Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1925, p. 4

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»«iMm^ > Wednesday. April 8. 1925 THE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FLESHERTOM ADYAMCE jj:«!le![s«^ A Good Bear Story PubliHhod on Collingwood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada $1.50 per year; in U.S. A. $2.00 per year; |2.00 per year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON, - Editor EDITORIAI, NOTKS Did you ever notice that followint; the line of h*ast resistance is what niakc.s rivers and men crot>ked. « « « Wenibly exhibition will re-open on May 6. There would he more Cana- dian visitors than is now probable if the fare^ on ocean steamers were mor:' attractive. • « The Orant'fvilf .Sun urges Hon. Usherville, Sask, Mar. 20 1925 Dear Editor,â€" Would you have a .pace in your oaper for a letter from mi"! I en me west in 11*01 and home- steaded near Melville, which is a com- ing city. 1 workeii at carpenter work for sixteen vfar.s and then I went north nl)out a hundred miles and bouicht another farm in the buih, where theia ai'e Iota of moose. I saw as may as nine moose in one day anH a few bears. . Tlitre were four bears shot here las* summci'. Two of cur n 'ijrhhor boys captured two cubs and one sold for fifteen dollars. It went to PortiiKe a year ago last spring. While 1 was cutting down tre.'s behind the stable I looked up :in(l I saw a black bear about 60 Arthui- Meigh.n to go in for the ab- ; feet from ni->. I laid down my axe o'.ition <>f the .Senate. None of the ! and went to the house to get the shot kadors appear willing to take that j gun as 1 had no rifle. I told my wife step. The Senate is a handy roost ! I was goinj; to shoot a bear. She said "you are not" I went out. .She nicksd up a stick and came after me. I got within fifty feet of him. There was a brush heap between him and me so I let bang at him. He whirl- to offer iiolitical friends. ♦ * ♦ It is expected that .-ieediiig will be- come gun ral throughout the North- west within the next day or two. This will lie about two weeks later I ed around and bit his side, then jump- than usual. It is pleasant news that | ed ov?r the fence into the bush. I ther.' has been an abundance of ', .started after him but my wife told me moisture from the snowfall. | to come back or he would tear me to * * ' nieces. So I had to come back. We .^n f-xpert fruit man a.«serts that i have lots of poplar and spruce, .soma th re are now ,"500 varieties of apples ' of the spruce being forty and fifty in Canada and that our North , feet high. There are two sawmills AVest provinces will proJuce ; north of us, one six miles and the apples without difficulty. What is j other one sight miles and there are wanted is an apple proof against a lot of camps north of them. They worm holes. • • • In a speech in the Legislature last week the .Mini3^;'r of Agriculture cut their logs and in the spring when the water is high thev float thTm down to Swan River. Wt; •ire looking for the Hudson Bay railway to come declared that agricultural jirosnects ' In, but it is not here yet. in Ontario are brighter than for some ' years. He says that this was no | time for farmers to sell out. Pes- 1 q^^s to the acre simists should make note of •l»S'bad cheerful outlook. * * • It is announced that the Due dc Th: land hero is very good. In 1922 and li»2:} I had three loads of so it was not too We can grow i;-reat wheat as well. Last year the crops were not so good, as we got the dry summer. We had a frost about harvest time. Nemours, a descendant of Louis Philip | Tho.se who had grain cut before the of France is coming to Canada in f,.o.,t ^.e,.^ n^t t^o ^adly off. We April to establish a ranch, near the h:,ve had a long, cold winter, the U. P. Prmc3 of Wales ranch in Al- , «„„„ about three feet on the level, berta. Princ2 of Wales ranch in Al- The prairie province will be ; jvjy ,.,.„,„ „„ t^e homestead at Mel- come .luite stuck up if the royalty ,,„,£, .^^j.^ ^^^ ^^^ b^d. Thev had continue to_ enter the farming lists I ,iry ...eather there, too. W:ll, I must close for this lime, as within her borders. DID YOU KVER STOP TO THINK That hard times mean nothing « .... I I do not want to take up too much in various centres of population â-  . , J . , . J. I space in your paper, men arc represented to be out of | -THOMAS BOYCE. work. It IS noteworthy, however, ' that thiy are of the "pick and choose" brigade, a? farmers have been look- ing for help if: the same places, but without success. .Surtly no able-bod- ied man need be long without employ- I ^"^^ ""«â- '» "n^" "'"^=>n nothing to ment if he is willing to ace/pt a job " ^"'"- ^^- J"**^ '<«eps on digging on the farm. worms and laying eggs, regardless • • * of what the newspapers say about coiwlitions. If the ground i.s hard sho scratches harder. If it's dry .she dig/i deeper. If she strikes a lock she works around it. But always she digs up worms and turns them in'o hard-shelled profits as well as tender broilers. Did you ever see a ,u»s>simistic hen ? Did you ever know of 01 :' starving to death waiting for the wornis to dig them.tslves to the sur- i face? Did you ever hear one cackle because times were hard? Not on Under the amendment to the mar- riage law, now being considered in the i Ontario Legislature,, .seven days must elapse after the- issuing of a licens- before it will he lawful for a marriagu to tako gliice. This will have a tend- ; ency to prevent ruJlav.ay mnrrijige.s. , .Sometimes it is w?ll to curb enthusi- asm. • • * It is provided in the new li(mor legislation introduced bv the Fergu- son govtrnment that the tax on 4.4 j y"'' ''f''- ^*'-'' ^"^''S ^^'' ^''"'"'-^ f"'' beer shall b. ten conts a gallon; on!*"Ke"'tf and her cackJes for eggs, native wine fifty cents a gallon; and on soft drinks five cents a gallon. Hitherto no government has imposed I'- '^' e""""'"-'"'- ""'I "" employee of a tax on soft drinks. i that company for over 40 years is Geo. Henderson, a well known C. (lead in Toronto, aged 60 years. Thf Alberta Legislature have voted in favor of the abolition of the official residence of the Lieutenant Governor. This in the inten.'st of economy. Time was when there was a strong move- '. ment in favor of the abolition of the' official residence of the Lieut. -Gover- \ nor of Ontario. Instead of that, a great palatial structure was set up in in the hollow off Bloor street at a greater cost to the province than ever. The West may now set the pjicc. • * • .Somewhat suprising is the inform- ation given to the British House of •.Commons last week to the effect that in the last war, twenty-five nieml i.-i of the Canadian Kxpedilionary fore Were exiciitci! for military offences. Five new Zealand soldiers had a liki< fjffect, but no Australians were ex- ecuted. It is Paid that discipline was much stricter in the Canadian force than in any other ov;r-8caH contigent, *< » » • • There has been n wholesale advance in pay for members of the Ontario Govyrnnient and M. P's. The Minis- ter's salary ha.t b«'en increased from |«000 to IHOim, and they will nUo draw J2IKH) as members of the Leg- iRlatun>. To the M. P's the raise is from >tl40« to $1800. Pretty liberal pay for a two or thuc months' se.i- sion, though th're may Ije some mem- bers (our own representative for ex- ample) who ii wc:-»h it. Prc>nder Fergufon nuikes r > apologies for these Incii-ne?, an' says that if the people disai.p'ovi of tl-'^-" <i,..i p^n shaxv it by their votc!< 1 1 tion. Spring Term Opens Monday at the OWEN SOUND Individual Instruction Riisiness Shorthand and I'reparatory Cour.ses. Catalogue ..I'ree. C. A. Fleming, F.C.A. G. I). Fleming, Principal. Secretary. SIN<;i,K COMH WIIITK LK(;ilOIlN i;(;(;s for HATcniNt; District News Items Two guinea fowl that insisted on roo.sting in the trees at Hepworth, fell from their perche.?, frozen stiff, j Jessie Reid, 12 yi<ars old, of Hep-j worth had both legs broken v.-hen run ovir by an uutoniobi!.'. i .Mis. Martha Anderson of L'span- u!u was awarded dama.<:(es of $1,575 from the C. P. R. company for in- juries received when ;;I'.b .slipp£d on the station platform when taking the train from Ksjianola to Algoma Mills. Fergus public library has inaugu- rated a new scheme whereby readers may have us*» of the newer and more expensive books at a cost of 10c a week. Once they have paid for themselves they will be placed for free circulation. '^ Quentin Hardy, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hardy of Bar- rie, narrowly escaped losing an eye on Thursday evening, March 12. With some other lads h? was playing near a store, and a youth, threatening to chase them away, jabbed a sharp stick towards tfiem, the stick hitting Quen- tin over the eye and making a cut that required eight stitches. Edward McBay, Crpe.nore, almost steadily for 60 years has followed the trade of shoe repairing. He declares he'll quit when he can't walk from his home to the shop. The .'â- Star says lie has saved many a sol.'. • Markdalc garage owners will no longer do business under the credit system. Two Durham lads were pinched in Hanover for reckless driving. .\ Mi?afordite has an ancient coin â€" an Elizabethan sixpence dated 15.51. The assets of Messrs. Burnside and Houghton in connection with the Rex theatre, Collingwood were sold last week by Trustee G. A. Royal and real- ized about sufficient to pay the costs and preffered claims. The purchaser is a partner of Jlr. Samuel Russ, the owner of the theatre. The car salesmen will have their "say" now. The Mildmay Gazette says that sev- eral Carrick farmers bought horses at the Henry Ford sale in Normanby last week. Were they 'engine' or 'equin?'. ."^oif.c edi'ors are unobservant while otiiers see altogether too much. The Highgate .'onitor publishes the fol- lowing birt I notice: Holst*in â€" .^t Or ford Knap'p's, twins â€" Uolatein calvas. Poulivy !,roeder3 are advised, if their hens ( at the eggs they lay, to grivc the fc/I clover leaves and hang up a bunde of r.-.-wspapers where the fowl tan p-k them. Ah, the circula- tion of pou! ry periodicals should take a leap now. A start '.as made last w?ek on the nev.' C. P. ":. elevator at Owen Sound. Rev. Wi'. Mitchell, a r.tired Pres- byterian n-.':iister, was run down by an auto and h.. i his leg fractured. He also sustained other injuries. The Orangeville Golf Club v/ill dou- i ble tt-L-ir rental this year on condition I that the farmer owner of the cour.^e ' will k'.'ep his cows off the grounds. I Na igation is open on Lakes Huron Erie and Ontario. Georgian Bay will follow suit within the next few day.*. ^ V/hile milking cows last week, Mrs. .SkCfington Carson, Maple Grove fell on the C3!v.ent and broke her hip. I Thornbuiy-Chuksburg Baseball Cub has been formed. They wish to make a circuit with Owen Sound CoUingwoo and Meaford with Hec. Goldsmith doing the pitching they can tame any of the teams that enter. AUCTION SALE â€" OF â€" FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Lot 40 Con. 5, Artemesia FRIDAY. APRIL 10, 1925, when the following will b2 offered for sale at 1 o'clock p. m.: Dcn-.ocrat, Sleigh and Box, Mower, Yearling Calf, Cow supposed in calf. Cow due in June, Organ, About 20 bushel:: cf Peas. Log Crotch, Iron Harrow.s, Plow. Grain Cradle, Barrel Churn, Fanning Mill, Wagon, Box Stove, 2 Crosscut Saws, 2 Horse Col- lars, and numerous other articles. Tirms: â€" All sums of So and under cash; over that amount 6 mos. credit on approved joint notes, or 6 per cent off for cash in lieu of notes. I Elizabeth Boyce, Geo. Duncan , Owner. .Auctioneer We have two pens to choose from this year. .\ special pen composed of graddaughters nf that great hen Keystcme Maid with an otTieial r.cord record of .'tOt! egg:: in her pullet year, mated up with a grandson cockerel of the famous hen, Lady Victory, with an otTicinl record of .'104 eggs in her pullet year or 122.'» eggs for 6 year.s. Price per selling of 11, $2.00. Then we have cnir general pen com- posed of femaleti, same as above, along with females from the Delarme pen, which won the Ontario cont.^st last year with a clear lead of 124 eggs, mated to an imported cock bird. SetlinKft from this pen $1.50 |>er sett- ing nf It, after Ut setting $1.00 per setting. Ten of these Uir(l< were exhibited at Kimberley poultry fair and won firsts, :; seconds and 1 third in the utility classes. It is just as easy to feed hens laying 150 to .'{Oo eggs is those laying 75 to l.'iO. Remember v.-e Ki:ar.7nte:- satisfaction and you will find it hard to get any better breil-to-Uy chiok^ to start a flock with. 0>\ler nho.i.l eo wo can ft] all cvdem a.s thev ccrae In. THOS. \V. FINDLAY I . :. FLESH KK ION The People's Grocery aâ€" X When in town lon't forget to shop at KENNEDY'S Alway.s a full line of fresh .tn'occries- tiiiii aiul coiiiVctionery in stock. Lndiec â€" Start your spring housecleaning with a new broom. We have many to choose from at the right price from 68c. up. W'c .specialize in Inilk tea, (k)iit furpet t^ try .so'"c. We always have that good Sovereign Flour. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Sherwin-Williams. Paints & Varnishes WIT«« APPROACH OF SPRING YOU JUST NATURALLY THINK OF PAINTING rerliaiis it furniture, a fkior or your autoini)biie, but whatever it is vtm insure vmirself aj^ainst mistakes bv referriufi" to t'he HOUSEHOLD GUIDE. If you haven't one ask lis or write for one. We have a jiaint of varnish for every surface. Boilers, Pails, Washing Machines, Brushes, zenoleu*", etc., etc., for Spring Housecleani"g. FRANK W. DUNCAN HARDWARE THINK OF THIS STORE WHKN THK MATTER OF IH RCHASING WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIAMOND RINGS, WEDDIN GRINGS, ORNAMENTAL JEWELERY PEARL NECKLACES OR OTHER JEWELERY. We carry a most complete stock and wish to »er\-e you. A tjial will prove oUr ability to give you first class value.^ ... a very large saving to you. MAY WrC IIAVK THAT PLEASURE? W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS Owen .Soa-nd hopei to have a build- ing boom this jummer. George Demmans, Melantbon, had a portion of hia thumb cut off by a saw which he was operating. Henry Lonsway, formerly farming near Dundalk, has died in Detroit aged 07. Mrs. George McDougall, widow of the late Capt. McDougall, Captain of the C. P. Pv. steamship Athabasca, and a formar rssident of Owen Sound is dead in Chicago. The village of Ripley has been in- corporated. Miss Jc'isie Todhunter and Mias Christena Connell of Columbus, Ohio, have presented to the Huron Institute Collingwood, |500 as a memorial to thsir late mother, Mrs. Eliz. .Stuart Connell, a former well known resident of the town. Joseph LaChapelle, 65 years of age, is dead at Meaford. He formery lived at Creemore. Guelph has a Ku Kiux Klan. . J, Saunders, owner of a garage at Cargill, Ont., was severely injured about the face by the explosion of a battery which he was testing. • ' f 4 ^'f ^ 'tnq FARMING is one of the most cliversified and compHcatgd businessci in the wcrid. A.nd, like all biis"nps.=rs, it cannot p.-r-gress without sound liK.incin". At thij ti:nc fami nir.ny problems which r •rs are confronted with the Bank of Toronto is pleased to help solve. Money will be needed for improving the herd, buying cattle, etc. Loans •..;.'! re required to meet current expenses. And the Dank of Toronto will be ready to advance ail this necessary financial aid to farmers of character and rtputation. "BAN&IDKOHTO BRANCHES: FEVERSHAM MARKDALB 4 i * \ * 225 The Staff of Life CAN YOl AFFORa NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DE.MANDS THAT YOl SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE, INSTEAD OF ASKINt. FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR P I N D E KS BREAD AND GET THE BEST. INDIR'S r^ERFECT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery Special Easter MILLINERY Just arrived. A new assortment of Millinery for Faster. AH are of the smartest and best styles that can be procured. We aim fo please, so be sure to see them. MEN'S WORK BOOTS AVe carry a full line of .Men's Tun and Black (irit Shoes. "Grit" explains the wearing quality. They range in price from $4.25 to $S>.59. Men's Irus Calf boots at the special price of $3,75 a pair. SPECIAL â€" Men's and boys tan and ox-blood shoes, at the special price 52.49 a pair. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Do not delay in procuring your Clover Seeds early \9 wd hare always carried the best se«d that can be procured, it is not necessary to state its standard and quality. Grimm's Alfalfa $15.00 per Bu. No. 1 Timothy Seed ., | 5.00 per Bu. N«. 1 Also No. 1 quality of Red and Mammoth Clover. We also carry a fidl line of (;arden J^eeds. N OTE â€" Now is the time to plant your to mato. celery and .\ster seeds. PRODUCEâ€" Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. | F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON I

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