f ^ â- ;V"- THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE AorriMO. TBIMMINQ, aoaSEBHOBINO, WOOD WOBK. FIRST PRIZE WHERETER SHOWN, ItnUBSB. LATH. BBIirOLKB' JOB WOBK. FOB VSHI0£>S1S MANUFACTUBSSO AT Heard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. Our WacKons the Best. OlCJta LAND R0LLEK8 •nr Buggies the Best- STRAW CUTTERS, MOWEKH, Oar CuCters the Best- dOUFFLEHS, BINDEBS, I FLOWS. Our Improred Marrows the Best. TURNIP DRILLS, GANG PLOWS ilEALTH FOR ALL. Holloway's Pills and Ointment T HE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct nil Disorders of Liver, St:omacli, Kidn'ys, a,n<l Do-welM. They inwigorate aul rostoro to health Debilitateil Constitutions, and are invaluable in coui- pli^iutHiuoidental to Famalea o< all aues. For Children and the aged they are priceloss THE OINTMF.iS T •n Infallible ranieay tor Had Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wo inds. Sores and Ulcers. It in famous tor Gout and Bheumatism. For disorders ci the Cbe:>t it has no equal For SORB THROAT, BROJyCHlTIS. COUGHS, COLDk GlandularSwelliuga, and all Skin Diseases it has no riral; and for contracted and stiff jointe it acts like a charm. Uiinuf actnred only at Professor Hollow ay's Establishment, 7S, New Oxford Street < late 533, Oxford Street), London, •nd are sold at Is. l^d., 2s. 9d., 48. Od., lis., ^s., and 38s. each Box or Pot, and may be had of all Med icine Vendors throuRhout the World. >»â- Purdluisert shotdd look ic the Label im the. Pots and Bores. IJ the addrttt ia not 53S, Oxford Street, Lmidmi, titey are /tp^irimt*. AT HIiF. AGAIN. I have now got my uew premises fitted up and am proptu'ed todu all busluoHS in my line with ueatuutib and despatch, and am in bettor position than ever to attend to the wants of my custom- ers. A growing business shows a growing con- fidence. Qetyuur boots aud shoes mode at the «stabli>ibiuentuf N. B.â€" We gusirantee satiafactlon. KICKER S Should call on Jos. Smith, Piesherton, and secure a pair of shoes from him. Lighter kinds with the best of workmanship for those who are not KICKERS. QOK'T READ T»ES. *^ THE OLD UELIABLK ^Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co,, 28 years before the people. Is 50 per cent cheap- er tbun the next ohuapost, and as safe as tbo safest. Tbo only purulv Farmers* Com- pany i-.i this part of Grey. 374 cents on too â- ^I'.v for:J \oar;j is the hiRhost its Voljcy Holders h«H overpaid. ThoSydonbain iiiKures at two thirds tbe act tial value, and iu case of loss pays the full aiuDunt of the risk. \Vm. a. UAVMAN..\guut, - • Walter's Falls. S I Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody 1 The nndersiRnod has started a now carriage manufactury and ropairint; shop in Flosherton, whuru you can H«t your repairs done on short notice and on i-easonablo turn<B. Carriage Trimiuins:, Painting:, Bcpairiiig. and everything in tbo carriaRo making lino, ^ive lueauall. Satisfaution guar--tnteod Shop over MoTavish's smith. Shop. Black- "WANTED : Sniosinaxi to handloour liardy lines of Nurs- ery-0took. Hanne^orne outfit free, salary or comiuission from shirt. Have done business in Canoila over thirty yoars. Success guaranteed to pusliiim mnu if they follow our instructions. AVrite for turui'^ at ouco. Chase Brothers' Company, Nurserymen Colbornu, Out. Steal S^;7'earl!I)rmk E, T. Ilaiiiilton. Floshortou, Jan. 21, 1891, Scientific Amerioan Agency for tway fy your *• fraia • couu- Bad company try fown as fi A tnith IVhal R. A. Peattie, the D. C. Painter says about work. IIousoT5ign,Carriage and Ornamental Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and Glays Painting. All work GUARANTEED. KextDoDrto Baptist Church CAVEATS, . TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc For information and free Handbook write to MUNJJ * CO., 3U1 BUOADWAY, Nkw Yobk. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Srery patent takeu out bv us is brought before the public by a nutlf:e given free uf cbat^e in the L.irK03t ciroulrttinn of P.ny sclnntiflo paper In the world. ^iplfniliUIv- illUiitratotl. Mo iiitelliuHitt mun .ihould be w'ltbuuL it.. WeeUtv, 93. UO a year; $1.50 six months. A-ldresa MtJNN 3t 00^ Pui;l.l£iutUd« 361 UivaUvay, 2iow Vur^ SiJcVioK S'^i<^ Valuable Prdifrprty To owners of horses and The public in general. TT A T rp Before goirij,' further and examiue tlie large stoo k of horse- £L*^J^ ^ meu's requisiteB kept in stock by tbo uudersiy^ned. You and mc, we make tlie boss Harness .tl a very reiisonable figure. Good workmanship, and no apiireutiees allowed to experimeat ou work wo put out. Tberfi cau bo no BETWEEN appreutiees allowed to at^ Two Opinions That our stock of sundries ia eistincj of sini^h bells, whips, axlo jjrease.^cuny combs, and everything conceivable re<piire. Call aud examiue and be couviuc(id. complete, cou- iniuks, valises, which horsemen D. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. The Township of Gleuelg UNDER .TUd by virtue of the power of snlo i1*u^4^ ll Was SO gOod tO h( a certain uRroeniuiit with tho Vendors, i^^ r /' i i f *i Which will bopn:(itmudattitnu of nale. and on <lear lueu 01 UOU Speak 01 tl default bi:in^ made in paynuMit of tlio monoyH thereby secured. there will hootToied forsalo by Public Auction l>y A. S.Vaiiriusu'j. auctioneer, at MuDfibaw'tiboteliiu the Villsg^^ of bloshert^iu un Thiirsaay, tlie Utli day of Janui ry, 1892, At two o'clock.aftornoon.the follow in{j Property, nainely: Lot number twenty. in tho fouuheoii- cuAHioii, North of the Durhtiui Honil. in thr s«id Township of tiienolM. oontainius IW acres more or leKH. 1 1ll bo liiutlH are improved mii) iu a Rood ftLrinin:; district. On the premises are said to a wood bou^e and wood barn. XE Stalls t Tun per cent, at ti'ueof fialo, anil for tlio Lalanro terniR will bo liberal, and will be made known at time of Rate. For I'nrthur^ particulars apply to Messrs. Bellamy Sc Henderson* Kl,e»brrtuk. Or to MOS8. BARWICK A FRANKS*, V«ndor'(i Solicitors, Toronto. DatodlBthday of I>M,.lfl»l. Boar 4for Service. Well bred white boar for norrice, (rot by Peatherson'i iniportoj atock.oo lot 179, W. T. i 8. K.. Artentosla. deca^ilt JUH.N W. 8TiS80N. Proprietor. A Trip to China. Mit8 Pears'jn,\vlici left Inst fall as :i luisaionary tt> Chii>ii,haa written nienuthy and interesting letter to hor relatives here, dated from blmnghai, and The Ad- vance has been permitted tu publish it. We omit her short desuriptiou uf the trip across the cnntiiicnt, as this has been fully and elabiM-ittuly di!acril»d in these columns, but will be^jiu with her first entry after sailiu^. Tliia is as fuUdvrs : Wednesday, Oct. 28 â€" Three days spent ill seclusion. Have not been able to leave my stateroom since Sunday eTeuing until tlua afternoon, when I went out into the hull, but was glad to get back and lay my head ou the pillow. I have every reason to pniise Him for His wonderful keep- ing power. Have realized all the time His gracious presence. While the boat rolled I could lie here and ask Him to speak peace to the troubled waves, as He did ou' the sea of (laliiee. 1 do praise Him, for Ho has quieted the foaming deep, and we a'-e gliding along as caluilyias poiftible. Wfi arrived in Vancouver on time at 12.00, then the cry was "all passeu* gars for the steamer get on board at once, for the ship sails immediatelr." Then what a liuiry ; riiuiiing with baggage and inquiring for Mr. Brown, the ticket agent Soon Mr. Brown Ibnntl tlie tickets put to rights, the steamer boarded and oti" we went sailing up to Victoria, which was a sail of about 5 hours. There are about twenty uiissionarics on board, anil soon wo get to know each other. All except a few are for China Praise the Lord, the one thousand are com- ing. In the evening, Sunday, we had a precious time together, suiging, scripture reading and prayer ; then a iiltlu social time and retired .\bout midnight waves began to roll aii4 li.eu sea sickness. Tm:nsD.\Y, 29thâ€" The sailing is beautiful to-day. Mjst of the passen- gers are ou deck. I have not been permitted to get that far yet, uiy licad gets so dizzy when I stand, other- wise 1 feel very well. The two young ladies who are going from England to (Jliiiia. and myself, have become warm friends. We meek in either one or the other's cabin and have a little prayer inceling for China. Tho nearer we get to that dark land the more we full we need to be much in prayer for those poor Chinese, To- night we had a precious time ; nearly all the missionaries came together for a little conferenco. There were tliree geiitlouien spoka of the work in China, one of whom has butn in China fur tw#i»*y .^ars, tho other eighteen and the other ton. It was so encuuiagiiig to us whii are going out for the lirst time, of whom there are about a doz- hear those loir work, and how gIffS they are to return to their desired field of labor. Tiu'RSDAY, Nov. 5. â€" It is a week since I liaTC been able to write any. ^ast Friday uiuruiug there was a very heavy sea ; Saturday and Sunday it was Tt?y rough ; Monday and Mon- day night we were overtaken by a typhoon, such as has not been known for BJiDC time. It was quite difficult to take our food or do anything. I was not iu the least afraid. Ou Sun- day we were not able to have the usual divine service. The dear sisters were able to be around and they came iuto my cabin aud we had our little prayer meeting. To-day (Thurs day) the wa is very calm and we are all feeling much better. I have been able to be on deck a little. It is wonderful how cue gels accustomed to travelliug. it does not seem possi- ble this ia the eleventh day we have been on this ship "The everlasting aiirs are around ubjut mo." FaiDAi', Nov. 5â€" Our mooting last evening was oi»e of intercb;. and pow- er. The subject, "Tho best way lo reach the Chinese," wasinstructue to us who are going out for the lirst time. The lirst speaker was Mr. Kalpin.wl o has been laboring in Hankow distriit for twenty years. He has charge of the Free Methodist Chuich fission there. He gave some good bints. The next was Mr. Watson, who has been laboring in Amoy for ten years. His address was very good. Tho meetings last till ten, then wo have family prayer and retire. Satuuday, Nov. 7. â€" The morning was wet and cloudy. Soon the day brightened up and wc were able to be on do:k the greater part of the day. The water is of such a i»pantiful color. We arc now sailing near Japan, aud to-morrow we hope to see land once more and reach Yokohama a'oont noon. Last evening meeting was very good. After a half hour's sing- ing we had a short gospel address from Mr, Sloan, who is going oHt to Cluua for the first time, under the China Inland Mission. Tho imbject was "woi-ship aud work." It was very ably giveu. Sunday, Nov, 8. â€" We were sailing south all night. l?he sun came up so b.eautifully aud bright, aud we were saihug along so "very smooihly, ,Vheii I thought of the storm we were in last Sunday my heart was tilled with gratitude and praise to tho dear Father. Nothing short of the nincth doxolcgy could give expi-efision to my feelings. Going up oii deck I found we were having weather as warm as our summer. . Wc could see the beautiful mountains oi Japan on the one side, aud the water dotted with boats and sampans ; those rep- leseut our row boats at home, the colored faces of the natives and their peculiar dress. We were looking iu all directions ; it seemed a9 though we had sailed into a new world all at once. We sang that sweet little hymn "Blessed .Assurance" and went down to breakfast. After nine we went ou deck aud admired the beauti- ful scenery till ten, then went into the saloon for tivino service. The captain went through the morning service witli a good deal of eloquence. Mr, Evjiigton preached a short ser- mon. We went on dock again aud Yokohama was in sight. At twelve we had lunch and afterwards went out to see all '.ho strana;o sights of Japanese lifj. .\s our boat did not gel up to the wharf wo did not sec vot^wiuch, but wo wore swarmed by the native.!. Moc't of the friends went ashore, which was done by getting in- to a small boat. 1 stayed ou bt..rd and spenti a pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Orr !^»yig.'^ She has been, like myself, out of sight most of the time. (To be Continued.) C A II T I 1\. E«l€H PLVG or THE fflltRTLE NAVY IS MARKKP T.&B. IN BHeXZE LETTERS. NONE OJHEh' GENUINE III Posiiiott -FOK- PliOTOGIIAPIir^li AND- Position is Everything. Ml FLiffl WOffii?! Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 3 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Pictsire Fraiiiiiig doiife fQ all its bra.Qches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Iff O T I C El ! To young men desiring to learn the art of sciciit tic cutting I have decided to open a night school for that pur- pose, to coiumeuce on the first day of January, lasting through the winter moiithd. 1 will guarantee to learn any smart young man in from one to two months the art oi cuitiuLr.so that he will be able to command from .30 to 10 dollars a week salary in any oily in Canada or United States. Now, farmer's sons, everybody, don't miss this splendid chance. You will pay in the city SI CO and !?r)0 for board while louruing to cut. I will make the price in reach of every yimng man. My systeui i>f <;''""iiieiit ciittinu is tlic i>uly eoinpleto system uf acUiiil ineasiueinont ever pri)duftHl where every uiensure takou can be !>p|>lied to the draft. .Vs to my ability as an emi- nent sciiiutitie cutter 1 can aive testi- monials from some uf the leading nieu iu Caiitula and United Status, having served n loiii! term at the tailuriii'.; in England, in all thirteen years, havms; taken my diploma as a cutter in Lundon, England, 7 years a^^o. I will defy any cutter iu Canada to compete. Special terms with Tailors that have systems that dnu't pr ive successful. Alt intending to take advaiit:tge of tliis splendid chance woiUd do well to come early or correspond by inail,:t3 I will only take a limited number <jf pupils. Address all letters Id f . A.. U «.!£♦- 1-. Tailor, Box 212, Fleshertou. SAW LOQS^ W A ITTED ! â€" ATâ€" Flesherton Station Steam Saw & Shingle Mills. ,.. ,;v, Ii.ised the abovo mills from J. 1:;. jVJoore, E^q., I will take po- sussion <.f same tin or abont tliu lirst of January, ami will FOR A!liV QV.iSTlTY Of (iO(»D MAi'LE iniU'H. CllKRRY, St.iKT ELM. TA.M.\U,\CK, Sl'UrCE. l!.AI,.-<.\.\f, HliMLlX'K, BASWOOD, GED.AIt. U. R. TIES. SHINGLE BOLTM, Special attention giveu to custom work. Bill .St nlTs cut to order on slmrt tioti(^. By fairdealin;; and prompt at- tention to business I hope tn merit a share of the surruuiidiiig palroiiaue. l*.r*. l-iegrate. J \..