JVcd.. January 14, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE i FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood Street, FIcsherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada |1.50 per year; in U.S. A. $2.00 per year; |2.00 jwr year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON, - Kditor «)IR G.\MK DEPARTMKNT Thy Department of ("lunie and Fish- eries in Toronto has refused respons- ibility for dcpradations by their pro- tected bird and animal life. They claim timt it would not be "desir- able" to assume responsibility. Just why not desirable is not ex- pluiiied. In the case of the Alliston floriet who sufT'.Ted heavy lo^s by a deer jumping through his greenhouse the jjcntleman is advi«ed to tcel after the owner of the dofcs which chased the deer. We claim that it is not the duty of the man who suffered loss to >rct in touch with the man or men who ownsd the doj^s. There is a law pro- hibitiufr dogs from running deer out of season and in certain prohibited localities. In case of infraction it is the duty of the Department to pet after the jruilly ones, through their officers appointed for the purpose. Yet in this case the private owner is solemnly advised to (^et out and do his own detective •vork! The De- partment is ton indolent or too indif- ferent to interest itself in minor mat- ters of this nature. It prol)ably |ire- fers to spend it.« time and money raisin); pheasants for the farmers to feed in winter time as some of them have been doing in this vicinity. A few years ago a colony of bea- ver caused considtrable damage near Flesherton by flooding lands. The Department would do nothing, so private partie.i made a clean-up and incidentally made a good profit on the tarnsaction. But in doin^ so they had to transgress the law. The tran.sgressor was never traced to his lair. In that case it was the duty of the Department to remove the otfend- ing colony and not leav; it for pri- vate enterprise to destroy them â€" at a profit. In another case a deer brolce its leg and was killed and dressed by a far- mer to put it out of its misery. Tlie Department was notified that the car- case was at their disposal, but they actually left the carcase hanging in the farmer's barn until it rotted. rf things have been going on all 6ver the province as they have in this vicinity, we have a dawning im- pression that some sort of a clean-up should be made in our Department of jGame and Fisheries. quite proud of her little charge, and every member of I'arlianient will probably pet and i)raise the young lady until there will be danger of turning her head. Still, Maxine has a pretty level head and is not likely to fall very far for the poor flatterer.s at Ottav.-a. .She will have the time of her young life, and it will bo a visit to l)e remembered and talked about to her grandchildren in after years. • * * • The Toornto Star says the Chats- worth weather prophet was partly right during 1921. Well, he fore- casts his weather by the stars, so it is absolutely the correct thing for the Toronto luminary to insist on his rights. .Still, we have an idea that any ambitious man could sit down and make a schedule of the weather for a couple of veal's ahead that would bo "partly right." Neil Sinclair Writes Mr. Neil Sinclair, brother of Mrs. McKinnon of town, writes The Ad- vance from Turin, Altn., of recent date, as icdlows: â€" "I have read letters in Tl;o Ad- vance fros Saskatchewan and Idaho, telling about the crops, but I am going to tell you about the wheal I pool, which I belong to. I don't j know what to make of it yet. I sent in two loads of wheat â€" one had 6t> bushels, the other GI) bushels and they I graded No. T>. This wagon holds Si" j bushels. We loaded one of the wag- I ons again as near as possible to the ; other, and out of the same bin, and I took it to another man handling pool I wheat, whog raded it No. .5 and gave 1 credit for iU bushels on the same wagon that had drawn 69 bushels be- fore. I thcmght he had made a mistake, but he did not. Now, Mr. Editor, my opinion is that .so long as the wheat pool i)uts their wheal through local elevators it will not be satisfactory to the farnl- ers, for thet? men want rakeolf and storage besides. This may be putt- ing it strong, but 20 bushels in two loads is good proof that there is J something wrong with the scales or I with their heads. ! I never advised anyone to come to I .Alberta or stay away, but I will say j that a man with a good home in Ont- I ario is foolish to move to any new 'counti'y. Alberta has its drawbacks ' the same as Ontario had in early j days, l)ut it will not be many years I until it will be one of the finest countries in the world. That is say- I ing a lot but I mean it." New Blacksmith Shop Started By E. Henry THE MARRIAGE VOW The decisions of the Church England House of Clergy, sitting at Westminster, have been causing a sensation throughout England. It was proposed that the question put to the bride in the marriage cere- mony, "Wilt thou obey and serve him?" should be replaced by "Wilt thou love him and comfort him?" The Dean of Lincoln asked, "Is this word 'obey' of the slightest use?" There were many kinds of wives, he added. There was the wife who was provoked by the very existence of the word to counteract it. There was also the wife who outwitted it even- tually. The form of words in the marriage contract was made for both parties the same as that now said by the bride, with the exception that the word "serve" is to be used instead of "obey. The Reverent Court further agreed that in the form of words ac- companying the giving of the ring the preface, "With my body I thee honour" should take the place of "With all my good.s I thee endow." The substitution of "sei-ve" for "obey" in the declaration does not appear to be a very happy idea, inas- much as the word is derived from the Latin "servus": â€" a slave. Mr. Everett Henry has purchased a double lot from the Sproule estate , I on Peter Street, and is now busy er- ecting a blacksmith shop thor.:on. He expects to have the building ready for business inside of two weeks and a gang of men was started on it on Monday morning. He has engaged a blacksmith to do the mechanical work, in the person of Mr. Richard Moody who is stated to be a first- class mechanic. We wish Everett success in his new venture. PORK AND BEAN SUPPER the Wome"h's Institute of Maxwell will hold a Pork and Bean supper in the Orange HalW Maxwell, Wednes- day, Jan. 21 st, 1925. A good pro- gram will be provided by the Mins- trels of Flesherton high .school; also community singing. Proceeds to place cement steps and platform in front of the Orange Hall and to ox- tend sidewalk. Come and help along a good cause. Supper from fi to 8. Admission, adults HBc, children 20c. ENfJACEMENT EliITOKIAL N0TE3 The East (Irey Agricultural Soci- ety's annual meeting will l>e held on Saturday afternoon of this week, ac- cording to wdvertisement. Cannot our farmer and village citizens take enough interest in the affair to at- tend this meeting and help things along? There has been evidence for the past two years that our fair has Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Reg. Ste- vejis, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. .Stevens of Proton. The marriage took place in Detroit, Mich., on .Ian. 3, 1925. A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL •LLIDTT. Y£U^l£i^^ Young and Alexander .Sts. Toronto Noted for high grad* hiatnc- ction and superior employmflit entered on an era of prosperity. AH '"•'vice! Enter any time. Catal- it needs is a little more energy on "'"* •''*•• the part of those who ought to assist W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. and the fair will boom. V * * • • ! Premier King celebrated his Aftieth \ birthday last week. Mr. Meigheni reached the fifty mark last ,Iune. .Sir! Wilfred [.aurier was fifty-five before! he became premier. i * • • • Miss A. C. Macphail leavcj foi- Ottawa on February 3rd afid will be accompanied by Mi . Maxine Lyons of Mar'-:dale, njii> \ '.n the Bpiakintc coi'! M«ci)hail. T', ; Flesherton 8, Dundalk 3 Flesherton hockey t;'am won its fii'sl game of the season on the local rink on Wednesday night of last week when they ou.''icored th? Dund^Wc sextette 8-3. The game was fast the first period, but Flesherton had the better of the play at all times, mark- ing u|i four goals the first period and blanking the visitors. R. Boyd start- ed the scoring by a nice shot and in <iuick succession C. PtlcTavish, Ken Boyd and S. McTavish talliid, three of the goals being batted in on re- bounds. The local forwards got right in on the goal time after time, but wore not able to add to their count. The second period Dundalk came back sfi-onger and Stevenson in goal play angles and did good work to keep the number goals down. The Flesh rton forward line was working nkcly and showd some nice team play. It is likely that the next game will be with Mar :dale although the man- agemnt is tiying to make arrange- ments with Durham to visit us. NOTK >: TO CREDITORS [IX THE MVTTER of the estate of i JanicH Rl isell, late of the Townahip of Artemes.:i, in the County of Grey, I Farmer, deceased. i NOTICK i.S HEREBY given pur- jsuant to the Trustee Act and amend- inients thereto, that all creditors and others having claims against the Minstrel Show Date Changed To Monday II up you can't afford to miss this I concert. Tickets now on sale, 35 c?nts. Don't forget January 19th, 1925. The Flesherton High School Min- strel show is almost here; so near in fact that one can almost hear the sweet solos, quartettes, trios, etc., making the air vibrant with perfect melody. The singers are real art- ists, hardly to be rivalled in this i ^own ^ ^^^^^^ ^.^^.^ ^,„pi^ country. The whistling soloist would i duuuuik j' _^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ make some of our woodland music- H. Down Buys Building A business deal took place in town on Saturday last in which Mr. H. regains possession of the ed a good game and was all over the instate of the said James Russell, who his died en or about the Sixteenth day of ians ashamsd of themselves. BonedT our colored artist, is a real joke; and with his mate they are real imita- tions of^utt and Jeff. The fifteen verse song to the tune of "It Ain't- Gonna Rain No Mo' ", each verse poking good natured fun at some of owr local celebrities. Summing it during the past summer by Mr. John Runstadbr. The building was pur- chased from the Sproule estate and was remodelled a year ago by W. A. Armstrong and the second story was made into an apartment, which is now being occupied by Mr. Jas. Mc- master, who also has a barber shop in the same building. * I goal, only allowing one to escape ms,^^^^.^^.^,^ ^ ,-, jy24, are required, notice. Just one half mmuie before [„„ or I efore the 4th day of Febru- time was up for the secofid period Wat.son batted one in for Dundalk from in front of the goal, the period ending witli Flesherton !> and Dun- dalk 1. In the third period Flesher- ton played more of a defensive pamt, making Dundalk force the play, but neverthele.ss scored thrte goals, one | of thnni being a shot from centre ice | ^j^^ that caught Stevenson asleep at the ' th V. Zh, to -send by post or deliver to M; ;srs. Telford & Birnie, of the city <)â- Owen Sound, Solicitors for the Exec tors, their christian and sur- nami <, addrcsst's and descriptions;, the lull particulars of their claims, the '-itatenient of their accounts and tlie nature of the securities, if any, held by them. /ND FURTHER TAKK NOTICE after such la.'^t mentioned date, sai<l Executors will proceed to post. This period was rougher than the first two and C. McTavish, S. Mc Tavi.sh, V. Mclntyre and Ridley (2) made trips to the pen;ilty box for en- forced r(?sts. Wellwood notched the second counter for Dundalk in. a shot from right wing that found the corn- er of the net, Ridley following latei- l)y a long shot that glanced off a local players hand, eluding Akins and finding the corner of the net, making the third adn la.st for Dundalk. G. McTavish umpired efficiently. The i)Iayers were: â€" Dwnadlk â€" Goal, .Stevenson; Defence Dyer and Wellwood; Centre Mont- pomry; R. Wing, Bradley; L. Wing, Ridley; Subs., Watson and Mclntyre. Fleshertonâ€" Goal, G. Akins; Def- ence, S. McTavish and di' cribute the assets of the said de c;i.scd among thcl parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have iKitice, sind that the said Executors will not be lial)le for the said assets ! or any part tliereof , to any person or persons of whose claims notice sliall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this twelfth day of January, A.D. 192.5. Messrs. Telford & Birnie, Owen Sound, Ont. .Solicitors for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of Euphemia Gorley, late of the Vill- age of Eugenia, in the County of (irey. Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Get These New Records. "What'U I Do?'^ , ^^""^ "Shall I have it Shingled or Bobbed? "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More! We have these and many more of the latest hits recorded by His Master" .s \ (Mce. Come in and listen to them. Sole Agents for Victrolas and Victor Reicords. W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS & OPTICIANS FLESHERTON F. Thurston- P"''suant to the Truestee Act, and (-â- ,..,),.„ n T^n^'r...: u . -n w „' amendments thereto,, that all credi- Centre. C Mcfa yish: R. W.ng, R. ^^^.^ ^,,^, ^^^^..^ ,,^^5,;,, ^j^;^^ ^g^j^^^ Boyd; L. Wing, K. Boyd; Sub., H. th Estate of the said Euphemia Gor- Betts. ; ley, who died on or about the Ninth day of October .\.D. 1924, are requir- Flesherton was handicapped from;f' °" "â- ; ''''f'"'^ 'i'il, JT"^^'T''k'' ... , , , ...... . , . (lay of January, 1925, to send by the lack of substitutes, not having po^t prepaid or deliver to Messrs. any any fur the forward line duty, Telrford & Birnie, of the City of but the bovs came through flying, , Owjn Sound, Solicitors for the Exe- and are in fairly goo.l shape. icutors, their christian and surnames j addresses and descriptions, the full ,, ,, â„¢ . , 7i • 1 I particulars of their claims, the state- C. McTavish won the scoring Jion-; ,„g„t ,„(- ^heir accounts and the nat- ors for the evening, gathering three uie of the securities, if any, hsld by to his credit, while K. and R. Boyd them. secured two each and S. McTavish i AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE o,ie_ 'that after such last' mentioned date, I the said Executors will proceed to ... , , distribute the assets of the deceas- A big crowd was on hand to see j gd among the parties entitled thereto, the game, but there is always room I having regard only to the claims of for one more. which they shall then have notice and j that the said Executors will not be The return game will be player in !''"'''« Y'^ *''^ ""'"^ "^^'^'^ °!^ ""^ P*'"^ r, , „ „r , . ,, , thereof, to any person or persons of Dundalk on Thursday night, January ^hose claims, notice shall not have 22nd. Several loads of rooters are 'been received by them at the time accompanying the team. Akins had a fairly easy time in goal during the game, but Stevenson for Dundalk was bombarded from all of such distributioji. Datetl this Twelfth day of January, A.D. 1925. â€" Messrs. Telford & Birnie, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitors for the Executors. W NTER TERM OPENS January \ 192rt at the OWEN SOUN'D Comrorrcl.nl. Shorthand and Prc- "â- '","' \ paratnry ( our.soij _ {ndividnal ( A. Flcminff, F.C.A. G. D. Fleming, Principal. Seorctn-y. Create Your Own Currency YOUR OWNERSHIP of a Savings Bank Account creates a currency all your own.. A cheque bearing yuur signature jointly with that uf the Standard Bank adds the prestige of our name to _ the integrity of yours, a combination of ines- timable value to you from a business and social viewpoint, while offering other practical advantages of incalculable num- ber. The deposit of one dollar to your credit in the nearest Standard Bank Branch will lay the foundation for a cur- rency all your own. STANDARD BANK OF CA.NAJ3A. FLESHERTON BRANCH- G. T. Batty, Manama Flesherton Skating Rink Shareholders' Weekly Schedule Below Is the weekly schedule for the Season. Will those appointed please endeavor to carry out their week accordmg to schedule. Those not being able to take week appointed can change with others, if convenient. Week beginning: â€" January 5 â€" Alf. Down and Dr. Murray. Januarv 12â€" John Wright and T. J. Fisher. January 19â€" W. A. Hawken and Jas. Patton. January 26â€" John Nuhn and C. J. Bellamy. February 2 â€"Geo. McTavish and W. J. Stewart. February 9 â€"Mark Wilson and C. W. Bellamy. February 16â€" O. W. PhillTps and A. Gilchrist. February 23â€" Robert Down and VV. J. W. Armstrong. March 2 â€"A. E. Bellamy and G. B. Welton. ^- March 9 â€"Alf. Down and Dr. Murray. March 16â€" John Wright and T. J. Fisher. March 23â€" W. A. Hawken and Jas. Patton. March 30â€" John Nuhn and C. W. Bellamy. Andrew Gilchrist, President. S. E. DeCudmore, Sec.-Treas. T ir I • • o «i • ;S «l o •' • • % • • Hockey Goods ! To all those who skate we have some service- able Hockey Boots in men's, boys' women's and girls' sizes. Stock that will give satisfaction to the wearer. • IN RUBBER GOODS In rubber goods we have men's and women's Goloshes, and a good assortment of heavy rubbers. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO WHENEVER THINKING OF BAKING THINK THINK OF THOSE THREK LETTERS. P INDER'S ERFELT RODUCTS PIN1)ER: â€" A nan e of which we are proud, feprcsenting fair dealiags, value for money and constant consideration of the public. which it is impossible to PERFECT:â€" That improve, 100'; pure. PRODUCTS:â€" That which is produced in this case. Bread, Buns, Cakes, Wedding and Birthday Cakes and Decorations. The Flesherton Bakery I â€" • «» % • \ i The Peoples' Grocery £•«-â€">>*â- I s: Will all those owing the late firm of Henry & Kennedy have their accounts settled by February 15th, 192S, so as to have the books closed. Please give U your {Axmipt attention. W. G. KENNEDY Flesherton, - Ontario I I % I