Wednesday, April 1, 1925 ABVAMCB The most Liquid Investmeat A SAV1N(;S Bank Account is primar- ily an investment. But it is the only investment yielding a fair rate of intei- est, tliat is available for your use at a moment's noMce. Emereencies can be immediately met by the bank account that has been consistently develooed. Your investment as a bank account yields constant satisfaction and peace of mind in the fact that it is always ready for other uses without the trouble of converting into cash. SI/yslDARD BANK OP CAJ4AJ9A. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. F. Batty, Manager McTavish & Son Hold Successful Opening At Car Show Rooms FINE NEW CHEVROLET MODELS EXHIBITED ON SATLRDAY CANADIAN PACIFIO C. p. R. TIME TABLE Sawmill Burned To The Ground At Holland Centre 'Train* leave- Flesherton Stati<vi as -foUowa; 'Gins South Going North 9.00 a.m. ' l.SSa.m. -4.80 p^m. 9.30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as foUowa: For the north at 11.00 a.m. ..and 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail â- acntb at 3.30. For morning train 4Mttth at ma:il closes at 9.00 p.m. the : previous evening. Social and Personal There is now plenty of water in the wells and creeks. Mr. Clifford Bunt of Owen Sound ' was a visitor in town on Sunday. The new 1925 car markers have . made their appsarance here. ! Frogs ar? beginning to croak in : warmod-;in ponds. Mr. W. H. Bunt returned home on - Saturday alter spending the past two weeks in Toronto. Rev. H. H. Eaton attsndeJ the and son banquet in Dundalk on ! The 1925 automobile season was oflficially opened by D. McTavish & Son, Chevrolet dealers, at their show rooms in th.' garage on Saturday afternoon when a large number of people attended and had the nenr Chevrolet models shown them and the new improvements explained. Messrs. F. M. Gould, service repre- sentative, and F. S. Wright, district salesman, of Oshawa were in attend- ance and the visitors wera freely in- vited to ask qnestions. Th3re is hardy a feature of the Chevrolet that is not new, improved or re-designed, while mosc of these feat- ures are characteristic of high2r price- ed cars. The following outstanding features i are to be found on thase new cars: â€" The clutch has baen changed from a cone type to a perfected • single a,. lit.. ^.- u J ' plate, dry disc clutch, which requires The electrical storm which passed „^ . . ... „, . , h <== over HoUand Centre on Thursday "° '"br.cut.on. This new type makes nighc last; accomoanied by lo^d f"'" ^^^'-^i- opera'on, another engage- thunder and a heavy downpour of j^^";'' """"^ P°«"''« '^"^^ ""'^ '""S^"- rain, proved to be disastrous for Hoi- i land Centre. A bolt of lightning ; '^*'« •"««'" ^^^ '^ entirely new. In struck the gristmiU belonging to Mr. ; ^^''^ construction, the differential R. F. Harber and it was but a very i complete with thf^ ring gsar and few minutes before the entire struc- j P^n'O" are mounted on an integral ture was a mass of flames, with ab- \ P*""* °^ tl'e third mwnber in what is solutely no hope of saving it. The known, as the differential earner, flames spread with great rapidity, "^^^e new stamped. one-piece a.xle and it was not long before it was ap- . housing known as the banjo type â€" is parent that the saw mill, which ad- ' •''''n'l"'' '" design and construction to joins it, and which is also owned by , t^at used on costly cars. New de- Mr. Harber, was doomed, and it also Partui- ball bearings are used was destroyed along with tho grist- throughout, mill. I The front axle has be2n strength- The citizens of the village turned ' ened and re-designed, ont in large numbers in the pouring The .^'irings are of the semi-ellip- rain and did all they could to assist, tieal type, which are longer and pro- but the best they could do was to save vide easy riding. They ara chrome' some of the surrounding residences, vanadium steel. The rear springs as several of them were threatened are under-slung to imnrove roadabil- on numerous occasions, the rain also.ity. Aleniitet fittings insure posi- bcing a detterent factor. The grist tive lubrication, and by use of bronze mill and sawmills are a total loss, bushings the Ufe of the shackb bolts and Mr. Harber estimates that he is jg greatly lengthened, a loser to the exts-nt of about $12, Big Government Plow Ob PredKiol RoaH An auto truck snow plow owned | by the Highways Department of the Ontario Government passed through here on Thursday last. The plow is a heavy piece of machinery and is the only one of its kind in Ontario. It was opening the highway north, t* Owen Sound. Several cars came through from Toronto last week and the drivers pronounced the road as good as anything that can be expec- ted this suaim«r. ^l^fB^Jnesday of last W3ek. ,,„,, _., ^ , . , â- The new channel steel frame is '!8 000. The amount of insurance could. 5^,^^^^ longer, not be learned. ' ft Mr. Fred Mathswson has returned from visiting at Toronto and New- market. Miss Justina Ellis and Miss Fern Stuart of Kiml':rley visited the form- er'*' sister Mrs. R. Chard, recently. Mr. Harmon Radley has returned *"his--farm here after spending the winter in Toronto. Mr. Stewart McTavish left on Fri- day for Oshawa where he has taken . a position with the General Motors. lllr. Alfred Thistlethwaite held a very successful auction sale on Sat- ,.â- urday afternoon, when satisfactory prices were obtained. Dr. J. S. Bhepherdson of Markdaja wielded the hammer. Some bebutiful new spring hats are to be seen at the two millinery parlors in town, ready for the spring fashion parade. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson and little son, Bruce, of Toronto, visited this week with Mrs. Njilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. The main roads are in fair shape "*" now, but most of the back roads * have quantities of snow that make hard travelling in places. \V. Miller who went from Markdale to Everett, Washington state, 35 yeai"s ago, and became a leading citi- zen, died a few days ago. M.3. T. Gamey and Mrs. E. Phillips of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. R. Clark aftd other friends in town. Messrs. Wragget and McMillan are busily engaged now painting and papering the town hall. They ex- pact to have the contract completed before the end pf the week. Mrs. O. W. Phillips entertained a number of tka ladies to an afternoon tea on Saturday in honor of Miss Pentland of Dungannon, who is visiting her sister Mrs. W. I. Henry. Mrs. R. Bentham. who has spent the past two and a half months nurs- ing her mother, Mrs. E. Paul, at Eu- genia, spant the past few days at her home here, Mrs. Paul is gradually improving. The Easter Thank Offering meet- ing of the mission band will be held in the Methodist church on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock . All are cordially invited and lunch will be serMsd. At a meeting of the public library bMrd on Friday evening last a com- mittee was appointed to silect books, composed of Mt-Ssis. Murray, Eaton, C. Richardson and Thurston. The book* are to be purchased this month. | Aud;toi*s appointed were Messrs. Geo. Meffavish and W. Turnav. F.VTHER AND SON BANQUET AT DINDALK LAST WEEK is stronger, and has I five sturdy cross members instead of ; four. Many features whit-h make for comfort and convenience have been . . ^, , . ,j 1 incorporated in tbj new bodies. The A father and son sunper was held ... - ,, , ^, ,,..,,â- ,. 1 1. T% J n open bodies are roomier; the front v.\ the Methodist chui-ch, Dundalk, • . , , , ... , , , ,. ^t ^ „, , , • , ,. - 1 i. ,1 seat has been tilted hack at th° top on Wednesdav night of last weak. I, ^ ^ ,., ,- ., „ „ ,,, .c T. ^ ... for more comfortable sea tin a:; the C. F. Plewman of Toronto, provincial ,. .. j • .... \ . r i.u r^ i • -d . n- : ' Constructed in the scats has secretary of the Ontario Boys work , , j ,...,,, ,, r, J ...jji- J "esn lowered at the back; the tonncau Board, was present and delivered a ,, , , , , , , , ,. . , , ,,. ., floor boards have been lowered and a stirrmg address. Visitors were , , ,- , , ^ present from Flesherton, Durham and | ^^'^ ^'^""^ ^^^^'t" P'f*^^*' "* »" ^"^^^ Owsn Sound. At a meeting of the Grey County Boys' Work Board it was decided to have a country camp at Vail's Point, Owen Sound, the latter part of July. CARD OF THANKS to serve as foot rest. All closed bodies are built by Fisher, and have rounded curv?s and graceful lines. They have the "V\"" one-.niece windshield, with regulator located above the windshield and automatic windshield wiper controll- ed from the dash. This new wind- An expression of thanks for the Shield affords unobstructed vision kindness and sympathy shown to us! and perfect ventilation. All closed during our recent great loss can not I cars liave new type metal door checks convey fully our apreciation. operating at the tops of the doors, ^ohn S. McMillan and Family. There is a dome light in Coach and '.Sedan and robj rail in Sedan. It has; --^l' body types are equipperd with !cowl lights and new instrument board I refined and designed for maximum Special evangelistic services are in | leg room. progress in the Gospel Worker's' xho windshield in the open body church, Meaford. Rev. A. E. Arm-: types has beon so changed that the strong, pastor. j rubber weathclr-stripping between the upper and lower windshield can in no way interfere with vision. Chevrolet is the low?st priced car to introduce Duco finish on all its Guelph is putting on airs, a motor cycle policeman. George A. Campbell, formerly tan- ner and shoe merchant, Orangeville. is dead, aged 84. His son. Dr. L. Godfrey Campbell, is a well known resident of Markdale. INTERIOR DECORATING See me about that job of paint- ing, paper hang in.:; or any inter- ior decorating. Satisfaction guaranteed, coupled with moder- ate charges. Drop me a card and I will estimate on the work. P. A. RUTT . FLESHERTON standard body type.«. Another ino- vation, particularly in the low-priced field, is the finishing of all Chevrolet cars in beautiful colors. The Tour- ing, Roadster and Coach are finished in a rich, dark blue; the sedan is aquamarine blue with upper panels 1 i'l black; and the Coupe in Ontario i grey on the lower panels and hood, ^and blue on the upper panels. Fend- â- ers on all models are in black. Rennie's Field and Garden Seeds Alsike Clover, Mammoth Clover, Red Clover Alfalfa, Timothy. Field seeds of all kitid.s. Rcnnic'^ t\'r quality. Call and inspect our .seeds and get our prices be'^orc buying' your sprint;' rc(|iiirements. A. E. HAW Cash Cream Station. Store closes Tuesday and Frid; CEYLON PRES. W. .M. S. FOR LSIOi* The following statement is issued by Mrs. McGillivray, President of the Presbyterian W. M. S.: "The Women's Missionary Society of" the Presbyterian ' Church in Can- ada has completed a survey and cen- sus of its staff at work in Canada, and announc3s that of the 1.50 work- ers- servingr in various parts of the Dominion, only four have declared that they are not in favor' of Union. Three of these four non-concurring workers have stated that they are prepared to continue th.sir work with, the society in the Union Church of Canada.. BORN McTAVISH â€" In Flesherton on Monday, March 30th, 1925, to Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. McTavish, the gift of a daughter, Marjorie Jean. FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL 4th Classâ€" H. Thompson, G. Mc- Fadden. E. Preston, E. Fenwick, L. Ferris, I. Thompson. E. McKee, F. Howden, I. Creaser, H. Welton. Sr;. 3â€" A. Heard, E. Fenwick, M. Fjnwick, M. Bibby. J. McFadden, E. McMullen, G. Sled, B. Phillips. L. Batty, B. Patton, A. Lever, A. Irwin. Jr 3 â€" E. Fisher. G. Stuart, S. Pres- ton, W. Colgan, G. McMaster, B. Castle. Sr. 2 II. Be?t, J. Gibson, E. Mc- Killop, E. Fenis, F. Wiilton. Bill F.,•tc^. B.- Sled. Jr. 2â€" 5r.- ror-'", .loe Gibson, D. McMillan, D. McFadden, W. Preston, M. Stuart, A. \Aarling, V. McMast?r, B. McEachnie, E. Kerton, C. Thistle- thwaite. St.. 1â€" Ed.. Pattonv. E.. Warling, C. Gibson. B. Welton, E. Talbot. G. Boyd, H. Croft. Jr. 1â€" Hugh Bibby, L. McEachnie, H. iVIcKillop,. W. Littlejohns.. Pr. B.â€" r. Gibson, B. Bellamy, A. Ttnmey. Pr. .A.â€" A. Lawrence, F. Paicon, C. Talbot. E. Brown, E. Burnett This Fanner Knows Where He Stands HE has a memorandum on the ch«pic: stub of every accoimt â€" and an entry in' ht» bank book as well â€" a double check on his business. The incoming cheques or cash ate also shown in his bank book. In a flash he can tell when he paid any par- dollar account or when an account was paid to him. His bank book cells him. He has no need to go to town, to do hi» business if he is rushed. A cheque by mail pays an item or makes deposits almost as quickly as he: could do it himself. Today the safe, efficient, sadsfiurtoty method of buai> is through the Bank. BANKOFMOJVITREAL Established over lOOyears ' IbtalAsseU in excess of ^ Meaford is to have a brand new fishing tug this summer with Frank Menai'y as skippar. M. J. Bolger, formerly a well- known hotelkeeper rn Grey County, is It is now stated that the tax on 4.4 (the new beer) will be collected at the breweries. Walkerton Council, not being able to decide as to the extent of the defi- starting up buaiiiess in tha same line(cit in town funds, have called m the in Arthur. ."Provincial auditor. ©©â- ®[«Hfe^*#^®®^©€'®®®©©©®©C'^®®®®^^®^^ Hockey Goodi ! CLOVER SEDS ALL NO. 1 GOVERNMENT STAND- ARD AND ONTARIO GROAfTN. Alsike Clover .'5>12J» per &». Timothy $ ijs pier b«. Grininrs .Alfalfa $15.50 per bu. Variegatid .Alfalfa ....§14.00 per bu. .\lsike Clover .?I2.00 per bu. Timothy $ ^.75 per bu. Above prices strietly rash. A. C. MUiR - tEVLON Phon? 2 r 31. • « » 9 9 • • 9 i • To all those who skate we have some serriee- dble Hockey Boots in men's, boys' women's and giris sizes. Stock that will give satisfairtiion to the wearer. IN RUBBER GOODS In rubber goods we have men's and women's Goloshes, and a good assortraert of heavy rubbers. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO 9 alN t 9 9 9 t 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ♦I @©®®@®4&4SH&®®®@«f®®®9©^®«f^?J@@@#€-€®@€-^Si<§*^®®®®^®^^*^®i 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I « 9 9 9 i SPRING MILLINERY This season we have b^en particularly careful in our selection of Millinery and our efforts, have met with general approviJ« New Goods Added We have placed in stock for your inspection a com- plete range of New Hats, every one posesssng distinc- tive features, not more than one of a kind. Popular prices from $3.00 to $5.50. Three Specials Men's Urus calf work boots extra quality and workmanship combined in these. Your choice of brown or black. Price $3.75 Men's English Broadcloth shirts full range of new shades. Prices $2, $2.25, $2.75 Dairy Pails of quality, ranging in price from 45c, to $1.00. Also special $K00 pails selling for 2 for $1,49. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"0 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ^ 9 9 9 9 9 9 » 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9999€O'^'^99®^^t9^^^9€99999^99^9^<^^':»^999ii!99^^'99^i990 cstt j » mn < -rtttlm