Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1924, p. 8

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Wdnesday, August .13, 192^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wind and Tornado Insurance We represent one of the oldest and strong- est Wind Insurance Companies in the World. The low notes of insurance will surprise you and you are not asked to sign premium notes. Your enquiries are solicited. FLESHERTON INSURANCE AGENCY OFFICES IN SPROULE BUILDING W. A. ARMSTRONG S. £• deCUDMORE FOUR TELEPHONES C!" o o o o e The Peoples' Grocery The Place To Shop 20 bars Standard Soap $ 1 .00 2 lb. Seedless Raisins .25 3 lb. Rice - .25 Salmon per tin .23 2 packages Seedless Raisins .25 Souvereign Flour, Bran, Shorts Low Grade Flour and Oats Henry 81 Kennedy GROCERS on, - Ontario. For Immediate Sale ATTRACTIVE MEHCANTII.K BUILDING WITH APARTMENT ABOVE. In the Village of Flesherton two- story and excellent cement cellar, has been just remodelled throughout and in now available for occupancy. There is space for one fair sized store, also for an office or smaller store adjoining. .Six roomed apart- ment with front and rear entrances. Situated on the maiir street and central. For further particulars apply to^ W. A. ABMSTONG. Flesherton. © © 0© NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of William Hodgson, late of the Township of Osprey in the county of Grey, widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 56 of the Trustees Act, R. S. 0. 1914, Chapter 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the esUte of the said William Hodgson, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of June A. D. 1924 at the Township of Osprey, aforesaid, are required on or before the 10th day of September, A. D. 1924, send by post prepaid or deliver to The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, of Toronto, Ont- ario, administrators with the will an- nexed of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND further tiike notice that after such last mentioned date the said administrators will proceed to dist- ribute the assets of the .said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said administrators will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Owen Sound this 31st day of July, 1924. The Toronto General Trusts Corpora- tion, 253 Bay Street, Toronto, Administrators T. H. Dyre, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrators. Dept. of Ag1; Agricultural Development Wgrk It may be interesting to the farm- ers of Grey county to know that last week five farmers applied for assis- tance from the Agricultural Devel- opment Board for loans to pay up mortgages which were due, or to chang« them. To those who do not understand the system the following may be val- uable information, and more can be had by writing to ,the Department of Agriculture at Markdale. 1. â€" That a loan of 50 per cent of the value of the land will be given to pay off a mortgage subject to a max- imum of $12,000. 2. â€" That re-payment is made on the amortization plan, which sim- ply means for every $1000 borrowed, $87.18 is paid per year, which will repay the money with interest in 20 years. 3. â€" The interest rate is 6 per cent. 4. â€" Although 20 years is allowed to pay the debt it may be settled on any interest date at any time. This is the barest outline but it may serve to interest some Grtiy county farmers. If it does full infor- mation can be secured by writing to the Department of Agricultui(.> at Markdale. Small Advertisements FOR SALEâ€" Sow and litter of , nine pigs. â€" Oliver Turner, Eugenia, j FARMS FOR SALE NOTICE â€" Chopping done Satur days only. â€" Graham Bros.. Eugenia. On the Toronto Line Provincial Highway. Three farms, two of IM acres and one of 50 acres all cleared. FOR SALE-Seed wheat-Walter j ^'"^ '='*" ''"'"'"^^ "^ „'« ^"^ ^ every particular. Will mU any ons of these. Good brick house on one of the farms. The stabling for anni- mals is perfect. One farm has tan acres hardwood bui^h and anothar nandred hae three acres of timber and has buildinntrs for everytbiaff Akitt, Rock Mills. FOR SALE â€" Good top buggy, rubber tire. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. For Sale â€" Bird's Uaekinaws, tweeds and yams at the Feversham tailor shop. â€" H. Alexander. SIX HILL STORES W* buy together tn order that oar customer* in the tix com- munitie* majr materially ben- eflt individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE © A Store everyone instinct- ^ ively associate* with high @ quality merchandiie at the ^ faireit poitible price*. ^ A Progressive Store Serving a Progressive Community Many Specials During August 20p.c. Off all Canvas and Shoes Running LaJies' Gingham Dresses at $2.50 Enquiry For Sweet Clover The following is an extract of a letter recently received from an Am- erican seed fimi by the Department of Asjriculture Markdale. 'We have been more or less importers of sweet clover buying same from samples, but we are thinking very much of .eoing direct into the seed-frrowing sections this season for the purpose of buying seed, therefore, we would appreciate any information you may give us regarding this territon' as well as any other territory which you may ha\)} knowledge of pro- ducing alsike and sweet clover." The Department of Agriculture, Markdiile, immediately replied boost- ing Grey County sweit clover, and incidentally Grey County alfalfa seed, with an offer to drive their seed inspector on a tour of the coun- ty to visit farmers. They immedi- ately replied as follows: "Wish to acknowledge receipt of yours of Ju- ly 25th, and thank you very much for the information contained. When the sweet clover is threshed and there is sufficient in your vicinity to justify our making a trip there, we will undoubtedly have someone come up and will surely appreciate '-our co-operation which you have so free- ly offered." "We would like some Information regarding your Ontario Variegated alfalfa. W« have sold some varie- gated alfalfa the nast season which was recommended to us as beinsr the same as Grimms. We do not know if this is absolutely correct or not. If you have any nformation on this subject regarding the variegated al- falfa that is raised in your district we would appreciate hearing from you. Thanking you for your offer to help us and if you will advise us when there is su....cient sweet clover rendy for sale we will have someone go and see." Grey County farmers have an op- portunity to organize a large Clover Grower's Association and establish a connection with a wealthy seed firm who are anxious for business and good Canadian seed. Who will writ? asking for more information? Who wants help to sell their seed ? Who has a vision to foresee a wonderful opportunity? To all interested the Department of Agriculture, Mark- dale, stands ready to assist. Will you co-operate with us to get a good maket for your choicest seed ? For Sale â€" Cherries, ready about July 28th. Will sell cheap on the trees. â€" E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. NOTICE â€" Any person trespassing on lot 27, Con. 12. Artemesia, will be prosecuted. â€" C. E. Turner. FOR SALEâ€" Brood Sow, bacon type, with 14 little pigs at side. â€" Harry Genoe, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" About 2,000 bu. of No. 1 feed oats, test 40 lbs. to the bushel.â€" W. C. White, Ceylon, tele- phone 2 r 33. NOTICE â€" Anybody wanting plain sewing done, wash dresses or child- ren's clothes, apply at Mrs. Wyatt's. â€" Annie E. Allen, Flesherton. needed, ineludincr poultry bouse and pig pens. No broken land and demr of weeds. Any person interetaad should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. Imy Proton SUtioa P.a Farm To Sell or Trade NOTICE} â€" Any person desiring to purchase one or more of the best building lots in town should investi- gate at once. â€" G. B. Welton, Flesh- erton. LOST â€" On Saturday night between Flesherton and Wilson McMullen's a rose hand bag containing a purse and baby's clothing. Finder please leave at The Advance office. NOTICEâ€" Having disposed of my business here it will be necessary for all those owing accounts to please settle at once by either cash or note. â€" W. H. Bunt, Flesherton. Lot 29, Con. 14, Artemesia, 104 acres, about 35 acres good mapio hardwood bush, good orchard and small fruits, fair buildings, telephone in house, 50 acres cultivated land, balance pasture. Will be sold at a sacrifiee. Practically no incumbwnce. Poesession at once. Well fenced and well watered. Sale or tradeâ€" what have you? â€"A. MAYERS, Flesherton and Grand Valley. Box 72, Flesherton 21 apw House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; 1^ acres of land. Residence of the latf John Breen. Apply to â€" â€"JOHN WRIGHT, Boars For Service STEER LOST^^ed and white yearling, pig ring in right ear. Strayed about June 28 from lot 30, Con. 9, Artemesia. â€" Harry Pedlar, Ceylon, Ont. Phone 40 r 5. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this ofBce or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. During the next two weeks we will give a dis- count of 20% off all lines of Men's Women's Boys', Misses' and Children's Canvas and Running Hhoes. Take advantage of this big discount while sizes arc ' all complete. 20% off Regular Prices. Come to Markdale for Derry Day August 12th This will be (he biggest celebration that Grey County has seen for many days. Of course you are roming. We invite you to make our Store your headquarters during the day. We will have many specials for that day. Ladies toilet on second floor. Women's Pink Bloomers at 39 cents 10 dozen Women's good weight Pink Ulnomers to be sold at a Special Price of 39 cents a pair. Ladies' Crepe Gowns 95 cents a dozc-n Ladies' Nightgowns manufactured from a nice quality of Pink Cope. Very special at 95ct8. each. Ladies' Fancy Crepe Gowns at $1.85 50 Ladies' Fancy .Nightgowns, made from a very soft, beautiful quality of Pacific Kwantn Crepe, in Pink, white and Sky grounds with neat figure of con- trasting roturs. A serviceable and beautiful gar- ment and one that will he most easily laundried. Special at St.H.'i per garment. Dark Colored Muslin 19 cts. per yard 4 pieces of Dark Colored Muslin. Regular S.'i cents a yard, to be cleared at 19 cents per yard. Clearance of Fancy Muslin 29cts. a yd. Several pieces of good quality Muslin in assorted coloring, was fi.'ic. per yd. Most Special 29c. per yd. 4 only Ladies' Special Gingham House Dresses tfimmed with fine lace and organdies. Sizes 36 to 44. Reasonably Priced at $2.50. Table of Summer Materials 20% off We have placed on a table a collection of var- ious lines of Summer Materials such as Voiles, Or- gandies, Ratines, Etc., which we will clear at a dis- count of 20% off Regular Prices. Art Silk Hose 58 cents a pair 10 dozen Ladies' Art Silk Hose in an assortment of the most popular colors. A co<il hose for the warm days. Specially priced 58c. a pair. Ladies' Summer Vests 35 cents each 3 for $1.00 20 dozen Ladies' Knit Vests with short sleaves. Extra Values for such a low price. 35 cents each or 3 for $1.00 Still Bigger Reductions in the Price of the Balance of Summer Millinery It is a shame to sell Up-to-date Millinery at such a low price but we are determined to clear the balance, so out it goes at just half price. This means a big loss to us but we wish to place our< ab selves in a position to start the new season of ^ Spring 192.') wth an entirely new assortment. ^ 25% off Price of Men's Dress Straw Hats f Men! You can buy any Panama or Dress ^ Straw Hat that we have in stock at a discount of ^ 25% off Regular Prices. 20% off Ladies' Voile, Ratine, Silk Dresses In order to cleat out the balance of our VoiK ratine and silk dresses quickly, wo now offer them at a discount of 20% off Regular Prices. 9 @ ® © F. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale , JAS. REID DIED ON TUESDAY As we go to press word is just re- ceived of the death of one of Arte- mesia's old residents in the person of Mr. James Reid of the Old Durham Road. Mr. Reid has been ailing for some time, and is a brother of Mr. Wni. Reid of Flesherton. BABE DIED FROM GASTRITIS Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith of Se- bringville lost their babe of six months on Monday last. The little one was brought to Flesherton and interred here on Tuesday, Mr. Preston of the Flesherton Baptist church conductinug the service. The cause of death was gastritis. DIED WRIGHTâ€" At the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. S. Thurston, Mea- forcl, on Friday, August 8th, Eliza- beth McCandles, relict of the late Rev. John Wright, Ireland, in her 70th year. Interment took place in Lakeview cemetery, Meaford, Sun- day, August 10th. FALL FAIR DATES FEVERSHAM Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 PRICEVILLE Oct. 2 and 3 Dundalk Oct. 1 and 2 Collingwood Sept. 22 to 25 Clarksburg Sept. 22 and 23 Durham Sept. 30, Oct. 1 FLESHERTON Sept. 25 and 26 Grand Valley Oct. 2 and 3 Hanover Sept. 17 and 19 Holatein Sept. 24 Markdale ." Oct. 7 and 8 Meaford Sept, 17 to 19 Owen Sound Sept. 9 to 12 Chatswort h Oct. 9 and 10 Ayton Sept. 12 and 13 Kincanline Sept. 18 and 19 Alliston Oct. 2 and 3 Arthur Sept. 23 and 24 Mount Forest Sept. 17 and 81 IOrangeville Sept. 16 and 17 Chesley Sept 25 and 26 Brampton „ Sept 19 and 20 COTTAGE FOR SALE â€" Bemrose Cottage for sale on easy terms; also Moffatt range, Box Heater, and Rid- ing Plow; all must be sold by Oct. 1, as the owner is moving to Toronto. â€" Mrs. R. F. Guy, Maxwell sideroad. A young Tamworth Boar 5 mos. old for service on lot 167, S.W.T.&SJS.» Artemesia. Terms ?1.00. Also purebred registered Yorkshire Boar for sfrviceâ€" Vineyard Famooa T7530â€" on lot l67, S.W.T. & S.R., Art- emesia. Terms $1.00. Sows not ra- tumed will be charged same as those m pig. „ ^ „ â€" T. J. STINSON, Prop. Feb. 15 Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier o*" Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms â€" For grades $2, thoroughbreds |5; to b» Cash after January 1st. H. C. RADLEY & SON, ^ Flesherton. IJne BOAR FOR SERVICE. House For Sale In Flesherton Frame IVz story shingle roofed dwelling with nice large lot and stable. Apply to â€" â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton 200.000 DOZ. EGGS WANTED 200,000 dozen eggs wanted High- est market price paid in cash. â€"J. RUNSTADLER, Flesherton. CORNER BLOCK FOR SALE. Corner block for sale in Flesher- ton, known as the old Richardson block. Reasonable terms. â€" W. L. WRIGHT, Flesherton. SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT Summer cottage at Brewster's Lake, near Singhampton. Good boat- ing and bas fishing. Will rent very reasonable. Apply to â€" J. H. Lough- ead, Singhampton. CAME ASTRAY Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot 170, con. 2, N.E.T.&S.R., Artemesia, on or about the 22nd of July, one brood sow. Owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take the same away. â€" R. ALLEN, Flesherton. Reduced Prices FOR Horseshoeing No. shoes. Is and ?s, 45c.; Sa and 49, 50c.; 59, 6s and up, 60c. Jacob Williams, Eugenia B. H. WALDEN Tamworth Boar for service, 5 mos. old, reg. bacon type, on lot 31, Con. 1 O.D.R. Terms $1. Any sow not re- turned will be charged same as those- in pig. Anyone wishing to leave the sow will be charged 25c per day ex- traâ€" JOHN MEADS, PriceviUe P. Q,^ R. R. 3. Swks- Spring Hill Bacon Hog Clul» The Live Stock branch of the De- partment of Agriculture has placed with the undersigned a pur bred Y'orkshire Boar of the Bacon type for the use of farmers interested in rais- ing select bacon hogs. Earl Best, Pres. Geo. Blackburn, See R. Allen Caretaker. 24Marl yr. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Tonmte and Royal College of Dental Surgeone of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. W. G. Davis, L.D.S., graduate of the University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Sui>^ons of Ontsrie Office at the cor. of Queen St, B. and Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 1389 Dr. A. Turnbnll, B.A., M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Officeâ€" Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 35. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. db A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton, every Fri- day on or before the full moon. G- Banks, W.M., F. J. Thurston, Sec. Lucas ft Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc.,â€" I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lncaa Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- i citors, etc.. Officesâ€" Grey aod Brace I Block, Owen Sound; StandSid Bank LICENSED AUCTIONEER ^'"*=''' flesherton. (Saturdays). W. FOR THE COUNTY OP GREY FIFTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE All sales promptly attended to and satisfacion guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE Phons 66 MARKDALE Or arrange at The AdysBce «f ice. P. Telford Jr., J. P. P. Bireie> Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Aactisaaer for the counties of Grey and iSttsa^^ Farm and stock tales a toteMtf. Terms moderate., satisftettOD giu»> anteed. Arrang^eoCs C» dslie may be made at the AAnokee gOQi^ «r Central tel^hone ofll«e, »â€" rnllaiit or by addfessinc bm at FsrsviMl, j

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