Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1925, p. 1

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®hje fks\)tti0n atrtwinc^ Vol. 45 No. 43 FlesKerton, Ontario, April I, 1925 W.H. Thuraton & Son, Piwprietort CEYLON Mr. S age on . Jair.«B away Mrs. C^ ing, bodr- Mr. Clarke McMillan passed away on Friday nitcht about 9.30, iifUr a lingering illness which was born with I •' K>^at patience, at the age of 26 years. Xjir^l^fbritima.^ day be was taken to Oven Sound hospital for an operation fcr appendicitis and made favorable '^ progrese asd after a few wseks was abi'd to corae'^home, but other troubles , i^ arose which he was not able to throw ' f^. .^.11 that loving hands could do was of no avail. Clark served over- • st-as and wa.s rassed, the effjcts of .. which were always felt He was of â- *â- â-  a "very kind disposition and loved by aU who knew him. Th» fvmeml took ^^.place on Monday to Swmton Park eenBetery. servics being held at the house at 1.30 p.m.. Rev. Ang^s Suth- «tjind, Presbyterian minister, Price- s' y.irf^ conducting th-i sei-vices. The \j|[|^«.i«ket was coverid by beautiful â- wreaths and sprays of sympathy from ielatr\*es and friends. He leaves to ova-n his loss his parents, one broth- „j|"i)uiijbn: tct^-her in Toronto, and orifcj^'tisw, Kjto, tsack >â-  at Wood- fcridge. to -^ditim tbe^sfninathy of the conunanity is 'CStended in their hour of sorrow. We axe sorry to report Mr. Archie Stewart, ill, but hope for a spesdy recovery. Miss Hewn, of Sydenham, who has Been nurse st. the bedside of Clarke McMillan for a number of weeks, left S8turdajr^.-for hir home. !^. J.' McDonald received word Sunday that his father, over 90 years old, was very ill at the home of his Eon on tHij». South Line. leniphiil recoivcl a mess- |day that his broiher, Mr. I'll, Regina, had passefxl ;i^or.!o of his daughter, lu^jWk on Ssnnday moiTi- "" .*Ji he has resided. The :ted to aiTive here about l-^phen fun.'fai arrangements lill 'ij' tinnouncad. Mr. Hemphill fvtas 9«dtormer resident of this place. â- vvberSit Ks family of five sons and three danhters were raised. Mrs. HeMp lini ^.Jaassed a^vay a numbsr of tJ^'^^KeiHschit-h.**!^- H-mphill family moved to l^ironto. and later v«^ w^^ ^ bis daiifrbter's. Mr. an<*Mrs. Hemphill and family jrwe veiy highly esteemed residents of tliM^«place and much sympathy '*â- 'â- * ' to the family and rela- Sv-es Three brothers an<l three sisters also survive. More particulars 'will be given next week. • „.J|r. Luther Duckett made a busin- gs trip to Owgn Sound on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Essex and little son oi liegina and yfho have just returned iwrn a trip to Scotland were gruests at Mr. D. McPhaiFs and call::! on Mrs, Essex' (nee Marsraret McArthur) many, friends here the pa»t week, who were indeed very pleased to see -]ier, ,^r. Roddie McLeod of Winnipeg Arrived Thursday to the bedside of Vis mother, who is ill. I Much sympathy is expre-.-.-d for hit. and Mrs. Dave .\dams in th- loss by death on Saturday evening.- of their sistsen months old baby, WiUiam Steele, from anaemia. Th; funeral tofik place Monday afternoon to Fleshgjcton cemeteiry, service being Wiiaucted Tiy Kev. Mr. Eaton. This community was shock .^J .vh««i ..^ vwas learned on Friday that Miss Mv^rdina McDonald had passed away [''after only. a few hours illness on Thursday night, at the home of her ,arents/Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McDon- .^lil. She was the odlest daughter, Uing seventesa years of age. The nmeral took place to Price viUc ooni- fteiT on Monday afternoor., the sers-- oes being conducted at the house and -'av» by Rev. Mr. Harrower of f'lesherton. Much sympathy is ex- tended^to the grief-stricken barents, hrcthers and sister. Mrs. J. cfcmmins of Od>»'»'« *"<^ M*"- Major of Toronto {jttended the funeral. !r. Dolphin Marshall h.HS returned ;.»!ro after spending a few \ve<?ks at Fohon. ROCK MILLS Mr. James Dargavel has received word that his only btorher, Dr. £. E. Topliffe, superintendent of Nelson and Sandon hospitaU, British Colum- bia, who has been taking a postgrad- uate course in New York, sailed from St. Johns, N. B., to complete his stu- dies in Vienna, .\ustria. Dr. Topliff graduated in Medicine and Arts at Queen's, Kingston, in the 1919 class. He was in the medical 'staff which volunteered to spend two years over- seas and continued his studies on his return. Mr. Levi Belts and youngest son, Kenneth, visited a few days in To- ronto. Mr. Lewis Pedlar and Mrs. Geo. Hargrave, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meidznm to Owen Sound last week, attending tM-Spring Sessions. Mr. Robert 'JiUtt returned home last ^^â- cck aftcg jIsitiBsr for some tims I with his daagS{$r, Mrs, F. Field, in Toror.to. Tftli FieM accompanied her -a'.hfr home. Mrs. John Hargrave gave a quilt- ing one day last week when a pleas- ant afternoon was spent in chat while the ladies plied their needles, after which Mrs. Hargrave served a dainty lunch. The Ladies' .A.id will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. "W. T Psdlar on Wednesday, .^pril 15th. Visitors welcome. Mr^. Richard Hoy is spending a few weeks with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Charles Newell, with a few men, were working on the roads last week, shovslling out the hills . The road is in good condition to Price- vill; and the cars are running again. Miss Mabel Betts has been con- fined to the house the past week with an attack of the hives, but W3 are pleased to know she is able to be out again. ONWARD" NEWS Quite a number here have com- menced supgar bush operations. Onward U.F Y.P. wish to express their deepest sympathy and regret to Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan in the loss of their son, Clarke. We are sorry to learn that Gladys Oliver has a bad cald. A very pronounced electrical storm passed over this community on Thurs- day evening last and was followed by the usual cold spell. Mr. Malcom McDonald, one of the oldest residents of this district is critically ill at time of writing. FEVERSHAM u I* V 1-5. LADY BANK -A very heavy electric storm passed over on the. night of Wednesday of last week and wa^' followed by a rain falL The Shortt Brothers have made a large quantity of maple syrup again this year. Already they have 100 gallons more or less. Master Kenneth Kaitting had misfortune to . cut his foot in sugar bush one day last week. Mr. Geo. Ottewell and Wm. Semple had successful wood bees on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. John Weldrick of Feversham and Percy Semple, Lady Bank, must surely know how to cut wood, as they cleaned up on nine saws at a wood bee recently. the the (InU.nded for Last Week) The weather .se«ms ra*her back- ward in giving off its spring appear- ance. Thsir first rural dance since re- turning from Toronto was presented by Mr. and Mrs. L SUinsby to the neighboring folks on Friday evening last and was a huge success. The guests, some 55 in number, were highly entertained and the evening's amusement involved quadrilles, step dancing by .A. McDonald and D. Mc- Cannel. ami waltzes. Splendid music was sTjpplied by six weB-known violinists. Lunch was served, after which the guests trippsd the light fantastic till morning. Home Sweet Home waltz nut the fnishing touches to what ever\-body termed a good time. A valuable dog belonging to Wm. Williamson was kicked and killed by a horse last W3ek. Jas. Oliver, who has been under the doctor's care, is a little better at time of writing. Quire a number in this burg have contracted what is believed to be the whooping cough. A card party and dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan on Friday evening last. The winners at card playing were presented with appropriate prises and a good time was enjoyed by all. I. Stainsby lost a horse last week. The animal took acute indigestion from which it never recovered. March is showing a little lionish I and the weather is quite cold with light snowfall. Dr. H. A. JIcKee of Markdale is visiting friends in the village. Many people in this locality are complaining of heavy colds. Mort Sayers little girl is down with pa3uraonia. Mr. Church of Bradford is teller in the bank here now, Mr. Bobinson having been moved to Shelbume. Miss lona Thombury gave a party to her little girl fsiends on Friday afternoon. M.ARRIEDâ€" .^t the Methodist par- sonage, Ma.\well, Wednesday, March 26th, by the Rev. A. E. Duflfield, Mr. Wm. T. Fadden to Miss Ada M. Foster of Proton Station. The young couple will reside on Mr. Fadden's farm near here. Their many frieiuls wish the young couple lonjf life and prosperity. We understand that Mr. John Poole has bought the farm along side of his own, formerly owned by Mr. Sam Galloway and Mr. Sam Roberts has bought the one across tlie road from Mr. W. A. .\rmstronij of Flesheiton. Mr. C. M. Morris and Will Heitman visit3d CoUingwood on Friday even- ing last. VANDELEUR , Mrs. S. Gilbert has returned hourc after f:ndinff a few weeks with Her ( daughter at Meaford. • jii. and Mrs. Otto Baker, also Mrs. [ E. Baker, spent a day with friends at Kimberley recently. Miss Charlotte Bokind of Cherry Grovf spent the week end at h:-r i home hp»^. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling and babe visited with friends at Flesher- ton a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker entertain- ed a number of their friends and neighbors at their home on Friday evening of last week Quite a large crowd from Flesher- ton, Kimberley and Vandeleur listen- ed to a splendid debate in the church here on Monday evening of last week between Kimberley and Flesherton, the latter winning. ! Bates Burial Co. Funeral Service. New Modem Funerial Parlors "'â- '^f.r'"' TORONTO Phone HiUerest SMS J.W.Bates R. MaiUocks Formerly of Flesherton. 4TH LINE AND VICINITY PRICEVILLE PORTLAW SENTENCED TO DEATtt Thos. CoUinson, a young man who was engaged for a tima last season with Mr. Russel Storey. 4th line, Euphrasia, was found guilty of mur- der St Cornwall and ^ent^nced to hang on May 29th next. On leaving Meaford last fall Collinson proceeded to the honu^ of Miss Beatrice Thorpe, near Cornwall, a young lady who had prevoiusy discouraged his attentions and shot her to dsath, through the window of her home. The trial, which began on Wednesday, was feat- ured by a plea of insanity offered by the defence. The jury was out ex- actly 53 minutes and the verdict con- tained a recommendation to mercy. SHEEP WINTERED IN THE OPEN Mrs. Wm. Yates is recov3ring from a severe illness. Miss Violet Taylor is on an extend- ed visit with relatives in Toronto. The maples haVe been on the run the past we?k. delivering tha goods. They suspended operations on Sim- day. Now doth the busy buzzing bees Improve each shining hour. .Mr. John JV'inters held a successful ;;uctioii sal© Of farm stock and imple- ments on Wednesday last. Mr. G?o. Duncan was the auctioneer. MAXWELL Miss Lilian Ottewell spent the week ci'.d with her friend. Miss Ber- tha Pallis<-er. Mr. Bob Priestly met with an ac- cident at the shipyards in CoUing- wood where he was employed, and as a result is nursing an injured foot. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brownridg', on March 23, a son. Mr. Geo. H. Burke has received the appointment as Superintendent of Roads for the Township of Osprey, at a salary of $5.00 per day Mr. Georgia Long, Jr., has again taken a position in the garage with D. McTavish « Son, Flesherton. Mrs. Marshall of Toronto is visit- ing her sister. Miss S. McLean, and other friends. Mrs. McArthur of CajTjga is visit- ing at Dr. Carr's at present Mr. Jcs. Campbell, farmer south of here, was seriously hurt on Satur- day by being thrown off a sleigh and striking his head on some ice. Mr. Jan-.es Mc.A.rthur has rettrmed to his horn- here after spending: the winter in Toi-onto. Mr. Wm. Taylor, who spent the winter with his daughters in Toronto has returned to his home here. Miss L. McFarlane spent the week end at !.<>r home at Chatsworth. We ar; torry to say that Miss Janet McDonald is quite ill at present but we hope to soon see her better again Uer mother. Mrs. .\lex. Mc- Donald, ii improving and is now abb to be up part of the time. :!epworth, in Bruce C(u:-:y, is SU'tping ahead in thi' n^a'^er of .'iur«h union. They .t. â-  building a ( hurch union shed, all fojr churches i-f the town being in on it, the ch.iir- man and manager of i'r-.^ whole e!> terprise being G. EU' i'c:, a Roman , onied surroundings, C-Jthc''^. The shed v. ..^ lo a sore of c&aimii^iity one, th Pivsi-yteiians, rlelhfdists. Anglica:i- a.il Rowan Catholics all workJr.^ hamioni<m«iy t nether for th« gcod of the cosn- jiiupity, IkV. Turr?' Mr. Albert Seiler town-line west, lost a lamb from his flock last sum- mer, it disappearing leaving no trace and the owr _>r had long ago given up hope of ev-r recovering it. Last week while in the bush taking out wood i he saw the sheep tracks and follow- ing them came upon a sheep weigh- ( ing from 3klbs. to 401bs. v.ith r> j n-.arkahly long: wool. It was with difficulty that he succeeded in captur- ' i;ig it as the sheep had develor>cd ihe traits of p wild animal. It was ' finally captured and conveyed to the ! pens in the hore that it will survive, j _A r^culiar feature of this case is â-  the «tr,\rkably long wool on the shcop natiiTo evidently helpinjr the i fheep to adapt itself to its accust- This being a Slides At Methodist Y.P.S. .\n illustrated lecture on the. Life and Habits of the North .American Indian was shown at the meeting of the Flesherton Methodist Young I" oyile's Society on Monday night last. The slides which were commented on by Rev. H. H. Eaton, were much enjoyed by all present. The pixigram also consisted of a WTell r.-ndcrcd piano solo, by Miss Elizabeth Bentham and a phasing vocal selection by Dr. Murray. Village Finances To th;; Riitepayers of Flesherton : Ladies and Gentlemen. â€" .\s the fin- ancial question of this village h.-.s been quite a topic since nomination day, and as I have been ask.'d ques- tions several times, I will take the re- sponsibii'ty on myself to answer ihcm :;- this way. The tinancial staten-.f.r of Dec. 15, 1924. gave a balance of S!.>2'.>.:'S. We w.ne told that there were outstanding accounts that would amount to about ons hun- dred (â- â- )!lars. It would have been nearer correct if put at a thousand dollar---, which the figjres that I am giv-nu you will tro ti show. Street light:;-.-. $754: H. Wilson, $1P.25; W. H. Thurston, S21.1"); W. .\ Arm- strong, $102.57; T. Clayton, salary anvi postage. S27.1)5; W. J. B?!lamy. registering births. m;irriages and deaths. ?6.00: Ag'I gra::t. $1C.00: O. W Phillips. $3.00: W. ,(. Bellamy. rent. $-lS; R. Down. S2.00; Hydro. J::n. 10th, ?245.60; Feb. 7th. $261.71. Now. I ara not reflecting on the past Council. I am telling the facts ol our tinancial standing, and no person j-hould be oiTended at that. I trust that the ratopay ts will not be looking for big expenditure this year, as we do not intend to raisj any more taxes than have been raised the past year. Wo wiil try to jisc th.> funds to the best advantage. Trusting this will bo satisfactory to all interested !>arl:. ;, I am yours, W J. MEADS Giiberi KcEacheran. ex-Reeve of ilgrerr.ont, Ir.st week sOtrcr*^ from sllgh'. par.ilysis. He is i.ow recov- ering. iv.-c W'aterloo to take ; .:nU;ed MenR3;iJte3 left very cold winter and the Jtround so well cov red wth snow it ii: difficult to d^ter'^'iine 'Kew ih? anir.js! fo"and suflfic:»nt food to sustain life tlwough- t " ' •' *" ilnier5ton North-wtst. Rev. Dr. R. J. Zimmornian, a dis- tinguished evangelist, well known in ih -â-  • -"trts. has ditd in Toronto. Brt M.._v,.;^. Cnssie of Orangrsville has : '"Jtc!- 5o!d his luftk residence :?; Sheibame pumps to Mr. Sidney Ranis, the r^.w <QJ' . ' •â- â€¢ r.jent. _ pa^ios. County one day •p f?.rrr:5; i^ tho last >veek Cipacian .:aw -t.4 We were sorry to learn that Mr. Joe Campbell of Proton, brother of Mr. Geo. CampbtU, had a serious ac- cident when his sleigh sle".vad on a piece of ice. throwi:ig Mr. Campbell out on his head, causing a fractured • skull. Mrs. A. M. Gilchrist of Flesherton spent the past week with her daugh- ter, r>Ir?. Edrar Patterson. This comninity was saddened on Friday last i .- the death of Clark Mc- Millan, son of Mr. and .Mrs. John Mc- Millan of Ce: Ion. The funeral took place 'on ilQv-da^ to Swinton Park ' cemetery. ^ - - . _ Mrs. Edgar Patterson had a hatch" of 323 tine hu: ky Barred Rock chicks this w^eek. RESIDENCE FOR SALE Rev W. J. Burnett of Droniore and . Knox Presbyterian churches, has de- clined the call to Dixie and Islington. ' Fine 9-Rconi Frame Cwelliim GOOD lOCATION. HAS A GOOD CISTERN AND WELL, BARN AND STABLE. EXTRA LOT GOES WITH THIS PROPERTY. WH-L BE SOLD AT A VERY ATTKAtTIVE PRICE. SEE S.E. DeCUDMOfc^' Insurance. Bond.s. Real Estate Phone 24-4. r."^ 1 MOUSE OF GIUAL-ITV ] WE ALWAYS KEEP A FCLL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES OX H.\ND FRL'IT â€" Oranges, Lemons and Grape FVuit. CONFECTIONERYâ€" Neilson's buik chocolate bars and fancy boxes A FULL STOCK OF BRAN. SHORTS. GROUND SCREENINGS. OAT CHOP. WHEAT CHOP, OYSTER SHELL. BEEF SCRAP AND LAYING MASH SALT â€" Barrels and sacks. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Floor, Fted, S«*ds, Groceriem and Confectionery Flesherton. t BABY SPECIAL ^^ Prize for First Baby Bom in the Conunmity Cn or After April Ut The iwiie will be one Hi{ch Chair Value $.1.80 or if chair is not needed a Baby Swing or anythinft to that value for the child. Or.'v qv.alih cations are that parents must be custom- ers of some one ot the stores in Flesherton. Parents to notify me the date o.'' birth. We alsio have for sale all kinds of pu«* carts. Baby Carriages Babv Walkejs, Kiddie •i^af »._ I'd! Carriages. Waaons oi all sizes for all siie» of boy«, Child's Rockers and Commt>de Chairs. So when needinft any of the above t" ould he s'ad to have you come in and U-f u-; show y«» our s'.ock. \ TJ Fi;RN;Ti i<Nf. W. Findlay ^rtoii %-^ \

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