Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1925, p. 1

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Wi^t /kEi^a^0H %t^tfmcc. ^ Vol. 45 No. 32 Fl«shertoii,OnUino, JaniKM> 14 1925 W.H. Thurston & Son« Proprietors SMniiy From Strike PrkeriUe Corrcapoodence 'The citizens of this village we»j shocked to ieam on Sunday momint: that Mr. Geo. A. Watson had passed away during the night. Mr. Watson had driven to Dnmve* Saturday morning to visit rdativea tliere, and was in liis usual Igsaltb. About 3.30 p. m. that afternoon he was striclcen with paralysis, pasfting away at 3 a. m. Simday morning witiiout haying regained consciousness. Nearly two years ago he lutd a slight attadc of the same trouble but had recovered so wdll that be was able to attend to his business. The deceased was bom on the 2l8t con. of Egremont town- 'Bbt|» 57 years ago, and spent his boy- hood days there. At the age of 20 ^ars he took up blacksmithing and worked at that calling for a few years, and 'was an expert carpenter and builder. For quite a number' of years he has followed the saw mill- ing business, having had a mill at Proton Station and also at Flesher- ton. About ten years ago be purch- ased the saw and chopping mill here from Mr. A. D. McLeod, and with his sons, Elmer and Wilfred, had built up a successful business. His wife predeceased him six years ago. He leaves a family of threee sons, Elmer Wilfred and Murray; and two daugh- ters, Violet and Ethel, to whom the sympathy of the community gwas out fai the sudden removal of a loving father. Other! relatives are, two brothers, Cljarlea of Saugeen Jctn., Wm. of Egremont; and four sisters, Mrs. Hoopsr and Mrs. Long of To- ronto, Mrs. Thos. Tucker of Egre- mont, and Mrs. ^ Amos Chislett of California. The funeral takes place this Tuesday to McNeil's cemetery, under Masoiiic auspices, as tlK de- ceased had Aeen a member of Prince Arthur Lodge, Flesherton, for many years, as weH as baing a P. M. His inastor, .%y^. ,A^ iSutherland, . will reach the funeral sermon. Rev. A. Sutb2rland, took the ?iJc ji*~th^ci'Tirch and grave. The «eia vvei-e Mesrs. Geo. Mitchell, J. W'ight, J. ^, att^swell, J. Wright, G. iirrowsmith, A. Muir and Thos. 2^khoL ^ â- ' Mrs. Colin McLean of, the village Jiad the misfortune to slip and break bar leg above the ankle. Dr. Can- took her to Durham hospital for an X-ray examination to ascertain thv; extent of the injury. Miss .li. McFarlane, teacher, is back on duty this week. Miss Sadw JIoKifinon, retyrasd home from Durhanv hospital on" Sat- urday "and is recovering nicely from her operation. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan and three children of Portage la Prniris Man., are visiting th.'ir parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McMillan, and Mr. and Mrs. John Rumctt of tha south linq. Miss Delia McPhail has gcna back to Toronto after spending a few weeks' holidays with h^r aunt, Mrs. ',T. McMeekin. Miss B. Busliell of Holland Co'iiti"? spent the week end with Miss Doris McLean. The Presbyterian congregation will V hold theiv annual meeting on Friday next, when the result of the vo^^ on churel> union will ba announced. EAST MOUNTAIN 4, number from here attended the |ttltry show in Kimberley. Mr. C. biber?tonc was very successful, he Sny the Special prize for African se and iiriacs for hens, turkeys "^and ducks. Mr. Gordon McMulkn also took prises for African geese; Mr. Hugh Smith of Duncan is em- ployLKl with Mr. Thompson AHon at , present. - S Mrs. J. Smart ajT^d sons, Gerald and Vernon, of Duncan, visitrd at '^. H. Smart's lai?t week. Miss Feighcn has returned to iicr school duties here. \^is3 Pearle Allen was unable to retuVn to hei;;^ school dnt:?<; on .-.LX-oivit of illness. While cutting wo^id Mr. Charlie Fawcett found a bee's nest in a hol- low ti"ee which contained a, large quantity of -honey. The your.g people of this nciehbor- hood attended the bo:? social in Dun- can on. Friday evening. Mr* Wesley Sheridan is engaged in this neighbofhdod cutting wood with his lHi»Z S8«'. ROCK MULLS A splendid meeting of the Unity TJ.F.W.O. Clab was heU at the home of Mrs. W. T. Pedlar on the after- noon of January 7tli, when twelve la- dies were 'present. The President, Mrs. A. F. Pedlar, was in the chair and opened the meeting with the Ma- ple Leaf, after which the Creed was repeated in unison. The Sec, Mrs. A. Cameron, read the minutes of the last meeting, followed by the roll calL Mrs. J. Hargrave gave a very interesting paper, after which all joined in community singing. Mrs.' C. Newell, delegate to the convention in Toronto, gave her report, outlin- ing the program and different addres- ses of the speakers at the conven- tion. Several matters were discns- sed and the meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem, after which dainty refresh- ments were served. Mrs. John Har- grave invited the ladies to her home for the next meeting on Feb. 4th. All farm women who are interested in their organization and intend join- ing the Club would do well to do so now at the begrinning of a new year. Miss Ella Genoe left Thursd^-y to spend the remainder of the winter in Toronto Mr. Tucker Phillips visited with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. James Park spent Tuesday af- ternoon with her friend, Mrs. Charles Newell. The services in the Baptist church here have been changed to the after- noon for the winter months. Mrs. I. Smith is spending a few days with her dau#ter, Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mrs. J. Lyons of Portlaw is with her daughter, Mrs. S. Fisher, here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts visited one day last week at the home of Mr. Wm. Stoddart, near Markdale. Rev. A. J. PP3Ston will conduct a prayer and praise meeting at the home pf Mrs. R. Croft this coming Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. A large attendance is looked for at this gathering. Mr. J. Wilkinson of Duncan visited with his wife and daugliter here. Mr. TliDs. Fi.sher iias been ill and under the doctor's care the past week. We hope to hear of his recovery soon. We are plea.sed to report Mr. Lewis Pedlar doing nicely "how after" havmg his face severely cut. EUGENIA FEVERSHAPvl lilr. Si!n;,'ster Hemphill and daugh- ter of Ceylon were visitors with their cousins the Sp(??r family, la.'^t v.eek. BIr. F. Wyley spent Sunday at his home in Nottawa. 5lr. John Speer speJtt Sunday v.-ith friends in Calling- wood. Miss Mae WTiiteoak has returned to TOi'onto aCter a two waeks' vi^iit with her pare-nis here. Hugh Davidson has gone back to Detroit after visiting friends here for :i couple of weeks. Mrs. T. W. Conron v.uj i:i;..'n to the Collingwood hospital Where it is feared she will have to undergo an operation. All hope it will be sue- ccssl'u^nd that Mrs. Conron will re- gain her usual good health. Mr ."""Win., Kemahan has gone to London Ont. for treatment ;»s a result of having been gasssd while in the trenches fighting Fritz in the world war. " Mr. Ira Perigo is still in a serious condition and is not fm'proviag any. The latest report is that Mr. and Mrs. George Julian are still improv- ing, though very slowly. Rev. W. H. Simpson is vlsithig with friends in Newmarket. The weiithei was a little milder the latter part of last week but Monday Pi-obs said more snow and colder, and it turned out cori-ect â€" 20 ^bHow 0*1 Monday morning. The continued c^ld weather is caus- ing a 'shortage of water in this dist- rict. Oxir mill has been handicapped for power and can scarcely kerp up with the feed grinding demand. Re- port says that wells are also showing a shortage. Our teachers have returned to their duties after the holidays. Gioom was east over tha commun- ity 01^ New Years morning whwi it was learned that Ida Haney, youngs eat daughtsr of Mr and Mrs. Robt. Haney, of the village, hiod passed tot. the great beyond. Although suffer- ing for the past five years the end came unexpectedly.Ida was a general favorite with everyone, being of a very kind and amiable disposition, a patient suilterer and cheerful to the end. She will be greatly missed es- pecially on the fine days when we were wont to see her walk or drive out and enjoy the sunshine. The hymns which were chosen by the decased gave evidenca of the beau- tiful christian characterr She was alwsya a regular attendant at Sun- day school when able to attend and took a deep interest in the work. The funeral took place from the home to the Presbyterian church and thence to Salem oemetery, and was largely attended. A very impress- sive serviea was held at cKurch and grave by Rev. Mr. Harrower, who spoke in very fitting words of the life of the deceased and with deep sympathy for the be^ved family. Miss Marjory Park and Mae Carruth- ers sang "Some of these days" dur- ing the service. The floral offerings were; Sheaf from the friends and neighbors, wreath from Mr. and Mrs L. Duekett, Mr. and Mi-s. Wm. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyce and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Genoe. The pallbearers wjre Messrs. Kenneth Large , WilHe Walker, Bates and Alex. Fawcett, G. Boyce and Bruce Hawkins. Mr. Herbert Hanoy of Windsor attended the funeral of his sister,Ida, and remained for a couple of days with his parents. Mr. Robert Smith, accompanied by J. E. Larg^, of Niagara Falls, spent the holiday week and returned on Friday, accompanied by Ralph Large, who will attend school at Niagara. The dance given in the hall on New y^iuss eveniag was largely 'atftetfj'd Vnd a jolly party of young people sang the old year out and the new yeearin, and a pleasant evening was., spent by 'all. Large Bros, supplied tV-i music. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McICinnon and mother spent New Years Day v.'ith Mr. and Mrs. H. Fo3ster. Mr". J. K. Jamieson and daughtsr Kate spent New Years with the for- mer's dacfrhi-?!". Mrs. Sd. Hillock of M.ixwell. Ekction day was very quiot with only about two-thirds of the usual vote being cast. / We are pleased to Ieam that Mr. Elwoed Partridge is gaining stijadily. Mrs. R. Park is still very ill wich bronchial rtsthn<a and is being, v.'nited on by Kursjr Douglan. We hope soon to hear of her complete recov- ery. Mrs. McMulicn is also conrirtjd to her bed, but we liou? to see her abla to I."e around again in a few days, Mi"s. Jasper Stuart of Kimberley is with her mother at present. Nurse Graham and father are vis- iting at Clarksburg at present. Mr. and Mi-s. Ed. Graham and family were New Years visitors in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Proctor of Kim- b-;rley spent Nev/ Y,>ars v;ith Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Proctor. Wesley Cooey has rstiTU'.' tii ThoTold after the holiday:?. ilbaiMWis hi To Enter Church Union Proton Station Correspondence The annual Pi'esbyterian congrega- ;tioiial meeting was held in the church on Friday night of last week. Rev. from the officials showed good finan- cial progress, and a balance with .which to begin the new year. The members unanimously agreed to en- ter the union so a vote was not taken. Refreshments were served and a ^Isasant social hour spent. Mr. Neil McCannell was appointed to attend the Presbytery at Orangeville as rep- resentative Elder. â-  Congratulations to Councillor Her- bert Corbett on his splendid success at the polls. Miss Edith Consley aiisnt a few days last week with friends in Shel- bume. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins and family of Flesherton visited last wd;k at the home of R. G. Acheson â-  At the annual school meeting Mr. Wm. Reddick was appointed trustee in ''place of the retiring trustee, Mr. Robert White. Our public school teacher, Mies Speirs, has resigned her position here and we hear many expresssing regi' .t that she has found it necessary to do so, for during her short stay she has given good satisfaction Miss Frouci of Springfield has been jngaged to succaed Miss Spiers. Proton Station is becoming a pop- ular live stock shipping point. Seven car loads were shipped from the stock yards last â- wi3ek. Mx-. Alex. Richard- son of Swinton Park shipped two car loads, Messrs. Caswell, Beard and the White Bro^ Jwo loads, the U.F.O. per Mr. Wm. Blackburn two loads, and Messrs. McMurdo and McMillan one car load. Mr. and Mrs. Storey of Toronto were guests during the holiday weak of Mr and Mrs. Vause. ' Mk" "HfHnf of Forest has finisTiM- the pain* i;. PC of Mr. Vause's new dwelling '"juse and they are moving into it thi.; week. Miss B'a.'y McCannell of Dundaik spent pai't of last week at her home h'Sre. EvangeLst Jaelcson spjnt Sunday at his hor:3 at Berkaley. Miss Flor- ence Whi^ of the Bible College took oharge of tiie si.n-vice at nighi, prea- ching a remarkable sermon. CEYLON Both Owen Sound Pr<.>sbyteEian churches voted ovenvhelrningly in favor of union. The church at Keady was ananiraftus in favor of Union. Mr-! and Mrs. Munshavi- enicrtaiu- ed the young people's during the holi- days. Larg'c brothers also cnt-ir- tained in honor of their gue.=t. "^'r. Rob Smith of Niagara Falls. Mv?. S. W. Sloan and daughiLi Donelda, accompanied by the •forn>er'- grandson, have returned froiu th; city. Miss GEorgina Siuith li th-:' city to take a position. Mies Mary IVIcIv.ee and Mabol Hoy have returned to the city. after the] hoPdny:-:. *:-^ '-v:!!;--' th:-'<- >"â- â- "â- '• ' Mr. and *U'.->. .' ily of Sask. are . Mr.^. .4. Hoy at presenr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence l,.t>;i? v Sask, are also guests of Mr. a-'.d > Mrs. Hoy at present. ] Mr. and Mrs, Roy JIcMillan of j Jlarkdale Woi-e guests of the latter's : mother, Mrs. Wilson, on Sunday last, i M\-. and Mrsi. J. J. McGce of Vand- | eleur vi.iited with the lattei's Bistc' . )Jts. Munshaw. the past w,-;ik. Mr. ;;!i'' Mrs. Bdwin Purna. who Dr. and Mrs'. Verone Patterson- iirA son, G.eorg-£, of Toronto visited aver the week end with the latter's mothar, Mrs. D. ' IcLood. Mrs. Patterson and son v.-lli ren:ain with her mother for a ti:nc, v.hih- her father is in the Western hospital in Toronto uncsr- .r!:(Thi,r ar operation, which we trust, v.'ill be c'lite successful. Mr. S. Hemphill and dauj»hte»-, â- Reta, Visitetd with friends at Fever- sham la:-t week. Miss I. Jlarshall has been vi.-;iting her sis'.jr at Bolton. Mr. tieorge Hisicp and little niece, BorniL" Campbell, of Eugenia vicitc,! McKsnzie's last week. Katie Muir, who for ili ; j'.;,,^ has been visiting Toronto has returned home. V,'.c ,'irc peal*ed to report Mrs. WilJ. Gibsc.i able to be up again after her .!. r- MS illn'.'ss. :,\: J. MjK^illan -on, Cla".'?, aL the Owa;i Liouiid iio^if l-al the ', I'.st week and report hi.n inakin.g •fiwovablfi progress. "â-  . and Mrs. Joh:i_ Thib.iiiUv'au o." Ilia visited the latter's sister, \L2oJ, on Saturday. . . While has reliu-ned to the j city to cofitinue his studies-at Normal .^"t Goo. ^ Mian inonlh f lien:; J, IN MEMORIAM LeG.4RD â€" In loving remembrance of our dear mother. Christen* Le- , Gard, who entered into rest, Janu- ary 12, 1923. I At home on the beautiful hills of God, : By the village of rest so fair; ' Some day, soine time, when our task: is done, i And silently sinks life's western sun, i With joy we shall meet her there. I â€" Meda and Allan, i A man named Bert Austin #M captuerd at Memphis, Tennessee, bjr a woman who held him up ' at the point of a revolver. He is now s«rv< ing a long term for robbing the Boqr- al Bank at Mt. Forest three or four years ago. t--m IN MEMORIAM McKENZIE â€" In loving memory of my dear husband and father, who departed this life January 12, 1917. Just eight years, how swift time flies; Love's sweetest memory never dies, We miss his help, his cheerful ways, With him we spent many happy days. â€" Loving Wife and daughter, Annie Wilfred Russell, aged 19, was acci-' dentally shot near Hanover by the ! discharge of a 22-calbre rifle. i Bates Burial Co. Funeral Service New Mcfidern Funerial Parlors '^^â- ^^olr""' TORONTO 'Phone Hillcrest 0268 J.W.Bates R. Madilocks Formerlv of Flesherton. Ml'.W. PsIofhBted Today .on of tov.^^, who has ?on>e time, pa.'»i^ .'d -. ^-.irb' this Wednes- I'bc deceased lady 'ind.-one son i'obevt P.iton ' lier son, >s ju*i. eiitsilntj, tiie ivhiir-riy. I«^^ll^.nâ-  5nvAii.'i''Rr3, next week. \ __ _ I h.iv e spaiic the past two weeks with ' Ihc Tormr'/-. parents here returned to their hom. ••'â-  T-->ii{o m <:•.'•â- â€¢''>â-  last. - F â-  • has gun-? 'c> work in the steel plant HOUSE OF Q.UALITY V.E ALWAYS KEEP A FULL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND F'^UIT^ â€" Oranges, Lemons and Grape Fruit. CCNFECTIONERYâ€" Keilson's bulk chocolate bars and fancy boxes A FULL STOCK OF BRAN. SHORTS, GROUND SC3EENINGS, OAT CHOP, WHEAT CHOP, OYSTER SHELL, BEEF 8CRAP AND LAYING MASH SALT â€" Barrels and sacks. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton \- ABSOLUTE PROTECTION We arc able i;o give yoii a complete Ser\4ce in all linos of Insurance, it it is insurable we; can serve you. Our rales are the lowest obtainable consistant with protection that is given. GILT EDGED SECURITIES We sell only securities providing- absolute and dependable returns for whatever money is invest- ed. . Full particulars on application. The Fleslserton Insurance Agency INSURANCE - BONDS -- REAL ESTATE W. A. AMSTRCNG. S. E. deCUDMORE FLESHERTON Be a Booster A^e are starring on another new year witli its usual new resolutions, and among tbens why ^lol have one added to buy every thins at home you can and help our home town. Let us One and aU try and ma!je th'ss the best year for the business men ahd residents that our village of Fleshertoa eves had. Leit us one and aii boost with both feet for everything that will make Flesherton a better place to live in. Th 3S. W. Findlay FIRNITVRE DEALER F? NERVl DIRECTOR Flesherton

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