Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1925, p. 4

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AVednesda}', May 13, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Pubiiibed on CoUingwood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada $1.5U per year; in U.S. A- 12.00 per year; $2.00 per year when nut paid in advance. .W. H. THURSTON. - Editor CANADA AT WEMBLEY At Wer.ibley, on Saturday last, un- der the P)Ost favourable ouspiccM. the Kinir, accompanied by Que»'n Mary, formally nnmed the new British Em- pire Exiiibition. The date chosen wax moi^t o pproni'iato, bein<< the fif- teenth cnnivcrs-ary of the proclama- tion of Kin? GeofKo aa^King. Those in charge are trusting to have bettor luck i:i the matter of weather, than 'hit' whit-h was voucli-.safed hist year, so that the guarantors may in at least some measure be repaid for their loB.ses, which they sustained last year. The maiii show expenses at Wembley have been much smaller than in 1924, many additional attractions are beinsr provided. Par* of the palace of en- Rine^rini; h this year devoted to hous- ing, and o-er a dozen dwellings have been se' ; p as a model villapj, which will bo of I'pecial interest to many ur- ban comnuinities that have «;ver since the war been iiufferinpr from shortage of house.-. Many interesting fvents have also been arranged for, to occupy the colossal stadium for the entiro six months a' *he c.-^hibition. For three weeks from the opening, a magnifi- cent spectacle â€" "London i". 'fended" will b* given, in which detaciiments from the royal m.irine9, the Royal Air Force, Metropoliian Mounted police â-  and the London Fire Brigade, will participate. All the latest agencies for the defence of the metropolis on land and in the air are brought into play, certainly an awe-inspiring spec- tacle, which tlie populace may well hope will never be called upon to wit- ness. Victoria day this year falling on a Sunday, there will be a Thanks- giving .Service, which the king and other members of the royal family will attend. The wind-up of the ex- hibition will bo an old English Fair, for thr:e weeks in October, on the lines of the historical St. Bartholomew Fair. Last year it was conceded by all hands that Canada made the most striking of all the displays made by the sister nations, and many thous- ands of visitor.s marvelled at the at- tractivctiess of the exhibit of her products of the field, forest garden, farm and mine, of the excellenc>.> and variety of her manufactured products. The display of apples and other fruits was not excelled by r.:.y, and the special exhibit of the railway systems were su'-h a.s to brinij encomiums on I all sides. This year, the display is even more in'iircsting and instructive. The principal new feature is a pan- aroma which shows Canada from East to West as it unfolds itself during a railway journey across the continent, certainly ^ives to the visitors a real- istic idea of the expanse and attract- iveness of the Dominion. Last year the department of Agriculture supnli- ed a statue, entirely made up of Can- adian Ijutter, of the Prince of Wales. This year a life sized effigy of the prince, al.so of butter is sure to be a centre of attraction. It represents the Prince, with feathers and toma- hawk, and tho general paraph'-nalia which h; wore when admitted to the tribe of .'-'toney Indians, who hold sway in the region of Banff, as Chief Morning Str.r. We confess we arc not enamoured of this ^dvortisement of Canada and its attract'ons. Would it not \mvj been more in nccoid with modern Conada to have represented the Prince as a yeoman, equipped to ter ranchman of Alberta? It is many tcr ranchman of Alberta ? IT is many a yeai s'nce the Stoneys laid down the tomahawk and "took up the shovel and thf hoe" on th; foothilb of the Rwkies. Nevertheless, we do not doubt tliat the statue of the prince as an Indian chief of thi great Indian tribe that farms near his Alberta ranch will command much attention. It is likely that many Canadians will take occasion to visit Britain this Humnu'i' and to see for themsclv.'8, the wonderful spectacle at Wembley, but the chief obj?ct of the exhibition will, as last year, be \o promote com- joitrw between the Motherland and the auxilary nations of th« Empire, Canada taking no secondary part. The death last week of one of the leading Britiith Admirals, Sir Duveton .Stunlu?, britig4 to light one of the Hrst naval engagements in the late waf. It was otf the Falkland Islands that Admiral Sturdee won an import- ant naval victory from the German navy. He later was in a command on the North Sea and saw active s.'r- vice in other fights thervs * • • Many a marriage goes on the rocks because a girl cannot realise that the marriage ceremony literally means what it says about forsaking all others and cleaving unto the man she that this means her father and moth- er, sisters and brothers, us truly as it dc^.? strangers. GREY COUNTY HISTOHY There has been â-  appointed by the municipal council of each municipal- ity in Grey County, a comniittC'j to secure data and write the history of their municipality, and it is the wish of the county committee that each be fully dealt with and would^ suggest that anyone knowin;? of any events or incident.? that they think would be interesting, give the same to the com- mittee in their district. The commit- tee also wish tl>-^ names of all who en- listed for the great tVnr in other un- its than the Slst,^ 117th and 248th, these we can get from the records, but many enlisted in otli.?r units and we would like full particulars as to these. If any one has a picture or photo of an old time cattle fair the Co.iimittee would like to have it for a linw. Address J. S. Wilson, Owen Sound. HIGH SHCOOL UEI'OUTS , FOR.M 3 Exams ' in Chemistry, Geometry, French and Ancient History. G. Wright |90!85iâ€" IGO M. Nichol Iâ€" 185,60i73 Ferris 182i73|â€" 163 Mcbonald 184I82Jâ€" 150 Wilson !83;691â€" !47 Cameron i08i â€" '49155 McDonald | 42|62iV!'^7 Inkster !88i82|---. E. L. E. R. S. H. W. White „ 16344: |50 B. Heard ....: |45;Gli43ili) A. Hincks 1371 169 â€" 157| H. Blackburn i75|841â€" iâ€" D. McLean » i â€" i-:-i75!83 A. Dow |_,i84|_J7i 0. Howden |_|84j_>7i C;. Morrison |69|79| â€" | S. Backburn |79!67 â€" |â€" B. English |_|79]_,|58 B. Bushel |_i_.63|C3 K. .Smith ...r..^. |8li-^|_|43 M. nuck?tt !37!47iâ€" j33 1. Lockhart ._ j â€" [841â€" '29 M. Stinson ./ JGOl â€" | â€" i37 C. Hinclcs 1901â€" j '• L. Boyd |_|45|_ji43 M. Scott 122128'â€" 137 M. Watson |_|5i):_;i5 H. Gibson I â€" ]67!-_*â€" L- Lever |.'J3!_ii_i;i2 I-. MacDonald | â€" ]62j iâ€" : A. Buchanan | â€" j | J52 FORM 1 Exams in Algebra, Latin and Geography. .M. Stuart '. C. Haw ^. R. Arnott '..... O. Menzies v. Marshall D. McMillan H. Heard M. Ferris S. Muir ..'. J. Jamieson -T. Cargoe C. McFadden , M. Inkster B. Morton 0. McLachlan G. Beard E. Blackburn W. MtCorniack .- 1. Marshall I. Stuart K. I^ts U. Stafford District News Items Mrs. John Voison, Park Head, fonn- ' eriy of Hep.vwrth, died of Paralysis in ' I Owen Sound Hospital, after under- I going an operation. I The provincial auditors have comp- I leted their work on the municipal bookti of Walkerton. They have been I working at th? rate of an 8 hour day each, for the past seven or eight weeks and the cost will be consider- ; able. Shelburne, the assessor reports, now has a population of 1434. Rev. W.'Paul, of Toronto, has ac- â-  cepted an invitation to become the ' pastor of Allenford and Elsinore ; Presbyterian churches, his duties to I commence immediately. j Kn?)x church Sunnidale corners and Craigleith, ncur Hanover, have voted , afcainst church union. McNaught Bros., \vill rebiiild their biir baKn, which was struck by li.i^ht- I iiing. In Sarawak, in a late .storm and â-  destroyed, with its contents, consist- I ing of 57 head of cattle, 5 hor.ses, : several hogs, grain implements and wagons. Only three cows were saved. j Beni'.et Anderson of Griersville has I purchased the chopping mill and 15 I acres of land at Fairmount, near Mca- â-  ford formerly owned by Mr. Robert I Orr, now of California. He will build i ; up the dam aifll set the industry going. I The plant has been idle for over seven I years. I .^ohn Ferguson, a pioneer of Kepnel 1 township who lias occupied the r.anje ' j farm for over £3 years, is dead, aged i 80. A. G. Ferguson, Chatsworth, is { a son. The funeral was very largely '• attended. I Blanche Hall, bookceper, in .1. H. I Brown's parage, Tecswnter was badly â-  i.njured and the building was part- ] ially wrecked, on Thursday last, when an explosion took place. A. cloth used to remove stains from the floor was moistened with gasoline and it is supposed that the oxplofion arose from the friction. Gipsy John Hawkins is holding evangelistic services in Bruce County. Mr. ?l. Fisher, of Durham, is con- fined to his home by a plugged artery in his right leg. One of the oldest Residents of Bruce Co. died at his homo irt Brant Town- jship a fsw days since, in the person of Thomas Tullocli, who had reached , the advanced age of 9G years and six I months. Clifford Nicholson, Minto Township, Huron Co, has imported 10 swarm."; of bees from the state of Mississippi. Ho already had 100 sv.'arms of which, only two wcM-;; wintei' killed. Each of the ten hives received, had 10,000 bees. They are of the Italian species. _ V. â€" L^ ; â-  . :;. ' I .,^, 1 ,.. Mr. Wr.i. Black, Progressive mem- ber for Huron, in the House of Com- mons, dedared that daylight saving has been a great promoter of laziness and the giontest curse tha country has ever expeiienced. George Hood, the Dundalk coal mer- chant, sustained painful injuries when thrown fr)m the town grader. The blade struck a stone with such a lurch as to precipitate Mr. Hood into the ditch, brc.iking two ribs. W.C.T.i'. officials have besn meet- ing with ;rraat success in their organ- ization, ad building up meetings were held in Corl(Ht-on, Dundalk, and Proton. At Pa'. Icy,' the membsrs of the Women's Institute decided unanimous- ly that they would not deal with any merciiant who handled 4.4 beer. Mrs. E. Kress is the presid?nt of the ''.ow Ladies' Bowling Club at Dur- ban- and is ready for challenges. T le assessor finds- that, exclusive of dogs, Creemore has a population of 0^0 . ])urham town council is not going t .1 oil its streets this year. ACROSS CANADA AND BACK The wonder trip of the coming sum- mer will be conducted by Dean Laird of MacDonald College, to Victoria B. C. and back. Inspired by the success of the trip to' Victoria last year; on the occasion of the Teachers Federation meeting at that point and filled with patriotic motives for everyone to see their own country, the Dean has arranged for a special train of standard sleeping cars to leave Tornto on July 20th visit- ing Port Arthur, Fort William, Winni- peg, Regina, Moose Jaw, Calgary Banff, Lake Louise, Vancouver,, thence .st-jamer to Victoria. Returning ths trip will be via the Okanagan Valley, Nel.son, the Koot- enay Lakes, Windemere Bungalow Camp, from which place tba party will l)c motored to Banff, 104 miles over the newly completed Banff-Winder- mere Highway, the most charming and awe inspiring trip it is possible to conceive, with stops at Radium Hot Springs, Vermillion River, and Storm Moimtain Bungalow Camps - another day at Banff, the Edmonton, Sask- atoon, Devil's Glen Bungalow Camp, near Kenora on the Lake of the Woods and a steamer from Fort William, to Port McNicholl, thence rail to Tor- onto, whore the trip will terminate on August the 10th. Everything is included at the price of $235.00 from Toronto, transpor- tation, sleeping carsj accomodation in hotels, and bungalow camps,' meals in- cluded, hotels and on steamers, sight, seeing tours at points visited, and all gratuities. While appealing primarily to teach- ers, the tour is op2n to anyone desir- ing to go. All wi[' be welcome. Fares from other points than Tor- onto will be named and descriptive illustrated booklet sent on nsquest to Dean Laird, MacDonald Coll?ge, P. O. Wue. Hugh Hyndman f or ' many years Clerk of Palmerston town received a purse of gold from the business men \ on his departure with his family. An old resident of Orangeville, John 1 McMullen Bennet, merchant and the Division Court clerk, died at Allen- dale last week in hia 80th year. j Dredging of Owen Sound harbor,! will be begun at once, according to the j report' of the Dominion Minister of| Public ^york8. The largest lake vessels will b3 provided for. I Mrs. James Sinclair, Hepworth died ' last week, after an illness of three '. years, from a homoiThage of the ' brain. ' A Shelburneite with a thirst tayt> \ he had an awful dream the other night. He dreamed somebody gave him a Keg of 4.4, and when he sam- pled it there wasn't a sign of a kick it was a great relief to wake up and find it was only a dream. The death took place on Monday of Mrs. Robert Limeber, Hanover. She was a daughter of the late Jamei Leighbor, of Orangeville. Loot to the value of |4000 was car- ried off by. burglars from the stores of ^ames Russell and Steel Bro3.,Fer- gus. Mr. Russell's loss is covered by insurance. He was the victim of a similar accident last fall, to the a- mount of fSOO. .-i; Composition, '< IC9IC8 98 172)70,92 |71|64;88 170170188 |80;G4i72 r!J7iG3 C9 I62173|84 162i60i82 167178177 |G6|67i62 171 146 170 1.66173 72192 08159 160,67151 |72I56;48 164 68134 151164'ir, 170(60122 175163 1751631â€" . •65|45!â€" 1591â€"176 82 68 70 59 [G8 ,85 164 170- 157 176 160 i5G 164 1G5 1G6 161 56 61 ;g2 G2 37 Watch for Silver Week NEXT WEEK WILL BE OBSERED BY JEWELERS AS SILVE:. WEEK. AICTION SALE EDITORIAL NOTEa No doubt channels wUl be found to spend sU the money received by Um new gasoline tax of three cents a gallon. • • • Flesherton library is not made to â- arve the cammunity as it ooght. More good books shouM be circulated and rood than is the case at preaeift. ^ • • # Daring the past few years quite a controversy has raged becau8« a day had not been set aside for Father's Day, as well as for Mothr^'s. But Premier Ferguson has settled the issue hf appointing May 21it a« Father's Day. Th'.' u::Jc'rsigned Auctincers will ofi'or for sale by public auction at " p.;-.:. on FRIDAY, THE 29TH DAY OF MAY at the Temperance House, Fevcrsham under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale the following lands and pre- mises namely: â€" Lot No. Thirty-nine (.39) in the Thirteenth (13) Concession, in the Township of Artcmesia in the County of Grey, containing one hundred acres ' more or less. | On the property is a frame house and barn. Good water supply, soil i is clay loam. TERMSâ€" 15% cash and balance in thirty days. For further particulars and terms of sale apply to D. E. Dean, Shel- burne, Ont., Solicitor for the Morta'< gce-Vtndoi^ -«BO. McALISTEK 4k SON, Anctlanccra. LightniiiK Rods And Buggies I am njpresentlng the Shin-Flat light- ning rod CoBipany again this yoar. I I am also selling tlie William Do^l buggies and fence wire, plows and harrov/s. Any person wanting any- 1 thinff in that line, give mc a call and < I wiii use them right E. Rutherford 1 Proton. Ont. I We will have on display some ver\' beautiful pieces of Silverware in the following' line.s, All priced reasonably. SILVER TEA SERVICES. SILVER CANDLE STXJI^S. SILVER BOUQUET B \SKETS. SILVER SALT AND FSPPERS. SILVERWARE FOR THE DINING ROOM ORNAMENTAL SLVEF.^arE. ETC. silvkrW.xrI': makivs tmk ideal gift kor i ALMOST ALL'OCC.XvSIONS We extend a hearty welcome to everybody to looU over our display. SILVER WEEK MAY 1 7 W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON FLESHERTON 1^ Sherwin-Williams Paints & Vanushes WITH APPROACH OF SPRING YOU JUST NATURALLY T^INK OF PAINTING Perhaps it furniture, a floor or your automobile, but whatever it is you insure yourself against mi takes by referring to the HOUSEHOLD GUIDE. Xl you haven't one ask us or write for olie. We have a ' paint of yarrtish for every surf.i -le. Boilera, Pails, Warning MachiiMa, Bnathr^i, aenoleu"*, etc, etc., for Spring Housedear^g. FRANK W. DUNCAN HARDWARE The People^s Grocery Oh Yes! We have some Bananas, Oranges' Lemons, Lettuce, Tomatoes, etc. Our ice cream parlor is now in full swing. Come in and enjoy your.selves. If you cannot eat enough while here we have pails that you can take it home in. Try our bulk Tea. The Tea with a fine flavor.. HEADQUARTERS FOR SOVEREIGN FLOUR W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 â- 1^- ^: MR. WORKINGMAN! Save Your Dollars You can Make Your Money Travel Twic^ as Far When You Trade Here Black and white striped blue Overalls size 34 to 44 $1.23 to S2.50 Combination Ithaki Overalls, good value $3.50 Khaki Work Shirts From $1.25 to $1.75 Khaki Trousers, all sizes $2.00 Work Socks From 25c. to 75c. UNDERWEAR YOU WILL SOON BE WANTING LIGHTER-WEIGHT, L:iLaEE- WEAR. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW A SUIVLY Balbriggan Shirts and drawers 7ac. each BalbriKgan Combinations, all sizes $1.48 .Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers $1.25 each .-Vthletic Combination in white cotton $1.25 HARDWARE LUCKY TIE (WOVEN WIRE) FENCE WIRE. Full gauge No." 9 wire; made in 20. .30 and 40 rod rolls; 9 stays to the rod, 22in. apart. Style No. 3..X..40â€" 9 per rod 38c. Style No. 6..x..40~9 per rod 43!4c. Style No. 7..X..48â€" 9 per rod 51 ^jc. Style No .8..X..47â€" 9 per rod 55i''C. Style No. 9..X..48â€" 9 per rod 61!.;c. Galvanized Coiled Spring W'ire, also Barbed Wire in stock. A CAR OF CEMENT ARRIVED TO-DAY F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON r^; D. McTavish & Son, Agents Repairs First class Garage Service. Dealers in full Lster line- also Chevrolet Cars atid

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