Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1924, p. 1

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^je /kslj^ttjan %hmnu. Vol.45 No. 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario, Aug. 1 5, 1 924 W.H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors f m Eui^enia Correspondence Hon. Arthur Meighen Will Work On Coming To Eugenia The people of Eugenia are to be grreatly favoured on Tuesday Aug. 21st, when the Rt. Honourable Ar- thur Meighan, will be present at the Conservative picnic. He is un- doubtedly one of the g^reat states- men of our Dominion. It will no doubt be a treat to hear him ir- respective of our political leanings. We will also have the Minister of Public Works with us which will add greatly to the interest of the day, and he will be able, no doubt, to tell us how the money is spent. It would be very fitting if each of the resi- dents would do what they could to make our picturesque little village as clean, gala and festive looking as pos- sible, as there will be a day second to that, if not as big as, the unveil- ing of our memorial as this con- vention is for all of Central Ontar- io, and we will have visitors and prominent men and Members of Par- liament from five counties, together with others who will visit the pic- nic here. To have the village look- ing spick and span with our flags and bunting flying, will leave a last- ing impression which we would wish j to create. The memorial committee I are taking advantage of this big I occasion and have already made ar- rangements and erected booths and will cater to those not provided with lunch and incidentally try to pay off the deficit on the Memorial fence. Anyone wishing to help could call up Mrs. Morgan or Mrs. Large. All help will be acceptable. Memorial Plot Everyone interested in the Memor- ial plot and all it stands for are in- vited to attend a bee this Wednesday and Thursday. Those who cannot make arrangements to come Wednes- day will be very acceptable with their help on Thursday, as we want to put the memorial plot into shape and at the present time when the earth is so moist will be much, easier to put into shape. Will evCTyone who can passibly make arrangements to come be on hand and teams will be needed both days. Let us sacrifice one or both of these days in memory of those dear boys who paid the sup- reme sacrifice and do our little bit to keep their memory fresh before the public who visit this spot in thou- sands each season. Mr. Douglas Wilson of Toronto is visiting his friend, W. E. Morgan. Both Mr. Wilson and his father serv- ed overseas, the father being in com- mand of a battalion, and was in the trenches two years although 50 years of age. George Proctor 111 With Typhoid Fever Mr. Russell McMullen and Wesley Cooey of South Falls, accompanied Mr. George Proctor of Kimberley home last week, Mr. Proctor having contracted typhoid and is, at the present time, in a very serious con- dition, but we hope that under the care of Dr. Turnbull and Nurse Ink- steir to hear of his complete recovery. Little Edward Campbell Had 2 Fingers Taken OflF Edward the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, had the misfortune to have two of his fingers taken off at the first joint whille playing near the mower which his older brother was oiling. The little lad is only two years old, but is gett- ing along nicely under the care of Dr. Guy. Service in the church here will be withdrawn for the next two Sundays and the pulpit will be supplied for the first two Sundays in September, when Rev. Harrower will again take charge of the work after his holi- days. A few of the villagers picnicked at the huckleberry marsh and report the berries not very plentiful, being very small and bushes very low. Mrs. Ellis and babe of Toronto were guests of Mrs. Geo. Benson the past two weeks. Mrs. Stoba has returned to her home in Toronto after having spent the past two months with her mother, Mrs. Gorley. Rolph Large visited the past week with Vandeleur friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee holiday- ed at Wasaga Beach recently. ] Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and son of Toronto have returned to their home after spending a few weeks with the former's brothers here. j Miss Marjory Park accompanied nurse Moffatt on a motor trip to Preston and other points recently. ( Mrs. Jacob Williams visited her j home here over the week end. ! Mrs. Park and son, Charles, made a business trip to Owen Sound re- cently. j Misses Fatty Morgan and Phyllis ' Graham are holidaying with their ' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith. I Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rowe and daughter, Mrs. Dynes, and two child- ren of Knoxville, Tennessee were the guests of Mrs. Large the past week. i Mrs. H. Hammond and two daugh- ters, Blanch and Eseelle, visited at the home of F. A. Pedlar on Sunday i last. I Miss Mae Carruthers has gone to ! Ottawa to take treatment for her ' eyes, Mrs. Latimer and daughter, Mrs. Proctor, visited friends at Meaford recently. Pcwer House And Vicinity KIMBERLEY The wet weather has retarded the haying and fall wheat harvest. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber are at present visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ran Brady, of Cherry Grove. Mr. J. Corkill of the Power House visited Stratford friends the first of last week. Mr. , Adam Hislop and Jack accompanied him and attended the funeral of the former's cousin. Miss Margaret Hislop. Mrs. J. Knox of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Patterson of the Power House. Mr. and Mrs. C. Palmer are holi- daying at Toronto and Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Cockburn of the Hydro boarding house are holidaying at Orillia and other points. Mrs. Andrew is in charge of the boarding house in their absence. Mr. Bowman, who has been re- lieving at- the Power House, has re- turned to his home in Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. J. .Allen have return- ed after a week end holiday. Nova Scotia has taken the entire south wing of the Government build- ing for a display at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. VOTERS' LIST County of Grey Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA Mrs. Jacob Thompson of Flesher- ton spent a day recently with Mrs. Plewes". We are very sorry to report Mr. Geo. Proctor ill with typhoid fever. At present he is holding his own. I We hope for a speedy recovery. i Mr. Frank Hutchinson spent the ' week end with his family here. 1 Sir. and Mrs. Otto Baker and chil- I dren of Vandeleur spent Sunday with Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Thibadeau of Mark- ' dale, with Mrs. Dundas and son. Jack, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and I Mrs. Mrs. Burritt. Rev. Mr. Ellison occupied the pul- pit on Sunday evening and gave one of his usual delightful sermons. Mr. Ellison, Mr. Pike and Miss Burritt rendered a very impressive trio. ' Next Sunday the service will be in charge of the Shantymen's Christian Association at 3 o'clock. Mr. Ellison I is working hard on the circuit and : we are pleased to see the large j appreciative audiences. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett and chil- , ren of Dundalk visited on Sunday with Mrs. Corbett's father and broth â-  >er, Mr. J. R. Fawcett and Mr. and 'Mrs. Saul Fawcett. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chard and i children of Flesherton spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs vV. 1. ElHs. \ Miss Donelda Stuart is spending , a week with Flesherton fr'cnds Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 10 of theVoters' Lists Act and I have posted up at my office in Flesherton on the 2nd day of August. 1924, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated this 2nd day of August 1924 W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. CEYLON Born â€" In Toronto to Mr. and Mrs. W. Calahan (nee Ella Whittaker) a son. Congratulations. Mrs. Eatherington and two child- ren of Toronto are visiting Mrs. A. Sinclair and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Cole and children of Cleveland motored over and are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. J. Melia. Miss Efifie Chislett and friend. Miss Hardy of Toronto spent a few days with her brother here. Mr. and rMs. Herb Fisher and two children of Toronto motored up and are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. A. MceLod, and other friends. Mr. Ernest McMullen, who has been out West on a trip, arrived home Monday and is visiting his father and sister here. Misa Minnie Sinclair of Toronto called on friends here the first of the week. Mr. Stanley White, who has been holidaying at his home here, returned Saturday to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs: McCormack, Mr. and Mrs. Knox of Proton visited Mrs. Knox and Mrs. -A. Haw the first of the week. itr. and Mrs. N. Archibald motored to Durham on Saturday. Miss A. Lever of Toronto visited her friend. Miss M. Ferguson, last week. Mrs. Bryant and little granddaugh- ter of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. .Archibald and family. Miss .Annie McLaughry and Miss Mable Thibaudeau of Markdale spent the week end with Miss Irene Stewart Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and son, Dick, are spending a few days with Markdale friends. " Miss Allen of Toronto is visiting her friend, Miss Ruby Stone. Miss Brown of Feversham %'isited at Mr. S. Hemphill's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert fo Toronto were callers in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson and son, Arthur, and Misses .Alma and Dorothy of Durham \'isited Mr. and Mrs. N. Archibald on Sunday. ROCK MILLS FEVERSHAM Although the weather has been showery thfe farmers have almost finished haying and have gathered a good crop in fair condition. Mr. Geo. Mitchell of Flasherton and Mr. Wm.. Mc.Aleer of Hammond, Indianna, U.S..A., were callers in our village on Friday last. Mr. Mc.Aleer spent his boyhood days around this locality and village and is now one of the foremost barristers of his State, another of our Feversham old boys who have made good. It was in- deed a pleasure for his school-day chums to shake hands with him again. Mr. .Joseph Bricknell, wife and daughter and Mr. H. Bricknell of Toronto visited with the former's aunt, Mrs. Kerton, last week. Miss Sadie Julian of Colilngwood visited with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Whiteoak, last week. Stanley and Grace Horton of Long Branch are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Miss Eva Spencer is visiting with her parents. She has secured a school near the city, having finished the term at Normal. Mrs. Wm. Lawler Jr. and children of Fairmount, Alta., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Bar- ber. Mr. L. Clement and Mrs. Hudson of Collingwood were callers on the latter's cousin, Mrs. R. HTiiteoak, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Potts and fam- ily of Creemore spent Sundav with the former's sister, Mrs. Witf Heitman. A number from here attended the funeral of the late .Mrs. Geo. A. Miller at CoUingwood Baptist ceme- tery on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were old neighbors who movad to a farm about two miles west of Collingwood a few years ago. The sincere sympathy of this community is extended to the bereaved husband and family. The farmers are cutting the fall wheat in this district and it is an excellent crop. Children's dancing contests and highland pipe band competitions will be a feature of Young Canada's Day , at the Canadian National Exhibition. â-  Mr. and Mrs. John Klein and daughter, Madeline, of Toronto visit- ed at J. Dargavel's on Monday and Tuesday of last week. Miss Jean CoUinson and Mr. Thos. Gilchrist of Ceylon spent Tuesday evening at J. Dargavel's. Mr. J. McGilvary of Priceville call- ed at the fox ranch Saturday evening. Mr. J. Wright and J. Dargavel motored to Dundalk early Sunday morning and called at Mr. Thos. Lockhart's home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dargavel and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harbottle on the 12th of Osprey. Mr. G. Thompson of Markdale spent a week with Mr. John Porteous and family. Mr. and Mrs. Giles of Durham visit- ed the past week with the latter's uncle, Mr. W. T. Pedlar, and family. Mrs. R. J. Laughlin and babe and Jimmie and .Archie visited with Mrs. J. Laughlin at Feversham. Mr. Jas. Park spent the week end at his home in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and other friends from Collingwood called on Mrs. W. T. Pedlar one day last week. The U.F.W.O. Unity Club of Rock Mills are having an ice ci-eam social at the home of Chas. Newell on Fri- day evening, August 15th. There will be horseshoe pitching and foot- ball at 7 p.m. sharp. Program at 8 p.m. No admission to grounds. Miss McPhail will be present. Cake and ice cream at tlie booth. Every- body welcome. TORONTO LINE, NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Cressman and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed and family were visitors at R. Richardson '.s last week. Mrs. E. Doupe spent a day with her friend, Mrs. E. Wickens, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan of Moorefield and Miss Vera Lever of Harriston spent Sunday at J. Lever's. Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft and daughter, .Arleen, of 0%\1sn Sound visited friends in this vicinity. Misses G. Lever and M. Maycock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin, Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. John McCullough of Toronto and Mrs. McClung of Will- iamsford spent a day with R. Rich- ardson and wife. Mr. ar.C Mrs. Gadway and family rteurned tu :heir home after spending the past couple of weeks at the -Alcox summer resort. Mr. and Mrs. Willis and family of St. Thomas are holidaying in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Pendleton and son, Elgin, from near Saskatoon and Mr. Jolin Pendleton, wife and son from Harkaway visited with their cousin, Mrs. Fred Brown. WIARTON ECHO .APOLOGIZES Typhographical errors will occur in the best of regulated newspapers. Last week we had one of our estim- able lady roaders visiting out of town for a few days. Now as a matter of fact it was her husband's trip we meant to record, and that was where the error o:;urred. Now Mr. is one of tlnse fellows who believes everything he reads in the Echo and on his return his wife had some ex- plaining to do to convince him that she stayed faithfully at home during his absence but he was only convinced when we assured him that the error was ours. But thp.t mistake is simple compar- ed with the one contemporary of ours made in the obituary notice of a re- spected citizen when it said :"The re- mains were reverently borne to their last roasving place by the brethren of the lodgre."' How would you lilce to be the editor about that time ? SHELDON MYERS Builder and Contractor SHINGLES AND FLOORING LAID ALL KINDS OF REP.\IR WORK Flesherton, - Ont. (Intended for last week) I There will be two floral parades at the Canadian National Exhibition on Flower Day, Saturday, -August 30th. j Twenty six out of twenty-feight , head of Rex Copeland's herd of regis- | tered Jersey cattle near Harriston, ; were found by Dr. Torie, government ! inspector of cattle, of Stratford to be â-  I affected by tuberculosis, and were i ordered to be destroyed. The cattle were taken to Harriston on Tuesday ; by Mr. Copeland and shipped to To- j ronto, where they will be valued and then destroyed. Mr. Copeland will receive two-thirds' valuation as plac- . ed by the government authorities. Methodist Church, Flesherton SUNDAY, AUGUST 17TH 1 l.(X)a.in, and 7.00 p.m. Rev. R. Drinnan, Presbyterian Minister Cedarville Union Church 9.45 a. m , Sunday School. Tuesday, August 19th at 8 p.m. Mid-week Service 'Jcsu.s taks with .\icadeinus." If you think the word is all wrontj renieniher it contains pe<ip!e hke vou. A CHURCH WITH A PURPOSE PORTLAW Mrs. John Winters has been re- moved to Fergus hospital for treat- ment. We all hope that it will prove successful. Our sympathies go out to Mrs. J. W. Lyons in the death of her brother, .Mr. Thomas Lockhart, of Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mrs. Walter Taylor and two daugh- ters, of Toronto motored up and are visiting with the former's mother and brothers here. The ordinance of baptism was ad- ministered by Rev. Mr. Duffield in the church on Sunday last to the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yates and to the two children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Taylor. D. L. Davidson and son, Gordon, of Toronto were visitors last week at T. R. McKenzie's. Quite a number of our citizens are to-day (Tuesday) attending the Derry Day celebration in Markdale. Miss -Allie Little arrived home last Frday from Bracebridge, whei-^ she has been for some weeks past. Farm Youth Rally On Thursday, August 28th Come to tlie South-East Grey Farm Youth Rally in Markdale agi-i- cultural grounds and .Armories on -August 2S, afternoon and evening. Sports under the leadership of Mr. I A. MacLaren of the O..A.C. Pro- , gramme and dancing. .Admission 10c. Dundalk band in attendancei ' Vacation Time f Take along a Kodak and a good supply of Film RoUf. You generally tee some pretty scene or some of your old friends and would like to have picture* to bring home â€" so take along your Kodak and make your holiday all the more pleasant. We stock a full line of Kodaks and Supplies- W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Flesherton, Ont. 1-7- TENDERS W.l.NTED Tenders wil! be received by the undersigned it to and including Thursday, Aug ist 21st. for the "Con- struction of :. reinforced culverts, size 3 X 2, on * he Thii-d Concession Road over the P -ddle Drain in Osprey Plans and s; deifications may be .seen at my hon. _â-  in Singhampton. -â- VLSO â€" The c mtract for deepening approximately T :Jrods of the Priddle Drain from the 50th sideroad. west, along the Third Concession, will be let at the site of this work at 3 p.m. on Thursday, .August 21st. Specifi- cations will be presented by the En- gineer at the time of letting contract. â€" Wm. L. TAYLOR, Reeve. Osprey Township. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modem Funeral Paurlor 124 AVENUE RO.'i "^ Toronto, C â-  •Phone Hillcrest 0268 J.W.Bates R. Maddocks â- ^ ^ 1 HOUSE OF Q.UALITV GROCERIES â€" A full line of fresh groceries always on hand. FRUIT â€" Oranges, Grape fruit, Lemons, Ban- anas and other fruit in season. CHOCOLATESâ€" Neilson's bars, bulk and | Fancy boxes. FLOUR and FEED Five Roses Flour, Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Oatchop, Barley chop and -wheat chop. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Crocerie* and Confectionery Flesherton ©^^â- j^^e^^^^^^^^^^.^H^^^^.^.^^.^^^^^^^.^ Boots & Shoes t w © â- ^ •^ ^ ® @ In men's wear we have them in the latest % styles of Oxfords, both black and tan. § $4.25 and upward. $ In ladies we have Oxfords and straps in ^ black, tan and grey, also some nice lines § of white shoes. ® 9 9 9 9 THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I ==, f»^9O^<^909®®^®9$9®O$@@®@^@^^i$4l|^ @g

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