Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1925, p. 1

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PcMi't Forgeftjbe F<^5^ball itmig at^^fe 6th-Coliiiigw©ocf i^s Feversham. Game at 6.15 &.m c4"l'' ^ ' •â- ^t--' .V/^. 46 Fleshertftftr Ontario, June 3rd 1925 W.H. Thuraton & Son, Proprietors CEYLON V I^W^ TllttfSddy *'''â- '*'* Turner of New York visitod '-, > ' ! Mf. T. Geiioe and family last week. Eugenia Correitpondence The .fifeople of Eugenia were shodfc- ei to^ear of the death of Mrs. Jas. Anriat*w»K of ^ Kimberley. Mrs. Arrastaawg IfcaJ not been enjoying good Health foi; sometime. Intern- ! 'Mr. Go!dv\-yn McMullon of Toronto i snent a fow'days the past week visit- ' inpr hi« narent'!. He was accotnp- ' anied back to the city -.by his mother. At Fever§bai!i M Burneii Ta Smuntf Fevershflin CorrcspoBdenco â-  PORTL^W ''cnWard" news Brownridge in the vilago was struck by lightning, and soon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill have re- l-fuoved to Toronto. ^: I* ' ,, -T,r ., D J. -„ .,. • .. , i Curing the very heavy electric Mr. Neil Brod.e of Hamilton visrt^ i ^^^^m that passed! over hero on Mon- â-  his sister, Mrs Ben McKenzie. and .^^y evening, a stable, belonging tO: called on old friends m town, who I jyjj. g^^ ment took nliice to Salem Cemetery, i wai-e nleased to see him. on the 8th line on Saturday after-! Mrs. H. Spicer is visiting relatives j burned to the ground after the flaaiM j Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Pedlar of noon. There ^as a large funeral at Hamilton. I broke out. It seemed to be ablaarj^j Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar cortege by motor. Besides her ^ jj,. ^jj^f jyi^s. Luther Torrey and '< all over at once, and the men had all ' 6i Creemore are visiting at the old sorrowing husbaiid she leaves to , g^^^ j^^^^ „f Lauriston sptent the i they could do to save the movable ..Hosne on.the Fourth Line. on account mourn her loss, five daughters, Mrs. , fi,.,t ^f. ^},g „,pe,j ^jfj, j^^^, ^^^ jyjyg j contents, Irwin>(iVIaggie), Heathiote, Mrs. Wil- |,f] pi»n.,.. frsd Plant(Teressa) Einrberley, Mrs., j '^^^^ ^^^ j,^^ retumesd home after The miich nuede<l showers arrives at the beginning of the week. We now cnioy some mild growing wea- ther. - Mr. A. D. Irwin, Sov^ Line, ably Mi-s. Tavlor Sr." has •returned from ' conducted the .services of St. Colum- Toronto and is feeling a great deal '"'* "n** '^^^ Andrew i)ulpits on Sun- bettev after her recent illness. (Intended for Last Week) ,t Mrs. S. Pedlar has returned home "lOjTi CoJliri'T.ood hospital and con- tinues in a^very low state, with little pvospec* of improvement., __ j day. VAND^ILEUR y siivere wind storm passed â- j.^i li.ivH vicinity ou Satuiduy morn- jnjfi duJiig considerably damage to iret-B, f^-nces and sheds. A car load from tlie LeaRue her^ attended 'hu bantiuet in hoaoi of Rov H. H. -Eaton of Plesherton in_ Owea ?otmd on Monday evening of last Mr. Eli dstrander and family v/eek j motored to Drayton on Sunday and ^,lr. and .Mrs. Ran Hutchinson mot- visited friends and relatives there. ored to Toronto to visit -with or; Mr. Jas. Oliver returned last week.,^ ii'er's hrothA*, Willi'and tfieir'fnei^p^ J. Walker, (Janie) <3ataract) LUy, ^^^^^^^ ,^^,^^.^j. ^,^ ^^^^ j^^ and El«e^at home and two ^sonSj^H^^^„^ ^^j^^ was.rgfently operated on^ at -Swinton Park. Mrs. Amhibald Sr. is visiting rel- atives' iij Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs Roy Piper -visited at Ohly for "the buildtnga I being, wet with the rain nothing could have saved Colquette's bouse {md bert and Wesley at home; Mrs, .^sip- strong's niaidenrname wm MiB8--9JBi«!^f wood of this village. Mra W. Walk- j er, Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Wilson arei sisters in law of the deceased. To ; Mr. A. Hill's, Markdalc. the first of the weeV. ?,rr. A. C the bereaved friends, we extend our sympathy. The quilting of the autograph quilt 1 , -'^^•- .^-..^ Muir and Jack Gibson which the Ladies' Aid of the church j ^""'V' tl'««'«'«ek for Ti^trip to Cah- here. niade, wiU be held at the home *°"'"* '"»'* 9*or points, of Mrs. Lewis Genoe, on Wed. p. m., '^^- Rovden Gibson of Toronto June 10th. After the quilting refresh- i ^pent the first of the week at his I homo hore. ' Mrs. Nat Caswell and children of 1 Saugeen visited her aunt, Mrs. J. J. Patterson Ia.st week. Mrs. Chas. Chislett and babe visit- stable and -Wra. Conn's stable, as thejj' were only a few rods from the fire and in a ..direct line. During ti^e same storm Mr. Jas. Thomson lost two cows that were standing at the ,,.,-. ... , . , . .„ end of the barn outside. Mr. Cou'.^''-"^''^^^ """^^ ^"^^^ "» T«'"«"*« of the illness of their mother. ,lir. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson and twksons of Toronto visited at the hotrte of the formei-'s brother here. Mr. Wilfred McNally is enjoying tho rleasures of a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Phillips -are from his trip to Muskoka. Onward's second aappearance in connection with "Civil Service," a thaee act cb'ama, will be- made in Dro- more on June 4th. Taylor's Hall,. Ad- mission 35 and 25 cents. Miss Annie Martin and niece, i/Latg* aret Kvan, of: Toronto were visitors, 1 MAXWELL FOOTBALL CLUB 0R(;ANIZES nients will be soryed. A cptdi&l in- vitation is extended to all the ladies, to attend.. Miss Pata-icia Morgan gave a liirth- day party to a number of her friends ^01- Saturday, May 27th and all pres- ; ed her parents near Swinton Park ent had an enjoyable time. Best wish-^ | for a few days the past week, es, Patty,, for many happy returns of i Mr. W. White and men are busv Aha 'da?.'. .»• . JF.y-W.^,!|. "Morgan, accompanied by Bftujrte Wilson of Toronto, went Oil a "fisftPf excursion to Sand Lake over, tke^ 24th. Messrs " Wa IlSco ~ Am^trong, John Woodlougli, Vnil Wettin and John Justice of Toronto, vi.sited with the MeKee and" Partrirfjirc families here "for a few days. Mt§. Lavery and son John of Tor- onto visited at tkfe'ilOToe of Mr. R. Purvi.s. , __Mj:j^ Edwin Purvis, who has be m visiting Triends "here the past month, returns to Toronto this week. , | Miss M. Hoy of Toronto has re- 1 turned to her horne here. Mr.' and Mrs. Wallie Williams and ' son, Clifford and wife, also son, Robt., of Toronto were recent visitors with the former's brother, Mr. John ! Williams, and family. 1 A number from here attended the telephone meeting in Feversham. [ Messrs. .Albert and Chas. Williams, Robt. antl LcsHo McJIullen and Burt-] on Carruthers, Eldridge Partridge and Levi Betts and sons attended the races at Paisley on May 25th. i Mrs. Large and family left for their new home at Niagara Falls last' week. We hope they will like their new home and wish them success. i .Mrs. Foester viyitod her mother I in Fleshorton, the first of tho week. J Messrs!. R. PurJy and H. Pedlar, of Ceylon visiU':! in Mr. A. F. PcJ^r lair's on Suiiilay. , Mrs. , Roy 'McMillan and bab- o" Markdalte are vi^iitir , , â-  ' ' son. How Do "iou Tackle Y'our Job : this week loading logs for shipment. S. S. NO. 7, ARTEMESIA " Form -i â€" S. Oliver, B. Hincks, S. Vause, Id. Parslow. Forjii a â€" K. McPhail (H.), K. McKinnou, M. McDonald, A. Hincks, ^I. Williamson, J. Woollard. A. Mc- Phail, C. McICinnon, L. Wilson, J. Mc^illar. Form 2- â€" J. Hinckn (H.). M. BIc- I Kiiinon, J. Williamson, A. Whyte, J. I O'Strander, E. B. O'Strauder. " ^ • I Form 1â€" M. O'Strander, 'iS. Me- JKinnon, I. WTiyte, L McMillan. I Sr. Pr.â€" L. Vause. Jr. Pr.â€" E. McKinnon. M. O'Strand- I ev, W. Whyta, D. McMillan, M. Mall- yon. I â€"MAY MUIR, Teacher. EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Martin, Pedlar, Sr. 4â€" E. Graham. Jr. 4 â€" D. Sloan. \ Sr, 3 â€" P. Morgan, I. Genoe, E. (Gordon, G. Goi'don, I A Martin. .J-. 3â€" It. P'jdlav, y. Campbell, M. "nmubcii! ' ' â- . ' ' t. L'ifii.il, G. William.^. 2ml -Classâ€" L. MacDonald, M. Ker- t-\\. 'â- . Cp'.'^c. P. Crahnm, P. Large, .â- n'ue. B<h^zon, T. Dixon, N, â- â€¢-â€"ibdl, L.- Grnlmi V>- -' ; \ {â- â€¢' M^.^M'"' the job th.at :'b 'â-  riiil. Fcr.v:^ Haw do'1r««l^ tacklo yours, â- '*- . . Wit a resoKitfr will pursue it.? Or do you ht^IE and study the thing. And timidly WO!! to view it? The longer y!):t wait, the bigji^r it ' trvowi. 1 But if you saU riirht in with a res- 1 Qransjeville's And the harder it is to do it; "tcreased\v V >' 'i ba. closed / p.m. dur- I .Sopl-e-s-n :.ni)to;i; T. Robinson. pcpnlation h.i3 dc~ quette wishes to publicly thank the villagei's and neighbors who worked so hard to save the buildings and who stayed al night and l^pt watch till the fire had died down and the danjev- was over. » Mv. and.^ Mi-s. Wardell, Mr. Moore .-â- .nd Mv.'j. Will •<!olquette of Port Mc- Nicoll motored over from the Port and visited with Mr. and Mi-s. Alex- ander last wei'k. Mi-. Wardell is a conductor on' the steamboat and Mrs. Robert Colquette. He retum- iVill Colquo<te motoi-ed over from the Port or, Saturday afternoon and spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Colo.uetto. e return- ed to the Port on Sunday evening, leaving '>.^r.^. Colquctto and children here for a longer visit. .Will is in the iMnnloy of the C. P. R. «nd runs the distributor in ttieir elevator at the Port. He has been with the C.P.R. Cor seven years in the lakc'!;ido to>"n. T. W. Dyer and' wife an.'. •"' i:. Cac^ â- y a^ wifo of "Sta-ncr v.-cve e:;i;eTE in cur village o?t Saturd'^T laet. Xv.. and ^\M,M^^Ji:r^^^km^M- â-  Coliingwood *vir.itcd the liitta.''?. *iar- rnts i^r. .-^nd Mrs. A. J* CAnroVi over !he wc-rk <:v.d.^ Mr. A. J. Go'U-on o? this wWin^^a celebrated h's si-zty-seventh bi'.-lhday on Sunday last." His fried?-; v.v h hini nian;!^ returns of tho day. Mrs. Geo. Ellis and siat'Sr, Mrs-. Harriet Pelch, of CoUingwood visit'rd in their old home village hera this week. - ~ Lu Lepard is getting an c.%-port at handling tho past brush and decoi-at- ing til walls and ceilings, an:l is bs.ncr kept busy. V/hen he gets up at !;ome high' place he had better not come down for he may ncvor get as high again. Eh, Lou? '' Ml-, and Mrs. John ' Stoutonburg, of CoUingwood spent Sunday willi the !,'>*ter'.^ brother .Tas. A. Davidson. rfrs. Dr. McKeo of Marl:dale and Ih^. Hawkins of Toi1)nto spout Rr.n- fi;..v a', n. Alexander's. ' , ;;k'y T::de, "Guy '.''.:.; ;'.nii ih'j .Miase.s Davidson. :id Mtu'de of Buffalo arc; the 'ssts of Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. A, David- -i:' i.nri M-. nnd Mrs. Knitting, hav- "; ) .o.li.'d over from Buffalo on .Sut-ji-day last. "•'â-  . 'â- :. .'â- '. ?T.:f!;rr is-.under the doc- ''-'.i '':;â- ' ' nVs^cA with ap' VvtM'.v:.' - . â- :":'- "â- 'â-  -v-edy re- Andiew i'av/dett Iibs goi his il. in the^valley belpw Rob Roy ration again. Ilvi still has I );,i.;2 t.'.oo); of iog.s *<y cut oiit o-i the Town XiinCj 4 niiles west of Dup- Iroon, this being the third stock of in-T' ^^" ''-''^ t<^ c'lt this season i lilr. «nd iilrs. Jas. McLennan of i To:-onto motored up and visited with ' friends of this part. Mf. and Mrs. D. Jamieson of To- ronto spent the holiday with friends here. ' . _ ' * . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Rhodes of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sheardown. Jllr. and Mrs. L. H. Sheardown vis- ited with fi-iends at Mount Forest. Miss Violet MoNally of Toronto sneiifr Victoria Day with the home folks. MAIL- COURIER'S GRIEVANCE Th'- annur.l meeting of the Maxwell Football Chib was held at the home of R. J. Morrison, â- with the President Dr. Guy, presiding. The following ctficers were eloetfd for the comins year: â€" / Pres: A. E. Duf field .See.-Treas; W. J. Mon-ison.... Captain; Emerson Wrightj* .... Capt. of Juniors; Geo. Morrison Tho team is open for games arid should raalie a reaa! irood showing in any contests they ->arllcipate in. with .Mr. and Mm. L. Johnston.' Mr?. Garnet Bliiiiv-of 'Eoronto wai a holiday visitor With ^.Mr. and' Mri J. I. Graham and family. . ,' " ) Mr. and Mrs. J. HoUe-y-are visitinff tlieit- daughter at London and other, friends in ToroJho and are expected home this week. -^ j Miss Mildred Cullis spent a few days with Mrs. Brodte and family. .Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston are k-avinir this week for Oweri Sound, v.rhare the fomior will undergo -an ap* erat'on for bis tonsils. i **â-  Staff of Lif e F.AST MOUNTAIN The men who deliver tho mail up .and down the side roads and concess- icnr, through fair weather and foul, are endeaveiring to place their u-riev- anccs before the peopk; of Canada tln.'ough their reprosuntatives in the li'jUBO of Cyuiinons. Their chief complaint is that they -alone oi Gov- unii-ncnt. anipIoyee3 are corapelied to tsndeffor tft'(?:**!jbi)3 and arc obUgiSd: So' cow>e;«- â- Kit|l-'. ri^.ose- who do nn': aecarsitsiS': â-  c^'Tit&'xh - cn't ;.:.:l:r)rc' .:il.ipe;id for a t'.' ;.:'.y mile ro.-.to -.'.'inks out iiomcwhcrc â€" '•aundrrTaO, 'arrl the nclu'nl c3sr"to t}:; c-Duricr is around .''^l.nOO it h claimo L Ti'other v.ords, tlic Fost Office departnicnt is get- tinr:. the mail delivered in i-ural dis- tricts at less th5,:'i'cc^"!. Tarongh the Canadian' Tiiail Contrac'tor:; Association the cciriers are as!:ihp: thi'.t pa,vmcnt for, l!ij se'ni^W'-'de-pii;. on a schetiulo Ci !?I?T xier linlo, and that tiio" advance he raada reh'oac- tiv3 to::- 1917. C.nc cannot 'argT.^.' Joi I'.ie in-esent system o? tenderikig on the basi.^; of ccdnoitix^ if, on i;}ie -whole the ser- vice is ' performed "r': Tess than, cost. 'No system is sourftS' ix it insoives an injustice to the inr.s^ of. those rrTid- cring.t.hc scr'.ico to th^. Stats. Otiier blanches of tlio .sair.i; service arc. on a ttiffer^t basis ai!::igether, and are employed by^'tbo ^ - -I'onv On a fixed basi.s fif -w. ' the Post Office Depart^ps;' ' 'i <'fC.>M sti-ll Kre.ntor.- 'c-;o: , ''â- 'â- " nil the post office ,'.p;iuir,.. 'urb;;:i (t-l'- eiy ro_ tefl <â- ;â- â€¢,â- â-  they 'fct ,'h«yj- _, cants i â- .-•... u.v j.nd '.v-lli.!); i.'.; ...ik .. !;'?•:. than iHe preM^iit dcnle sf wagec. In so'Kio scct'on-:, of Ontar!.-* ifiui vvbcrc tlte roauii y-is bc-'il i-i Cur:;>(';; «3 mneh as $80 per mile '. beiflg^TffiEld' l3Sc*i»so no ono,.. 1^ â- 'â- â-  fit -a loi^r figur.'. It v/ould appci. th'-n of Oi-G, that the- man who bi-ings u. «j • our daily mail ••5_erilitSed to further !* cr.nsidcratlon nt tha hantlK of the Post, i ij-^tafi Office Dspnrtmont v^ith the ohje':t. at least, of rpr.-,o--ing any :"Jspicic.-. o; ia.iust-ce" betwet-". gTO'>>."s in the soins^ employment and ro-nunerating all o,,: ployeos on a bn.ns of services ren- ' Jered.â€" Tiic Fi--;narV .•Vdv'jc.-.t.'-. i >iO: CE Tenders wlil be received for tlic erection of concrete out houses at S. S. Mc. 5, O.sprcy,- ui; till 5 o'clek p.m. on Wednesday, June 10th, 1925. The !owtet-.er any ;3ndt;- not necessarily aceopteiT, For/rl.ms and furtlior p-frticuiars apply to the Secretary. â€" P!?ANK TAYLOR, ' K .R. iVo. 1, Eugenia. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Service Ne-.v Modern Funerial Parlors • /?c.^d TORONTO 'Phone Ilillcrest 0208 J, W. Bates R. Maddocks Formerlv of Flesherton. â€" »««»i*«^~»."'~.- HOUSE OF ^UALFTV SEED CORN We have No. 1 Seed Com for sale consisting of Compton's Early. Wisconsin No. 7 White Cap Y,D. ' Imperial Learning. Also a g-oocl siipplv (>!' Rennie Field Roots^- Great W. Sugar Masi; Great W. S'ogar Beet, ^umbo Sugar BeeL Yeilow Leviathan. Derby Sv/ede Turnip. Jumbo Swede Tarnip. •:%- %^-r J. STEW.A.RT m SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groct.iir'. FlesKe rtc^n L?(.t(oi!cry ^n«r3:B3«!Cjr=i3rE:'u3»j%--«<.«:L'sat3i»R»>:c CAN HOV AFFORD NOT TO TAKE LNTERRST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOVR HEALTH 3EMilNB8 TBAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE _ BEST. TQMJffi^SUKJB or THIS, IN FUTURE, INSTEAD^ (HT MKni6«0« A tOAil OF BREAD ASK FOR PINBfirs BREAD AND GET THE BEST. PD D INDER'S rERfeCT . IRODUCTS Ffeskcrton likery i| ; A number from here a'ft«nd^d the celebration in Paisley on Monday. Tile East Mountain young ladies look s fishing hike on the twenty- '~f'h'to the beaver river. Miss Fnid Feighen o£ Thombury waf? the guest of her sister for the week end. I Mrs. J. Smart of Duncan accom- panied by Mrs. J. McKeown and babe of Windsor were visitors at Mr. S. Smart's recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompwm visit* ed Wf. and Mrs. S. MeOmiJaiid tJw I first of tbe week. Misses Eftia and Barbs iii|,;.))|Mr1rirt«i«! of Duncan, spent Homtalr ipltli Mr. a>d Mrs. ^ TkoniMmi. C-..X3D VAM^ES IN Baby Carrk|^5ig^ Strollers S.'?,il S. S. NOi G. ARTE.MESIA eys Sr. 4 â€" ^Dora IfazpiJ. Jr. 4â€" Isaac Sneil. Sr. 3 â€" Neilberr Tvfackenzie. .Jr. 3 â€" Raymond MacDonald, Macil Snell. Sr. 2 â€" Jeanetts MacLeod, Dorotfly Snell. Jr. 2 â€" Bessie Cairns. Jr. 1 â€" Jessie Mac Donald. Jr. â€" Clare Douglass,, Arthur Doug- lass. Pr. Sr.â€" BiHie Cairns. Pr. Jr. Irene Fisher, B. McDonald. â€" E. M. NICHOL, Teachar. s CaiTtage Orangeville arena had a surplus ot |828;44 last year and were able to pay 9500 on the debt. In fact everything n-cr.i v; DoHN to a Baby Crib. Call in and see. We wil' be giad to show you also Wicker Chairs to make your verandah comfortable in warm weather. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Flesherton

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