'Wednesday, Ai»ril 1, 1925 THE PLBSHBRTON ADVANCE Ford Cars Trucks Tractors TIRES TIRES An assortment of 4 popular brands to choose form. LOWEST PRICES IN HISTORY The following prices for cash : Dominion DOMINION Royal Cord 30x31/2 Guaran- teed 8000 miles. $10.95 Prices on other makes and sizes of tires compare fav- orably with the above. Why take a chance on those old tires? Nobby Cord *30s3^} Guaran- teed 6000 miles. $8.95 DOMINION Royal Cord 30x3 Vi I oversize. Guaranteed 8000 miles $12.95 Prospects For Basekall Team Bright This Year With the coming of apring the subject of baseball is naturally in the air and this town is not without its rumours of the performance of the slab artist and his eight fellow I playerx. While Flesherton could I not put a world beating aggregation jinto the field, we believe the boys ) could give a good account of them- selves. Some of the young fellows have come along fast the past twov years and some good ball could be played by them. It is always to the coming gensration that we look for players, and it is expected that a team will be formed this year com- prising these young fellows and there will be a bunch of the older ones too. Flesherton has always given good support to their ball team and the boys would again ask for their hearty support if a tsam is fielded this year. If the Thursday half-hoWday is obser%ied this year it would be a big help for the team. Altogether now and boost for a ball team in Flesherton! SNTROLCOGKROliCHES A Reliable Method of QetUiK Rid of These Pests H. DOWN & SONS FORD DEALERS : IT WAS A TIE GAME ' Last week we didn't intsnd to take any glory away from the Dundalk hockey team, when we said that Flesherton won the last game 9 â€" 8 but it seems we did. There were several scores given to us and most of them said that Flesherton won, but we now hear the coiTect score is a tie, 9 all We hearby make a correct- ion. Lash As Deterrant DEPENDABLE Auctioneer Service The fine, the lash, th-2 cell, have been lor some time the modes of pun- j ishment most in use for lawbreakers. '. With mo(l.<n improvements prison ^ life with 8omi2 seems to be regarded as a sort of residence, and to have j lost much of its terror. .So emphas- ; IB is being placed on fines and lashes benefit of a life expa-ience as deterrants. Three months with a ' these lines. Terms moderate. Wm. Findlay of Toronto is the new C.P.R. agent at Dundalk. Hanover golfers have bought Wm. Bolden's farm for a golf '-links." The veteran Clerk of Di-.flerin County, J. C. Reid, has been seriou.sly ill at Orangevillc, but is now .^aid to Small Advertise menli flOOO fine; or six monthf; with a doz-i en la.shes a month would no doubt be ' quite effective in deterring a crim- inal from future transgression, or as a deterrent to others, wherci^Dicre im- .^^^^ ^,.^^ presented with the custom- prisonnwnt v.ould fail.- & Kep., M. Forest. When an auctioneer travels over mo'e than one section of the County ho can ma!:e you a better sale because the scops of acquaintance and confi- dence is correspondingly increased. , ^^ recovering. List your Pure Bred or Farm Stock ^ ' ,i'„<,tv„„ „ , ' , , , A e ,u„ Fire, after an auction sale, destroy- Sa e with me and be .-isaured of the ^J"-' " '•'' . ^ , ^e w,v, cd barn and grain contents of Wm. Currit, near Hepv.'ori.li, en Wednes- day last. The death is announced of Prof. H. C. lieinieke, the well known master of the 31st Regiment band and ohoivleadsr of St. Georg-e churcii, Owen Sound. Deceased wa.s at one time a band master in Hanover. along I J. S. riiHPIIEKDSON, Marl:dalc Thers were no convicts for trial at Peel assizes and Chief .Justice Merc- ^Confederate .„.y ^^y^j^g gi^ves. ««i»««'6®»®®®«»^^^^@^^^^''^'^^®^'^^®®®®®*^®^'**®®''^®^^®^®^^^f SIX HILL STORES 9 9 W* buy together in order that Mr cuftomers in the lix com- ntunitiea majr materially ben- l cfit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdaie, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associate* with high quality merchandise at the fairest possible prices. I S Daily Arrivals of New Spring Merchandise to Every Department of this Big Store Almost every day we are placlnR new lines of merchandise in our shelves and on our racks and tables, so that everywhere you turn you will find new arrivals of seasonable merchandise. Buy Your Easter Hat Now Only a few weeks and Easter will lie here, the Keascm of the year when most ladies don theiri new hat. Our asHortmcnt is hirge. Tl.e styles are the newest and prettiest ohtainahio. We are certain we can save >«u money on your Millinery purchases as we have marked oar hats at the lowest possible margin on cost. We are al.-o absolatcly sure that most Millinery Departments will ask you much higher prices for .«iinilar up-lo-lhe-minuto creations. See our as>:(irtments i-.t SS.!ir> and Cl.'J') NEW SPRING COATS Attractive Styles Beautiful Cloths Moderate Prices The New Spring foals have arrived, the styles are the newest obtainable, the prices are very moderate. This secson. in >he matter of coat purchases, we bought for our five stores at the same time, having the output of about twenty of the best manufacturers' lines assembled together from which we made our selection, ko if you uurchase your new coat here you are sure of an absolutely correct style at a price that represents a nice saving, $10..')0 to $37..50. Again We Emphasize the New Spring Shoes We are Justly proud of our new shawinit' of shoes for anv and every member of the family. This is emphatically the store with the stock when it comes to a matter of shoes. This store has always been noted for its large assortment of footwear, but never before in our history of merchandising have we aseombled such a wide and varied assortment of what is new and attractive in footwear, and at prices that will surprise you hcrause they are so moderate and reasonable for such beautiful high class merchandise. It would be Impossible to describe the many lines we carry in an ordinary sized adver- tisement. We ask the privilege of showing you our assorlmc.it. You will be delighted. New Cloth Fabrics for Outer and Under Garments in a Big Range of Materials The new fabric<t for Ixtth outer and under garments are many and embrace a wide range of colors and weaves. Our showlne of Hroadcluth, that popular and serviceable material, so much in vogue at the moment, for not only blouses and dresses, hut also for slips and bloomers. Is very complete, and contains stripes and plain colors In almost all colors Imaginable. Crepes, Voiles and Ginghams will be popular again this season, our latest arrivals In these cloths are beautiful in designs and colorings. A new fabric, Victorian Cloth, promises to he much used for dresses and children's wear, largely tak- ing the place of prints and other materials. The designs are neat, the colors fast, the cloth itself is po(t and verv closely woven and is .12 Inches wide and sells at the popular price of only 35 cents per yard. Why not lay in your supply of these materials and cct your spring s wing done before the duties of fipring house cleaning has to be attended (o. Special Book of High Grade Wall Papers Wo have had a r,i>erinl book of hiKh prade Wall Papers made up, ^t that if you are looking; for n distinctive and strictly hi(»h grade paper, we will talse your order for same and have the paper here in about two da>s after the ordor is gi\en. See thIS hook; jou will I., charmed with the beautiful designs and moot harmoiiioas blending of colors. Sodium Fluoride WUl Do tiM Job- It Kills Both bjr Cont««t «Dd the Mouth â€" How to Api^r â€" Bot FUea â€" ^Ii'ivcd Proportioas. (Contributed by Ontario OepartaMMt ot Asrieultura, Toronto^) The kitchens In many reataurutU, liotcU and other institutions ara so Infested with cockroaches that if patrons could see tb«m they would leave the place In disgust. Bakeahopa are also much trouble<l wlt)> these Insects. Control l8 Not DUBcnlt. In spite of their commonness con- trol is not dlfBcult. Sodium fluoride, a white powder, will kill any that come in contact with It. The writer, however, prefers to oae a mtzture of equal parts of sodium fluoride and cornstarch, as being superior to the fluoride alone. This mixture costs only about 50c a pound, and a pound will treat once a very large kitchen and usually would be sufficient for all the treatments for an ordinary private house. The method of applying is to put the mixture into a can with a per- forated lid,, or into a salt-cellar, and ttien dust it moderately heavily along the floor beneath the v/atcr pipes and sinks, on the window sills. In the back part of the shelves of cupboards, and any other place frequented by the cockroaches. Sodium Fluoride Kills Two Ways. The substance kills both by con- tact and by being taken Into the mouth. It apparently gets into the mouth by the roaches cleaning their feet and body to remove the powder when they happen to run over it. A small dust gun or bellows, cost- ing about J 1.50, Is an excellent thing to apply the powder with, and is much superior to the dusting can, as it enables a perscn to blow the substance into cracks and crevices where the insects may he hiding and where they could not bo reached by the can. How to Prepare for Treatment, Before each treatment sweep the room well, and then le;ive the pow- der undisturbed for several days. Sweep up again and make another application. This may have to be re- peated several times, and each time care should be taken to discover, if possible, overlooked areas -and treat them. Usually two or three dustings will destroy almost all the cock- roaches, even In a large institution, but sometimes It Is so difficult to find all the hiding places that several applications will be necessarj'. All that Is required, however, to eradi- cate the pest l^ care and persever- ence. That the powder does kill the cockroaches will be shown plainly after the first treatment; for In a day's time numerous cockroaches will be found dead here and there over the floor. The above treatment Is the cheap- est the writer knows, and much more effective than any spray that can be Riven, because it remains active as long as left on the floor, whereas the sprays are only effective at the time of application, and only If they bit the insects. â€" J. L. Caesar, O. A. Col- lege, Ouelph. STOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Bronze Gobbler for sale. â€" Sam Fitzsimmons, Flesherton. FARMS FOR SALE "^ On th« Toronto Line Provincial Hiffhway. Three farms, two of 100 FOR SALE â€" Two head of cattle, 2 acres and ona of 60 acres all cleared years old. â€" Wm. Carson, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 3-year-oid Heifer due to freshen on or about the last of June. â€" Mrs. Jas. Genoe, Flesherton First class buildings, up to date in every particular. Will srll any one ' of these. Good brick house on on > «.. the farms. The sUbling for anni» mals is perfect. One t%rm has tea •*•â- *â- hardwood bush and another FOR SALeIfout Turkey hens and i""^'*';^.*^'. *!*'«* "^^ «' ««"»« a gobbler. - Joseph Thompson, "I'T^.^h""*' u' T^^^ Feversham. , m^±. M w' T" r-'.*""i' ,"^ ^ ._ I»K pens. No broken land and clear 1 of weeds. Any person interetaet should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. Iny Proton SUtioa PA FOR SALEâ€" Grade cow for sale due to freshen March 7th, tfip years old. â€" W. Walker, Eugenia, FOR SALEâ€" Three Sows, due Apr. 20thâ€" John Hatton, R.R. 5, Markdaie Phone 29 r. 2. FOR SALEâ€" 3 Cows for sale, to freshen about the last of April. â€" FARM FOR SALE George Joiinston, Flesherton. 11-22. R. R. East half of lot 3 and lot 4, Con. 4. . Artemesia, 150 acres, good barn and: house also good orchard, well water- ed, large hardwood bush 15 acres. â€"NEIL CAMERON, Ceylon.. FOR SALE or exchange on a young work horse, young pigs, bacon type, ready to wean â€" Herb. Corbett, Proton Station. CORNER BLOCK FOR SALE. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Shorthorn bull one year old; also O.A.C. No. 21 Barley, on lot 2, Con. 9, Osprey. â€" Edgar Eetts, Eugenia. Comer block for sale in Flesher- ton, known as the old Richardson block. Reasonable terms. â€" W. L. WRIGHT. Flesherton. FOR SALE or EXCHANGEâ€" One purebred Shorthorn bull 12 months old, Broadhooks family, phone l'r2, Feversham. â€" G. H. Burke Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" 5 year old mare for salt, heavy draught, also a few large iecd peas $2.40 per bu. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. Phone Feversham. FOR S.A.LEâ€" S. C. Ancona eggs for hatching from my st)ecial strain of year round layers. Try them and be convinced. Eggs fl.OO per 13. â€" J. C. McMuUen, Ceylon, P.O. House For Sale In FleshcrtottL Frame lH story shingle roofed dwelling with nice la-ge lot and' stable. Apply to â€" â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG. FIeshertoii> FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. FOR SALE â€" Span of mares rising 3 and 4, well matched general pur- pose ;also 2 Cows, one due April 20 and the other about May 15, both about 4 years old. â€" Walter Russ;!!, Flesherton. N. E. 60 acres of 171, and N. E. 60- acres of 172, in the 2nd coa-^ N.B.T. and SJl., Artemesia. About 40 acre*: cleared, balance in bush, about 50 of hardwood; about 5 acres of soft tim- ber; 2^ miles from Saugeen Junction^ If the purchaser can ^t- a good nan encumbered farm in as collateral se- curity, he can buy on easy terms <ff' payment. â€"GEO. RUTHERFORD. Phone No. 7 Box 67, Shelbumi- BOAR FOR SERVICE. Bot Flies. Measures should be taken to pre- vent horses becoming Infested with the larvae of bot flies by protecting ' thera from the ckk laying attack of the parent fly. The clipping of the long hairs from the region of the head, breast, shoulders and legs af- fords some protection in that It re- duces the probability of the fly being able to attach its oRgs. The areas where the egg layinj; fly usually de- posits her CRRs' should bo frequently soaked with oil or grease. This pre- vents the eggs from adhering to the hair. Pieces of cotton or cheesecloth fastened to the bridle and harness In such a manner as to cover the under surface of the jaws, the breast and forearms affords some protection and reduces Rreatly the possibility of the horse wintering a stomach full of bot larvae and suffering in consequence of such. A little attention to what may seem trivial to many makes the difference between the horses l)eing thrifty and In good condition or un- thrifty and hidebound. Swat the bot fly or at least prevent it from carry- ing out its destructive work. â€" L. Stevenson, O. A. College. Guelph. CLEARING SALE OF POULTRY â€" We have 100 W. Leghorn hens and pullets, 40 B. Rock pullets, 6 S.C.R. I. Red pullets and one cockerel, at a very special price: Leghorn hens $1 each, breeders $2.00, pullets 15 for Jio.OO. Barred Rocks $2 each, and R. I. Reds $12 for the bunch. One/ -100-ogg Queen hot water incubator, I o:ie 150-egg Syphers and on; oil- ; ^.^ burning Wishbone, 1000-chick broo- der, at bargain prices. â€" Karstedt Bros., Priceville. Tamworth Boar for service, 6 mos. old, reg. bacon type, on lot 31, Con. 1 O.D.R. Terms fl. Any sow not rth turned will be charged same as those in pig. Anyone wishing to leave ih# sow will be charged 25c per day ex- tra^rOHN MEADS, Trieeville P. O., R. R. 3. Swks 1 BULL FOR SERVICE ' FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Farm for sale cr rent. â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. Purebred Polled Hereford Bull for service. Terms: S1.50, and cows not returned will be charsred same as those in calf. Cows going past the gate r.nd returned here will be charg- ed 50c. extra whether in calf or not from this date on. Must be settled by January 1st. â€"JOHN J. MEADS, Prop. FOR SALEâ€" Goad sap pan.â€" Wrn. S:mplc, Eugenia P.O. BUSINESS CARDS Fixed Proportions. There are a number of fixed pro- portions used in all recipes, and the following are standard: One-half as much liquid as flour for muffin and cake batters. One-third as much liquid as flour for soft doughs, as for biscuit. One-fourth as much liquid as flour for stiff doughs, as for bread. One-third to one-half as much but- ter as sugar for all butter cakes. One to one and a half teaspoon- fuls of baking powder to a cupful of flour for batters or doughs. One-^hlrd as much shortening as (lour for pastry. One teaspoonful of soda to one pint of sour milk. Dr. K. C. .Murray, L.D.S., denUI surgeon, honor gradunte of Toronte c;. , , , , ! and Royal College of Dental Surgeons btack of R-ood cloven r r. ,. • /-, .... s'--"" lOt t;ntur;o. Cias administered for I teeth extraction. Office at residence FOR SALE hay for sale. â€" W. J. McFadden, Mar! dale P.O. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of large j seed peas, Canadian Beauty, tor sale, â€" J. A. Hogarth, Proton Station. Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. A. Turnbnll, B.A., M.R. grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Office â€" Rich- Bred-to-lay B. Rock *"'''*''" B'ocJ'i Flesherton. Phone 36. FOR SALE eggs for hatching from Guild & Culp strains, 5c each. â€" Mrs. Edgar Pat- teerson, r. r. 2, Priceville, 22 r 1. Prince .Vrlhur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft phone I A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- I strong Block, Flesherton, every Fri- â€"â€" I day on or before the full moon. G. Seeds For Saleâ€" Common Red j Banks, W.M., F. J. Thurston, Sec. and Mammoth Clover, No. 1 homei â€" â- â€" grown Variegated .\lfalfa, Grimm's , Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- â- Alfalfa, and Timothy Seed, all gov- j jrs, etc.,â€" I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. ernm<>nt standard seeds, also a quan- â- Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdaie Lucas tity of Empire State Potatoes. Phone ' Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at or write for prices â€" Earl H. Best, Dundalk and Durham. Pricevilto, Ont., Phone 32-1-5. ! Telford & Birnie. Barristers, soll- - ' ==• citors, etc.. Officesâ€" Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W, P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birnie. FCRD CAR FOR SALE F. T. HILL & Co:, Limited, IVIarkdale I The Bcnib cow shivers when she sees the scales and Babcock tester. The horse still plays an important p.irt. He still furnishes a cheap Bource of power for ploughing, and is Ihe most economical to use for .short hauls. Impure drinking water accounts for much sickness among hogs. The first consideration Is to supply plenty i of pure water for the hog lots. This j is aa important as good feeding. Save the mangels for the calves ?clh^^""b^ a^°a?f-a„?rh!n?isT;! ^^-^^-" -<^ "^''- " t?r for Its digestion than good, crisp Juicy mangels. Silage li all right, but silage and roots are better. M I S C E L L ANEO U S NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Bird's Mackinawa, Tweeds arid Yams, and Stocking Legs, now stock. just arrived â€" H. Alexander, Merchant Tailor, Feversham. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and SimcoSk Farm and stock sales a specialty. Teioi.i mo<lct*Ho satisfaction guar- anteed. Arrangements for dad* may be made at the Advance offl^ or Centrp.! telephone office, Feversten* or i y aJdresaing me at Feversham. Ford Coupe l!i23 nio<lel. Good mechanical condition and appoarance with five cord tiies and other ac- • ssoTJes. Price $310. Ford tourij-"x , late lP21'cor>iplet..>ly overhauled, cr - j fains open with doors cord tires, she,'. 'as $245. Thc^c cars ere real bargain?. Must 5old. Phon<3 2 r 3â€"1. â€"A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. Employes of the Ontario Govern- ment of th? Agricultural College at Guelph want payment fortnightly, instead of monthly. Rev. W. J. Walker, Presbyterian minister at Conn, has ac?cptetd a call to be pastor of a church at Si.Mary'8. Publicity is much like matrimony. It is easy to get tho kind you don't want. x^^ <;H