Wednesday, June 3rd, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Colling^vood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada $1.50 per year; in U.S. A. fii.OO per year; $2.00 per year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON. - Editor THK T,.\.\ING I KOiW.K.M Extensive Improvements To Priceviile Prize List THE FALL FAIR WILL BE HELD ON OCTOBER 1 & 2 THIS YEAR PROTON STATION Business Changes The prize list for the Priceviile Agricultural society is in the hands of the printer at present and will issued to members of the society and | The illuatiutt'd lecture in ,the i'lus- byteriaii church on Monday i>ii>;ht, jfiven by Mr. VVni. MclJoiiald, ex-M.P, P., editor of the Chesley f^nterprise, was ji real intellectual treat. Lantern .slides were .shown from the battle- fields of France and Flanders, scenes from Paris, Brussels, London, Edin- burgh, Belfast and numerous other have pu.cha.sed cities, and beauty spots of Europe, bvisines.i in town Mr. L. G. Ilewsoi( of Toronto pur- chased the barber shop from Jas. McMuster, and commenced business on Wedn ;sday of last week. Mr. Mc Master opened up the shop about Christma' last. Mr. R. Elder and son of Markdale the horse-shoeing from "Mr. G. E. IN MEMORIAM Dr. Ansrus Egi has returned to his home at Markdale after his recent Taxation in the province of Unt- ario is noy,. synonymous with cotu>- fiscation. One miKht think that all sources of su|)))ly for the taxing body at Toronto had Ijeen thoroughly can- vassed and utilized but not so. There jji'i' many ways yet in which the pub- lic can be forced to hand over ita hard earned pennies;. In fact of ways, like books there is no end. We might mention a few: For in- stance, we hiiii'v an amusement tax, and this might be extended to inclu- de a lot of thing, such as fishing, <there might be a praiseworthy tax on fish worms) shooting ground hogs a gun tux, fish rod tax, a tax on all lumber wagons, which help to destroy our goo<i roads; babies-go-carts, car- riages a!id <hc like. The marriage hcense has of recent years been raised to five doUa-s. Why not raise a revenue from other branches of the industry. In fact the possibilities are so num- «rous that we hesitate to offer more, fearing that we might be called on by the taxation managers as a special- ist to help them out in their stren- uous search for ways and means. In such an. event our first suggestion would be that every member of the legislature be taxed $600â€" the exact amount that they grabbed from the public chest at last session. We would cut out the gas tax and place it on the "gas" so generously out- poured in the legislature. Every man who speaks more thavi half nn hour should have to pay y "gas" tax of ten cents for every five minutes over the time limit. others in a couple of weeks. Con-\^^,^^.^,\^^^^^.^ ^,„ ^j,^ ^^.^^^^^ j^^.gjj^ „;.,„.„ jvi,. j^^^c Elder ».-iived on siderable alteration is being made in i .^.,,,^ju^^i„„, „f fa,,,^,^^ paintings Tu.-sday morning and took over the from wondei-ful art galleries. These, business with Mr. McDonald's splendid gift of the prize list this year and will inclu df a carriage class for and Jersey class for cattle. One item that , j^.^^.^j j^„_ combined to make an in- should produce competition is a new ^^^^.^^j^^ ^^^ instructive entertain- Bacon Hog ylass with the u.sual fourj,^^^,^^ ,^,,6 school children sang "O sections. Another class which is j (.„„ajj^.. very nicely, and the orch- new at most of the fall fairs is that'^.^^^^ ^^^.^ ^ ^^^pj^ „, pleasing sel- ections. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and son and Mrs. A. Watson of Toronto are vis- Mr, Moody, who has been with Mr. Henry since the sho)) was opened, has engaged with .'â- I'-. Ilar:v Wilson for the present. PALJSTER â€" In loving memory of illness when he was taken to Owen our dear husband and father, who Sound hospital, died June 5th, 1924. i ,,,,.,,, , ... Rp.''-i The Advance advertisements. We think of thee, dear father, i Though not with outward show , There is something t4iere for you. For the heart that mouT.a sihcerely, ^ j Mourns silently ".rui low; ' The highesL grief .that's in the soul I i/»kj>ni|»|Â¥ Ra/Ic No human tongue can trace , LilgliUllIIIg l%UUd For many. an achii)g heart is hid i \ A Ti girt* Behind a smiling face. ' ! /\TIQ. IJUgglCS â€"Wife and Family. '; i am n?presenting the Shin-Flut fight- ' ning rod Company again this year. I am also selling the William Doa buggies and fence wire, plows and harrows. Any person wanting any- thing in that line, give me a call and I will use them right. E. Rutherford for .Silver Black prove <|uite an The succe.ssful Juno bride is just now taking a post-graduate course in the kitchen. COURT OF REVISION iting Mrs Watson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blackburn, of the Junction. Foxes and should ' attraction. There will be more said on the fox class later on. A special item will be ] the enlarging of the children's spec- ' ial given by the Priceviile W. I. and ' will include a class for children from ^^''^'^ Hannah Roome of Toronto is <; to 8 years, both boys and girls. It \ holidaying at her home here. is the children now who will be the ( â€" _ • exhibitors in a few years and it is a good idea to get the young people, --."â- "7"^/ , , ; , " . , riesherton. of which all parties inter- interested in the fair. For boys! ling nnk at Markdale. damaged by ^^^^^^^ ^^^ requested to take notice, from 13 to 15 there will be for comp-1 fire, has been let to J. R. Dillon of Da^^d May 21 1925. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, ITotice is hereby given that the first sittings of the Court of Revision of the Assessment of 1925 of the Township of Artemesia will be on __ . ::aturday the flth day of June, 1925, The contract for repairing the cur- "'- IQ o'clock a.m. at the Town Hall, etition a class for the by with a calf, ' ^y^.^^ rjlace. not older than seven months, halter ^_^____ broken and cared for by the boys, and prizes f $1.50, $1.00 and 50c. will be given. Now boys get your calves on the halter and lead them to the , fair. There are several other alter- ' ations which wo think will make for a better prize list, and will help the I fair, which is already a first class . fair to attend. Write the secretary, | Mr. T. A. M. Ferguson, for a prize | list and send along your dollar for p. , membership ticket. ! OCCUPANTS OF BUfJGY THROWN I ON STONE PILE ! AND THE WAVES ROSE A peculiar phenomenon occured on the great lakes one day last week. Nvhen a tidal wave rushed into the the Georgian Uav. The water in Owen .Sound luirV)or I'ose six feet. Our first soluHon was that the Chi/c- •ngo drainaf'c canal hsd shut down its works in order to make repairs, and caused a back \y»«h. This theory 1.1 exploded, however, a.s w«> notice that a similar phenomenon occured in Lake Ontario. Still it might also cause it there, although we have not' heard ff any extra volume of wnto'- passintr over the Niagara Falls. Al- ong with the other noted scientists 1VP tc:i-:!d("r on'"?e!vp.': "nonplus â- ;(â- .-!." While coming down the steep hill I opposite the Park House on Satur- day morning, the horse, owned by Mr. Harry Wilson of town, commen-i ced kicking violently, Mr. Wilson and 1 Mr. Robert Watson, horse trader, be- ing in the buggy. It ran down the ( hill and turned west, but was_ unable | to make the turn in time and the I buggy turned over into the ditch, I throwing the occupants out onto aj pile of stones. The runaway onded I there but Mr. Wilson was so badly > shaken up, that he had to use crutch- es for a few daays. Mr. Watson only received minor bruises. RMsIK.OF MONTREAL Established 1817" Summary of Assets and Liabilities 30th April, 1925 ASSETS 72,037,005.91 14.000,000.00 Gold, Dominion Notei, and Silver coin .... Depoiit with Central Gold Reserve Balances due by Bank* and Banking Corres- pondent* eUewhere than in Canada Call and Thorl loam on Bond», Debenture. ,„ „,„ ^,„ „. and Stock. • 48,572,679.24 Dominion ai:d Provincial Government Securi- ties Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreisn and Colonial 10,871.852.48 99,911,141.03 4,315,132.43 Pubii. Socurilie* HOG GRADING DEMONSTRATION I'DITOiiIAI. NOTES Glaring headlights vas the cause of an accident just o'jtside of Owen tSound .Sunday evenirg, There is a law prohibiting the glaring light, but it is more often sinned against than observed. * * * The birthrate in Canada,' with the exception of Quebec, continues on a downward trend. According to sta- tistics the rate for the registration area in l'.t24, which includes all prov- inces except Quebec, was 2.3.1 per thousand. In 1923 it was 23.7 per thousand, in li>22 25.1. Ontario re- mained unchanged at 23.2 per thou- sand. * f. * After all the talk that has been waged, the coal miner's strike is still on at Cape Breton, with no hope of settlement. Work will likely open up in the fall when there will he a de- mand for conl. * • •• A Toronto) policeman grabbed an American flag from a motor car, dri- ven by a Cli'vel.-ind, Ohio, man, who reported the case to the police head- quarters. These incidents are com- mon on the other side of the line, and occasionally in Canada. 4.4 beer will not eliminate the whisk"?.- J'till. A hog grading demonstration will be held at Ceylon stick yards from '.> until 12 o'clock noon on Tuck. June 9th. Mr. Gavin Barber, official hog grader alJ Binntfoid will bo on hand i and officially grade all hogs. Every j farmer in the communiti' is invited to attend. Be prepared to ask ques- tions. â€" T. Stewart Cooper, Agri'l Representative of Grey County. j other than Canadian Notes and cheques of other Banks United Stc.tes and other foreign currencies. . Loans and Discounts and other Asset* .... Bank Premijss £. Liabilities to customSrs under Utters of credit (a# per contr 45,756,338.81 27,992,463.14 016,945.88 269,365,317.40 12,400,000.00 ) _ 11,755,920.96 $718,194,797.26 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC Note: in ctreulctioti Deports Lei;?r= oT credit o. :l:.tand"::ic; Ol!;sr liabil:tie» .$ 39,239,611.50 604,851,115.69 11,755,920.96 752,19'6.91 $656,598,845.06 Every item of news yiu send in to The Advance makes the paper ;:iCre interesting to you and others. The People's Grocery ' KENNEDY'S FOR GROCERIES A full line of Fresh Groceries always on hand. Headquarters for Willard's bars, boxes and Bulk Chocolates. Everybody likes a Sweet Marie choco- late bar. Try one. Ask for City Dairy ice cream. W. G. KENNEDY PfliGTl*' 37 LADY BANK • F^ress of Assets ovev Liabilities to \ Public $61, '^95,952.20 (Intended for Last Week) Mr. John Ottewoll .Ir. and family had a close call to losing their home by fire on F'riday of last week. A I i â- â- ,^ • . . ' " cause, buna's good iSToddTave'lIif ^«>®^®®®®®©®©®®^®®^®^®®^®®«Sf^aO Mr. Ottewell was at home and by the MR. WORKINGMAN! Save Your Dollars You can Make Your Money Travel Twice as Far When You Trade Here Black and white striped blue Overalls size 34 to U $1.25 to $2.50 Combination khaki Overalls, good value S3.50 Khaki Work Shirts - FVom $1.25 to $1.75 Khaki Trousers, all sizes S2.00 Work Socks „Froni 25c. to 75c. UNDERWEAR ® ^ aid of the neighbors the fierce enemy i was soon under control. â- ^ Mr. J. Dow and Fred Semple of I ^ Flesherton visited at the latter's | ^ home here. • @ Mr. Thos. Cooper had to use hot ' ® water to thaw out the pump on Sun- ! ® day morning. It certainly was a 1 ® heavy frost. â- ® Mr. Wm. Semple is suffering »<• i ® present with a lame back. j 21 I'OILTRY ( ILLING AUCTION SALE |l Of VALIAHLE FARiM PROPERTY § r\ Tin: TowNsiiii' or osprey. ;® Spring is Here And the season for Good Work Boots is at hand. We have them that will give good wear and at reasonable prices. Also some good nifty lines in N4en*s Black and Tan Oxfords, t YOl WILL SOON BE WANTING LRJHTER-WEIGHT UNDER- WKAR. WE HAVE JIST RECEIVED A NEW A SUPPLY Balbritisan Shirts and drawers Tor. each Halbi-igiran Combination-^, all sizes $1.4S Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers _ St.25 each -MhU'tic Combination in white cotton S1.25 HARDWARE LUCKY TIE (WOVEN WIRE) FENCE WIRE. Full gauge No. 9 wire; ni.ide in 20, .SO and 10 rod rolls; 9 stays to the rod, 22in. apart. Stylo No. 5..X..40â€" 9 per rod nSc. Stvle No. l>..x..40â€" 9 per rod i^YiC Style No. 7..X..48â€" 9 per rod 51!iC. , Style No .8..X..47â€" !) per rod 55 (jc. Style No. 9..X..48â€" 9 ..i. per rod 61 '/jc. Galvanized Coiled Spring Wire, also Barbed Wire in stock. A CAR OF CEMENT ARRIVED TO-DAY F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON ,® @ A letter has just recently been re- ceived from the head of the Poultry Exten.sion Branch, O.A.C., asking re the number of poultry demonstrations wanted in (irey County. ' Unfortun- ately there are not many applications on hand yet. The poultry cullers will \)e in the district during July or early August so any district desirinR these derion- stalio'is should write to tlie iirey County Branch, Department of A'iTi- culture, Markdale. Poultrj- has assumed v.on<IerfBl proportions during the past few years. TTie culling of them has proven ai exceptional benefit in dis- carding le poor layers. O. A. C. poTjKiy expert J< fhow yrw how itt do \\>.: 'vork. AU .•-â- ';,' frre of chiiree. Th( ri' will lip ofToi'od for sale by Pitblir .A.u(uo!i on Tuesday, the :lflth day of .Inne. 192.">. »> '.he hour of One o'clock Ml thf af'<yii(,.)n at ibe Mun- !^haw-Welton House, Flesht-rtoii, By virtue of the power of n certa -.i n)ortf?age, which will be nroducol ;;t g, the sale, the following property:- ! «j Lots Twelve juid Thirteen in the: Tenth Conces^toii of the Township . of Osprey, in the County of Grey, containing two hundred acres more or less'- 'Vh'\ following improvemeints are ; «aid to h" OP the property: i Abiut 100 acres under cultivation, about 2a .-icres pasture land, about 50 acres tiiiibcred, balance swamp; well fenced rnd well walere<l, small or- chard. T^e buildines are: a frame 'IwellinK. fnin-'e woodshed, bam and stable. TERMS^Ten per ccn». of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the titne ol <a!e, for balance terms will be made known at the sale. For furlher narticulars ni plj" to â€".TONES & LEONARD. IS Tor.iiilo St., " .Solirilor 1 Toronto. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO ® ® om nsimte RIGI Cream Separmdr Sherwin-Williams Paints & Varnishes WIT" APPROACH OF SPRING YOU JU3T NATURALLY THINK OF PAINTING Pcrliap.s it furniture, a floor or your automobile, 1)ut whalcVfr it is vou insure vourself against mi lakes bv referring to the HOUSEHOLD GUIDE. If you haven't one ask us or write f»ir one. paint (if varnish ftir every surf- Boilers, Pails, Washing Machines, Firush etc., etc., for Spring Housedeai \\ c have a , zenoleuâ„¢, ! I FRANK W. DTJNCAN HARDWARE We wUI show you how it will save you money from the sUrt. Why it skims closei^Why it lasts for twenty years and skims as clean then as the dsy you first useid it. It pays for itself. You shouki have a Melotte, now. May w« des^on- •trattS iSSSii D. McTavish SL Son, Agents Konairs First class ttarage Service. , Dealers in full Lster line also Chevrolet Car'i, and m^%