\- r-"-^- ***â- _ â- â- *â- ?â- â- **»' { it I f £J|.ls good tea Fine, brisk flavor! Best of all in the ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY ^^ Soniames and Their Origin FAIRBANKS Varlationi â€" None. Racial Origin â€" Middle English... Source â€" Descriptive, geographical. I PICKFORD I Variation* â€" None. i Racial Origin â€" Middle English. Source â€" Descriptive, geographical. I Pickford, Etracgely enough, is ,-7^ r^-rj7?9> ,.JJil|l|»t.iU«5 I Music IMakes People Hftppy. j Musk 18 one of natures gri«iie»t ' ; gifts to maBkind. It bas been here from time immeiuurial. 'I'iie sii<>plierd watched liis tioi-.k by th2 bl«iUu« of ' thejajpb. thB sailer fouad muiilc ia the ' , wasU <if the sea, aad ths ttunier was j ias'jilre;! by the song of Us* Wrd and the ra.stle uf iho icavea as the wJad whifitleJ thrcugb them. I â- Primliive man fcumi music la the ; voice, and the .^^liiu of the wild osast j was used a;> it.s accumpauiment. and i down through the ages mankind has j dcTeloverJ this aiysliciil magic power, j until it is cuiuiderwi to-day as one of _ ' the wc"U"3 gr^ataat forces, being used i as a curative for the insane and crlm- j tnal, to stlmukitu one's nerves in the advance ,to battle, and to entertain oneself and* friends. I Music is power; it should be in : every home; it shculd be taught in ail I schools as is reading, writing and ; arithmetic; it should b& encouraged -' r â- â- .--, Investmg a Life. A tsitia nicy make Bexeral fortttnea. he can iii'.;t'.e but one life. He invests bl6 yearj to bntUt his ciiaracter aa be Inve&tii his dcUars to cr«ate and mac- uit7 a bu3in«as. If thoee years at« ::iieai on m««ii and uila«rabie Uiinga, ilie product will be a creature admiretl and loved by few and probablr on bad teriQ-? with bimtielf. Time is to youth what g<oid is to a spendthrift. There seems so saucb of it, th9 temptation is to fling it prodl- eally in a train of folly or at the booths of Vanity Fair. There has not ccme tbe sober sense of maturing years, that bids one take the long forward look, to calculate, to be metUodiiaL The young ambition images itseU as in- evitably rising to the sun-crowned beiehts and docs not realize the dis- cipline and self-denial that must bt» the 'â- way of life for thojse who would snc- , ceed. I Fortunate are they who are advii^ed j by our civic autherities. j '^i ''^^'s morning, before high toca or Music is restful, and makes better ; eventide, that the night cometh whea SMOKING TOBACCO IS FOUR TIMES SEALED There are a tremendon;. number of ' family came whc.«e development paral-j _-";;^'^ '%T„""ir""„.!t,,.r ,7 ge't â- no man can work and 'that every mo- 1 geographical family names which de- veloped in ICngland. Often a man would take the name of the town or village in which he had msided, bat for the most part thW oc- curred only when he had moved to an- other place, or it he happened to be- long to the nobility and was a mem- ber of the family which pxercised over- lordship over that town. More often, however, he would fake a-1 his distinguishing name sotne par- ticular part or place of the country- side or to.wn in which he resided. frnm almost '' P*°P'^- " >'<''> ^^e anxious to trom a»mw.i. â- ^^^^ happiness out of life, get busy ', ment counts before the sun goea down . ,,,, I now and give more attention <o music. , It is a world which, for all its laws ° it is i Patronize the concerts in your locality, ! af d officers, gives each ofus an ilUniit- I le'.s tbat of Fairbanks j every viewpoint. I it originated in England 'die Ages, and, like Fairbanks, it is l " "' j " '" '"''."' -J ' -ihli^ rcnera nt '•hnifa^ :ge<>grapmcaily descriptive and com-'^'^^^f^^'^t O^o cbMr^n t^^^mj tu> able r«nge of choices â- I A of two words V. hich have offered ^"^'^''^ ^''-h ^'he ptano. the vloll^ little opportunity to change through â- ^^ Phonograph and the many other ;the C0« or TOO years which have j '°"^"-'^' tn struiaents. j elapsed since it beeaiae a family name. | /i/\/vi\~«if*rkfmi/irii»A%Tl/' ibeiieve'thft^the first syllable of the j A uUUli Ul lUrllj lUllIti 'â- came was derived, from a weapon or i i implement, -piko" or "pick." This is . Qniotlv Imnrove! ^^^ *^^ »â- "«>"« '° «°^y «*«« ^^ ^^^'^ not the car:«. however. Indeed, there "ne inai WIU MUICiUy improve j ^,_^ „„„^ii^ „„, ,.>„...^_. k- . I We are what ' we decide to be. No circumetanceii i c«n defeat us ; what i3 within is tlie | secret of conquest or overthrow. 'The i fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our i stars, but In ourselves, tliat we are un- ! derlings." j The old would pass en their ez^ri- 1 ence to their Juniors If they ccuU ; aiad die .-Vges, as familiar to the men-at- arms of thDse days as the bayonet is to the modern soldier, though many Fairbanks might be described as a ' seem to be very few family names countryside family name. In the Mid-! which have developed from any con- dle Ages, when it ceased to be a raere- 1 ceetion with this weapon of the Mld- ly descriptive name of a single Individ- , na!. and began to be passed down from father to son, it meant jnst what it would be taken to mean to-day, 'fair banks." Undoubtedly the original Fairbanks dwelt at some riverside ! â- pot In Rcgland locally described as ! rucb. .More than likely he was a farm «r. This faruiiy name, strictly speaking. iMis i!o variation?, being a straight combiaalion of two words which have come down from the Middle .'Vges with Tour Health. With the passing of winter many people feel weak, depressed and easily tired. No particular disease, but the system lacks tone. Yc-u find yourself have developed from the names of | tired, low-spirited, unable to get sound | ^jj^^^ the unspoiled years outstretched be- fore them aa a field after a snowfall lies Immaculately white and fair. "If yotrth knew â€" if age could!" laments the old French saying. It will not take effect if the sagacity of the elder* merely sermonizes, like Poloohi«. to other weapons. The ending of the name, of course, gives the cine. Pitkt'ord is simply a contraction of the coicblnatioa "pike- sleep at night. All this Is the result of closer in-door confinement of the win- ter months, and shows that the blood has become thin and watery. New en- ford." the pike being a well-known riched blood is what you need to pat species of fish, which presumably was ! you right, and there is no other medi- plentiful in one or more rivers at si)ots where fords existed. The original PickfordiS undoubtedly were families ; Httle or nu change in spelling. There j which dwelt In the countryside near arp. how6v?r. a host of nam«s which ' such fpots. originated in England and consist ofi But this doe^ not nrove that all Pick- I cine can give you this new blood as | ! surely and as speedily as Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. This new blood goes ! to every part of the body and quickly i who still have many years to spend. Youth, headstrong and im- patient, would learn for Itself that Are bums and the deep waters drown. Who, then. ehaU taach those that do not care to learn? The inexorable schoolmaster Is experience. The word fits when we speak of "spendiag" <^ur lives ; and well it is for ' us If, after the spending, there is gain, j not loss. Happy are they who. having I purpose we j to bring you the full richness and meilow sweetness of this â€" Ibbacco of Quality Manufe'tvrH by IMFERI.ALTQ5ACC0 CO. OF CANAM LIMITED Improves the general health. The di-jbujit a lifetime' Into th4 ,-.,â„¢ ,,,... ^ , , 8^^'^°° »3 toned up, you have a better, ^^j.^ ^^^ ^^^ j„ f^^^^^ ^^^^ „„ ^^j^ the combination of the word "fair" fords actually are descended from the ;â- appetite, nerves are strengthened andj^^g^jg when It is too late to choose' with other words. ancient country people of England, i (ileep is refreshing. The value of Dr. â- ~ 'â- Fairbanks, though widely known, is â- Names are often adopted, and doubt- jWilliams' Pink Pills when the system not an eioeptioaally commcn name. I less have been through past centuries, vi's run down is shown by the experl- Yet it occurs often enough to warrant in much the same manner that the j ence of Mrs. Peter Areudt, Haven- Vision. It whJi a day in winter When quiet hours go. Tbat I saw the Savious Walking in the snow. His feet left no footprints, Hiu steps fell as light .\3 leaves in the autumn. As dew in the night. And when he weui -passing The Sun look His hand. And light flUed the valley And spread through the land. Mabel Simpson. Unless we reach the deep .-prings of life out of which flow :h« deeds of men. our education of their inteiiecf may only make them a'.'i the more ef- fective to work social a.Tii indusxrial^ evil. ! ClHsified Atfrertfaemeote tr^OOLGRUV.EP.Sâ€" COTTS AST) '» Rejects accepted for limited time only, .\pply (Jeorgetown Wooilea Mills. Georgetown, Ontario. a different investment of the few pre- j ciotis mortal years. the fts^umption that it developed in- most famous Pickford of the world d«pendent!y in several different places | adopted hers. Marys real name is anfl probably in various period". j Gladys Smith. CHILDHOOD C0NSTIP.4T!0?i Constipated children can find prompt relief through the use of Baby's Own 3>bl6ts. The Tablets are a mild but ; Ujorough laxative which never fail to | regulate the bowels and stomach, thus ; driving cut cons;tipation aad indiges- i tion: coids and simple fevers. Con-i Cerning them Mrs. Gaspard Dalgle. De- j main. Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tab- j lets have been of great benefit to my i Httle boy, who was suffering from con- : Etipation and indigestion. Thoy quick-. ly relieved him and now he is in tie j best of health.'" The Tablets are sold \ by medicinS dealers or by mail at 25c 1 a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine i Co.. Brockville, Ont. Don'ts for Salesir.en. Salesmen differ in ability, in train- ing aud in method, bat all of them wh!> succeed pay almost as much at- tention to the "don'ts" as to the "dos'' i>t fialesmanship. Here are the "dou'ts" of a famous sales organiza- tion: 1. Don't fail to seat the "prospect" : scrag, Sask., who says: â€" "I was in a ' badly run-down condition, and pros- trated with nervoustiess. I did not ! sleep at night, and grew so weak that i when I tried to move about I would be ; overcome with dizziness. I heard ; about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and got : a supply. After I had tsiken a few â- boxes I began to feel better. Con- i tinning the use of these pills my appe- ! tite improved, I slept better at night, and I was soon as well as ever I had I been. I have also given Dr. Williams' ! Pink Pills to my daughter, aged four- â- teen, with the best of results. I de- , sire in this way to express my thanks ; for the great benefit I have found ^ through the use of these pills, and to â- recommend them tt^ others la need of i a blood-building medicine." I You can get these pills through any ! dealer in medicine, or by mail, at 50 I cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. It Happened In '79. A party of tourists was about to be' steered through the ruins of Pompeii, j The guide began his lecture by •ay- 1 Ing: ! "Pompeii was destroyed by eruption i In 79." i "Oh!" exclaimed the lady from the i Middle West. "Just eight years after \ the Chicago flre!" . j O ; Dominion Express Money Orders are ' on sale in five thousand offices through- ; out Canada. ' Wbo are your children's heroes? The yreat-hearted figures of the fine ©Id stories, or the cunning half-wits of the newspaper comic page? Right ".My brother says he can't sit down and he can't stand up!" "^Xell. if he tells the truth, he lies!" THE QUAUTY OF BULK TEA The qualiiy of B'jlk Tea is always unreliable for several reasons. In the ! first place, being unlabelled its origin Motherhood. You are chatting together at the end of the day. When laddie boy talks of his lessons and play; He snuggles up close to your feet, and he leans His head on your knees, when curly head gleans All manner of wisdom (to him you are wise! ) ".â- Vnd what do you think, mother?" lad- die boy cries. Safety First. j I prefer to patronize some other > shop," said Professor Pate to the ' friend who had recommended a certain tonsorial establishment. "Dotibtles? you have observed the truouJent look- ing young baxbor at the second chair? Well, I was his first tchooi master." ! Cold in Head? Heat Minard's and inhale. r<"/iief s'.s.ired. A^ "'.emy to germs. Quick l[//?//Vi ^ NIGHT&' MORNING £,-( KEEP YOUR EYES CI.EAN CLEAR AND HEALTHY %lMn pe«h Mkks iTft CAKS »oc«. MOft£.*ft eaau^|4|^JU4 Thin People Th:ii. nervou.*. uajer.v«?igat peopI« take on healthy tlesh and grow sturdy- and ambitious when Bitro-Pbospba:* 83 guaranteed by druggists is tal^^n • few weeks. Price tl per pkge. Arrp^ Chemical Co., 25 Front St. Sa*t. Tcrouto. Ov.-. properly. . , , , ^, -â€" 2. D^m't point .vour finger or pencil * ^'^^^^^ and there is no one who ^j jjinj jlia^ any particular responsibility for; 3. Don't *:it awkwardly on vour i "* *='**'1°"^ '° "'^ -'*''"<^"<' P'^<^e, it is | t, â- ,. - â- .exposed to the air and therefore very' 'o'llcklv loses k< flavour in,) f,-oo?,„^. I Ho talks of his school, he's so proud 4. Don't have a calendar on the wall, i i ', .. n^^our and freshness. | _. , It may remind him of an appointment P?^ 'V ""T ^^ .^'^ '^ "^^^'^â- ^" 'â- He In the first p;ace. it would rapidly de- ! or a uote falling due. i. Don't put your feet on his chai S. Don't smoke. 7. Don't slap him on the knee p<fke him witli your finger. S. I'km't chew gum or tobacco. 9. Don't tell funny stori^«. 10. Don't talk fa«t: go easy and see! th«t the "prospect" uuderstands what i you s.a>' and do. teriorate and in any case it would be I impossible for any dealer to follow : consistent'y the same quality through- cut the year. "SAL.A.DA " always main- j tains a a unvarying high standard, pos- 'sible through skillful blending. 1-. ^. CORNS Lift Off-No Pain! Little Brown Bird. little brown bird in the rain, j Id the sweet rain of spring. How you carry the youth of the world In the bend of your wing! For you the long day is for song .A.ni the night is for sleep â€" With never a sunrise too soon Or a t^iidoigbt tco deep! For you ©TWy too! Is the sky. Breaking c!ouu,s ii>asii:g through, â€" .\ beeven so instant and near That >ou bathe in Its blue! â€" And yo;ir"» is the free<iom to rise To (.ome soog-hauntcd ttsr Or sink on soft wing to the wood Where your brown nostliugs are. So bu.<y. so strong acd so g'ad. So cai-e?ree and young. So tingling witii life to be lived And with toogs to be s;:ng, O '.ittle brown bird! -with your heart That's the heart of the 9.>ring â€" How can you carry the hope of tha world Jn tb* bend of your wicg! - Isobel Ecclestone Mackoy. of its name, mentions the old boys and their wonderful fame; He tells you of something he "can't quite make out," A bit of life's problems he's puzzled about; He looks in your face with belief In his ej'es; "Now, what do you think, mother?" laddie boy cries. .A.nd you â€" you must give him the high- est and best Of all that is in you; for mothers are blest With grand intuition of right and of wrong. Of all that is nobl) and honest and strong. And in the long after, when you have grown grey, And laddie boy's just at the noon of his day. In all his lite'a greatness you will still be a link For often he'll winder "What mother would think?" -Hilai-y Brown. Keep Minard's Liniment In the nous*. « No Arrest. He bumpeti into her car. "I had my hand out," declared the girl, indignantly. "Such a tiny hand." murmureti the young man. "Nowonder I didn't see it!' There was no arrest. Pimples Disappear "You don't need mercury, potash or any other strong mineral to cure pi.mples caused by poor blood. Take Extract of Roots â€" druggists call It "Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup â€" and your skin will clear up as fresh as a baby's. It will sweeten your stomach and regulate your bcwels." Get the genuine. The larger bottle is more economical. At drug stores. "Snoring can be cured by means of; an operation on the air passages," says a well known scientist. Beware of Imitationsl I First Compounded This Remedy For My Own Neighbors Their praise of this newer form of iron has spread so rapidly that now, after nine years, over 4,000.000 people use it annually. FACE A SIGHT Large and Red. Itched and Burned. Cuticura Heals. » " My face was itchy and broke ovjt with large, red pimples. ThejWere scattered all ove^ my face and >tche^ and bumni so that I scratched whK$ caused them to grow larger. I could hardly sleep at night. Tbey were i, real torture an J my face was a siehl, "The trouble lasted about thi^ months. I began using Cutictifl Soap and Ointment and the flrsT treacr.ent stopped the itching ihd after using two cakes of Cuticuri Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint- ment I was healed." (Signed^ Miss Oia Goulette. P.. F. D. 4, Bos 86, Bane. Vt.. March 24, 1922. Us9 Cmlcura Soap. Ointment and Talcum exciusi-.ely tor eN-ery-day toilet purposes. Suipl«Sackrrt.!>TM>U A M-~^ â- t.Tmui.Uli- tl^. SM 8« T»5l Jt w Vss-.rM: Sold »rar- wb*Fe_3o*p -"S Oir.uD^ar '^•ad .-â€" r>J?^Bi2f« '^adcui* Soap »h*vct without oiatf. Docaa't b«ri oa« bit! Drop a Uttto *Tr«*ioB*" «â- •â- mMbc cor«. la- •taatly tbat MTB Mov* fenrtins, tltaa •hcrtly voa MM M rlgkt oS with flagan. Tour in)ctiat wHOb a ttay bottla at "rraaaoD*" tor a taw aaats. •uBclvBt to remove ovary hard ««ra. oott cora. •r corn botwoaa the taw, aad tba faot â- aMuooa, «i«liMit ooraaaM ar initatloa. Muot Have Bean. First Small Bo.vâ€" "I don"t like thia book. T"ue hero"« a aut." Second Sina;i Boyâ€" "Why?" First Small Boy- -It sa.v* he "took a tath every mcniiBg." Aok fiar Mtaarr* aiMl lain na uOnr^ Cnl«M jroQ sea the oaae "Bayar Croas" on packaga or oo tablets yoa ata not getting the genuine Bayar A3- plrta proved sate by millions and pra' icribad by pbytlciaas orar twoaty- tbree years tor Colds fleadacb* Toothache Lazbaga Nourltli RhanmatlsiB Nearalgia Pain. Taia Accept "Bayer Tablott ot Asplrta" oaly. Ench unbroken package eoa- tains proves directloci. Handy boxat ct twelve UbIaU cost tow cants. Drag (ista •>•(> tnll bottles ot £4 and 109. ' Asptxin It tba trade mark (registered 'â- ta Canada) ct Bayer Manufacture ot ' Moaoacoticacldester ct Salicylicaeld. Grow Hair in a Month? Wblle '» m waU known that Aspirin If the top of the kerosene lamp be- comes loosened, it may often be tight- ened by applying a little tneltfd alum. King crabs, found mostly otf the islands of Japan, measure from .3 feet to 5 feet from tip to lip of their groat claws. The largest ever caught Ls recorded as having beer. U'' feet from tip to tip. How Would You Like to maans Bayer Maantnctt:re. to (Mist •â- ;;', '^* '^ nat lo tm o iiuh: < aur ri^M aw>« i n'ti : ^^ pabltc against imitations, the Tab- „na !^'<« tB-twy "f^- • «•»»•• â- * I" '"«»« I x-t, at Ba»er Company wUl be jtamp- Alauodn- UUim!*''*''- ^» «•*• "»• >*»'i«l*<r. ' "T. 7:,. .v«i. __».l trmj^ ».rb *k» luatES. ti* Bttm CroM." Years ago I began to wond<>r at the great number of my own friends and neighbors who w*re aiwaj'S ailing. Qompialuing and doctoring, wlthcin ever jeemlng to get any better Botii working men and their wives were frequently all tired out In the eveuiag. and a great lunny were weak, nervous and rutt-down. One had pains ia the baok and tho<igh|, be had kidney trouble. Another l;ad paiii;? aivuud the heart, palpitations aad dlz.:i:ie«!>. uiid wa5 su;e he w;i.« >u!r?r!iig from heart disease. Still othtirs h.-sd severe hi.*&d- acbes. tioatiiig sp )is before the ev-ji. tender spotj aioug ihe spin^ and a great varl^'ty cf alurmtug .symiitoni-^ For >f».-* E m»ili« ft «i»«'ui *i*.u» »t ft* ...'t,. An "mib**.* mi-i»b»r •â- 'T :«vni.sai;i . iariic!>B« 'ii «^''' '"• 'â- >^-»"-"' •i.='««i â- uf Xt«f;i}<i cut of ••♦^x '«»>tr >ou w'-; Ut* IHI i>*- L on '.a uuif Wo«l I.»^*t vt ir.ia in :^.» bl- .i,, immt •â- ? »II 4«>iiJ.l'!.»« «-•«>•«««. li :r«o '.n ;^t*:.- tlOiXl •!**.' rtuWc« ».»« m g^-: .., iuiir:«BMU 0^' ** '^^f '"<»'â- ^"IM.".' !r««. iw li-al you 4*: An** *mi nar »>va Your 1m^, i;t»«4 •nd khlD'i' »»•' •" f*" 'â- â- •' 'nt-.1« KI 'hfr »,;i:r*.ht»«it ';o«i â- «• tJl***! Mz^tm. mwi *hf« th» blcixl lv^.< "^ ^*^ '* **"** •â- *'* ***** w»t«*-* >«i. Miav .Jlf^r 'rom ih« .jmoont* rf » «:««i â- â- .irt.h.r ..: 4(9»kn« «iwn '!)• **^'- *c4 ':-' vt*^ ul «.t In i* ciJ "*»â- « tvnir jftiB !>.ak ia«>Ut: 1â€" u ^'nwtx «C"« ittl,«"alcl»tt* .-l*."*. !• »â- « *k««r%Ml »: ft.> .n .-omr""*''"* .>ui«:«* >â- <• I n* t>i» aw*- ,,_,5, ,( vnia, wkXk u i«» 'ii* '.n>a tn ran: iijaml 1,0,1 llM Um il»» la •W»^. '•«!'l» ft«l ««[»»• I niu* >»• <rf*« '«'â- "• =" '"•• '' ""• â- " '<»"• l-.# w«h wir *»l*.r^ *«• tlt-^A*;* fca4 a > -tad, ;.^ ftiwoW :TUK«tfl*lB tL^v'WlsM «aJ »««iaii:;i:>ca b< •j« iK«iJ. 1' '.« '*>• I'Wi* «a.->'.« Uii.4 i» rtca r, . '„:n who ytmrn* O'*' titvjD:. rvtf and «ff â- .â- ,ou «•« Ofct Mrva* « •«»ll F«i! ••• t M r .-irwr to â- »!'• '!'• roltcwiaa i*w R(V I'C* it--* T« «•» *^.'' •''' li«* f*-' 'f-a ''"ft ...•k witlK^'t twowlnt *:.-*A. >«k4 •.ak* *w» ^ -.^ n t*W»»« V* Till'.M 'n-D !>.«• :t«ir« • An} a T:*r ••« !.â- !â- Uim '^f ».mr tr-t^.tp*- g»:tt »nA Â¥m tit-« Ki**Hl wu Har« a»la..d An M'os'.atitac n'.iitrt>«c ot n»-.o«« - la iiowit .-,« -^ ...l,.i <*«* E..'Di «lt â- >>• wht*»- â- .**» •-'•Uj l**!- w.tfc' tr.- b«lUh afirt IBir****! 'hc n:««ata. MW .t ; TO EXPECTANT MOTHERS, A Letter from Mrs. Smith Tells How Lydia E. Piokham's Vegetable Compooiid Helped Her Trenton, Ont. â€" " I am writintt to you in regard to Lydia E. Pinkhatr'a ^'«g*- taliU Compound. I would r!i»t be with- ou; it. I have taken it l:*r"cre each of my chi.tv<»r. was bom si'ii i'tHrwardc. ard fiij â- • s ^eat help. Be â- ' -•â- "ny first baby WIS 'ii,.rti ihadshfirt- ae.*? .'* breath and rina:'''it -^ fy *ar». I it-'it «:« if 1 wou'd never ^jil througti. One day a frie-in i>f roy hnsbar^d told bm wha: the V«^>-'t*- ide Compound had done t">>r his wife and advised him t>i take a bottie Hotrie for n'o. .M'ier the Tiuirfh bott!e I wns a different woman. I ha'.>» four children now. ard I always t-nd iha Vt-tri-rable C<vnt>ouiid a ?reat help as it aeeci." <• mak^ c\'nt^nenieot (•.ijiT. i vecomrrend it to my friend?. â- " â€" \ir,< Frkd H. Smith, .John "*t.. Trentiw. Ont. I.ydia E. Pirikhain's V««-fabie Com» pound is an *xceHeiit 7r.e.i:oi!ie f«r ex- pectant moU!er^ and .-^hntil;) be takea 5t:ring th<» entire oeriod. It has a gen- eral effect to streriRthep <«.vd to.i<» up tka enttro svt^ii:. >»i> that i' "••»'" work in every "^swct •â- .•TfituaUy a.« rtatore ia- tended. Thousarnia oi wowtttn tastift to tiaisfkct. • 19»Ue No. 14 â€" "IV ~s- HUy