Wednesday, May 13. 1925 ^Bsssmss mL THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE AN UNWELCOME GUEST The family of Alfred Petit, electri- cian of Cargill, was treated to a small drcus performane, at their own home there the other day, when as they were seated at dinner, the family cat walked into the room carrying in her mouth a live snake, 2 1-2 feet in Imgth, and deposited it at their feet. In the excitement which followed even tlte feline pet scampered nervously from the room, leaving the members of the family to battle with the rep- tile. It was finally coralled by the n^eans of a shovel and escorted to the lawn, where the usual process of ex- ecution was carried out. ADAIRâ€" BE'NNY At St. Pauls' manse. Prince Albert Sask on the 29th day of 'April the marriage was solemnized of Miss Lydia Benny, daughter of the late J. J. Benny of Finery, London Eng- land and Mr. John Adair of Fev- ersham, Ont. Both bride and groom are of the Paddockwood district, where Miss Benny was in charge of the red cross hospital. The Rsv. R. J. McDonald performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends, including Rev. T. J. Davies of St. Chads College Regina, brother- in law and sisters of the bride, who signed the register as witnesses. AUTOMOBILE TIRES Goodyear Tires .-}0x3</2 Pathfinder Fabric $6.50 30x.3</j Pathfinder Cord 7.50 .30x3 '/i Wingfoot Cord 8.95 30x3 '/i Allweather Fabric 8.9|5 .3«x3!'j Allweather Cord 10.95 30x3 '/j Allweather Cord, Heavy Tourist Oversize 13.35 31x4.40 Interchangeable balloon 16.90 29x4.40 Allweather Balloon 16.90 Dunlop Tires 30x3 '/i Samson Cord $ 7.50 30x3'/} Traction Cord, standard.... 8.95 30x3!/2 Traction Cord over8ize....l0.95 All other sises at greatly reduced prices. INNER TUBES Special $1.65, Regular $2.25 Heavy Tourist $2.65 BATTERIES 6 VoU 11 plate Batteries $18.75 p. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers The Late D. Neely Ex-M.P. Dr. David Bradley Neely, ex-M.P. a native of Markdale and for some years a resident of Toronto, died on Sunday, May 3rd, at St. Petersburg, a despatch from that place an- nounces. Dr. Neely was graduated in medicine, with a gold medal, from the University of Toronto in 1889' and practised for a time thereafter in Markdali;. He moved thence to Saskatchewan, where he practised his proffession and interested hint- self in public affairs. He was electa ed by acclamation to the first Legis- lature of Saskatchfwan after that province was constituted in 1905. Subsequently, he resigned from^ the Provincial assembly and was elected ot the Dominion House of Commons as the Liberal nu?mber for Humbolt Sask., in 1908. He was re-elected in 1911. He was one of^the Western Liberal members of the House of Commons who supporti^d the war policy of the Borden Government and of thj Union Government. Yet he did not present himself as can- didate for re-election in the general election of 1917. He became med- ical officer of the 9th Canadian 'Mounted Rifles in that year and went overseas with his unit. Since his return from overseas, Dr. Neely had not enjoyed the best of health. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Amelia Hill, of Markdale, and one son; by two sisters, Mrs. John Cronin, of Markdalo, and Miss Margaret Neely, and by his brothers W. J. Neely, of Calgary, and Thos. Neely of Owen Sound. SPORTS fieo. Mitchell Is Pres. Of The Basehall Club W. G. AKINS SELECTED AS THE MANAGERâ€" WILL ENTER TEAM IN CENTRE GREY LEAGUE CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our many friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses during the long illness and d^ath of our husband and brother, W. J. Guy. â€"Mrs. W. J. Guy and D. H. Guy. A great advertising company says: "Never hesitate as to what medium to use when country trade is wanted. There is but one which will accomp- lish the purpose; the local weekly newspaper. ,It is read thoroughly by everyone in the town and district. It has more influence with its own peo- ple than all the dailies combined." Baseball will be the popular sport, with the exception of horse racing, in Flesherton this ji3ar Kvhen the Centre> Grey Baseball League will again operate and; Flesherton will have a team to njpresent this place. On Wednesday evening last the Flesherton ° Ball Club was organized and a good gathering of players and fans were ppjsent to start the game going. Officers were elected as follows:-; Pres., Geo. Mitchell. 1st Vice, M. Wilson. 2nd Vice, J. Wright. Sec.-TrwaS., F. J. Thurston. Manager, W. G. Akins. Executive Com., S. E. DeCudmore, W. Tumey, G. B. Welton, R. Down, G. A. McTavish and F. Thurston. Grounds Com., E. Best, H. Freeman and F. J. Thurston. The Leagrua organization meeting will be held at Dundalk on Friday evening of this week and W. Tumey and F. Thurston were*appointed dek- gates with G. Akins as an alternate. The ball grounds are being put into shape although nothing extensive is being undertaken. The boys are looking for a good year in baseball for 1925 and will commence to prac- tice this w'ek. It will be a youthful team that will represent Flesherton but any team will have to watch their steps at that, so don't think there will I': any easy pickings to win a game. Ball practice will be held to-night in the Memorial Park at 6.30 sharp. All those desirous of making a place on the team will be given every op- portunity to make good. Small Advertisement LOST OB STRAYED CAME ASTRAYâ€" Black ind Un hound bitchâ€" John Flynn, Flesherton R.R. ' _. LOST â€" Between Flesherton and MaxweU, a truck tire chain. Finder leave at Runstadler's office. FOUND â€" On Flesherton fair day September 26th, 1924, small purse with sum of money. Owner please claim property at Advance office. STOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Grade Cow 8 years old, due to freshen May 10. â€" Wilfred Magee, Eugenia. Phone Ft-versham. FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Rubber tired buggy -Apply to W. W. Trimble. FARMS FOR SALE Ob tb« Toronto Line Provindal Hicfaway. Three farms, two. of IM acres and on* of 60 aeroa all elearod. Firat class bmldingt, up to date ia every particular. WiU sell any om of theae. Good brick house on or i v. the farms. The sUbHog for aaai- nula is perfect One f«rm has tea acres hardwood bush and anothv .nnndred has three acres of tixabm jand has buildinngs for everythiof needed, including poultry house aii4 pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetaeA should investigAte. -T. J. STINSON. ^y Proton SUtioB P.a FOR SALE â€" Large Seed Peas- Ben. McKenzie, R. R. No 1, Ceylon FOR SALEâ€" Farm for sale or rent.â€" P. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Good seed barley.â€" Jas. S>2rgant, Ceylon. FARM FOR SALE Farm of 100 acres, 96 acres cleared to let on shares. Fair buildings, goo4 soil. Also pressed hay and straw, 1 mile south of Wareham. Robt. H. Little, Proton Ste. R. R. No. 2. FOR SALEâ€" 1924 Model Ford Coupe, with spare tire. New tires all around. A snap. â€" W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. EGGS FOR SALEâ€" S. C. Ancona strain of Norman H. Gampp and Cecil Sheppard of Berea, Ohio. 13 for $1.00. John J. Meads, Pricevile. FOR SAXE â€" Washing machine, 1900 good wringer and tub stand, all in good order. For sale cheap. â€" G. B. Welton, Flesbsrton. FOR SALE â€" Bred to lay Barred Rock eggs for hatching, 75c. for 15 ^or two settings for $1.25; also pure bred Pekin duck «ggs $1.00 per doz. â€" Peter Muir, Ceylon, Ont. • SUDBURY HOCKEY STARS MOVE TO OWEN SOU)n) SIX HILL STORES ••••••••o«e<io«e<»<i<K»o»f»«{§t««i»»«<»fi»«»««@<»$^@i£»^«»«» We buy together inorJerlhat enrciMtomera in the six eeia- munitiea may materially ben- eBt individually. F.T.HILL AGO, Ltd. Markdale, Ontario s THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- W ively auodatea with high 9 quality mercliandiia at the 9 fairest potsibin prices. " , An Unrivalled Assortment of i Seasonable Merchandise CURTAIN MATERIALS FOR ALL ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS Our stock of cortan materials is varied indeed and contains a large variety of weaves such as plain scrim, fnry colored scrim, jfiarquisettes, both plain and fancy, frilled muHllns. madrases in plain and combination colors, muHlins In spots and figures of unusually fine qualities at prices to suit all, 19c., 23c., 25c., 29c, 39c., 48c., 50c. and up to $1.25. MATERIALS FOR OVERDRAPES At the present time much attention is given to interior window decorations. We have' therefore placed in stock many pieces of materiaU suitable for this purpose, such as chintz, madrasses, case- ment cloths, English Repps, and various other mat- erial in a price range from 29c. to $1.75. SAMPLE PANELS. 69c. Fringed panels are much in evidence for window decorations these days. These are a lot of manu- facturers sample* and come in lengths suitable for low windows. The price asked in many cases does not represent a quarter of the original nrice. If you can use any of these, this is a genuine bargain While they last, each 69 cents. HOSIERY OF UNUSUAL BEAUTY AND QUALITY «.. Many are the colors of hosiery this season, and te Mcet the demand for fashionable, beautiful hos- iery, at moderate, popelar prices, we have assembl- ed a number of lines in the most popular shades, each as â- and. skyn, log cabin, grain, beige, thrush, ceriL aecde, bevana, etc., and have apcciel shewings â- t Tec. mmi 98c., and also a good assortment of the MvlMr priced lines at $1.25, $IJiO, $1.85 and up to $tM. PRINTED SILK SCARVES. 98c TMa la a liM ef ledica' acanres boeght much be- lew kte edflnal price, wenufactared te sell at I2.0«: very aiwriel ffS^eeRts each. MAROCAIN. A NEW'DRESS MATERIAL Marocain ie a mw drees material ef annsual feeeaty Mid karmeeieea blending ef celera meat aalt- •Me fr dreeece. Thia ia a pepelar material and tlMW dreae ledgtlM ere being picked up quite rapid- ly. Spcciany priced II .7$ per yard. TRIMMED MILLINER DIRECT FROM NEW YORK This week, we will place in stock a large shipment of most attractive and moderately priced trimmed millinery, received direct from the largest fashion centre on this continent, namely' the city of New York. We can promise you some real surprises at the popular prices of $2.50, $3.95, 4:50 and $4.95. f • t MENS FELT HATS A shipment of Men's New Felt Hats in the cele- brated BUDD and othel popular makes In black and thfs spring's fashionable shades. Specially priced $2.95. $3.50 and $5.00. MEN'S SOCKS IN A WIDE RANGE OF COLORS, SPECIALLY PRICED This is surely a season when colored Hosiery is much In evidence and is demanded, not only by the Cair sex but by boys and men •• well rte mcet this demand we have placed in stock a wide range of colors in Lisle. Silk and Wool. Silk and Lisle, Cash- mere, etc., both in black and ether colors much hi demand. Specially priced 25e., SSc. 4«c., 50c., 75«, 9Sc. and $1.25. GROCERY SPECIALS Gcrglan Bay Tomatoea, 2 ti«a for 85c Sliced Pineappica 18c., 2 tins fer 35c. Perk and Bcana, 8 tine for 25c. A splendid broem. each ^.„ 4»e. Glycerine Hand Seap, large aiae cake, 8 for Me. Herald brand Salmon ISe., 8 tins fer 85e. Raspberry Jam, 4 poiMid pails „..„., 65e. FEED Bren per knndredweigM . . „.„ „ $1.40 Shorts per kendredweigkt $ij|o Large quantities at lower prices. « • « » 8 « O «l 4» « s « $ s • • « : o • "Steamboat" Brady and "Bill" Quinn, defence and wing man re- spectively of last year's Sudbury juniors, have moved to Owen Sound, and will play with the Grey's next wiinter. The residence rule is now May 15. Only a^ew of last year's Greys are eligible this year. FEVERSHAM FOOTBALL CLUB ORGANIZES FOR 1925 FOR SALE â€" Litter of registered Scotch Collie pups for sale, $5 to $7. They make A 1 cattle dogs and are very fond of children. Try one^ H. E. Karstedt. Priceville, MISCELLANEOUS Pasture for cattle for the coming season. Apply to Samuel Thompson, Flesherton. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Peversham is alive again. The football meeting held in the Orange Hall Tuesday evening of last '^Ireek was well attended. Interesting ad- dresses were given by Don. M. Campbell, Past Presidi?nt of the W. F. A.; .Jas. Blake, Secretary of the W.F.A., Messrs. Linder and Robinson, as well as several of the local fans. A motion was passed to affiliate with the Westarn Football Associa- tion, which was ratified by the Club at their organization meeting held Saturday, May 2nd. The boys are quite enthusiastic and prospects are that they will make a good showing this year. The following officers for 1926 were elected at the meeting on May 2: Hon. Pres., Geo. Whiteoak; Pres., Andy Fawcstt; Vice- Pres., W. A. Kerton; Captain, Clarence Alexander; Captain of scrub team, Ted Fawcett Captain of Junior Team, Mark F^v- oett;Sec.-Treas., C. H. Smith; Ground Com., J. Crawford, R. J. Whiteoak, C. Alexander and Jack Smith. NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. WANTED â€" Young calves, about a week old. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. NOTICEâ€" Wai the person who bor- rowed my wire fence stretchers last fall please return them. â€" Frank W. Duncan, Flesherton. TO RENTâ€" Lots 134-135, east back line, Artemesia, 100 acres, belonging to Mrs. W. J. Lever. Apply to Fred Brown, Flesherton. PROPERTY FOR SALE Good brick 9-roomed house on Alice street in Flesherton for sate; also the furniture, stoves, etc 1 wiU be in Flesherton April 14 to 16. i> on. -W. A. SINCLAIR. Box 309. wfcitfcy ^ FARM FOR SALE ' East half of lot 3 and lot 4, Con. 4» Artemesia, 150 acres, good bam and house also good orchard, well water- ed, large hardwood bush 15 acres. â€"NEIL CAMERON. Ceylin. PASTURE FOR RENTâ€" 50 acres of pasture for rent, good grass and lots of water, on lot 6 and 7, 2nd Con. N. D. R., Artemesia. â€" Archie Conkey, Ceylon. BARN FOR SALE House For Sale In Fleghertoa S^me 1>4 story shingle roofed dweUmg with nice la^ge , lot and stable. Apply toâ€" â€"^â- A. ARMSTRONG. Fleshertaji FABM FOR SALE ON EASY TEBMSL N. E. 60 acres of 171, and N. E 6ft and S.R., Artemesia. About 40 acria h^P^' i*^?*=« '° ''"sh. about 6o5 hardwo<,d; about 5 acres of soft toS- uihJt ""i** '"*"' Saugeen Junetiei If the purchaser can giv a sood m! encumbered farm in S coUateSS^ cunty-^he can buy on easy"'i^3"5 Phn„« w ~!?^^- RUTHERFORD, - Phone No. 7 Box 67, Shelburae BOAR FOR SERVICE. Tamworth tear for service. 6 mes^ / ?!1; ^**^' ^~° *yP«' <"» Jot 31, Con. 1 O.D.R Terms II. Any sow not r». turned will be charged same as those >n pig. Anyone wishing to leave the sow will be charged 25c per day e«. i>"r^P^^ ^^^DS. PriceviUe P. o., R. R. 3. 3^^ â- •,4'i FLESHERTON LADIES ATHLETIC CLUB ORGANIZE TUBS. NIGHT. At the orginization maeting of the Flesherton Ladies' Baseball Club the following officers were elected: Pres., Miss Mary Paton; Vkse. Pres. Mrs. Murray; Sec. Trcas. Mabd Gilchrist; Captains of teams. Mamie Mc'favish and Aleda MitchclL All ladies interested will please attend practise at the High School on Thursday night at 7 o'clock. We offer for immediate sale the "Munshaw Hotel" Bam, Flesherton. Size of barn, 48x70. Posts 18 ft. high. Anyone intending building a barn will do well to see this one first as it was constructed with the best of timber. â€" D. McTavish & Son, Flesherton. DEPENDABLE Auctioneef Service BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronte and Royal College of Dental Surgeone of Ontario. Gas administered tm Tnt r cfJf'^t °®" â- ' residence Toronto Sti«t. Flesherton. ! Dr. A. Turnbnll, B.A., M3, grad- juate from the Faculty of Medidae. I University of Toronto. Offlce-W^ ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone SK. OLD FLESHERTON BOY DIES We are sorry to report the death of Mr. George Wickens, an eld Fksh- erton boy who passed away at Tueson, Ariaeiw, on the 28th of April at the age of 50 years and Smontbs, the berial taking place on April SOth. Mr. Wickens learnt the dmg bos- inass with Dr. Chriatoe and then wsnt to Toronto, where he met and married Miss Ida Johnson 28 years a- go. There were no children. He is survived by his wife, one brother Em- erson of Flesherton, his tistwr Mrs. Wes. Breen of Detroit, and his fath- er Mr Andrew Wickens of Tuseon. Mr. Wickens was in poor health for a ensiderable time and trawslled to different parts of the Southern States hoping the climatic conditions would benefit him, but without avail. The family have the sympathy of all in then- sad bereavement When an auctioneer travels over more than one section o? the County he can make you a better sale because the scopa of acquaintance and confi- dence is correspondingly increased. List your Pure Bred or Farm Stock Sale with me and be assured of the benefit of a life experience along these lines. Terms moderate. J. S. SHEPHERDSON. Markdale CLOVnSKK ALL NO. 1 GOVERNMEN'F STAND- ARD AND ONTARIO GROWN. Thnothy $ 4.75 per bu. Red CloTcr I2S. 80 per besk Mammeth Clever 84 00 per besh. Variegated Altelfa ....$14.00 per bu. Ahllie Clever $11.00 per bu. Timothy | 4.75 per bu. Above prices strictly caalL A. C MUm • CEYLON Phone X r 81. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, AJ. « , A.M., meets in the Masonic hall Am- . strong Block. Flesherton. evetV Frt. j day on or before the full moon. G Banks, W.M.. F. J. Thurston, Sec lecas A Henry. Barristers, SolldU I »8. etc.,â€" I. B. Lucas, KX!. ; W. D. I Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lqcm \ Block, Phone 2. Branch oOeee at Dundalk and Durham. Telford A Bimie. Barristaie. aeB. citors, etc, OAeesâ€" Grey and ~ Block, Owen Sound; Standard Block, Flesherton. (Satordaya). P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birnia. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Bungatow for sale or rent at Ea- genia, rooms, with bath room, sleep- ing porch, summer kitchen with sink, and good wood shed, basement full site of house; good garden lot and out buildings, hardwood floors in house throughout, furnace, soft vnter cis- etrn and pump: and electric lighted. Will rent or sell to right |>arty. For terms. Apply to Mrs. J. E. Large ea premises. Wm. Kaittfav. Ucenaed .. for the eoooties of Gray and ''arm and stock saies a aw Terms moderataH MtisfiMtioa •ateed. Airanteuenta far 4Mm .â- wybemadeattbaAdvMMr' Onatral talepkeM «Ae j f hy addreairti^ m» at ! Wm. Baumeran of Culrosa, ha« brought action agahut the townships <rf Cttlroes, Brant. Carrfck, »inea«w dine, Kenton, Howick, Txtnbny andl the village of Teeswater, to eomaof them to have extensive drateafe oik erations on the rivw Tooswater, te- prevent the flooding of his land. W estimated cost is $150,000, and th< Minister in charge at Ottapa oidsn that the big scheme fee neir ntdsr. ti^en. /]