Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1925, p. 4

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f;'.3CS»»*" Wednesday, May 27, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE v. •"(nei- \ V ^- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on •CoUinjrwood StrMt, FlMherton, Wednesday o( •â- ch week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada |1.50 per year; in U.S. A. f2.00 per year; $iM per year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON, . Editor KEEP ri» THE COUNTY ROADS During the past few years the Grey County council has made enormous expenditures for the improvement of the county roads in this County and were asalttted in the undertvicing: by the Ontario* Department of High- ways. The result was very com- mendable a fine road being built from the boundry between Artemesia and Osprey to a few miles the other side of Priceville and to be continued to Durham. It has taken sevcraL years for this road to be- built with the limited amount of money at the dis- posal of the county and the result has been th.->t the road finished prat is now in b;id shape and needs repair- ing. The road from Flesherton to Priceville is very bad, full of holes and ruts which' make travelling very difficult. A traveller told us the other day that after travelling over a large number of main road.s in Ontario this year the worst spot was between Pk'sherton and Priceville. Now that we have our good roads why does the Road Committee of the County Council allow them to deter- iorate the way they arc doing and in a short time have to go ail over them again. We hate to see ovr good money po to wa.ste on roadii when proper care of these roads is not giv- en them. A program of uplceep of roads under the care of the County Council should be undertaken at the June meeting of the Council. ' EDITOiilAL NOIKo For the month of April the total number of accidents reported on Can- adian railways is 150, involving the death of 13 people. There were nine crossing accident.s in which three Ijcrsons were killed and eight injured. Autos were involved in five of the nine crossing accidents, resulting in two persons being killed and five in- jured. Six of the nine crossings were classified as unprotected. • • * The two weekly papers at .Kincar- dine, The Review and The Reporter, have amalgamated and will be edited by J. J. Hunter, proprietor of The Reporter. Truly the way of the small town weekly is hard these days. • * * The following interesting infor- mation is from a reliable source. During last year there were 5,616 Methodist young men married in Ontario. Of these 3,454 were marr- ied to Methodist young women, and 820 to Presbyterians. On the other hand, of 5,.374 Presbyterian young men, 2,065 were married to Presby- terian young women, and 941 to Methodists. • • • One week has gone by with 4.4 hi pperatton and we have failed to see any* extra drunks lying around. CEYLON •bNWARD*' NEWS VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. .Elwood Stevens has returned from spending the winter in Detroit. Miss Ottillie Lockhart, nurse of To- ronto, is home with her mother, who has been under the doctor's care, but we are pleased to say she is improv- ing. Delbert, Lorcnn and Ccorgie Bann- on have returned from visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mr.s. Geo. Acheson of Bethel. Last Wednesday evening Inistioge chuch held its last annual meeting as a Methodi.st church. On .June 7th we areliaving special service for the closinfr of Inistiogq as a Methodist church, and we would he iflad to have any of the old boys and girls who could be present. The wind storm the other night blew Mr. .Jas. Lockhart's silo over. We think that 01(1 Sol must have la grippe At least ho has n hnd cold which, like the grippe this year, doesn't knQw when to leave. Mr. Robt. Brown and Miss Anna ' White of Toronto' spent the week end at Mr. W. White''.. j Mr. S. Hemphill and family motor-, ed to Toronto and visited his daug- ' hter over the 24th. > { Ml', and Mrs. J. W. Cushnie and Mr. Cecil Cushnie motored up from Toronto and spent the holiday with R. Cook. i • Mrs. Percy Hunt and little son Mel- ville who have been on an extended visit with relatives' at Toronto and other points returned to â-  Ceylon off Friday. f Mr. J. C. McLauchlan of Toronto visited under the parental roof over the holiday. i Mr. Harry Mathewson and niece, motored up from Toronto and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Math- ' ewson. ^ I Mr. Ross McMuUen Toronto and Mr. J. <1. McMuUen of Holland Cen- tre were week end visitors at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong Mrs. Archie . McMullen, Mrs. Seley,, and Mrs. P^ter Muir attended the funeral of Mrs. Robt McGorman at Durham, Friday.. Mrs. Charles Mdia, Miss Effie Chislett and Miss Gladys Sillers of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. J. Mel- ia's, Mr. Chas. Chislett's and Mrs. A. McMuUen's. Mr. Duncan McMillan, teacher at Toronto, and Miss Katie McMillan of Woodbridge, were holiday visitors at; their home here. ^ i Mr. A. Whittaker, who has spent the winter with Ms son <n Toronto returned home Saturday, accompan- ied by Miss Arlene, and Misses Nor- ma, and Ahna Whittaker of West , Toronto.. \ Mr George .Arrowsmith has pur- ' chased a fine new car for the pleas- , UIK" of his family. Mr. and Mrs Oliver Smith of Tor- , onto motored up and spent *he 42th with the latter's parents, Mr. and ; Mr.?. John Gibson. â-  i Cold weather has been retarding growth. "Civil Service", the great American drama which was presented by On- ward U.F.V.P.O. Ulent in Watsons hall, at Priceville on Friday evening, was a great success. The members of the cast displayed great ability as actors and delighted and wen the ap- proval of the large audience which turned out to see tlie event in spite of thveatening weather. F. Oliver took charge as announcer for the ev- ening. Good miisic was supplied be- tween acts by Miss Ramage of Price- ville.- Mr. Jas. Oliver left last Thursday for Muskoka where he will atey for a short 'time. Mr. Frank Williamson is home from his medical studies at Toronto Uni- versity. (Intended for Last Week) Seeding in these parts is getting well wound up. Premier Oliver of*B. C. spent a few days thw past week visiting relatives and iriends in 'this vicin- ity and returned on Monday to Ham- ilton, where his son Robt.resides. We are glad' to leara that S. And- erson's horse, which we reported aa sicl^- last week, is convalescing to the extent of its ability, and is able to perform at least two hours of work dailyj. I Mr. Jo'sn Meaads has re-installed the telephone, the same having been disconnected for some time. Mr. James Yause of -Proton Station recently motored up in his new Chev. and v^^ited fiends on the South Line. '> We ar? glad to learn that Mr H. I Watters is recovering from an at- tack of pleurisy " I The h-jvs have organized for the \ baseball and -cirls softj^ll ttfima, with Elford Watters ^s captain of the boys'^team and Mi;ss Mabel Par- sloW as ghief of staff of the giria ; line. up. -HereS hoping that every-' one does their best. The dry cool- weather of late liaa ^ enabled the majoriy of farmers to : fin;!<h seeding. We now look for ; frequent May showers I Mr. and Mrs. James •Oliver, South j Line motored to Toronto last week, where they made a short stay. I Miss May Muir spent the week end in Toronto visiting friends- andjrel- atives there. • I Mr George Ostrander recently pur- chased a new Ford car FARMERS' WEEK AT .THE O.A.C. ; On June 12th all the farmers of ; Grey County are invited to visit the i Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Both motor and railway parties will be received. ' Plans have Veen made to have ) luncheon at noon in the gymnasium '. and in the afternoon to make system- ; atic visits to the experimental plots, ; animal husbandry, poultry and dairy , •departments.. â-  All buildings will be ' open for Inspection. \\. Is hoped that soft ball games , will be arranged In the afternoon be- : Jween counties taking in the excur- sion. If there are any teams in Grey County willing to go, the Department will arrange for their transportation. ^ Every farmer, his wife and family, ; should take a day off and visit this great educational institution, the greatest agricultural institution in Canada. { . , i HAZENâ€" MATHEWSON • COUND BANKING ^ PROTECTS I HIS bank works constructively and conservatively for the protection of its depositors and the community as a whole. Because the Bank of Montreal for more than a century has endeavored to do this, it has come to be regarded through- out the length and breadth of the Dominion as a sound, safe and friendly institution. -There are lix hundred branches of the Bank of Montreal. Each branch has the strength, stability, experience and seipfices of the entire organixatton. Make the nearest btanch your banking headquarters. Talk with the manager on matters of banking or business. Write to him or call in peiaon. You can bank with us by mail. ' "A Bank IVhert Small Accounts Are WtUome" BANK OF MONTREAL EstaUished tmr lOOyetars Total AsseU in excess of i7oo.ooo.ooo TO FORM COUNTY BOARD OF 1H£ O. E. ASSOCIATWN A public meeting of the ratepayers of the County of Grey will be held at Markdale Armouries on the afternoon of June 10th, 1925, for the purpose of organizing a County Board of the Ontario Educational Association. Prominent sneakers will be in at- tendance. Dr. Jamieaon, M.P.P. has been invited, also Miss McPhail, M.P., and she will be present. Meeting begins at 1.30 p.m. sharp.â€" Neil Mc- Cannel, Sec. H. H. Lucas is president of dais Tennis Club. Mark- James McQuire a lad in hia 13th year, was so badly hurt by a land roller when the team he was driving ran away on the farm of hla father, Mr. Ambrose McQuir«, at Malcolm, "firant Township, about 9 ^ o'clock Tuesday morning last that he died from hia injuries aoihe houra' later in the Hanover Hospital. Lightning Rod$ And Buggies 1 1 am napresenting the Shin-Flat light- ning rod Company again this year. I am also selling the William Doa buggies and fence wire, Vlows and harrows. Any person wanting any- thing in that bne, give me a call and I vrill use them right. E. Rutherford \ L The People's Grocery Oh Yes! We have some Bananas, Oranges' Lemons, Lettuce, Tomatoes, etc. Our ice cream parlor is now in full swing. Come in and enjoy yourselves. If you cannot eat enougli \\"bile here we have pails that you can take it home in. Try our btilk Tea. The Tea with a fine flavor. HEADQUARTERS FOR SOVEREIGN FLOUR W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 9 * ^ A nuiet marriage was solemnized at First Methodist church parsonage on Wednesday. May 20th, 1925, when Miss Freda Mathewson of Owen Sound, daughter of Mr. Fred Mathew- son of Flesherton, became the bride o' Mr. William John Hazen of Owen Sound. The pastor. Rev. John Locke, oerformed the ceicniony »'t 1.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen left by motor for Toionto for a short honeymoon trip before taking up residence nt Owen Sound, where the groom is employed. The n:inv friends bei'c of the bride wish Mip vounir ciunle much happin- ess and prosperity. 00000«00««l»00«0««»«d&0«H»««««»€»«^0« • . t And the season for Good Work % 9 .MEETI.Nti OF OSI'REY 'PHONE SLBSCRIBERS ON MONDAY A soecial nieeting of tiie subi'frlb- ors of the Osprey Municipal Tele- phone .System was held at the Orange *Hall, Fcversham, on Tuesday night of this week. A l)itr discussion over the removal of the switchboard and 8er\'ife took place i>nd on a majority vote it WHS dcoide<l «hnt the switch- board was to reii.^fn wlifcre it is until the annual meetiiis which will take place next January. A sfe'hford hotel-keeper raised a lemon which weighed 2H poutids. It was f'" the Ponderosa variety, some c which have been known to grow four pounds in wtight. It was grown in l!io dining roo-^ o^ |*anl'a faot«L Ro?,.i Loucks, a farmer near Mca- ford, has four cwrf.s liint rect-iilly (ravo liiith to- thirteen lambs, three si-i; of trii>Iets and a set of quad- ruplets. .An Oiiilia newsboy,- on his way li-)!ne after r-ti}lin't hia papers, w-i-" hold up and lii.^ c-arnings, amounting lu $3.00, taken, fidin him. . COliRT OF REVISION • o o o • o • o • Spring is Here Boots is at hand. MR. WORKINGMAN! Save Your DoUaj^ You can Make Your Money Travel T^ice as Far When You Trade Here Black and white striped blue Overalls size 34 to 44 $1.25 to $2.50 Combination khaki Overalls, good value .<. $3 50 ^IJ*!*- ^"'^ Shirts _ From $1.25 "to SLTS Khaki Trousers, all sizes $2 00 Work Socks „ From"25c!"to 75c. UNDERWEAR YOU WILL SOON BE WANTING LIGHTER-WEIGHT UNDER- WEAR. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW A SUPPLY Balbriggan Shirts and drawers 75c. each Balbriggan Combinations, all sizes ' $1 48 'l?f,.".^.^?P' *.'?''â- **. â- "'• D«-»'«^«8 ....„r. ......!.Z;".;$ii!25" euh Athletic Combination in white cotton |i 25 HARDWARE LUCKY TIE (WOVEN WIRE) FENCE WIRE. Full gauge No. 9 wire: made in 20, 30 and 40 rod rolls; 9 stays to the rod, 22in. apart. Style No.* 5..X..40â€" 9 per rod 38c. Style No. 6..X..40â€" 9 per rod 43^',c. Style No. 7..X..48â€" 9 per rod 51 ^c. Style No .8..x.,47â€" 9 per rod 55^6. Style No. 9..X..48â€" 9 per rod 61 ^ie. Galvanized Coiled Sprinir Wire, also Barbed Wire ki stock. A CAR OF CEMENT ARRIVED TO-DAY F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON 9 We have them that will give good wear and at reasonable prrices. Also ^ some good nifty lines in Men's Black ^ and Tan Oxfords. h THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - - ONTAKiO ^ Notice is herelrj' given that tiie first slllings of the Court of Revision of the Assessment of IWin of the Township of Artemesia will be on Saturday the 0th day of June, 1925, lit 10 o'clock a.m. at the Town Hall, Flesherton, of which nil parties inler- i>.ste«l are requested to take notice. Hated May 21, l'.»25. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk.. =*s*= r Ol RT or RKVISION Noti.^e la hereby gUi-.i that the fir.=it sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment of 102iS of tho \illage of Fle«herton will bo»o:i Mon- day the 1st day of June, 1!)25, at the Clerk's office at 7.30 p.;ii. All par- ties interested ore requested to tafce notice. Dated May 21?' ; . â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Sherwin-Williams Paints & Varnishes WIT" APPROACH OF SPRING YOU JUST NATURALLY THINK OF PAINTING rerhaps it fuiniti^rc, a floor or your autoni >i>ilc, but wliatevcr it is vou insure voursclt against ni: takes bv refcrring to t'he HOUSEHOLD GUIDE. If yoii bavgi't (Hio ask us or write for one. \V o have a • jinint of varnish for every siirT.- o. - Boilers, Pails, Washing Machines, Brusl- >, ztfnoleu'", etc,, etc., for Spring Houaedea. 'g. FRANK W. DUNCAN HARDWARE WHY eontiaue using your oM machine which may be wait- ing more than enough cieasa to n;f»t the eoiy payment* we are prepared tn arrange on a Melotte? It's a Bcod machine a:id will sVira, jnat a> well twenty year* from to-day at it doe* when new. TkU is the niacKine you want â€" it pays for it*clf by it* clo*e *kiaunint. Read OTer the little booklet wo kave for you on this werU-fanoua Meiotte. CFemnSepaMm' D. McTavJsh & Son, Agents Rci>airs Kirst class Garage Service. Dtaler^in full Lster line* also Clievrolet Gar-; and

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