Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1924, p. 7

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RED ROSE TEiL*^ ^od tea! T4 Next time try the finest gradeâ€" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE Surnames and Their Origin NEVIN. N{»cN«vin, Bone, Bona««t VaHatlei Bow«n< RMlar Originâ€" Irlth. •oyre*â€" A given name. Tile family name of NeTin aliouhl not be coafuied wltb that of Nlven, thongh, owlii< to the ease with which one form may be corrupted Into the other throuKh the simple transpoel- tlon of Towela which sound very much alike, th«re Is no doubt that there bare been many instances in which NlTen haa been changed into Nevin, and Tlce versa. The family name of Nevin, unlike Nlven, is dlsUnctly Irish. It is not found aojiong the historical lists of tha Scottish clans. It is derived from tl>« (Ivan name of "Cnamhln," which means a bone," â€" sntl appears tn Its true IriaE form as "O'Cnaimhln" or "MacCnalmhin," with a pronunciation virtually the same as "nevin." In some cases Irish clans of thin name trace it baclc to a younger broth- er of "Owen Mor," or Owen the Great, one of the ancient Irish monarctiB, though the family name does not track bHQf'. to this same individual in all cttaks. At variou-s periods under pressure of English laws and customs, the name has been translated Into the English equivalent "Bone," and Into B'^ass and Bowen on account of their similar sounds. There is a family name of Bowen, also of Welsh origin, but it is not the same, being the modem form of "Ap* Owen," or "aon of Owen." ARBUTHNOT Racial Origin â€" Scottish. 8t>ure»â€" A locality. Bevttral conflicting and fenclful explanations have been given of the origin of the family name of Arbuth- not The truth Is that it is one of thoee family names which were originally place names, and in its first use it de- signated merely the place from which the individual had come or the terri- tory over which he held some sort of BuzMtiinty. Arbuthnot Is a place in Scotland. The older records show it was at one time spelled Aberbttthnoth. One family bearing this name at least traces back in unbroken line to the period in the Middle Agea when the name was deliberately adopted as a result of the feudal sway which it held over the district But while there is a chance that any one bearing this family name niight trace his ancestry epeciflcaily to this family at some period or other, it does not necessarily follow that such is the | case. Some ancestor who merely I lived in that district might have be- come known by the name upon his moving to some other locality. Wheth- er feudal sway or mere former resi- dence was indicated Science Baffled by Scents. Science can do intirveU fiir sight,! hciiriug. and touch, but so (ar it hat i aci,:omplinbed nothing for oar sense of smell. Attempts have been made to And the means by wtiic!i deer and other animals detect a uum's pietunce even though he is a mile or more away and out of sight. Ii seems (airly certain that the secret lies in a wonderfully keen sense of smell, yet elaborate tests have not proved this. Civilized man has lost the keen power of smell with whicli be waB originally endowedd, but many savage races retain it. A tribe in N'orthern Japan track game by the nose alonor exactly like a dog. There is also an Indian tribe In Brazil with the same gift Occasionally a member of one of the white races Is found with similar powers. Dean BuclUand, the British geologist., could tell the locality in which he happened to bo simply by smelling the earth. Once, on being lost while out riding with some friends be picked up a handful of earth, smelt , it, and announced, correctly, that they , were near Uxbrldge. James Mitchell, the blind deaf-mute, invariably recog- nized his friends by the odor peculiar to tliem when they entered bis room. So far from deciding how our olfac- ; tory nerves work, science has not yet discovered what scent Is. A grain of . musk, for example, will perfume a room ; for years, and yet, on being weighed, ; will be found not to have diminished ^ even a fraction In size. I fQadgfi #CUT PLUG C)GDE^ps LIVERPOOL ^#*p â-  â-  m^mm^m THF GROWING GIRL Requires a Mother's Constant Care and Watchfulness. family name in the first place would have been the same, "de," the Norman- French method of saying "of." In their early teens It is quite com- mon for girls to outgrow their strength, and mothers should careful- ly watch the health of their daughters at this time, (or it is when strength Is sapped by too rapid growth that anaemia develops. The first signs may be noticed by peevishness, lan- the prefix to the guor and headaches. The face grows HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. It Is only the sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not &leep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom- tch, banish constipation, colic and in- digestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed (ree trom opiates and may be given to the new-born babe with per(ect safety. you can obtain the Tablets through »ny medicine dealer at 25 cents a box, or by mail, post paid, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Out. «i The dress of a New Guinea woman i â-  „ lasts her a lifetime. It consists of the' ,^^t5j "I suppose you know what happens to girls who tell untruths?" "Sure. They catch husbands." pale, breatblessness ;.nd palpitation follow, with low spirits. At the first symptom o( anaemia mothers should act at once. Neglect- ed anaemia o(ten leads to decline, but If you see that your daughter's blood is enriched there need be no cause for anxiety. The finest blood enrlcher ever diseovered Is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The pure, red blood created by these pills will quickly banish all signs of anaemia. They will build up your girl's health and ensure her a robust girlhood. Give your daughter a course o( Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now. Make her strong like thousands of girls and women throughout Can- ada who have been rescued from the clutches o( anaemia by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Out. I Like Bulbs in Windows. Years go, when I lived in a cold house and the plants would freeze now and then or get chilled enough never to be really nice, I learned the value tattooing made on her skin or of ai leries of small scars made in a pat- tern across her chest and shoulders. Children take things very literally. During a very muddy spell we look out of the window and saw a team al- most stuck in the mud and some one remarked: "My! just look at those' of tl»e hardy bulbs. I could have horses, they are barely crawling' flowers even If the soil in the pots Little Katherine, aged five, | f l»o"l<l freeze a crust, looked out of the window and turned with a disappointed look, saying: "Oh! I thought they were down on their hands and knees." Serve Mustard vfith all meal s Sl^ Mustard enables you tc enjoy hiUhmtist be Keens ^u Ca^vSiand^ on this 14bsh3€}ai Our SM^ Pearl Ware Wash Board is so strong, tough and durable that a full-grown man or mroman can stand on it without doing Uie nibbing surface or any part of it the least harm ! The enameled sur- face won*t chip, flake or peel off. Think of the wear there is in such a wash board! There is the same wearing qualities in all articles in SHPPe«ffl Ware. Try out the prash board and be conTinccd. jfskforSUP â- Shut MtmLnwaucncal MOKmCAl VWtOMfO WIHNlPtO â- SnOMTCtt VMKOmH OkLOAIIv A light chill had no effect on even the more tender sorts, such as the paper-whites and (reesias, while the hyacinths seemed to welcome the cold. Then 1( I wanted flowers in a room where I kept no Are, but where the temperra- ture was well above freezing â€" around 50 or 60 degrees most of the time â€" I could have them, (or all the hardy bulbs like such cool quarters. They will do better In a cool room than in a warm one, though in the ordinary liv Ing-room temperature they will do well If kept moistâ€" H. A. <. Youth Asks. I wonder what they know, They must be very wise. With all a lifetime garnering Behind their dulling eyes; And yet they talk of tiny things And petty things, long known, And handle li(e that burns so hard As if It were a stone. Oh, what are life and Uvlng And what is great and small? For I am sick with wisdom. Who have not lived at all! â€" Margaret Wlddemer. Masks and Faces. Ilie makins of plaster masks from l!vi!;g (aces bids (air to supersede por- trait-painting and photography in Vienna. A well-know i sculptor has established a studio (or this purpose, and Is doing a thriving business â€" the majority o( his clients being women. A mask of this kind can be made in a quarter o( an hour, and costs about twenty-five dollars. The skin Is •smeared all over with grease, the eyes closed with sticking plaster and the ears stuffed with cotton wool. A tube between the lips, and another In the nostril, prevents suffocation, while silk threads are placed on the skin before the plaster is put on to make it easy to remove when tlie "sitting" ia over. Masks of women made in this way are o(ten finished off with wigs, while thaee of men may be adorned with hats. Their terrible rigidity and death- like pallor have an effect which Is both weird and grueisome to the last de- gree. But the sculptor could not get orders (or statues and he had to live. So he started this business, which bida fair to become (ar more remunerative than the mere carving of marble. Is Britain Tilting? Is Britain becoming higher In the I north and lower in the south? Scien- tists say that it Is. I Recently a number of readings have I been taken to find out the height above sea-level o( the land in various districts, The results show that since %he last readings were taken, about fifty years ago, the North o( Scotland has risen about bal( an Inch, while the South o( England has sunk by rather less than that distance. It is already an accepted fact that land is rising and falling in other â- parts of the world. The coast o( Nor- way, (or instance, Is rising about halt an Inch a year, while the coast of Hol- land Is sinking by that amount. Britain once (ormed part o( the mainland o( Europe. The land in be- tween gradually sank until the sea covered . It and formed the English Channel and the North Sea. Such earth movements, gradual or convulsive, are in operation ceaseless- ly upon the earth's surface. Their im- pulse seemingly arises from the (act that, the core o( the earth being o( heavier material than the crust on which we live, the latter naturally re- sponds to the expansion or shrinkage o( the mass, largely metallic, which it surrounds. G«a Welle Aa Storage. Exhausted gas wella are used am Morage reeervoirs (or natural gaa near Pittsburg. 1 do not care to fool any man; when he discovers I have fooled him, he will do me more harm than n^ cunning did me good. â€" E. W. Howe. HOTELS. rj LYDE HOTEL, 158 KING EAST, ^^ Toronto. Meals, twentj'-flve cents} rooms, dollar daily, $4.00 weekly. Ws^^ '<â- ' y*" "** i^r*"«<* â-  ^•gl^Olau. HeaUiy CMdIiIra Hid Cl^NlfoeMoxtoe Eye Scnicdy rll K kl CitJ^^laht and Moning.''^ Matp HHU!9fm Ctua,atmx aa4 SeaUtqr. Write for Free Ere Care Book. atewC«alfitoC>M»gailBldaafcm.Ctltigg A Month Later. Anna â€" "It's such a pity you were Blck at Easter and couldn't wear your | new spring hat." Anne â€" "Yes^ â€" and :iow it's entirely out of style!" - â€" •> • Mlnard's Liniment Relisves Pain. A Returned Evil. .\n American tourist was shown to a room in a hotel in Brussels, where he found twenty candles stuck In a chan- delier. As It was dark, the attendant lighted them all, but the guest had been In European hotels before and made him put them out immediately. This was o( no avail, however,. In his bin next day he (ound them charged â€" "Twenty candles, ten (rancs" (two dol- lars). He went back to the room and took out all the candles, wrapped each one in a bit o( paper and slipped them into his overcoat pocket. When he was about to leave the house he found the servants drawn up in two lines in the hall, ten men servants on one side, the maid servants on the other, all smiling and ready (or the expected tip. Then he drew out his package and dls- trlbutd the candles, one to each.. "Al- low me, monsieur," he said, with a bow; "permit me, madame. They are very superior candles. I can assure you, I paid ten cents apiece for them." Then he stalked out and le(t them all staring at the candles like a set of wooden Images. A Fight Under the Sea. A diver named Cappndona tells a graphic story of a terrific underwater encounter which he has just had with a stlng-ray more than a yard square. While repairing cables off the French Mediterranean coast Cappa- dona spotted the fish behind soni>' rocks. Suddenly the ray dashed at him and almost stunned him with a blow o( the tail. The man detended himseK with the dagger divers always carry and stab- bed the fish between the eyes^ but a perfect rain of tail blows (ollowed, and the fish only made off when apparently bleeding to death. The sting-ray emits electrical shocks with its tail. When drawn up, Cappadona was (ound to have a seriously wounded arm. Headache Bathe the (orehead with Mlnard's In water. Also Inhale. The natives of New Guinea eat grub worms, rats, lizards, frogs, snakes and crocodile eggs along with other meat and vegetables. I 1^ Sweeten r the Stomach Buy your out-o(-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. -^ Drivers Improve With Age. According to Dr. J. J. Snow, nation- ally known psychologist, automibile drivers between the ages o( 30 and 39 are least likely to have accidents^ while those (rom 20 to 29 are consti- tutionally more careless. The old supposition that married men are lese likely than single men to have acci- dents has been definitely dlsproven, he declares. Fitnees to drive an auto- mobile is solely a matter of intelli- gence, caution and quick nervous re- action to the needs of a sudden emer- gency. « You can always tell the age of a Japanese woman by looking at her hair. She wears a gold pin in her hair until she reaches the age of 26. At 30, the pin is white. At 40, the women wear plain shell combs. It would take a mind reader toj^ell the age of an American woman •y her hair. They bob from 6 to 96. ♦ >.liMrd'« LlniDMirt tor KheumaUsiiw TROUBLED WITH ECZEMAiN FACE! Very Itchy. Caused Erup- tions. Could Not Sleep. Cuti cura He aled. " I was troubled with eczema on my bee. It brcke cut in a rash on my chin and was very itchy. Scratching caused eiuptions and in a few weeks it spread all over my face. I could not sleep, and when- ever I washed my lace I would almost have to scream. " I read an adveriisement for Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment ood or- dered a free sample. I purchased more, ai^d after using two cakes of Soap and one box of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Kath- leen Rotbenbush, Box 40, Duff, Sask. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum daily and keep your skin dear and healthy. „ . iMjk rraa kr Ibli. AMnm Canndiaii De^t: -ttatirani, r. 0. In t(l«. IlM.tntL'' PriSbJ**P>e- Ulntin«nt»>ii<ltOc. T»Irum2t<. VyoOTiMw ShsTiaa Slick. ISSUE N». 41â€" '2-r. iHeadNoisesandDeafiiess I Fraoueotly so together. Soma people | only suffer from Head NolstB. LEONARD EAR OIL I tellerss both Deafness >u>d Read I I Kolsas. Just mb It b*ck of tbeaars,ln . I utX In noatrlls and folio** directions 1 I of Dr. J. B, BeiBsaoa for "Cars of I J Hsaring," enclosed In each packae*. I â- Leonard Bar Oil Isfor sale!everywbeic I I latmmtint deacnpttnMder I lAjtt amnt apon iwtoMI <„a| Lrf*«««»JJtoc,70SUiAvo,Ne«^?J OOKT DO THIS. TJSB LEONARD -! NERVES AND FAINTING SPELLS Sent Woman to Bed. Great Change After Taking Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sarnia, Ontario.â€" " After my girlie was born I was a wreck. My nsryea were too terrible for words and 1 sim- ply could not stand or walk without pains. 1 suffered with fainting spells vmtil I was no longer any good for my hou.sehold duties and had to take to my bed. The doctor said 1 should have an operation, but I was not in a fit condition at that time. My neighbor said, 'Why don't you try Lydia E. PinUham's Veg- etable Compound? I am sure it will do you good and will save those doctor's bills. So I was advised by my husband to try it after 1 told him about it. I am very thankful to say that 1 v.'as soon able to take a few boarders for a while as rooms were scarce at that time. My baby is 17 months old now and 1 have not yet had an operation, thanks to your medicine. I have recommended the Vegetable Compound to a few people I know and have told them the Kood it has done me. I know I feel and look a dif- ferent woman these last few months and I certainly would not be without a bottle of your medicine in the house. You can use this letter as you see fit, as I should be only too glad for thos« suffering as 1 have to know what it has done for me."â€" Mrs. Robert G. Mac- Gregor, R. R. No. 2, Sarnia, Ontario. A recent canvass of women users of the Vegetable Compound report 98 out of 100 received beneficial results. This is a remarkable proof of its merit. G etniuie Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by rflillions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache / « Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatian Accept only " Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer' boxes of 12 tablets â€" Also bottles of 24 and 100 â€" Dniggista. Aaplrin Is the tnttr mark frvcHtrml In Oacaila) of Barrr Mirnfwtvre of ttmtametOt- KKlMtvr of S«llr,TUrn>ld iA.-ri»l S»:irJllo AclO, "A. S. A."). While It la >.«l| kBO«B lliat Aaplrin iSMnit Bartr laiinutM-inre, lo assliit tb* public saalut Inltatloka, Tiw TsMstS at Bafw Oompan)' will bs sumptd with tbelr â- asral tn«s Bstk, the "feafk r ftiM.f' •*•'*

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