Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1925, p. 5

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Wednesday, May 13, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ;^ '1^: W^W What We Have to Offer NO ONE Chartered Bank in Canada has anything greater to offer the business community than its eontem- poraries unless it be in the character of the service it rendera. During the half-century of its life, the Standard Banii has developed a distinct individ- unlity through the kind of service maintained in its dailf transactions. The ..commercial aspect ..of this in- dividuality is found in the many un- ique services for which the Standard Bank is peculiarly equipped. THE I stAhdard bank OF canAda. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. F. Batty, Managtr Fleshertofl To Have Q Thursdair Half Holiday BUSINESS MEN WERE UNANI- MOUS TO HAVE THE HALF HOLIDAY â€" STORES OPEN ON WEDNESDAY NIGHTS. i I 1 i I ANADIAN P/VCIFIO C. p. B. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Staticxi as follows: Gine South Going North 8.00 a.m. ^ 1.68a.m. 4.30 p.m. 9.30 p.m. The meils close at Flesherton aa follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. and 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail â- â€¢nth at 3.30. For morning train south at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. ELECTION OF OFFICERS PRINCE ARTHUR 333 Social and Personal The anriual election v of officers ofi Prince .\rthur Lodge A. F. & A. M.I 333 was held in the lodge rooms oni Friday evening last and the following w?re elected to assume office at the : regular June meeting: â€" W.M., Thos Philips. S. W., Robt Down " J. W.. Ray Pedlar Chaplain, Rev. A. E. Duffield Secretary., F. J. Thurston Treasurer., Jos. Blackburn Tyler, J. S. McDermid Wor. Bro. Geo. E. Banks is the vistiring master and had a very suc- cessful year in office. May 24th is a public holiday. Mr. Robt. Bellamy of Toronto, spent «the wosk end with his parents here. Mr. Clifford Bunt of Owen Sound, spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clarke are visit- ing friends in Toronto and Weston. " Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson motored to Toronto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Down spent the "week end in Toronto. Mrs. Dr. Turnbull spent the past week visiting relatives on the Niagara Perrinsula. Miss Elsie Ferris has spent the ; Mclnnis and Mr. John Cranney, Bog past week with friends at 'Owen i no'r, Mrs. Roger Milson, Chatsworth, Sound and Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. Down and Master Jack visited friends in Thornbury last week. Commencing the first Thursday in June the business places in Flesher- ton will close at 12 o'clock noon and will continue through the months of June, July, August and Ssptember. This decision was made Monday when a petition was circulated among the business places, except garages, and everybody expresS'Sd satisfaction on the way the holiday worked out last year. The half holiday will be ob- served each Thursday afternoon dur- ing the four months, except when the statutory holidays occur, the half holiday will not be observed. The statutoi-y holidays are July 1, CiWc Holiday and Labor Day. The follow- ing are the business places which are closing: W. A. .Armstrong & Son. F. H. W. Hickling. C. N. Richardson. Jas. A. McMaster. W. G. Kennedy. W. L. Wright. F. W. Duncan. W. J. Stewart & Sons. M. Wilson. 0. W. Phillips. E. McKiUop. F. Pinder. Thos. Clayton. W. H. Bunt. E. C. Murray. W. H. Thurston & Son. T. J Fisher. F. G. Karstedt. W. A. Hawken. John Runstadler. T. W. Findlay. Rev. Jis. narrower To Be Pastor Of The Onion Church REPORT OF COMMITTEE WAS TO I THAT EFFECT â€" METHODIST CHURCH TO BE USEDâ€" MAJOR-! OF 95 FOR CO.M. REPORT. I 4.4 BEER AVAIL.\BLE BY ABOUT MAY 21sf â€" â€" ^.fr. and Mrs. Emerson Bellamy spent ;h3 past few days at Honey- wood. Mrs. C. J. Crossloy and little dau- ghter of Toronto, spent the past week •with hor mother, Mrs. W. Boyd: The .A-dvanco subscription price is f 1.50 per year. New subscribers are always welcome. Mr. and Mis. A. S: Thurston, and two children of Meaford, visiied the former's parents over the week. end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bellamy of Coll- ingwood, spent Sunday w^ith the form- er's father, Mr. John Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish, Miss Mamie'and Mrs. Fiod McTavish. vis Car of cement just arrived. â€" F. W. Duncan, Flesherton. Send the -Advance to the one away from home. Miss .^nnys Gilchrist is visiting I Four-point four beer vrill be avail- her cousin, Miss Mabel "Thibaudeau, | able to the Ontario public on May of Markdale. 1 21st. The formal announcement to A coUision of two motor cars oc-l'^^^ ^^^^<^^ ^"^^ '"^'^^ ^^^ Friday by curetT on the Toronto Line North on! P^'en^e'^ Ferguson. who stated Sunday evening. No damage was^^^' ^ "«*'<=« was thus being given done other than bent fenders. °* » ^''^ '" °''^^'' ^^^^ applicants I for permits for the sale of the b;v- The foUowing were visitors of Mnig^age might have ample opportunity and Mrs. Thos. W. Findlay for the | ^f equioping their premises so as to .week end: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cran-.^^^jj^ ^^^ ^^.^^^ .^ accordance with I ney, Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. MjTon ' ^u i-^ Earlisr in the day, Hon.. Mr. Nickle threw some additional light upon the and Mr. W. A. Milson,^ Harriston. .conditions under which beer must be The young ladies' class of the Pres- sold. Retailing premises, said the byterian church met at ti>2 home of , attorney-general, would not be allow- Miss Mary Paton Monday evening of ' ed to use interior screens or shutters last week. With the usual good at- , to veil their customers, nor bars of tendance a delightful evening was any desctiption be allowed. spent with needla work and social! chat. The class decided to have a p fax U Remff Collect^ booth of fancy work at the bazaar i*^^ ^^^ ** tiQ\n% V^OUecteO held by the Ladies' Aid the first week in June. At tha close Miss Paton | served a very dainty lunch. Mrs. A. ' Down kindly invited the class to her i home for the June meeting. "Pill her up full," was the prevail- ing tune heard at the local garages I Saturday and Sunday by car owners, in preparation for thexBoming of the Ontario Provincial gasoline tax which •The regular monthly meeting of the ; came into effect Monday morning of Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian this week. Saturday morning the church met att he home of Mrs. A. local dealers laid in a heavy supply of Gilchrist on Tuesday, May 5th with a ' gas and by Sunday evening most of -good attendance. The meeting w^as th.» available supply in the tanks was opened in the usual way. After a uggd up. The three cents a gallon j lengthy discussion on ways and tax on the motrists is expected to I means of making fancy and useful raise a couple millions of dollars of articles for the bazaar, . which they revenue for the Ontario government. I ited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith in \ hop? to have the first week in June, -Owen Sound on Sunday . | the meeting closed with prayer. Re- QSPREY AGRICULTUR'L jfreshments were ser\-ed by the host- SOCIETY Mr. Fretl Pinder, our baker, has ess, assisted by the daughters of the been awarded the contract for supply- 1 , ,,. . . j m u i <-.•! -,. . . ^ ^ . . . ing the Hour.3 of Refuge with bread P^^?^; ^^'i^ ^""'' ^""t '^^•''"l ^t ^^^^^ ^rop Competition In , ,, I Christ. The next meeting is to be r^ATC for the current year. L.u ... ..u- i .* â- Â»._- t- r._,.-_ UAiO I Christ. The next meeting is to be I held at the hon>3 of Mrs. K. Paton Mr. Frank Irwin, editor of the Dur- 1 the first Tuesday in June, ahni Chronicle and Mr. W. Laidlaw also of Durham, . w^ere visitors in town on Monday. Miss Lillian McMullen has return- ed to Toronto after spending a few weeks with hor parents on the East "^-Back Line. I Mrs. Herb Smith, and daughter Miss I Bertha, of Owen Sound, spent last Wednesday with tho former's sister, . Mrs. D. McTavish while Mr. Smith went in search of the finny beauties near Markdale. Sympathy is extended to Brother T. F. E. Claridge, »f the Shclbume Economist in the loss of his sister. Miss E. Claridge, who passed away at the Toronto General Hospital on April 22nd. Mr. Justice W. H. Wright of Toronto ' «»8 in town on Saturday, visitinflr hi* itrotiwr. Mr. John Wri^t Jus- tice Writht has spent the jtast month in California recupnatingr from Ilia «xtended iUneas, and now looks 4a bf fa| tl» bMt of faeckh. Tka Auxiliary of tk* Metiwiliat ^mreh wUt iacet in the church to- aioantw (TIniraday) at S p.ni. This \^ tt« last moetinc of the Methedist miCS. so it is hoped there will be a tuA attendance. Another rseidence in town chanired hands last week, when Mr. Walter Akitt of Ro«k MiUs purcha.sed the residence of Mr. W. H. Bunt, which he acqnired last winter from C. W. Bellamy. Dr. A. TumbuU has rent- <d' the house from Mr, Akitt and win ••copy it presently. STANDING FIELD CROP COMPETITION OATS THE EAST GREY AG'L. SO- CIETY OFFER SEVEN PRIZES ON ABOVEâ€" S20, S13, $12, SIO. .<!8. St;, S4. PLEASE MAKE YOUR ENTRY EARLY WITH THE SECRE- TARY. FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. â€" S. E. DeCUDMORE, Secretary. $75.00 in prizes~7 prizes â€" $20. $15, S12. $10. $8. $6. $4 Entries received to May 20. â€" J. A. Kemahan, Sec. Spring Term Opens Monday at the OWEN SOUND • Individual Instruction Business Shorthand and Preparatory Courses. Catalogue ..Free. C. A. Fleming, F.C.A. G. D. Fleming, PrincipaL Secretary. HOUSE CLEANING WALLPAPERâ€" Our selection is uncqaalled in low priced papers raacing from 5c to 2Sc. per single roll. . Orders taken for "Brnpire"-^ Semi-trimmed wallpaper. Prices ranginx fram lOcta. to $1.W per rolL WINDOW BUNPSâ€" Plain SSc. lace timmcd $1.1S â- OTAL F^LAT EXTENSION ROM sinfle er doable IS ceata to M cents each. CURTAIN MATERIAL â€" Plain scrim (Sets. U SScts. KeQlM P*ika Det airf Barred Maalin. CHIN'A IN PATTERNS IP SUIT TOUR NEBD-i>»cta. to S» cts per yard OILCLOTH and Hnoleam 2 yda. vide mCB OF CREAM THIS WEEK 34 CENTS A. E. HAW Cash Cream 'SUtioa. Store closes Tuesday and t>iday ere. CEYLON Union is the word! On Thursday' evening last the united congregations ' of the Methodist and 'Presbyterian] churchas, met in the High School andi after a somewhat protracted session j the vote was taken. The ballots j showed the Methodists to favour the' Committee's report, with an 80 â€" 6| vot»2, a majority of 74, while the Pres byterians followed with a 34 â€" li] vote, a majority of 21. The meeting opened with W. H. ) Bunt in the chair. Joseph McKee read the report of the committee, and the reasons why the committee decid- ed as tJiey did, were minutely explain- ed by T. R. McKenzie. He showed the Methodist church was better sit- uated, being in a more quiet place had a better organ, better sheds, and a basement more adapted to Sunday school work. The Methodist parson- age will be used as the minists^ res- idence, because it is more modern and is owned by the Methodist Congre- gation, while the; Pserbyterians own only a percentage of the Manse. Rev. Mr. narrower, the Presbj'terian minister was chosen as pastor for the reason that thi Presbyterians are giv- ing up their church and manse and should be compromised by the reten- tion of their minister. At the present tir.ie the two con- gregations are connected with Eugen- ia, Inistoge and Proton. Eugenia is to be retained because it is more easi- ly reached, and no other appointment could be easily made for her. Inis- tioge and Proton can be linked with another appointmertt and will be car- ried for the present year. Servioa is to be in the local church morning and evening and at Eugenia in the after- noon. Tha Presbytery meets on Tuesday next and the Owen Sound Methodist District meeting will convene on the week following. It will be neoassaiy to apply to these to sanction the ar- rangements, after which a united con- gregational meeting will be held to appoint officers, with the exception of the stewards and elders, who re- tain their offioss. AWorld-wide System QtRnancial Service JL/Y telephone ^ou can talk with your neighbour or with an individual thousands of miles away. By telegraph you can span the continent; ty cable your message can girdle the earth. In like manner you can use tlie service of the Bank of Montreal in litde or large measurs as the occasion demands. You can transact business of a purely local tuoue or enter into financial dealings wirh peopw in anjr part of the world. , Like the telephone, telegraph or cable, our system of financial service is as extensive as are the needs of our customers. RANK OF MONTREAL EstaUished over lOO years l^tal Assets in excess of i7oo.ooo.ooo Councillor W. Fortune, Elderslie, a prominent member of the Orange and Masonic bodies there, and a well known Liberal is dead from influenza. Liberals" in South Bruce hold a convention in Walkerton to choose a candidate for the house of commons on May 29th. Durham and Hanover town councils are intending paving their main streets this year with the preferred government aid, which is that the government pays 100 per cent of the expenditure of the pavement 20 feet wide and any width over that the local council will have to expend. ©®«? .\t the annual meeting of the Women's Institute, hsld at the home of Mrs. D. McTavish, last week, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pre-?. Mrs O. W. Phillips; 1st Vice, Jlrs. D. McTa^^sh; 2nd Vice. Mrs. Wilcock; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Ed. Best; Dist. Director, Mrs. W. Moore: Dist. Rep.. Mrs. W. Wil- cock; Auditors, Mrs. Hickling and Mrs. W. II. Thui'ston: Program Com., Mesdames W. .A.nnstrong, W. Moore, G. Mitchell and W. H. Thurston. IT PAYS TO .\TTEXD THE BEST: Young and Alexander Sts. Toronto Every graduate of the last fifteen months has secured employment. Enter now. Open all year. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PrincipaL © % « @ % •^ Spring is Here And the season for Good Work Boots is at hand. • We have them that will give good ® wear and at reasonable prices. Also ® some good nifty lines in Men's Black @ and Tan Oxfords. • ^ 4» THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - - ONTARIO ® <^y «f«f ^©^^©â- s@ ® ® o • Seasonable Merchandise Holeproof Hosiery for women tloleproof tlosierv is obtainable in all populac styles and materials. No matter Tiow much vou wish to pav for hosierv. you will find a style that excels m appearance and wearin-- ciualitv. Trv HokTroof the next time you need hosie ry. All the new shadesâ€" Grev. Sand, Sunburn. Indian Tan- I'.londe- Xule. <-hest- nut. Black- ;vnd White. All si;^es from 8jX to 10. Prices $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Normandy Voiles Xew color.s and designs in this very nopnlar.. summer., dress., fabric... which launders well. Prices 75c. and 85 c. per yard. Congoldum Squares M ^ $13.50: 9x101/2â€" $15.75: 9x12â€" $18.00...opular sizes New seasoii's patternsâ€" full range of p 9x7^^-^10.75; 9x9â€" Printed Linoleums 4 Yards wide A good selection o'f 1925 desigfns in different colorings suitable for haMs, din- ing or' living rooms. Spccid prk« $l.l'f per tquare yfrd. Floor Oilcloths New patternsâ€" 36 inches. 54 inches and 72 inches wide. SpecaJ price ol SSc per square yard. ^. >< ^ ' _ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT.

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