Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1924, p. 8

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WeHnesday, April 23, X9M THE PtlSSHERTON ADVANCE Experience points the way RECENTLY a man left his son a portion of his estate on condition that he save $500 out of his own earnings within five years. Why? Because he knew from experience that one must first learn to save before he is capable of handling other money matters suc- cessfully. Systematic saving develops responsi- bility and careful judgment, and gives that confidence which leads to succes';. Wc invite you to make your start now with "BANK-TORONTO Capital. $SX>OOM0 Reserves, $7,900,000 Established 1355 BRANCHES: PEVERSHAM MAEKBALE ISO "9^ FORM£K CHURCH ORGANIST IS SENT TO PENITENTIARY F. W. Timms, former organist of Knox Presbyterian Churcb. Owen Sound, will spend the next four years of his life at Kingston Penitentiary, to which institution he was sentenced last Thursday by Magistrate Creasor. Timms had previously pleaded guilty to two charges laid under the Crimin- al Code with regard to his reations with two young girls in the city under th» age of sixteen years. He was sentenced to four years on each charge, but the sentences will run concurrently. Previous to sentence being passed a telegram from the Attorney-Gen- eral's otf ice was read to the effect that Dr. English of the Ontario Hospital at Hamilton, who exanained Timms on Monday as to his mental condition, I hud declared him to be of a sane I mind, and that there was no reason why he should not be sentenced. The Timms case has been the talk of Owen Sound for several weeks past, and the courtroom was crowded when sentence was passed. He will be taken to Kingston at once. Timms has a wife and two children. j|©®@0®®G©©0®®®@©@0®^@0©0®@?§®0©@@ @ ® ® @ @ e c» Bargains For The Man Who Works Rubbers, 4 evelets worth $4.00 for $2.95 SIZES FROM 5 to 1 1 4 buckle overshoes worth $5.00 for $4.00 Peabody smocks worth $3.00 for $1.95 Peabody overals $2.00 Work shirts worth $1.75 for $1.50 UNDEPvWEAR $1.50 garment fpr $1.00 Here is something to eat : Christie Browns Fancy Biscuits, any kind per lb. 30cts. Nasmiths Toronto bread, fresh every day W. L. Wright, Flesherton Ont. Durham Street opposite Claytons shoe rtore BORN HOWELLâ€" On Monday. April 14, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howell (nee Laura Pedlar) of Winnipeg. Man., a daughter, Mildred Dolores. 3§J| @ ® ® ® OlR resident DEAD, Edward Pm-dy, an old resident of Stone's Line; died on Monday morn- ing at the age of 78 years. He has been a resident of this district for over forty years and leaves a wfe and one trrown up son. Ilis wife was a Miss Rebecca Stone. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery on Tuesday. I e^m^ @@000@^e^©@@@@@@@#@e^®@§©@@^ ® Reduced Prices We will repair your WATCH OR CLOCK for $1.00 NO MATTER HOW BADLY B^O^EN AH work guaranteed for one year. A trial order will con- vince you that the quahty of our work is second to none. J. H. Stephenson&son MARKDALE, ONT. Established 1866 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO • SIX HILL STORES S We buy together in order that O our customers in the six com- 9 munitiss majr materially ben- O afit individually. $ ^g * II I J»MI. II I I I ., Jin . F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE f A Store everyone instinct- ® ively associates with high ^ quality merchandiie at the © ftkirest pofiibin prices. ^ ® SPRING HOSIERY IN MAY DIFFER- ENT QUALITIES AND VARIOUS SHADES ^any lines of spring and summer Kose have been placed in stock this week. Nowhere outside of the large centres is it possible to secure such wide range of hosiery as we are showing this season. Here you can secure the most popular shades, both in the much asked for ribbed weaves as well as the plain ^nit qualities in cotton, lisle, silk mixtures, fibre silks and pure thread silks at prices ^ from 3.5c. to $1.95. S PEABODY'S BLACK DENIM OVER- % ALLS WITH BIB $1.93. 1^ This well known brand of Men's Overalls is too ^ well known to require any comment. They have tK always been noted for their roominess and splendid @ wearing qualities. A limited quantity to be Kold )k at this low price. Per pair $1.98. © SECURE YOUR SHARE OF THIS A A Carload of Ground Screenings at S1.2.'> a cwt. SThis is a very low price Oii c stock food of hiffh feeding quality. You will require to act quickly if (f% you wish to secure a share ofthis car of ground A screenings that we expect to arrive this week.. Very tt Special, per 100 pounds $1.25. 8 LADIES' SPRING AND SUMMER • UNDERWEAR O The season is at hand when the lightweight under- O wear will be required. Our showing is complete and the values are exceptional. 25c. and upwards per garment. DRESSES OF DISTINCTION This week's arrival includes some of the New frocks in Canton Crepes and other popular materials Qood range of colors, including black. Prices will â- orpriae you with their moderation. $19.75 and $24.75 SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS THAT POSSESS BOTH BEAUTY AND DURABILITY We are proud of our assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Oxfords, and strap clippers. The assortment is big. The styles are beautiful and attractive, the quality is absolutely guaranteed, the price is wonderfully moderate. We are confident we can please you. Select your footwear from our large, well assorted stock. --. MEN'S GOOD WEIGHT BLUE WITH WHITE STRIPE BIB OVERALLS $L68 10 dozen .Men's good weight blue, with white stripe, bib overall, made large and roomy, a product of one of the most reliable makers of overalls in Canada. Good value at S2. Special S1.68 SPRINGTIME MILLINERY Most attractive indeed is the new Springtime Mill- inery. No need of wearing your last year's hat when you can buy this year's newest creation at Kuch moderate prices. Never before have we offer- ed such excellent value in trimmed and ready-to- wear millinery. A very special showing at $2.75. $3.95 and S4.95. SPRINGTIME IS PAINT TIME We are fully prepared for paint time with one of the largest and best assorted stocks of paints, varn- ishes, and stains that we have ever shown and our Mr. Noble, who knows the paint business from A to Z, will willingly and cheerfully give you any infor- mation or suggestions you wish. You will make no mistake in consulting him in reference to your requirements as regards paints, varnishes, etc. Re- member, "Save the surface and you save all." F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Eugenia Is Readjr For A Good BasebaU Year The Eugenia baseball team held a get togrether meeting at the Eugenia House on April 11th, when a large gathering of fans and players assemb- led. It was decided to put a team in the field for l'J24 and with players in the village, pipe line and power house will be able to put on real fast ball. Training is to be commenced immed- iately. Any communications add- ressed to the manager, C. Graham, Eugenia, or E. Morgan, Sec.-Treas- will receive attention. Have Not Had Meeting To Organize For This Year Baseball in the Centre Grey League for 1924 doesn't look very hopeful. The annual meeting will take place early in May and it is not known how many teams will be in the running. It IS doubtful if Flesherton puts a team in as several of last year's play- ers have left. Dundalk and Vaiide- â- eur have organized for this year. Markdale couldn't get enough to- gether to hold a meeting, so it is not likely there will be anything doing there. Eugenia has organized and are talking of entering a team in the League, with the help of some hydro players. The President of the Flesh- erton team should call a meeting at once and settle on what can be done this year, as the season is advancing We will be lost if there is no baseball here as the past few years have seen some pTood games played. Ontario Grown Alfalfa Seed The following \i\ a letter received from the Kellogg Seed Co., Milwaukee vVis., "A Special Message â€" To our I\Tt^ and customers : j This is an Altalui year; net quick; big demand; ''"V'ed sui)ply; Canadian Variegated -Mtalfa. We -are specializing this sea.so>i on a hardy str.nin of .41falfa known as Canadian Variegated Alf- alfa; Grimm type, grown in the prov- iMco of Ontario, Canada. Wo offer this seed under the following descrip- tionâ€" Furnished to us by most re- liable and conservative .shippers. Thi.T -special stock of the same type as Grimms being more or less varie- gated varies from tap roots with spreading secondary to a decidedly spreading root system and the crop would pass for the variety, in fact, it has really more claim to be called Grimms than seed which is often sold under that name. Trial plots in Canada show a very decided superior- ity over all others in every way, both in stand of plants and healthiness of growth. Hardier seed cannot be ob- tained. Growers preferring Grimms, but hesitating at the price will make no mistake in securing this variety. » ,5'.°/ County Farmers : This is an Alfalfa county. Wc wonder if it would not be possible to supply this big market with seed grown in this County. Would it not be advisable for you to get together and look into the merits of an organizataion such as Grey Conuty Alfalfa Growers, which would look after the sale of seed to companies which are adver- tising your ovm produce unknown in many cases to yourselves. What think you of the ideal ? You alone must answer. Your local Branch will certainly give you any assistance required. Peel County Alfalfa Growers have united and are doing a big business. In fact, the Department of Agricul- ture, Markdale, is informed that many Grey county farmers are buying their seed through this Association. Grey county seed, if it is properly cleaned, IS just as good. We trust that you may think over the proposition sug- gested here. Wants $40,000 Damages Mrs. Lillian Semple is suing the Canadian National Railways on be- half of herself and four children, ask- ing $40,000 damages for the death of her husband, Henry Semple, and the costs of the action. According to the plaintiff'^ state- ment of claim, her husbanu was em- ployed as a steam shovel operator. While travelling to work from his lodgings in the village of Vamey, Grey County, in the automobile Oi* a friend, deceased was struck by a freight train at the Varney level cro.ssing and was killed. It Is allegei". that the defendant was negligent In that the engineer did not blow a whis- tle or ring a ball in approaching the cros&ing. The defence contends that the ac- cident was not caused by the negli- gence of the engineer or any other employee, and that reasonable pre- caution 'was used in approaching the crossing. On the contrary, it is al- leged that the plaintiff was negligent in not P" preaching the crossing with duo" care. * CLOVER SEED SPECIALS GOVERNMENT STANDARD SEEP No. 1 Grimm Alfalfa $16 per bu. No. 1 Variegated Alfalfa....$13".B0 bu. No. 1 Red Clover $14 per bo. N. 1 Mammoth Clover $15.00 bu. Also Alsike, Timothy, Sweet Clover and Seed Com. Highest quality. Terms :â€" Cash with order or order bill of lading, draft attached. Phone 2 r 31. A. C. MUIR. CEYLON B. H. WAI^DEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OP GREY FIFTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE All sales promptly attended to and ' aatisfacion gnarantecd. CHARGES MODERATE Phon* 66 MARKDALE Cto atraaf* At "n* AdTsnee offiee. SB9 Small Advertisement s FOR SALEâ€" Thirteen young pigs. â€"Fred W. Smith, R.R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Good seed field neas. â€" 1*8. Chard, Flesherton. FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Fresh lime for sale.- Thos. E. Fenwick, 8th Line, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" Good work teamâ€" W. Moore, Flesherton. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Satur- days only. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" A ~full 8toc!"of Clover and grass see^s jest arrived. Prices right. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. For Sale â€" Bird's Mackinaws, tweeds and yams at the Feversham tailor shop. â€" H. Alexander. WANTED â€" A quantity of wheat and oats, â€" W. J. Stewart and Sons, Flesherton. ^ WANTED â€" Young calves wanted this vreek. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. i On the Toronto Line Provincial i Highway. Three farms, two of 100 \ acres and one of 50 acres all cleared, I First class buildings, up to date in [every particular. Will sell any on« 1 of these. Good brick house on one of I the farms. The stabling for annl- j mals is perfect. One farm hac ten \ acres hardwood bush and another ' Hundred has three acres of timber and has buildinngs for everything needed, including poultry bouse and pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. Imy Proton Station P.a WANTEDâ€" Potatoes wanted, high- est market price paid. â€" W. C. White, Ceylon. Phone 2 r 33. FOR SALE^ood driving horse 5 years old, also good 3-year-old HolsteTn springer. â€" G. B. Welton, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Small field seed neas thoroughly recleaned â€" A C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 2 r 3-1. STRAYED- From lot 178, 2 S. W. T. & S. R., Artemesia, red steer, three years ol'' do'-orned, about Anril 8th. â€" W. J. Blackburn, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" Span of mare colts, 2 and 3 years old, well matched, will sell cheat). â€" Walter Russell. Flesher- ton. Pho ne 11 r 24. WANTED â€" 250 bu. sweet clover seed, also a quantity of all other Clovers. Send samples. â€" A. C. Muir Ceylon. For Sale â€" Two Shorthorn bull calves, a roan and a red, eligible for registration, S months old. ' Apply to Donald MacMlUan, Priceville P. O., R. R. 3 FOR SALEâ€" One wagon, double box, complete; also set of 12-bull harrows and Cockshutt plow, all prac- tically new. â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flesh- erton. FOR SALEâ€" One heavy Chatham wagon, good as new; also one open rubber-tire buggy in good repair. Pri«es right for quick sale. â€" H. Down 6 Sons, Flesherton. Seed For Saleâ€" 200 bush. O.A.C. Barley, No. 21, and 200 bush. Oats, O.A.C. ^2, all from registered seed, clean and no weed seeds. â€" M. G. Orr, Proton Station. Notice â€" Will the person who took a bridle belonging to W. Kaitting at A. Conkey's sale on Thursday last please leave at 0. W. Phillips', Flesh-, erton. Two brass rosettes on side of bridle. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate; All arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. EGGS FOR HATCHING â€" Barred Rock and Single Comb White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Eggs from stock, pen from Guild's pen no. 2; Gulp's contest pen; ?2 for 15 or $3 for 30. Males heading these pens Dam's rec- ords 252, 275 and 263. Leghorn eggs from pen no. 1, $3 for 15; No. 2, $2 for 15; No. 3, §1 for 15; assorted S2 for 15. Males heading this pen, dam's records 255, 277 and 300. Quantity orders less. â€" Karstedt Bros., Pricoville, Ont. Eggs For Hatching We have been breeding Thos. Baron's famous Single Comb White Leghorn fowl for a number of years and anyone desiring settings of eggs for hatching would do well to look our flock over, as they have proved themselves heavy producers all win- ter. Our prices are right. $1.00 per setting of 14 eggs. â€" Thos. W. Findlay, Flesherton. FARM TO PENT Farm to rent, known as the Hector Moore farm. Lot 24, Con. 4, Osprey. Reasonable terms. â€" HAGARTY BROS.. Mildmay. Farm To Sell or Trade House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; IH acres of land. Residence of the late John Breen. Apply to â€" â€"JOHN WRIGHT, LOT FOR SALE Par« lot 150, Con. 2, S.W.T.S.R., Artemesia,containing about 4 acres. Mr. Ed. Sarent has a portable saw nil lion the property at the present time. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton, Ont. Boars For Servi ce A young Tamworth Boar 5 mos. old lor service on lot 167, S.W.T.&S.B . Artemesia. Terms $1.00. Also purebred registered Yorkshire 77^4 f "^i=«-Vineyard Famous 77530â€" on lot 167, S.W.T. & S R Art fZ"."- -^J"!:'"^ ^i-oo- Sows not «: Feb. 15 â- "'^- 'â-  STINSON. Prop. Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of 151. 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms-For g;rades $2, thoroughbreds f5; to be Cash after January 1st.- IJne ""• ^- «^»LEY & SON. _ Fleshertoii. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Tamworth Boar for service. 5 mos. on P ^" '^^"°" ^^^' °" '°* 31. Con. 1 O.D.R Terms II. Any sow not re- turned will be charged ^ame as those in pig. Anyone wishing to ^eave the sow will be charged 2Sc per day ex- *i«-^OHN MEADS. PricevUle P. O., ^- ^- 3- 3wks Spring Hai Bacon Hog Oulr The Live Stock branch of the De- pari:ment of Agriculture has placed with the undersigned a pur ' bred Yorkshire Boar of the Bacon type for the use of farmers interested in rais- ing select bacon hogs. Eari Best, Pres. Geo. Blackburn, Sec R. Allen Caretaker. 24Marl yr. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. W. G» Davis, L.D.S., graduate of the University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office at the cor. of Queen St., B. and Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 1388 Lot 29, Con. 14, Artemesia, 104 acres, about 35 acres good maple hardwood bush, good orchard and small fruits, fair buildings, telephone in house, 60 acres cultivatad land, balance pasture. Will be aold at a sacrifice. Practically no incumbrance^ Possession at once. Well fenced and well watered. Sale or tradeâ€" what have yout â€"A. MATERS. Flesherton and Grand Valley. Box 72, Fletberton 21 np. Dr. A. TurnbnII. B.A., M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Officeâ€" Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 36. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333. A.F. & .\.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton, every Fri- day on or before the full moon. A. Sinclair, W.M., A. E. Bellamy, Sec Lucas 9t Henry, Barristers. Solicit- yn, etc..â€" I. B. Lucas. K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lncfl* Block, Phone 2. Branch oflSces at Dundalk and Durham. Telford * Bimie, Barristera, tell- citors, etc.. OfSces â€" Grey and Brae» Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton. (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F, P. Bimie. â€" â€" ^-^^^â€" â€" â€" J Wn. Kaitting, Lteeaacd Anctieaewr for the counties of Grey and StaKiOti. Farm and stock sales a spadaltar. Term* moderate., satisfactiioD gdftr-' antjMd. Arrangemeilti for dnfia may be made at the Advance «fle% Ar Central telephone oflke, FwvwdHui^ or by addrewinc bm at INmuAtm. ""Bt iwrnat^ "-

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