Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Sep 1924, p. 6

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N .: . -7 i >'^'f: 'A â- 'â- > [V- DAIRYING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Greater attention ts being paid at the prekODt time to the encuurgaenumt of dalr)-lD« In BrltUh Columbia, In- tareat no doubt being stimulated to aome exteni In this province by the unique succe^ which has attended Dairying Surpaaaea Fruit Production. | In the fanm UrltlBli Coluinbiu \\u» won an a frult-prcduiliig region It <"r>m<'s as a .Mrprlte to lesru that at the piH'seut time dairying Is Its i)rlLri- Iiu! and niosl profltabla nliaae of agri- •Imllar etforu In the adjacent I'ralrlo cultural endeavor. It has reached thin ProTlncee. which In a reniarkiHy oiage I'flpr u rapid growlh. In the â- hort space of time have turned a do- >oiir 1910 th<' vuli «.' of the province's pendency on Imported dairy products dairy prudutis wan J393.83fi. Klre into an excebs of production which years latt-r thl» value had bee _.me only make* available for export millions of $453,724. It IncroaM d remarkably In pounds of butter annually. Having re- the next t .fvcn yrar.-i. bciug p;aced ul gard I') export coudltions, the Pro- vince of llrltish Columbia Is more ad- vaiitago.iu: ly tituated and has every jubtillcatloii for extending lis efforts In thie direction. In the mild and beneficent climate $8.001. 13J In lfl22. The way the In- dustry is developing may be appreci- ated frcm the fact that more than a mllllcn dollars wr,; add' J to thla value In the next year, It standing at $9,234,- 576. The quantity of biittx^r produced prevailing over iJie greater part of the in Urlti.^h CcUimbia last year was 4 year In Drltlsh Columbia the dairy In- dustry may be profitably followed In many sections of the province. It Is e.speclally adapted to Vancouver Is- land, the Ou'.f Itlands, and all .sections of the i;iali:laud. The principal de- velopment at the present tline Is In 221,704 ijounds, repie.^entlng iin In- crease of 7 rer cent, ever the previous year. There are now thirty manufac- turing creiimcrles, two cUaei;o fac- tories, three condenseries, and several ice-cream plants in the province. A greater future In dairying is fore- the Lower Fraser Valley, Vancouver shadowed for British Columbia In th« Island, and the Okanagan Valley, on ; recent adoption of Vancouver as the account of the splendid growth of point of eStport and the utilization of graf SOS, roots, and fodder crops In the Panama Canal route for Western these sections. ! Canadian dairy products to the British Farmers and fruit growers In the ' Isles and European continent. The Okanagan Valley in particular are inaugural shipments of Alberta butter branching out In Uie line of dairying. In this manner proved its absolute the Provincial Government having ex- fea.slbllity, and this Is now becoming a tended certain assijitance to dairymen regular movement. British Columbia there In the commencement of opera- dairymen are a good deal nearer to DiMst^t in Japan Take Heavy Tail of Life. 'Uolk than 40 men were drowned at Yoko'uka recently when a pii/ket boat from the battleship Nagano ran into a crowded naval barge. Both bonta sank. This war memorial at St John's, Newfoundland, was recently unvellel by Earl Halg during his recent visit there. The work was built at a coat of $75,000 and is .said to be the finest on this side of the Atlantic. TootMinuk Loses Its Grip in England! A despatch from London aAys:â€" Little Johnny's objection to the tooth- brush has, after all, scientific justifi- cation. The British Dental Associa- A third-clasa express fix>m Shlmo*-' "<>" refuses to discard it altogether, asckn to Toklo loft the rails near Kai- ! *>"* «<• "s annual meeting the tooth- kl. Nino p«>ople were killed and 20 , *"â- "«'' *** accorded far less respwst injured. I ^^"^ '^ receives in the average mod- Twenty persons were killed when a ;«>â- " household, typhoon swept the souti eisieru coast ' Sir Leslie Mackenzi?, medical mem- of Japan. The fatalities ra^.ulted from ber of the Scottish Board of Health, residenu being pinned beneath houses read a paper on dental hygiene, in wrecked by the disturbance. Several which he declared that the way to hava other persons are missing In ttshlng -lO'Jnd teeth was to watch the diet, boats caught In the area of the ty first of the mother during pregnancy, phcon. then of the mother while nursing her The meningitis epidemic now sweep- 1 b?.bks, and then of the children them- Ing Japan has resulted In 2.630 deaths selves. According to Prof. Mellanby. out cf a total of 4,S88 ca.s.es reported, i ^ quoted by Sir Leslie, teeth defects according to Government reports, are not caused by bacteria, and the ^ r/^ which placed the death :-ate at 54 per cent. Turkey's only woman doctor arriv- ed recently in London; it is only twelve nvonths since the Turkish Gov- ernment allowed women to practice medicine in the Ottoman Empire. « A newly-rich man, buying a piano, was concerned over the size of the instrument. He impressed upon the salesman that it must be full-sized â€" tlons. The present year has recorded a substantial Increase In the number of cream shippers in the area, and tiere is a considerable Increment in the export of butler from creameries. the point of export and have this ivd- vantage over prairie competltora. There is a possibility of the province developing a substantial trade with the countries of the Orient and Eur- Organlzatlon has likewise Ukon place ope. In Uil« connection It Is interest- In the Windermere and Columbia Val- Ing to note that the Vancouvej- Harbor leys, which offer especially line open- Board has in contemplation the erec- Ings for engaging in dairying under , tlon of a cold storage pj^nt at the bar- very advantageoua conditions. The Wise Head Master. For ten years, ruefu'.b' admits Mr. Stephen Le:icock in College Days, 1 was appointed to the staff of a great Canadian schcol. It took me ten years to get ofT it. Hcing appointed to the position of a teacher U like being hooked up through the braces and hung up against a wall; it Is hard to get down again. From those ten years. I caxried away nothing in money and little In experi- ence- â€" Indeed no other asaet whatever, unless it be here and there a pleasant memory or two and the gratitude of my former pupils. There was nothing really In my case for them to be grate- ful about. They got nothlus from mo In the way of intollectival food except a lean and perfunctory fare; and any- thing that I gave them in the way of sound moral hcnetit 1 gave gladly and never nilsse;!. Hut schoolboys have a way of being grateful. It is the decent thing about them. A .schoolboy while he is at school re- gards his masters as a mixed assort- ment of tyrants and freaks. He plans vaguely that <.t some future time In life he will "get even" with them: But .somehow a schoolboy is no sooner done with his school and out iu the says "Com^." He leads him out to ^' tlu^JA^''''^'' f^''^ ^^^^ tl'^V """"- deserted corner of the playground and f„*f "^^•„ }^' ^"K * ^"""5 and t'row-; r.-,r.in-Jcr ,f mg girl," he explained, "and I dor wi mcjth c •' th ivhows hiin an old tree behind an ash . . i. . . â-  ^^ . vâ€" J .u .. ij i, .. „„.. want to have to buy her another irj n >;- house, and the old boy' no sooner .. ' ^ ';'i- businesB of life than a soft haze of re- 1 sees it than he says: j "Why, great Caeaar! That's 'ha same old tree that Jack Coun&ell and I use! to climb up to hook out of bounds on Saturday night! OM Jimmy caught u» at it one nig'ht and licked us both. And look here, here's my name cut on the boarding at the back of the ash hou.se. See? They used to fine us five cen'.s a letter if they found it. Well: Well! The 'old boy" is deep in his reminiscences, examining the board fence, the tree and the ash house. The wise head master does not in- terrupt him. He does not say that he knew all along tliat the "old boy's" name was cut there and that was why ho btY)ught him to the spot. Least of all does he tell him that the boys still "hook cut of bounds" by the same means and that he licked two of them i for it la.st Saturday night. No, no, I retrospect is too sacred lor that! Let i the "old hoy " have his Ull, and when ] he is quite overcome with the burden I of it then as they walk back to the I school building the head mastec may pick a donation from liira that falls year or two. toothbrush is a broken reed. Sir Les- lie would not be so sweeping. '•With all its sfiortcomings," he said, "the toothbrush, given our present feeding mfthods, has some effect in preserving the teeth and in keeping the mouth clean. The systematic us- ing of the toothbrush always involves rinsing the mouth at least with clean water, if not with a mild disinfectant. When one reflects that scarlet fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis and other in- fections may be represented among th? inffct'cn Kerms incubating in the 'â- iM^lh. th t-'iMi'^msh is a convenient :•! • tlMty to keep the or*- r' :n. At the same <f '"•;-. â- â€¢ .â- ; niry spreat All Hoston lurnedjMitXo »«e 'the arrival of the American Touud-the- world flyers 'anH they were given a tremendous reception. Photograph shows the airmen signing the register immediately they stepped ashore. Autumn. Spring was a pledge, the rarest pro- mise given To truant souls who light their hearts in heaven; Faith with the down plucked from her mother breast Built youth's celestial dreams V> earth- ly neat This Is th© spring's fulfillment: errery mora The golden goal for which the past was bom. Kach crlm.«on mass of flame In aut- umn's Cray Found birth In some love-sanctioned yesterday ; The cnimpled bloom of earth's desert- ed bowers Shall live eternal In next season's flowers; And I, whcvve restless heart no longer grieves, Can hear God speaking In the falling leaves. -"Tiara E. Putnam In Youth's Com- panion. Free of Snakes. The Canary Islands share Ireland's good fortune In having no snakes. trospect suffuses a new color over all that he has left behind. In the tones of the school bell there is a mellow sound that he never heard in his six years of attendance. In the color of the old red bricks thtre is a warmth that he never saw before, and In the brook or in the elm trees beiUde the school playground there Is such a charm and sadness that he will stand near them with a bowed and reverent head as In the silence of a cathedral. I have seen an old boy who ha.s been out of school perhaps only five years ! like a ripe thlmbleberry. New Vitr mines. Scientists at the University of Cali- fornia are working on two receatly dis- covered vitauilnes which may prove of great Importance in lengthening life and in preventing animal sterility. One 1.3 a vltamine discovered in tea. It has been named "bios" and is sup- posed to have 300 times the life-giving qualities of other similar vltamines previously found in yeaat. "Bois" was discovered. It Is reported, as a result Elarl Hnig â- ,; .-l.mvn starting cut to opoa u regatta at St. John's New- foundland, on his recent visit to that city. gaze into the open dcor of an empty „, observations that tea drinking peo- classroom and ask, "And those are the same old benches?" with a depth of meaning in his voice. The bonchas al- ready seem to him inflnltely old! That by the way is the moment and the mood in which the "oki boy" may be ?'^"*!l"?i'''"''''''<^ f'"" " subscription to the funds of the school. That is the way as a matter of fact in which the saga- cious head mp.ster does it. The foolish head muster who has not yet learned his business takes the * j "old boy" round and shows him iill the Fuller's earth made into a paste' new thing.?- the Hue now swimming with household ammonia will remove! pool built since his day and the new medicine or wine stains from linen, gymnasiuc with up-to-date patent ap- Spraad the paste on the stains, let it paratua. That method Is aai wrong; 'forty feet OMt o* the water. The lift- dry thoroughly, and then wash out in | the "old boy" Is bored. The wise head j Ing operatioi occupied 3 hours, 45 lukewarm water. master takes him by the sleeve and minutes. Women's hands must larger; the average size of a glove 'sold a few years ago was 6Vi and 6^ ; it has now increased to 6^ and 6%, while the gloves themselves are made slightly larger in each side. pies, including Chinese, Japanese, Irlii hand Kngllsh, are longer lived than some other nationalities. The second substance discovered. ^ tlal.c extracted from wheat. U said to have increased animal fertility to a marked degree. However, the sub- .stanco is present in such small quanti- ties that only a few flakes were se- cured form a ton of grain. Th? greatest British-bui'.t ship in the world, the Olympic, weighing 4B,- Electricity From the Air. The Idea of utilizing .he electricity In the atmosphere for industrial and other puriKJses has always been a fas- cinating one. Mr. Bhattacharyya, of Patna, Ben- gal, has experimented with large paper and linen kites. These were wound with a network of copper wire.-!, and it proved (iesirable later to rephtce the copper wire by silver, owing to the rapid oxidation of the copper sur- face. The kites rose to eight or nine hun- dred feet, when it was found that sparks could he drawn at short inter- vals from an insulated rod attached to the lower end of the metal kite- string. The Interraittont spark..s were made to yield an alternating current 000 tons, was recently towed into a by means of a special transforming floating '. ,N •! and lifted a height of device device. Experiments are now being made with aluminum balloons filled with hydrogen gas. The Color of Water. To speak of color In water seems absurd. A tumbler of water from the tap .9howg DO color at all. How many ln»taDrcs are there, though, where water seems to be colored, either by reflection of light or by material or or- ganisms contained in It. As a rule, tropical seas appear quita blue, and as one trave'.i farther from the Hquator the blue gradually change* to green. The color varies according to tha amount of salt In solution In the water, and as the concentration of saft Is ^"o,â- ^tnst when evaporation Is greatest, and therefore where the sun Is strong- .â-ºI. the bhie Ih Intenslllod towards tha Kipiutor. In the case of the Medllerranunn tha ^Hlt Is further concenlratesi owing to' the fact that less fresh water is de-| potlted Into It by rivers. The blue sky | also Incraasas the color of the .sea by Its reflection. * £ â- Â»>*'» Hweet peas have not yet been grown to yield both yellow and blue flowers; this peculiarity marks all blossoms. To clean a saucepan that has occn burnt Inside, fill with hot water, add a piece <^ soda, and lente to soak for a few hoOTn. Then put on the gn< and bring to the boil, and the burnt matter win peel off qalte easily. Scornful Cookery Phrases. Why the buslne&s c( the cook shciMf' be used as a vehicle of scorn and re- venge is a mystery of (Wr mysterious language. We boast that we "have settled his hasih" when we have "squashed" a man, and when counsel very severely cross-examines a witness, or a mis- tress gives a servant what is common- ly c-jlli-d "a piece of her mind," we say that both got "a jolly good roasting." It anyohe has been thoroughly bam- boozled, or made a fool of, we say he has been "doue brown." Why do we say that certain circum- stances or happenings have put a man "Into a pretty stew." or that a certain young man has "got himself into boil- ing water," which almost certainly re- fer.^ to the dropping of some living animal, like the lobster. Into the pot? And why do we refer to someone who has shown a lack of intelligence as {"only half baked?" I The phrase "I've rooked his goose" ^ has an ancient origin. When Eric, King of Sweden, reached a certain I town with vory few sohllers, the I enemy hung cut a goose for him to : shoot. Finding, however, thaj It was no matter for jest, the townsfolk sent ; heralds to learn what he wanted. Hte reply ycu." wna: 'To cook your goose tor Seme of the gii'., who t.iok part in the intercouiuy hous.lv.)!;! irta judging crmietiiion at the lan:ulian National K.\h;bUi;)u are shown wl U thd Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. Hen. John 8. Martin. From left to right they are: Mabel SchopI, of WlUiamsford, Grace Brand, of Jarvis; Hoc. John S. Martin; Mn.'joiie Toole, of Newmarket, and Pearl Church, of StreetSfUig, I Fisherman Returns Fortune I to Deported Japanese j Through the honesty of a fi'herma^ I of Victoria. B.C.. Yokichi Fukuda, ' Japanese deported from Seattle, has"' regained his saviiigs of five years which he lost in an attercpt to swim • a.^hor? from the steamer carrying him b.'.^-k to his 'nomeland. Five months ago Fukuda was ord- ered to return to Japan when immi- frration authorities in Soatil* Jjj ; that he had entered that i yt-'i-.rs ago without a pass| ' wns p'.aced .iboard the Nippon* Kai^ha steamer lyo Maru. Wlwn steamer wii:- frr from shore Fnkuda . liivod overhonrd with a box centalq I ing $50 nnd a bcnk book i2,."i80 ypn deposited in the Yolf*-- I .Specie Bank Branch in Seattk his back. His attempt to smu* aelt into Victoria failed aQd \ , returned to the ship, but in his gle with the wavea he lost hi.<« pra^J 'â-  cioua box. _^i Five month.H alKniis arrival inl Toki.i the box jjH^f'""'warded to him hy a (ish^mlfh, who found it off tha ca^.t of Mritish Columbia. I 4. I We jhould be less ar\iou.<« for soni*. Ihirji to be done for us and iiiore car^ I ful tiiat nothing be done W M.

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