®hje fkBi^txtm ^hmnct Vol.45 No. 4 Flesherton, Ontario, June 25, 1 924 W.H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ;â- i> KIMBERLEY Mr. Veales is home from Confer- ence and is packing, preparatory to moving to his new pastorate in Kap- uskasing. He will preach his fare- well sermon next Sunday evening at 7.30. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham and Harold of Vandeleur spent a day with Mr. S. S. Burritt. Mr. Bert Taylor of Vandeleur spent Friday here. His friends are glad to see him so well after his recent oper- ation. Mr. Proctor has left for White River where he has a job as foreman on the Hydro. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawson and family of Wodehouse visitied Mrs. Thos. Abercrombie. Mrs. Frank DaWs and Mrs. Davis Sr. of Vandeleur spent a day with Mrs. Plewis. • ' The junior classes of the Sunday school held a picnic in Stuart's grove on Tuesday. The rains and warm weather of this last couple of weeks has been ideal growing weather. The haying has been started and wild strawberries are becoming plentiful. The prospects are good for an extra ci'op of each. The football boys held a dance in the Hall on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dillon, accomp- anied by Mrs. John Taylor and two children, visited with Mrs. M. Dillon of Thornbury. Quite a number went to Feversham to their sports day celebration. The local boys played football and were beaten in a very close game 1-0. Miss Myrtle Fawcett is spending a good time at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Risk of Sligo visitetd with Mrs. Ward. CEYLON ' Mr. Thos. and W. Scales and Miss ' Lizzie Henderson of Hanover \nsited ( Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McWhinney on Thursday last. Mr. Albert Cook of Maple Hill was a visitor at Robt. Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. McClure and two sons of Chesley were callers at R. Cook's > Thursday last. Mr. George Mathewson, who has . been holidaying in Toronto, has re- turned home. Mr. George Jaynes of Lethbridge ' is visiting Mrs. A. Rutledge and son, Robert. Miss Reta Hemphill, whp has been visiting her sister in Toronto for the past month, has returned home. Mr. John Kennedy paid a business trip to the city last week. Mr. and Mrs Wm. White visited friends at Proton the first of the week. ; Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and fam- ily of Swinton Park visited with Mrs. â- ) Knox the first of the week. We understand Mr. Archie Sinclair has purchased a new car for the pleasure of his family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson and daugh- ter, Helen, visited at Owen Sound 1 over the week end. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston have taken their infant son to a specialist in Owien Sound. Mr. Robert Mercer is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dane McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Reed and fam- ily of Ixboy, Mich., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith of Mea- ford were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gilbert, also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert and fam- ily of Wiarton spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Warling. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pipher of To- ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGee recently. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart and family, also Mrs. Quigg, of Flesher- ton visited with the latter's grand- daughter, Mrs. E. Warling, recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham and babe of Markdale were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham and family. The Women's Institute held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Wyville on Thursday afternoon last. Programs were made out for the year. Dainty lunch was served by Misses Myrtle Freeman and Ireive Brodie. It was decided to hold the next meet- ing at the home of Mrs. J. I. Graham when Miss McPhail will be present and address the ladies. Mr. Carrol, principal of the High School staff, Flesherton, gave a very successful demonstVation and lecture at the hall on Friday evening of last week. ANNUAL PICNIC The annual pic-nic of U.F.O. and U P.W.O. clubs of Osprey, Eugenia and Ceylon will be held in Hydro park at Eugenia on Tuesday. July 1st Prom- inent speakers of both men's and yo- men's organizations are expected to be present. After a short program of speaking, music, etc., baseball mat- ches between Osprey and Eugenia the winning team and Ceylon will play. Come oae and all, with your baskets. Bring your friends. Chas. Stewart, Mrs. F. Pedlar, Chairman of Com.. Secretary. I Eugenia Correspondence | COMMISSION WAS AT , PUPILS HAD SUCCESS EUGENIA LAST WEEK AT HIGH SCHOOL The Agricultural Commission of Ontario, comprising the Hon. Dr. Jumieson, our local member, as chair- man, together with several members of Parliament and visitors, visited Eugenia preserve en route to Clarks- burg, where they were scheduled to hold a meeting on Thursday, June li), for the purpose of investigating farm conditions in general, with a view to assis the agricultural problems, of which, we know, the farmer has many, and endeavor, if possible, to alleviate through legislative channels. They took this opportunity of visit- ing the contentious problem of these parts â€" the reserve. Several of the members, while not in a position as a commission to express their opinion individually, they saw the uselessness and antagonizing nature to the sett- lers of this district and assured us of their hearty co-opei"ation with our • local member to bring about the re- moval of restrictions we are at pres- ent laboring under. The arrangements of looking after their requirements while in the vill- age were ably ' looked afer by Mine Host Munshaw and Mr W. E. Morgan. The commission, as a whole, express- ed their appreciation and were de- lighted with the scenic beauty and exhilaratii.g air which can compare favorably with Muskoka or any other summer resort of Ontario, and could I'eadily see the possibilities of the summer resort and the advantages to the county in general. They took advantage while at lunch to express to the Hon. Dr. Jamieson, through Mr. Keith the member for North York and seconded bv Mr. Belanger M.P., for Prescott, their gratitude for the manner in which lie has conducted the Commission and the courtesies shown them on their tour throughout western Ontario. I We are pleased with the success which the uppils of Eugenia met with at their recent examinations in Flesh- ton High School. Jack Park passed into second form, Mae Duckett and Fred Large were both successful in passing into third form, Mae getting one of her subjects from last year's work and Fred getting both the sub- jects which he was taking from last year, in addtion to their exan)s for this year. Flesherton is indeed to be congratulated on the teachers which they have had the past year, to whose credit the success of the pupil so largely is due. FEVERSHAM Mrs. Gorley 111 And Mr. Smith Is Improving We are sorry to report Mrs. Euph- emian Gorley very poorly at present, but hope she may soon reclaim her former strength. Mrs. Gorlev is 82 years of age and has been a wonderful example of the old Scottish rugged- ness. Mrs. Gorley purchased a home here in the village in the early spring and has walked almost every day to attend to the repairs or improvement of the property here. We are pleased to see Mr. Adam Smith, who sustained a bad fall some few weeks ago, able to be around again. Mr. Smith is 82 years of age also, and we are always pleased to see the old pioneers fine and fit to enjoy the evening of life. Mr. Will Rozell of Georgetown, who visited at Will Gordon's recentlyj was accompanied home by Mrs. Wm. Walker Sr. and Miss Irene, who in- tend visiting friends in Georgetown, Toronto, Cataract and Montreal be- fore returning to their home here. Mr. and Mrs Frank Pipher and Mrs. Fingland of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Crowston and Miss Merell, Mr. and Mrs. Sherrad Henry and daughter of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGee and Miss Doris of Vandeleur visted their sister, Mrs. Munshaw, recently. Presbytery is meeting here to-day, Tuesday, and will take this opportun- ity of holding a picnic in the Park, where everything is so convenient for visitors. * â€"•• • A number from here attended the splendid band concert given by Mr. Joe Park's band of Dundalk in Flesh- erton and the music was much enjoy- ed by all who were fortunate enough to attend the event. Service will be withdrawn here next Sabbath on account of anniversary services which are being held in Flesherton. Mr. Jamieson visited his home for a few days the past week. Mr. Herb Haney of Sarnia is visit- ing at his home here at present. Road work is in full swine now. The County work is progressing fav- orably under the supervision of Mr. F. A. Pedlar. Crops are looking the very best at the present time, due to the recent rains. Though the season is late the farmers expect to reap a bountiful harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hogg of Winni- peg visited with the latter's brother, Mr. Henry Cairns, this Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. Hutchin- son of Kimberley were guests of Mrs. McMullen on Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Clark of Portland, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Teeter and Mrs. Eagles were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Munshaw the past week., Mrs. Large entertained the many old friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hogg of Winnipeg on Monday evening and all enjoyed an evening of recollections of by-gone days, while the Large broth- ers entertained with their orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. C. Irish of Wasdale Falls visited with Mr. and Mrs. Em Proctor on Monday. Miss Muriel Carruthers and little cousin, Emerson Weeks, of McTier are visiting the former's parental home at present. Large Bros.' orchestra played at Proton, Duncan and Kimberley the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Palmer of the Power House were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Latimer on Sunday last. Bountiful rains over this section of the country have made a great change in theappearance of the crops and farmers ai-e wearing a hopeful smile again. Mr. Will Whiteoak of Buffalo, Mrs. Geo. Whiteoak, Mrs. Jas. Davidson and Miss May Whiteoak of Feversham motored over to Markdale and spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Whiteoak of that town. The school picnic on the fair grounds drew a large crowd on Sat- urday afternoon and the milk testing demosiration given by Mr. Carrol of i Flesherton was vei-y interesting and 1 instructive. The football game was I between the Feversham midgets and j the Twelfth line mites and was 2-1 in favor of the latter. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMaster of Flesherton were callers in our village on Saturday. Born â€" On Saturday, June 21st, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Con- j ron, a son. I The gai-den party held here by tlie I Ladies' Orange Benevolent Society was well attended, the proceeds being about S125.U0. The football game Feversham vs Kimberley. resulted in favor of tlie home team. On Thursday, June 19th the stork left a little daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and now the anvil seems to ring out clearer than ever. Congratulations. On Saturday last while one of the farmer boys was wheeling into the village he collided with a cow which was on the road and fot a nasty fall, but no bones were broken. Mi-s (Dr.) McKee and Mrs. Jas. Smith of Markdale were callers at Mrs. H. Alexander's on Sunday last. Bank Manager Dances, brother and sister of Shelburne were callere in our village on Monday last. The business in our village is en- larging as Mr. Robinson has found it necessary to have to open up another cash cream station. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Meaford will have a big day on July 1st. Hanover has races. The annual convention of the Art- . u t i. . n i /- i emesia, Markdale and Flesherton ,. •^- H. Johnston, a well known Col- Sunday School Association will be i l'ne«;o°d ,'l''"KK',"v*^'^**. sudden y at held in the Methodist church, Mark- ! V"" ?"'•''-'" ^ ^°"''' ^°''°"*"' "" Thurs- dale, on Wednesday, June 25lh, after- ^^^' '^'^^' noon and evening. The speakers will be Rev. A. E. McCutcheon of Toronto and Rev. Dr. Gre- of Mark- dale and Pastor Preston of Flesh- erton. Superintendents are request- ed to send in reports of their schools as soon as possible to the secretai-y, H. I. Graham, R.R. 4, Markdale. GARDEN PARTY ROCK MILLS ROD AND GUN Fishing from coast to coast in Can- ada features the July issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, as among the score of interesting articles and stor- ies there is included the trout fishing experiences of H. M. Burwell in Brit- ish Columbia, a story of fishing in The Margaree river. Nova Scotia, by N. M Browne, an article on the sea trout by Bonnycastle Dale, and as a special feature an unusually authoritative article on inland game fish by Prof. A. V. S. Pulling of the University of New Brunswick. R. P. Lincoln in his popular fishing department has a good account of the Whitefish, while in ad- dition to these features, "Cub Days in the Service" by Martin Hunter is a gripping story of pioneer days in the Hudson's Bay Company. Guns and Ammunition contains four articles by well known shooters while the oher departments and stories are brimful of interest for the sportsman. Rod and Gun in Canada is published by W. J. Taylor Ltd., Woodstock, Ont. PROTON STATION Mr. Jas. Vause has purchased a village lot from Dever Brothers and is building the foundation for a dwell- ing house for himself. Mr. Vause is also preparing to build another house and the' two new houses will add geatly to the appearance of this small village. Mr. and Mrs. Still motored to Mt. Forest and brought back with him Mrs. Still's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Brown has so well recovered from the serious fracture of a limb as to be able to undertake the journey. Miss Maud Acheson has returned home from Toronto Normal. Miss Love, nurse, is visiting with her friend, Mrs. Consley. Maxwell Methodists will hold their annual garden party on Wednesday, June 25th. Football, tea and good program. Tea from 5 to 7 p.m. Admission 35 and 20 cents. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Wm. Little, Owen Sound, is visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Moore. Stella Acheson is home from To- ronto Normal school and Dot Stevens is expected form North Bay Normal to-day, Monday. Mrs. Thos. Bannon, who has been laid up, is much improved and ia around again. The children are practicing for a children's service. Don't forget the Inistioge garden party July Tth.- Mr. Richard Latimer, Mr. and Mrs. James Stone and Jack, Mr. and Alfred Skipper, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and baby of Sault Ste. Marie motored down last week and visited their uncle Mr. Wm. Ludlow and aunt, Mrs. John .Acheson, and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar .Morris and two children of Paris are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nicol and sister. Mrs. Robt. Lee, here and the former's parents in Dundalk. Brantford public schools added swimming to their curriculum. Mr. and Mrs. J. McDermid of .\llis- ton motored up and spent Sunday with Isaac Smith, wife and family. Mrs. Smith accompanied them home and will spend a week with relatives at AUiston and Beeton. Mrs. Jas. Park of Owen Sound visi- ted with her daughter and other friends here. Mr. and M •. Walter Akitt visited over Sunday ;;. Thos. Belt's. Quite a number from here went to Flesherton Sunday morning to hear the Salvation Army band and enjoyed the music very much. We are pleased to report Mrs. Levi Betts improvinsr nicely. Mr. Thos Gam.ey and wife of Toron- to are spending two weeks' holidays at Dick Clark's. Mrs. Tucker of Toronto is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Levi Betts. We are sorry io report Bob Laugh- lin sick and under the doctor's care, but hope to see him restored to his usual health soon. Mrs. McDowell of Cleveland, Ohio, is on an extended visit with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Phillips. Mrs. Geo. Pat: on of Owen Sound called on friends here on Sunday. TORONTO LINE, NORTH The farmers are busy at present doing their road work. j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and family ! of Michigan visited at Robt. Richard- ' son's. j- Mr. and Mrs. Colquette and daugh- I ter, Betty, of Port McNichol vsited with Mr. and Jlrs. A. Stewart last I week. I Don't forget the garden party to I be held by the Orange Valley Lodge i on Friday, June 27th, at the home of I Mr. Wni. Alcox, Orange Valley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and babe ' spent Sunday at T. Lever's. : Mrs. (Dr.) McKee and Mrs. Smith of Markdale spent a day recently at .•V. Stewart's. -Mr. Harold Lever, accompanied by Charles Gilchrist, were the guests of friends near Walters Falls. We won- der what the attraction is. Miss Irene Stewart spent Sunday at W. J. Alcox'. Mrs. W. J. Lever of Owen Sound is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Brown. Remember the garden party under the auspices of L.O.L. 50ii,on W. Alcox lawn Fiday evening of this week, June 27. Baseball between Vandeleui*- and Flesherton, supper af- ter game followed 'by good program. .\dmission 25c. and 35c. Orangeville was honored last week by a visit from Lieutenant-Governor Cockshutt. The letter carriers object to their salaries being cut $120, while the salaries of Deputy Ministers are iait2;l by 82,000. The objection seems well taken. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modem Funeral Parlor 124 AVENUE ROAD Toronto, Ont. 'Phone Hillcrest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddocks Another by Sir Harry Lauder A record by this famous comedian â€" is always a gem â€" but in **Love Makes the World a Merry-Go-Round" and "I Like My Old Home Town" â€" both on the same record â€" there's an unusual treat in store for you. Ask for "His Master's Votcc"-Victor Record No. 55222 12-INCH DOUBLE-SIDED, $2.00 June releases are unusually interest- ing. We should like to have you come in and Itear some of litem. W.A.Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Flesherton, Ont. His Master^ Voice- Victor -i 1 HOUSE OF GIUALITV GROCERIES â€" A full line of fresh groceries always on hand. FRUITâ€"Oranges, Grape fruit, Lemons, Ban- anas and other fruit in season. CHOCOLATES-Neilgon's bars, bulk and Fancy boxes. FLOUR and FEED Five Roses Flour, Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Oatchop, Barley chop and wheat chop. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton tm # ^ ® ^ ® ^ Bargains In Boots. Methodist Cliurch, Flesherton TO-DAY WE Choseâ€" TO MORROW We Serve The Master we choose to day 7 p.m. SUNDAY, JUNE 29th 9.45 a.m.â€" SL.NDAY SCHOOL n.OO a.m.â€" GCMNG ON TO BETTER THINGS. MID-WEEK SERVICE ON TUESDAYS AT 3 p.m. We arc now studying the life of Jesus A CHURCH with a PURPOSE 4 If you are in need of a good Work I Boot either Black or Tan we have a g very good assortment. Try a pair. 9 i THOS. CLAYTON S FLESHERTON, ONT AR IO 0€@^^^^^^^®^-S@^@@@@{^{o>@^/4^(^^(g)9^lgl^