Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1925, p. 8

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I, J«nuary 14, 1925 VOOK-A NBAT HAVL to tlM MfaUand Argus, KmwIm Track Co. pivp. wUdi teiM t« MwtMliUiM ^*« WwtW* town, •ztmetcd «26,- l ^j^ffl fa ««fc 'n»m rMidcnts of the STYLES OP lADUTOE CAPS Eighty lix dUTrmt siset and atylM of n4i^tor capa mra iiMiiu£wtur«d to OifXak *jr tho Fi«h«r Motor Co. TUt it Um ffTMtMt varaty of radia- tor eapiD made by an auto aeeeaaory company in Canada or th« U.S.A. THE yUCSHBUtT QW ADVlAlfCB BttOBB BeForest - Crosley Radio' l^W »t a Mia For Every Home MUHii «*.; A moat eiiijoyabia regular meettnar of the HoMfaat U>.W.O. club wa» beli at Mra. Geo. Caln'a M Thurs- day, Febraarir 8, Hreoty-acven mem- ber* being preeent and one new member joining. After the opening exercises and uiuol business was dis- posed of the repoK of the delefate. Mrs^ Al«x. Carson was beard. Mrs. Carson gare an exceptionally fine review of the U» F. W. O; eonron- tion and conveyed to the members the enthusiasm and knowladge gitin- ed there. Questions pn the form of Provincial Government were anM*^ â-  ed by four memb^. The Club members feel keenly tlie KUWERMry (Intemied for Last Wetk) The oU tantlliur woiki of «lw school bdl it whst gleets us after the holidays, telling at ^t the tea- chers have gone back to theb work, also pupils sitd tJie hoUdsy visitors and friends g«Be to their homes or vsriotts oee«pati9n8. . We waif Sony that we MRitted from tbo list of fHwds vltitfal^ (Bs nmet of Sir. and Vra. 6. Itaxwell, alto Mrs. L. Morwood, last we^ Rev. Mr. Ellison took his three out- lying appointments' Sunday. Which Kimbmiey must aupply. Through the kindness of Mr. J. A. Stuarf; we i. 8 Different Models from $22 to $450 Come in and let us give you a demonstration or better, have one installed in your home ind enjoy some of the good music that is in the air these longf winter nights. The DeFore$t.Cro«ley wUl get it for you if it is in the air. W. A. HAWKEN Photo Artist & Music Dealer FLESHERTON death of Mrs. Sled, who was really responsible for the organization of the Club last summer. She had a quiet cheery presence that brought comfort and happiness wherever sbo wont. Mrs. Sled was Vice-Presi- dent. Mrs. Carson was elected to suc- ceed her, and Mrs, John K. McLeod I was elected Sec.-Treas to repace j Agnes Macphail, who leaves in a few .weeks to attend the Session. j On behalf of the Club Mrs. Dan Campbell read an address of appre^ elation and farewell to Agnes Mac- phail, and Mrs. Purdy presented her with a pair of book ends and an em- bossed metal vase. Miss Macphail expressed herself as both glad and sorry, sorry for the sacriflce made for her, and glad in the knowledge that such a united goup of splendid women made her work a pleasure. The next regular meeting will be held at -Mrs. John D. SlacLcod's on February X2th. University extension couKtes for convicts at Sing Sing prison have proved to l>e a success. f rench parliament sat so_Iate that tte clocks in the buildings were stop- ped to hide the hour. The pendulums ceased, but- the tongrues of the mem- bers went on wagging. SIX HILL STORES ^••••00e««O«IO««9«€^O«^ O We buy together in order that cvt customers in the fix com- munition may materially ben- efit individuatly. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associate* with high quality cierchandiie at the fairest pouibln pricei. had a special treat of sermqns and music by radio. 3fy. York, Maiicdale/and Mr. Geds- det of Toronto put on • radio concert Tuesday night which «as much en- joyed. It is at present insUlIed at Mr. J. A. Stuart's. Mr. Bussel Ellis has alto a radio set put up, Mr. Edgar Saul is the guest of his brother, Mr. T. Saul, also his siafta, Mrs. Carruthers. ( Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard sod child- ren visited with Mrs. W. T. Ellis last week, Miss Justina returning with them for a few days. A jolly big H»ad of young folks went to Flesherton Saturday night to skate and report a good time. Mrs. A. F. Hammond and family and Mrs. J, A. Stuart and family spent New Years with Mrs. McMuUsn at Eugenia. Mr. Charles Thompson of Flesher- ton and his mother visited with Mr. and Mrs. Plcwes Sunday, as also did Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis. The New Years social put on by the League was a splendid success under the leadership of Rev. Mr. Elli- son. Everyone enjoyed the progres- ssive crokinole. Miss K. Hutchinson and Mrs. Myrel Weber succeeded in winning the prize. LOST OK STBAYBb ' LOSTâ€" Purse lost Thurtdsy last on ColUngwood gravel Contalae^ smaU turn of money and Toronto add- ress card, etc. Finder leave at this 'rtHce or with Toeker Fhlllipa. saMas^asaeBEsaisaEHmpaMK^Bi^ STOCK FOB 8ALB FOR SALEâ€" Fresh Jersey e«w for â- Â»le.-^-J. Heard, FleslMrton. FAUMSFOR On tke ^ Bighwiy. nvM ianM, tw»"«f lift MNa and M* «f M aeNa an dwML â- fcrt Otu Mlifngt, •» to dale to. w«^ pntieiilar. Wilt acU-an, m* oftbeaa. Goad hgiek hMsa «|^^ IM itms. Tha ^tebUat fa* ani. FOR SALB-2-y«r-oMrSglrt«red Mdta. iSlKlT* •* ^ Dm-ham Bull for «de or «ich«nge for C^faSSj^LSL 22*^ rtock.-J. T. Parker. Proton Sfiitloo. pig i>ei*^SbL£?£L.^-^ 8. Phone. Irf I!2jL . "*"**• "** *»* d««r B. R. No. 8. Phone. BULLS FOR SALE-YAoog Here- ford bulls for sale.â€" Appyl to O. A. Hutchinson, Kimber)^. FOB SALE â€" One roan Durham Cow, milking. 3-years-dd, also one red Durham heifer, 18 months old, due to freshen in the spring.â€" Ed. S. Ottewell, Flesherton. FOB SALE FOR SALEâ€" Good pair of Auto- mobile "A" skates.â€" F. J. Thurston, Flesherton. HOUSE FOR SALE 6R RENTâ€" In Flesherton, nine rooms. Applyi to Walter Simmons, Flesherton. Phone 23 r 42. wan'ted MAN WANTED â€" General farm hand.â€" Jas. Stinson, Proton Station M^ISCELLANEOys NOTICE â€" Chopping done six days dunng the week. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia; 1 Bird's Mackinaws, Tweeds and Yams, and Stocking Legs, new stock, just arrivedâ€" H. Alexander. Merchant Tailor, Feversham. Membersbip'Hrowing At The Baptist Church Th^ annual business metfcing of the Flesherton Baptist' church was Corner block forjiale in Flesher- held on Friday afternoon last. Rev. ^*'"' ^^nown as theV;iiId Richardsor Alfred J. Preaton occupying the ^^°'^^- Reasonable teiins. ohaii*. Ronni-fo nf tu„ j.-ar i ^. -*-W T.- Vtrttjr'n'n CORNER BLOCK FOR SALE. <rf wasdi. Any , •boold inraauiatc -^ -T. J. STWSOM. â-  ' FARM FOR SALE I-ots 160-160. WTSLR A^ -. cc^Uinlngloo'JS;^^;,^^ ^workable land, real p..S«S m««d busi, well tlmben^ ^oJ s^^n^â„¢' ''*"• "ouse?^ 22 ered and fenced. This farm It & «ood one and will be sold^a bar â- Â«Â«Â« « the owner is obliged Vrett^ P,„, c. ^^^ STEWART, "•oton Station P. o. q^^ Hou.eForSdeIttFle.h«r^ «t«We- Apply t^ '*'«*'«>* *n* Z!^"»*STRONG. Pledierto* FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TEBMa^ •â- * °^ A j:„_.:?« 2nd con, N.E.T. About 40 acre* .Q^eat January Clearance Sale ly ends at 6 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 20ih for future d.ya. oSj^ feTdlvf r,â„¢, • "'°''" *"»,^»I'« ^^ Wms in a supply Maiinery Half Price The balance of our trimmed millinerv lias l.ecn ..placed on bale at just half price. 20% off Ladies' Unc!eiv/ear «niliiu " f !,-"l"^'j' '*"•' ^ WIdren-s I iiderv.ear uoi Cf!fi- ' P';''*^'' I" h''""' »<lvcrfisc..,ent durin,; the ,(+ll«:V regular price. f Girls' Combinations $1,25 -^,. Girl-t" Combinaticj Underwear. r :^to?1.75, January .Sak- fVice .?1.2;>. Children's Combinatioiis SSr.. RfifulRr S5c. Janu- occupying ^ chair. Eepwts of the diffa-ent ofTi- X j ces and djparinienta of the church X j we-e given. Ona of the noticeable features ^f the financial statement was an increase of 100 per cent, in Ihj amount of .loose collection over th"? prcceedinjr year, this in turn spesiking of the increased attendance at the church services. Jn thi report of the spirituiil p.d- it was pointed out that, as I a ^28ult of the different and extended, •â-  eva'nselistle effort.-;, there hiui been k^ i viinces, *5* ( & Children's Combinadons. ary Sale I'ricc .'JSc. Odd Lines of Children's Drawers 19c. OdMI Ijntw of ("hildren'K Draper- c'^-.-;-.^ ..• u, than half regular price. J^uary sJeV'rice' ioc.' 20% off Stamped Linen 20% off Stanmped Lnien Children's Wool Setts $1.48 fhe«e nrc »eMi^^^ at 1. .•« ,!;;,„ |,a„ ^,,â- ^^ Fleece Bloomer* 79c. ^.t^ao'siil^t^cf^'""- «»»'' -'- «t S1.00 20% off Ladies' Silk Scarves iHoflFDress Flanp?(5 - 16% off Dress Goods 29% off Ladies' Blouses 20% off Ladies' Bloomers 20% off Ladies' Dresses 20% o^ Princes. Slips . 20% off Dres3 Skirts ^ off Silks 10% off Corsets 20% of? Ladles' Hose and Button Shoes 20% off Children's Coats '^ . 20% off All Overcoats Not Ertumtrated m large AdvcrHscraciifc 20% off Men*^3 Dress Shirts 5% of? Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes 20%, off Men's Scarfs HARDWARE DJEPARTMENT 01;l> LOTS OF WALL PAPEU AY HALF PlllCE «7t-S" "ipnor Setts, reguLnr §40.00 for S32 50 7-p.ee:, ) nner Setts, repalar §;ir-.00 for .. .?^o 75 0. -piece Ojnner .Setts, roRu la r 1520.00 for S-"250 .•ra Hi y7-p;ece iJini-cr 2.''»% off -,v, -v .'^"^,';'' "^â- '^tilar 8]i)..-,o for., .<;io.75 l;..ec4r,c IleaterH Electric Irons, Electric Aloi:':) Mitls, regular $1.25 fo;"'Z'""!"!2""' GROCERY SPECIALS .39c. ..S2..39 7f>c. ...$1.00 Comfort .Soap. U bar.s for .Sun ,Ki,t Soap, 11 ban; for (told .Soap, 1.1 bans for .... -" r WUl White Naphtha Soap "i^for .' 1 . flnd 0. Nnphtlia Soap, U bars for';;;:. .Stc<llc3s liaisiii-s, 2 n«. for ( ookin;? Fijira, 2 ihs. for ; ^Imice CuiTHntfi per lb " '" '( â- â€¢ Dates, 2 Ihs. for .; I Peel per lb ' j.vr.-,. Rakins Powder in Soz.tingV'afor." u .•f'}^', ^^^'''^ •CRrular lOc, 4 for Bahb.t Cleanaor. rccul.Hr lOo.. 4 for .. ;;' lomnto .'.uuee, rcBTjJnr lOc, 4 for .... oL Strawberry J«„,, ,2.ouncc jars, .•e^ularos'o'enti '• Ka,pben^-^;;;;i:yh:-ii---J|;^;^ -2 for 35c. ange ^!arma!a<Ie, If»-onnc. M^ro^. lA^^ tic icriff Scotch mnnualade, IO07. jer«^. rca '>5 2 V.Vr V-' pniach, -refiular I8c. tins •* ^ i'fi.%-^* r^rffe T,n. SnIn,on, firm cnmyr^lo^;^,^^'^ 8Bc. 83o. 89c. 8S)e. 89c. 23c. 20c. l.-ic. 2-,c. 35c. 2hc. 2.5c. ...Z.'ic. Q eight new members added to the nien>b?rship during the past y.jlir. This did not include the new members of tbc Hock .Mills cliurch as they arc iu.cJudsd in the new orffanization which hua rcoiue into eft'sct during the fall months The mei.-.beis deeply regret the loss of Iwo hijfljly -latecmed and value<l vvctfkcTS in Deacon Martin PhilUps., wJiD passed away in the spring of the year, and Mrs. Levi Belts, who \vt(iit to her eternal home in the mid- sumnior. ,' - 3!h-3 election of otricoi-s for the en- suftig year was greatly facilitated by. the work of a nomir.ating com- m?ttee. T!ie Deacons board will be Mr. W. Beaton, Mr. G. Beecroft and JIK G. Wariinsr. The financi coni- luitt.o comprises J[ossr.s. L. Belts, C. Kelts, H. Allen, G.' Warlin.?, A. -IcKcchnie, G. Beecroft, J; Sewell, ;'.lio Mrs, D. V/illiams and Miss M. \'Arling. The clerk of the chunh \v;t3 re-c!.'cted namely, Mr. ^V. Bca- t(m, and Jlr. Gordon Warling i.? tha iiGVirtj--clected treasurer. A De.n- (i-^ ?ss board jyvas elected of which ii'^. D. Williams was asked to be . r.vuior. The trustee hoard and !'..HdiiiK co:n,nil-teo contains th? fall- owuiK Mcasr.'j. L. Belts, R. Allen, C. Stafford, J. S i-wcll and V.'. Beaton. ' "At the close off the b^sines.^ session n %ocial hour was spunl at which, the iuSio-s of the chunh served light re- MC-'shiiieiits. -W. L. WRIGHT, Flesherton. JOHN O'NEIL Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey Terms â€" reasonable. Sale dates may be arranged at The Advance office, Picsherton. 1% charged on sales. Residence:â€" R. R. No. 2. PriceviHe. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Farm for sale or rent lots 155-156 \\'?r.S.R., containing^ 100 acres; 80 acres good workable land, clay loam, the remainder pasture and mixed bush. Good bank bam, frame house drive shofl, small oi-chard, well water- ^ ed. Will give possesion at any time as everything has been sohl and the place is for sale or re:.t. _ â€" RODDIE STEWART, I»roton Station. R.R. No. 3 d?.vit atlacjied concerning the loss sustained by you when a deer enter- ed j^ur premises on October ;^ 23rd la.'l. have been given due considera- tion by the department and as form- erly advised it will be impossible to re<-.ogni2o any claim for damages a- gninst this department. Fronv your former report it would appear that the. deer had been cliased by dogs, -ind if so, you may bo able to ascer- tain the names of the owners of the dogs wliich caused the deer to- become irightened and eqiter yoitr premises.- "From time to time this department receives notice of alleged daraa>e caused by heaver flooding lands and •fluirrcU entering' residences and causing in many cases quite heavy losses, but in no instance has the de- partment been hol<l liabje for such damage, nor is it desirable to estab- lish such a preceiidont." â€" Alliaton Herald. " V RrFUSE <;i>MPENSATt()N . T. HILL & Co., Limitedliiarkdale s & .Afn-! many days duiii.^ ..i.ivis the pwsvinci^l ftnn^c department ©fficiftll vjher look the mater into tho'r s:r- iuiia coiisldcr.ition or allowed the ap- .-•Bcntion or affida'Mt to rest nRdis- i*-bed in a letter basket, tht5 'dipuly iiiiniRter of iramc .-vnd fisheries lias ad- djcssed to Mr. Henry Jones a i-eply t<|; Mr. Jones* application for corapen., â- â€¢Mio.i for the damage done his given h«HEo when n deer, that is protected 'â- â€¢â€¢ 1 "T n.iraiD5t death or in.Hiry.nt the i" rny one hunting it, jump:! ' ' â-  â-  ' • 3 roof ami Itt In the •od much of t^.e stock Tvown for the Christ- " - Hjay of thia- week Mr. J»»«i reoeivtd the following leltor nom the department of game and fisheries; â€" "Your clahM for f 71^1^00 and Mi- MONEY I I hardwood: mhaatl ^^' *"*"* 50 of II the pnrcbaaer cmT-SP^ Jnnctioni encumbered ^K^fe « f. f*^ '»»' Paywent. ^^ ** ««»y tenns of PWe NoTf^O- "iS^^ORD. «w 67, Shelburfier Boars For Service Artemesia. tJVU'J-^-'^-^^^'' emosia. Ten^^iiQ^'^^ S.B., Art- turned will be char^o;) ^°'^'^ not 1-0- â- n pig. ^ '^I'l^Tged same as tho3» Feb. 15 . ~'^- ^- STINSON. Prop. BuH For Sewfce Pedigreed .rersey Bull '<Pr.«,- ^ Lone Oak 210fia» f ^'««-er of 151. 1 NE aS ' ?"â-  "'"'''''''' at lot Jer;eys s?"o^''fr'''"' ^erms-For cash! ' **'^''"^ »3-00- Terns- IJne -"• 5- RIDLEY & SON, rieshertoiL BOAR FOR SERVICE. oldXTacor^-r-.«-o3.- O.D.R.^ Term"3 tl'Z ' * ''' ^^"- ^ R. R. 3 ^^Al^S. Priceville p. q.. 3wks BUSINESS CARDS teeth eSr;tft„ ot"""'f '"' '^' Toronto Str^tSle.^S:^'"''^'*"-. "ate from the Faculty ^fLS' University of Toronto Offlc^Rtv a:J-nKocJc^_F^e^t^^ Prince Artfcur Lo^^^^^^^~^^^ A.M.. meets in the Masonic hillArm strong Block. Fleahertoa. e^i^' Jn-vonorbefowthefullmir^* ^r!"o?c ^f'n'^f Ban-isters, Solicit. .-, otc^â€"I. B. tvKAS, K.C.; W n \bS'^ f«^«.Markdal'eL«c^ ; DMndalk «nd Durham. .P.TelfordJr.,J.r.p.Bln,lJ'- ^' W«^ KaJUlnft ilcenswl A»rti,^ J*J»jB^tJ« of Grey ,„d aSj I Farm tarit stock nfes i iM,^ft» ! anteed. AntSigeumf tot S^h I may be nwde « tH« JWV»iK» rfl^L r-S* : irMj|»,ioi,,i,.^,««t.5 «»»»»Ii,„

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