lO Spring Hill Bacon Hog Cluk The Live Stock branch of the De- paitment of Agriculture has place* with the undersigned a pur bred Yorkshire Boar of the Bacon type for the use of farmers interested in rais- ing select bacon hogs. Eari Best, Pres. Geo. Blackburn, Sec R. Allen Caretaker. 24Marl yr. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. JIurray. L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeon* of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residenc* Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. W. G. Davis, L.D.S., graduate of the University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office at the cor. of Queen St, B. and Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 1389 Dr. A. Turnbnll, B.A., M.B.. grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine^ University of Toronto. Officeâ€" Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 38. Prince Arthur Lodge, SS3, A.F. ft A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- str^g Block. Flesherton, every Fri- day on or before the full moon. A. Sinclair. W.M.. A. E. Bellamy, S«:. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- jrs, etc.â€" I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Henrj-, B.A. Offices, Markdale LucM Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc.. Offcesâ€" Grey and Broc* Block. Owen Stund; Standard Bank Block. Fleshertor. (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr.. J. F. P. Birnie. Wm. Koitting, Licensed Aacti«iM«v for the counties of Grey and Simeoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate., satisfaction guar- anteed. Arrangements for datta may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office. Feversham, or by addressing me at Feversham.

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