Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1925, p. 5

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Wednesday, March' 11, 1925 rm n$$tMmftOH abvancb » *. • 4 Our Opportunities Are Often Found In Your Problems -sip o) Xpvaj SI jaKBUBiu |H3u| U:10 cuss your financial requiremi'iii-^ und render any seri,vce compatible with Kood business practrce. Our opportunities to r«iider iinancial service can only be re- stricted by your failure to approach us. Tli-j Standard Bank maintains a staff in your locality which i.-t organizeil to es- pecially deal with the financial problems of your paricuiar commercial commun- ity; call and see the Manager of the Standard Bank. STANDARD BANK OF CANAJ3A. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. F. Batty, Manager Telephone Lineman Had Ankle Broken In Fall From Pole CANADIAN P/\OIFIO C. p. B. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Staticxn as : follows: "X3ine Soi:th Going North 8.00 a.m. :.53a.in. 4.30 p.m. 9.30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. -»nd 6 p.fai.; and the afternoon mail south at 3.30. For morning train «onth at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Social and Personal Use a "Small Advt." Mr. Fred Math^wson spent tha past week in Owen Sound. Mr. Cecil Loucks of Markdale was Mr. F. H. W. Hickling Given Pleasant Surprise Prior to his departure, on Wednes- (iay last, for a visit to the home of his birth (tlie British metropolis) and France, Mr. F. H. V,'. Hickling, mer- chant, had a very pleasant surprise. For the past twelve years Mr. Hick- ling has held the post of treasurer of the Flrsherton Methodist chuiHih with credit to himself and satisfac- ] tion of his fellow officebearers and 1 the members generally. To show I the esteem in which they hold him, I the members of ths trustee and Quar- f terly Official Board delegated to a I committee of their number the agree- able duty of waiting upon Mr. Hick- ling at his residence and preseiiting him with an elegant fitted travelling case, replete with every needed aid to comfort together with travelling slip- The presentation was Claude Wilson, telephone lineman who ha'ls from Barria, was very badly injured while working on a pole just north of Eugenia on Thurs- day morning of last week. The injured man had just gone up the pole and was adjusting his belt when in some manner his foot slipped and he fell to the ground a distance of about ' Iwent-flve feet. One ankle ^vas badly injured, several bones beir*: broken, and he was also sev- erelly shaken up. He was brought to Flesherton and taken to the Gen- eral and Marine Hospital at Owen Sound for treatment. It will be some time before he will be able to use the foot again. The work under construction is the building of a new telephone line between the Power House and Flesherton. 8TH LINE, OSPREY {I visitor in town on- Tujsday. A fair run of sap was reported j P^^^ '" ^^^^ this week by tliose who have recently h"'''*'i« ^^ Mr. W. H. Bunt, who re- ^ppgj I marked on tho great value of the services which Mr. Hickling had Mrs. D. McTavish returned homei g^^g^ed to the congregation during last Friday after spendins: five weeks ^ ^g ,o„g term. Mr. Bunt said he with her sons at Oshawa. I .^.ji^ s,jj.g ^e voiced the sentiments of Miss Violet Watson of Pricevills the boards, as well as of the pastor spent the week end with Mrs. J. M. and congregation, wh:Ti he wished Cargo. *â-  I the recipient a very pleasant journey and sojourn with his mother and friends in the old land and a safe return to his home here. Mr. Hick- j ling replied in happy terms, express- Rains were prsvalent in this part jng his apprsciation of the gifts and Tuesday evening, together with the kindly sentiment which prompted thunder and lightning. j their giving. He wished the boards Mrs. W. B. A. Cross and little h^»*^h w^°"i ^^ ^^"^ always enjoyed daughter are visiting in Chatsworth ^*>^ '"os* cordial relations, continued this week. I prosperity and success in their gpod â-  work. - An auction sale' of dairy cattle, Kimberley Ladies' .A.id will hold their annual bazaar on March 20th. Hot supper from 6 to 8 o'clock. horses, implements and household fumitiire on Saturday, March 28th, the property of Mr. Alf. Thistte- . thwaite. B. H. Walden, auctioneer. The Methodist W.M.S. wiU be held ; at th3 parsonage on Thursday at 3 p.m. Election of officers will be held. All members are asked to Jbe present. Mr. ALf. Thistlethwaite has leased his dairy farm to Mr. H. Freeman of Markdale, who takes possession . about the last of March and will con- ftinue the milk business here. •, Carnation Lodge No. 545, L.O.B.A will hold a tea in the Lodge rooms -in the Clayton block, on Saturday after- noon, March 14th. Toa served from 4 to 7 p.m. Admission 15c. Every- 'body come. His many friends in this neighbor- • lood will be glad to learn that Mr. Gso. E. Clarke, son of Mr. J. D. Clarke, has been promoted to the managership of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in South Edmonton. Mr. W. B. A. Cross,, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, left on Thursday for Owen Sound hospital, where he will under- go an operation for .th3 removal of his tonsils. Mr. McKleroy is re- li<^ing him. Mr. J.' A. Stuart of Trayner, VILLAGE COUNCIL MINUTES Flesherton council met on the 2nd inst. Minutes read and adopted. Notice of assessment of Bell Tele- phone Co. and list of lands liable to be sold for taxes, 1925, were present- ed. An account from W. A. Armstrong for balance for building pavilion in park was read and on motion of Mr. Findlay and Mr. Down was ordered to be paid, $102.5T. There being no further business, j after some discussion on various top- ics, the Council adjourned. DIED THOMPSONâ€" At Port Colbome. Ont., on Saturday, March 7th, R(d>ert Thompson, aged 8o years. The fun- eral took place to Flesherton ceme- tery on Tuesday, March 10th. CONRONâ€" At Feversham on Wed- nesday, March 4th, Ethel Brown, be- loved wife of Thomas Conron, aged 34 years. B. M. and D. Statistics Following are the statistics of the births, marriages and deaths in Art- emesia and ths village of Flesherton for th3 past year:-.\rtemesia â€" Births 67, marriages 2, deaths 31. Flesherton â€" Births 7, marriages, Sask.. writes: Enclosed fined $1.50 â€" 10, deaths 7. an annual certificate of my apprecia- â-  tion of my home paper for 35 years. ^ Two tractors were used to operate I was a pioneer of Artemesia and the chopping mill at Damascus. .\ those early years and acquaint ancss spark in son>3 way ignited the oil will never be forgotten. j and gasoline about one machine and The Regina Leader announces tho ' '" « ^^'^ """"'«« ^^^ ^*"''« »"'" ^«'^ golden weddings of two worthy I "; fl^-^^^- There was no msurance. couples who w>nt west from this . The tractors were saved but 50 bags district some years ag(^Mr. and Mrs. j "^ Kâ„¢*" ^'^^ consumed. R. N. Kinnear and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. \ Glassford. Mr. and Mrs. Kinnear moved from Maxwell in 1908 and Mr. , and Mrs. Glassford from .\rtemesia in 19p7. Mrs. B. Field of Rock Mills is a daughter of the latter couple. Twelve ladies of Flesherton L.O.B. A. attended the funeral of the late ^ Mrs. Thos. Conron at Feversham on Friday last. Aft^r interment th? : ladies and their driver were all enter- tained to lunchoen by Mrs. Robinson and daughter. The Flesherton con- tingent desire to axpress their grati- tude and appreciation of this kindly act of thoughtfuln-ss s^nA generosity on the part o: Mrs. Robinson and daughter. (Intended for Last Week) A large number of friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. F. Brack enbury met at their home before they left the farm and presented them with a morris chair as a token of good will. The following is the address as read to them: To Mr. and Mrs. Brack-snbury and family: We your friends and neighbors are assembled here this evening to spend one more evening with you before you take your departure from us. You hav2 been among us for ^a number of years and we appreciate your cheerful and upright dealings. We regret very much tliat you are going to leave us, such is the way of life. And as you go from us, we want vou to know that the best wishes of the neighbors will follow you where- ever duty leads you. We feel that we cannot allow the present oppor- tunity to pass without an expression of our appreciation of you and your family, so w.3 wish you to accept this Morris Chair, not for its value but for the best wishes that accompany it. Signed on belialf of your friends and neighborsâ€" Mark Murphy and Fred Weldrick. Miss Marie Connor of Dundalk spent the past week on the eighth line. Born â€" On Febru'ary 2nd, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. John Haley, a son. Congratulations, The U.F.O. Valentine social, which was held at Mr. Em, Hawton's, was a splendid succsss. The evening was spent in music and games after which lunch was served. The weather has all appeairance of spring weather the last few days; some change from last week. Ws hope the fine weather continues. CHANGE OF PROPRETOKSHIPS An unexpected shuffle took place in the north end of town last week, ander which Aagus Xxxaksr ^oirender- ed the Queen's Hotel to Bert Lackie, taking over the latter's bowhng alleys. In Jiis way Mr. Tuohy's diff- iculties about a standard hotie'I license will doubtless be overcome. â€" Meaford Mirror. • BORN OSBORNEâ€" .\t the City Hospital, Hamilton. Ont.. wt MaoreA 9th. 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson 0^«Mme, a daughter. DEPENDABLE Auctioneer Service When an auctioneer travels over more than one secti<m of the County he can make you a better sale because the scope of acquaintance and confi- dence is correspondingly increased. List your Pure Bred or Farm Stock Sale with me and be assured of the benefit of a life experience along these lines. Terms moderate. J. S. SHEPHERDSON. Markdale COMING Dr. W. iiackwell g; EYESIGHT SPECIALIST of Toronto will be at the Park Hotel FLESHERTON WEDXESDAY. MARCH lUh Eyea examined. Glasses Fitted Moderate Prices. P.S. â€" Make appointment early. RESIDENCE FOR SALE Fine 9-Room Frame Dwelling G(H)D LOCATION. HAS A GOOD CISTERN AND WELL, BARN .\ND STABLE. EXTRA LOT GOES WITH THIS PROPERTY. WILL BE SOLD .\T A VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE. SEE S. E. DeCUDMORE Insurance, Bonds, Real Estate Phone 24-4. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cook j Celebrate Golden Anniv. I One of tiiose rare but most inter- esting events occurred at Markdale on Tuesday of last week when Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cook celebrated their golden wedding. R?latives, friends and neighbors from far and near joined with the esteemed couple in celebrating the joyous anniversary. Married by the late Rev. Mf. Johnston at Traverston thsy spent their early days pioneering in Glen- elg township. Here they resided until retiring some 19 years ago. A wedding breakfast, partaken of by 25 guests was indeed a most happy oc- casion. Among those present were their son Dr. R. M. Cook and Mrs. Cook of Calgary, with their daugh- ter. Marguerite, of Toronto Conser- vatory; their daughetr, Mrs. John Love, of Zealandea, Sask; and Mrs. E. Embury of Port Perry. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Cook were pleasantly surprised by members and officers of several organizations of the Methodist church. An address of appreciation from the Trustee Board, was read by Mr,. M. .Arm- strong. The Women's Missionary Society and Ladies' Aid combinsd, presented them with a purse of gold. The Bible Class of which Mrs. Cook is the teacher, and teachers of the Sunday school united in giving a wicker sewing table, and tha Mission Circle a fountain pen. The W.C.T. U. sherbert dishes and the family a radio and relatives a purse of gold. Many congratulatoi-y telegrams and letters were also received. On Wednesday afternoon and even- ing Mr. and Mrs. Cook received their many friends. Roses and daffodils were used to decorate the various rooms and halls. Presiding at the tea table, which was charmingly ar- ranged with handsome linen and lace cloth, yellow candle in silver candle sticks and daffodils, were Mrs. W. L. Young who poured tea and Mrs. C. E. Armstrong cut the ices. Those who assisted in serving were Mrs. (Rev.) Bowes, Mrs. W. J. McFadden, Mrs. A. J. Walker and Mrs. W. J. Bowes and Mrs. M. .A.rmsrong pour- ed during the evening. Miss Marg- uerie. accompanied by Mrs. Bowes, very beautifully rendered several violin numbers. The entire commun- ity joins in exending to Mr. and Mrs. Cook their heartiest congratulations and trust they may long be spared. , SUGAR MAKING SAP BUCKETS-Flaring and Straight. SPILES â€" Gunn or Eureka. BITS â€" 9- 1 6 in. for tapping. P.AILS â€" A good assortment. A. E. HAW General Merchant. Cash Cream Station. CEYLON Stole Closes Tuesday and Friday Evenings The Staff of Life CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEM.VNDS TH.A.T YOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE, INSTEAD OF .\SKING FOR .\ LOAF OF BRE.\D .YSK FOR FINDERS BREAD -\ND GET THE BEST. I INDER'S A ERFECT 1 RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery S. S. NO. 17, ARTE.MESIA i^r. 4â€" V. White. G. McRae. Jr. 4 â€" W. Paton. H. McRae. J Laugblin. Jr. 3.\â€" R. White, J. Pedlar, H. Shier, M. Fisher. Jr. 3Bâ€" R. DargaveU M. Pedlar, M. Johnson, J. Hawkins;. L. Shier. Sr. 2â€" N. Paton, D. English, J. English, -A. Laughlia, B. Laughlin. Jr. 2-Aâ€" M. Fisher, M. Best. Jr. 2Sâ€" J. Croft. Jr. 2C â€" D. Smith. L. Paton, L.' EusselL Sr. 1â€" H. Shier. Jr. Iâ€" G. Akitt, L. Clark, L. Part- rfiJge, H. LaogWin. Sr. Ft. â€" E. .\kitt, .M. Croft. V. rafaer. * Jr. Pr. Aâ€" L Eng-Iish, M. Shier, E. Sbi«r. Jr. Pr. Bâ€" B. Qark. THINK OF THIS STORE WHEN THE MATTER OF PURCHASING WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIAMOND RINGS, WEDDIN GRINGS, ORNAMENTAL JEWELERY PEARL NECKLACES OR OTHER JEWELERY. We carry a most cootplete stock anrf wish to serve you. A tarot)' win ptwina' our ability to gjive yoa Erst class values at a very large saving to you. WAY WE I£A\"E THAT PLE.\SURE? W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS I English Semf-Porcelain Dinner Ware | • « • 9 9 « €1 iS) 9 9 iSI e • 8 • OPEN STOCK PATTERNS WE ARE SHOWING EIGHT DIFFERENT DESIGNS FROM SOME OF THE BEST ENGLISH PATTERNS. THE SHAPES ARE NEW AND THE COLORINGS VERY PLEASING INDEED. All are \ ery reasonably priced, beinjj closely figured on dhect import ? from the makers- Beinjar "Ot>en Stock." any article of any pattern can ^ be purchased .singly if desired so that any breakage in ns« can be easily replaced. Prices for Standard 97 piece Dinner Setts are $20.00, $27.50 and $3L50. 40- piece Tea Setts made up from any openstock pattern from $10.00, $8.50> $&TS. Spring Wall Papers Our spring selections have now been placed in stock We think the assort- ment is the best we have ever shown and bearing in mind the fact tliat nearlj- all •-)ur Papers are the wide width {ZZy^ inches) with cut-out borders. Our values will be found exceptionally good. 9 9 9 9 9 9 As usual we offer a niunber of broken assortments of good selling lines at special ^ clearance prices â€" cost or less â€" all inperfect condition â€" SuitMtbie for small S rooms and other purposes. X 1 F. H. W. HICKLING I I FLESHERTON, ONT. | 999999i^^90i&$SS€-©{$9$999$9O^0999®O99999^4dfM^$9^#«^^

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