Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1924, p. 1

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•^ijie /Ie0l)^tt0tt %hmnct Vol.45 No. 20 Flesherton, Ontario, October 15, 1924 W.H.Thurston & Son, Proprietors t i- r PRICEVILLE ( Intended for Last Week) | The fall fair held here on Thursday and Friday of last week was a decid- • ed success. The weather, both days, was all that could be desired, and the exhibits on ^he grounds were very much better than in former years, both as to quantity and quality. The exhibits in the hall, perhaps, were not quite so numerous m some classes as last year, but the quality was ex- cellent. The concert at night in Watson's hall, put on by the Shel- bum Concert Company, was a real treat, and was enjoyed by a packed house. The Highland dancing shy Master J. D. Armstrong, at the grounds and also at the concert, was thoroughly enjoyed. J. D. is the son of an old Priceville girl, Jessie Gillies, and therefore seems to belong here. The proceeds of the concert were $147.00. Mr. Bobs McKinnon of Toronto came up for the fair and is renasijning â- for-a COopJe- of weefes' holidays with relatives and friends here. Mr. Findlay McPhail of Toronto came up for the fair and visited with his daughter. Miss Delilia. Mrs. D. G. McLean is visiting her cousin, Mrs. E. Halliday, near M«unt Forest, who had the misfortune to fall and break her hip. Miss Annie Harrow, Mrs. HaiTow and Miss Pennie McAllister of Owen Sound visited over the week *nd with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Beaton, 4th line north. Mrs. T. C. Mino of Owen Sound spent the week end vnth her brothers, Archie and Dan McDonald. Miss Maggie Derby of Edmonton, who is visiting her uncle, Mr. H. Bur- nett, visited last week with her friend. Miss Bertha James, here. Miss Lizzie Mather is visiting with friends near Vamey this week. Mrs. Burt of Detroit is visiting her brother, Mr. Hector R. McLean, for a couple of weeks. i Mr. Neil McLean of Detroit is vis- iting his brother, Mr. Chas. McLean, and sister, Mrs. Salter, this week. Miss Sinclair of Owen Sound was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Carr the past week. Mr. Martin McLeod of Tilbury vis- ited last week with his father, Mr A. D. McLeod. Mrs. Barker of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett of the South Line. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gillies and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong motored up from Toronto for the fair and visited until Sunday with friends here. FEVERSHAM A number from here attended the funeral of the late Samuel Eagles at the Gibraltar cemetery on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Whiteoak and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Davidson attend- ed the fair at Markdale on Wednes- day of last week and visited with the former's uncle, Jas. Whiteoak. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson visited with friends in CoUingwoiod last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ottewell, Mr. S. Brownridge and son, Em., visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Blak- ely at Corbetton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weldrick of Ravenna were callers in our village on Thursday last. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Foley and two children of CoUingwood motored over and visited with Mrs. Foley's father. Mr. W'm. Conn Sr., and other friends last week. Mr. .A.lex. Malcolm of Collingv.-ood was a caller in this village on Friday. John Paul has erected a verandah on his residence. Miss Alena Moore and Miss Mc- Kitrick of CoUingwood are holiday- ing at the former's home just south of the village. Mr. Moir and Mr. C. Wiley of Not- tawa were callers in our village on Monday. Mr. Moir was having a look at the grain grinder in our mill here, as he is installing a grinder in his mill at Nottawa. Mr. Jas. Speer and daughter, .Agnes are spending a few days with friends in CoUingwood. Mr. Wm. W'oods of CoUingwood has returned to our village and will again open up a barber shop in the White- oak block. Mr. W'oods seems to like the atmosphere of this mountain village as he comes back every fall. Mr. and Mi-s. R. J. Whiteoak at- tended the marrige of the latter's sister, Miss Sadie Julian, to Mr. Chas. Hornby, in CoUingwood on Tuesday. We wish to offer congratul^ions. CEYLON MAXWELL Mrs. Long; Sr., is visiting in Fev- ersham w^ith her son, ."'Hmes Long. Miss Ahice Ross has taken a posi- tion as assistant in the office of the Osprey Municipal Telephone system. School was closed dimn? Thurs- day and Friday, while our teacher. Miss Maynard, attended the conven- tion at Owen Sound. Mr. W. Irwin and daughter, of Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Lawler during the past week. Miss Kate Jamieson of Eugenia was visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. Hillock. Mr. James Radley of Toronto, ac- companied by Mr. Frank Young and Mr. Geo. Ross, visited with Mrs. Thos. Guy and other friends over the week end. A great many have been taking advantage of the fine weather during the past few days by taking up their potatoes. Potatoes are an excellent crop this year in this section. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2HD is the re-openingr day at the OWEN SOUND Our forty-three successful year under the present principal is a guarantee for the thoroughness of our business, shorthand and preparatory courses. Catalogue fre«. C. A. Fleming. F.C.A. G. D. FlcminK. Principal. Secretary. Mr. Percy Hemphill returned home the past week from Toronto, where he recently underwent an operation. His many friends are pleased to see him much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Rumsey of Meaford were callers at R. Cook's last week. Mr. George Banks was at Hamilton on business last week returning on Friday. Miss .\llie McMullen visited with Owen Sound friends a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs Fred Mathew^son of Toronto motored up and sptent the , wesk end with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson of Durham visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .\rrowsmith. Mr. and Mrs. Senerrur and family of Hanover \-isited at Mr. N. .Archi- bald's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and family visited with friends at Markdale the firsht of the week. I Threshing is the order of the day. ' Mr. James Radley, Mr. Young and a friend of Toronto visited Mrs. Bol- ton and son, Levi, on Saturday. We are sorry to report Miss Irene Stewart ill, but hope for a speedy , recovery. 1 Mr. George Patterson of the 4th line visited with his brother here the first of the week. Mr. Allan McKinnon of Sunnidale has taken charge of Mr. Frank Col- linson's farm here. Mrs. P. Norris has returned to her home in Saskatchewan after spending the past six weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. Sinclair, here and other friends. PORTLVvV â- I DEATH OF MRS. GORLEY. Mrs. Euphemia Gorley, an old res- ident of Eugenia vich^ity, died on Thursday of last week of pneumonia at the age of 82 years, at her home in that \-illage. where she had been liv- ing recently. Mrs. Gorley was highly esteemed among her neighbors. She i leaves to mourn, two sons and three ! daughters â€" Robert of Eugenia, and ; George in Markdale; Mrs. Walker Sloan and Mrs. Stoba of Toronto, and â-  Mrs. Collins of Newmarket. The fn- neral took place on Saturday from her late residence to Salem burial ground. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Robt. Hill, who has been in poor health for some time, is at Col- lingwood hospital, receiving treat- ment, which all hope will be .••uccess- ful in restoring her to good health. .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fletcher ar- rived home last week after spending the summer visiting friends at vari- ous points in Ontario. They both looks as though the outing agreed with them. Mr. Herb Badgerow is improving slowly, but is still very weak and un- able to leave his bed. Mrs. Wauchope who has spent the past three months with her daughter, Mrs. Sheardown, leaves for her home in Toronto this week. Rally day services were held at. Mount Zion Sunday School last Sun- day and proved very interesting and helpful. The service was conducted by the Superintendant, Mrs. Thos. Taylor. The children were assigned a large share of the service, and the acquitted themselves creditably. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Duffield, spoke on the assigned topic, "Our neighbors" and gave an inspiring address. In future, Sunday school will be held at 2 o'clock p.m., instead of fore- noon and afternoon as formerly. Harvesting is practicSlly* over and a good crop has been garnered in. ROCK MILLS Mrs. W. T. Pedlar spent the past week with her daughter, Mfs. John Wickens, Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts and fam- ily spent Sunday at Mr. McDermid s, Priceville. T Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith visited with Mr. James Smith and wife at Mark- dale. â€" Mr. and Mrs. W. "J. Newell and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Charles New- ell \-isited with relatives near Dur- ham. Mr. Robert Laughlin spent a couple of days last week with his mother near Feversham. Quite a number from here attended Markdale fair Wednesday last and report a splendid time. Mrs. R. Hoy spent a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Phillips in Toronto. The U.F.W.O. Club held their Oc- tober meeting at the home of Mrs. A. F. Pedlar on Thursday last. The President. Mrs. Pedlar, took the chair and opened by all singing The Maple Loaf. The Creed was then read, after which the business part took place. Mrs. Isaac Smith inrited the Club to her home for the next meet- ingk, to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 5th. .\ dainty lunch was then served and a social half hour was spent. The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the National .\nthem. VANDELEUR For the Honor of Old Ontario VOTE FOR THE O.T.A. WHY? Government Sale in Quebec not as profitable. Gross profit. ~$3.772.824: but the people paid out $47,226,028 for liquor to get that profit. There is never anything of value left for money spent in liquor. APPTY THIS TO ONTARIO With her larger population, the expenditure at the same rate would be S53.98S,263 LOSS GOVERNMENT SALE INCREASES TAXES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA 49% Yearly average from $67.74 ' to $103.65 Bank Ciearing* Are A Sign of Prosperity 1920 1923 MONTREAL $7,109,189,038 $5,493,105,773 TORONTO 5.410,214.802 5,591. 368,20,i DECREASE IN MONTREALâ€" S1.616.583.26S INCREASE IN TORONTO 1H1.S5S.40S (Intended for last week) .A large number attended the an- niversary services in the church hero on Sunday afternoon and evening. Rev. Hutchinson of Milton gave an excellent address at both services. Special music was given by the choir Mr. and Mrs. .A.mos Smith, and son. Clare, of Meaford. also Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gilbert of Markdale were visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert. Mr. Cole of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs L. Johnston. The Ladies' .A.id held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Davis Sr.. o!'. Thux-sday afternoon of last week. Considerable business was carried on. The ladies quilted a nice large quilt for the missionaries. .A. dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Davis Sr.. Mrs. Geo. Buchan- an and Mr. Frank Davis, visited with the former's sister, ^rs. Davidson of Chesley. the former will remain for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mi-s. R. Richardson spent a day with Mr. and - Mrs. George Pritchard. Mrs. Johnson Sr. is sick at her home at present. Miss Leila Purvis has returned home after spending a week with Mrs. L. Johnston and other friends. FOIRTH LINE. EAST Mr. and Mrs. Harold Y'ouns and little daughter. Eleanor, motoi-ed from Detroit and spent a w^eek with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Young have returned to Detroit, acompanied by their aunt. Mrs. -Archie Campbell. .\ number from here spent Sunday at Eugenia Park. Mr .Albert Hayes spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Oagle Bellerby spent the week end with the latter's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Roden and daugh- ter spent the week end with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. John C. Milne. .\ number from this line are busy raising their potatoes which have yielded a fairly good crop. 8TH LINE, ARTEMESIA TCRCNTO LINE. NORTH Vote! Vote for the O.T.A. It will bring peace and joy; Do not vote for government control For if you do â€" Oh, boy! For if it beat the O.T..A. There'll be many a sad, sad day. Temptation before our boys will stand .And rob them of their hopes so grand Many a man»will go down and out -And for the O.T.A. again will shout. Many and many a home will be sad- dened. When hu.sband and son with drink are maddened; Many and many a woman in perfect content Into a stage of worry will be sent. Many ap rison cell again will be filled Many and many a heart will be stilled Many and many an improvement made Will commence at once to degrade. Manufacturers want men steady and sober, Make 'em so on the 23rd of October. Many and many a man will be sacked If the government control beats the Temperance .Act. Do not favor the liquor trade Nothing but evil, it has c-ver made. Premier Ferguson, he has said To help all he could if Temperance led The O.T.A. has hslped humanity. Government control •.vill cause in- sanity. Hurrah! Hurrah for the O.T..A. On October the 23rd day. -All honor to her name That stands for peace, joy and fame. Out I Out with thr Liquor Traffic That means evil, strife and shame. Help! Help the O.T..A. in her great race -And keep our Ontario from horror and disgrace. The voting day will soon be here. Condemn not the O.T.A. for the boot- legging shame: Play up boys and play the game -And to the Temperance -Act adhere. Mr. John Fenwick and family of Chesley, accompanied by Mr Monroe, motored down and spent the week end with the former's brother, Mr. Thos. Fenwick. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Tempest have taksn up their abode in Mr. .Alex. Cameron's cottage. Mr. Jas. Porteous and Mr. .Alfred Genoe motored to Kitchener with Mr. Harry Foester of Eugenia and spent a couple of days. Mr. Genoe visit- ed his sister. Mrs. Boyce. Misses Lizzie Mtirphy and Isla Magee gave a party at the home of Mr. and Mr?. T. Fenwick in honor of Miss Martha Fenwick. who is now- attending " jsiness college in Owen Sound. Martha likes the work line and we wish her every success. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett and children visited Owen Sound friends one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leppard visited recently with Mr. Leppard's sister, Mrs. Wright, and husband of Meaford We express our profound sympathy to the Gorley family in the loss of their mother, who was so highly sstcemed by all w^ho knew her. Mr. Saig;on. who visited in this \4cinity for a couple of weeks return- ed to CoUingwood Saturday. Threshing and potatoe digging is the order of the day, for which the weather is very favorable. Mrs. John Roome of Proton was the guest of her friend, Mrs. .Albert Stewart, the first of the week. Mrs. Robert Richardson spent a day with her parents at Vandeleur. Miss K. McMillan of Swinton Park is \'isiting her cousin. Mrs. George Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and fam- ily of Owen Sound motored down on Sunday and visited with Mrs. Smith's brothers. A pen nib extracted from the foot of a Toronto woman had been swal- lowed by her thirty-one years ago. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modem Funeral Parlor 1^4 AVEME ROAD Toronto, On*. 'Phone Hillcrest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddodu PROTO-N STATON Mr. Sam Batchelor is buying grain at his granary here and purposes as soon as poscible to begin chopping. Mr. Robirrt Carson is opening a barber shc;T in the building which was used by the Bank of Commerce. The Bell Telephone Company has extended' this line Xo. 44. a mile southward and they are placing this modern convenience in the homes of Messrs. Wm. Ruddick and Hugh Hodgins. Postmaster McCannel has disposed of his fann to Mr. Robt. McPherson. Our sihojl teacher. Miss Speers. attended the Teachers' Convention at Orangeville last Thursday and Fri- day and also visited over the week end at her home at Erin. Miss Edith Consley also attended the con- vention. Misses -Ada and Maude .Acheson spent the week end at their home here after attending the convention at Orangeville. On the evening of October 22nd a meeting will be held in the Presby- toiran church here in the interest of the plebiscite vote to be taken the following- day. .Able .speakers will be present. Lantern slides v.ill be shown and appropriate music rend- ered!. Evcryiody come. .Mrs. Neil McKechnie and son. Colin of Flesherton. visited with Mrs. S. Batchelor. Thre-hing is the order of the day. HOUSE OF Q.UALITY GROCERIES â€" A full line of fresh groceries always on hand. FRUIT â€" Oranges, Grape fruit. Lemons, Ban- anas and other fruit in season. CHOCOLATESâ€" Neilson's bars, bulk and Fancy boxes. FLOUR and FEED Five Roses Flour, Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Oatchop, Barley chop and wheat chop. W. J. STEWART 8i SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceriei and Confectionery Flesherton ik. O@@0@@®00@S^^€-0C2-I^^S€^S@®@O0OO4»^iK-^ ® © © © «£.• © ® @ .5S Boots &. Shoes In men's wear we have them in the latest styles of Oxfords, both black and tan. $4.25 and up-ward. In ladies we have Oxfords and straps in black, tan and grey, also some nice lines of white shoes. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTAK 10 a ^ ^ ^ o © @ ^ o o CARD OF THANKS The Rev. and Mrs. .A. J. Preston | wish to thank thein many friends who j worked so nobly to entk:nain the j visitors at supt>>.' on Friday last. , October 10th. i CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank kind friends . for sympathy and assistance in our ; Ute trouble, "the death of our son and j I brother, the late Joseph Haxton. j ) â€" Mrs. Haxton and family. .An .Alliston man has a wooden clock which bears the date 1492. the year that Columbus discovered .\mer- ica. Short Term Insurance On The Farmers Crop We can issue you a Short Term Policy to cover your crop in barns for short periods, against loss by fire and lightning. The cost is small and will save you a lot of worry until your crop is disposed of. RATES FURNISHED ON REQUEST FLESHERTON INSURANCE AGENCY OFFICES IN SPROULE BUILDING W. A ARMSTRONG S. E deCUDMORE FOUR TELEPHONES â- 4 1

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